
My entitled husband wants to visit his parents reddit. All OP seems focused on is her own relationships/feelings.

Fortunately my friend told me about r/entitledparents. During my most recent visit, my mom mentioned that my dad asked if I could pay $3K to fund his trip to Europe. Me: well you need to understand that we'll being going with my birth plan which only has doctors, fiance and I touching her. I want no contact myself, but I understand his torn feelings. After my son was born, it turns out that the father never said anything like that. It was messy, we were on and off for almost 5 years. He needs to figure that out for himself and stop putting pressure on you to help him with something that isn't your problem. day. It took a 4 hour plane ride and a 4 hour drive to reach them, so my husband (32m) refused to visit. Tell your mom that if she tries to leave you with them you will report the abuse to everyone and their respective pets. NC = Nice Cousin. They also want to take my daughter away from me for a few days so I can rest with the baby Hell. Teachers, cops, coaches, neighbours, the internet. Usually around lunch time, I go to my parents place so my mom can spend time with her grandson. I'm now 24 years old and 38 weeks pregnant, and I've been hiding that info from my abusive, manipulative father. My dad is at work during the time I visit. •. Her husband wanting his parents to meet the children is equally as valid as OP wanting hers. But he is grieving the loss of his parent. You need to have a heart-to-heart with your grandpa so he can open his eyes and see that A is manipulating G into doing whatever he wants just so he can see his grandson. "You don't have kids, so who're you gonna AITA for telling my husband I don’t want to go visit his family anymore. My parents don’t like my boyfriend, so they gave me an ultimatum. That A will never truely be happy and only thinks about herself and no one else. My husband said that it wasn't a good idea, as it's dinner/bath/bedtime with exhausted kid + fussy newborn. He doesn't have a good relationship with his step dad at all and his relationship isn't great with his mother either. I did not think this would turn into a big family issue but it has. XL. Perhaps consider hiring someone to drop in your parents once-a-week. I also want you to know that I also care about your feelings and I know that you miss your family, but please consider the timing of such a trip, especially since opportunities to Entitled Aunt wants to give her son the house heritage. #reddit #redditstories #storytelling #foryou. And she's not talking to my parents either. I’ll try to make a long story short. Cross posted in New Parents My husband and I are first time parents, and have the first and only grandchild on both sides of the family. TikTok video from redditgott (@redditgot1): “Part 2. All OP seems focused on is her own relationships/feelings. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I made the decision to move in with my in-laws. But my advice is don't try to manage these relationships for him. So this happened in 2019, I was about to turn 18 so my parents gave me money, I always had wanted a fursuit so of course I ordered one, Furry Migration 2019 was Sep 6 so Me and my friends were going to Virginia Beach, My Neighbour had a kid that turned 7 the NTA. Deleted and recovered. I'm autistic and he's frequently poked fun of autism, commonly using the r slur and whatnot. If he wants to visit his dads grave every day for the next 6 years let him. I told my husband that after I just gave birth I do not want to also be responsible for hosting people at the house either. #redditstories #reddit #redditstorytimes #redditreadings #askreddit #shortstorycentral This story may be adapted for more entertainment. The children are as much her husband's as they are hers. Husband doesn’t want to spend time with my side of the family : r/Marriage. FIL = father in law. 16K Likes, 29 Comments. H= Husband MS= My Sister. During that conversation, I had specifically told him that living in a joint family was a deal breaker for me. Keep your shit up and I will get the MP's involved. One of my husband's friends lived with a woman for about 5 years. PART 3. My entitled husband wants to visit his parents because he never sees them even though I’m about to give birth. Edit. Feelings don’t matter anymore, the safety of your child is the ONLY thing that matters. You're not selfish, you are setting realistic expectations for how you want YOUR delivery to go. That cutting ties with A will actually be best for him. He STILL went and now I’m considering DIVORCE. He agrees to spend time with your family too. She does not speak to me and my husband anymore too, because argument she had with us last summer, but it is whole diffrent story. I'm not playing this game anymore, what you just did put both my children in But they want their agenda to be followed, 24/7 with us to "make the most" of their 3 days here. Well, because she tells him he needs to choose I’d leave it to your husband to decide if he wants to spend Christmas next year with you or his parents, but those are the only 2 options - there is no 3rd option for them join your visit. But first we need context for the story. Touch me, either of my children, or the sled again and I'll put you on your ass. I said I would tell the story of me catching my husband cheating on me so here it is. We were supposed to leave on 23rd of dec and come back on 27. So, I will need to be able to stay home with the future baby. You don't have to spend to much time with them, spend an hour with them have some tea while face timing your husband and give them the gifts so he can feel like he is there with you guys. I did let her & her family see my child, just not take them back home with them as they lived 4 hours away at the time. I have explained the first 2 reasons to my dad, but he doesn't seem to want to let it go. original sound - redditgott. It was Christmas and my sister decided to Stories about spoiled children with their entitled parent (s) are also welcome. Follow. My guess is my brother went crying to her again to tell her mommy and daddy weren't enabling him anymore. Sorry husband, you need to suck it up. Their dad was active in their lives, he paid his child support. My dad drove my mom and brother crazy those entire 2 months. 1st and only kids for both of us. My entitled family tried to force me to go against my father's wishes. I am an only child and My current boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 years, starting when I was 19 Miserable-Piglet-847. And if I did, they would stop asking me for financial help. I said OK. I am currently looking for one where I can utilize being a stay-at-home mom because my husband wants to eventually have kids of his own as well. She is the one that left. I went all the way until July 2022 without seeing my parents at all. My daughter will be almost 3. So some back story, I have recently got married and only really spent time with his side every other weekend. TikTok video from RELATIONSHIP STORIES (@r. My relationship with my brother has always been strained to some point. S. I don't want anyone except my husband to see me bleeding, tits out, and destroyed physically and emotionally. My BIL & SIL also only have one car do they often borrow my PIL’s. Be on his side. According to OP, this was from his separate savings account and not their joint. Confused. Four years ago I met Nick at a cafe and two years later we started dating. 5K Likes, 504 Comments. He shouldn't sign any contracts or have to make life changing decisions while he is grieving. 3: My husband and I also have this opinion that if you feel the need to ask someone to name their kid after you, then you aren't really worthy of that honor. redditgot1. Me: okay. It seems understandable your husband would be unhappy. The petty revenge: I thought about just attending the wedding and when asked to give my prayer, just mentioning in front of the families how the bride and groom are huge cokeheads his the grooms family is extremely religious it would just ruin the wedding but my husband knows how petty I can be and thought I have a master plan. So my sisters were always fighting me to come back to my parents. Yes that's true, I don't know how an amazing guy has the most entitled mother ever. They are arriving in town at 7 pm, and want to come straight away to visit us. Literally the only times they talk to us (him especially) is when they need/want something. AITAH for wanting to leave my boyfriend for something his parents said? So, I 26 Female (black) and my boyfriend 32 male (white) have been dating for about 5 months now and he is honestly the best thing that ever happened to me. single. Parents are in no way "entitled", Husband/Wife, I'm on the fence. I tried explaining to him how vulnerable I’m going to be and how overwhelming the thought of having guests is while trying to establish routine and bond with the baby, on top off recovering from You’re not divorcing him because he wants a son, you’re divorcing him because he has said some truly unforgivable things. Update: Parents tried to make me give my brother my house. My husband invited his parents to stay the weekend on our anniversary. . M. When my grandmother was in hospice with hours left to live, she was demanding financial information and the house. She stole at least $40k from my grandmother/his mother, tried to get more. It isn’t allowing me to link the original story but you can find it on my page. 10point11. Now, my husband wants his parents to visit to meet their grandchild, but I'm not ready for more visitors. When I was 22, my extended family, aunts, uncles, cousins etc began asking me why I wasn't married yet. I want to have a good relationship with her, but after what happened, I just gave up on her. The other day, I got a call from my sister asking if she, her husband, my brother and his wife could come over. Most of the time I really don’t mind. Stories about spoiled children with their entitled parent (s) are also welcome. Sara appears to be married to a doctor, (she herself 8 years ago was studying to be a nurse) and they have a son together. Dan's lawyer pulled some strings to get the divorce started as fast as possible. Yeah, you're not obligated to help him just because you are married. A place for sharing the for-better and for-worse of marriage. ”. Instead, she tells him he needs to choose between me (HIS PREGNANT WIFE) and her. My parents HATED this rule we had set, mainly my dad. . They live a few hours away so visiting means taking up your entire weekend to stay overnight at their house for a visit. I did not want to be on display for his family and stand by our decision. To make things clear, I (27, F) enjoy spending time with my inlaws. No longer the center of mommy's attention. Properties 2,3 were not my biggest worries because, my mother would only be annoying 11. My husband (30M) and I (30F) have been together for almost 2 years, married for 10 months. He STILL went and now I'm considering DIVORCE. MembersOnline. Not the A-hole. My husband wants his parents to stay with us permanently. Her kids were 3 and 5 when they got together. My parents have spent the last 9 years living in the middle of nowhere. Which was a whole other can of Entitled B*tch tries to steal my husband. Me - Me. This upset me, partly because I want to see my family more, but also because my parents think it is the child's duty to come visit their parents, and not the other way around. I understand that you want to visit your family and you miss them, but I felt compelled to share my feelings with you, and I hope you take them into consideration. That way she wouldn’t feel like it was us vs her. His parents had recently visited us for the first time and I went above and beyond to make them feel comfortable and welcome. By looking through his Facebook page, he has two daughters and was married to his wife in 2016. no. I made plans to see my nephew to keep myself busy and happy during his absence. Then I told him I feel like we do everything with his parents. One day my mom had wanted to pick up a huge hutch for the kitchen and my husband had just woken up after only having 6hrs of sleep from working 12hrs the night before. Support your husband. We visit my in laws once a month. That was stressful. So she offered for him to move in with her. AITA for not wanting to see my husbands parents every other week. My family is middle eastern and his family is African. X - Ex Husband. Hopefully, the intimate experience of the birth proves to the husband this was a terrible idea. So yeah. Because you have to sleep on the couch, maybe twice a month. My entitled relatives tried to forced me to marry a man I had never met before. Prior to getting married to my (34F) husband (35M), I had a discussion with him about our expectations of marriage. This last trip I reached a breaking point. Tell the nurses you don't want his parents in the room, it'll be a non-issue. I didn’t want it to come out the wrong way and he cut me off and said, “Too late. MIL was extremely happy when they left, FIL shed a few tears since this was completely in contrast to how they’ve ADMIN MOD. When friend and his ex split, he was giving her money occasionally to help out because he still had feelings. Why your husband hasn't shut them off for their comments about the pregnancies is beyond me. A one and three year old are on separate sleep schedules…they could share a room, but you can’t change up a one year old’s sleep schedule. Well, my parents had lost their partners, my father separated from my older sister Lucy's mother (currently 25 years old), my mother lost her ex husband in a car accident and had to take care of my brother (currently 23 years old), the that turned them into single parents with custody of their children, the two met on the beach and after they Inheritance isn't marital property. But it cost him. If he chooses to spend the time with you, he needs to manage the conversation with his parents without throwing you under the bus. Some background: my Entitled Grandmother (EGM) hated me from birth. And if she isn't comfortable with them seeing her in that state, she does not need to be present when the husband's parents visit. But our credit was holding us back so we were working really hard to build it. As I have posted far too many times (I need write a book), my sister's ex-boyfriend and baby-daddy ,Ken, is currently stalking me. Now with the actual story: EM= Entitled Mother (Mother in Law) HD= Husband's Dad. Part 3. Looking for experience and opinions. The Backstory: My husband and I recently got married. L. Fast forward to whenever I met my now husband. They asked me to leave my fortune to their kids, in equal portions. If anyone was wanting an update here it is. My ENTITLED husband WANTS to VISIT his PARENTS because “he NEVER sees them” even though I’m about to give BIRTH. Note: You parents are not that old. 5. He says he is "confused" about what he wants to do regarding his relationship with with family. Anyway, I realised on 22 that my cold was REALLY bad and that I couldn't leave with him. Initially I was supposed to go with my husband(32M) to go visit his parents that live 5 hours away. A few weeks ago my husband told me his parents were coming into town this weekend and needed to stay the night on Saturday. My grandmother hasn't called again. Speed. Try to visit during the week when your husband may be working. He had no idea, but today, he found out and sent me a bunch of messages through FB about wanting to meet his grandchild. ago. Part 2. PG = Poor Grandmother. And people in those areas tend to be deeply misogynistic and the My mom stayed with us for about 3 months to help and left about a week or so ago. We, of course, did eventually lift our ban on visitors when May was almost over. BM: I wanted to be able to see her come out and be able to give her to you. Entitled Mother wants me to give my plane tickets to her and her child. I haven't seen my father since I was 11. A few months ago my husband and I got into a heated argument when I said I want no visitors, including his parents, for the first weeks post-partum. [deleted] ADMIN MOD. He came to the hospital after to see our son but refused to speak to me. My husband is the eldest of 3 kids and is very close to his family, which I love I simply told him that I’ve known for him a couple of years now and over the past few months we have gotten to know each other more and discussed getting married with my parents blessing and his parents too (his parents are oversees). Not sure your husband has had a breakdown. Realize the severity of the situation, and act appropriately. His parents, his responsibility. My husband was working 10hr days just to save money so we could get out a buy a home. I did love him. Then suddenly taken away by grandparents?! That would mess her up. I really do not understand the insistence that labor and delivery are some kind of spectator sport. You don’t want to see your dad and siblings…yes they are your siblings. EMIL: Entitled mother in law. Continuing your relationship tells the court that you trust them. His mom and I have a peaceful but strained relationship (we don’t fight or have drama we just avoid each other My soon to be mother in law is an entitled parent. Our son had a cold and was super tired and my husband got mad at me for basically demanding that we go to sleep a little after 10. My husband doesn't want to visit his parents. Share Add a Comment. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. My husband has a job. You should get permission for joint decisions and all, but like this was separately his money, not their money. Even though my husband still wanted to keep things quiet, I ended up telling people who I was close to (not our son though) about the pregnancy because I needed support and love and prayers. NTA. Angel698. I was like, nope, none of that, thanks. You need to find a compromise which probably means less visits. WIBTA if I visited my parents after my wife gives birth? My wife, Sara and I, both early-mid 30s are expecting twins in early March. There is always the joke of Mother in law vs Daughter in law, but this was different. In my previous story, I wrote about my journey of getting away from my abusive and psycho mother. r/Marriage. Thankfully, it was just a SCH, but my husband had to be understanding of the fact that this was my body and my medical issues. Thanks for the awards! It's a long story, so buckle up! Firstly, until this January, I lived with my parents, my older brother and younger sister. I spent my childhood and early 20s in a fairly conservative North Indian state. Nick: fiance ( (fake name)) OP: me. Yep, you’re the entitled one. Good luck OP. He's been doing the classics like following me around at a distance, calling me with random numbers, and even tried to come inside my Yeah, my uncle married a woman just like OP's. I am capable of handling my family issues. I don't know the more specific details, or how much it all cost. I just want time with my nuclear family so that we can bond. My entitled husband wants to visit his parents because he never sees them, even though I’m about to give birth 😮. He is going to the UK, France and maybe somewhere else for a month later this year. She’s always felt like I had the life she wanted, not necessarily with her brother, but the marriage, family, job stability etc. WP: Wedding planner. So when I told my dad he was shocked and taken back So I talked to my husband and told him I want to come home and all he told me was that his daughter's psychiatrist told him that wasn't the best thing to do and he proposed that I stay in his old apartment, according to him he is going to move there with us until everything gets better, but I don't want that, I want to be in my house and for my ADMIN MOD. I spoke with my husband about this update 2: My 'mother' thinks she entitled to one of my properties. OP/Me= Me, Jinxy. • 6 yr. I did not want to be separated at the holiday so this was the compromise and I think it was fine. Background: Me (36f) SIL (40f) I’ve been married to her brother for over 10 years and there’s always been some jealousy and resentment from her. I need to start saying that EA is basically crazy (she always has been entitled with everyone, her mother, the poor soul of my dad, and even with me). 467 likes, 58 comments. Otherwise, this lady has a much bigger problem than in-laws in the birthing room. My son was an infant & didn't want him traveling those distances. They said this as if they were doing me a favor. And I said, “This is nothing against them – I want us to do our own thing. You should comfort him in his time of need. He said, “You’re not about to cut out my quality time with my family. I tried to be fair and talk to my husband about it to calm down and make sure I’m not being overly dramatic or mean and so that he can talk to her in a way that might be more gentle and she’ll be more receptive. ADMIN MOD. If husband wants to try to pass a football out of his penis, he can invite whomever he wants to the party. Husband insists on visiting his parents every. The first words ever spoken to me, right after birth, were her displeasure at me being born a redhead. AITA. My fiancé is 100% on my side. (Cross-posting from r/childfree, cause they said this would totally fit here) Edit: BIL = brother in law. Sara is scheduled for a c-section due to this being a difficult pregnancy and other complications that make her high risk. At the end of 2018, my father got really sick from Parkinson's complications. This actually is about my entitled parents-in-law so I posted it also on r/pervertedparents. I’m so sorry about your son - please know it wasn’t your fault. This is what I know of the divorce from my brother Dan. ” If he wants to visit them it's fine. But there is no reason on earth why you should put up with spending time with people in the habit of saying terrible things to you, even if they are your husband's parents. If he doesn't like it let him leave because it doesn't sound like he's contributing anything. You’re not divorcing him because he wants a son, you’re divorcing him because he has said some truly unforgivable things. Got pissed when she found out that it all went to my grandfather. He was always clear he wasn't ready for a relationship and I was always clear I Me: Look, you fucking twat. Advice! Husband doesn’t want to spend time with my side of the family. B - My kid. Also I won't let my kids near that lot. I have 3 properties 1: the first property I ever bought and now rent out 2: the big house near water aka my forever home 3: the apartment I bought for my aunty/mum after my uncle/dad died. BM: oh, well they said you could have 2 and I really want to be there to make up for my own mother not being there for either of my births. We had to go through IVF due to fertility struggles. It is rather long so strap in. If your parents are already paying your expenses to help you out, why would your husband feel entitled to any of that. Maybe his mother wants to send him some homemade cookies or something. storie): “My ENTITLED husband WANTS to VISIT his PARENTS because "he NEVER sees them" even though I'm about to give BIRTH. They will stay at a nearby hotel as we don't have spare rooms. You're gonna have to have enough spine to put your foot down. I am a young male white in my twenties who was saved from human trafficking by my now husband. My (40 f) husband Peter (40 m) is unbelievable attached to his parents, they drink even in Children’s birthday parties, his mother likes to create drama, yells at her husband over nothing in the middle of people and talks profanity and negatively about other people My one sister told me that I was morally obligated to have a relationship with my parents FOREVER because they raised me. Through all of this, I had my husband who At home, my husband actually complains if we are up past 10, and we both go to sleep between 9-10. He didn't steal from his wife at all. He ain’t normal. Reddit Story #reddit #redditstories #redditreadings #reddit_tiktok #redditstorytime #storytime #redditstoriestts #redditguy #story #viral #fyp #foryoupage My parents want to visit the weekend after the baby is born and I said of course! But you're staying with my sister or in a hotel. When I first met my MIL while husband and I were dating, she was very friendly and chill. Everyone loves our son, and both sets of grandparents live semi-nearby (close enough for day trips). Tell her you will make sure child services gets involved and not only will they be held responsible but she would be just as liable. Your husband it’s truly vile to say what he did and that alone is grounds to end your marriage. My parents wants to give my sister the earrings my grandma left for me. Entitled SIL wants custody of my baby. Original post. No one needs to see the baby right after its born, except its parents (assuming no abuse is going on from the non-pregnant partner) and whoever the pregnant person wants to support them. That was really important to me because of my past experience PlayAffectionate8663. But I just want to be able to spend one day at home, like a normal couple. After radio silence, his family claims that they were entitled to be at my birth and are extremely disappointed and mad at us (particularly my husband). You are setting yourself and them up to give them leeway on grandparents rights. Our house is not that big and honestly they can be kind of overbearing. My husband stands by our decision, but is very sad his family is doing this and wants us all to be friendly. But you need to be straight up with him and tell him he isn't going to have access to it. 491 Likes, TikTok video from AccReddit (@accreddit): “my entitled husband wants to visit his parents because he “never sees them” even though I’m About to give birth, he still went and now I’m considering divorce #reddit #redditstorytime #accreddit #redditstoriestts #redditreadings”. All are welcome. Since we’ve been married and as bf/gf When I ask to spend a weekend or day with my ADMIN MOD. #redditstories #reddit #redditstorytimes #redditreadings #askreddit #requestedreads This story may be adapted for more entertainment. My abusive father wants to meet his Grandchild. This story is so weird when I (27f) was 20 y/o I was in relationship/fwb situation with a guy (now40M). As much as he may hate it at first. The year of dating,he proposed on Valentine's day. I had been a single mom for over 10 years. EA = Entitled Aunt. I didn’t take into consideration that my husband didn’t want to move in with his parents and told him I would move in with them even if he didn’t want to which forced him to move too. He is the first guy who’s ever made me consider marriage and starting a family. Originally posted by u/lowstakes_orisit in r/AmItheAsshole June 28, '22, updated Oct 7, '22. We have clashing personalities and thoughts. C - The bitch I caught him cheating with. This continued for a few months, he would come to see our son at my parents’ house but act like I wasn’t there the whole time. And is fully ready to remove my brother and grandmother from the wedding. His parents have plenty of money and can easily afford a nice hotel—they are NOT in a hard financial situation. My parents tried to reach my husband, but he refused to answer any of their calls, so he missed the birth of our son. Update on AITA for telling my husband we won’t go to his parents anymore. So pretty obvious, my husband doesn't want to visit his parents. My husband took offense to this and accused me of double standards because my mom was here for so Throwaway account. He's even gone as far as try to harass my foster daughter in her kindergarten. My in-laws aren't coming down until my 4 week no-visitor requirement is up. He still went and now I’m considering divorce 😳. “My ENTITLED husband WANTS to VISIT his PARENTS because "he NEVER sees them" even though l'm about to give BIRTH. Zion22592. Your husband has nothing to do with my husband's career, but your actions have everything to do with his. Getting used to having a baby in the house. I do not want my parents around during ADMIN MOD. And the wonder why I don't call often. She drives FIL and MIL crazy with her antics, so they have cut the contact with her unless it is about her and FIL's mother. A little background, my husband and I earn the same amount of money and we spend money equally be it on home or leisure and that's something which I like, I want we both should spend equally but I just don't like it when he expects us to send 20% of our salary every month to his parents for their monthly expenditures. My ex-husband and I are in our early 40s and late 30s and have been divorced for almost 3 years now. My husband's aunt is pretty entitled. I have a friend who lives in my hometown and has parents who are friends with my parents. I love my wife and I know she means well but I often have to remind her I am an adult and I don't need or want her to interact with my family on my behalf. Also not your job to talk to his parents about it. redditgott · 2-25. Early in mine and my husband’s relationship, we and his parents agreed that, for the sake of peace, I would try and make sure my SIL always felt like I was her ally. "We need that house more than you, because we have kids". It was EMIL that didn't want my family in there. They would beg us to let them visit because of how my dad would take his frustration on not seeing my baby out on them. yl sm et ay dg kz en wm mr gz