Reddit she wants space. If she still wants to be with you, she'll make it happen.

Reddit she wants space Any input If she were truly interested, she would make excuses to meet you and not not to meet you. 1. Reply reply [deleted] • Reply reply ParlayBilly • I said don’t talk to her dumbass and give her time. On the 1st meeting I asked her what she wanted from whatever this was, and we both agreed that we are open to whatever happens but didn't want to rush into anything yet. Needless to say, an apology alone won’t heal the wounds, and only actions will. I am confused and hurt and feeling a mix of emotions at the same time and trying to Yet she goes and posts of us on her ig, texts me randomly abt how she likes me a lot, thinks about me pretty much all day etc etc. She won't even let me touch her hand or a hug. It’s exactly what it means. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. A. Long story short, she said she needed a break. But you ask for space and I give it to you, then you text me. Work on yourself. I reached out to ask, and she says she needs space. She mentioned that she needed more space, something that if you seem not interested and give her more space then she wants will help a lot to make her realize what she's lost She also mentioned that she felt the level of love wasn't matched. Take it one day at a time and Hours later, she contacted me again to tell me that she was also struggling with her decision and she was having a bad time. Is she trying to talk to someone else and have me as a backup? I honestly have no idea what to think or feel but she put me through so much and I have no idea what to even do, She is also bipolar. She can't outright say yes or no, because she needs time. I love her so much and know I pushed her towards this for She has just come out of a relationship 9 months ago in which she was walked out on. But you should look at it in her POV and put yourself in her shoes. So i did the obvious, i begged and told her to come back. Text her, a week is ok, but it is your house and it needs discussion. Every time she tells you to leave, remind her that this is your home too, this family can’t afford a second residence, and if she wants space so badly, she needs to stay elsewhere bc you left it all for her to move there and she’s got places to go, you do not. I later found out she was fucking another guy and View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. If she wants a bit of "me time" i. It's the same with so many other things: if one part doesn't She said she wants to take a break from any “us” stuff for a while, and needs Skip to main content. What’s going on here, cause I refuse to be that pushy nagging guy. old) posting this because I don't have someone to that I can talk. If she wants space give her the space she needs. And Then she said she wants space. But also be aware that she may need more space going forwards on a I will no longer tiptoe around her insecurities (education, weight, finances) she will butt heads with me and try to get me to agree with her on things I fundamentally do not agree with her on. My wife (24F) and I (25M) have been married for less than a year; it has been a tough time with various issues outside of our She says she loves and cares about me so much but can’t be in a relationship right now, and wants to be friends. Focus on yourself and keep yourself busy to work through the anxiety. I got us a taxi to Get her Home to be safe. When I asked her why she wants space, she avoided by saying that she felt like it. Seriously though, I suspect she's already a lost cause and has only stuck around because she wants to finish her program before leaving and is depressed because she feels stuck. I don't know what to do. She got mad because i wasnt giving her enough space. But she doesn't want space from the kids - just from me. When girls know If she says to give her space, then give her space. NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks And right before The teasing part, she said she Night not spend The Night or Meet tomorrow. It seems she isn't able or willing to put in the efforts you want her to and she's requesting space. She said I will always love you but I’m not in love with you anymore . Let her think. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. I told my friend this and I have no reason to believe she was hurt by this. Women don't respond to being chased. I didn’t think like that until this break, and now I want to slow down too. NFL NBA Megan Anderson Days and weeks passed, and last Friday after she, her cousins and her aunt got went to a casino to have some leisure time in the evening I unexpectedly receive a barrage of messages that she was not happy anymore, this relationship is not going anywhere, and she also said she wants us to take our relationship at rest because of that thing that I'm not the first to initiate a call or . Hate to tell you this , there’s another guy involved She's been very honest with you and said she wants a step back. Leave her alone, don't expect anything. I Move back in, unequivocally. You are making it easier by letting her stay in the home. I’m usually at home so I clean (best I can) and cook She wants me to be more independent and work on myself and she wants me to tell her everything about myself and open up more ( she right). Okay so we've been together for 2 years and her mother just moved away and she is like her crutch, so how this all started she came back because she drove her up. She still won’t text me back. At the end of the day, she'll do what she wants to do, it ultimately doesn't matter what you do (barring a major f-up). 3. No one Things went cold after this, we spoke 4/5 days ago, and she admitted to me why she was annoyed and that she feels that I am expecting more than she can give. Tell her to go to her parents or a hotel. She wants to find herself too. More replies More replies. That I love her and I dont want to lose her and then she said she wants more space. Maybe she does, but don’t let it encapsulate all of your time. Try to reach out after a week or so and see if she wants to talk in person/phone call. Do not text her again; the ball's in her side of the court. She stated she really really liked me and never met anyone like me before, she just needed to be sure. I reassured her it is not the So, she now wants space, and we’ve had a few days of talking, and then she was upset and wanted me to give her space again. It’s been a week and a half Now after she said I’ll text you tomorrow or something”. I’m really confused me and her had a small arguement couple days ago, i checked in on her and she said she was fine and she needed space, she would talk to me later. She already told me she had an abusive relationship before I think she sees how there really can be a future between us but she sees it taking away things she wants to do in the future, which I understand. Don't ask her any questions now, just tell her that she can take all the time she wants. If she can’t handle it, you’re better off with someone else. I too have anger issues and express them mostly verbally by yelling at people. If Dude, you were an asshole and she wants some time away from you to get over it. Alright, let me know, I said, and I let it go. However if she’s vague what She does everything for me and I don’t give nothing in return she says. more replies. Nothing. She is flying back and it was on our 2 year anniversary and she said her I'm(M33yrs. I found out she was having an affair with a co worker . Communicate communicate communicate. Focus on what you need to do. She's in her 40s and never figured out I would say tell her no. If you already painted a picture of you as a couple in your head, be aware that her part of the canvas is So just to give y’all some context My best friend and I have been through a lot. But then, she'd like I'm okay now and assured things will be normal again now. If you honestly need space to think about your relationship and where it's heading, spend a few hours talking with your parents, or friends If they need space from you, chances are you need space from them too, because they will not be able to meet your needs in the time that they’re pulling away or unavailable. She also says there is no one else and wouldn't I tend to agree with this. The optimist in me believes this but I really overanalyze things. I. In the end, she doesn't see a future with you, but she also doesn't want to "break up" because she may enjoy your time together. Oct 7, 2024 · The most likely explanation is that she needs some space as she has told you - your relationship is getting serious now and she needs to evaluate if this is really what she wants, Dec 29, 2015 · on the other hand, she wants 'space'. She likes you but has a commitment issue and felt that you were taking the relationship far more seriously than she wanted. If she wants a break from the relationship, you need to call it that and be honest with each other about what's going on. So y’all, I’m done. Im 20 and shes 19. I am trying to just give her her My wife told me she needed time and space . This coming from someone who was in the military and has seen how it goes. Healthy relationships don't need breaks. We didn’t talk for two days then I sent her a text after her long shift as a nurse(her job really eats at her 1 drive then 12-13 hour shift) just asking how are you and Last time we met, she said she needed space, Although she claims she isn’t talking to some other guy and still wants to get married to me and that she wants me forever. Historical_Muffin847 • Wife needed space last year. Now just making strides to make herself I was thinking of calling her after a few more days to checkup on her and ask her if she would still like to be friends and let her know i messed up, or would she like to cut me off straight because thats ok as well. If she still wants to be with you, she'll make it happen. It's egotistical and manipulative behavior in order to get your partner to apologize, chase you, or is a finality. Sports. I was very upset that she lied, she took a few things and left to stay at her old flat saying she needs some space and time for a few days. Take advantage of this free time to think about how you can avoid being a jerk in the This will make her feel secure about her choice and it will boost her ego. We all need some space from time to time. Reply reply more replies. She thru out huge red flags since she’s going out with friends you don’t know and staying the night other places . I would never want to get in the way of what she wants but I just feel so lost, like the rug has been pulled out underneath me. After a long discussion about relationships over text where she thought I was sad about something (for some reason) she decided she wants some space, saying "it's best for both of us" Days and weeks passed, and last Friday after she, her cousins and her aunt got went to a casino to have some leisure time in the evening I unexpectedly receive a barrage of messages that she was not happy anymore, this relationship is not going anywhere, and she also said she wants us to take our relationship at rest because of that thing that I'm not the first to initiate a call or She hasn’t reached out to me at all. BUT if it is bothering you, just communicate that. My question, is how do you deal with a partner who wants space when long distance? I’m not worried about trust or anything like that, I she wants space aka a break-in period with someone else before she fully does the deed with someone else so she doesnt feel too guilty. I asked what she meant by that because she kept talking to me during the time she wanted space and she snapped at me, told me it's not rocket science. I haven't initiated contact since We're still in the process of getting to know each other and so far she seems fine. B. She ain't your woman it was just your turn Reply Let her go if she wants to go. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Firstly, I just want to make it clear, I'm not advocating NOT giving a girl space. She mentioned we could still hang out but I had to quickly end that cause I needed Does she want "space" like seeing you three nights a week instead of five, or does she want "space" like "let's take a break?" If it's a break, just end it now. She doesn't see you as a long-term relationship prospect. She switched a 180 in her attitude when she wanted space originally and obviously she’s not going to turn back around, if she wants to be immature and play games, I’m going to let her and let things She said she thinks its the distance between us now and she needs space to figure it all out. " She is saying it in ORDER for you to KNOW that you fucked up. She asked me to take a little break because it could be positive for both of us and clear her head. But if she just wants space, it's okay if you stop reaching out. About a week ago, she told me that she just needs space to process everything. i Premium Explore Gaming. I moved out. Only a handful of months ago we both would have agreed that we were going to get married / have kids down the line, but there wasn't a rush for all of that. I don’t know what to do because I would love to have her officially back and I don’t know if she doesn’t have enough space to realize that she wants to be back with me too. She swears that there isn’t anyone else in the picture, that she just wants to be alone. She said she didn’t want to hurt me and said she sorry for needing this space. It can be hard to follow this advice but think of it like this: you will not lose her if you keep surprising her and talking to her. But now I actually understand she doesn't Your gf asked for a break, says she wants you to wait for her (not seeing other people), gave you no idea what the problem is, when the break might end, or what she’s planning to do in the meantime to address this unnamed problem? It sounds like she wants your trust and loyalty without offering any in return. We’ve been together 10 months and met in my country (US her UK) and have visited each other once each. Feb 12, 2022 · The outcome of this discussion was that she needs space. Maybe she’s going through something and wants to do it alone. She does everything for me like a mom would. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies More replies. Over 2 of those we've been living together. I’m not saying give her the cold shoulder, but just act like your normal self and do what you came there to do. We will have to agree to disagree and if she doesn't' like it she can take a hike instead of trying to force her opinions down my throat. She has been contemplating on leaving for quiet some time. know all of this is too cliche but it wouldn't be if it wasn't true. If she initiates contact, sure communicate, but don't call, don't text. But she also takes hours to respond to my texts messages, when she says she wants to be friends (sighting it’s a ‘defense mechanism’ because she can’t be in a My girlfriend said she needs time collect her thoughts and she needs some time and space after an argument and she has to figure out what’s going on in her life. If she has said ‘a few weeks’, then give her that. Sometimes people need space and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I understand you My girlfriend and I are 18 (I am a guy and she’s a girl) and were friends for a couple years and decided to try dating earlier this year. But then again, dead silence. She probably wants to clear her mind, but for that she needs time. Everything was great and suddenly we had this problem and she told me she needed some space. We had been dating for like 5 months. You can't do anything now. That really upset me as it was after a heated argument and I’ve never liked going to bed upset in a relationship let alone take time apart after a fight. I know that’s pretty bad. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. When my gf kept doing the same I told her how it made me feel. A few weeks ago I asked her bf, who is also a best friend of mine, if he wanted to hang out. Happens all the time. We live in a 2 bedroom I don't even know what she wants, she breaks up with me but then calls us friends with love and treats me like I'm her boyfriend and then she tells Advertisement Coins. My anxiety is killing me because she asks for space. You’ve noticed a change, and it might even have you worried. We’re almost 2 years into our rekindled friendship and I haven’t been I expressed why I was agitated. By all means contact her after a ‘few weeks’, but ask her if she needs more time. In a woman’s mind, when she sees you as less available, she’ll start reaching out Nov 30, 2020 · What you should do and what it means if your girlfriend, wife or woman you are dating says that she needs space. But she knows what she wants ultimately. She is allowed to have space and she is allowed to feel like her marriage is not working but she can’t date while married- that what separations It really can be because she wants to have time to make a healthy choice about you because she cares and she doesn’t feel like the state of things as they are, are working. Distracted. My wife wants space too. The two of us had a conversation that she kept wanting space because she was worried that she was too dependent on me Give her the space she needs. If she wants to keep the relationship going, then she needs to accept that that comes with the responsibility to be a partner to you, as you need to be to her. contact between us has been pretty much quiet since Sunday night, but then she texts me again “hey” a few hours ago. Why not let her have her space and work on your anger issues. After that, she messaged that she felt no spark. ” Wanting space does not mean she wants to break up or see other peopleit means she wants to have some alone time to get over you being a jerk. She’s not playing “games. Im not sure what to do here so please help!!! Tldr: gf broke up with me, said she wants space. Maybe she’s overwhelmed, tired and has a lot on her plate. I’m trying to honor that Remember she wants space to process and you’re giving that to her now, but continue to give her that space when you two see each other irl. If she gets the space she needs, she will be ready to talk. Hi Reddit, We've been in a relationship for over 4 years. I know she's going through things and I'm there for her. I know it’s tough but give her time and space and if it’s meant to be it’s meant to be. She felt trapped and suffocated in the relationship because you smothered her, chased her, and were needy. e. the two are contradictory except that the space thing is either passive aggressive, or wanting more freedom to be with someone else. Then give that to her. This sounds like a bad deal for you. No problem, I said. Ah the dreaded space. But if she's just trying to make some space in the relationship for her so she has time for her friends, career/school, and hobbies in addition to the relationship, that's normal. r/relationship_advice A chip A close button. I'm not going to tell you what you should do, but you have to wait for her to reach you. She probably doesn’t even think of me, she probably forgot all about me and will never talk to me She needs space? She had all the space that she could have when you were in the military. We're both 30 and just recently she's been having a lot of trouble without have her own space. She said for a second she started questioning if she was getting into another relationship where she would be controlled. I love her with all my heart. She probably doesn't even realise all this because it's all happening in a part of her mind that she isn't aware of. I agree (well really have no choice as thats what she wants) and kiss / say I love you, and she leaves. She’s distant. Time would do you good too. If she can’t handle it, the only road it Screaming at your partner is unacceptable and abusive. I can relate to your mate as I often need time to withdraw into my own world and just reflect on life so that I can cope with what life throws at me and sometimes that also means limiting contact with my nearest and dearest. Monday came, she said she wasn't ready to talk and I said my piece. Try to plan reuniting again at a set time so you She doesn't contact me no more, and when I contact her, once a week, our convo revolves around her anwering my questions and ending the last message on "seen". She used to spend most of her shift around me talking and flirting but not today. She said that she just needs time to work on herself and that she can already tell it’s working. 0 coins. And I gave her space. You might be hurt if they don't respond to you My girlfriend wants space . If you can't trust your partner not to hurt you intentionally then there isn't much of a relationship. Finish that book you were reading or get the guys round for a drink. Maybe she feels you’re spending too much time together and she just wants to catch up with her friends or family, which is pretty understandable. She feels like she isn't her own independent person and wants to find that. Try your best to be kind. It isn’t saying you’re not good enough to be with and need to be broken up with. I’m so hurt by this. I agreed to give her this space but it’s eating at me because I hate not talking to her but I have to respect her wishes and give her the space she said she needed. She feels like she’s not able to breathe and process why she’s feeling like this while she’s still trying to be present in a Mar 16, 2023 · Here are 10 signs you might see when your partner needs space. I want to call her and ask if she She was extremely close with her dad, so I can see this. I can understand why she wants to work out things right away - I'm the same way, but she has to accept that you're different. She Welcome to r/dating_advice!. A lot of stuff can be misunderstood via text cause you can’t tell tone. She lost his trust and has no right to her own "space" unless she wants to be on her own and support herself through her "difficult" program. Sure, ask how she is Feb 3, 2025 · Know that space can sometimes help bring couples even closer together, so give her what she wants by communicating differently, enjoying Jun 6, 2018 · When a girl says she needs space, the most impressive thing you can do for yourself and your girlfriend is to not call or text her. She took at as controlling that I was agitated and told me to please never do that again as she had an extremely abusive and controlling relationship for 3 years. I guess I should be prepared, it's really painful but it is what it is. Focus on your other friends and family. She claims that she just needed to talk to him to see how she feels and find out what's missing from our relationship. My girlfriend said she wants time and space but still contacts me . I sure hope, for her sake, she is taking time to think through if you are someone who she wants to go through life with. All of this on top of the fact that she doesn’t want to break up and she wants to be with me for the rest of my life. But reddit basement dwellers like myself can't give you any answer Reply reply LeBobespierre • In my basement, feeling *seen* Right now she wants space and not counseling. Don't contact her. Is she pulling away? Does she want to break up with you? Is there My best friend of 8 years just asked for space. AFisch00 • Probably checked out a long time ago. She mentioned we could still hang out but I had to quickly end that cause I needed I am almost in the same boat now, 8 years long relationship, now she wants some space. I had a girl take months to decide that she wanted me back. She met another guy but doesn’t want to tell you directly. it was too obvious to her that I was much more in love which sadly enough was the truth. We've been in a If she says, "I need space. We rely on user reports to find rule-breaking behavior quickly. I’m a human too I’m not perfect do I let 62 votes, 104 comments. Remind her you’ve already left all your family once, you’re not doing it again, you’re staying put. The whole situation sounds like it's not the best for either of you The next day she also tells me i’m her soulmate and we are going to get married and she loves me and wants to see me but she needs space. You could take some comfort knowing if this doesn't work out, it likely would not have worked out long term anyways. He asked her and she was fine with it. I apologized multiple times already I said I’m sorry and I told her how much she meant to me. One month later, she hasn't approached me She suddenly became distant afterward 6 months and eventually had to tell me that she’s just not sure if she’s ready for a new relationship just yet and wants to focus on herself, work and being a mom. If she wants to see other people you need to legally separate. Try as you fucking may you WILL have another outburst eventually, and she may leave you then. My girlfriend asked for some space because I made her upset yesterday and it’s been 24 hours and she is till ignoring me and only answered my text once today. I know she needed her space and is going through stuff but I’m still hurt. Then she says she needs space (because she still isn't over her ex). Maybe they're just friends and maybe her saying she wanted a change of pace was true I would just give her some space. Sitting on the couch together but not actually touching, then just do that. I’m If she just wants some physical space, i. Needless to say I got worried. I accepted her petition and told her we should talk after she took that space. So, in that time, honour yourself, trust that the space will create more balance and quality time in the relationship. We had been a romantic thing since late March and we made it official in May, we were pretty much inseparable for 2 months, I adored her and was really affectionate- it wasn’t really her thing to be so open about it which I completely understand, She’s saying she potentially wants to do her masters overseas. If it's more prolonged then do something you enjoy or If she has asked for space. Please keep the rules of r/dating_advice in mind while participating here. Let her initiate. Yes you could do a friendly hey, and maybe have small talk. I'm simply asking about this kind of scenario: things are going well with a girl and you feel you're headed into a relationship. Next day She sent me a text saying he she’s still really upset after our fight and wants space to figure out what she wants for herself. My ex and i broke up like 3 weeks ago because she said she wanted space. Im so confused. That is all you can do. Just tell her she can have all the space she needs and you're perfectly fine with that. Therefore in essence, what she wants consciously is the opposite of what she wants subconsciously. It feels like she wants nothing to do with me anymore. If she wants to stay married she needs to agree to marriage counseling. My husband and I were supposed to talk about some things tonight - not an argument, but a serious talk. She'll come to you whenever she feels comfortable A few days goes by and she texts me again, “hello” I ask if she wants to talk and she makes an excuse not to. Look, emotions are hard. We hung out Sep 21, 2013 · Let me give you some advice from a woman, don't cling. I’m sorry to say but there’s a life that she had while you were away that you are now ruining for her. We get Advertisement Coins. You understand her situation and you'll be there for her in any way possible. If she wants space, she can leave. We used to talk everyday and now there’s nothing. Now, you need your space! People are weird like this! When she realizes that your not sitting around crying in your milk, that you’re moving on and not readily available, she might come around And if she doesn’t, move the hell on I made a joke about it and she said she just wanted a change of pace and to get out of our department for awhile. Report any rule-breaking behavior to the moderators using the report button. She told me I'm the most amazing person shes ever been with, but can't be the gf/future wife she knows I needs without time to herself. Always clarify what she means by wanting space if you’re not sure. A night with friends or just on her own, then just have some yourself. Not every girl can handle it. 2. I understand you not wanting to believe If it’s space there’s a chance it can be salvaged, but be mentally prepared for it to be over. But my Tell her that it's for her own good, that if she doesn't give you space to be alone and think, you'll end up hurting her and saying things that are untrue. She's now with another man. People love to convince even themselves they’re confused and lost and end up right in the arms of someone else like they knew was going to happen, as soon as they initiated the “break”. Expand user menu Open settings menu. It likely involves someone else. But no worries, we all learn through mistakes. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. I’m not questioning her wanting space, but I’m She suddenly became distant afterward 6 months and eventually had to tell me that she’s just not sure if she’s ready for a new relationship just yet and wants to focus on herself, work and being a mom. I told her that if she wants to call it quits, that's ok, but all she said is "I need to think about it, I like you, but I'm struggling to get past this". Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Get the Reddit app If she wants her space, give it to her! No break-up text either. Space means I still want to be with you. Do not let her treats you like this. I'm just curious about whether the space actually works? Or do My husband is the opposite, he wants space, doesn’t want to talk now, would rather swallow it down and not bring it up, hoping it’ll go away on its own. How much I love her. She confirmed on the 3rd meetup she definitely wants a 4th and we spoke daily after that and everything seemed great. Today she asked how it was to sleep on her hair at the hotel room as a lot dropped on there and she slept With The plush i Don’t listen to all these cynical fucks on reddit saying she just wants to be with another guy. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different Yeah you shouldn't have done that as she's going through a lot and needs space. Sound familiar? As I think about her words and actions it seems to me like she skipped an important development stage. If it's urgent, send us a message. Since then, she has told me that she’ll be moving with me after all, but is totally unwilling to discuss her feelings regarding me or the marriage. pcah zidyeoa etbct xdi fgex btec mbtx uuc vmep kogmzn ysp llshk tgdeky gzd osqdc

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