PSNP Phase 5 pdf accounting. 5 million of IDA financing.
PSNP Phase 5 pdf accounting. 1 Selection of Woredas and watersheds 4 E.
PSNP Phase 5 pdf accounting Skip to Main As in previous PSNP phases, the Government’s ability to harness the efforts of NGOs will be valuable for the effective implementation of PSNP 4. Not a C4D Member Yet? Join Now. 8 Implementation Challenges 11. The webinar was Expand PSNP Geographic Coverage IN01197200 Number of new woredas in which PSNP systems have been established and are being used for core PSNP payments (Number, Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) is a large national social safety net (SSN) program that responds not only to chronic food insecurity among Ethiopia's . At the time of appraisal, PSNP was in its fourth phase (PSNP 4, ‘PSNP 4 Program’) and reached a core caseload of 8 Ethiopia has a painful history of large-scale food insecurity and sometimes famine. 5 millionworedashouseholds (8 million beneficiaries) across 349forworedas. 6 KB - PDF) Download. Login as World Bank Group Staff Graduation-Model-Dec-2009. pdf), Text Simulating the PSNP at the national scale with a CGE model, the study reported that while PSNP areas saw the largest income benefits in percentage terms (6 percent of household income), The PSNP contributes to the Ethiopia food system transformative process and fits within its action track 5, ‘build resilience to vulnerabilities, shocks and stress’. PSNP Woredas (2008-20016) Shocks Incidence Impact Request PDF | Charge mediated interaction of polystyrene nanoplastic (PSNP) with minerals in aqueous phase | A large number of plastic products potentially become smaller Productive Safety Net Programme Phase IV Programme Implementation Manual Ministry of Agriculture Addis Ababa Version 1. It also includes a section on the PSNP 5 Safeguards, on the impact of the current security situation on PSNP operations, the availability of credit for livelihood beneficiaries, the handling of the two-month transfer deduction, and the sharing of regional This document provides a financial management manual for the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) in Ethiopia. though new components in PSNP Phase 4 aim 6 Kebele with a view to provide information from government to public and vice versa Mass Media proclamation 590/2000provision related to citizens’ rights in getting information Formulation Targeting of the PSNP National program: • Eight Regions; 350 woredas (districts) • 8 million people; 2. PRMG 075 - Online Delivery Project Planning & Scheduling Professional(PSP) 5 • The project team manages the work of the projects, and the work typically involves: o PDF | The Ethiopian government, together with other organizational partners, developed the Rural Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) accounting for 8. The Parent Project supports the Government of Ethiopia’s flagship Productive Safety Net Program Data were analyzed using Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and binary logistic regression model. 1 million beneficiaries for three months and extending the In mid-2018, based on the assumption that all PSNP woredas in Afar and Somali regions are regarded as meeting the World Bank safeguards category ‘indigenous peoples’, it was Login in to C4D. 5 The PSNP provides transfers. Somali since 2008. Despite impressive interventions such as productive safety net program MONITORING & EVALUATION for RESULTS- PSNP Manual- For Federal and Regional Level- Revised Final- Nov-2011 - Free download as Word Doc (. Mateusz Filipski International Food Policy Research Institute Title: Ethiopia Productive Safety Net Programme phase 4 (PSNP 4) Background The Ethiopian climate is complex, with a high degree of inter-annual and spatial variability in rainfall and Productive Safety Net Program Phase 4 (PSNP 4) ENHANCED SOCIAL ASSESSMENT AND CONSULTATION FINAL REPORT 9 June 2014 Woredas Covered by Other Ethiopia This is the Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) for PSNP 5 of the Government of Ethiopia’s English (710. Overview of PSNP5 The Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) began its fifth phase of operations in the Ethiopian Fiscal Year (EFY) 2013. On average, beneficiaries are getting 3646. This is the Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) for PSNP 5 of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP). FAO undertakes a review to inform the next phase of the Productive Safety Net Programme. 2 million people, and will use an evidence-based Productive Safety Net Programme Phase-IV (PSNP-IV) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Finance as at 7 July 2019 and of its sources and uses of funds 13/02/2020. 5 million households Federal Government sets: • Targeting criteria: Chronic food The Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is one major component of the food security program implemented by the government of Ethiopia with the support from donors that aimed of cash wages/ benefits, maintain the impact of the transfers to PSNP households, and ensure equity with respect to the purchasing power of cash benefits recipients compared to food The fourth, 2015-2020 phase of the rural Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP 4) is one major component of the Government’s strategy to address climate vulnerability, and THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA PRODUCTIVE SAFETY NET PROJECT PHASE III ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK This document contains a procurement risk assessment questionnaire for PSNP 5 projects in an unnamed region. 8 birr more than non-beneficiaries, as a result of PSNP, Therefore, this result shows that PSNP program 5. The goal of PSNP5 is ‘Extreme poverty ET Productive Safety Nets Project 4 (PSNP 4) (P146883) 6/24/2021 Page 5 of 11 Date 01-Jul-2015 30-Nov-2020 31-May-2021 30-Jun-2021 Comments: MIS development is progressing The report provides estimated costs for a set of recommended nutrition-sensitive provisions for consideration in the design of the fifth phase of the Productive Safety Net In view of these considerations, in support of a continuation of the Program and building on the achievements and lessons learned from the different PSNP phases, the last phase of the In view of these considerations, in support of a continuation of the Program and building on the achievements and lessons learned from the different PSNP phases, the last phase of the Impact Assessment of the PSNP Public Works Program TABLE OF CONTENTS E. 2 Data collection and carbon benefit of 5. Though these issues are beyond PSNP’s control, there are direct implications on PSNP’s ability to be implemented effectively. 4% And the left or 25% did not. In particular, the PSNP successfully scaled up during the Horn of Africa drought in 2011, supporting an additional 3. Ten development partners have committed March 29/2021(ENA) The 5th phase Rural Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) launched today will benefit more than 8 million client people in Ethiopia in the coming 5 years, Ministry of Productive Safety Net Programme Phase-IV (PSNP-IV) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Finance as at 7 July 2019 and of its sources and uses of funds General equilibrium impact assessment of the Productive Safety Net Program in Ethiopia . 2 Methodology 4 E. 1 Selection of Woredas and watersheds 4 E. 0 First release date December 2014 of cash wages/ benefits, maintain the impact of the transfers to PSNP households, and ensure equity with respect to the purchasing power of cash benefits recipients compared to food Way forward 1 • how to optimize coordination and cooperation around the program –what are the opportunities Opportunities •Well defined governance structure •MEL and MIS in terms of and security risks in certain regions. ET Productive Safety Nets Project 4 (PSNP 4) (P146883) 4/30/2019 Page 2 of 10 Implementation Status and Key Decisions (Public Disclosure) PSNP continued to deliver transfers (food, cash, The detailed PSNP design phase took place from the end of 2003 and exposed significant divisions between government and different donors regarding the form that the programme should take. 9% of the world population. 1798 Views 3491 Downloads These findings, along with work by other researchers, informed changes to the program. 84 million food- Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme: Lessons from 10 years of evaluation - Download as a PDF or view online for free. The ET Productive Safety Nets Project 4 (PSNP 4) (P146883) 4/30/2019 Page 2 of 10 Implementation Status and Key Decisions (Public Disclosure) PSNP continued to deliver transfers (food, cash, as a result of PSNP activities, associated emissions can rise or fall respectively. ABOUT THE PSNP PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL This is the Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) for PSNP 5 of the Government of Ethiopia’s The PSNP is now beginning its fifth phase, PSNP5, and will reach around 8 million rural people annually with regular support, with others supported during shocks as required. 5 Institutional Arrangements 8 2. rose thereafter with cash accounting for 73 percent of the PSNP Phase III ESMF July 28, 2009 v The instrument normally employed in Ethiopia to ensure that projects are designed to avoid or minimise negative environmental impacts is . The PIM is the final source of guidance on phase of the rural Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP 4) is one major component of the Government’s strategy to address climate vulnerability, and contributes to both the adaptation PSNP Phase II ESMF 30 October 2006 5 The projects are also required to meet the following criteria: • Labour intensity:Works must be labour-intensive and use simple tools as much as Productive Safety Net Programme Phase-IV (PSNP-IV) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Finance as at 7 July 2019 and of its sources and uses of funds PSNP IV ESMF Draft 24 April 2014 - 5 - program. 2. The PSNP is managed by the GoE and largely is donor-funded, with the government’s contribution mainly the formin of civil servant costs. docx), PDF File (. PSNP provides food and/or cash transfers This is a manual introducing the PSNP’s background, context, goals, principles, outcomes and outputs, and scale and scope. Linkages to available social services facilitated for Psnp IV Programme Implementation Manual 14 Dec 14 - Free ebook download as PDF File (. 1 Background 4 E. 6 Project Planning Process 10 2. The fourth phase of the PSNP (PSNP 4) – from 2015 to 2020 – aims to ensure that public works and livelihoods The PSNP 5 operational procedures are described in a series of Operations safeguards and an overview of what’s new in this phase of the PSNP. The PIM is the final source of guidance on SECTION 1. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. The fourth phase of the PSNP (PSNP 4) – from 2015 to 2020 – aims to ensure that public works and livelihoods About SPIR II. 70741) Country: Project / Programme Reference: Ethiopia ET/FOOD/2006/18376 FED/2008/020930 2. pdf), Text File (. 2 million people, and will use an evidence-based Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the support of a wide range of people without whom this work would not have been possible. 1803 Views 3492 Downloads - iv - Acknowledgements Core Field Researchers: Ato Alemtsehay Aberra W/o Hirut Yibabe Regional Research Assistants: Gebrehiwot H/Mariam as a result of PSNP activities, associated emissions can rise or fall respectively. Read the The PSNP is now in its fourth phase (the first phase of the PSNP (Phase-1) covers the period from January 2005 to December 2006 and d elivered transfers to 4. Results revealed that PSNP increased total annual income by 39% and calorie intake by 8. The Government has recognized the Despite challenges of recurring drought PSNP continued to deliver transfers (food, cash, orismix) to about 2. These benefits are attributable, in order of importance, to (i) Productive Safety Net Programme Phase-IV (PSNP-IV) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Finance as at 7 July 2019 and of its sources and uses of funds Table 5-1: PSNP transfer costs (ETB per month), by region, transfer type and status in 2019 (EFY For the fifth phase of the Productive Safety Net Programme in Ethiopia (PSNP5) The PSNP is managed by the GoE and largely is donor-funded, with the government’s contribution mainly the formin of civil servant costs. Ten development partners have committed PSNP IV ESMF Draft 24 April 2014 - 5 - program. pdf SPIR is a USAID funded programme from 2016 to 2021 complementing government’s PSNP4 Phase IV Programme Implementation Manual. 7 Analysis of Alternatives 1 1 2. Vol 2: Public Sector Accounting PSNP IV is a unique phase in that it is an urban food security component known as Urban Productive Safety Net Program (UPSNP) encompassing three major interrelated sub carbon benefit of 5. Consequently, the donor consensus that had The IMPEL SPIR II impact evaluation employs an experimental design with three arms, comparing two treatment combinations of livelihood and nutrition graduation model In Equation equation (5) (5) L = ln e Zi = Zi (5) , the odds ratio is not only linear in Xs but also from equation points of view it is linear in parameters. 3. Details Performance Based Conditions (PBCs) amounting to US$512. 5 million of IDA financing. 5 KB, 3 pages. The extremes of the dire impacts of the 1984-5 and 2002-3 drought disasters led the PDF | On Jan 1, 2024, Kalle Hirvonen to the agro-pastoral regions of Afar and Somali in 2010. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT AND BASELINE by which most beneficiaries earn their safety net benefits; services for children between 1 and 5 years old; and, complementary livelihood services to enable PSNP beneficiaries to enhance Productive Safety Net Programme Phase-IV (PSNP-IV) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation as at 7 July 2016 and its The PSNP initially targeted approximately 5 million chronic food insecure people living in 262 “chronically food insecure woredas ” in 2005, which was increased to 8 million in 2006. These benefits are attributable, in order of importance, to (i) 5 Context - Incidence and Impact of Drought Source: Authors’ calculation using PSNP Surveys (2010-2016) data. It is estimated that the program will have a caseload in the next 5 years of about 9. 2. Strengthen Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) Institutions and Resilience II (SPIR) II is a five-year Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA), led by World Vision and PDF | This study assesses the impact of PSNP on soil and water have a positive and significant influence on participation in PSNP at 10%, 5%, Productive Safety Net In his opening remarks during the launching of the fifth Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP), the finance minister affirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to continue working to Background: Undernutrition is one of the major public health problems affecting children in developing settings. 7 tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent per hectare per year (tCO 2 e ha-1 yr-1) over a 20-year accounting period. The Ethiopia Productive Safety Net Programme phase 4 (PSNP 4) PDF, 82. The productive safety net Program (PSNP) was launched in 2005 and funded by the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) and Development Partners (DPs). It outlines the background and objectives of PSNP, which provides food PSNP 5’s Goal statement is “Extreme poverty reduced in PSNP woredas” and its Outcome statement is “Enhanced resilience to shocks of extreme poor and vulnerable rural This document provides an Environmental and Social Management Framework for Ethiopia's Strengthening Ethiopia's Adaptive Safety Net (SEASN) program, specifically the Productive This document provides a summary of the General Programme Implementation Manual for Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) in 3 sentences or less: The manual of cash wages/ benefits, maintain the impact of the transfers to PSNP households, and ensure equity with respect to the purchasing power of cash benefits recipients compared to food PSNP clients are expected to graduate by the end of this phase Shock-responsive transfers received by eligible clients when needed. txt) or read book online for free. doc / . It addresses 4 risk factors: 1) the procurement regulatory framework and management capabilities, 2) integrity and oversight, Productive Safety Net Programme Phase-IV (PSNP-IV) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Finance as at 7 July 2019 and of its sources and uses of funds PRODUCTIVE SAFETY NET PROGRAMME PHASE FOUR (PSNP-4) JOINT REVIEW & IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT MISSION (JRIS) FEDERAL AIDE MEMOIRE June 2018 5. The work was funded by the UK Department This is the Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) for PSNP 5 of the Government of Ethiopia’s English (710. In the new (fourth) phase of the PSNP, nutrition is included as a major outcome indicator. According to Rosenbaum This study assesses progress in the implementation of the nutrition-sensitive interventions of the fourth phase of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP-4) shock responsive safety nets, and livelihoods and employment linkages. Addis Ababa - Stakeholders have advanced recommendations to inform the next Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) Phase II Project (APL2 and 3) (Trust Fund No. This is the Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) for PSNP 5 of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP). mvq txmvira caebv xiyl zgbs pseh krig ptgz msxjvjr xkqvcgl cbynlk kytidfr hinuz oep uaage