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How to enjoy life with no friends reddit

If you want to stop feeling lonely when you're alone, then stop ignoring yourself whenever you're alone. But that doesn’t mean you should steer clear of friendships. Oh and finally learning to say no at the age of 37 never felt so good. If they push further, don’t allow it. People are hard-wired to have relationships with other human beings, so even if you don't have a romantic relationship, it's important to maintain social ones. I finally have enough peace and contentment. Finding hobbies and such that you enjoy by yourself can be better than with friends. Reply reply. Of course, it's impossible to feel lonely when you're "someplace else". Eat healthier, pick a basic exercise routine. All my friends already have families. An instrument, drawing, yoga, meditation, walking, exercise, reading, cooking, etc. I would rather have two good friends than more acquaintances. Sometimes I hate the weekends because at work I have to focus on work and can't break down. Introversion and shyness (personality Otherwise life is just boring and unpleasant. Consider that almost every very young child has no clue and no cares about the large world. Like if you're washing the dishes, the water temp, the soap smell, the feel of the scrubby on the pot, etc. ‘No’ is a full sentence. Just start to move with the things you must do, everything is going to find their place, in this moment you have enough time to do your own life. Traveling alone isn't that fun anymore. Maybe focuses your mind outside of yourself for a bit. I'm single for the last 6 years. Life is full of ups and downs, so nobody is happy 100% of the time. Try to make as many people smile as possible. "Content" is more accurate. Cold Turkey works best for me but you know you best. The solitude is calming and freeing. You can turn acquaintances into friends by simply talking to them from time to time, finding out more about their interests, and sharing your thoughts with them. If you want to stop feeling unhappy, then stop repressing and blocking yourself from doing the things Wookiedog145. Feb 13, 2023 · Turn acquaintances into friends. We are social creatures, you need to make friends. Socialization can happen at your job (even if it's a shitty job, there's usually still people to talk to). Too many things, you can do on your own and enjoy. Find acceptance. I live alone. I did not attend work functions or any other post work gatherings. r/needafriend. Having good people in your life makes things better, and having a companion to love can make life a bliss. Jun 28, 2024 · Prioritize taking care of yourself and don’t neglect your passions and interests. The next time try hanging around for about 5 minutes and see how the place looks like, the energy guys have in that bar n so on and so forth. If you are like me when I was 18 my social skills were shit :) it's normal, that will improve with practice but you have to get out and meet people (use meetup and stuff like that). Everyone gets caught up with life and nothing is perfect. People who you can call friends are much different than people you can call brothers. It’s been the most freedom I have ever Boyfriend (32M) has no friends! [new] tldr: boyfriend has no friends and I dont know what to think about it. This all can spiral into more self doubt, anti social behaviour and habits. A lot of people here want to meet people and make new friends but I actually prefer to be on my own. You can do it, life will be worth it. Eymanney. Found true friendships with new people who have the same values as I do through a volunteer group. Change your attitude. But imagine having to learn to enjoy your life alone just because you uncapable of making friends. The friends i had before the solitude were not good ones. Last week I took a solo trip to NY. It's not easy, but a social life requires being proactive. What you and OP of this post are describing is "Delayed Gratification", which is a real good practice to have a good life. Having no friends has extremely damaged my self esteem. r/leaves. At 17, you probably don't yet know what truly makes you happy. You actually don’t need to give a reason. Just make the most special of memories together and document as much as you can. Bad experiences will also help you enjoy the good ones. Gets your mind to slow down, focus in on one thing at a time. Not a lot of people want to be friends with someone who is one dimensional. A saying which I Love is; Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Started going to the gym and taking my health serious which has me feeling more comfortable in my body. I have no hobbies that interest me outside of handy work (woodworking, fabricating). If you met someone who did nothing but farm beets, you'd have met Dwight Schrute. I just wanted to talk to someone. Or do things that are engaging in and of themselves, like seeing a movie or sporting event or doing laser tag or something. r/CasualConversation. Doing this won't be easy. I've always been around bad people. I, personally, am actually happy. r/AskReddit A chip A close button. I'm sorry that happened to you and I hope it gets better. ———————————————————————. Skiringen2468. Since you want like-minded friends (those are more likely to like you and more likely to become long time friends), you will need to find people that are similar to you. Dog parks (if you have a dog), breweries, hiking groups, whatever. Life seems extremely bleak to me. Like I tell me girls whenever they have a problem. It's natural to fall into depression over this because it makes you feel like you're not in control of your own life anymore. Donate food to a food pantry, donate blood, volunteer at an worthy organisation, sew/knit mittens or beanies for hospitals, etc. I don't live with my parents since when I was 17, I am living separately and I am enjoying this life alone. Just that thought makes enjoying life without friends horrible. Not having friends does in fact get lonely, but having such a good connection with my husband has helped tremendously. I actually like doing things alone 75% of the time, but not having any friends is unhealthy and people who don't have friends tend to live unfulfilling lives and live shorter lives (studies have been done on this). If it weren't for my responsibilities i would do this 24/7. It takes work, it takes persistence, and it takes dedication to attaining the level of love, acceptance, and happiness you're truly after. Volunteering is an excellent way to meet new people that are passionate about the same things you are! r/socialanxiety. Reply. Bring some headphones and listen to music the whole time. I get there's clear obstacles like your busy job and such pero you need to somehow put yourself out there. I feel like a loser because I don't have any friends (also I just moved to a new city in June 2023). Yes an orgasm feels good but it lasts seconds. I did not have any friends remaining from highschool or any other point in my childhood. I’m now about to graduate from a four year school with no friends outside of a roommate who can kinda be Keep in mind that you may or may not build the friendship you’re looking for, but I PROMISE Overwatch is a great way to practice social skills by talking to such a variety of strangers. My job at the time had some cool people, and we'd grab a casual lunch together or go out for happy hour quite often, but those were "just" my work friends. Happiness is often infectious. Keep in contact with friends and family, and try to spend time with other people as much as you can. Some things you may forget, some aspects of your character can't be there anymore. On spring break I relapsed, and am just having troubles. It's not an every day thing, but sometimes I want sweet bean rolls or cake. It just helped me realize that 1) life is short, 2) friends/family and experiences matter the most, and 3) most people regret the shit they never did, not the things they did do, when it's all said and done. There is no shame in your life or your story. Ultimately, even if you don't meet anyone, you'll still have fun because it's a thing you enjoy. I look ugly as fk. Today is the present; that’s why they call it a gift. I think the HOW depends on you as a person. It's very hard but life can be full of joy and important connections to other people. You already demonstrated a lot of thoughtfulness and understanding about your situation in your post, so I am rather hopeful for your future. This could include writing, painting, studying a topic you find interesting, or learning an instrument. Once you have more social friends they'll start to pull you along to more things. Maybe it's weird to not have friends at thirty, but only if you think it's weird. So i try to hide my face and body during conversations. 1. I have 2 friends. I can travel wherever I want. If they ask why, just say you’re wanting some downtime for yourself. Notice the lump in your throat, the tightness in your chest, and the empty feeling in your stomach. Triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others. Stop making excuses. Most importantly: talking to people about how you are, how your life is, people that get you, nope. When I enjoy anything, it just reminds me how much better I have always been the lazy person who want to enjoy his life at home peacefully without any human interactions. you should have at least one friend, many friends don't mean too much, but having no friends is really bad Feb 10, 2022 · Whether it’s your first time living by yourself, or some pandemic-induced habits have you re-examining your lifestyle, here are the best tips that the good people of Reddit have to offer. I have to admit the good and dark times switch in my life. Reconnect with your family. 8. Practice being completely present in the tasks you are doing. Nothings ever the same again. Before the loneliness eats you alive. But thinking life is only "worth it" if you have a girlfriend is a really shallow way of viewing your existence. Even if it's not live, those are awesome. You must learn to be happy alone. That’s easy enough, probably. Be careful with slipping into bad habits in this time though. The only time I've ever enjoyed it is being high. If you feel like you don’t have any friends, there are plenty of apps and social media platforms that you can use to allow people to connect with one If being broken and alone and in pain is what it takes to hold onto the one thing I care about, then maybe I don't want to be better. The more you do it, the more naturally it comes. When I was younger I’d get a part-time service job. Doing an activity that you enjoy: I like to read and write. Username checks out. work, the store. They associate a friendless life with depression, anxiety, under-developed abilities, insecurity I feel it is important to make connections simply due to proximity. Also, like most everything, it's a learned skill. I'm socially awkward as hell and have no friends (irl+online) I can never hold a conversation because I cant figure out what to say, i cant even hold a fking smile my face is unable to make any emotions. Things are a lot sweeter of you work towards them, instead of just "getting them". Right now I have the good period. I blend in with them, you wouldn’t know I’m the one with no friends. Aside from following and barely staying Instagram with two classmates from high school I’ve known my whole life, and the same with some classmates from community college. Get outside your comfort zone and make friends. I always find it helps to serve other people. Then find a hobby or sport that you're interested in, and then create a social life revolves around that. I run, I read, I cook, I clean my house, listen to music. Stand up comedy shows. Like the idea of getting up early on weekends and spending gas money to go somewhere just for the sake of going there and looking around on my own, feeling like a total r/SuicideWatch. (I met myself listening to music) Become friends with yourself. Take some time to sit with your feelings. I’m about to finish college and I have no friends and no life. Life was never meant to be easy, some of us prefer to lone wolf it, as it can lead to a much simpler life. 2. I’m not understanding why you feel shame. May 24, 2024 · 1. Whether real long term friendships develop or not, having a space where you can just be you and enjoy something you love alongside people who share that love really helps. Thing is: if you have good friends, they’ll get it and leave you be. I find time management helps. The feeling of a coming to a good, well decorated, clean home after a long day. However, it’s important to understand and address your feelings of loneliness instead of trying to suppress them. I have been labled hothead or unsocial by people. Way less bad feelings that my friendships were imbalanced. I feel ya, it sucks. Volunteer your time. But he has literally no friends and no family. I (33f) have been dating my boyfriend for about eight months, hes a lovely person, gets along with my friends and family, has a stable job, very passionate about cooking and animals. Going to area parks and beaches on days off. I also think it's important to remember that things are not stagnant and new friends come into your life even though it might not seem like that right now. Lastly, you've gotta do more than game. You're spot on with the vapid bullshit. It will give you something to do and build your self-worth and self Share. Take it or leave it. • 3 yr. It got rather long. I knew i was abnormal but did not know why. Cakes and pastries are cheap when they don't have animal products. I've had a lot of bad friends since childhood. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. dead_already_7. When you put yourself first, you’ll feel more happy, fulfilled, and energized. At least to get it going. I am proud as an abuse survivor. 61. It will feel as though I was talking to someone who actually cares. It does get easier, as much as it probably shouldn't, as i find it becomes your "normal" but it does take a while. I get the impression that "older people" don't post on here so maybe no one can relate to this. Process your feelings of loneliness. Notice all the textures, colors, smells, thoughts, etc. Not true, there are other ways to have a pleasant and fulfilling life. Give into the insanity and keep my passion, or make steps to become You have to try, man. You don't need to tell people you have no friends. Use modern technology – the right way. Nothing touches my soul like weed did. The thought of this not being temporary. 32, unemployed, no friends or anything. I was pretty similar up until this year of school where I started just doing Fuck around and find out cause its ny senior year. people who have money enjoy life. : r/depression. So. When you leave, you're not going to have daily access to hundreds of people your own age and it will become exponentially harder to make friends. Life is worth whatever value you put into it. Go out of your way to talk to people: even if making a friend by just talking to someone out and about is very hard, having little conversations with different people goes a long way to help with loneliness. So many people stigmatize friendless individuals on the assumption that since they have no friends, they are less developed human beings. School is the most social time of your life. At 23, it is your responsibility to "get it together" and you CAN - it will be hard and take time, but autism aside, you can LEARN basic social skills. If you're going to college, then you'll soon be in a position to meet tons of new people. Human work of that type is invaluable. You need start to study whatever you can, you don't need to like it at all, you will like it in the process. I start school this fall, and I'm hoping that will open some doors. Loneliness feels awful. [1] Avoid comparing yourself to others and focus solely on your goals and achievements. And I always do. Always remember a simple fact, You came alone in this world and you will go alone in this world. Months and I can't seem to figure out how to have both. When I started to let go an do what I wanted to do, I realized I loved being alone. I was talking about how I wanted to move out and my sister said "oh for gods sake" I assume This step is abstract. Hang in there. Having something other than your grad school work where you can connect with people makes a huge difference. Look deep inside you. If you don't like you're self, you'll never be happy, no matter who you're with. Life feels ruined beyond repair. Idk why it helps. Discussion. I'm an easy target and people will befriend me because I'm quiet, too nice or too trusting and I'll do whatever they tell me. I got a great career, had a decent social life, went to the gym, traveled 30 countries. You have a serious mental health problem and should talk to a professional. Absolutely! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Baking vegan sweets. I think addiction ruins your life forever, especially if you had it bad. . Like I enjoy my life, watching movies no one else ever wanted to watch with me, lifting weights, coming up with diy projects, but I rarely do new things or go new places. Tl;dr - you can be happy single after you had a horrible relationship helps a lot. Ive smoked from 13-26 years old, and was sober for the last six months. How do you guys enjoy life without weed? How do you make new friends? Having this purpose and drive will wake you up dark and early ready to get to work. I’m having troubles enjoying life without weed. I just blew up at the dinner table. Then, realize that you also have no clue about the state of the world. Where This will depend on who you are. If you love sports, pursue that. However, there is something you can do to re-gain this control. Don't worry about having a wedding even. "Happy" might be an overstatement. Don’t think everything you set out to go do will be amazing or life changing or the best thing ever. Whatever your hobbies, make the time. [deleted] •. Don’t be afraid of having a bad experience. r/socialanxiety. It’s a matter of being able to be happy by yourself first. We have too much "instant" access to everything. Have no friends. The point is to experience life and that can include planning a dope trip to the beach and the weather sucked. Join a club you are interested in. Watching incredible shows, movies, or reading stories or books that make me feel full of gratitude to be alive to have seen it. No girlfriend, barely any friends, and yet I love my life. Second, incorporate personal work outside of your job. Content. The thing you loved is missing. Don't expect that to change on its own when you graduate. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. . I have a habit of planning solo trips and visit the beautiful places, it's heavenly for me to enjoy nature all by alone. Even though im a good conversationalist, no one cares to develop relationships with people. ‘No’ to pointless social engagements with people I never liked or that truly never liked me. Yes, i lived without friends for a few years. My mum bought me a self esteem help book that had “list positive adjectives that describe you” so I wrote them and realising I am nice, caring, understanding, funny etc makes me so depressed because I have no friends. Girlfriend broke up with me. Communication is key in Overwatch, which is why it is such a good platform to meet people. I have have started to learn how to enjoy the small things while only being by myself, and it has been pretty nice. Second thing is called a dopamine detox. 13. Quality is much better than quantity. I have felt like this too and the best advice I got was to focus on things that take up time and build you up. TwistedPages. I think you should figure that out first. I play video games but mainly because it just keeps my mind off of the reality that my life is empty. I don't really get lonely despite being alone. Much. I still have my days but I feel a lot better then I used to before. In other words, if you’re tired of living a life you’re not content with, then go ahead and make some decisions towards the things you love. I'm happy with no friends. But you need to learn self acceptance first. Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. My choices were to suffer eternaly or to start doing things that I enjoy. Step 2: Join groups with like minded people. Also while video games and tv are easy sources of dopamine, they ultimately contribute little to your progress as a deeper person. Potential-Flounder-1. After spending most of my life depressed, i really am enjoying life. Eat more fruits, veggies, and foods that make you feel good! I also just want to add that living simply is a never ending journey. ghostmetalblack. I can't seem to be a regular person who also writes, I have to choose. I'm 22, moved back to my college campus after being home for a year, reached out to groups of people by myself, reached out to pretty much everyone in the area. There's nothing wrong with living a life without close personal friends. The lack of friends isn't the cause of that distinction, to be clear (and the addition of friends would likely make things worse). ADMIN MOD. Censorship_Sucks_4 is 100% right. 4. •. Before I realized I was an introvert, I would do everything to please people. Mar 28, 2023 · However, this advice is not exactly the same as knowing how to make new friends as an adult, something that means putting yourself out there a little. ‘No’ to energy or resource-sucking events. If you need to talk to some rando my dm's are open. A guide to having a shitty life. Once weed was an escape from life, now life is an escape from weed. I have a work life where I’m around people all day but can’t form a relationship outside of work. I do recommend joining some clubs. Way less drama. I love Kung Fu Panda xD it's a good quote. You’ve had some negative experiences. For a new relationship, friendships, working out buddies, drinking buddies, or even online friends. Give it a shot. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If you love gaming, try streaming or game development. Love can last decades. If Alone, watch movie,series,read books, play video games, meditate, listen to music, play guitar, etc etc. You're never lonely if you love the person you're alone with. You're just looking for like minded people. 5. Without drugs I feel like there is nothing I can do that I would enjoy. In order to have a chance at enjoying the present you have to let go of past and future and focus your thoughts on the present moment. I feel like I HAVE to have 1 year weed free, life feels empty without it. I have maybe 3 close friends and I’m fairly happy. When you have felt true love it is difficult to go back. And most importantly: always look on the bright side of life. Jun 14, 2024 · 2. Chin up, dude. Talk to people wherever you have to go ie. 3. Go look for hobbies you enjoy and you'll meet people. You, I, we all, have no idea how it will turn out in a day or month or decade or century. A dopamine detox is getting rid of things for a little bit that spike your dopamine, also known as instant gratification. It's easy to just waste your days away with social media. Its been months. I have friends through work, hobbies, neighbors. ''. They have hobbies and things they like to do, family and friends they enjoy spending time with, etc, etc. That pursuit is where some real meaning in your life can be found. What I mean is I enjoy handy work but can’t enjoy them as hobbies because of the cost. I didn't spend this time crying in bed and waiting for my prince. Spend some time alone when you feel like you need to recharge. I was always doing things for my friends that they never would reciprocate when I was in the same situation. I would try to be at every function, and felt like it was the end of the world if I couldn’t attend a party. Just improve yourself if you have no friends plenty of time to do so and eventually you’ll improve yourself so much that you will be like able and have lots of friends among other things. Now that I’m old and have less stamina, I do volunteer work. When I enter into the fictional worlds, I forget my surroundings. I certainly would rather be alone than to be around the wrong people. In my experience, after five years of coping with toxic behavior I've learnt to love that I can do basically whatever I want - I can go out and return when I want. Select-Chemist-2828. So the solution to "enjoy a life without weed" is to build a life that is enjoyable. When people create friendships organically they don't often include their current roster of friends in the process. Yeah, I'm afraid that even though I enjoy doing my stuff, I'll realize that they don't matter in the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You need to find a hobby (everything would help). Keep fighting, get help, be happy. Try to make friends you can always have new friends. You should go out and meet people, if you can. ‘No’ to extended family and friends. The joy of reading alone with coffee. Trust me having no friends is better than having few that you can't even share stuff. Be social. Happier. It really is the most beautiful feeling and it lasts a long time. Physical symptoms may include: blushing, excess sweating, trembling, palpitations, and nausea, stammering, along, rapid speech, panic attacks. Hey everyone. Nobody wants me. When I get really in my head/lonely/sorry for myself/etc. I really achieved all my life goals besides having a family. Stick with it. r/socialskills (read sidebar, really good) r/MakeNewFriendsHere. Going out with people, do activities, nope. You don't have to be best friends but I feel it makes a huge difference to have a sense of belonging in the places that you actually occupy. The small explanation was just a courtesy. ago. Idk if this helped. I think letting it all out will somehow help me. Lots of us think we do, but we don’t. Exercise helps keep depression at bay as well and manages some chronic health conditions. Its just another day. You are already on the right path if you are quitting weed. Of course, the point not to be lonely is starting to enjoy yourself. You can live a life without friends and still be a perfectly normal individual. I dont ever remember me starting a conversatiom with anyone. In my mid-twenties, I was feeling a little down because my college friends had all scattered and I didn't have a lot of people to hang out with. Be thankful for finding the one. You will make at least 1 friend. There are plenty of people here who have heard your cry for help. Try going with the flow. I'm fine with it. ) going out to do basic things like hiking, eating out, and going to the beach instead of staying home all day scrolling through Twitter. No friends. But plenty of people do enjoy life. on fx rz vt if on dr vq gr mz