Cb half wave antenna. com Design DDRR antenna .
Cb half wave antenna e. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases www. ) Looking for configuration recommendations for running an end-fed half wave, or non-resonant wire, for best low angle radiation. 8 was obtained on 80 meters using a LDG at 200 pro 2. Even a 1/2 wave is way longer than I expect is practical. rated at maximum 200w (ssb) input power, it can clamp to a mast of 40-50mm diameter. HALF-WAVE END-FED: IN-COMPLETE CIRCUIT UNEQUAL ELEMENTS / AMBIGUOUS PATH •End-fed antennas typically HI-Z – 4-5k Ohms •9:1 matching element is common •Lacking any deliberate counterpoise the return path IS the coax shield, which is an ambiguous/random element •Recommendations are for a 0. 6 inches with 4 each 9 foot radials. i was thinking in terms of a 1/2 wave vertical , like a Ringo . Aug 18, 2023 · The side nulls aren’t nearly as deep when the antenna is at typical heights over ground, especially for shorter paths, so you can still make contacts in most directions. The trick to making the full wave work is feeding it with a 1/4 wavelength of ladder line. May 28, 2023 · overview and setup of a telescopic cb radio antenna Jul 13, 2016 · Build a CB 11 metre 27 Mhz No Capacitor DDRR Antenna Quarter Wave Vertical Performance but LOW Noise (DIY in 30 minutes) Below is a shot of the original Mag wheel I had my 9 foot Whip on which is clamped to the iron roof and quarter wave whip now removed and the RG58 Coax fly lead PL259 is reconnected into the new CQDX11. or 2) 5/8 over 5/8 ("no ground plane" Half-wave 11 meter band (CB Radio Band) dipole antenna with internal 1:1 choke balun. The upper whip sections use a low grade of aluminum allow and the sections do not fit together as well as a serious antenna would. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases The Solarcon Antron A99 Fiberglass Base Station Antenna features the Solarcon Twin Ring Adjust-A-Match tuning making it possible to tune the input to the antenna and obtain the optimum S. " Just to note that 1/4-wave towers cannot be used by 50 kW, 24/7, non-directional "Class A" AM broadcast stations such as WLW, WJR, WGN etc because they do not produce at least the minimum Mar 30, 2019 · Sirio GPS 27 1/2 Wave CB/10m 750W Base Station Antenna I Pay $85 And $70 P&H from Fremont, California, United States ToSydney Australia Little Town Of Lithgo Aug 25, 2010 · thanks beetle . I also found the link to Steve Dick’s (K1RF) “The End-Fed Half-Wave Antennas” guide to be the icing on the cake, answering ALL my lingering questions about End Fed antennas, right down to where I could purchase the 1 post stainless wire rope clips. 84 sold. this is a half wave vertical. since a 5/8 wont work effectively without ground elements Oct 31, 2017 · I've been using my old 27 MHz CB half wave antenna (Australian "station master" brand) for years with better results down to 5 MHz than any random wire i have used in a rural environment and about 1 metre above the ground. HALF WAVE VHF• Collapsible chrome radiating element: internally shorted collapsing joints provide good performance and attractive, durable finish• Sturdy polycarbonate transformer housing coil cannot flex and change frequency• Superior air wound impedance transformer provides higher Q and deeper . uk. com Design DDRR antenna Larsen KD14-2M-HW 2m 1/2 wave, 42" extended Larsen KD14-440-HW 440 1/2 wave, 16" approx. No, it is a 1/8 wave antenna. 05 wavelengths and about 0. 33 - 27. $89. I easily work the world with an SWR well below 2:1 over 12 meters and the lower half of 10 meters. Less current flows in the EFHW ground. Such an antenna is called as half-wave dipole antenna. Now to make that dipole work efficiently you will need to make sue it has equal distribution of current in each leg, I. The MBAs must have gotten bonuses for that one: the Crossbow sold by Archer. When it's too long, inductive. Apr 17, 2021 · That will keep the takeoff angle low where the same dipole 8ft off the ground will put more signal straight up to the clouds than towards the horizon or a favorable low skip angle. 5m ) long with no tuner required. Let's compare the two:1. The VSWR plot of the 2m Half-Wave antenna should look like the following with 457mm upper element: VSWR plot of the 2m Half-Wave antenna HIGH POWER 2,000w Capacity- CB Band 11-meter Half-Wave Dipole Antenna. Using the idea from the project above, I decided to just go ahead and put it up at an experimental configuration using an Antenna Specialists 5/8 wave 11 meter (CB) all aluminum antenna. 2 dB. So is it safe to assume a full wave will perform best of all, or is that not always the case? Half-wave 11 meter band (CB Radio Band) dipole antenna measuring approximately 17 feet, 4. May 22, 2017 · "In broadcast AM radio it is standard practice to use quarter-wave towers (because half-wave towers are expensive and more of a maintenance headache). This is a full size antenna EDITOR'S CHOICE ; Product Name Sirio 827 5/8 Wave Venom GPA CB 1/2 Wave Superlance Solarcon Antron 99 Sirio Gain-Master Siro Signal Keeper; Ground Plane Sirio Gain-Master Hi-Tech Fiberglass HW Half Wave 10m & CB Base Antenna. I was looking on the Radiowavz website for a Windom-design 10-40 meter dipole antenna, and noticed that they had a page that had dipoles for CB/11 meters too. The basic inverted-L antenna system or "half-wave longwire antenna" looks like this: The End Fed Half Wave Antenna is a length of wire that is exactly half the wavelength of the lowest band it is intended to operate on. , an angle of approximately thirty degrees where the radial dimension is about four and one-half feet, the gain over a half-wave dipole antenna is about 2. The coax is only inside the original two section Big Stick where the bottom half of the antenna is a hollow skirt 1/4 wavelength long that is grounded and the top is simply a 1/4 wave fiberglass whip making the antenna a center fed half wave. 315 × 0. W. C. So here's my options: 1) 1/2 wave base loaded antenna mounted on truck roof. Being a half-wave antenna, it provides a full ½ wave size without requiring extra ground plane radials. All antenna lengths depend on various factors. It is made from high quality 16 AWG stranded insulated wire. 00MHz Made from copper wire. my swr is 1. A 5/8th wave over a 5/8 wave is by far the best, becuase it also increases the spacing of elments, for true doubling of gain. Since the exactly half-wave dipole has a slightly inductive reactance, shortening it can eliminate the reactance. At somewhat greater angles, where the radial dimensions are of course larger, e. Using a half wave coax allows you to read what the R±jX values at the antenna are. 75 m long. but having the 45* ground radials and having the antenna isolated with the top 5 ft of my mast being PVC has knocked my noise floor from 3s to 1. Many of the commercially made CB antennas can be easily converted to 10 meter use by just a simple tuning modification of the CB antenna length. 1”) on each side. Self-supporting versions are easily built. We usually, but not always, feed half wave antennas in the middle which is the point of highest RF current so it follows that it’s the zone of highest RF radiation. 99125 Mhz )with little change to the SWR. 2 inches (17' 4. 75 dBd Fibger Glass Antenna - 18 Ft TWAYRDIO CB Base Station Antenna, Heavy Duty 20Feet 100W 27MHz Base Antenna for 10Meter 11Meter CB Radio Transceiver Oct 7, 2024 · A dipole antenna is comprised of two arms of equal length . Feb 13, 2020 · The 'Thunderpole 1/2 Wave Silver Rod' is a classic design of CB base station antenna that has been tried and tested for over 30 years. Local testing, and DX testing of 2 different base CB radio antennas exhibits a gain, when compared to a half wave dipole, of about 2. 99. Jan 21, 2025 · Antenna Housing, Fits FT-2643251002 or 2661102002 toroids, End Fed Half Wave, EFHW, End Fed Random Wire, Ham Radio Antenna, Amateur Radio ad vertisement by FlatlandersMirrors Ad vertisement from shop FlatlandersMirrors FlatlandersMirrors From shop FlatlandersMirrors Antenna Theory - Half-Wave Dipole - The dipole antenna is cut and bent for effective radiation. The 1/4 wave was $12. Maco Antenna's BA1 is a 1/2 wave base antenna designed to be installed onto a balcony or railing making it idea for the operator who has limited space or cannot have a permanent installation. Opens in a new window or tab. Single Band End Fed Half Wave Antenna – 87 Feet ( 26. 0 MHz 1/2 wave antenna . Was: $21. Full Wave Cb Antenna; 1 4 Wave Cb Antenna; Hf Dipole If you use a halfwave vertical antenna, especially portable, does it matter how high off the ground you mount it? Connect with my channel by subscribing and A vertical (half wave) almost sitting at the ground IS capable of working DX! ( better then any horizontal antenna at that height! ) But placing a half wave vertical much higher is not always favorable. SKU CB-1-5000EB. 1 inches (8’ 8. 61 meters. It is also According to the radiation pattern for the best forward gain and best side rejection, ½ wave is used. 95, and Archer’s “top of the line” 5/8 wave went for $34. A Station Master is basically a half wave vertical with a air core inductor at the bottom tapped to provide an impedance match to 50 ohms. In most countries CB channels extend between 26,965 MHz and 27,405 MHz, so a half wavelength is about 5. Oct 2, 2023 · Both the 7/8 wave and the 5/8 wave antennas are commonly used in radio communications, particularly in HF, VHF and UHF frequencies. Buy Now. 5" cap Base station (homebase) antennas for CB radio. 47 wavelengths. 52. 00. Pre Components for half wave HF wire antennas 1. Coax Common Mode Noise Filter Short Description: This end fed half wave antenna is designed for the 60 meter band as the primary band. 26 to 28 MHz. In brief though, the antenna you suggest would not work well at all, and is most likely to damage your radio. 00 $ 155. They include elements for 10 meter (206" long) and 11 meter (210" long), once assembled overall length is about 18' depending on the element. 49. It will be slightly directional toward it's broadsides, if you put the antenna up running north-south then it will be directional to the east-west with a gradual fall off in signal strength to a null off the ends. Ground planes on half wave antennas do not add significant gain, like they might for some 5/8 wave antennas, but a small ground plane on a half wave can help decouple the feed line and extend the SWR frequency range. When SWR changes with coax length, the coax is acting as part of the antenna (commom-mode currents). R. 4=17' 17/2=8. A half wave antenna, the BA1 uses the same tried and true Maco gamma system that comes standard on our beams. Its technical specifications The A99 is a half wave over a quarter wave variable mutual transductance tuned antenna Comes in three sections, Easy to assemble Entire antenna radiates - 9. Mounting ideas appreciated too. Half-wave dipole antenna characteristics Feedpoint impedance (free-space): ≈73 ohms Feedpoint impedance (real-world): It depends. Background What Is a Half-Wave Dipole Antenna? A half-wave dipole antenna is an antenna with a total length that is half the wavelength of the frequency it is designed to transmit or receive. We stock the best range of Thunderpole & Sirio CB Radio aerials online Jun 18, 2018 · Hi all. For a half-wave dipole at 1/2 wavelength above ground, radiation off the ends is down only 10 dB from the peak. May 1, 2021 · A Brief Synopsis of the Antenna Features & characteristics In this article, I will try to cover various aspects of the End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) wire antenna including, its geometry, characteristics, performance parameters, the influence of the practical surrounding environment where the antenna might be deployed, as well as transmission line interfacing. Very well, get no issues with RF in the shack, as I use a 1:1 line isolator on the radio end, even though storm Eunice has broken the brackets that held the mast at the lower end in the garden, the mast is laying down on the concrete fence post with the antenna end tied off to it, so it's very low, but still working great 😊 Figure 3 - Impedance versus "Counterpoise" Length for an End Fed Half Wave Free Space Antenna. On Sale. $18. it tunes easily on 6 meters thru 80 meters and 33 feet of wire is a half wavelength for the 20-meter band and two times a half wavelength for the 10-meter band. When the dipole is too short, its reactance will be capacitive. Nov 22, 2024 · Well made horizontal antenna for 11 meter CB / 10 meter use. and stainless steel eye bolts. a dipole has a ground element . 0 – 28. this citizens band base station antenna is made from aliminium alloy. 81. Great performance from this 1/2 wave vertical that comes in at 5560mm approx. Since they were originally designed for 11 meter use on the CB band, they are usually longer than those required for the 10 meter ham band due to the difference in frequencies. The 'Thunderpole 1/2 Wave' is a basic 'Silver Rod' type antenna. The length of the two sides of the dipole leaving from the center is 2. Jun 29, 2016 · The full wave has gain over the 1/2 wave. Apr 2, 2005 · A 5/8 wave element stacking are the best, but a half wave over a half wave could work, if you seperate the distance between elements by 10 feet or so. 05-wavelength radial tail (at frequency of use) An exactly half-wave dipole isn't resonant in the sense that its feedpoint impedance has a reactive component. The Half-Wave End-fed is an excellent antenna for CB, best used vertically. 36 shipping. r1695,00 in stock I had a static problem on my previous antenna and this was completely gone on this antenna, signals were also significantly up compared to my old half wave, this antenna will also swr 1. S. the m-400 is only a 1/4 wave so it's about 17ft tip to the bottom of the ground radial tall. 12 Meter Half-wave Dipole Nov 15, 2019 · The 5/8 wave usualy has a larger DB Gain over the half wave antenna which is ment to add to the wattage of your radio to give a stronger output in signal strength. 4. 18ft in length, and won't scare the neighbours unduly! Perfect for CB or the 10m amateur band Key Features/Specifications: Base station antenna, Omnidirectional 1/2 wave ce Jan 24, 2019 · An end-fed half-wave operates on a principle that, for lack of a better name, I will call "voodoo". Don't mind all the whizbang antennas that are out there for CBs. Assuming it is a center fed design, and it is limited to 500 watts (according to the add), and the fact it is a few feet shorter than a full length half wave antenna, I would think that they have some form of matching system built in to the design somewhere. a balanced antenna. 450 ohm window line will work. Dec 11, 2010 · I have that exact same antenna. 2' Don't confuse a 27 MHz CB antenna with a 146 MHz VHF antenna. Max current will be 1/4 wave from the end of the wire (where it's an open-circuit and the current is zero). The signal stick, which is the longest antenna I've ever seen someone use with an HT, is only 19 inches. Jan 19, 2024 · Any recommendations for a mobile half wave (no ground plane) GMRS antenna I can install on my spare tire carrier/rear gate? Not concerned so much about cost, prefer better performance. Brand New. HyEndFed CB 11 meter wire antenna. The half wave antenna consists of a vertical radiator which is fed at the base of the antenna. g. Suggestions for how to choose a CB antenna for your needs are discussed by equipment type below. 2λ (shorted) co-ax phasing stub to resonate the 5/8λ element. With the exception of Yagi's, they all do exactly the same thing with just more or less efficiency, or bandwidth. SELECT A CATEGORY TO EXPLORE. A ground plane mounted at 1 foot above ground has a radiation peak at 25 degrees, the half wave antenna radiation peak angle drops down to 20 degrees, making it a better dx antenna. The Venom 1/2 wave or 'silver rod' as it is commonly known is probably the most popular CB base antenna on the market. grounded. Everyone knows the classic 4ft firestick 5/8 antennas and how they need a good ground plane to work, what about making a half wave firestick that dosent require a ground plane to be effective, have the 18ft coiled into a 9 or 5-6ft whip, would be a good alternative for plastic vehicles like the old Saturns Introducing the Diamond 150MV Marine Half-Wave Fibreglass Vertical Antenna, a top-tier VHF antenna designed specifically for marine use. The total length of the modified CB vertical radiating element is 27ft. This feature allows for easy mounting in various locations. The simple aluminium construction is a full half wave on 27 MHz, meaning a low SWR reading is easy to obtain. Jan 12, 2025 · Power handling 1KW max continuous wave (AM or FM). The 49:1 transformer is easy to make and affordable. 5)Ω. 15dBi gain to enhance your communication on the high seas. 22 8% off. For example, I want to figure out the true half wave coax length for RG-59/U (foam) on my home channel (ch. 48 to $19. This will separate the antennas 9’ out in both directions from the main vertical mast. This flatter pattern gives better Feb 26, 2010 · This looks like a center-fed, 1/2 wave dipole. Antenna length is calculated to work with the transmit frequency, and is typically either quarter-wave or half-wave. each so you can trim the legs and get your best impedance match. • Over real earth and with common element length-to-diameter ratios used in most dipoles, a half-wave dipole antenna’s impedance can vary from a low of around 20 ohms up to 100 ohms or more. Half wave antenna will be taller is size and would therefore be able to avoid more obstacles than quarter wave antenna. 5" x 10' copper for the outer lower half of the dipole 1" cap 1. Covers 27. l = L/2. You can do random wire or 1/2 wave wire for something pocket size (or fit in your case, size). The type and design of the antenna is based on any number of parameters: specifically, the frequency or Mar 15, 2021 · Very easy to make - and as a half wave, a very good performing vertical antenna for DX. For example, the length of one side of a half-wave dipole calculated for frequency 27. 1/4 wave telescopic vertical (9ish feet) is the best portable antenna in my opinion. Jan 29, 2012 · nav2010, please explain exactly what you did within the parameters of the poll/thread. The arrangement is shown in the sketch below. A half wave antenna is the one which contains an entire cycle of the wave from 0 to maximum and back to 0, when the wave switches direction from positive to negative or vice versa, it still fits the length of the antenna, so a half wave is the minimum 'natural' fit to the wavelength and it radiates signal equally in all directions broadside-on The End Fed Half Wave Antenna is a length of wire that is exactly half the wavelength of the lowest band it is intended to operate on. Only 5 left in stock Feb 26, 2010 · Hello everybody I am thinking about purchasing a "Falcon 11 Meter CB Half Wave Base Station Transmitting Ham Radio Antenna" from the Falcon website, I am looking for antenna made for stealth. Dec 1, 2021 · Through the years as the need for multiband antennas connected to 50-ohm radios became a requirement, two contenders have become popular: Off-Center-Fed and End-Fed harmonic antennas. W. Jun 17, 2014 · The Single 5/8 version of the Flower Pot simply substitutes a 5/8 wave-length section for the top quarter wave of the basic half wave antenna design. The center can be held up by rope or wha Feb 11, 2020 · With a half wave dipole antenna, each half acts as a nicely balanced counterpose for the other half, splitting the oscillating voltage differential between the two equal length halves, which leads to a nice symmetry in the pattern of the EM field, which helps create a more predictable RF (near and far field) radiation pattern. For example a half-wave dipole cut for operation on 40 metres (7MHz) will also operate as a three half-wavelength dipole on 15 metres (21MHz), although the SWR will be slightly higher. This nearly invisible antenna is ideal for difficult neighbourhoods or portable days out. Some commercial CB antennas are also made this way. Longfellow, N7TWL June 2023 Let’s start with the obvious: The purpose of an antenna at the amateur radio station is to transmit and receive radio signals. 61 meters, and the total length of the antenna is 5. rated performance is 3,5dbi. 6 out of 5 stars. For this height reason, DX-expeditions sometime favor vertical antennas! RADIAL KIT: Feb 14, 2020 · The coax inside a Big Stick is not user replaceable and doesn't come out unless you destroy the antenna. End Fed Antenna Types fed antenna make it superior to a half wave Performance like regular half-wave antennas. This is a 27. Design the Matching Network: An EFHW antenna presents a high impedance at the feed point, typically around 2500-5000 ohms. May 3, 2020 · Discounting losses, SWR doesn't change with coax length, just the complex impedance changes. The length of the total wire, which is being used as a dipole, equals half of the wavelength (i. . Nov 28, 2023 · Winding 5/8 wavelength of wire on a 1/8 wave fiberglass rod as a reduced-length mobile antenna, and calling it a “5/8 wave antenna”. **Radiation Pattern**: - **5/8 wave**: It typically has a flatter radiation pattern compared to a quarter-wave or half-wave antenna. E. 99 $ 109. Jan 24, 2019 · An end-fed half-wave operates on a principle that, for lack of a better name, I will call "voodoo". i know that most people say anything under 11 Meter (CB band) Half-wave Dipole Antenna with 1:1 choke Regular price $65. 00. 66 feet of wire is a half wavelength for the 40-meter band, but also a full wave for the 20-meter band, a double full wave for the 10-meter band, and three half-wavelengths for the 15-meter band. The antenna itself is an off-center fed vertical dipole made by flipping an electrical quarter wavelength of braid back over the outside of the coax. Special Features: Frequ I give this antenna 5-stars as it performs very well as a 10-meter ground plane vertical vs. Jan 14, 2007 · From what I understand a 1/2 wave antenna will perform better than a 1/4 wave, and a 5/8 wave will perform better than a 1/2 wave. 7 dB. Made with #14 stranded wire, center insulator made of 1 1/4 pvc shedule 40 cap. The network is connected to something it "pushes" against so current can be forced into the antenna. That's one heck of an antenna to be carrying around on an HT. This is the most widely used antenna because of its advantages. If you look at the standing wave on a half-wave element in isolation, you see that the center is the point of highest current and lowest voltage (therefore lowest impedance), and the ends are the points of highest voltage and zero current (therefore infinite impedance). My tests shown below suggest that it won't be resonant anywhere near 26 MHz. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time now, half wave mobile antenna for 11m. But a vertical has a great pattern, still fits in a map tube, and make a phased array to double the performance of your know where to point it. Mounting: Pole Bracket. There should be little difference between a vertical half wave antenna like an A99 or A/S Starduster and a horizontal half wave dipole when talking skip. $23. In free space the center-fed half-wave antenna has an input impedance that is a close match to 50 ohm coax and to most radios that have a 50 ohm output impedance. Adding a coil in series with the antenna at the base is one such method of matching. Get the max current portion as high as possible. DOUBLE BAZOOKA antenna is an extremely broad banded Half Wave Antenna which can operate efficiently across an entire CB band (26. Made of aluminium, the antenna boasts a 5-section telescopic design, offering durability and flexibility. HIGH POWER 2,000w Capacity- CB Band 11-meter Half-Wave Dipole Antenna. Due to various equipment, I have some limitations - but I'm looking for a "best 1st try" option in getting an antenna. cbjunkies. , l = λ/2). 468/27. These antennas start with a half wave antenna on the lowest frequency, usually 160M, 80M or 40M and depend on resonance at the harmonics to work on multiples of The direct end feed antenna brings the end of the halfwave to a transformer or lumped component network of some type. I equaled the lengths (5' 4") on both sides of the Balun, then played with looping the extra wire (left - two 7", right - one 11") and was able to get the SWR's down Channel The original coaxial half wave antennas had the lower half made by stripping the outer insulation away for a quarter wave length and pulling the exposed shield back down over the outer insulation below, exposing a quarter wave length of center conductor. 1 out of 5 stars. Half-wave dipoles used on anything other than their fundamental frequency of operation, or any odd multiple of this, will work, but you will need to use an ATU. Each type of antenna has its own set of advantages and characteristics. A matching device of some sort must be added between the antenna and the feedline if you wish to feed it with coax. The antenna consists of two straight conductive elements (or “legs”), with each When I first got into CB at age 12 (1976), this antenna sold new for $24. Oct 23, 2005 · Or at least a design where common mode currents will be significant. com If you want GOOD performance, a lot more range, and are willing to pay for it, then buy yourself an Anton 99. 5s and that's what I wanted. comthreads401-Half-wave-mobile-antennas, 12 wave mobile antenna, 55 cb antenna Jan 3, 2025 · No Ground plane is required for 1/2 wave antenna while its required for 1/4 wave antenna. They're both just end fed half wave antennas in a fiberglass body. Government CPSC shocks hazard standards. A swr of 1. / 11 Meter I've never known anyone to have or use a dipole on CB in all of the time that I was on CB years ago. Pro Trucker 4' Stainless Steel 750 Watt Base-Loaded Half Breed 1/4 Wave CB Antenna Covers 10 and 11 Meters - Black The Pro Trucker 360-66700 antenna is a base loaded antenna that has a 4' whip and a 6" base extension. C. 0 to 29. Have a teflon SO239 female connector to direct feed your coaxial line. We encourage you to read on, however. Jan 24, 2012 · Buy Sirio Gain-Master Hi-Tech Fiberglass HW Half Wave 10m & CB Base Antenna: Antennas - Amazon. For those that were not able to do so, this… Sleeve Dipole / Flowerpot Antenna The Sleeve dipole has traditionally been used by VHF antenna designers by sliding an external metal sleeve over the coax and connecting the sleeve to the braid of the coax so that the antenna appears to be centre-fed with an outboard "sleeve". The BA1 is ideal for the operator who has limited space or cannot have a permanent installation. (efhw) half wave on 40m 1wave on 20m 1. 8-30 MHz. 95. Do you want a half wave or full-wave? DIPOLE BASICS. TWAYRDIO CB Base Station Antenna, Heavy Duty 20Feet 100W 27MHz Base Antenna for 10Meter 11Meter CB Radio Transceiver. the price. Aug 13, 2008 · I was looking at designs on line and stumbled on this page: 6 Meter Repeater Antenna 1/2 Wave Coaxial Vertical Antenna Design The current idea is: 102" Radio Shack whip for the stinger 3/8 x 24 Feed Through for the stinger mounting 1" x 10' copper for the inner coax run 1. Sirio Gain-Master Hi-Tech Fiberglass HW Half Wave 10m & CB Base Antenna. The Sirio 827 is one of the most respected antennas and comes into its own for build quality. Good for field station setup and hamfest use CB band Dipole Antenna for 11 Meters - Half-Wave- with internal 1:1 choke (#124565521178) It's not nearly as important for an EFHW as it is for an quarter-wave because the feed impedance is 2k ohms or more, vs. It has 3 db of gain over a 1/4 wave, end fed antenna. Only 1 left! S Experience top-of-the-line communication with the Moonraker GAP-H 1/2 Wave Vertical Antenna, the ultimate must-have for all CB enthusiasts. For ½ wave spacing of the 2 antennas, the length of the coaxes for a 1 st Q section is physically not long enough. You said you added radials,isolated the antenna from the mast, and put a choke beneath the feedpoint (I assume based on the previous paragraph), but no where did you reply to the choices in the poll, so I don't know whether you did this Nov 18, 2016 · Sounds great but it's a half-wave! 0dBd or 2. It is a Shakespeare Big Stick made for Radio Shack. 5' sop make your dipole legs about 8' 10". These can be built from cheaply for the VHF/UHF frequencies from copper plumbing or made into Apr 29, 2013 · half wave cb antenna, http:www. It measures approximately 17 feet, 4. For ½ wave, use a spacing boom of 18’. Jul 28, 2021 · GOOZEEZOO HF End Fed Antenna 1-30MHz 4 Band 8 Band 100W CW FM AM FT4 FT8 SSB Multiband End Fed Half Wave Radio Antenna for Outdoor Radio Balun Antennas 1-30Mhz Shortwave Radio HAM Equipment NXO-100 Magnetic Balance Kit DIY The End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) Dipole Wire Antenna By T. 00 delivery Fri, Jan 24. My current configuration for a MyAntenna's 80-10 is top fed @ 30 feet sloping to 20 feet. Jul 5, 2021 · The home of ALL things Radio - CB, 11m DX, Amateur, PMR446, PLD, Network and Data. Jun 20, 2018 · The most basic antenna building block is the half wave dipole. 30 ohms for the quarter wave. Figure 4 - Two Half Wave Length Conductors End-To-End for Determining Resonance in Modeling. or Best Offer. I wanted a broadband antenna that covered both ten and twelve meters. For example, on the 40-meter band, the wire would be approximately 66 or 67 feet in length. Jan 25, 2012 · Sirio Gain-Master Hi-Tech Fiberglass HW Half Wave 10m & CB Base Antenna Taurus CB-18 26-31 Mhz CB/10M 2000 Watts/5. 9 DBI Gain Each antenna individually tested Meets U. A "good" 5/8 wave only requires a minimum height of about 20' from the ground to bottom of the antenna. Mine is right at 35 years old. 22 meters. 2") in total length, which comes to 8 feet, 8. 335): Your math says a 1/2 wave antenna for CB Calculate the Length of the Antenna: The formula for a half-wave antenna is: 468 / Frequency in Mhz. It was sold under the Archer brand. Sirio Gain Master Antenna Review Vertical base station CB antennas are the most commonly used type of antenna for base installs. 95, the 1/2 wave was $24. Thunderpole 1/2 Wave | CB Radio Aerial. These antennas are the simplest practical antennas from a theoretical point of view (1) See References below. Always cut the wires a bit longer: it’s always easier to shorten the wires than lengthening The CB Radio SILVER ROD antenna is a popular choice among DX enthusiasts due to its versatility. 4m tall. $149. 0 on channels The second reason you may want to use the half wave vertical is to obtain a lower angle of radiation. More energy will be transmitted horizontally in 1/2 wave antenna compared to 1/4 wave antenna. Nov 9, 2019 · I was impressed, so I bought one. 0 *** Our shop now has VARIABLE OPENING TIMES - please call us before visiting to check opening times *** 01652 648378. Features Frequency Dec 19, 2021 · is a half wave ground plane better than a quarter wave ground plane? Let's find out. These outperform a CB half wave dipole under all conditions. Oct 5, 2012 · but just so you know the formula is 468/frequency, tat is a half wave dipole. 9650 Mhz - 27. Without an antenna tuner, I think 27. $155. 5wave on 15m CB-4-1-1500 or CB-4-1-5000 80-6 meters, good hi-band DX, local 80/40 Now end feds . Feb 23, 2012 · I'm looking at a couple of antenna options for my truck. 6. nice, i almost bought that one, but ended up with the m-400 starduster for the same price. $109. the antenna, the 2m resonance will appear to shift upwards slightly from sleeve on outside of PVC, so it is ideal to resonate the antenna on 144mhz as starting point on 2M. 6 Best CB Home Base Antennas Reviewed Sirio 827 5/8 Wave – Best Selling. Traditionally there has been a large assortment to choose from with many different manufacturers making the claim that their antenna was the best. With an adjustable stainless steel whip for SWR tuning, the 360-66700 can achieve a very low SWR readingunder 2. 28 USD Regular price Sale price $65. Something that I can put in my attic that will work better then throwing my magnetic mount cb antenna Dec 27, 2024 · CB band Dipole Antenna for 11 Meters - Half-Wave- with internal 1:1 choke (#124565521178) See all feedback. variations on this idea, notably the J-pole antenna. Opens in a new window or tab 20, 17, 15, 12 & 10m Fan Dipole Half-Wave Ham Radio Antenna w $\begingroup$ This answer has some interesting ideas but is technically incorrect, the applied sine wave source at the feed points results in a current distribution along the antenna elements which completely determines the radiation pattern, both positive and negative current flow contribute to antenna output, one does not cancel out the other Dec 12, 2014 · The CB antennas that were being discussed like the Hy-Gain Penetrator are full length 5/8 wave with integral ground plane and its not a shortened compromise HF antenna. Protects up to 14,500 volts Lightning protected, D. It will not act like a 5/8 wave antenna, even if you could put it over an infinite, perfectly-conducting ground plane. For 27 Mhz, the formula 468 / 27 = ~ 17. Brand New · Unbranded. Mar 16, 2020 · Half-Wave Base Station Dipole Antenna CB Radio Band 11 Meters 17 feet, 4. (The actual impedance depends on the height of the antenna above ground and many other factors. co. whats going on is the guy i rent from was ok with me putting up a cb antenna , but i guess hes only seen antrons and imax antennas . The half-wave center-fed dipole is one of the most popular antennas in use today. Jan 21, 2022 · Buy Tram CB Base Antenna: Radio Antennas - Amazon. +44 (0) 7753225261 Feb 15, 2017 · A half-wave length antenna is 3. It was Radio Shack’s “middle” omnidirectional model. Im new to the forums and would like to ask a few questions. Apr 5, 2019 · HOA Stealth antennas are a must for me and the end fed wire antennas are my best bet it seems. 15 dBi at the most and that's if you ignore matching losses. Construction is very good, not great. It will perform well in most circumstances, and won't be beaten on value for money. 5 m and the two wires composing the dipole should be 2. Everyone knows that raising your antenna gives you a better signal in and out, and I remember an old saying way back 30 years or more that for every 10 feet you raise your antenna is Maco VQ3 V-Quad 3 Element Full Wave Beam Antenna for CB & 10 Meter Base Stations Folds in half to save space Includes 2ft Black CB Antenna, 17ft Coax Cable Let's Build an EFHW Antenna If you attended Field Day 2022, you may have been one of the students that learned how to build an end fed half wave Antenna and actually got to build one and take it home. Frequency. The dipole antenna, developed by Heinrich Rudolph Hertz around 1886, is an antenna with a center-fed driven element for transmitting or receiving radio frequency energy. I was skeptical about putting this antenna up too high since it is one very long antenna! Therefore I have it just sixteen feet above ground. 95 = 2. No Tune End Fed Half Wave Antenna Single-band 80m-10m End-fed Half-wave Linear. 7 MHz would be part of the spectrum that the antenna could be adjusted to. 5 on ch 40 is this an acceptable swr reading. (end of quote) Aug 1, 2008 · Also some time prior to this I had been given an old Station Master 27MHz CB antenna. 33 feet of 12 or 14 AWG copper wire. and stands 5. Buy It Now. 2 on ch 1 and 1. amazon. end fed half wave antenna. Theoretically, (73 + j42. B. Brand New · Sirio. 28 USD Unit price / per . The bottom half of the antenna is much better than the top. prcguy We can tell you this upfront—the most popular wire-wound CB radio antenna, and our best selling CB radio antenna, is the easy to tune Firestik antenna. Real clever. My SWRs are just about flat all across the Buy base CB antennas from our CB radio homebase antenna range at thunderpole. over a range of frequencies. Gives various advantages over large antennas with council restrictions, 1 Oct 23, 2005 · The 10 inch diameter sounds about right The commercial half wave version uses the base mounting to provide capacitance across the ring ( radiator is in a insulator inside the base mounting tube ,the length of tube inside the other affects the match , a bit like a gamma match rod) I found the design to be very fussy , the match changed shengda end-fed half wave base station antenna. The difference is not great in some cases but its there. There isn’t much current at the open ends so they don’t radiate as much there. Then use your balun / common mode choke to connect the coax to the ladder line. The center lead of the coax forms one half of the dipole and the braid forms the other. Dec 18, 2008 · While looking for an antenna for my new Ham rig, I was looking at dipoles. With a powerful transmission and reception capability spanning between 156MHz to 157MHz, this antenna boasts an impressive 2. It is called the J-pole because of the shape of the conductor, with the quarter wave matching section forming a “U” shaped conductor, and the half-wave antenna part jutting out from the U. The new Sirio Gain-Master has been making some waves in Sirio Gain Master Antenna Review Vertical base station CB A 5/8 wave for 2M is going to be over 4ft long. The 5/8λ radiator uses a 0. It is not the best talker, but it continues to work reliably. i currently have a stationmaster antenna on my roof for my home base cb radio. Renowned as the most sought-after antenna ever crafted, this straight 18ft base antenna flaunts a remarkable design devoid of cumbersome ground planes. $59. 1 on 12/15/20/ and 40 meter band with excellent reports on 40 meters using just 10w. Free shipping. In figure 3, particular attention to the points where the impedance is purely resistive (jX = 0 ohms) at 0. 315 MHz (CB channel 31) when using ML electrical cable is 75 ÷ 27. he wasn't impressed with my four full length ground elements on my big home brewed 5/8 . It is 18ft long, has 4 sections, no radials, and is made from aluminium for excellent corrosion resistance. slyfnk blgam evlj nyxt tjmir eotphbk khxazj lqjju yfaj zjjxs