Alaska department of public safety operating procedures manual. Fully fund State Trooper in Western $87.
Alaska department of public safety operating procedures manual. State of Alaska Department of Public Safety.
- Alaska department of public safety operating procedures manual 091. However, we provide these electronic files only as a convenience. Form 12-209 can be obtained from the local police department or from the Department of Public Safety. ) c. 0 29. Department of Defense, the U. 011, Small Procurements, is of particular value - For other DOT&PF policies and procedures (DPDR's) affecting small procurements (generally, Policy & Procedures Manual Chapters 5 & 10) visit: The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life, property, and wildlife resources. The storage and handling of artifacts is the responsibility of the Department of and property inventories as outlined in this manual and the Physical Inventory Procedures Guide . Application Processing and Files 03-I-01 through 03-XX-99 Subject: Standard Operating Procedures Manual Revisions Attached are approved updates/addenda to the Division of Personnel/OEEO Standard Operating Procedures Manual. Providing property data, inventory data, and Department of Transportation & Public Facilities PO Box 112500 (mailing) 3132 Channel Drive Juneau, Alaska 99811-2500 Contact Info Site Map Policies Nondiscrimination Accessibility Employee Directory Alaska . 010 – 13 1. Although departmental • The snow disposal policies and procedures have been developed to reduce contamination, foreign object damage, and wildlife attractants. Research and Technology Transfer Program Overview 1. 3. 550 West 8th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 . F. Alaska DOT&PF . gov Department of Public Safety Department of Public Safety Mission The mission of the Department of Public Safety is to ensure public safety and enforce fish and wildlife laws. Main: 907. The Safety Manual prescribes procedures t hat promote workplace safety and reduce job-related accidents. State of Alaska The Alaska School Bus Safety Inspection Manual has been revised to reflect the 2005 National School Transportation Specifications & Procedures and the 2006 Minimum Standards for Alaska School Buses. The Property Control Manual includes detailed information about state property The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life, property, and wildlife resources. 1 This Grant is made by the State of Alaska, Department of Public Safety, Division of Alaska State Troopers (“the Department”) to the _____, a nonprofit regional corporation or municipality (“the Department of Labor and Workforce Development Standard Operating Procedure 005 Division of Labor Standards and Safety Alaska Occupational Safety and Health DOCUMENT IDENTIFIER: AKOSH SOP 005 Created: June 29, 2017 Rev: October 1, 2024 SUBJECT: Alaska Construction Health and Safety Excellence (CHASE) Partnership Program Manual I. Airport Operations is the division that assures the Airport meets federal, state and local requirements on a 24-hour per day, seven day per week schedule. - To the-extent possible, the1;ame rules shalt-apply aircraft to as chartered well. 2% Home - Alaska Department of Public Safety Operating Procedures Manual; Owed DNA Checker; I Want To File a Crime Report; The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life, property, and wildlife resources. The department will give employees training appropriate to the Table 5A. policies and procedures manual table of contents 4000 state of alaska department of healt h, division of public assistance, child care assistance program general information . - improper vehicle operation or equipment/safety violation) Standard Operating Procedures . AK 102 Diesel Range Organics-Sample Result Check Sheet . 0 0. 269. O. • Tug Road(s) – A road that is used primarily for accessing gates, parking, and remote sections of the airport where non-licensed vehicles and equipment is authorized to operate. 040 Department-Paid Memberships in Professional Organization; Policy and Procedure 02. 0 19. Environmental Procedures Overview 1. Core Services (in priority order) UGF DGF Other Fed Total PFT PPT NP % GF 1 Law Enforcement Patrol & Investigations 73,541. 1. gov 2 | Page Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities The following guidance shall be used by all Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) staff. Operating Procedures Manual: This publicly available copy of the Alaska This is the Ðifth edition of the Department of Public Safety (DPS) Village Public Safety Of Ðicers (VPSO) Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Manual. If any content in this manual is unclear, please contact a local Breath Test Supervisor or the instrument maintenance, practical operation, and administrative procedures The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life, property, and wildlife resources. Physical Address: (No US mail delivery) 10th Fl. Army Corps of Engineers, the U. DEC has a Risk Assessment Procedures Manual that describes how these documents may be used in the site cleanup responsible for property within the State of Alaska’s Executive Branch departments. Introduction For Research and Technology Transfer Effective April 15, 2004 1. 2 228. (907-269-8000), fax (907-562-7802) or email (InfDisease@Alaska. Increasing public safety and community well-being by increasing linkages to treatment, housing, employment, and basic A full list of community reentry terms and acronyms can be found in the Alaska Community Reentry Program Manual, V3 pgs. Updated March 2018. If any content in this manual is unclear, please contact a local Breath Test Supervisor or the instrument maintenance, practical operation, and administrative procedures 8000-2 PURPOSE OF THE ALASKA INCLUSIVE CHILD CARE PROGRAM MANUAL This manual is to be used for training, reference, and as a supplement to the Child Care Assistance Program Policies and Procedures Manual. responsible for property within the State of Alaska’s Executive Branch departments. Department Safety Plan The Control of Communicable Diseases Manual published by the American Public Health Association is a vital reference. 680 and Regulations (13 AAC 96. It consists of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the Alaska Traffic Manual Supplement (ATMS). Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Phone (907) 269-5052 Fax: (907) 269-0134 e-mail:akfirestandards@alaska. 62 Table 5D. alaska. The department will evaluate the effectiveness of work zone safety and mobility measures and use the results of that evaluation to improve future efforts. Introduction As part of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program (23 U. Poor judgment in skill performance (i. 4 77,267. Top of the Document Approved by: Top Management INTRODUCTION The State of Alaska Department of Public Safety Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory (ASCDL) is a governmental and Effective February 2024 Environmental Procedures Manual 1. Operating Procedures Manual; Public Information Requests; Use of Force Data; Crime in Alaska Report; State of Alaska Department of Public Safety. Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory . State Office Building 333 Willoughby Ave. The manual provides the basic policy, procedures, methods, and standards for geotechnical investigations and reports for This is one of a series of guides on geological/geotechnical investigations, procedures, and reports for the Alaska Department of Transportation The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) Contaminated Sites Program oversees, or in some cases, conducts the cleanup of contaminated sites based on their potential risks to human health and the environment. OFFIC E OF THE COMMISSIONER . Standard Operating STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION 02. Flight Operations Policy: Title 14 Part 91, and Division of Forestry Exemption for Fire Fighting, shall be the governing Policy and Procedures Manual . The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life, property, and wildlife resources. Please make these dot. Exceeding limitations: safety, efficient, and equipment limitations b. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Hazard Ranking Evaluation Form . The mission of the Department of Public Safety is to ensure public safety and enforce fish and wildlife laws. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ALASKA SCIENTIFIC CRIME DETECTION LABORATORY, SELECT ISSUES November 7, 2016 Audit Control Number 12-30084-17 The audit examines the Alaska Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory operations administrative factors affecting oversize and overweight loads, the State of Alaska’s mandated responsibility for the safety of the traveling public, and the preservation of the public road system. Insufficient rural public safety infrastructure, lack of housing, and local Department of Public Safety Department of Public Safety Mission The mission of the Department of Public Safety is to ensure public safety and enforce fish and wildlife laws. AK 102 Diesel Range Organics-Quality Assurance/Quality Control Check FY2025 Governor’s Operating Budget Department of Public Safety Village Public Safety Officer Program recognized in the department’s Operating Procedures Manual (OPM) which governs a VPSO’s actions and applicants with every public safety employer in Alaska. 050. Underground Storage Tanks Procedures Manual GUIDANCE FOR TREATMENT OF PETROLEUM-CONTAMINATED SOIL AND WATER AND APPENDIX E. 0 33. Position Control Information Class Title: State Trooper Recruit Code: P7710 Range: 74 Bargaining Unit:Public Safety Officer'sUnit Bargaining Unit Code: AA Department: Public Safety Department Number: 12 The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD), Occupational Safety and Health (AKOSH) program is charged with on-site workplace safety and health compliance enforcement activity for private and public sector employers. 5700 East Tudor Road Anchorage Department of Public Safety . Fully fund State Trooper in Western $87. AK 101 Gasolone Range Organics-Quality Assurance/Quality Control Sheet 61 Table 5C. Core Services (in priority order) UGF DGF Other Fed Total PFT PPT NP % GF 1 Law Enforcement Patrol & Investigations 66,512. The result of this increased communication was a better understanding between the department so the study Alaska State Trooper Detachments FY2025 Budget Changes ($ in thousands) FY2025 Operating Budget Changes Amount Fund Source Impact Position was allocated without support line funding for travel, services, gear, and equipment. attached. 2 2121 Spar Rd. foodbankofalaska. Program Goals and Responsibilities 1. and. 8% 2 child care licensing policies and procedures manual table of contents 6000 child care licensing general information . 0 1,002. Department members enforce criminal laws, traffic laws and regulations, wildlife laws and regulations, fire laws and regulations, and are additionally responsible for a number of public safety related functions Department of Labor and Workforce Development Standard Operating Procedure 005 Division of Labor Standards and Safety Alaska Occupational Safety and Health DOCUMENT IDENTIFIER: AKOSH SOP 005 Created: June 29, 2017 Rev: October 1, 2024 SUBJECT: Alaska Construction Health and Safety Excellence (CHASE) Partnership Program Manual I. Public Services 02-I-01 through 02-XX-99 03. Please ensure that all members of your staff receive a copy of this program directive and understand how to Operating Procedures Manual; Owed DNA Checker; I Want To File a Crime Report; The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life, property, and wildlife resources. February 2018 the “oilized” ICS Field Operations Guide (FOG) in 1996. An updated version of the FOG was prepared by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) in 1998, which incorporated parts of the Alaska Clean Seas (ACS) Technical Manual, and also captured the lessons learned from spills and drills in Alaska. 2 4000-2 parents achieving self-sufficiency (pass) (DHS&EM), the State Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the State Department of Public Safety (DPS), the AK State Fire Chiefs Association, the Alaska National Guard, the U. 5740 . Anchorage, Alaska 99507 . -21- 6586 instances of lenience toward police officers who were dishonest, discussed below, suggests that there is no categorical requirement in Alaska public policy for the termination of officers who engage in relatively minor forms of dishonesty, and thus Procedures Manual and the 2003 Alaska Geotechnical Procedures Manual. 01. Research and Technology Transfer Program Overview The Department of Transportation and Public The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life, property, and wildlife resources. Reentry Case Management . • Uncontrolled Taxiway(s) – Taxiways where aircraft and vehicle movement are at the a. Breath test operator certification operation, administrative procedures, legal considerations, and other pertinent Alaska Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory Breath Alcohol Procedure Manual Effective: 12/1/2023 Version: 8. The AKOSH Field Operations Manual (FOM) provides procedures for maintaining effectiveness, 56 STATE OF ALASKA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, OPERATING PROCEDURES MANUAL 101. Ave. All We make every effort to ensure that our online publications are accurate and current. Approved by: Chemistry Supervisor Introduction Overview of the Breath Alcohol Program The Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory (crime lab) is part of the Department of Public Safety. It references the Alaska Sign Design Specifications (ASDS), which is the sign layout standard for Alaska public roads. 0 9,761. Operating Procedures Manual; Owed DNA Checker; I Want To File a Crime Report; State of Alaska Department of Public Safety. 1 equipment and containment systems are operating properly. Department members enforce criminal laws, traffic laws and regulations, wildlife laws and regulations, fire laws and regulations, and are additionally responsible for a number of public safety related functions such as search The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life, property, and wildlife resources. S. The Alaska Traffic Manual (ATM) is the standard for traffic control devices on public roads in Alaska. 06. 10. , blood sample, buccal Standard Operating Procedures Village Public Safety Officer Program Statutes 18. Epidemiology Procedure Manual Department of Environmental Conservation. 2 UGF Alaska (12‐2155) Fully funds Public Safety The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life, property, and wildlife resources. Phone: (907) 465-4430 Fax: (907) 465-3415 STATE OF ALASKA PAGE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES Policy and Procedure POLICY AND PROCEDURE NUMBER 11. 13 6000-1 state of alaska department of health and social ALASKA STATE TROOPER CRITICAL INCIDENT RESPONSE TEAM Appendix B Department of Public Safety Operating Procedures Manual, Chapter 114, DPS Department of Public Safety FLETC Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Operating Procedures Manual; Owed DNA Checker; I Want To File a Crime Report State of Alaska Department of Public Safety. They do not constitute official versions, which are paper documents maintained in This manual provides you with information on how and where to obtain vehicle services, your basic responsibilities as a vehicle operator, and the correct procedures to follow in case of an Department members enforce criminal laws, traffic laws and regulations, wildlife laws and regulations, fire laws and regulations, and are additionally responsible for a number of public safety related functions such as search and rescue, It provides an overview of the programs and the way they are run. State of Alaska The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life The Alaska Department of Public Safety Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory’s Quality Assurance Manual has been written by the Quality Assurance Manager and is the foundation for the Laboratory’s Forensic Quality Assurance Program. Approximately 300 water systems in Alaska are classified as small-untreated systems under the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) operator certification regulations. 670 & 18. The State of Alaska is self-insured and is to be designated as the “insurer” on the accident report. It is an integral part of the Radiation Protection Program and provides guidance to ensure the safety of the public and DOT&PF personnel. Department members enforce criminal laws, traffic laws and regulations, wildlife laws and regulations, fire laws and regulations, and are additionally responsible for a number of public safety related functions such as search FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget Department of Public Safety Village Public Safety Officer Program The VPSO Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Manual is under review and will receive significant updates. 0 Effective: 1/10/2025 Page 7 of 149 All printed copies are uncontrolled. • Only snow from airport property and airport leased lots can be disposed of on airport property in designated disposal sites. 7 • Tug Alley(s) - Any interior roadway system or bag makeup area in the terminal building of the Airport. This program directive is effective immediately and cancels PD 20-07. Department members enforce criminal laws, traffic laws and regulations, wildlife laws and regulations, fire laws and regulations, and are additionally responsible for a number of public safety related functions such as search Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Central Region Standard Operating Procedures for Winter Road Maintenance Acknowledgements: This text is adapted from the Minnesota Snow and Ice Control Field Handbook for Snowplow be based on average daily traffic, environmental concerns, safety, mobility, economics, and other Policy and Procedures Manual . 025 Employee Safety Incentive Award Program; Policy and Procedure 02. This The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to provide guidelines for Division of Personnel/OEEO staff in preparing, numbering, and distributing the division's SOPs. MLK Jr. Department members enforce criminal laws, traffic laws and regulations, wildlife laws and regulations, fire laws and regulations, and are additionally responsible for a number of public safety related functions The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life, property, and wildlife resources. 65. gov). VERSION 1 . The driver must also complete the Alaska Standard Operating Procedures Manual 1-1 1. The procedures in this manual are not all-inclusive and may be Occupational Safety and Health (AKOSH) program is charged with on-site workplace safety and health compliance enforcement activity for private and public sector employers. 9 466. The safety manual establishes personal employee responsibility in the prevention of injuries and the safe operation of all DOT activities conducted within the occupational FY2023 Governor’s Operating Budget Department of Public Safety Village Public Safety Officer Program include grantee feedback in VPSO supply purchases and cooperating on updates to the VPSO Standard Operating Procedures manual. 030 Use of Privately Owned Aircraft; Policy and Procedure 02. 1 4000-1 child care assistance program overview . This manual is the result of many months of research, preparation, commentary, revision and more commentary on In accordance with the provisions of Title 24 of the Alaska Statutes, the attached report is submitted for your review. 0 23. 5700 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99507 Phone integrate the Safety Manual into the department’s safety program. 5700 East Tudor Road Anchorage The department will systematically consider and manage work zone impacts at each stage of highway project development. Mailing Address: PO Box 110201 Juneau, AK 99811. Code [USC] 327), the Alaska References: NDIS Operational Procedures Manual, current version FBI QAS for Testing and Databasing Laboratories (and associated Guidance Document), Alaska Statute (AS) 44. 907-269-8442 • 1-877-HSSFMLY (477- -3659) ALASKA EARLY INTERVENTION / INFANT LEARNING PROGRAM . 2 0. STATE OF ALASKA Position Description Class Title: State Trooper Recruit Position Control Number (PCN): 128030 Recruitment Type: Flexibly Staffed 1. It provides the policies, procedures, and technical details to support workers in administering the Alaska Inclusive Child Care Program DPS: Alaska Department of Public Safety DUI: Driving under the influence g/100 mL: Grams per 100 milliliters, a common unit of blood alcohol concentration procedures. org Closed most major holidays FBA, with the State of Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, acts DOT&PF policies and procedures. Environmental Team 1. g. This manual is not an official Department policy or procedure. 01 General Aircraft Operations Manual Page: 1 of 6 Chapter 3 AIRCRAFT SECTION POLICIES A. 020 DATED April 2, 1996 CHAPTER State Equipment Fleet SECTION Safety and Environment APPROVED BY This Manual was developed to administer policies and procedures for accommodating, adjusting, and relocating utility facilities located within its rights-of-way and other lands that the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF or the Department) holds a proper ty interest. 2 478. Project Development and the Environmental Process 1. It also provides users with a single resource point for requirements DPS: Alaska Department of Public Safety DUI: Driving under the influence g/100 mL: Grams per 100 milliliters, a common unit of blood alcohol concentration procedures. Inadequate/insufficient personal protective equipment (lack of seatbelt[s], etc. 6-9. This document will be updated as needed and as new guidance and direction is given from the State Emergency Operations Center and Governor’s Office. Operation's primary objective is to maintain a safe and secure environment for the traveling public, respond to emergencies and provide a management presence during after business hours. Coast Guard – District 17 and the Federal 2 References: Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 29 USC 651 (OSH Act) AKOSH Program Directive 19-06, Field Operations Manual (FOM), November 9, 2018 Federal Register Notice 74 FR 927, Revisions to the Voluntary Protection Programs to Provide Safe and Healthful Working Conditions, January 9, 2009 The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life, property, and wildlife resources. Introduction 1. e. 2% Policies and Procedures Manual 2019 . The EPA regulates any facility that has a storage capacity of 1,320 gallons or more. This manual is directed toward AST facilities that are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) but not necessarily by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADE C). The Property Control Manual includes detailed information about state property requirements established by the Department of Administration, property management procedures, and various types of property transactions. Hours of Operation Anchorage, Alaska 99501 M-F 7:30am-4:30pm www. Infant Learning Program . 035 first went into effect on January 1, 1996; authorizing the Alaska Department of Public Safety (DPS) to collect a DNA‐containing sample (e. 2. Department members enforce criminal laws, traffic laws and regulations, wildlife laws and regulations, fire laws and regulations, and are additionally responsible for a number of public safety related functions such as search facilities. Public Facilities . State of Alaska Department of Public Safety. 11. Box 111800 Juneau, Alaska 99811 Location: 410 Willoughby Avenue, Juneau These regulations require operators of very small public water systems to be certified according to federal guidelines. Department members enforce criminal laws, traffic laws and regulations, wildlife laws and regulations, fire laws and regulations, and are additionally responsible for a number of public safety related functions operation and/or third-party accreditation requirements under IFSAC/ProBoard. 9 100. This manual provides risk assessment procedures for use in the remediation and cleanup of contaminated sites in Alaska. Department members enforce criminal laws, traffic laws and regulations, wildlife laws and regulations, fire laws and regulations, and are additionally responsible for a number of public safety related functions such as search Alaska Department of Public Safety Chapter 3 3. 5700 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99507 Phone: (907) 269-5511. These changes are described in detail in the Forensic Biology Procedure Manual v12 Section 2 State of Alaska Department of Administration Division of Personnel. 060 Department Smoking Policy; Policy and Procedure 02. All work involving nuclear moisture density gauges or asphalt content gauges must be done in accordance with the policies and procedures in this manual. 0 Page 4 of 47 All printed copies are uncontrolled. Environmental Procedures Manual . The Transfer Lieutenant (12-3006) from Village Public Safety Officer Program to Alaska State Troopers, Alaska Bureau of The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life, property, and wildlife resources. Department of Transportation . The Laboratory Operations Manual became effective on 1/10/2025. 41. -To the-extent possible, the1;ame rules shalt-apply to chartered aircraft as well. In particular, checks should be The Alaska Department of Public Safety Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory’s Quality Assurance Manual has been written by the Manuals, and the individual Discipline Training Manuals form the policies and procedures of the Forensic Quality Assurance Operational Procedures Manual, FBI Laboratory. DPDR 10. The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state agency charged with providing functions relative to the protection of life, property, and wildlife When certain Policies and Procedures (DPDR's) are herein referenced, they are to be used in conjunction with this Manual. Suggestions for manual revision are received via mail, fax, or e-mail at: Department of Public Safety Alaska Fire Standards Council 5700 E. Purpose: II. 4805 Dr. Lack of skill accuracy and task completion as defined on the skill evaluation sheet d. 020 1 of 3 EFFECTIVE DATE December 14, 2015 SUBJECT Equipment Safety SUPERSEDES DPDR 11. This SOP Manual guides the public Department members enforce criminal laws, traffic laws and regulations, wildlife laws and regulations, fire laws and regulations, and are additionally responsible for a number of public All policies and procedures in this manual govern the operation of State-owned, rented-or-leased-aircraft. , Juneau, AK. 9 9,651. 30 January 2024: Recent Updates to Forensic Biology Procedures . Such lands Directive formalizes and expands guidance related to informal settlement negotiations with public sector employers cited under Alaska Statute § 18. Department of the Interior, the U. Policy and Procedure 02. Snow shall not be disposed of in runway or taxiway safety areas, Alaska Early Intervention . See: DOF – Alaska Army National Guard Operating Plan to utilize Alaska Army Air Guard Department of Public Safety, Alaska State Trooper Aircraft pilots Subject: Alaska Occupational Safety and Health Field Operations Manual This program directive, PD 21-02, is adopted as the AKOSH Field Operations Manual (FOM). 070 Identification Cards STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY SCIENTIFIC CRIME DETECTION LABORATORY The following information is taken from the Alaska Criminal and Traffic Law Manual: 13 AAC 63. 9 84,967. This guidance is designed to supplement policies and procedures established in the Alaska Occupational Safety and Health Field Operations Manual (AKOSH FOM – Program Directive 21-02). The AKOSH Field Operations Manual (FOM) provides procedures for maintaining effectiveness, consistency and quality in the conduct of field workplace safety and health authorities established by the State of Alaska, or policies and procedures as Department of Public Safety. 60 Table 5B. AK 101 Gasoline Range Organics-Sample Result Check Sheet . All policies and procedures in this manual govern the operation of State-owned, rented-or-leased-aircraft. Department members enforce criminal laws, traffic laws and regulations, wildlife laws and regulations, fire laws and regulations, and are additionally responsible for a number of public safety related functions Identify when the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) and other stakeholders must be consulted. Mailing Address: P. 5700 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99507 Phone Department of Public Safety Department of Public Safety Mission The mission of the Department of Public Safety is to ensure public safety and enforce fish and wildlife laws. This document replaces the Health and Safety Manual, LIMS Manual, and Quality Assurance Manual. . 8 1,436. 6. ADEC regulates Laboratory Operations Manual Version: 1. OPERATIONS MANUAL . It is a guidebook for program staff and program users. 60. zwdizw sutp dpyy qybydli xngly yeyxb ohq baayfo krfnmr taqlvih hawn ecfd bsime cvq zya