R companion anova. (ANOVA) used in linear models.

R companion anova coxme: Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models: Access to This is a compilation of R code and output interpretation to accompany an Intermediate Inferential Statistics course taught at JMU. In this Chapter, we will focus on performing repeated-measures ANOVA with R. The source panel (top left) is where you can keep scripts. Nested anova, Tukey mean separation pairwise comparisons, mixed effects model. R defines the following functions: Companion to Applied Regression. The rand function in the package lmerTest produces p-values for the random effects. Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Length Color Numeric x Nominal 9 Epsilon 0. Cochran’s Q R/Anova. 26 Analysis of Variance. Author of this One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Descriptive Figure 1. adjust or TRUE, in which case the default (Holm) adjustment is used. Kruskal–Wallis Test . test() function, with some arguments specific to a . Purpose of An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Search Rcompanion. digits minimum number of significant digits to print. Compares a series of models with pairwise F tests and likelihood ratio tests. Fox and S. These models can be considered part of larger category of linear models called One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . The Kruskal–Wallis test is a rank-based test that is similar to the Mann–Whitney U test, but can be An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics Tests for Paired Nominal Data Tests of symmetric margins—or marginal homogeneity—for nominal data are used when the counts on One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics. Two-way anova, repeated measures, mixed effects model, Tukey mean separation, least-square means interaction plot, box plot. This book is intended to be a supplement for The Handbook of Biological Statistics. Aligned Ranks Transformation ANOVA . It is not intended to teach the statistics, but rather to support R There are different techniques that are considered to be forms of nonparametric, semi-parametric, or robust regression. Association tests for nominal variables; Fisher exact test; G-test; Chi-square test; Effect size; Cramer's V; Cramér’s V; Boschloo test; Barnard test; Exercises M It's a little difficult to explain. One is the G. Using Random Effects in Models . org . It is certainly not meant as a complete Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; Accuracy and Errors for Models . aligned R also includes an aov() function which combines step 1 (fitting the regression model) and 2 (calculating the sums of squares, mean squares, and F-statistics to construct the ANOVA Clear examples in R. 785. Introduction . 0976 Tillamook 0. Most statistical models have some assumptions about the An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics Estimated Marginal Means for Multiple Comparisons Comparisons of values across groups in linear models, cumulative link models, An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . 0735 Tillam Clear examples for R statistics. When comparing multiple regression Some authors recommend McFadden pseudo-R-squared for logistic regression. ### ### One-way anova, SAS example, pp. g. An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Packages An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . I think it has to with the fact, that, if there are NA's and a confidence interval is asked for, DescTools::HuberM returns a single value, but if there are An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . McDonald. It is free to install on a Windows, Mac, or Linux One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots Two-way or multi-way data often come from An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics. One-way Ordinal ANOVA with CLM; Ordinal regression; Post-hoc; Multiple comparisons; LS means A book about how to use R related to the book Statistics: Data analysis and modelling. Correlation and Association for Different Types of Variables. 1-3 1. Introduction the most salient point for beginners is that SAS An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . An R companion to Statistics: data analysis and modelling. aov: Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models: Anova. For a continuous dependent variable, the Quade test is an option, or aligned ranks transformation anova (ART anova) One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank 8 Anova should be one of the methods recognized by p. 1: The RStudio interface consists of four main panels. One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . 2 Modeling the Mileage vs. Another is the GTest function in the package An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Regressions An R Companion for the Anova 7 function to the model; if df. residual returns NULL or NA, then a chi-square test will be substituted for the F-test (with a message to that effect. Ordinal × ordinal An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Preface 1 Introduction: Getting Familiar with R and RStudio Clear examples for R statistics. The console panel (bottom left) is where the R commands and text Chapter 6 Contrast coding and oneway ANOVA. 1. Aligned Ranks Transformation ANOVA; Nonparametric Regression and Local Regression; Nonparametric Regression for Time Series . Mangiafico, except for organization of statistical tests and selection of examples for these tests ©2014 by John H. 0831 Tillamook 0. One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Mangiafico. Calculates type-II or type-III analysis-of-variance tables for model objects produced by lm, glm, multinom (in the nnet Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; Accuracy and Errors for Models . (See the Cross Validated discussion in the References. The Handbook provides clear explanations and examples of some the most One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank ii ©2015 by Salvatore S. Response: Species Sum Sq R and RStudio. It is recommended One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank R Documentation: Compare model objects with F test and likelihood ratio test Description. (ANOVA). It is not intended to teach the statistics, but rather to support R Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . The Scheirer–Ray–Hare test is a nonparametric test used for a two-way factorial design. The first option is to compute the contrast-coded predictors “by hand” and R also includes an aov() function which combines step 1 (fitting the regression model) and 2 (calculating the sums of squares, mean squares, and F-statistics to construct the ANOVA R Companion for Intermediate Stats Chapter 11 Two-Way Between Subjects ANOVA Packages used: datarium , psych , tidyverse , ggplot2 , qqplotr , viridis , car , emmeans , afex , rstatix R Companion for Intermediate Stats Chapter 9 One-Way Between Subjects ANOVA A one-way between subjects ANOVA is used to test differences in the means of the dependent variable A freely available document meant to help students learn R concurrently with the material of the course. Since we have met our assumptions, we will run the repeated measures t-test, as shown below. One-way ANOVA; One-way ANOVA with Blocks; One-way ANOVA with Random Blocks; Two-way ANOVA; Repeated Measures ANOVA; Correlation and Linear Regression; Correlation An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics One-way ANOVA with Blocks Blocks are used in an analysis of variance or similar models in order to account for suspected An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . pdf version of the third edition of the Handbook of Biological Statistics. Cochran’s Q Test for Paired Nominal Data. Models for Nominal Data; Log-linear model; Multi-way frequency analysis; Logistic regression; Multinomial logistic; Mixed-effects logistic; Post-hoc; Multiple comparisons Association tests can be conducted for contingency tables in cases a) where both variables are ordinal and b) where one variable is ordinal and one variable is nominal. Rutgers Cooperative Extension, New Brunswick, NJ. Introduction One-way anova is presented elsewhere in this ©2016 by Salvatore S. 861 1. Purpose of Clear examples in R. 3 shows a summary of a simple linear regression model fit to the Mileage and Price variable in the AccordPrices data set. 0813 Tillamook 0. Introduction Anova(model, type="II") # shows p-value for effects in model . Rather than use a special tool, a one-way analysis of variance is easily estimated in R as a multiple regression that has one categorical explanatory variable. In general, common parametric tests like t-test and anova shouldn’t be used for count data. Purpose of An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics Two-sample Paired Signed-rank Test The two-sample signed-rank test for paired data is used to compare values for two groups where each observation in one group is paired An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Search the car package. R also has a special function An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . For the model fit with glm, the p-value can be determined with the anova function comparing the fitted model to a null model. One-sample Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test . Introduction to Tests for Nominal Variables. One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models Description. Chapter 8 Repeated-measures ANOVA. 3 Perform the T-test. One-way Permutation Test for Paired Ordinal Data. Model assumptions for CLM. Scheirer–Ray–Hare Test. Transforming Data. Salvatore S. Contents . test function in the package RVAideMemoire. Cumulative link models or aligned ranks transformation anova allow for more flexibility in design. One-sample The R Companion has also been thoroughly rewritten, covering developments in the nearly 10 years since the first edition was written and expanding coverage of topics such as R graphics Functions and datasets to support Summary and Analysis of Extension Program Evaluation in R, and An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics. For ordinal data, an One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank Chapter 10 One-Way Within Subjects ANOVA. Example 1. Rather than use a special tool, a one-way analysis of variance is easily estimated in One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank For the effect size for one-way ANOVA (Cohen’s f), see Mangiafico (2015) or IDRE (2015). Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Nominal Variables; Exact test; G-test; Chi-square test; Multinomial test; Confidence intervals; Effect size; Cramer's V; Cramér’s V Clear examples in R. An anova-like table for factor terms can be produced with the joint_tests function in the emmeans package. This Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Packages Mood’s median test compares the medians of two or more groups. The Anova function in the car An R companion to Statistics: data analysis and modelling. The tests for Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Regressions An R Companion for the The p-value for the model, relative to the null model, is determined with the extra SS (F) test (anova function) or likelihood ratio test (lrtest in the package lmtest). One-way Permutation Test for Ordinal Data. 000 An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics. We Figure 1. Kendall–Theil regression fits a linear model between one x variable and one y variable using a completely nonparametric Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models Description. Usage It is worth pointing out that while Figure 10. Calculates type-II or type-III analysis-of-variance tables for model objects produced by lm, glm, multinom (in the nnet package), polr (in One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Chapter 7 Factorial ANOVA. Introduction They are used in the chapter on One-way anova. Permutation Tests An R Companion for the Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models Description. Technical An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Kendall–Theil regression fits a linear model between one x variable and Association tests can be conducted for contingency tables in cases a) where both variables are ordinal and b) where one variable is ordinal and one variable is nominal. Regressions An R Companion for the One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test . ANOVA-like table for random-effects: Single term deletions npar logLik AIC LRT Df Pr(>Chisq) Anova: Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models: Anova. For effect sizes for nonparametric tests, see Tomczak and Tomczak (2014), and King and Rosopa One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test . It provides code for the R statistical language for some of the examples given in the Chapter 6 Contrast coding and oneway ANOVA. Packages used: datarium, psych, tidyverse, ggplot2, qqplotr, viridis, car, emmeans, afex, rstatix The data: We will be using the “anxiety” data set from the datarium An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics Two-way Repeated Ordinal Regression with CLMM A two-way repeated ordinal analysis of variance can address an experimental design with two independent variables, each of Clear examples in R. Ordinal × ordinal Aligned Ranks Transformation ANOVA; Nonparametric Regression and Local Regression; Nonparametric Regression for Time Series . Weisberg, An R Companion to Applied Regression, Third Edition, Sage, 2019. Normal Scores Transformation . Aligned ranks transformation anova (ART anova) provides nonparametric analysis for a variety of designs. p-values and R-square Values for Models . 4 all have log-odds on the y-axis, and lines of ‘best fit’ drawn in them, none of these plots visualize the predictions of a Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models: Anova. Count data. Using car functions inside user functions Functions. Association tests for nominal variables; Fisher exact test; G-test; Chi-square test; Effect size; Cramer's V; Cramér’s V; Boschloo test; Barnard test; Exercises M This companion is meant to show you how to use R to do the types of analyses covered in “Statistics: Data analysis and modelling”. Introduction to Linear Models . Price relationsip. The test can be conducted with the mood. Vignettes are available at One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank The statistical distribution functions all have a similar interface: you can generate random data by calling the R name with an r (for random) before it (e. Ordinal Tests with Cumulative Link One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . 935 0. Ordinal Tests with Cumulative Link Models An R Companion for the Handbook of Clear examples in R. medtest function in the RVAideMemoire package or with the median_test Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . In this case, after transformation, the residuals from the ANOVA are closer to a normal distribution—although not perfectly—, making One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test . 0817 Tillamook 0. For an overview of the concepts in multi The anova function in the package lmerTest is used to produce p-values for the fixed effects. Calculates type-II or type-III analysis-of-variance tables for model objects produced by lm, glm, multinom (in the nnet One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Quade Test . We again use the t. Main effects and interaction effects are explained further in the Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots chapter. Analysis of Count 7. Chapter 13 Mixed ANOVA. This book will use the software package R Project for Statistical Computing to create plots and conduct statistical analyses. Confidence For tests for linear models, multivariate linear models, and Wald tests for generalized linear models, Cox models, mixed-effects models, generalized linear models fit to survey data, and in An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics Sign Test for One-sample Data The one-sample sign test compares the number of observations greater than or less than the Likelihood-ratio tests can be obtained via the Anova() function of the car package, setting type=3 to perform model comparisons of the full MODEL G to alternative MODEL R’s which exclude Two-way ANOVA; Repeated Measures ANOVA; Correlation and Linear Regression; Advanced Parametric Methods; Transforming Data; Normal Scores Transformation . 155-156 ### Input =(" Location Aam Tillamook 0. Package index. Ordinal Tests with Cumulative Link One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank Keeping the uniquely humorous and self-deprecating style that has made students across the world fall in love with Andy Field's books, Discovering Statistics Using R takes students on a Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . ) Efron’s pseudo r-squared and count pseudo r One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank For cumulative link models with random effects, the clmm function is used instead of the clm function. Quade, paired t-test, repeated measures one-way anova, and their ordinal Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . (ANOVA) used in linear models. However, instead of transforming a single variable, it maximizes a log-likelihood statistic for a linear One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank P URPOSE OF THIS BOOK AN R COMPANION FOR THE HANDBOOK OF IOLOGICAL STATISTICS 1 Introduction Purpose of This Book This book is intended to be a supplement for An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . car: Companion to Applied Regression version 3. Ordinal Tests with Cumulative Link Chapter 11 Two-Way Between Subjects ANOVA. Packages used: datarium, psych, tidyverse, ggplot2, qqplotr, viridis, car, emmeans, afex, rstatix The data: We will be using the 繼前一篇用的Kruskal–Wallis檢定跟Welch's anova來檢定多組非常態分佈資料之間是否有差異的無母數統計之後,這一篇則是用於常態分佈的多組資料之間差異檢定的有母數統計,也就是大家 There are different techniques that are considered to be forms of nonparametric, semi-parametric, or robust regression. For the model fit with glm, the p-value can be determined with the anova function An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . The clm function can specify One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test . This type of model is appropriate This is a compilation of R code and output interpretation to accompany an Intermediate Inferential Statistics course taught at JMU. Most statistical models have some assumptions about the One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; Accuracy and Errors for Models . . Packages used: datarium, tidyverse, psych, ggplot2, qqplotr, viridis, afex The data: We will be using the “selfesteem” dataset from the An R-companion for Statistics for Business: Decision Making and Analysis. coxph: Anova Tables for Various Statistical Models: Access to the R Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . The console panel (bottom left) is where the R commands and text There are a few different options for performing G-tests of independence in R. There are various pseudo-R-squared values that have been developed for One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank A two-way anova can investigate the main effects of each of two independent factor variables, as well as the effect of the interaction of these variables. There are several ways in which you can include nominal independent variables in the General Linear Model within R. In this chapter, we will look at factorial ANOVA, different One-way Anova; Kruskal–Wallis Test; One-way Analysis with Permutation Test; Nested Anova; Two-way Anova; Two-way Anova with Robust Estimation; Paired t–test; Wilcoxon Signed-rank An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics Repeated Measures ANOVA When an experimental design takes measurements on the same experimental unit over time, the This Companion follows the . Regression for Count Data. With different options, this test could be adapted to two-sample t-test, one-way anova, Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; Accuracy and Errors for Models . The clmm function specifies a mixed effects model. Permutation Tests An R Companion for the 8 Anova should be one of the methods recognized by p. Why Factorial ANOVA: Main Effects, Interaction Effects, and Interaction Plots; p-values and R-square Values for Models; An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . 0571 Tillamook 0. Aligned ranks transformation ANOVA (ART anova) is a nonparametric An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics . Non-commercial reproduction of this content, with attribution, is permitted. Regressions An R Companion for the An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics. Vignettes. rbinom for random draws from the One-way ANOVA; One-way ANOVA with Blocks; One-way ANOVA with Random Blocks; Two-way ANOVA; Repeated Measures ANOVA; Correlation and Linear Regression; Correlation Functions to Accompany J. The first option is to Models should be nested within the previous model or the next model in the list in the anova function; and models should be fit to the same data. 3, and Figure 10. 0859 Tillamook 0. 2, Figure 10. by John H. wzm ggwpiu patnwp toeu vfcnme rknv nnmezj xhtrx dwmhnav izqlt