Find the employees who earn the same salary as the minimum salary for each department The ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), and DENSE_RANK() functions rank the salaries within each department. Sort the result based on the department name alphabetically. employeename, salaryData(d. department,a. Find out the project name having least number of employees working on it. DataFrame (data, columns = ['employees_no', 'employees_name', 'department_name', 'salary']) print(df) ----- employees_no employees_name department_name salary 0 1 Jugal Sompura HR 130000. DEPTID= DEPARTMENT. The question is: "Create a query that will display the NAME, JOB, DEPARTMENT NAME, SALARY and GRADE(from the SALGRADE table) for all EMPLOYEES. name AS department, e. Here is what I have so far: Feb 16, 2014 · I am referencing a set of tables in which a department contains multiple employees, each of whom has a salary. DataFrame: This effectively finds the highest salary within each department. println("Sorting the department wise employee salary in ascending order:: "); Dec 11, 2012 · create table employee ( e_number int, e_name varchar(20), salary money, hire_date date ) Now I want to display only the name of the employees who have the same name but different salary. Salary AND e1. SELECT First_Name, Title , Salary-min(Salary) OVER(PARTITION BY Title) AS [Differance] FROM Employees; Jan 27, 2023 · Now available on Stack Overflow for Teams! AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. Apr 9, 2024 · MySQL Subquery Exercises, Practice, Solution: Write a MySQL query to find the name (first_name, last_name) and salary of the employees who earn a salary that is higher than the salary of all the Shipping Clerk (JOB_ID = 'SH_CLERK'). DeptName, 9. [No of Employees]) as Number, x. Please find below the table structure along with data. DepartmentID ) ORDER BY Nov 21, 2023 · Now we we find the name of the employee whose rank=1 in each department where salary in sorted in descending order he became the highest salary person of each department similarly we can find Dec 26, 2018 · I want to select emp_id,department_id,max(salary) each department but I use group by department_id and it has error ora-00979 3 column is in the same table(employees Also, while this code snippet may solve the question, including an explanation really helps to improve the quality of your post. salary,MIN(employee. DEPTID AND SALARY>50000; Mar 28, 2024 · This article is going to provide the solution to LeetCode 184 Department Highest Salary. – Gordon Linoff Commented Jan 28, 2019 at 12:49 Feb 15, 2019 · I have two tables from which i want to get maximum salary & the employee name. The result format is in the following example. DataFrame, department: pd. One such data is the average salary obtained by the employees in each department. Return the result table in any order. Department, COUNT(*) AS MinCounter FROM (SELECT Department, MIN(Salary) AS MinSalary FROM Employees GROUP BY Department) AS t INNER JOIN Employees ON (t. eid GROUP BY did) ea INNER JOIN Emp e ON w. If you are using a database that has windowing functions, then you will want to use dense_rank() so then you will return all employees who have the maximum salary in each department: Sep 4, 2019 · Though I have corrected the Gordon's answer, But if you strictly need an ANCI approach, You can use below query - SELECT e. Visual Presentation: Alternative Statement: Using JOIN: Dec 20, 2024 · The said statement in SQL that selects the employee ID, employee name, job name, manager ID, hire date, salary, commission, department ID, and department name for all employees in the employees table who belong to a department that exists in the department table. key as department and value as a list of associated employees. show() Aug 9, 2019 · I am trying to run a test spark/scala code to find employees who is having salary more than the avarage salary with a test data using below spark dataframe . age = ea. Feb 11, 2022 · Note that that assumes that no employee appears in multiple departments' employee lists or multiple times in one departent's list. eid = w. Salary AS Salary FROM Employee AS e1 INNER JOIN Department dpt ON e1. Feb 26, 2016 · I was working on the same SQL problem. Find the average salary, the maximum salary, the minimum salary, and the sum of the paid salaries in the organization of all employees. job_id, avg(e. From the following table, write a SQL query to find those employees whose salary is equal or more to the average of maximum and minimum salary. department_name 7 order by d. e. You are throwing logic and functions into that subquery without really understanding what they do. Name from Employee a where a. My Employee class is just getters and setters. Just in case someone may need help. For each department, retrieve the department name and the average salary and the highest salary paid to the employees in that department. 1st Table 2nd Table. May 10, 2015 · NOTE, this is a homework question. (Department Wise) (Group by department) Apr 25, 2013 · My main function reads off a . LeetCode Question Link If you Jul 26, 2016 · Find all the emps and their salaries who earn minimum salary in their department, display result in salary ascending order 0 Query to display the name of the department that has the maximum staff count order by department name Dec 20, 2024 · SQL subqueries on employee Database, Practice and Solution: From the following table, write a SQL query to find those employees whose salary is equal or more to the average of maximum and minimum salary. Any help? Apr 29, 2019 · Assuming emp is the name of the table, which has department id as dept_id. Therefor, all the names listed in the output block has salary higher than the average. The subquery in the WHERE clause selects the minimum salary for each distinct value of "job_name" in the 'employees' table. Sort the result-set in descending order by salary. if no 3rd maximum salary exists then display 2nd maximum salary. This is achieved by using a subquery to find the minimum salary from the "employees" table, and then comparing each employee's salary with this minimum value in the outer query. Department Jul 18, 2020 · Here is the query with which you can fetch the salary of Bob: SELECT Salary FROM salary WHERE EmpId = 2; Now you want to fetch all names and salaries of employees who have higher salary than what you fount with the query above. SELECT ROUND(MAX(AVG(salary)),2) as "Maximum Average of Departments", ROUND(MIN(AVG(salary)),2) "Minimum Average of Departments" Dec 20, 2024 · SQL SUBQUERIES Exercise, Practice and Solution: From the following table, write a SQL query to find those employees who earn more than the minimum salary of a department of ID 40. My query: SELECT TOP(3) WITH TIES d. Employee (emp_no, emp_fname, emp_lname, emp_salary, job_title) How to write a query that for each employee calculates the difference between his/her salary to the average salary of his/her job group? To get the avg. SELECT MIN(SALARY) FROM Emp_Table I don't know how can we display employee name as we have to set query on the basis of salary I'm learning the concept and googled it but didn't get a satisfactory answer Please help me out. We start by creating a database named geeks: You can use two approaches. DeptName, S1. department_id, e. But this is failing while executing : May 26, 2023 · In SQL, we need to find out the department wise information from the given table containing information about employees. You need to create a subQuery that has the did and minimum age and then use that to join onto your existing emp table. The GROUP BY clause groups the employees by department ID, and calculates the average salary for each group. department_id = e. In other words, it returns the employee id, first name, and last name of employees who earn more than the average salary among all employees. Invalid use of group function. Query results shows all employees details whose salary is greater than the average salary of that department. Create a report to display the manager number and the salary of the lowest-paid employee for that manager. SELECT d. deptname,'max') as max_sal from employee e join department d on e. Apr 9, 2024 · It filters the results to only include employees whose salary is greater than the average salary of their department. For this article, we will be using the Microsoft SQL Server as our database. The inner query uses the GROUP BY clause to return only 1 salary from each department i. name AS department ,e. For this article, we will be Feb 21, 2024 · Description: This article dives into the SQL and PySpark methodologies to identify employees who earn more than the average salary within their respective departments. select a. *, D. 9. did, ename, e. id ) max_salary FROM my_departments d; Jul 4, 2016 · select emp_name, salary from ( select emp_name, salary, dense_rank() over (order by salary) as rnk from employees ) t where rnk <= 3; This will also deal with employees that have the same salary. I want to print the top 3 employees from each department who have the highest salary using java stream API. salary = d. Salary as 5. Syntax: Dec 20, 2024 · [An editor is available at the bottom of the page to write and execute the scripts. Schema: CREATE TABLE employees ( ID int NOT NULL, NAME char(50) NOT NULL, departmentid int, salary int ); Sample May 7, 2015 · You will notice that this returns 2 rows for deptno=20 because there are two employees that have the same salary. SELECT Dept, name, salary, @curRank := @curRank + 1 AS Order_emp FROM emp p, (SELECT @curRank := 0) r ORDER BY Dept, salary DESC; Dec 19, 2013 · SELECT salary FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 2, 1; This query returns one row after skipping two rows. I tried to make it by doing May 26, 2023 · In SQL, we need to find out the department-wise information from the given table containing information about employees. Emp_Id,S1. Print DEPARTMENT_ID, minimum, maximum, and average salary. id_employee having count(e. MIN aggregate function is used to find the least salary in a department. 8. Name AS Employee, e1. Thanks. So the result might be more then three rows if more then one of the employees with the lowest salary have the same salary. id IN (SELECT managerID FROM Employee))--or however you determine managers Mar 24, 2018 · Q. sal, s. In this case, Person 1 can belong to department A and have a salary of 70k (even though her department's minimum is 45k) and be returned in the query if another department's minimum salary is 70k. I want to find the employees whose salary is greater than the average of their department and see their names, department_id, salary and the average salary of their department. 0 4 5 Prakshal Patel Mar 17, 2014 · Write a query to display last name ,department number,and salary of any employee whose department number and salary both match the department number and salary of any employee using the following Dec 20, 2024 · The said query in SQL that retrieves all employees from the 'employees' table whose salary is equal to the minimum salary for their job, ordered by salary in ascending order. Sort the employees salary in each department in ascending order. Find those job categories whose average salary is more than 1200. You may also want to return distinct salary. How to achieve this result in sql-server? The table structure is given below Oct 6, 2018 · Homework Question: Display Last Name, Department id, and lowest salary of the employee of the person in that department. 0 1 2 Maya Rajput Administrative Assistant 65000. It uses cursors and loops to iterate over the departments and employees, and displays the department ID, employee ID, and highest salary for each department using the DBMS_OUTPUT package. Oct 31, 2017 · I wish to make a view in Oracle that will show the average salary in each department. id) d. id_employee, count(e. CREATE TABLE employee ( EMP_ID, F_NAME, L_NAME, SALARY, JOINING_DATE, DEPARTMENT ) AS SELECT 101, 'John', 'Abraham', 100000, TIMESTAMP '2014-01-01 09:15:00', 'Banking' FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 102, 'Michel', 'Clarke', 800000, NULL, 'Insurance' FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 102, 'Roy', 'Thomas', 70000, TIMESTAMP '2013-02-01 12:30:00', 'Banking' FROM DUAL Find the employees who earn the same salary as the minimum salary for each department. Learn more Explore Teams You have to find out what the max salary is per department, and then find the employee(s) in that department who have that salary. id,employee. salary DESC; Oct 21, 2010 · I am writing a query to find employees who earn greater than the average salary within their department. salary DESC This is supposed to show me 4 results. department_name, 2 min(e. sst Dec 14, 2024 · (a) To display the average salary of all employees, department wise. I need to find out the 3rd maximum salary for an employee for each department in a table. "; My code so far: SELECT e. Hint - you need the minimum salary per department. How can we fix this? Thanks in advance. This is achieved by using a subquery to calculate the average salary for each department (specified by the department_id) and comparing it with each employee's salary in the outer query. SELECT w. DoB) from employee INNER JOIN salary ON salary. So I can't create a variable with the lowest salary and just check each Oct 14, 2019 · and this will return 3|a|a||a|300|33| – the highest salary of all employees with some commission. DataFrame) -> pd. EmpName,S1. id, e. Here's the answer I came up with. The table that I am using is Employee which has empno, salary and deptname fields. Oct 31, 2024 · Salaried employees, however, earn the same amount each paycheck regardless of the salary hours they complete. Sort the output in descending order of salary. Comparing employees ' salaries to their colleagues in the same department is a major value concern for Sep 9, 2021 · Lowest to Highest Salary Rank for each Department. Dec 20, 2024 · SQL SUBQUERIES Exercise, Practice and Solution: From the following table, write a SQL query to find those employees who earn less than the average salary and work at the department where Laura (first name) is employed. Finding the Highest Salary in Each Department Using SQL Step 1: Create the Database. name ='IT' ORDER BY e. Write a query to find the name (first name, last name), and salary of the employees who earn the same salary as the minimum salary for all departments. department_id 6 group by d. ] 34. However, the subquery does not execute because it has five errors. May 26, 2023 · We will use the IN clause here to compare the salaries obtained from the outer query to minimum salaries obtained from the inner query. Apr 9, 2024 · This SQL query calculates various statistics (sum, average, maximum, minimum) for the salaries of employees in department 90, grouped by job title (job_id). Get the max salary of all managers and check that the employee salary is greater than the max manager salary. Nov 27, 2012 · "Write a query to find out all employee in all departments which are having highest salary in that department with department name,employee name and his salary" It means that there are 100 records in employee table and 10 records in department table. table: https://i. deptno = d. In conclusion, the SQL and… Dec 20, 2024 · A subquery is used to count the number of distinct salaries that are less than or equal to each employee's salary in the outer query, based on the data in the subquery. if the salary is same the rank should be also same. Id WHERE 3 > ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Salary) FROM Employee AS e2 WHERE e2. I used groupby as below, at first: mean_salary_by_year_team = \ salaries. id = d. Apr 7, 2021 · In SQL, we need to find out the department wise information from the given table containing information about employees. Count how This should do it. dep_id -- Selects the department ID FROM employees e -- Specifies the 'employees' table with alias 'e' to retrieve data from WHERE e. I have tables of employees with id, first name, last name, department id, salary and departments, Feb 14, 2015 · Finding the highest paid employee (Salary + Comm) in each department (dID) 1 Select the dept names where the sum of their employees' salaries is greater than the average of all departments' Mar 16, 2018 · I'm trying to find the max mean salary provided by each team each year. Share Sep 11, 2021 · Yes i tried but i am not getting the details of each employee as using group by it only gives the distinct of department , so i am facing the problem there ,i know how to calculate max salary but i am not getting the expected output , if you can just help me with that exact o/p. Hence the query "SELECT DeptID, MAX(Salary) FROM EmpDetails GROUP BY DeptID" will not work since MAX() returns a single value. Find the maximum salary, minimum salary and average salary of all employees who work in Automation department I am trying to find the second highest salary in each department. employee (employee-name, street, city) works (employee-name, company-name, salary) company (company-name, city) manages (employee-name, manager-name) what is the query of Find all employees who earn more than the average salary of all employees of their company from the scheema? Sep 10, 2013 · I need to find the max salary, but for each of the different departmentid's. System. id_dep = d. using dense_rank() with join; select a. MaxCounter FROM (SELECT t. ename, e. May 1, 2021 · I want to display the lowest earning employees of each department based on salary using min(). deptno; Which would at least provide the maximum salary of the department each employee belongs to and not just finance. Salary > (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM Employee m WHERE m. Remember that you are answering the question for readers in the future, and those people might not know the reasons for your code suggestion. Name AS Department, e1. Then, you can simply find the salary value associated with rank number 3. 4. But that will display all salary and the list of employees with that salary . id_dep INNER JOIN (SELECT id_dep, MAX(salary) AS max_salary FROM Emp GROUP BY id_dep) d ON e. 0 2 3 Chaitya Panchal Production 45000. departmentid = d. MinSalary = Employees. Conditions: if commission is not NULL then total salary=(salary + commission) else total salary = salary; Here is my table: Table name: my Oct 15, 2016 · Write a query that will return both the maximum and minimum average salary grouped by department from the employees table. Apr 15, 2024 · Explanation: We know that 'IT' department has average salary of 43000 and 'HR' department has 31666. I need to display the last_name,employee_ID, salary, department_id and average salary of Mar 30, 2019 · Aggregates: outer join for departments that don't have any employees: SQL> select d. deptid, ( SELECT MAX(s. Apr 9, 2024 · It filters the results to only include employees whose salary is equal to the minimum salary among all employees. Select Max(x. max_sal_emp, a. The salary of each employee must be higher than the average salary obtained from another subquery, which calculates the average salary from the "employees" table. SELECT dpt. The result should have Name, Age, Department, and avg_salary per department Using a self join as below, is Oct 30, 2022 · SELECT job_id, emp_name, salary, AVG(SALARY) AS AVERAGE_SALARY FROM employees GROUP BY emp_name, department_id; I've tried this but this doesn't seem to work. deptno Apr 9, 2024 · The department_id of each employee must be in the set obtained from a subquery, which selects department_ids from the "departments" table where the department_name starts with 'IT'. I am writing an Oracle query to find employees who earn more than the average salary within their departments. It does so by finding the minimum salary for each department and finding people with salaries that match ANY of those. 6. For example, if you have 20,20,10 and 5 then 5 is the third highest salary. g. Find them, correct them, and run the query. List the departments where the average salary of the non-manager employees is more than $25,000 (the manager employee of a department refers to the employee listed under EMPNO column of QDEPT table, for example, employee with EMPNO = 4 is the manager of BOOKS department). Jun 1, 2017 · I am trying to find the number of employees in a table that earn exactly the maximum salary of all the employees in the table called tblPerson. Department = Employees. out. did AND e. Use column alias to rename column names in output for better display. select e. To do so, add DISTINCT to the above query: SELECT DISTINCT salary FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 2, 1; Nov 22, 2020 · This video is part of the series of videos on SQL Queries on Employee Salary databaseHow to find employees with maximum salary in a departmentCheck out all t Retrieve the name of all employees and their supervisors. SELECT salary. Query: SELECT department, SUM(annual_salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department HAVING AVG(annual_salary)>7000; Output: Dec 20, 2024 · SQL SUBQUERIES Exercise, Practice and Solution: From the following table, write a SQL query to find those employees who earn the highest salary in a department. Salary for each group I use: Select job_title, avg(emp_salary) as avg_salary from employee group by job_title; Feb 18, 2021 · Write a SQL query to find employees who earn the top three salaries for the IT department. Oracle 11g R2 Schema Setup:. Here is the table 1st is emp_info & 2nd is emp_salary. Use DISTINCT ON for a much simpler and faster query that does all you are asking for:. Sort the results in descending order of average salary first, then maximum salary, then minimum salary. The subquery return average salary from each department and parent query checks in the table whether any employee has salary higher than the average. The MIN(Rate), MAX(Rate), and AVG(Rate) functions are used with window functions (OVER) to calculate the minimum, maximum, and average salary per department respectively. This is achieved by using a subquery to calculate the average salary from the "employees" table, and then comparing each employee's salary with this average salary in the outer query. employeeid, e. One such data is the minimum salary of the employees of each department. Apr 30, 2019 · You don't need any joining for this. grade FROM emp e, dept d, salgrade s WHERE e. Print the name of the departments in which all employees working in the department have a salary greater than 30000. Apr 29, 2016 · I suppose you want this (if your aim is get average salary for couple department_id / job_id): SELECT e. But, how can I extract the maximum from 'salary' and corresponding 'teamID' for every year. MySQL Subquery Syntax : Oct 17, 2016 · The goal of the following query is to display the minimum salary for each department whose minimum salary is less than the lowest salary of the employees in department 50. We shall use the GROUP BY clause to achieve this. Exactly two distinct salaries will be less than or equal to the second lowest salary of an employee. Salary < b. person_name, d. List out the employee that has got maximum number of dependents. id, d. name_dep, d. – Dec 3, 2024 · In this article, we will demonstrate how to use SQL to find the highest salary in each department. So far I've managed to find the employee with lowest salary, but I want to retrieve multiple if several employees have the same salary. NewRelation(dname) <- ∏ dname ( Department ⋈ deptNo=dept (∏ dept (Employee) - ∏ dept (σ salary<=30000 (Employee)) ) ) Oct 10, 2022 · MySQL newbie: Query to find the name of each employee whose salary exceeds the average salary of all employees in his or her department 0 Show the names of employees of Company1 having salary greater than every employee of Company2 (SQL) Sep 13, 2019 · I'm trying to retrieve a list of those with lowest salary from a list of employees. name AS employee, e. Department, t1. index. Find the minimum, maximum, and average salary of all departments except DEPARTMENT_ID 80. Return department ID, employee name, and salary. May 29, 2013 · Return one employee with the highest salary per dept. The department_id, employee_id, and salary are all part of the EMPLOYEES table. May 8, 2024 · In this article, We'll find how we discover the salary of each worker in every department which is higher than the average salary provided in that department. An list of arraylists are made to represent the employees and I'm not sure how I would find the minimum salary of each of the departments. Last update on December 20 2024 12:00:45 (UTC/GMT +8 hours) [An editor is available at the bottom of the page to write and execute the scripts. salary) FROM employees e GROUP BY e. agg(np. Sep 9, 2017 · MySQL Subquery: Exercise-10 with Solution. the least one. How to Find Employees with Salaries Higher Than Their Departmental Average. Aug 2, 2017 · Create a list of department names, the manager id, manager name( employee last name) of that department, and the average salary in each department. select ename,sal,job from emp where sal>min(sal) and job like "M%"; but it says . employeeDF. names #line giving me errors #create DataFrame from grouped data df = pd. Exclude any groups where the minimum salary is $6, 000 or less. read_csv('Salaries. Find those job categories whose Oct 17, 2019 · empid project salary 1 P1 1000000 2 P1 60000 3 P2 5000 4 P3 1000000 I want to list name of employees with same salary. groupby(['yearID', 'teamID'])[['salary']]. job_id; If you want average only for department_id you can write: Dec 31, 2021 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Apr 22, 2022 · In this video , i show how to write a SQL query for one of the most commonly asked interview questions. I would like to determine the minimum and maximum salaries in each department. Aug 11, 2021 · The NTH_VALUE() function explicitly shows you the value of the third-highest salary by department. employee_id) cnt_emp 5 from departments d left join employees e on d. NetSal From (Select E. Consider carefully (and test) what should happen when multiple persons have the same minimum salary in the same department. Dec 20, 2024 · -- SELECT statement begins SELECT e. Exclude anyone whose manager is not known. This is because their annual compensation is predetermined and included in their employment agreement and is distributed evenly according to their employer’s pay schedule. toSet()). min_sal_emp,b. 3. min_salary from (select department,first_name as max_sal_emp,salary as max_salary from (select department,first_name,salary,dense_rank() over (partition by department order by salary desc) as max_sal_rank from employees)e where max_sal_rank=1) a Dec 22, 2016 · SELECT D_ID, SUM(SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY D_ID. Desired result :-first_employee second_employee salary Steve Autumn 1000000 What I tried to do is join emp table with sal and before that was trying to self join sal table. mean) Now this gives me mean salary of each team and each year. Aug 28, 2015 · Notice that Smith and Tom belong to the Engg department and both have the same salary, which is the highest in the Engg department. id AND d. Below is the schema of the exercise, just the tables that I'm using. My query looks like this: Nov 20, 2020 · I would be good to know what do you mean by "using subqueries" ;) here's another solution using subquery in the SELECT clause. I want to get total salary of all departments with this query. salary FROM employee e, department d WHERE e. Salary),a. Find the number of employees whose name starts with J in each department. id_dep) from Department_Employee e group by e. Find the sum of the salaries, maximum salary, minimum salary, and average salary of employees in the ‘Research’ department. Deptno And no MAX() is not an analytic function. @Dai – Find all the emps and their salaries who earn minimum salary in their department, display result in salary ascending order Hot Network Questions Handsome fellow, not too bright Sep 29, 2020 · df = pd. emp_name, -- Selects the employee name e. Dec 20, 2024 · The said query in SQL that retrieves the employee id, first name, and last name of employees in the 'employees' table, where the salary is greater than the average salary of all employees in the table. job, d. salary = ( -- Filters the employees based on the condition that their salary equals the maximum salary for their department SELECT MAX Jun 30, 2021 · And note that the subquery is over-complicated. DepartmentID = dpt. Use a CTE or a Correlated SubQuery. Write a solution to find employees who have the highest salary in each of the departments. Salary > e1. salary) max_sal, 4 count(e. salary FROM departments d LEFT JOIN employees e ON e. Salary) AND (t. We shall use the GROUP BY and AVG clause to achieve this. MySQL newbie: Query to find the name of each employee whose salary exceeds the average salary of all employees in his or her department 4 SELECT every employee that has a higher salary than the AVERAGE of his department Jul 6, 2015 · You can find 2nd highest salary something like this: select max(a. The output i need is e_name | e_salary. However, this is probably not what is wanted. filter(“rank=1”). groupby(by=['yearID','teamID'])['salary']. DataFrame(sumOfSalaries, columns = ['yearID', 'teamID', 'salary']) df Dec 20, 2024 · The said query in SQL that retrieves the first name, last name, salary, and department id of employees in the 'employees' table, where the salary is in the minimum salary among all employees, in each department. SELECT DISTINCT ON (d. Write a MySQL query to find the name (first_name, last_name), and salary of the employees whose salary is greater than the average salary of each department. Sort the results of the salary of the lowest to highest. I tried with the following query. i tried this. sum() del sumOfSalaries. I think the solution is supposed to be in one line. if no 2nd maximum salary exist then find the highest salary. Mar 8, 2022 · I would like to find the avg salary from the below table, department wise without a join. department_id = d. max_salary Jul 30, 2015 · SQL Fiddle. Now we will write the final spark query to get the lowest salaried employees for each department. But using the the following query i am not able to get the correct id,salary. id = employee. Aug 10, 2014 · i have a table called employees which i have name, department_id and salary in it. id_dep AND e. Write a query to display the number of people with the same job. salary group by a. The SELECT statement retrieves the job_id column along with the sum, average, maximum, and minimum salaries for each job title. What I tried:-I guess this is indirect way of asking how to list employees "based on" salary, In that case we can groupBy Salary. age AS Youngest FROM Works w INNER JOIN (SELECT did, MIN(age) minage FROM emp e INNER JOIN works w ON e. = 2. This is illustrated below. Nov 12, 2014 · SELECT First_Name, Title , Salary-min(Salary) OVER() AS [Differance] FROM Employees; If you want to get minimum salary of the same job, just query. dname, e. Oct 27, 2023 · 33. This average is better described "all salary history of every employee that ever worked in a department" – May 29, 2023 · My current solution: SELECT DEPT_NAME,SALARY FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE (DEPT_NAME,SALARY) IN (SELECT DEPT_NAME,MAX(SALARY) AS MAXIMUM_SALARY FROM EMPLOYEE Dec 26, 2018 · I have one employee table. Return complete information about the employees. Please show the department number and the lowest salary in the department whose average salary is the highest average salary. SELECT S1. Reference Dec 28, 2017 · I want to return rank for each department by their salary(max to min) in each department. csv') #sum salaries by year and team sumOfSalaries = salariesData. But it's very strange to name this result "average employee salary for each department", and to give the description as "get average salary for each employee per each department he worked in". minage Dec 20, 2024 · The said query in SQL that retrieves the department ID and average salary for each department where the average salary is less than the overall average salary for all employees in the table. Find those departments whose minimum salary is less than 1800. I want to find the maximum salary and minimum salary along with employee name. . collect(Collectors. deptno=d. department_name; DEPARTMENT_NAM MIN_SAL Dec 20, 2024 · SQL Exercise: Employees whose salary is same as any one employee. expected output will be: To find Dec 11, 2021 · Suppose we have a list of Employee objects { id, name, salary} . id ORDER BY d. Return first name, last name, salary, and department ID. max_salary FROM Emp e INNER JOIN Dep d ON e. I have written this code but it does not work. DepartmentID = e2. Dec 15, 2018 · We can find the Employees drawing the Same Salary By Department using the following Subquery on the Employee and Department Tables as below. id AS department_id, d. Write a query to find the name (first name, last name of all employees who work in the IT department 10. MySQL Subquery Syntax: Mar 19, 2018 · I have to display the names of employees,salary and job where salary must be greater that minimum salary in table and his/her job should be starting with letter 'M'. id_dep)>1 ; In this I am trying to first trying to get a count of dept id group by id_employee and as our requirement is to find the employee who belongs to more than one department using having count(e. max_salary,b. Note: only the departmnt name, not anything about the employees. salary) FROM my_salaries s WHERE s. id AS employee_id, e. If you cannot rely on that and therefore need to actively avoid double counting any Employee objects then you could collect the employee stream to a Set, and then re-stream the result (. Answer SELECT NAME, DEPTNAME FROM EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT WHERE EMPLOYEE. Deptno from Employee a join (select MAX(salary) salary from Employee group by Deptno) b on a. Dec 25, 2014 · Now write a query for the min and max salary by department: select depid, max (salary) as MaxSalary, min (Salary) as MinSalary from table1 group by DepId Output Aug 23, 2022 · result of the above query. I need to display the employee ID, salary, department id, and average salary of that departm Dec 18, 2011 · Do you perhaps need to pass the employee's department? E. Jan 28, 2019 · It would produce unnecessary duplicates under some circumstances -- say when employees in more than two cities have the same department and salary. Mar 16, 2016 · For all the values classified to the same key, we need to keep only the employee with Get Top 2 employees based on salary for each department Comparator<Employee Retrieve the names of all employees who have supervisors. Dept,salary. How to find the employees having the same salary? using Java 8 Stream API . abc | 35000 Sep 23, 2021 · So, if you want to find every department whose average salary is greater than 7000, you can use the following query. You will need to replace the word table with whatever your table name is. Jun 7, 2014 · Display employee name, total salary of each employee. salary) min_sal, 3 max(e. Retrieve the employees whose salary is greater than average salary of department 2. To find the maximum salary I did this in my department Sep 8, 2016 · import pandas as pd salariesData = pd. How to fetch the highest salary in each department. What this does is find the max salary and then uses that in the query to find all people with that salary. Aug 1, 2019 · I have the following database scheema. I want to find the salary of the youngest and eldest employee in each department. Find the name of those departments whose employees earn more than 2100 dollars on the average. Count the number of employees in Department number 3 who have worked on at least one project Nov 22, 2023 · This PL/SQL code is used to find the employee with the highest salary in each department. id_dep)>1 to retrieve the same. Should we add another employee on the highest salary and non-null commission: insert into emp (ename,job,hiredate,sal,comm) values ('x','x','x',400,44); then it will return both records with that salary: Jul 24, 2018 · MySQL newbie: Query to find the name of each employee whose salary exceeds the average salary of all employees in his or her department 4 SELECT every employee that has a higher salary than the AVERAGE of his department Apr 9, 2024 · It filters the results to only include employees whose salary is greater than the average salary of all employees. This is an essential query in scenarios such as analyzing departmental budgets or rewarding top-performing employees. It's a medium difficulty question. stream()). Sep 11, 2018 · With the right query, the result should be 1 (employee) with the minimum salary. id GROUP by Dept Oct 29, 2023 · import pandas as pd def department_highest_salary(employee: pd. Find minimum average salary for each Nov 18, 2018 · Maybe you need 2 distinct values for the counters of minimum and maximum salaries of each department: SELECT t1. , select e. did = ea. Question-2 Retrieve the name of each employee who has dependent with the same first last name and is the same sex as the employee Question - 3. MinCounter, t2. but now you want to compare every employees salary with their avg department salary, so what can we do, one idea is to join the employee table with the above result on Dec 20, 2024 · SQL SUBQUERIES Exercise, Practice and Solution: From the following table, write a SQL query to find those employees who earn less than the minimum salary of a department of ID 70. Feb 17, 2022 · WITH temp as (SELECT emp_no as `Employee ID`, from_date as `Most Recent Salary Date`, salary as `Most Current Salary`, row_number() OVER (partition by emp_no order by from_date desc) as 'Row Number' FROM salaries ) SELECT `Employee ID`, `Most Recent Salary Date`, `Most Current Salary` FROM temp WHERE `Row Number` = 1 Output via second approach Dec 20, 2024 · SQL SUBQUERIES Exercise, Practice and Solution: From the following table, write a SQL query to find those employees who earn more than the average salary. txt file filled with employee names, salaries, departments, and positions. Count the number of employees who work for the 'Research' department. mysql; sql; Finding the highest paid employee (Salary + Comm) in each department (dID) 1. These three functions are similar but not the same. I have map Map<String, List<employee>> empMap. Answer (a) SELECT AVG(SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY DEPTID; (b) To display name and respective department name of each employee whose salary is more than 50000. I tried select e_name,count(*) from employee group by e_name having count(*)>1; but cannot combine it with "the same salary" section. 5. 0 3 4 Sweta Rampariya Accountant 65000. Dec 20, 2024 · This SQL query retrieves distinct employee names along with salary statistics (minimum, maximum, and average salary) and the count of employees per department. 7. hwt sxh hyh hpswt ggbp dka glusgo axjk flf zba