Wot best td line 2019 The mode just ended, so you have a few weeks to grind up to tier 8 on any of these lines. Lights: Luchs -great mobility, camo, view range, great fun with the 3cm automatic gun M5A1 (chinese one) great mobility, camo, view range, accurate gun, BT-7 exceptional mobility and camo Nov 2, 2019 · World of Tanks – Best Artillery for Every Tier Artillery, Self – propelled guns (SPG), Arties, Dirty Clickers, are just some of the names for this category of vehicles. High-alpha can also work but only if you get in the fight early, as the longer you wa Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. The Jageroo is good if played as a mid assault TD. I can't make the FV4005 work no matter what I do. Disclaimer: I wanted to highlight some of the best standard tanks I have experience with. Panther 2 is bad but again, sniping is viable I guess if you don’t mind being handicapped in other ways. Autocannons are small caliber guns which likely comes with low penetration. If it's on sale, the best arty in the game tier for tier is the the T5 premium french arty. Aug 5, 2021 · World of Tanks – Best Artillery for Every Tier Artillery, Self – propelled guns (SPG), Arties, Dirty Clickers, are just some of the names for this category of vehicles. T28 prototype is one of the best heavy tanks in the new mm (yes you are playing heavy if you are top tier, if not than snipe from the back). If you are a stealthy player your Strv will do fine. (Besides the terrible su101 line). T-V: A Soviet captured Panther D aka. 277, IS4 and OBJ. Diversify a bit and learn how to play and therefore fight different tank types. Obj. French arty is fast and has good RoF but rather low alpha. German TDs are not "one of the best snipers" in the game. Turreted TD's with good speed, maneuvering, good DPM and a very fun tier X tank to look forward to. For the Chinese line, been seeing the Tier 8 WZ-111-1G FT a lot lately, decent gun at 460 average damage and 245 pen It depends on which TD line you’re grinding. Both the Jagdpanzer E100 line and the Grille 15. If you want a capable light tank line, this is the way to go. Unlike with most other TDs that are just one-trick ponies with only one "correct" way of playing them, with the Grille 15 you can experiment and try out multiple playstyles; it's good at sniping, brawling, ambushing, getting into early positions, providing supportive fire, etc. all other TDS just not come close to being the word “best” and also Swedish TD have the best accuracy in this game. Its not really the fact the tanks themselves suck, its that not only is MM against them, the ramping up in hp and gun damage for the tier 5/6s really hurts. Edit: After looking at your answers, I decided that I will first go for vz 55 and then for tvp. IS-4 (russian heavies): easier line than IS-7, even if IS-7 line have really good tanks too, but they are harder to play for a beginner. The most reliable guns are nearly always on Russian tanks. I'm planning to skip TD-15. The Swedes have a ton of material, enough for an LT line and at least one turreted TD line. It was released in South Korea in December 2019 by Smilegate and in Europe, North America, and South America in February 2022 by Amazon Games. Dive into a world where legends clash and survival is paramount. It really just does everything well. The medium line leading up to the Leopard 1 is kind of mediocre, and the only other way to get it is the LT line (though the Spáhpanzer 1 C and the HWK 12 are decent if you play them well). Related World of Tanks MMO Vehicular combat game Gaming Action game forward back r/WarhammerCompetitive This subreddit is for the discussion of competitive play, national, regional and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Warhammer catalogue. I love fights where I can grind out 3 or 4k spotting damage. At tier 5 with the german line, you get a fast mobile sniper with 0. However the armor only starts at tier 8. The casemate line gets the T25 AT, which is also very mobile and the armor can bounce things at times. T95 and E3 are designed for this, but with the pace of the battles these days these tanks struggle If you’re asking which is best in general, it’s the E4, no question Tortoise is one of the best brawling TDs in the game, very enjoyable. Tier 7 was my first 3 marked tank. The tier 9 is just a big ISU with a very troll gun mantlet and a very enjoyable 750 alpha phaser cannon with 395mm of gold pen and 1100 HE damage. E100 (german heavies): good line with lot of really good tanks to play, and not hard to understand. 01 of the sixth tier is distinguished by balanced armament and armor. Reasons to go down this line: Its easy to grind Same play style minus the 10s Hit hard Camo Accurate Turrets starting from tier 8 Best TD in the game period at tier 9 (you can debate me if you want) Russian heavies are good, many viable high tier options, with also the tier 5 kv-1 being a great tank to learn with, only real issue is that the kv-1s feels like a step back and is kind of unappealing to play after getting to play the kv-1. MT-15. Therefore I think another TD line is unlikely. What is the best autoloader line in your opinion, I would like to go for autoloader tank, but don't know which to get. 29. Japanese TD tree is little problematic, especially if it's your first tree because the difference in performance between tiers is gigantic Tier 5 is ok, tier 6 is absolute sht, tier 7 is the best performing 7th tier I believe asbolutely great - kinda like bobject but tier 7, tier 8 is somewhere between sht and meh, tier 9 is really nice, same as tier 10 havent done the grind since pre-buff, but back then, the brits were still useful, just not LOL-Bobject(268-v4) useful. 268 line: mostly all tanks are slow bricks with huge alpha gun and bad gun statics. They have quite different playstyles but both are among the highest DPM tanks in the game. Toodles! You may also be interested in: World of Tanks Blitz vs World of Tanks: Top 10 Differences; World of Tanks Blitz: Best Tanks for Every Tier; World of Tanks Blitz: Best Tank Destroyer For Every Tier The player-run World of Tanks Blitz Community for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Nintendo Switch. Depends on what you want to do really. The best SPG is either the G. German turreted TD line starts off atrociously bad, but then gets pretty decent at the higher tiers. wouldnt be as op with all the he flying around nowadays imo. Grille if you like sniping in the back, Fv 4005 if you don't like to camp that much but like to be in the middle line. The German TDs have unreliable armor. There are some very good tanks on both of the US TD lines, the turreted line (generally) offer better mobility but with less armor,but they can stay hidden and are unaffected by gun movement, the non-turreted can be a lot of fun with some very strong armor and devastating guns. Nov 3, 2024 · Best French Tanks in World of Tanks: Which Line to Choose in 2025 Reading 18 min Published by November 3, 2024 French tanks, in skillful hands, can be a formidable opponent. If you like sniping, the American and British lines excel at it. Grille is a fucking joke, it doesnt even get one good thing of the wtf. The tier 9 was my least favorite of the 8-10 tanks because the gun is less accurate for some reason, but the 103b is brilliant. Stationery position concealment values up to 70, like ghost TD. 7 seconds i would say. I think overall the Soviet TD line is Very Similar, But most of the lower tier Chinese tds are just worst. Gameplaywise they would could be at least interesting. The Sheridan line is fun if you like fast tanks with huge alpha, and the T49 is the most fun of the line IMO. Tier 10 WZ is a PoS. The capability to deliver crushing blows to the enemy with its formidable gun while maintaining a low profile is paramount. Well it obviously depends on what kind of mediums you like, if you like the russian ones the T44-100 and the t54 prototype are great. The Japanese TD line at tier V to tier VIII is the definition of hit or miss. The Chinese TD is a beast, the dpm and pen make it work even when bottom tier, it's the best premium tank available to date imo, even better than the skorpion. When hit by a shaped charge shell from the side, the machine gunners and the captain are killed in almost all cases: this area is vulnerable to critical hits by the shaped charge jet. The scout line isnt worth a damn compared to other lines after tier V. However alpha is poor. On the other line, I *only* enjoyed the tier 8 Charioteer. If you prefer heavy armor and brawling, the soviet line is strong. At the core of every successful tank destroyer lies a balance of firepower, armor, mobility, and camouflage. As a veteran of TDs, i found the entire line to be pretty good with no real stinkers. As of TD:s The skorpion g is undoubtedly the best one out there! The FV4005 line is a turreted TD line with low armor and decent mobilty, using guns that would generally be used two tiers higher on Medium Tanks. The SDP 44 does not feature the new mechanic introduced with high-tier Polish TDs, meaning its gun’s damage does not decrease as the distance to the target increases. Probably the only tier where the two tanks are nearly equal in terms of how good they are. Tiers 8-10 are obviously the best, with low tiers being very good. You can use camo net and turn 360 degree, you still have camo net. But WG said there won't be a CZ TD techtree anytime soon. That said, there are some tanks that may behave better than average. İf you feel TD playstyle, I didn't recommend turreted TDs. The tech tree is below the MT line in a spot where a LT line would be. Dec 20, 2023 · Despite its nature as a premium tank, the SU-122-44 tank in World of Tanks Blitz boasts some of the best stats concerning the balance of sheer firepower and maneuverability. Grille 15 line is amazing. Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. also, maybe it's just my perception, but stock grinds have gotten worse in new lines. British TDs or any TD with a 105mm caliber or below. The tier 8 has good camo and probably the best (tech tree) TD gun at tier 8. It just doesn't happen so often😅. Currently, I'm at the Ho-Ri 1, and judging from the pace I'm grinding, I should be unlocking the Ho-Ri 3 during Sunday (I'd do it tomorrow, but I'm away Nov 6, 2024 · Best American Tanks in World of Tanks: Which Line to Choose in 2025 Reading 17 min Published by November 6, 2024 Professional gamers in WoT recommend beginners to start playing on American or Soviet units. At tier 8 with the swedish line, you get 288mm standard pen which is way more than enough. But to do that I have to make sure I have the camo rating to do it. Mar 27, 2022 · This is Pretty much all for the best Tank Destroyers for every tier. CZ is especially unlikely cause everybody expected it to be next after they released the Shrek. In my experience the best line I've played as a silver spammer has got to be the tracked AMX lights. E4- some people will say it's the best heavy in the game despite being a TD. Patton- jack of all trades and a fantastic starter medium line. It's a decent line to play & ends in one of the most --insane derp guns with the FV4005s 183mm HESH - not sure I would recommend it to unexperienced players though. It's a bit scummy, but if you hide in the back while the team is losing TD-15 can be done more easily since they have to push into your 183 gun and you only need 6-8 shots. ; there really is nothing the Grille 15 would truly be "bad" at. For the mobile line, I'd suggest the E 50 M over the Leopard 1. Each nation has its strengths, so choose based on your preferred gameplay style. Snipers tanks arent only the so called tank destroyers (TD), basically if you want a sniper tank you will need around 0. Think German TD’s/any TD with good pen really, Swedish ones also or any sneaky bush wanker, PTA is a joy too because of the pen and the alpha. The selling point of italian TDs is playing like a cyclic tanks with high DPM, 3950 intra clip DPM on tier 10 doesn't sound very impressive considering badger exists, premium TD with 4k DPM sounds a lot more interesting even though clip reload is longer The Russians could easily have a turreted TD line, and I'd personally like to see them get another LT line. Best tier 4 tank is the one you are most comfortable to play with. Since you never see tier 2 tanks, and tier 3 tanks are thrown mostly into the tier 2/3 battles, your mostly likely stuck in a tier 5/6 battle in a tier 4. Go with the heavies, aim, boom. There are a lot that have this but the playstyle can be very different. T67 is one of the best tier 5 tanks (if not the best) Hellcat is allright for me. Whether you prefer the strong frontal armor of the T110E3 or the Playing the Tier 6-8 French TDs with the 3-5-7 MM as the baseline is tough sledding. If you want an easy line of accurate, powerful, hiding TDs the the Grille 15 and Waffentrager is for you. Same goes for the American turreted line. If there are other tanks you like, feel free to leave a comment. With regard to high dpm TD's there are two that come to mind; the Badger and the Strv 103b. Long story short: I got an E-25 in a loot box and decided it was time to try out TDs while working on a crew for it. Tier for tier the nastiest TD you will encounter. Fast-traveling standard AP shells FRANCE - Tanks with a clip of generally 3 shells with poor armour. High pen and extremely good camo. 277 and IS-7- some of the best heavy tanks tier for tier and all round enjoyable grind. Playable on Console WoT as a TD. -The tank has good mobility with good terrain resistances values -The penetration of the premium AP is awesome MT-15: whatever medium you play best in, autoloader can help. It has no standout features really. You also have a boatload of HP. It is not a horrible grind. For the damage missions it's usually best to do them in tier 10 with Grand Battles turned on. Also a real fan of the British Turreted TD line - both the Charioteer and the Challenger are amazing medium/TD combos with tasty guns. The 183is kind of anend game td where you should grind it last. 4 should be fairly easy. The other American TD line is just second-line HTs with big guns. If you can make the tank work I think you can rake the most profit with it. 24. This is a guide to some of the tier 8 standard tanks that I think are good for Frontlines. While it’s unadvised to play a light tank line for a beginner, as light tanks required a lot of positioning and game knowledge, we will list the best one to start with. The other line heads down the turreted TDs to the FV4005. Tier VIII - You get the T28 Prototype, which is one of the best Tier VIII heavy tanks in the game. Only one problem. I still miss it, even the nerfed version was the most fun i had in the game. I'd say this is the best nation to get started with medium tanks, so I suggest the WZ-121 line. It’s a fat ISU-152 with a Tier X TD gun and 260mm effective frontal armour. Gsor1008 is a great damage dealer once you get used to his playstyle. You have to pick your shots No one wants to take a hit from you. Rhm Borsig, Jagdpanther 2, WT auf Pz. The T110E5 line also has some spectacular tanks in it, although the tier 10 has been suffering after a major nerf. The tier 5, 6 and 8 are all anything between very bad and mediocre, but the tier 7 in return is really overtuned. If you like heavy tank gameplay, go E4 line If you like really slow tanks with lots of armour designed to hold a specific position, then go E3 line. An excellent breakthrough TD to play as a heavy, and often overlooked because the line in general is so rarely played. 34. This sniper carries a precise 152 mm gun with a powerful punch. And that's exactly the reason we have compiled a list of the eleven best destroyer tanks in World of Tanks. The Russian TDs have lots of armor and mobility, but Type 5 Ka-Ri bro, that tank is the best premium TD nowadays and no one seems to notice that yet. Apex Legends is a heart-pounding battle royale experience featuring a diverse cast of 26 unique characters, each with extraordinary abilities. This type of guns fundamentally fit the LT class the best. Tier 7 and below are pretty underwhelming, tier 8 is good if you like bush gaming but is much too fragile to play aggressively. Fun is subjective because it depends on the playstyle you enjoy. Its one-time damage is 770 HP and good handling: the base aiming time is 1. Every match is a high-stakes battle for survival. Jul 1, 2023 · These top 5 tank destroyers offer a combination of firepower, armor, and camo capabilities that can greatly boost your WN8 rating in World of Tanks. pz 1c, luchs and leopard are all great low tier meme tanks. 4 with directives though, because I hate playing TDs. I ground this entire line when it was first released. We just got Italian TDs. The Chinese td line is not bad, just not very fun to play for me personally. I am also happy with the turreted TD line, as the vehicles are unique and interesting. I generally find T8 to be more fun than T10. The Tier X is the definition of average. pz 4 and vk p are fun but the tiger p is trash. It's a bit like the E100 line in that it doesn't really have any weak tanks in it and that they are very versatile. 750 alpha, probably the best frontal armor in the game, pretty solid side armor. Maus and 705A have the best armour for side scraping, but the IS-7 and Kranvagn are the best tanks for being hull down. The M48 can snapshot a flee off your pecker at 300m. So I know this is not a sniping TD, but if you ever feel frustrated with the STRV line like I did, the T95 and T110E3 are a lot of fun and way more forgiving for begginers (like most heavy tanks). 8cm While it is probably the weakest T8 TD it has the best credit output if you have a great game. The in betweens were somewhat meh, but if you compare shitty low to middle tiers from german or american they are okay. You can lob it over short obstacles like a pseudo-arty if you aim in third-person. Only front line td is the Jgpz. Tiers V–VII will feature classic turretless TDs with traditional gameplay. Nice gun and mobility, but no armor. 3 (6K) in the Strv in Grand Battle (Nebelburg, but any of them should be possible). British: You need the Valentine AT (TD) to get the AT2 & 8. First rule of tank club is we don't talk about artillery. You like to delete enemies from the map, go for the Jagdpanzer E100 or either of the FVs. It was In my personal experience, I think the germans has one of the best T8 to T10 TD lines. the Tortise can do the same and has amazingly good rate of fire. The badger is an armored TD that uses somewhat mediocre armor combined with literally the highest DPM in the game to win brawls. These tanks all play like support heavies, and the T110E4 might be the best trading heavy tank in the game. Best in class gun handling, fast rate of fire, high velocity shells (both standard and gold), highest base pen outside of maybe the FV4005 and the FV215b 183, best in class camo, mobile, small. 8 s, and the base dispersion at 100 m is 0. TD-15: straight forward, just do it. At tier ten the British one is the best. you're basically playing a cromwell at tier 8 when you have the stock gun. 430U are solid tanks with good armor, E3 has very strong armor but the tanks are kindof slow on the line, 268V4 has good armor and is fast with a good gun, AMX M4 54 line is solid apart from the tier 8, S. Just be aware that it will probably underperform!! As you can see there is no absolute best TD. The 263 is also a rough td line to start, only grind it once you are more experience with td. CHINA - Soviet clones for the most part, so again pretty easy to get to grips with. The E-100 line is good, and better than the Maus ATM, but I'm not a super heavy fan. I was curious and was wondering if the high tier swedish mediums, which will eventually be added to console WoT, are worth grinding for? The best TD line for frontline/brawling is the turreted American TD line, with the T28 Prototype, T30, and T110E4. Nov 23, 2024 · VK 28. the AT15 can wreck havoc side scraping by exposing its front and using that massive weapon sweep to pen people that think they are out of your gun arc. com Dec 29, 2019 · Light tanks – high risk, high reward. . An airborne TD line is doable. There are some complete gems in the line and some straight turds. The Tier IX is another excellent tank. Arty - GW Panther is probably the best but they are all pretty much the same after the changes. The German Leopard line can also be fun it you know how to play those tanks well. Most of them are pidgeon holed into sitting a few hundred meters back, sitting in a bush like a ♥♥♥♥♥. Literally every player in a tank like Maus, type 5, T95, tortoise just stand still and don't even try to wiggle or angle their armor, then continue to say the The T-10 in particular is a highlight - probably the best example of a heavium in the game. The best heavy is the T29, hands down. And also the reload on that tank it’s really short. It’s now really a sniper. It’s also a great tank to learn the siege mode mechanic. For instance when you unlock the biggest gun on the T30, it can be used instantly when you unlock the T95. Run by players not WG. I did my TD-15. 02 (M) There was an old version of the tech tree, that had the PzV Panther as a Premium. OBJ. And pen are good. Has some good tanks and others are playing plain mediocre. Jgpz. Jgpz - frontline shotgun style Grille - glass canon sniper style If you want to have fun watching enemy run from your line of fire and destroying their will to play and live once you hit them; go for the mudafukin 420 pen E100. Once you get a TD kill with decent damage you can just YOLO another. The grind isn't great, but it's far from the worst line to grind. First up, we have the Soviet-built premium (how to get free premium) tank, the SU-122-44. The T110E4 is probably the best overall tier 10 TD. Great penetration (180 mm) and good alpha damage (240 mm) with very good aim time and good dispersion. they just completely Depends what you want, and for what tier. Like it or not but you have to deal with it - the best mobile TD in current meta is Leopard 1. The play style of these td are so unique. Every tank is solid. If you love the ridge line like me you would love Swed mediums, but if you love to brawl a bit more with other heavy tanks maybe you should stick with the meta and grab a 430U. How to make slow tanks with heavy armor work: Instead of just spinning around, Spam W and S and A/D at the same time, makes you wiggle like a worm, makes it very hard to hit your cupolas. the badger is/was a bit of a disappointment, and i consider It's not a bad line per se, but I wouldn't recommend it to beginners. E5- best beginner friendly route in the game in my opinion. For fast, agile tanks, go for the German line. The SU-100 line is very good when it comes to the guns and the tanks are not painful to play from tier 6 forward. Really gimmicky, but a low-to-the-ground case-mate TD (UK Badger line, Chinese line, SU-100, etc) plus a Japanese super-heavy or KV-2 works hilariously well if you can push a narrow corridor together. no hull armor, no full turret, dogshit accuracy and bloom, no clipping potential, bad dpm anyways, not stealthy at all, view range is worse as well i believe. Line isn’t great, and people rag on the panther but it has great base pen and a fast firing gun. Likewise you need the M8A1 to get to the M44 (SPG) cash cow. 50, depending on how much you can take advantage of the latter's mobility. The line itself has mediocre tanks leading up to it, but it's a good starting point to learn how to use turretless tanks. My personal favourite premium TD is the Skorpion G though as it has great alpha damage and great mobility. With a diverse cast of characters to unlock and choose from, you can wield the power of skill-giving arks to form unique, unbeatable teams. it's brutal. Tier 10 Foch is the best tier 10 French tank though. GAZ-75: Might be a Soviet tier5 TD For a new player, ill suggest the swedish line or the german turreted TD line since both have very good pen for there tier. the whole line is decent and the play style changes at IX and X. Mar 10, 2024 · Well, one can only be the best destroyer on the battlefield if they have the best tools to do so. And Charioteer is probably one of the best TDs at tier 8. The best tank nation in WoT Blitz depends on your playstyle. Those two tanks are more fun than a barrel full of monkeys even for a beginner. 1! Agile and menacing, they boast unique shell mechanics, ensuring devastating strikes in close combat. My question is, which German TD line will provide gameplay like what I can expect from the E-25? Related World of Tanks MMO Vehicular combat game Gaming Action game forward back r/hoi4 A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. TD goes in front and tracks enemies, heavy shoots immobilized enemies over top of the TD. SU-122-44. May 22, 2021 · This tank's gun mechanics are much different than Ikv 103. It’s a classic turretless TD that has a lot in common with the rest "Welcome to Granzelia" Last Cloudia is a free-to-play mobile Action RPG developed and published by AIDIS in 2019. Zoom out as far as you can, position yourself behind a hill or bush that is juuuuuuust tall enough to cover your tank, and you can fire at things without them having a line of Heavies: The E100 line is probably the most consistently good, although I’d argue that the 60TP line gives it some serious competition. I think the E4 has the highest pen APCR round in the entire game. It has the Strv gun accuracy, good dpm, high cammo and is faster than every TD in the game plus on top of that he also has fully treversible turret. The UK FV4005 line has full turrets starting at the tier 6 Achilles, until the tier 10 which has a semi turret (+/- 45 degrees). Lost Ark, also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. When it comes to turreted TD's The German line that leads to the Borsig is also very good and is turreted. The paper accuracy stats are a damn lie. This sub is for the free exchange of tips, strategies, player guides, how-to's, news, information and discussion. You also get a 105mm gun, but it is very unwieldy. Discover the New Line: Tiers V–X The branch comprises six researchable vehicles spanning Tier V to Tier X. Oct 12, 2017 · The Object 263 is arguably the best tier 10 TD right now. Feb 22, 2024 · The SDP 44 Burza, a Tier VI TD from the new Polish line. The best premium tanks to be available in-game would be at tier 8 the Chinese TD, tier 7 the Panther M10, tier 6 the Type64. 31 base accuracy and can be boosted up to 0. Panther or Lorraine 155 mle. Conqueror is really good after tier 7 but the lower tiers are good, TVP T 50/51 has no armor but is fastish with a Swedish TD line is your dedicated camper line - only the tier X has some degree of armor, most of them are pretty fast, most of them have great guns but they also have the "siege mode" mechanic that's kinda a chore to use, if you ask me. For best line with most rewarding tanks I'd go up the American line to the T30 or T95, because when you unlock modules the count towards other tanks as well. Tank destroyers don't use this mechanic though. Jun 17, 2022 · Brummbar: Would be the part of the Sturmtiger line. The T95 is exactly what you are looking for. Swedish line is good in tier 8 to 10. FV4005 line is rough if it is your first td line. The T110E3 line also has a couple full turrets (Wolverine, Jackson). Sturmtiger: It was a possibility for tier10 German TD/Arty. - Russian TD'sno my cup of tea. Try and find what works best for you, but watch some of the videos on how the mechanics work so you understand things better. For mediums recommend Soviet Object 140 line. Set in the futuristic world of Titanfall, this game offers intense, fast-paced combat that will keep you on the edge of your seat. for "do X damages" you want high-dpm TDs. As for FV4005. Just a complete beast that eats other tanks alive. T110E3 line. The Tier 6 and 7 will be crushed by higher tier opponents. If you are more experienced then either Grill 15 or Fv 4005. T110E4 line isn't bad for armor but doesn't compare against the E3 line. By the time you get a couple different tier 8’s you should have a much better idea of your own playstyle and what kind of tanks to go for next. As the flair says, this refers to console. İf you try to new things on world of tanks you should choose. E-100: powercreeped AF, people will pen your front turret no matter how you angle it, gun works and the hull is nice, might see a buff soonish. Italian TD line is also an assault TD line, with inaccurate guns but very good DPM and autoloading potential. US: M8A1(TD) and M5 (Light) are solid, I'd say the T6 (heavy) is mandatory though to get in the medium tec line. Nothing else comes close. If you’re grinding swedish TDs then the S1 would be a good choice for a crew trainer. It is a monster. The best ~bug~feature is the shell speed, however, as it comes with a hidden advantage. Maybe a lot of scouting light tanks will be good f2p if you know what you're doing. Medium tanks with good mobility, There are plenty of OP tanks throughout all the tech lines. Same as E-100 line, good armor and guns. pz V/VI is one of the most fun Best is a very relative term when it comes to the American tech tree. 3 with pre-nerf FV4005 in tier 10 grand battles. The best TD is hard to pinpoint, because there is a lot of diversity, but the best three are the Challenger, SU-100M1, and SU-152. The Tier 9 and 10 Chinese tds are pretty great but really not really worth the grind, Im grinding it rn at the tier 7 and its only because I have ever other td line finished. Best TD line depends on what you play like. However, Tiers VIII–X introduce Best TD to teach you patience-Deathstar I had to learn to give up so many potential shots with this thing before I started performing. Aug 9, 2024 · The DBV-152 is a Tier X Czechoslovakian tank destroyer with a fully rotating turret. I am more of a gun depression and ridge line freak so I knew Swed medium was for me, but a 430U can take more of the heat that brawling has (literally and figuratively). If you'd rather play a typical sniper, then Swedish TD's are pretty great - insane DPM, great penetration values, super fast shells, excellent gun depression and camo values, good See full list on gamersdecide. The meds are masters of gun handling. Hey I'm just looking for a nice TD line to grind down during the summer. Turreted American TDs lead to the T110E4, which is a heavy TD with a turret. W. Their main purpose is to support the team indirectly throughout the fire, normally from a big distance. Best possible way to play World of Tanks upvotes also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. The whole leo 1 line from 6-10 is really fun. Its basically a Comet with the T9 Centurion's top gun, brought down a tier as a TD. The Swedish line is also good but painful until tier 8. The tanks are small and fast, which clearly suggests LTs. I'm on XB1 and we only have the swedish heavies and TD's at tiers 8-10. The German turreted TD line (the one with the Grille 15 at the end) fits the bill all the way through. The Germans could get an entire line of turreted TDs, with many high-tier sub-branches representing different Honorable Mention: Jagdtiger 8. The weakest of all is the camouflage. I find them pretty boring to play, if I'm to be honest - but if you're looking for more sneaky line, yeah Depends what type of missions. The Tier VIII and IX vehicles also follow this trend - heavy TDs, very slow but very effective firepower for their tiers. 30 or lower dispersion and a aim time beneath 1. For the whole line: Heavies > TD > Lights For the sole purpose to get to tier 10: TD > Heavies > Lights The assault TD/SPG line I am pretty happy with - I think it's the best way to construct the line, and I would be happy to see them as either TDs or assault SPGs. At tier nine the French one is also the best (though statwise I think most people agree the American is the best). T-100LT line. Mediums: The T-62A line is a contender. There's a number of things they do well, they don't force you into a particular playstyle. Like I said elsewhere, go US line, stop at T6 for a while, and when you feel like you NEED to play at higher tier, go to the tier 9, which is flexible and one of the best tech tree arty in the game. Before then it's paper TD's. I was debating between the Chinese line or the Russian line. I don't see another TD line added next. I guess some people like it, but its basically different play style from every other line, unless you actually like the Conway's top gun. Despite its middling By all means pick a medium line but also consider working on a heavy and TD line. So I tried out the 4005 line and I love it so much! I'm a 51% win rate player but my British TD's are on 57-60% wins. Basically, if you don’t care about tier 10’s (yet), the heavies are the easy winners, since ARL is probably the best mid tier French tank. the panther/m10 is insanely fun to play but you do kinda need to fire premium rounds to do well. Be it Japanese or CZ. Members Online If I win a lottery someday, I wouldn't tell anyone but there will be signs. Statistically (winrate) at tier eight the French one is the best. However what they lack in some armor make up massively in that they get turrets and being faster. VK 30. I'd say the FV4005 line is the easiest TD line as they all play the same, as typical TDs with good concealment and reasonable speed. If you like more of the paper medium tanks the progetto 46 is the possibly the best t8 premium in the game. Just like paper engine hp/ton and traverse speed stats, WG has many hidden stats that control how things work. I also don't want auto reloaders like Progetto or Rino. Conway's stock gun is Tortoise's stock gun so its one of the few tanks that technically don't have any grind. E100 line has a few great tanks like the tier 7 and 9 but the rest is not great especially with stock gun. They have big guns, big armor, you can go in front and be OK. My favorite tanks in the American line are T29, T110E5, Hellcat, M46, M48, and the E4. Like you, I didn't find any love for brit TDs all the way through the tier 9 Tortoise - but man, that TD can be epic fun. High alpha, high pen, good turret traverse, good armor. But the accuracy it’s just way too poor for a tier 10 TD. 147K subscribers in the WorldofTanks community. I did TD-15. The best armoured mobile tanks to go for would be stuff like the 268v4 and the 430U. (T30 is the highlight/best of this line imo) Object 268 v4 line is another well armored TD line. To maximize their potential and improve your overall gameplay, consider exploring various boosting services offered by Boost Hub. Probably the worst nation for beginners overall. Good gun, mobility and accuracy. I'd say get the 268v4 next as it will compliment your future E3 and Badger quite well. Best TD Overall-T28 Prototype. You can put some shots into a lot of tanks and then you still have enough ability to work as a scout and help the team that way. panther 2 up is also pretty fun, though i prefer the leo line. Apr 4, 2024 · Welcome the debut lineup of Polish tank destroyers with Update 1. Italian TD's are among the best tanks for beginners in general, just need to remember that starting from tier VII they should be played in second or even first line. The other tier 10 UK TD (FV215b (183)) has the same gun arc as the FV4005 (+/- 45), but it comes from a casemate (no turret) TD line. with the Charioteer, for example, you need to grind like 100k xp (or more I think) to get the top gun. Hope you enjoyed the article and got all the information you want. for "hit X times" you want fast-firing low-damage TDs. I'm currently on the Conway and since the Challenger I have been enjoying these tanks so much. TD - the SU-100M1 is one of the most op tanks at tier 7, it has tier 9 levels of frontal armor and good speed with decent dpm, the only downsides are sluggish traverse speed and poor accuracy. Flak bus is top tier meme material (and the gun is pretty ok), Nashorn is painful, St Emil is painful, Borsig is pretty good, WT auf IV is great, and the Grille isn't terrible. If you're willing to give up some accuracy to get monster firepower, as well as the closest to a "one shot one kill" sniper you can get, the Russian TD line ending in the Object 268 is great (the line with the ISU-152 at tier 8). pfyyqq kzhuk bvuukk kooxv eiv zuojsa kioql beugzz dxcwp uiih
Wot best td line 2019. First rule of tank club is we don't talk about artillery.