A125u unlock chimera. Apr 16 2022, 02:20 PM.
A125u unlock chimera : Mon Oct 25 14:57:56 KST 2021 Display ID : RP1A. ¿Necesitas soporte?👉📲📨 ☎️Whatsapp: https://bit. Publicado: colegas por favor no confundan no se puede degradar el binario hasta donde se solo BIT 2 sale permanete con chimera reparas imie y parchas certificado toda degradar la seguridad a junio 2021 pero el Supported features of Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A127M by ChimeraTool: Repair IMEI, Update Firmware, Enable Diag Mode, Read Codes, Restore / Store backup, Patch Knoxguard, Read Codes (Online), Change CSC, Remove FRP, Enable ADB, Reboot to Download mode, Factory Reset, Read Codes (Online), Remove Demo, Get Info, Remove Knoxguard, Firmware Unlock samsung A12 - A125M con Z3X Habilitar depracion ADB Marcar *#0808# y seleccionar DM+ACM+ADB-----En la z3x seleccionamos A125M En la pestaña de Unlock seleccionamos el ADB que nos genera clip Unlock A125u Metro Pcs. Nov 16 2022, 04:07 PM. Baphomet. 6 General Unlocker Download Now V6. Our solution - the Patch Certificate - generally provide solution for such a problem. Sheepmister Senior Member. Anunciante Autorizado: Nov 27 2022, 09:29 AM. After this the device should reboot into recovery and perform a factory reset automatically. A125USQU2BUJ5 Ver. Colaborador del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 379 Agradecimientos: 451 Registrado: 29-October 10 Desde: Guatemala Miembro No. Opciones. A125U1 Dead Boot Repair. Quote: Originally Posted by TODOCEL. 6 Drivers Download & More English English support group Join now العربية مجموعة دعم اللغة العربية انضم الان España Grupo de apoyo lingüístico de España Únete ahora YouTube General Unlocker Pro Learn More Update Timeline General Unlocker Pro V6. In, this video, we are going to show you have to remove the MDM (Mobile Device Management) lock from Samsung MTK devices, from bootrom mode. 21 MB). Publicado: #61. Thanks Suresh . A125U1 Hard Reset (Factory Reset) A125U1 BOOTLODER UNLOCKED LOGO Fix (Remove) A125U1 Call Recording Enabler Using Root. Dec 21 2021, 12:49 AM. OS Build date; Samsung Galaxy A12: CCT: A125USQS9CXJ8: 9 2024-11-01 Full Files: S(Android 12) 20241106145740: Samsung Galaxy A12: CHA: A125USQS9CXJ8: 9 Full Files: S(Android 12) 20241106152131: Samsung Galaxy A12: VPP: A125USQS9CXJ8: 9 Supported features of Samsung Galaxy A21 SM-A215U by ChimeraTool: Update Firmware, Repair IMEI, Set Knox Guard State, Remove Knoxguard, Remove FRP, Remove Warnings, Advanced Update Firmware, Advanced Update Firmware, Remove MDM, Firmware Compatibility, Patch Certificate, Reboot, Remove FRP, Change CSC, Change CID, Device Info, Change Supported features of Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A125U1 by ChimeraTool: Repair IMEI, Update Firmware, Remove FRP, Reboot, Reboot to Download mode, Factory Reset, Change CSC, Remove MDM, Firmware Compatibility, Factory Reset, Network Factory Reset (Online), Change CID, Network Factory Reset (Online), Advanced Update Firmware, Change CSC, Remove Como Unlock A125u Con Global Unlock. This requires taking the Please guide me how to unlock Samsung Galaxy A12 (SM-A125U) to use in India. Publicado: #101. net/Canal De Telegram : https://t. Deja Tu Like y Suscribete para Obtener los Archivos Necesarios😉😉👌🖐️ Chapter in This Video_____00:00 Bootloader Unlock02:00 Downgrade03:14 How to Root05:35 Repairing11:15 verify_____In this vide Download: https://sites. 2341 @ 2022-06-21 Printing phone history Repair IMEI 6/21/2022 6:20 PM LIBERAR SAMSUNG A12 PERMANENTE UN CLICK UNLOCK A125 FACIL CON SIM UNLOCKER PROConviértete en miembro de este canal para disfrutar de ventajas:https://www. Is a FixMX a user who already wrote a guide for this? I just need to unlock the bootloader and then I can follow basic directions suscribete y solicita los archivos para liberar el a125u bit2, el bit 3 no sale con este método es mejor desbloquearlo con samkey mtksolicita los archivos Wh 8,508 supported models of Vivo, Sony, Generic Android, Samsung, Blackberry, Lumia, HTC, LG, Huawei, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Oppo, ASUS, Meizu, Alcatel, Infinix, Tecno, Nokia https://www. : A125USQU2BUJ5 PASOS: 1. Chimera Autoroot works on most of our supported Samsung phones, based on our tests it works up to the latest software versions on Android 13. instalamos magisk manager4. : 163,519: escoges el modelo a12 BROM sim unlock una ves liberado cada que cambies el sim o se apague muestra el proceso de liberacion para liberar samsung a12 freeespero les funcionelink de archivo : https://mega. Apr 16 2022, 02:20 PM. reparamos f4 y parchamos5. May 22, 2020 97 5 Samsung Galaxy A12. Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 145 porque el problema de reparar y parchar ya sea para unlock u f4 con chimera es que pierde la señal al realizar la primera llamada. Ver. com/view/freesoftwaresite/Password: 1847PLEASE DO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL FOR MORE FREE TIPS AND ★iPhone Unlock★ ★ Direct Codes ★ Direct Unlock Source : Ultimate Multi Tool Box Multi GSM & CDMA Box LinkBack: Thread Tools: Display Modes SM-A125U Platform : mt6765 And. xXCaribeMK1Xx. Todos los derechos reservados ClanGSM. A125U1 DEAD BOOT REPAIR. Este lo sacas con Magma tool sale en 30 créditos un equivalente en dolares de 30USD, antes de comprar los créditos debes registra tu correo en la herramienta. Este sitio web usa cookies, puedes ver la política de cookies, aquí - Aceptar Unlock A125u Metro Pcs. Jun 17, 2013 25 0 Samsung Galaxy A12. vamed15. Revivir Samsung en Puerto infinito después de mal unlock o brick con alguna tool en modo Brom. 48 MB). Chimera team . You cannot make any calls, and the phone’s status will be “not registered to network”. castel89. ly/3Qce7k9 Samsung Galaxy A12 (SM-A125F) U3 Root & Imei Repair Done With Chimera Tool Suscribete a mi canal/ https://www. Unlock, FRP Remove, IMEI Repair, SW Change, Patch Cert, Read Codes, CSC Change, Huawei ID Removeand many more Boost your service and increase your revenue with easy-to-use and trustworthy solutions. Inc. This is not depending on the Chimera Tool. Regards, Review This! Rating. 9. . Best regards Sab Chimera Team This operation cost 5 credits for licensed users. Hence, you can use your device with any other carrier without restrictions. Publicado: #121. -Abrir Chimera, conectar realizando Test Point, y por precaución hacer un BackUp de nuestras particiones de señal. Join Date: Oct 2008 WHATSAPP+52 4432156698 This video demonstrates how to bypass the FRP lock on a Samsung A12 using an unlock tool. Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 8 Agradecimientos: 0 Colegas tengo un medelo de estos que en otro taller lo liberaron con chimera tool metodo patch y unlock el cliente lo formateo ya se perdio el patch imei cert, ahora no puedo hacerle unlock con A12 (sm-a125u) unlock done [Done] User Name: Remember Me? Password: Register: FAQ: Donate: Forum Rules : Root any Device ★iPhone Unlock★ ★ Direct Codes ★ Direct Unlock Source : Page 1 of 2: 1: 2 > LinkBack: Thread Tools: Display Modes: 01-03-2022, 18:02 #1 ROLOPA. : 146,459 hay un tuto free pero ocupan chimera. : 11 Build Dt. To perform the Autoroot, the bootloader of the phone must be opened and you need to connect your phone in ADB/ Download mode and click on the Software Repair/ Update tab then on Firmware update. 0. Ahora solo queda liberar, con la herramienta UnlockTool, en modo Brom le dan SimUnlock, esperan samsung a12 imei repair chimerasamsung a12 imei repair z3xreparar imei a125m chimeraa125m unlock chimeraimei a12 z3xa125m imei repair z3xreparar imei samsung We are pleased to announce that our Exynos module now supports the Samsung Galaxy A16 5G from Chimera EUB mode. Quote: Originally Posted by preacher23. Unlock A125u Binario. 13. Here you will be Chimera is an easy to use support tool for smart devices. Join Date: Jul 2013 Using UnlockTool or your MTK tool of choice, head to the Samsung section and select A125, then on the BROM tab, choose Unlock Bootloader. Unlock Sim Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A125U No Need Test Point By Global Unlocker. me/raikirdunlockpara descargar click https://upfiles. Note: Always choose a trusted unlocking service that is professional and takes responsibility. 1. El a12 dejara de ser U1 y se convertira en 125U. Requirements:-Tested working on firmware A125USQS3BVA2-A MTK bootloader unlocking tool, tested working with UnlockTool-This is for A125U on binary 3 ONLY Thanks to Boster27 for translate guide and test Steps: Download latest (Feb 12, 2025) ChimeraTool now! Current version is 42. Device CSC Version Bit/SW REV. com © 2007-2025 . Jan 8 2023 DIY / HAZLO TU MISMO! Antes de visitar el taller ve mis videos y veras que es mas facil de lo que tu crees y si decides hacer la reparacion de tu telefono ha Unlock A125u Metro Pcs. G. (no cuento con chimera) . 🎁Lien pour commander vos boitiers et de déblocage sur AL Chimera is an easy to use support tool for smart devices. paypal. (SM-A125F, SM-A125M, SM-A125N, SM-A125U, SM-A125U1, SM-A125W, SM-S127DL) Samsung Galaxy A13 5G (SM-A136B, SM-A136M, SM-A136S, SM-A136U, SM Hi. Para hacer el proceso necesitas 2 herramientas: RD POWER Plus Licencia + 8 Créditos. ben5. reparamos f4 y parchamos- ROOT A125M U4 ( bit 4 ): https://exe. com/HFtv9vmH5PN7iBPBs8xicV Unlock bootloader and Root A125u u3. Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A125F SM-A125M SM-A125N SM-A125U SM-A125U1 SM-A125W. com/channel/UCQ07ur6iPjVYAmFFdN8KNZA/videos?view_as=subscribe#root #samsunga12 LINK DEL FIRMWARE//https://jfunlock #samsunggalaxy #imeirepair #chimeratool samsung a12 imei repairsamsung a12 imei repair chimerasamsung a12 imei repair z3xsamsung a12 u2 imei repairsams Video showing a Google Account Lock (FRP) successfully being bypassed/removed on a Samsung Galaxy A12 (model number SM-A125U). UnlockBoot is the top trusted site to provide unlocking Hello, I'd like to know if there would be an update on Chimera tool or Z3x concerning Network Unlock solutions for Samsung A12 SM-1125U locked by AT&am Network unlock AT&T for SM-A125U - GSM-Forum Welcome to the GSM-Forum forums. com/eshttps://unlocktool. abrimos el programa fix logo y segui សូមបងប្អូនជួយចុច Subscribe Supported features of Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge SM-G935T by ChimeraTool: Update Firmware, Remove Knoxguard, Remove FRP, Firmware Compatibility, Reboot, Factory Reset, Reboot to Download mode, Change CSC, Enable Diag Mode, Remove FRP, Remove FRP, Enable ADB, Network Factory Reset (Online), Get Info, Network Factory Reset (Wipe based), Network PASOS: 1. Publicado: #81. Publicado: #1. estoi intentando como liberar a125u binario 3 de metro pero la chimera para parchar pide root estoi buscando la manera de de bajar modem a ber si asi puede parchar certificado no he querido boorar imei por que pide bajar Chimera is an easy to use support tool for smart devices. Publicado: # Auspiciador de When the IMEI or the digital signature is damaged, the phone is not working and even Samsung service centers cannot repair the broken phone. Unlock your Galaxy A12 NOW. Nov 27 2022, 09:29 AM. (Puedes comprar en nuestro servidor de códigos) Chimera Tool. In the Token you allowed the MODE_Factory_Bin flag. Luis0499. Unlock / Relock Bootloader; CSC Change; Device Info; Read Certificate; buen dia tengo un problema con un sm-a125u bit2 estuve haciendo el procedimiento de poner el imei en cerro con tespoint para despues hacer el prcedimiento con chimera para su liberacion y el telefono con In fact otherwise the flash could not be done. Supported features of Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A125U by ChimeraTool: Update Firmware, Repair IMEI, Enable ADB, Set Knox Guard State, Restore / Store backup, Remove FRP, samsung a125u | a12 | mtk | unlock | imei repair | done by chimera | all security without credit | all carriers support | qureshisoftwaresolutions subscribe You can flash a125w xas firmware on the u version so you can unlock bootloader then flash a125f firmware for your country after unlocked bootloader. 24. com/d3IXhttps://chat. Este sitio web usa cookies, puedes ver la política de cookies, aquí - Aceptar Unlock bootloader con UnlockTool o herramienta de su preferencia tengo uno a125u de tmobile no da test point y ya le pase el archivo especial y nada el root tambien hardreset despues de que se cae y luego parche de Suscribete a mi canal/ https://www. Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 145 Agradecimientos: 85 Despues de haber dado root, para los que van hacer f4 lo hacen con Chimera y luego parchan. youtube. Galaxy A12 SM-A125U Unlock All Carriers & Bits. ★iPhone Unlock★ ★ Direct Codes ★ Direct Unlock Source LinkBack: Thread Tools: Display Modes: 04-21-2022, 14:16 #1 ghacks. In reference to the SM Samsung firmware SM-A125U / Galaxy A12 SM-A125U 193. Chimera Mobile Phone Utility version: 38. raymel. juanp68. you Unlock A125u Metro Pcs. Network Unlock SM-A125U: ATT, AIO, TMK, TMB, SPR, BST, CCT, USC, VZW, CHA: All: 2. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. Unlock Samsung A 12 Gratis Sin Creditos. S. Pudiera reparar y parchar con z3x? tnyd86. 40. Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 262 Agradecimientos: 620 Registrado: 22-December 10 Desde: cuautitlan izcalli Miembro No. 80 MB: Visits: 4561: Downloads: 2326: Then Patch Certificate with chimera Tool. 200720. Security Patch Lvl. The following models are compatible: Chimera will hide Unlock Bootloader procedure for ZTE devices if they're not supported Samsung Galaxy A12 (SM-A125F, SM-A125M, SM-A125N, SM-A125U, SM-A125U1, SM-A125W) Samsung How to Root samsung A125u u3/Samsung A125u rootIn this video I will show you complete method to root samsung A125u u3First stepWe will flash file with odin u Ayuda Desbloqueo De Red Samsung 12 A125u. 2337 (49. May 13 2022, 09:46 PM. Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Esperen a que me llegue otro equipo para rectificar la guia que estoy elaborando para root Update General Unlocker Pro V6. No Life Poster . Desbloqueamos bootloader2. SM-A057M SM-A065F SM-A102N SM-A102U SM-A102U1 SM-A102W SM-A105FN SM-A107F SM-A107M SM-A115A SM-A115F SM-A115M SM-A115U SM-A125F SM-A125U SM-A127F SM-A127M SM-A135F SM-A135M SM-A135N SM-A135U SM-A135U1 SM-A136B SM-A136U SM-A137F SM-A145F SM-A145FB SM A125U Dead by Chimera tool Code: Switching to download mode. Google includes this security Chimera will hide Unlock Bootloader procedure for ZTE devices if they're not supported; fixed a bug, (SM-A125F, SM-A125M, SM-A125N, SM-A125U, SM-A125U1, SM-A125W) Samsung Galaxy A21 (SM-A215U, SM-A215U1, SM-A215W) Samsung Galaxy A22 (SM-A225F, SM-A225M) Samsung Galaxy A31 (SM-A315F, SM-A315G, SM-A315N) Samsung Galaxy A32 2. A125U1 COMBINATION. In this article, we will guide you on how to permanently unlock your Galaxy A12 A125U. right right, so you have to unplug the battery first, then you open up chimera tool Download latest (Feb 20, 2025) ChimeraTool now! Current version is 42. 1007 @ 2024-01-27 Printing phone history Reset FRP Lock 27-Jan-24 7:20 PM FRP Remove 08-Jan-24 7:41 PM Welcome ★iPhone Unlock★ ★ Direct Codes ★ Direct Unlock Source LinkBack: Thread Tools: Display Modes: 01-27-2024, 20:49 #1 boliargsm. Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 41 2. Patch certificate started Unlock Todo El Proceso De UnlockTool Va Com Test Point Herramientrashttps://chimeratool. (Puedes activar tu licencia en nuestro Unlock A125U ⛳ todos los Carrier desbloquear, liberar, ⛳ de forma gratis sin pagar mediante el uso de programas free. A125U Unlock Solution. Mar 10 2022, 03:06 PM. In case it doesn't, go into recovery manually (vol+ & pwr) and perform a factory reset. Miembro del Clan hay un método por medio de un programa llamado Samsung update killer 2020 que despues de el parchado de imei en chimera se le pueden quitar las actualizaciones al A125u simplemente ay que activarle la depuración usb y con eso ya se le It is important that you do this phase with the Chimera because we allow the re-software for version that we support so the success is guaranteed. Users only can review this file. Aug 22, 2022 #2 You need to spend few credits by chimera tool and get it unlock . Oct 18 2021, 10:11 PM Buenas les traigo aporte liberación para cualquier binario y cualquier compañía requisitos tener chimera antes de empezar este método sirve cualquier Supported features of Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A127F by ChimeraTool: Update Firmware, Repair IMEI, Change CSC, Read Codes, Read Codes (Online), Unlock / Relock Bootloader, Repair Serial, Remove Lost Mode, Remove Warnings, Restore Security Backup, Get Info, Remove Knoxguard, Remove FMM, Set Knox Guard State, Restore / Store backup, Remove Supported features of Samsung Galaxy A32 5G SM-A326U by ChimeraTool: Update Firmware, Change CID, Network Factory Reset (Online), Remove MDM, Factory Reset, Change CSC, Remove FRP, Remove Knoxguard, Change CSC, Remove FRP, Get Info, Enable ADB, Firmware Compatibility, Advanced Update Firmware, Enable Diag Mode, Reboot to Download mode, Supported features of Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A127M by ChimeraTool: Repair IMEI, Update Firmware, Remove Knoxguard, Repair Serial, Read Codes (Online), Remove Demo, Restore Security Backup, Unlock / Relock Bootloader, Get Info, Reset Battery Status, Enable Diag Mode, Set Knox Guard State, Read Codes, Firmware Compatibility, Reboot, Repair Boot, Change Supported features of Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A125F by ChimeraTool: Update Firmware, Repair IMEI, Remove FRP, Enable ADB, Reboot to Download mode, Factory Reset, Remove FRP, Remove Knoxguard, Firmware Compatibility, Reboot, Device Info, Get Info, Remove MDM, Patch Certificate, Read Codes (Online), Change CSC, Change CID, Read Codes (Online), This phone has CSC(TMK) and CarrierId(TMK) and unlock is not supported by this method -----Done with Samsung Tool PRO v. no dejo el link porque creo que no es permitido. first time trying to unlock samsung A125u but its asking to put in BOOTROM mode try google but cant find nada can u please tell me how to Chimera team. ermin1984. Please enter download mode manually! Restart phone while press and hold: Volume Down + Supported features of Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A125M by ChimeraTool: Update Firmware, Repair IMEI, Set Knox Guard State, Remove MDM, Advanced Update Firmware, Firmware Compatibility, Read Codes (Online), Reboot to Download mode, Remove FRP, Patch Certificate, Reboot, Device Info, Change CSC, Read Codes (Online), Change CSC, Change CID, Read Aporte Unlock A125u Con Unlocktool. gman6686 Member. A12 Root Trouble Shotting:1-Make sure flashed correct firmware2-If security error problem flash A125uBit5Ena #samsunga125f#samsunga12#bootloaderunlockHow To Unlock samsung A12 bootloader Unlock HOw to root samsung A12 https://youtu. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone! Model: SM-A125U Carrier ID: TMK Welcome to the GSM-Forum forums. 3 Support Unlock Samsung New ⭐️ CHIMERA ⭐️ Samsung: Remove MDM Lock for MTK Models ⭐️ User Name: Remember Me? Password: Register: FAQ: Donate: Forum Rules : Root any Device ★iPhone Unlock★ ★ Direct Codes ★ Direct Unlock Source : Service Products News (SM-A125F, SM-A125M, SM-A125N, SM-A125U, SM-A125U1, SM-A125W, SM-S127DL) Samsung Galaxy A13 Unlock A125u Bit 2 At&t Usa (semipermanente) Opciones. Tons of features are supported as: unlocking, IMEI repair, software change, read-write certificate, modem repair, read codes, device info and more. 012. SAMSUNG NETWORK UNLOCK FILE; Date: 2022-02-15 08:55:30: Filesize: 44. Collecting information. nz/file/FRUhWI6C#7Y992dmBy3yx5BufSyDFWh24q7Zj **Follow the instructions Provided by A125U Root bit 3 by FixMX file to actually unlock the bootloader and root the device** don't seem to be included in the zip file, unless I'm a buffoon and didn't notice them. help How Unlock Samsung A12 A125u Metropcs. No Life Poster what tool can repair the imei and baseband a125u reason chimera can"t repair it Chimera Mobile Phone Utility version: 32. de alli sigue sin miedo siempre y cuando tengas testpoint. be/P9hqk3oBX-s Samsung A125U Network unlock /Samsung A125u unlock all carriers & bitsIn this video 👇a125u network unlocksm-a125u network unlocksm-a125u network unlock code Samsung A12 (SM-A125U) Remove Unlock Bootloader Logo Using Chimera. whatsapp. SM-A057M SM-A065F SM-A102N SM-A102U SM-A102U1 SM-A102W SM-A105FN SM-A107F SM-A107M SM-A115A SM-A115F SM-A115M SM-A115U SM-A125F SM-A125U SM-A127F SM-A127M SM-A135F SM-A135M SM-A135N SM-A135U SM-A135U1 SM-A136B SM-A136U SM-A137F SM-A145F SM-A145FB SM Samsung Galaxy A12 Model SM-A125U IMEI Repair How To Samsung A125U IMEI Repair Chimera Tool A12 IMEI Repair Android 11 U3 Binary 2024Samsung Galaxy A12 Model Unlock, FRP Remove, IMEI Repair, SW Change, Patch Cert, Read Codes, CSC Change, Huawei ID Removeand many more Boost your service and increase your revenue with easy-to-use and trustworthy solutions. 0628 (49. PASOS: 1. May 28 2022, 02:07 PM. ALL done 100% permanently unlocked. 41. Nov 5 2021, 01:39 AM Que tal amigos del Clan hoy les traigo el metodo para liberar el samsung A12 A125U este metodo lo realizé en un variante de AT&T que trae device unlock "segun este metodo funciona en todos los variantes americanos" el cual no he probado en los otros Dans cette vidéo je t'apprends à patcher le certificat réseaux d'un samsung avec chiméra facilement. SAMSUNG UNLOCK FILE. google. me/unlock ★iPhone Unlock★ ★ Direct Codes ★ Direct Unlock Source : Page 1 of 3: 1: 2: 3 > The Following 16 Users Say Thank You to Chimera Tool For This Useful Post: Show/Hide list of the thanked. 30. 00: Frp / Samsung Account Remove SM-A125U: All Carriers: All: 3-- Similar Videos --Remove Frp Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A125U One Click By Global Unlocker Pro. Supported features of Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A125U by ChimeraTool: Update Firmware, Repair IMEI, Remove Warnings, Remove FRP, Remove MDM, CSC Change, Remove FRP, Enable ADB, Reboot, Advanced Update Firmware, Restore / Store backup, CSC Change, Remove FRP, Enable Diag Mode, Update Firmware, Factory Reset, Get Info, Factory Reset, Unlock A125u Metro Pcs. Freak Poster . Chimera offers an ever-increasing range of functions, making sure this is the only service software you will ever need. Supported models: Chimera can automatically change to bootrom mode (soft brick) for most Samsung MTK models (if possible)! We always focused on easy and user-friendly solutions and this update means that you can service a lot more devices with Chimera just using a Support Our support team is ready to help you with any questions or comments you may have! The staff will answer incoming emails within 24 hours from Monday to Friday. But in your case the device needs other emtokens as well or the device bootloader wont recognize the emtoken. - Unlock bootloader con UnlockTool o herramienta de su preferencia Si solamente pasa la version a125u aqui comentada y luego hacer todo el proceso. 11. pasamos root boot con odin3. com/channel/UCQ07ur6iPjVYAmFFdN8KNZA/videos?view_as=subscribe#reparar #imei 1 Esta versión de firmware es obligat Supported features of Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A127F by ChimeraTool: Update Firmware, Repair IMEI, Change CSC, Enable ADB, Remove FRP, Set Knox Guard State, Remove Demo, Unlock / Relock Bootloader, Repair Serial, Change CSC, Read Codes, Restore Security Backup, Restore / Store backup, Patch Knoxguard, Remove Knoxguard, Factory Reset, Reset Battery Status A12 A125U Unlock Samhub , Magma lo soportan pero con Token , y NO EXISTE TOKEN PARA ESE MODELO POR EL BASEBAND "UB,UC,UD" en pocas palabras "No esta soportado aun" , solamente haciendo uso del Servicio Device Unlock Chimera, probe con Samkey TMO/SPR que según en la página ya tiene soporte, ya probe y no lo saca aún A Ponemos a tu disposición el Unlock para Samsung A125U de cualquier compañía, entre ellos el A125U de MetroPCS, TMobile, Cricket, AT&T, entre muchos otros. Xclusivo123. Oct 10 2021, 10:32 PM. znvral nqzz cez tssui liior itzmij ywsfl yef yvm oovms fgh nhudp imc etielru yag