Lohmann brown feed consumption per day

5 g 65. In pro-duction, feed consumption is up to 140 g per hen and day. If we multiply 60 days x 45 kg, we would get the feed requirement for the entire starter stage which would equate to 2700 kgs. 0 364. Feed consumption, egg production, and egg › LOHMANN SANDY › LOHMANN SILVER LOHMANN LSL-LITE and LOHMANN BROWN-LITE are two products, desi-gned for markets which prefer smaller eggs and measure efficiency in g feed per egg. 99kg 19 to 72 weeks/HH 45. 0, 2. Fresh supplementary feed and water should be used to ensure a good intake of both within the first few days and topped up regularly. 0 – 25. We hate to break it to you but not all Lohmann Brown chickens carry the same maternal characteristics. ) Liveability Rearing Feed Consumption Cage Housing. 64 lbs. 0 g methionine/kg is recommended for LB hens (Lohmann Tierzucht, 2016). 94 kg Average Egg Weight in 72 weeks of age Oct 1, 2010 · These were assessed by feeding 3 breeds of laying hens (Barred Plymouth Rock, Lohmann Brown, Lohmann White) a basal diet containing 0. Lohmann GB Limited Their feed intake is around 90 – 100g per day. › Feed Consumption Feed – Conversion Date Age Mortality (No. 7 g in regard to the SaChi, 115. 0 to 2. 2 LOHMANN BROWN-LITE North America The residual feed intake was transformed to RFI+5000 before running the parameter estimation. › For markets requiring more XL-size eggs LOHMANN BROWN-EXTRA is the ideal ow nr b . 0 kg Liveability Rearing Laying period 97–98 % 90–92 % pERfORMANCE DATA LohMAnn BroWn-Lite Layer A special layer for organic egg production Since 2009, LOHMANN TIERZUCHT offers a special layer for the organic market. 9 – 2. 84% of lysine. 7 lbs. 0 kg. 05) for hens fed the low (0. 56 kg Average Egg Weight in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 100 weeks of age 61. The Lohmann Brown is a popular commercial egg-laying breed known for its excellent productivity, laying approximately 300 brown eggs per year. 42 mg of Met/hen per day), the lowest egg weight value (34 Summary • Latest scientific research was considered in revising amino acid recommendations for laying hens. The Lohmann breed has a small stature, having a body weight that doesn’t exceed 2 kilograms. Eggs production E ggs/ Hen Housed Standard In the week Standard Cumulative Standard In the week Standard Cumulative Standard In the week Grammes/ bird/day kg/feed/ Hen Housed In the week attractive brown > 40 Newton Feed Consumption 1st–20th week Production Feed conversion 7. 69–1. er ya l › PDF PERFORMANCE DATA LOHMANN BROWN-CLASSIC PDF PERFORMANCE DATA Egg Mass per Hen Housed in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 100 weeks of age 20,63 kg 23,52 kg 29,92 kg Average Egg Weight in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 100 weeks of age 63,7 g 64,1 g 64,9 g Egg Characteristics Shell colour Shell breaking strength attractive brown > 40 Newton Feed Conversion Ratio 2. 12 kg 29. 0–2. . Control diet B was sufficient in this respect with 4. 8 more eggs/hen housed, 4. Increasing worldwide concentration and growing competition in the poultry industry requires efficient layers to satisfy specific market requirements. LOHMANN LSL-LITE and LOHMANN BROWN-LITE are two products which have been designed for markets which prefer smaller eggs and measure efficiency in g feed per egg. 1–24. 3–2. 2 g methionine/kg analysed, whereas the ‒Met diet (3. 849 kg for the GLB chickens, and 2. Increasing space from 387 to 516 cm² resulted in 7. This ratio is usually in the 3. Introduction. S. However, from week 30–39, the treatment group with limestone intake of 3. 1 gram of calcium intake per hen per day is the target, then a ration with 4. 7 g 62. LOHMANN BROWN-CLASSIC PRODUCTION RECORDING SHEET LAYERS › CAGE SYSTEMS WEEK 60 – R 79 Number of hens housed (A) Flock Production Week Production cum. , 2007) were produced at Agassiz Research Centre. 23 kg 23. 717 kg of feed in the SaChi, whereas it was 7. 5 kg. 63 lbs. An annual increase of about 2 – 3 eggs per year in a 13-month production cycle, can be expected (Figure 1). 74%) and high (0. 120 – 127 g/day. , 2017). 3 g per hen/day higher feed consumption and 2. 5% increase in consumption per 1 C drop in temperature below 21 C. /lbs. 3. It is the most widespread breed of laying chickens in the world and is found in almost all parts of the world. 32kg 19 to 90 weeks/HH 60. 5 to 6 pounds (2. 21st – 72nd week: 43. attractive brown > 40 Newton Feed Conversion Ratio 2. 15 kg Average Egg Weight in 72 weeks of age Feed Consumption. 58 112 1. Production 115 – 125 g/day. 1 g 65. 4kg/kg egg mass Body Weight at 20 weeks at the end of production 1. This laying hen is characterized by a higher body weight and a higher feed intake compared to the regular brown layers. Disclaimer As demonstrated in table 16, the vitamin A intake per unit egg mass is reduced by about one third due to higher production, if the feed formulation follows the NRC recommendations (2930 IE/kg feed). sl er LOHMANN SANDY is a white feathering layer for the production of cream coloured eggs. Feed conversion 1. A chicken from this breed produces annually up to 313 eggs, with a low feed consumption of just 110 grams per day. 13 kg 22. 56 kg Average Egg Weight in 72 weeks attractive brown > 40 Newton Feed Consumption 1st–20th week Production Feed conversion 7. It is the hybrid product of selective crossbreeding. 7 kg 1. 88 kg 27. 2 g for the GLB chickens, and 126. 0 – 7. 4 – 7. When It’ll be important to monitor during the rearing period parameters as body weight,(average body weight gain), daily feed intake and cumulated feed intake. 69 kg 30. • Literature suggested optimal digestible methionine, methionine+cysteine, threonine, tryptophan, arginine plied by LOHMANN TIERZUCHT. 7 kg 19. 25 Feed Consumption Alternative Housing. Contrary to this, a finer particle size (600–900 microns) yields the opposite effect, reducing feed intake and limiting nutritional absorption. This attribute combined with a Shell Strength that is >40 Newton, a shell colour that is highly desirable attractive brown > 40 Newton Feed Consumption 1st–20th week Production Feed conversion 7. With their efficient feed conversion rate and adaptability to various Jun 7, 2024 · Supplementation of 3. 42–3. 42 mg of Met/hen per day), the lowest egg weight value (34 The reverse of item #1 would express feed conversion as how many pounds or kilos of eggs are produced with 1 pound or 1 kilo of feed – usually about 0. 1 g methionine/kg) was deficient by 22. 14 kg 27. 5 – 7. 86 kg 22. These chickens are docile, friendly, and known for their easy-going temperament, making them ideal for backyard chicken enthusiasts. 2 kg Liveability Rearing Laying period 97–98 % 92–94 % Eierproduktion Alter bei 50% Produktion Produktionsspitze 140–150 Tage Here you find everything about LOHMANN SILVER in cage housing; lower egg weight; high body weight; good feed intake capacity; calm, balanced behavior. 5% May 28, 2024 · Data was split into three ‘generations' (G1, G2, and G3) with three flocks (F1, F2, and F3) in each of those. Feed alone may contribute from 60 to70% to the total cost of production in egg type layers according to Mian (1994) and Qunaibet et al (1992). LOHMANN BROWN-PLUS is a brown egg layer with an higher body weight and higher feed intake capacity, designed for lower density feed ratios especially for organic egg production. 8 kg. Parent […] Lohmann Brown hens were 58–77-week-old, and hen-day egg production was slowly decreased, and egg weight was increased (Figure 6). 1 kg/kg egg mass or lbs. A shed temperature of 21 C is recommended. Average of feed conversion ratio of Lohmann Brown laying hens fed experimental diet, R0= diet without supplementation 0% of coriander seeds powder (con- trol), R1= diet with Mar 1, 2013 · A total of 900 commercial Lohmann Brown pullets, 26 wk of age, were randomly assigned into 12 treatments (5 replicates with 15 birds per replicate). › LOHMANN LSL-LITE and LOHMANN BROWN-LITE are two products which have been designed for markets which prefer smaller eggs and measure efficiency in g feed per egg. 13 and 108. 4 MJ/kg (2720 kcal) metabolisable energy, a house temperature of 22 °C and good plumage. /100/day) per LOHMANN BROWN-LITE 1290 kcal/lbs) as well as 22 °C (72 The Lohmann Brown 'Lite' provides a >40 Newton Shell Strength to ensure durability and the supply of Class A eggs to the desired market combined with a higher egg numbers (3-4 eggs) per hen housed compared to the Lohmann Brown 'Classic'. 2 LOHMANN BROWN-LITE North America Genetic Trends. The recorded feed intake was 125. 001). The recommended photoperiod for laying Lohmann Brown hens is 12 hours (Lohmann Tierzucht, 2011). These attributes ensure an effective return on investment for the producer. 52 101 1. Quantity: 50 chicks packed in a Carton. Barastoc Champion Layer 16. 9 hours per day. LOHMANN i MANAGEMENT GUIDE 6 7 Egg Production Age at 50 % production Peak production 140–145 days 95–97 % Eggs per Hen Housed in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 100 weeks of age 335 381 482 Egg Mass per Hen Housed in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 100 weeks of age 19. In addition, excreta and diet samples were collected per pen during 5-d periods in week 3, 5, and 9 for the determination of fiber digestibility, energy and nitrogen metabolizability, and LOHMANN BROWN-PLUS is a brown egg layer with an higher body weight and higher feed intake capacity, designed for lower density feed ratios especially for orga-nic egg production. The dark-light cycle was 9 : 15 h. 4kg (15. Unless the actual daily feed intake is taken into account, many laying hens may be harmed at an early stage of the laying period (Roland and Feed Consumption 19 to 72 weeks/HH Day old to 16 weeks 5. 2 LOHMANN BROWN-LITE North America . Parent Stock Oct 21, 2014 · Where the best value of egg weight (44. 36. ) 1. 0 range. 12 mg of Lys/hen per day) with moderate Met intake (429. 7 MJ (2780kcal) per kg of feed at a temperature of 21oC. Similar result mean daily feed consumption of 39. ) Hens remaining % Liveability cum. Hen-day egg production was in average higher than 80%. LOHMANN SILVER is a Figure 1. 65 kg (3. 2 kg/kg attractive brown > 40 Newton Feed Consumption 1st–20th week Production Feed conversion 7. 42 kg 2. It’s advisable an average feed intake between 4-5% more compared with cage systems at 17 weeks with an average feed intake of 80g by bird for LOHMANN BROWN-CLASSIC and 75g/b/day for LOHMANN LSL-CLASSIC. 41 kg 22. Female at 20 weeks LOHMANN BROWN . 46 Jan 1, 2021 · Lohmann Brown hens were heavier than LSL hens (Table 1) but egg laying rate did not differ between the two breeds, that is, one egg per hen and day during the study period of nine days. 2 kg Liveability Rearing Laying period 97–98 % 92–94 % pERfORMANCE DATA LohMAnn BroWn-cLAssic Layer LOHMANN i MANAGEMENT GUIDE 6 7 Egg Production Age at 50 % production Peak production 140–145 days 94–96 % Eggs per Hen Housed in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 95 weeks of age 325 368 438 Eggs Mass per Hen Housed in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 95 weeks of age 20,36 kg 23,15 kg 27,84 kg Average Egg Weight in 72 weeks of age either increase or decrease feed consumption. /100/day) 2. Egg Mass per Hen Housed in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 100 weeks of age 19. Together with an expect-ed egg number of 250 eggs per annum and a slightly lighter egg weight, LOH# MANN DUAL has a less favourable feed e"ciency than LOHMANN BROWN. 7-1. 3 g/chick/day for Koekoek Present study revealed that average age of Lohmann Brown chicken breed at Here you find everything about LOHMANN BROWN-LITE in alternative housing; reduced egg weight; very good laying persistence; high laying performance; high performance in free range & organic farming; excellent quality of the eggshell color & shell strength LOHMANN i MANAGEMENT GUIDE 6 7 Egg Production Age at 50 % production Peak production 140–145 days 93–95 % Eggs per Hen Housed in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 100 weeks of age 319 361 453 Egg Mass per Hen Housed in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 100 weeks of age 20. 2 kg Liveability Rearing Laying period 97–98 % 92–94 % pERfORMANCE DATA LohMAnn BroWn-cLAssic Layer Download Table | Recommended Nutrient Levels for LOHMANN BROWN- LITE Layers in Phase 1 per kg of feed for different daily feed consumptions from publication: Comparative omics and feeding Adams and Craig (1984) compared feed intake and egg production at densities of 516, 378 and 310 cm² per bird in conventional laying cages. 1 kg/kg egg mass Body Weight at 20 weeks at the end of production 1. 358 ± 0. 1 LOHMANN BROWN-LITE North America Nutritional Content for Rations in Lay. 9 kg. Jul 29, 2014 · Feed utilization: Results in Table 3 indicated that feed consumption during the experimental periods 34-38 and 38-42 weeks of age. The Bovans Brown laying hens have excellent feed intake capacity and robustness so that it fully expresses Feed Consumption | Cage Housing. –2. 1st – 20th week: 8. They were selectively bred from New Hampshires and other brown egg laying breeds. Production 110 – 120 g/day. The feeding behaviour parameters recorded are the number of meals per day (TSUM), the average meal duration (TIME), the feeding rate as consumed feed per minute (RATE), the average daily feed intake (ADF) and the duration of feed intake per day (FDUR). For 1000 chickens, it would be 45000 gms or 45 KG each day. ) 105–112 g/day (23. 52 107 1. 30 kg Liveability Rearing Laying period 97–98 % 90–93 % Eierproduktion Alter bei 50% Produktion Produktionsspitze 150–160 adjust their feed intake as required and convert it into eggs of above-average size. It’s advisable an average feed intake between 4-5% more compared with cage systems at 17 weeks with an average feed intake of 80g by bird for LOHMANN BROWN-CLASSIC and 75g/b/day for LOHMANN i MANAGEMENT GUIDE 6 7 Egg Production Age at 50 % production Peak production 140–145 days 95–97 % Eggs per Hen Housed in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 100 weeks of age 333 378 477 Egg Mass per Hen Housed in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 100 weeks of age 20. Jun 24, 2023 · Lohmann Brown Classic hen. Average egg mass was 63. 0 – 2. 8 g Egg Characteristics Shell colour Shell breaking strength attractive brown > 40 Newton Feed Conversion Ratio Feed conversion 2. 5% Ca will be required in case of 90 gram daily feed intake or 3. 95 127 1. Combined traits for the Bovans Brown laying hens include high peak production, great laying persistency, and a flat egg weight curve, resulting in top quality dark brown eggs. Eggs produced % Production % Standard Hen Housed Cum. 5% for the LB and contained 26% less methionine than Control diet B. 5 and 42. Field results have confirmed the genetic trend. 04 g/day per hen for SBM and HIM, respectively (as reported by Marono et al. 9% and light intensity 17 Lux/M2and The Pullet Day Old Chick from Olam (Lohmann Classic Brown variety) is raised for superior egg production. The applica- ing phase feeds. 6–1. • Considering that methionine is the first limiting amino acid in laying hen diets, a meta-analysis revealed an optimal digestible methionine intake of 415 mg/hen/d. 6 kilograms) 4. Egg Weight (g) Egg Mass Feed Consumption Feed Conversion Date Age Mortality (No. 66kg 19 to 80 weeks/HH 52. Dec 8, 2023 · Lohmann Brown Rooster: Lohmann Brown Hen: Size: Medium to large: Medium to small: Weight: 6 to 8 pounds (2. According to LEESON (2007), the NRC figures are not adequate for today’s highly efficient layers. ) Liveability Rearing Feed Consumption | Cage Housing. Considering each feed bag weighs 25 kgs, a layer farmer would need 108 feed bags. 1st – 20th week LOHMANN BROWN-CLASSIC Jan 1, 2018 · The diets, formulated to meet hen requirements according to the Lohmann Brown Classic Management Guide, and fresh water were administered each day ad libitum. 9 g feed/hen/day. The layer has an outstanding feed conversion and robustness. Elise's top 6 feeds for layers. tion period of the different feed types in weeks can be 14 NUTRITION All 5 recommended phase feed types are based on der these conditions, a daily feed intake of 100 – 115g an energy level of 11. Nutrient. 84kg 6. 1 ± 0. 50 104 1. Therefore, there’s no guarantee that their offspring can be as prolific egg layer as the previous generations. 34 13. 3 lbs. 76 kg Average Egg Weight in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 95 weeks of age 64. 2kg/kg egg mass Body Weight at 17 weeks at the end of production 1. 20 g in LB and 61. Moreover, utilizing a larger particle size (1000–1200 microns) stimulates the feed intake and facilitates nutritional absorption. Therefore, the production of 1 kg egg mass required 6. The feed intake of hens in periods 38-38 and 38-42 weeks of age were significantly greater (p≤0. The Bovans Brown is a highly versatile and robust laying hen. 4–7. Body Weight. 05g) was achieved by high Lys intake (984. Approximately Feb 12, 2012 · General Information. 56 kg Average Egg Weight in 72 weeks Feb 5, 2024 · Feed Consumption. LOHMANN LSL-LITE and LOHMANN BROWN- LITE are two products, designed for markets which prefer smaller eggs and measure efficiency in g feed per egg. Metabolizable Energy (ME. 38 14. It was evident that photoperiods greater than 11. 2 kg. Summary • Latest scientific research was considered in revising amino acid recommendations for laying hens. is pounds per dozen. 7 ± 0. 117 ± 0. 05 kg Liveability Rearing Laying period (72 weeks) Laying period (100 weeks) 98–99 % 95–96 % 90–91 % PERFORMANCE DATA LOHMANN BROWN-EXTRA Layer Feed Consumption | Cage Housing. 55–1. 19–4. 28 12. 1 ± 8. The Lohmann Brown is a commercially bred breed, used mainly for egg laying, at which they excel. 7 to 3. Special attention is paid to docile behaviour and shell quality. Peak egg laying is, however, achieved at 26-30 weeks. 8 kg 110–120 g/day 2. The mainstream products are LOHMANN LSL- CLASSIC and LOHMANN BROWN-CLASSIC, well known for their efficient production of quality white and brown eggs, respectively. Continuous improvement in egg production per hen housed, is the most important selection criteria in layer breeding. 61hrs were significantly associated with greater mean egg weight (p<0. 51kg Average Feed Intake 120g/b/d Bodyweight 16 weeks 1215 g At the end of production 1803 g Liveability Laying period Rearing 98% - 99% -72 wks 95% 6% Laying period - 100 wks 90% - 91% attractive brown > 40 Newton Feed Conversion Ratio 2. LOHMANN TRADITION . 3 g Egg Characteristics Shell colour Shell breaking strength attractive brown > 40 Newton Feed Conversion Ratio 2. 7 MJ/kg/2800 kcal/kg (1270 – (22. They are a very friendly, curious breed and make good pets and family fowl. attractive brown > 40 Newton Feed Consumption 1st–20th week Production Feed conversion 7. 79 118 1. Feed conversion 2. Feed consumption and its efficient utilization is one of the major concerns in commercial table egg production as feed cost is one of the major components of total cost of production. The average feed intake 113-115 g/day MJ/kg feed 18° C 30° C Feed intake g/hen/day Energy intake MJ/hen/day Feed intake g/hen/day Energy intake MJ/hen/day 11. 5. Group cage tests have shown marked differ- Sep 1, 2023 · The daily mean feed intake per hen was 124. The egg production period of one bird spans eighty weeks. 06 kg Liveability Rearing Laying period (72 weeks) Laying period (100 weeks) 98–99 % 95–96 % 90–91 % PERFORMANCE DATA LOHMANN BROWN-CLASSIC Layer Here you find everything about LOHMANN BROWN-CLASSIC in cage housing; Excellent eggshell color quality; Exceptionally good laying persistence; calm balanced behavior; high shell breaking strength up to the end of the laying period; outstanding feed conversion. Eggs production E ggs Nutritional requirements for the Lohmann Brown are shown in the table on pages11,13, and 14. 12 g in LSL hens, which converts to an egg energy content of 420 and 410 kJ/egg, respectively. 287 kg in regard to attractive brown > 40 Newton Feed Consumption 1st–20th week Production Feed conversion 7. 8 g in respect of the LB chickens. 0 kg Liveability Rearing Laying period 97–98 % 90–92 % pERfORMANCE DATA LohMAnn BroWn-Lite Layer weight, (average body weight gain), daily feed intake and cumulated feed intake. Anything less than this, though, and you'll notice a drop in your ISA Brown’s egg quality and quantity. 02 kg 27. Feb 1, 2009 · One-day-old Lohmann White (LW), Lohmann Brown (LB), and H&N White (HN) chicks were obtained from a commercial hatchery (Pacific Pride Chicks, Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada), and chicks from a cross of Rhode Island Red males to Barred Plymouth Rock females (Silversides et al. Aim for feed rations of 17% protein, but 16% will suffice. 8% lower mortality. 8 kg 120–130 g/day 2. 5 Eggs Mass per Hen Housed in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 95 weeks of age 20. LOHMANN TRADITION Toggle. 15 – 2. 1st – 20th week 7. 9% until 29 weeks of age. 7 kilograms) Plumage: Bright and vibrant colors: Subdued and consistent brown color: Comb: Large, upright, often brightly colored: Smaller and less pronounced: Wattles: Prominent and well The chick requires 45 gms of chick-mash feed per day. Selection priorities Similar to LOHMANN BROWN, the breeding strategy for LOHMANN TRADITION focuses on increasing the number of saleable eggs per hen housed. Adequate feeding and drinking space should be provided based on current industry The recommended nutrient allowances shown in the tables (phase 1– 3) assume a dietary energy concentration of 11. 32, 60. 1 μg of Se/g of diet for 4 wk. The photoperiod to which the birds in the current study were exposed to gradually increased from 10 to 16. 1 LOHMANN BROWN-LITE North America . 69 kg 28. LOHMANN SILVER Jan 3, 2021 · Feed cost per egg (Rs) and feed cost/ dozen eggs (Rs)were 4'36, 5'03 and 52. 94%) as compared to 0. Based on the calculation on the above production and reproduction performance of 8th week body weight, per Sep 1, 2018 · In the subset of 6 penned birds per type, feed intake and water expenditure were measured weekly and daily, respectively (n = 3 observations per type). 90–21. 2 kg / kg egg mass May 13, 2024 · Hybrid ISA Brown, Hyline Brown, and Lohmann Brown chickens are highly demanding ladies with high dietary requirements. Aug 22, 2014 · Where the best value of egg weight (44. Feed intake (g/hen per day), laying rate (%/hen per day), and feed conversion ratio (feed kg: dozen eggs) were analyzed by a repeated measures model with generation and weeks of age as fixed factors, and flock within generation as random. Nov 21, 2022 · Lohmann Brown birds will start laying eggs at an early age of 21 weeks with an average weight of 1. 4% Ca for 120 gram daily feed intake. They are solid, confident and not flighty and can lay up to 300 medium Dec 6, 2019 · At 110 g feed intake per hen per day, a diet containing 4. Make sure to provide Lohmann Brown chickens with enough feed as both too much or too little food can lead to their health problems If your chickens do not eat the right quantity of food, they can be exhausted and create low quality production and low productivity as well. The method commonly used in the U. 0 lbs. 43 kg 2. The Lohmann Brown 'Classic' is used in every corner of the globe and has been highly successful in the UK market due to its ability to provide an efficient layer that is adaptable to varying production systems and styles of the UK market. Increasing space from 310 to 378 cm² per bird resulted in 16. This is less meaningful as it disre-gards the weight of the eggs. 9–2. Layer Phase 1 (Daily Egg Mass of 57g+) Recommended Nutrient Levels per kg of Feed at different Feed Intake Levels. The hen is referred to with the suffix “PLUS” indicating its higher body weight. 6 more eggs per bird for the cost of 1. 84kg Day old to 18 weeks 6. Eggs Mass per Hen Housed in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 95 weeks of age 20. 0–7. 05) increase the egg production rate by 0. 9kg at this time. 65 kg 1. 351 ± 0. Table 2: Actual feed consumption, calculated requirements and ‘residual’ feed consump-tion (g/day) corresponding to the data in table 1 *10-year averages for all white-egg and all brown-egg entries, respec-tively The changes in residual feed consumption are even more For example, when 4. LOHMANN i MANAGEMENT GUIDE 6 7 Egg Production Age at 50 % production Peak production 140–145 days 94–96 % Eggs per Hen Housed in 72 weeks of age in 80 weeks of age in 95 weeks of age 323. Production 105 – 115 g/day. 1kg/kg egg mass Body Weight at 20 weeks at the end of production 1. 5 434. 3 g 61. Features: They begin laying within 18-22 weeks. 90–2. g 3 tables apply to feed containing an energy level of 11. egg mass Body Weight at 20 weeks at the end of production 1. Average daily egg weight in January was in range from 63–65 g and in May 65–66 g, except on days when the average egg weight was 62 g and 64 g. 2 kg / kg egg mass The Lohmann Brown is a very friendly and inquisitive chicken, they make lovely pets as they are easy to handle and have calm natures. 79 kg 2. 99kg 45. They start laying at around 18 weeks of age, laying nearly daily. Jan 1, 2016 · Added Vitamins per Kg of feed. 16–2. 4, or 5. They are gentle, docile and very hardy, they are a fantastic all-rounder and great for first-time keepers that can offer a little extra room. LOHMANN SILVER The Lohmann Brown 'Lite' provides a >40 Newton Shell Strength to ensure durability and the supply of Class A eggs to the desired market combined with a higher egg numbers (3-4 eggs) per hen housed compared to the Lohmann Brown 'Classic'. 3 μg of Se/g of diet as Na 2 SeO 3. 51kg Average Feed Intake 110-117g/b/d Bodyweight 16 weeks 1380 g At end of Production 1900 g Liveability Laying period Rearing 98% - 99% –72 wks 95% - 6% Laying period - 80 wks 92% - 95% Feed Consumption Day old to 18 weeks Day old to 16 weeks 5. On average, each hen produces up to 300 eggs per year. Temperatures below this will result in increased feed consumption at a rate of 1. brown ay. Adequate feeding and drinking space should be provided based on current industry Fresh supplementary feed and water should be used to ensure a good intake of both within the first few days and topped up regularly. LOHMANN LOHMANN DUAL Layer Unlike the LOHMANN BROWN, LOH M A NN DUAL layers have a larger appetite. 42 106 1. 1st – 17th week kg. 40 kg 23. 8 ± 6. 10 kg (4. The eggs weigh 63-64 g with average hatchability levels of 80-83%. 8% limestone intake with a light intensity of 10–15 Lux/M2for a duration of 14 h + 5 min in the treatment group did not significantly (p<0. 77 kg 23. 52 102 1. 49 kg Average Egg Weight in 72 weeks of age Feed Consumption Cage Housing. white-egg layers and decreased by 5 g in the brown-egg layers. 4–16. Into this diet, Se yeast (SelenoSource AF 600), an organic source of Se, was added at 1. Final Thoughts About Lohmann Brown Chicken. 21st - 72nd week 42. Under these conditions the daily feed consumption of LOHMANN BROWN-CLASSIC is expected to be 110 – 120 g/day. 4 ± 9. hw mm es pt rt da az cd rt zm