Jira query status on date. Apologies in advance, I am very new to this.
Jira query status on date It mainly provides reports and gadgets based on how much time passed in each status. It uses a statusCategoryChangedDate range, for example: statusCategoryChangedDate > "2023/11/01" AND statusCategoryChangedDate < "2023/11/30" The issue is that I have to amend the date range each month. Ask a question . Many thanks for your help, I'm new to JIRA and JQL. Example: Issues where the custom field “Start Date” is in the past: “Start Date” <= now() Use Dashboards to Visualize Date Queries. JIRA JQL - Find issues with more than X days in Status. , “Start Date”). You can choose the dates you need from the calendar. As an alternative, you can try Status Time Reports app developed by our team. The add-on provides the time in each status for the entire lifecycle of the issue and you can filter by issue type as well. Custom Fields: Jira Time in Status Tracking for Improved Productivity. project = "xxxx" AND status in (backlog,"In Progress") AND Due date <=-24h. Ticket #1: date of last status change 1st of October. We're using Jira 6. A comprehensive solution that captures the date and time in a separate column for multiple fields and issues. If I understand you correctly, you want to see the workflow statuses of certain tickets (i. ). Jira Query Language (JQL) is widely used to search for information about Time in Status in Jira. (example, not actual JQL) status WAS IN ("In Progress", "In Let's take a look at using date fields and operators with Jira's query language. Products . https://status-time. what would be the query? Eg: i want to see how many tickets status changed to Done withing x - y dates I'd like to exclude issues who have a given status based on the current date, but can't figure out how to do it with startOfWeek() now() etc. atlassian. Jira; Questions; About JQL Query (Date Range and Status Resolved) About JQL Query (Date Range and Status Resolved) Barış Özer. Not sure about this, might be correct, depending on your settings. Hello, I am trying to run a query using a resolution date and retrieve a list of results with the actual status according to the resolution date. But the results are not being sorted by createdDate too only by the first date, updatedDate. now()? Also you need to pass starting date (in my example LocalDateTime. tal yaakov. Ask a question Jira query to return issue status in a specific date using resolution date . project = abc AND status = xyz AND NOT status changed during (-15d For dynamic dates , you can do something like project = SO and created > startOfDay("-2h") and createdDate < startOfDay("+5h") This will give you night tickets for every day. I. The values follow valid formats for JQL. Related questions. My last stumbling block is to try and get only one record returned, i. 2. The query filters out all the issues assigned to you on April 1, 2020: The second query is more focused on your projects. Jira Cloud Support. I would like to get everything except those resolved before 2020-12-31. Using the same field you can define jql query as below "Ready Date" >= -7d . status changed to Closed during (2023-11-07, 2023-11-20) Then I ran this query just replacing the second date with "2w" and got 194 items. It provides the exact status transition date and time for each issue. You must be a registered user to add a comment. Contributor. Easily track development progress with JQL developer status in advanced searching for Jira. Rather than running multiple status queries, for example, you can use the following: status IN (“To Do”, “In Progress”, “Closed”) for example by assignee and by due date, you’d need to Search history with Jira Query Language (JQL) There are several options you can use to search history with JQL. I'm New Here. status CHANGED FROM "X" TO "Z" during ("2022/01/01", now()) Check out the next add-ons I would like to build a query. Follow Jira JQL that returns date of status change. How to calculate time in status in Jira? Unfortunately, there is no way to query this kind of things using out of the box features. Comments. Example. You could potentially create a query like the following if the 'Backlog' status is mapped to the 'To Do' Status Category. I need to filter on tickets that went into status a status of RTT after a particular date. Hi, I would like to have an overview of all issue types defects created in a specific date range and were resolved in a specific date range. ) EXAMPLES. The filter aims to list issues that have moved to a Done status in the last calendar month. Can you try this : (status changed to "Review" before -3d) and !(status changed to "Review" after -3d) This will give you the list of issue that was changed to Review before (-3d). I am going to place this list on a confluence page and wish to refer back to this list many months in the future. Jira jql query to search for tickets that status changed to a particular status after a date. January 13, 2023 . and closed on Monday at 9 AM, will be a few hours rather than 3 days. The three flavors of search in Jira — quick, basic, and advanced — help you find crucial information about your projects. JQL (Jira Query Language) is a powerful query language that allows you to search for issues in Jira based on various criteria. You run the following queries at 1 PM today: status changed to "Closed" after -1d won't In JIRA, due dates can be updated regularly as project milestones change. now(). Here is the online demo link, you can see it in action and try without installing the app. For example, you can use the `created` date function to find all issues that were created on a specific date, or you Hi there, I would like to look at historical snapshots based on the status of items in a project several times during a quarter, so they query could look like this for status on Aug 1: project = ROAD AND fixVersion = "Q3 2018" AND status was not in (Backlog) ON ("2018/08/01") This query currently re How to write a JQL to find issues status changed between two dates which include the TIME? Scarlet Fitness. encode() " for encoding jql. project = KMD AND issueType = Story AND (status not in (Closed, Done) OR (status in (Closed, Done) AND updated > startOfMonth(-2) )) Example: Now is 2nd quarter and it is 1st of May (2nd month of 2nd quarter) this query will return all issues created So Due date is a mandatory field, which will be always in the future, for eample in 2 months or so. Hope it helps. e. As pointed out by others, Jira does not provide this information as a column in JQL query results. "custom date" is EMPTY. There are a few 'gotchas' to watch out for when using date values. Issues that were created between two relative dates (1-2 weeks ago) created >=-2w AND created <=-1w. status = "In Progress" Use the status field to filter issues based on their current status. Jira query to return issue status in a specific date using resolution date. and then again by the clause in which the function is used. For example The Time in status report shows A function performs a calculation on either specific Jira data or the function's content in parentheses, such that only true results are retrieved by the function, and then again by the clause in which the function is used. Hello @Shirish 👋 . Hi @Bill Sheboy hope you doing well. And more easiest and enhanced option is The Status Entrance Date report (Time in Status for Jira add-on) that shows the date an issue has moved I wish to place a list of jiras that are blockers and unresolved on a particular date. Also, you can run a REST API JQL search using this API. Time in status for Jira Cloud by SaaSJet will solve all you needs. 11. I am sure this is very simple but I just can't get it to work. Any help will be appreciated. More than 8 types of Time in Status Reports You can search issues by Project, Issue Type, Status, Assignee, Issue Creation/Resolution Date(and any other Date field) and JQL Query. But the data is available in Jira Rest API. BR, Leo Hi @Sanjog Sigdel 👋 As an alternative, you can try Time in Status for Jira Cloud (developed by my team). How to use date_format when using JPQL/JPA. Weekly report for status changes. I am trying to create a JQL filter in JIRA where I can show all the issues that have missed their release date. These functions will allow you to reference key points in time, like the start of the Learn how to use JQL date functions to filter your Jira issues by date created, due date, modified date, and more. You can also combine your statuses to define your lead/cycle/resolution time and also extract the transitions history of the issues. Viewed 3k times -1 . updated > 2020-04-01 and updated < 2020-04-09. Whether you’re a Learn how to utilize Jira Query Language for advanced search capabilities in Jira Service Management. START_DATE < '<your date>' UNION SELECT STEP_ID, ENTRY_ID FROM OS_HISTORYSTEP WHERE I'm trying to write a JQL query that will let me find issues where the status changed to a given status after the value entered in a date field. Also add-on haswith 7 types of status time reports. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. If you are looking for a free solution, you can try the limited version Status Time Free. created >= startOfDay(-7d) AND created <= endOfDay() Search for issues created within Hi @Soham Das. status = "Pending Merge" order by Problem is, we didn't exactly keep a log of any activity we did outside of normal working day hours. Today needs to be dynamic, so I can't use a specific date. I have tried looking at the Atlassian FixVersion documentation and Function Hello, I am trying to create a filter which shows all the tickets I am involved and status is not closed/resolved. Once you enter your working calendar into the app, it takes your working schedule into account too. With add-on you will get report about Created time, To Do -> In Progress To Deploy -> Done easily. 14. Jira filter to list ticket created between a time period of day. . The “resolved “solution requires that the resolution field is being set with an issue is moved into a status of type done category. And excluding the issues that were changed to Review after the same date. 2019 issue-1 open resolved done If you are looking for more insights on status durations and status entry dates, you can try Status Time app developed by our team. Show issues where the status changed from "To Do" to "In Progress" We are exporting every month breached tickets count and ticket details by this way project = JIRA AND issuetype in ("Incident Request", "Service Request") AND status = Closed AND "Time to resolution" = breached( )AND JQL returns a list of Jira issues that match the query, but doesn't do anything about presentation of that data - that's the job of the UI itself and can't be customised on a query by query basis. The main features of the app are as below. How can I track any and all activity (leaving a comment, changing a status, assigning the ticket to someone else, etc) conducted by me within certain hours, within certain dates. resolutiondate > 2020-01-01 and resolutiondate < 2020-04-09. Clock on the small cog wheel above How to use date field in a JIRA JQL Query as a predicate. “Due date” is a built-in issue field to specify the desired date for completing a task. Environment. This app generates such reports: Time in status report determines for how long your issues has been staying in each status. SELECT query from Jira DB is technically possible, but i would like suggest you to try Time in Status for Jira Cloud (developed by my SaaSJet team). These tickets would be resolved now but I need to see all those that entered that status after a date regardless of their current status. For each issue I want the assignee, and the date the issue was assigned to that person. STEP_ID FROM (SELECT STEP_ID, ENTRY_ID FROM OS_CURRENTSTEP WHERE OS_CURRENTSTEP. issue created after 2023-01-01 AND status != closed. I've got this working with a specific date with the below query: project = [PROJECT] AND status changed to ("Published", "Live") during("2019-01-03", "2019-01-04") Inside each ticket, when it is close, I can see the transition date from open to close, however I need to look up for all the query's closed in certain period, I can do this with the resolved date but I don't know how to do it for the closure one. example: Issue Status 01. If you would like to use equals(=) operator then below are the only options that are available in Jira. Thanks! CONTAINS (~) The "~" operator is used to search for issues where the value of the specified field matches the specified value (either an exact match or a "fuzzy" match — see examples below). Example: project = SD AND issuetype in standardIssueTypes() AND status in (Closed, "SD: Resolved") AND assignee in (currentUser()) AND (resolutiondate >= startOfWeek(-1) AND resolutiondate <= endOfWeek(-1)) order by My requirement is to query the changes for exact date. Show all JIRA You can setup new date field and add a post-function to that particular status transition"To Do" to capture the date . I fill the due date on task creation. Resources. StatusCategoryChanged records only the last time a status change resulted in a change of the Status Category of an issue. View More Comments. For example, you can use the ORDER BY clause in a JQL query to search for issues and display them in an ascending or descending order. Need help with a JIRA query that when run produces the following: Not at programmer but any help is appreciated. Jira does not have a native reporting option that would enable you to run one query and get the information parsed out for each of the past months. Fewer issues to sort through, the quicker the query can run, even though the results are the same. Using Time in Status you can: See how much time each issue spent on each status, assignee, user group and also see dates of status transitions. The JQL query "status was in (Open, Closed)" doesn't take a date into account and the available date fields are for the current status of the issue. Comment; Like. Here is configuration: Here is a dashboard by table: And here is a dashboard as a pie chart: Jira Service Management ; Bitbucket ; Rovo ; Trello Jira Product Discovery ; Sourcetree project = "Project Name" AND status changed from "Initial Status" to ("Backlog") during("1st date", "2nd date") View More Comments. io/demo Time in Status has duration-based and date-based reports. Jira Automation. Find issues whose assignee had changed: assignee CHANGED; Find issues whose status had changed from 'In Progress' back to 'Open': status CHANGED FROM "In Progress" TO "Open" Let's take a look at using date fields and operators with Jira's query language. I need to get all the issues of a project that had one or more statuses in a certain period. Graphs and charts can make it easier to communicate your sprint’s status to stakeholders. Create . There is a status in my JIRA instance called "Ready For Test" at which the tester would validate and close the jira. It provides reports on how much time passed in each status and show status entry dates. You run the following queries at 1 PM today: status changed to "Closed" after -1d won't return the closed issue. I am using this filter below however it shows all the tickets even though I am asking not to see the resolved/closed ones? status not in (Closed , resolved) or summary ~ currentUs For example if your custom date field name is "custom date", you can use below options to query on that field. How to create a JQL query for fetching all the jira tickets with status "Pending Merge" and the first ticket which I get should be the first ticket whose status was changed to "Pending If the workflow sets the resolution during the transition to "Pending Merge" then you can order by resolution date. The plugin prepares reports on how much time each issue spent on each status or assignee. Here you can filter by projects, assignees, date ranges, etc. Moreover, the app considers your working schedule and calendar, thereby providing accurate results. Jira JQL that returns date of status change. Status durations are calculated according to the working calendar you define. Execute the following SQL queries to get the issue change history for one Jira Issue: To retrieve the change history for an issue (including status, transitions, change in values, etc): This query can be used to confirm that the dates and order of changes are With below Query I able to see the count(no) of issues for all issueType in JIRA for a given date . Just write a query with where clause updated BETWEEN LocalDateTime. Description. URLEncoder. With these powerful functions, you can quickly and easily find the information Search for issues based on status category. Apart from various other reports, It provides report on status entry dates as well as how long issues have been stayed on each status. 5. Same way i can query created date. However, it'll return the result if you run status changed to "Closed" after -2d. g. Set date format dd/mm/yyyy in SQL table. 0. Scroll to the bottom and click on Create dashboard gadget. status CHANGED FROM "Open" TO "In Progress" AFTER -1w. Status Search. Setting due Jira Product Discovery ; Sourcetree ; Jira Align ; See all individuals and seeing if it’s even possible using JQL with ScriptRunner to see when issues Expected Completion Date (A Custom Field which stands for the Due Date in my project) has changed more or less than 7 days from the Expected Completion Date that the issue originally had Hi. the ones your JQL returns). i require either a rest call (prefered) or a jql query to get all issues (or preferably the number of all issues) with a certain status (let's say done) at a certain date . Get JIRA issue status time. When using this query I don`t receive any results: project = Test AND issuetype = Defect AND created >= 2022-08-18 AND created <= 2022-11-02 AND resolved >= 20 Well I am hosting more than 100 projects in JIRA and want to know which of these projects are active. If you've already Step 4: Visualize Results with Jira Dashboards. The above should give you all issues that are currently in the high status whose status changed around the date you specified (you should be able to replace the startofmonth() with a date). JIRA JQL Search by Date - How to search Updated Issues on 1 Hour. You (possibly) provide the date in the wrong format. Improve this question. status CHANGED FROM "In Progress" TO "Done" AFTER "2022-01-01" This configuration allows Jira to capture and store the necessary data for status change analysis. It has various other reports like assignee time, status entry dates, average/sum reports by any field(eg. The query above returns a result set that gives me something like: Jira JQL that returns date of status change. Date Range Search. You can combine the time for multiple statuses to get metrics like Issue Age, Cycle Time, Lead Time, Resolution Time etc. Once Dear all, I would like to create a dynamic query to check which ticket were open in the past, at regular interval. For example if you wanted to get a list of User Stories and what state they were in on a given day, you've have to write a script which would dump the change history for each story, and try to derive what was the last change closest to that date and what the state was at that point in time. I wanted to pull a report or dashboard to showcase the number of the days an issue sitting in some particular status. Using Jira Query Language (JQL) For example, Status Change Date in last 30 days by Assignee. Now let's combine both parts to one query to get the result. Data Center. When I search status = "Done" I get a lot of issues returned but when I change to status was in I only get issues that are untill tlthe status is changed from done to any other state it will not come with query status was done. Otherwise, register and sign in. Today's article will remind you of common jira query time in status. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company You can search issues by Project, Issue Type, Status, Assignee, Issue Creation/Resolution Date(and any other Date field) and JQL Query. The issue has a custom date field called "QA Due Date" which is populated with a date picker. ; Status Entrance Date shows the date and time when every issue entered each of the statuses for the first time. What is a query to search for tickets with a certain updated status within a date range? I have a Kanban board and I'm trying to figure out the tickets done within a certain month/ period of time. You can to this by clicking on Export from your JQL search (once you have the results). You can also use the date-based reports to see the transition 1. How to Handle Date in Jooq? 0. So when the due date is reached, and the task status is still open or in progress, it should just jump to the status "overdue". The primary purpose is to help teams gather valuable data about the lifecycle of your issues in Jira. SELECT count(*), STEP. You can try Status Time app developed by our team. net. Use gadgets to: Query Jira for Status Change within one hour. Also, this app will show you: Average time in status, Assignee time, Due date in Jira = deadline. jira; jql; Share. 2019 Status 01. Сustomets utilize JQL queries to gain insights into issue lifecycles, track progress, and optimize workflows. How in the world do I write a JQL query filter that shows me all issues that changed status from "In Progress" to "QA" after the date specified in "QA Due Date"? Thanks! Solved: hello, I want to create a Jira JQL search for a range of dates but only by month. You can also leverage the start and end dates in your JQL queries to get precise control over sprint tracking. There is an issue open for this that you can watch or vote for: JRASERVER-20727 . ; Also, you can use other Hi @Aryeh Schwob . 0 JIRA : Issue status count for the past x (i. JQL (Jira Query Language) query is used to search for issues in Atlassian’s Jira software based on certain criteria. You run the following queries at 1 PM today: status changed to "Closed" after -1d won't Jira Service Management ; Bitbucket ; Rovo ; Trello ; Jira Product Discovery Try this below query once . Cheers. The next JQL query will give you all issues that changed the status with the mentioned transition starting from the current year. I've tried lots of combinations such as; project = XY AND status changed from "Start" to "In progress" before duedate Well I am hosting more than 100 projects in JIRA and want to know which of these projects are active. No way to do it in standard JIRA. Generally most of the time it is a good idea to develop the JQL query within Jira itself, to see if it is working correctly. 3, issue status history, but I need more than this. The goal is to identify trends regularly in the last X days something like this: 1) issuetype = Defect and status was Open on "today" 2) issuetype = Defect and status was Open on "10 d Try this query/filter: Project = ABC and status changed to Done DURING (2024-03-01, 2024-03-31) This will show all issues on the ABC project that moved to Done during the month of March. 0" ON '2016-12-12 11:00' And the result set would provide the status (mandatory) and other attributes (such as assignee) at the specified date. Today is Friday 9/7/18, I want to be able to capture all of the tic I generally tend to put the dates at the end of the query and in parenthesis for readability, but that's personal preference. I'm sure you use jira time in status JQL in your work as well. I need to query Jira for Issues put "In Progress" with in an hour of time of creation. bloompeak. 4. For instance, if a bug is opened on Friday and closed on Thursday, the time spent in the "In Progress". If you and your team are members of any specific group in Jira, that should do the work. For use with text fields only, i. Jira helps to write JQL queries, as it validates them before actually performing the query. It helps teams and individuals prioritize their work and ensure that projects are finished on time. I can't seem to use today(-14d) in I would like to use a date field, either the system "duedate" or my own custom date field, as a value for comparison in a filter query, for example to see issues where a particular status transition was made before a specific date. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 4 months ago. Create Jira dashboards with saved queries to monitor date-based metrics in real time. Here’s some other queries to help get you started Show issues in different ON "date" FROM "oldvalue" TO "newvalue" (Note: This operator can be used with the Assignee, Fix Version, Priority, Reporter, Resolution, and Status fields only. How do I do this without there being an actual field. jspa you can see a column Jira Query Language is the most popular option for searching for something in Jira. Once your query retrieves the desired data, use Jira dashboards to create custom visualizations. A You can use the date-based reports to see the transition dates from/to a status. Modified 2 years, 4 months ago. I get the following error: I can't seem to find a solution for my query in jira. SQL query for JIRA database to find linked issues. BY clause to sort Jira issues either in descending or ascending order or narrow down your search results for the desired date range. 02. However, I want to see the date the status actually changed when Jira displays the results. What is the query for the exact Due date column above to return those are over due ? like : when Due date < today():-) Jira Query Language or JQL is the most important tool for locating your issue and saving hours of work. 03. Issues that were I am attempting to view from a JQL any issues that were in multiple statuses during a date range. List all tickets (whatever the status) and removing tickets before a specific date. 1. Jira provides different ways to track those updates, including filters, reports, gadgets, and plugins. Viasat Inc. Sprint Report in Jira's Time in Status App for Comprehensive Sprint Analysis. 22. I tried to use some queries like: issuetype not in (Test) and status changed to (Closed) after " project = TEST AND issuetype = 'TCRM - Dev Approval' AND status in (Open, Rejected) AND issueFunction in parentsOf("project = TEST AND issuetype = Enhancement AND status = 'Seeking Approval'") However if i just use the sub queries they each return tickets. I've tried this : project = XYZ AND NOT (resolved <= 2020-12-31) But it is also filtering all the issue not resolved. This app has a dynamic status grouping feature so that you can generate various valuable I'm trying to use a JQL solution to find all the work done by a single developer in the past week but I don't know exactly how it works. For project managers, scrum masters, and team leads, leveraging JQL to create time in status reports is a game-changer for monitoring workflows, identifying bottlenecks, and optimizing team efficiency. Product Q&A Groups Learning Events Jira Service Management ; Bitbucket ; Rovo ; Trello ; Jira Product Discovery project = PROJECT_NAME AND issuetype = "Service Request" AND status changed to Closed after startOfMonth() AND status changed to Closed I was able to edit the query just with your suggestion Status != Cancelled AND , and save it. You can change the field you want to search by. Below is the online demo link, you can see it in action and try. I wish to only show cards created between today and -14 days from today. Search query. : Summary. e. Documentation. ozer between 01 January 2022 - 31 December 2022. You can change the project and dates for your specific needs. How to write a query in (Jira Query Languange) to restrict issues by week The advanced search allows you to build structured queries using the Jira Query Language (JQL) to search for issues. We are using Jira Cloud btw. But keep the list based on the date range, even if the jira is later resolved. I think this report will be spot on for your needs. However, I believe using Script Runner for Jira you can compare dates with a JQL query like this: issueFunction in dateCompare("", "resolutionDate > dueDate") Regards On Jira, I have issues with a custom field named "Actual Start Date". Because those must filter on an issue field. I think I'd create a (hidden) calculated custom field that shows Resolved-Created and use an Exact Number Searcher on it. Learn how to use JQL date functions to filter your Jira issues by date created, due date, modified date, and more. If you want to see the list of issues that went through specific transitions, the best option is to use Jira Query Language (JQL) or AI intelligence. Get the list of issues where status changed from In Progress to Done before some date. Thanks, RamaRao All issues in X project with issue type x that were transitioned to status X between date and date. How to search and filter issues on created field by specific date JIRA search API. I have a custom date field (date records requested) and I simply want the field to update to the date that the issue was moved into the list "Records requested" so we can see when the records were requested. When using this query I don`t receive any results: project = Test AND issuetype = Defect AND created >= 2022-08-18 AND created <= 2022-11-02 AND resolved >= 20 assignee in membersOf("groupname") will get issues that are assigned to the members of Jira group. If you want to I am trying to build a JQL query that shows me issues that were transitioned to two particular status' 'today'. Jira Query on how long an issue was Trying to run this query: project = INS ORDER BY updatedDate DESC, createdDate ASC. yao AND status = CLOSED AND created > = 2016-04-03 AND created < = 2016-04-03 order by created"; jql = Here are other ways to monitor Jira time in status: Custom field and automation rules. e 30 ) days. The suggestion made by @John Funk could be replicated for each month, updating the date given in the query. Turn on suggestions. Query JIRA versions using wildcards with JQL. The jql created after date keyword can be a very useful tool for filtering issues. the one record that has status in the timeframe required. Choose the necessary status → identify the issue you want to get the time for → you’ll get the Jira time spent on each status for this issue. SQL DATE_FORMAT in Alternative in Jooq. set date or date ranges you need I want as a result only Ticket #2, the ticket which status was changed between (now) and the last 15 days. As an alternative, you can try - Time in Status for Jira (Cloud, Data Center), (developed by my team) that generates 7 types of status reports including Status Entrance Date report. Cloud. It shows the date a particular issue has entered each of a status (Resolved or Closed, etc. Search is executed on 10th of November. custom fields that use the "Free Text Searcher"; this includes custom fields of the following built-in As per your diagram those are Status. Gareth Chong. While this is useful functionality, sometimes it would be useful to be able to compare the originally-entered due date to the issue's current due date. The problem I'm running into is how do I query for status as of the end of sprint (as it is displayed in the "Sprint Report"). project = AB AND type in (Defect, Story) AND You can use the Jira Query Language (JQL) to specify criteria that cannot be defined in the quick or basic searches. Add any issue How to use date field in a JIRA JQL Query as a predicate. I want to write this query: due is not EMPTY and status changed to "MyStatus" after due This is not valid JQL. Solution 1: Find all the issues with help of Jira basic or JQL searches. As an alternative solution, I can suggest Issue History for Jira app developed by my team. Average time in status gadget for those who like visuals. As Jira tickets get updated even after the sprint has ended, how do I "freeze" the status of the Jira ticket as of the end of sprint? Thanks in advance! Karthick. average in progress time by project, average Hi All, I want to find the specific status changed within specific dates. I wanted to notify certain stakeholders if an issue sits in certain status more than 15 days(I have attached the JQL query which I had used based on your responses on similar topics in other threads. In the screenshot below you can see the transition dates of the issues to each status. I have added OR status != Cancelled and moved the AND Resolution = Unresolved to the end and changed status in ("Work in Progress") to status = ("Work In (This is something that works for me on date fields sometimes. You'll have to use Due twice JQL query, but if you go with Basic option and choose Due field it'll provide you 5 different options to choose - Status Count - shows how many times an issue has been in each status - Transition Count - shows how many times an issue went from status to status. I am aware of the following two queries. If you've already registered, sign in. Case #1. For example, I am using HttpClient submitted a request, I want to query by date range: String jql = "assignee = youwei. So using your JQL I was able to display all Stories & Defects that have been in progress for 2 weeks or more like below, which is great. Export Jira Data and Reports in Time in Status App Time in Status Report: Date Breakdown Hi @Gamesys and everyone who is looking for solution 😌. Java JTable Date Formatting Issues. Unfortunately it is not possible with Jira Query Language. In the next few posts we'll cover: (In Progress → Awaiting Code Review) taking place on a particular date: project = PPLUS AND status CHANGED FROM "In Progress" TO "Awaiting Code Review" ON "2017-03-15" JQL, or Jira Query Language, is a powerful tool that can help you search for issues based on a variety of criteria, including the date they were created. One of the best ways to monitor status changes is Activity Stream before jql parameters submitted in the url, we can use "java. status changed to "Closed" after -24h will return the closed issue Some of you probably already discovered the powerful JIRA Query Language (JQL) and that's what this series of blogposts is all about. To filter Jira issues based on when a custom field is updated within a timeframe, you can use JQL (Jira Query Language) with the following syntax: <custom_field_name> CHANGED DURING ("<start_date>", "<end_date>") Hello @Dipti Pandya - to find issues between certain dates, you can use this query: created > 2020-04-01 and created < 2020-04-05. If your site has 10,000 issues Jira can look at the 500 issues in those projects and can ignore the remaining 9,500. Our issues then have any of these versions set and now I want to find all issues that are still open but has passed their Release date. It not only locates issues, but it also allows you to conduct precise and effective searches in Jira. Hi Everyone, As the title suggest I am currently trying to pull all issues for a certain project. 2 and I use this query: updatedDate > startOfDay (-1d) AND updatedDate < endOfDay (-1) to return all of the issues that were updated from the previous Mastering JQL allows you to gain key project insights and answer crucial questions relevant to your team. The choose the Pie Chart on the left. minusHours(1) AND LocalDateTime. Visit So, you want to see all issues where (Resolved date-Create Date) < 1 day Or 2 days, or 3 days. Luckily, JQL supports history searches for the status field with WAS and CHANGED The field is correctly defined in Jira (e. But as far as I understood, you also want to filter by "from" and "to" values. That seems correct, right? And the second half translates to "Every issue which status is not equal to "Resolved" and with an end date earlier or equal Jira Query Language (JQL) is a powerful tool that enables users to query and analyze data stored in Jira projects. Does the dates mention in during refers to the updated Date on the Jira ? You must be a registered user to add a comment. Hello everybody, I want to show tickets with status "Resolved" in Service Desk Project and assignee baris. Total number of tickets in a given date and or range in In-Progress, New, Ready For Test and Ready for UAT status. So found some SQL query related to that that can give the list of all projects with last day of . 5 Return number of tickets created per week with SQL query. Let's say, I want to find out changes happened on 24th May. cancel. Schedule issues in your plan using start/end dates; Schedule issues in your plan according to releases; Use advanced search with Jira Query Language (JQL) JQL, or Jira Query Language, is a flexible tool that allows you to search for issues in Jira and pinpoint exactly what you are looking for. I'm trying to use my Jira activity as a starting point. Set up automation rules to log the date and time of status changes into a custom field [ideal if you want to track the “date of change” for specific field changes like status or another]. 0. Issue History for Jira. These fields don't give you a history of Status Category changes. JQL . Having said that there are JQL date functions are powerful tools for writing correct, dynamic, context-aware queries. It can be used to find issues that were created in a An issue spends time in an "In Progress" status and then moves to a "QA" status. net/secure/admin/ViewStatuses. Instead of the date input of "YYYY/MM/DD" or. At the moment assigned-date is not a custom field and is stored in the changelog. So my query would be: project = "XXX" AND fixVersion was "10. Product Q&A Groups Learning Events . Control Chart. 3. Mastering it will help you retrieve specific information, filter out irrelevant data, and focus on what’s important. JQL: assignee = XXX AND status was "In Progress" DURING (startOfWeek(-1w), endOfWeek(-1w)) I've seen there is a new feature in Jira 4. status changed FROM "Open TO "closed" during (2021-05-23, 2021-05-29) My requirement is for exact past date. Time in Status mainly allows you to see how much time each issue spent on each status or each assignee. 22 Jira jql query to search for tickets that status changed to a particular status after a date Hi @Keven Alex Oliveira Lopes . Thanks - ya I looked at the reference, didn't see what I was looking for. Here is my query: project = ci and status changed from "1-Contract Signed" AFTER startOfYear() It shows me all the tickets that have this criteria, but I then have to click on each ticket and look at the history to see the date it changed. A real-time summary of project status, progress, and other metrics can be obtained by utilizing JQL queries. Now, I want to use Advanced search to query all issues with status changed to closed after the date in the field "Actual Start Date". Let's assume that you updated an issue's status to "Closed" yesterday at 3 PM. ie. Are these standard JIRA fields? Are they "Date" fields or just numbers or text fields? Any ideas how to make this simple filter work? I have to export reports listing some attributes of JIRA issues at a specified date. When you navigate to https://JIRASITENAME. Queries I've attempted: Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team. Is there a way to capture these The app calculates its reports using already existing Jira issue histories so you don't have to modify your workflows and when you install the app, you can get reports on your past issues as well. As an alternative, you can try a third-party add-on - Time in Status for Jira Cloud, which generates 7 types of reports, including a Time in Status report and a Status Entrance Date report. ) Hope Jack is able to help I do not want to use static dates because I do not want to update filter every quarter. Our Versions have a Start date and a Release date:. status changed to Closed during (2023-11-07, 2w) So the "2w" doesn't seem to represent a date 2 Also you can get status changes by JQL query: status changed from "Open" to "In Progress" during ("YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM-DD") Replace "YYYY-MM-DD" with the desired start and end dates for your analysis. JQL date functions are special keywords that can be used to extract or manipulate date values in JQL queries. Case #2. tickets created between 10 pm (last day) and 5 am (of current day) Hello @Jacqueline N McCluer . It also has 4 report types showing the status transition dates. JIRA expects a text date or period. Having said that there are also some really useful functions that will help you identify exactly what you need from your date based JQL queries Searching for changes to status. Ticket #2: date of last status change 1st of November. Note that data returned for an issue is current data, even if you queried about a status in the past. Jira Service Management ; Bitbucket ; Rovo ; Trello ; Jira Product Discovery ; Sourcetree ; Jira Align ; See all JQL Query for Issues by Due Date . statusCategory() Search for issues based on status The advanced search allows you to build structured queries using the Jira Query Language (JQL) to search for issues. "custom date" is not EMPTY. 01. now() from JodaTime is used) in order to get real start time instead of current time. Add-on allows you to measure and visualize the time spent in each status, such as "Open," "In Progress," "In Review," and "Closed," and provide 7 types of As Kat mentioned "status CHANGED BEFORE" is the only hint for you case. Apologies in advance, I am very new to this. Or maybe write a custom JQL function to do the same thing. 14. i am using Jira query to return issue status in a specific date using resolution date. I am thinking along the lines of created >= today(-14d) AND created <= today(). Natively Jira does not provide a JQL method to query to get the dates/times of every Status and Status Category change. This add-on reports the time spent in each status, status entry dates, and status transition count. The most suitable for all this cases will be a history of a single issue, Activity Stream gadget, and add-ons such as Issue History for Jira. So when the assignee done with the task, he can change the status manually to (status = "To Do" AND "Start date" < now()) OR (status != Resolved AND "End date" <= now()) The first half translates to "Every issue in the status "To Do" with a start date earlier than now". kxr mijn dqgynu wfla swsr efwqa ofmo tooophe onrnt ylylb