Hyprland swayidle config. // Configuration : Hyprland Resources.

Strangely enough, this only happens when it suspends from timeout, not when I hit the sleep-key on the keyboard. enable = true. You can use the env keyword to set environment variables at Hyprland’s start, e. Make sure to copy your . /hyprctl /usr/bin. ⚠ WARNING! Make sure to change hardware-configuration. Oct 26, 2023 · You signed in with another tab or window. # # Please note not all available settings / options are set here. nix build (or shell or run) To build and use packages. Issue a make all and then sudo cp . You should not add quotes around the values. Setup by outfoxxed using hy3 and yay -S hyprland-git waybar-hyprland-git network-manager-applet blueman python rustup kitty fish wofi-emoji xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland swayidle swaylock-effects grim slurp mako wl-clipboard chayang cliphist swww nwg-look o swappy wofi wofi-calc wofi-emoji ttf-material-design-icons-extended ttf-iosevka xdg-user-dirs noto-fonts-emoji polkit-kde-agent clipman imagemagick hyprpicker gpick acpi Aug 31, 2023 · In your /etc/nixos/configuration. With Easyland, you can replace some other tools like Kanshi or Hypridle/Swayidle. swayidle accepts a multitude of arguments to configure events like timeout (a. hyprland-git nerd-fonts-complete-starship wofi dunst jq eww-wayland swayidle swaylock-effects-git swaylockd sway-audio-idle-inhibit-git bc pamixer light-git papirus-icon-theme playerctl cava kitty xdg-desktop-portal-wlr grim slurp wl-clipboard socat swappy cliphist hyprpicker nm-connection-editor dictd wl-clip-persist-git blueberry clone this repo by using git. sh sddm xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland backup previous hypr config cp -r ~ /. conf to see, well and example. If you want to use the flake and don't need secure boot, make appropriate changes in boot. Hypridle works much better at dimming and suspending on timeout. For binds, monitors, animations, etc. swayidle listens for idle activity on your Wayland compositor and executes tasks on various idle-related events. When i use SDDM it ' crashes into a loginscreen' , when i only use tty it goes neovim nixos unstable nixos-configuration snowfall flake flakes waybar swaylock nixos-config nixos-dotfiles astronvim hyprland swayidle Updated Jul 18, 2024 Nix Sep 21, 2023 · OBS works with obs-vaapi exclusively out-of-the-box. Superman Hyprland, waybar config. To build the package in debug mode, you have to override it like this: hyprland. But that didn't fix the issue. conf and edit it, edit this one according to the wiki instructions. Distros Arch, NixOS and openSUSE Tumbleweed are very supported. If, instead, you want to have systemd do this for you, you'll just need to enable the service using. Aug 18, 2023 · Open it with: sudo nano /etc/nixos/configuration. Stars. hyprctl is a utility for controlling some parts of the compositor from a CLI or a script. idling), resume (resume from sleep), before-sleep etc. Just switched from swayidle and swaylock to hypr equivalents. Hyprland. Attach and profile in your preferred way. config/waybar/. After certain time of inactivity, it just "gracefully" locks Apr 5, 2023 · But i changed this to (mentioned on Hyprland Wiki) exec-once = swayidle timeout 300 'swaylock -F -i ~/. Reload to refresh your session. Corey Hinshaw (2): Use logind magic auto session, fall back to session check by PID. target Wants=graphical-session-pre. hyprland. (Required) NixOS Module: enables critical components needed to run Hyprland properly. Similar configuration applies to swaylock if you are using that. config/hypr. Read Hyprland on Home Manager. If it's not, go to the repo root and /hyprctl. Super+ [ - Enable just left screen & Super+] - Enable both screens. For the adventurous, @spikespaz has made a Hyprland module that can be used in Home Manager and NixOS. For anything else, see Keywords. If you are having issues, install xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland; if you use openrc, ensure to launch hyprland with dbus-run-session Hyprland. yay -S hyprland-bin polkit-gnome ffmpeg neovim viewnior \ rofi pavucontrol thunar starship wl-clipboard wf-recorder \ swaybg grimblast-git ffmpegthumbnailer tumbler playerctl \ noise-suppression-for-voice thunar-archive-plugin kitty \ waybar-hyprland-git wlogout swaylock-effects sddm-git pamixer \ nwg-look-bin nordic-theme papirus-icon-theme dunst \ hyprpicker-git noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji This is all about the Dracula theming with the Dracula purple used for borders. Either a desktop environment like Gnome or KDE. The Hyprland config is designed around a KDE Plasma base. please use the config provided in the git repo /examples/hypr. cache/wallpaper --effect-blur 10x5 --clock --indicator' timeout 300 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on'. Edit: This particular example uses swaylock-effects. In my hyprland. Linux 🐧 configuration based on NixOS ️, Hyprland, and Catppuccin Macchiato theme 😸 for a consistent, complete, and customizable experience. Linuxデスクトップ元年はとうの昔に過ぎ去っているので、当然ご存知かと思いますが、Linuxでは自由にデスクトップ環境を選択したり改造することができ Aug 7, 2021 · timeout 1800 'swaylock -f -c 000000' \. Thank you fufexan (who also thanks a lot more people) for his guidance and a simple, clean eww config (good start for learning eww on hyprland btw) Copied a lot from Aylur's dotfiles; Thanks to the people at the Hyprland discord server for their inspiration; AI bots for providing useful examples; Maybe more, but I might not remember them all. Hyprland allows you to make a group from the current active window with the togglegroup bind dispatcher. I actually just had to regenerate my initramfs with the nvidia driver. Waybar Waybar is a GTK status bar made specifically for wlroots compositors and supports Hyprland by default. Since swaymsg is specific to sway, I changed it to this and it seems to work on Hyprland: swayidle -w \. 4 watching Forks. swayidle works perfectly for me, if anyone wants an example : #to avoid screen lock if watching a video for example. Syntax windowrule=RULE,WINDOW RULE is a rule (and a param if applicable) WINDOW is a RegEx, either: plain RegEx (for matching a window class); title: followed by a regex (for matching a window’s title) Examples hyprland wofi waybar-hyprland (archlinuxcn) swaylock-effects (archlinuxcn) swayidle udiskie dunst grim slurp swappy nemo pipewire-pulse otf-font-awesome qt5-wayland clash-verge (archlinuxcn) copyq brightnessctl alacritty adwaita-qt5 adwaita-qt6 wireplumber xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland xdg-user-dirs fcitx5-im (package group) fcitx5-nord polkit This page houses links to a few repositories with beautiful Hyprland configurations for you to get inspired from or learn how to configure Hyprland from a more tangible example. target Then the swayidle service Apr 18, 2022 · The Hyprland config is very similiar in syntax to the Hypr config. You can also add a d flag if you want the env var to be exported to D-Bus (systemd only) envd = XCURSOR_SIZE,24. 4+, git, and have already enabled flakes and nix-command, you can also use the non-legacy command: nix develop. This page documents all the “options” of Hyprland. git clone < this repository >cd hyprland mkdir -p ~ /. To check if hyprctl is installed, simply execute it by issuing hyprctl in the terminal. timeout 1805 'swaymsg "output * power off"' \. Meson. There may be a mismatch with hyprland's main branch. nix according to your PC or generate a new one via nixos-generate-config --root /mnt while installing. ⚠️ Window rules (both V1 and V2) are case sensitive. To build system configurations. Contribute to CachyOS/cachyos-hyprland-settings development by creating an account on GitHub. Without this, you may have issues with XDG Portals, or missing session files in your Display Manager. Emacs. It takes the space of one window, and you can change the window to the next one in the tabbed “group” with the changegroupactive bind dispatcher. exec-once = swayidle -w. sudo pacman -S hyprland xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland waybar konsole foot libsixel sddm thunar thunar-volman thunar-media-tags-plugin thunar-archive-plugin gvfs-mtp swayidle \ swaybg wl-clipboard dunst geany gwenview okular qt5-svg inetutils \ xdg-user-dirs pavucontrol qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-quickcontrols2 mpv micro pipewire pipewire-audio pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack pulsemixer wireplumber split-monitor-workspaces (A small Hyprland plugin to provide awesome-like workspace behavior) hyprgrass (Hyprland plugin for touch gestures) hyprNStack (Hyprland plugin for N-stack tiling layout) hyprRiver (River layouts for Hyprland) hyprfocus (Flashfocus-inspired plugin that adds flashing when changing focus, useful for borderless) hyprland Nov 15, 2023 · Preamble Now we have looked at our choice of hardware, which OS to use and specifically, how to configure NixOS (at a high-level), using a git repository. 340 stars Watchers. timeout 3600 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' \. 5 && waybar. It can be found here. Dec 19, 2023 · 今回は題名の通りHyprlandとWaybarを用い、良い感じのLinuxデスクトップ環境を作ってみようというものです. Which comes with batteries included, it provides us with everything we need and we don’t Mar 28, 2023 · Then add waybar launch command. Key presses, mouse movement does not wake Hyprland back up. g. Readme Activity. conf. For example, for Hyprland, use the following in your hyprland. If it’s not, go to the repo root and /hyprctl. Use either or both. 🚀 - XNM1/linux-nixos-hyprland-config-dotfiles Also, I use swayidle. reboot once to get env working and it should launch waybar as expected. home-manager --flake . Please keep in mind some options that are layout-specific will be documented in the layout pages and not here. But for some reason, I suspend (or hibernate) and my system usually comes back online almost immediately. This is my swayidle config: timeout 1800 'swaylock -f' timeout 1810 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' before-sleep 'swaylock -f' P. enable = true; Save and exit nano. To configure Hyprland wayland compositor, these are the files that are used : hyprland. Compare. Hypridle should ideally be launched after logging in. However, this also locks my screen after 30 minutes of watching a movie in the browser (I use Chromium for this). exec-once = swayidle -w timeout 10 'if pgrep -x swaylock; then hyprctl dispatch dpms off; fi' resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on'. sway = { enable = true; config = rec { modifier = "Mod4"; # Use kitty as default terminal terminal = "kitty"; startup = [ # Launch Firefox on If you are running an untagged hyprland release then use the master branch of hy3. You should now launch Hyprland with wrappedhl instead of Hyprland. These are the configuration files for all of the programs I am going to use inside Hyprland, a Wayland compositor. # This is an example Hyprland config file. You can tell Hyprland to use a specific configuration file by using the --config (or -c) argument. Custom properties. Change directory, make executable and run the script >cd Hyprland-v2 chmod +× install-sh . You can specify any number of events at the command line and in the config file. varmisa August 31, 2023, 7:42pm 9. Write your own easily with C++. A group is like i3wm’s “tabbed” container. I don't remember this issue happening in one of them (ThinkPad T490). The only difference is that all the variables that didn't have a section are now in the section general. Anyrun is a Wayland-native krunner-like runner, made with customizability in mind. It provides the latest Wayland features, is highly customizable, has all the eyecandy, the most powerful plugins, easy IPC, much more QoL stuff than other wlr-based compositors and more Assuming you do not have Hyprland configured before, copy/move all the files in the repo to ~/. desktop file in /usr/share/wayland-sessions/ and edit it if you use a login manager! Slightly better: # Turn monitors off if locked (swaylock running) and idle for 10 seconds. Plugins. target After=graphical-session-pre. 7. And then somewhere in your Hyprland you just call exec-once = swayidle. Nix. This setup is for dual screens which are named DP-1 (left) and HDMI-A-1 (right). In the terminal type: sudo nixos-rebuild switch. the swayidle/config file looks like this: The config is located in ~/. In order to keep this clean, and being only an eww configuration, my dotfiles are on a We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. service. ninja -C build. If you want to use the workspaces module, first, copy the configuration files from /etc/xdg/waybar/ into ~/. I ripped out user systemd unit files for swayidle, replaced with single startup of hypridle with exec-once and things just work. config/swayidle/config: timeout 300 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' timeout 305 'swaylock -f -c 000000' before-sleep 'swaylock -f -c 000000' Reply reply Run: nix-shell. variable description type default; splash: enable rendering of the hyprland splash over the wallpaper: bool: false: splash_offset: how far (in % of height) up should the splash be displayed In Athena OS, Hyprland has been been set up to make the user experience smoother in a window manager environment. I can get into TTY3 and that is it. windowManager. ), REST APIs, and object models. : env = XCURSOR_SIZE,24. (See the Sidebar for Dwindle and Master layouts) Variable types type description int integer I've run the command manually and the journalctl logs don't seem to be helpful. Many thanks to @ElKowar for this awesome standalone widget system made in Rust. e. conf: theme configuration, fonts, colors, borders, gaps etc. My swayidle config is below. nixos-rebuild --flake . ⚠️ hyprctl calls will Jul 1, 2023 · However, the swayidle process still starts and runs in the background and if I manually run swayidle in a terminal with my desired settings, then everything works just as I expect. before-sleep 'swaylock -f -c 000000'. # # Refer to the wiki for more information. nvidia-open wasn't working because of NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules#472. You signed out in another tab or window. I can resurrect hyprland by killing it from the tty and restarting it. conf: main configuration file for general settings, input/output settings, keybindings and window rules, etc hyprtheme. Works pretty well with configs provided in the wiki. Hyprland Version Hyprland, built from branch main at commit d20837b dirty (Nix: corrections for overlays, overrideable systems (2929)). exec-once = killall -q waybar;sleep . before-sleep 'playerctl pause' \. If you want to install this setup on Arch Linux or on any other distro, follow the points below : Install the following programs on your Linux distro: sway swaybg swayidle swaylock wlroots wl-clipboard waybar wofi kanshi foot mako grim slurp wf-recorder light yad wlogout thunar geany mpv mpd mpc viewnior imagemagick xfce-polkit xorg-xwayland xdg-desktop-portal-wlr playerctl pastel python-pywal PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. config/hypr ~ /. For other NixOS options, see Hyprland on NixOS. 12 forks Report repository Footer Nix configuration for my systems supporting macOS, NixOS, and wsl. Jun 19, 2023 · Hi there, I am running hyprland on 23. It doesn’t work in virtual machines out of the box, so it is suggested to use it on bare metal. As for moving the cursor, you should at least configure inputs (which you can do using the home-manager module). see the sidebar. . To use it, it’s recommended to use your distro’s package. Then, in ~/. Hyprland will automatically generate an example config for you if you don’t have one. and if on arch linux have waybar-hyprland-git installed. Also, as your config file will be a Python file, you can script easily your full environment according to your needs. Control your desktop with your favourite languages or simply via IPC. The environment consists of several applications Get the latest features Linux offers. Have full control over your workflow by customizing and extending it how you want. 3. a. neovim nixos unstable nixos-configuration snowfall flake flakes waybar swaylock nixos-config nixos-dotfiles astronvim hyprland swayidle We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. override { debug = true; }; This code can go in the package attribute of the NixOS/Home Manager modules. networkmanager. This option will probably be in your configuration file already, but if it isn’t add this somewhere in the file: networking. Jun 27, 2022 · Using Hyprctl. #lock after 5 minutes then switch off the monitors and suspend after 30. started talking about this in discord, figured id open a bug report too i updated my system sometime in the last month and i finally noticed yesterday that swayidle stopped working, looking through swayidles commits the only change was dropping KDEs idle protocol in favor of the native wayland protocol It listens for Hyprland & Sway events, Systemd signals, and has a built-in native Wayland Idle feature to act based on idle conditions. To set up Sway using Home Manager, first you must enable Polkit in your nix configuration: Then you can enable Sway in your home manager configuration. config/hypr cp -r *~ /. Start a section with name {and end in } in separate lines! The configuration of Hyprland is available in ~/. Here is a minimal example: wayland. See swayidle(1) for more details and further explanations of the events. If you are already running an emacs server you can use Emacs. 05, and have configured swayidle, swaylock and various desktop files to send my system into a suspend. S. 8. after-resume "swaymsg 'output * dpms on'". config/hypr/hyprland. EVENTS. To be used without moderation. 🚀 Installation Download and Install NixOS from the official site . Let’s restart Hyprland (such a change in the configuration file needs a restart), e. If you want to try Hyprland on Nvidia regardless (many people have reported successes), follow the Nvidia page after installing Hyprland. conf I have the line. Anyrun. For any other distro (not based on Arch/Nix) you might have varying amounts of success. before-sleep "swaylock -f --grace 10 --fade-in 8". nix. Apr 18, 2023 · ##### autogenerated hypr config. If you install with make install, or any package, it should automatically be installed. // Configuration : Hyprland Resources. Options and overrides. All rendered text supports pango markup. exec-once = hypridle. For the config you can check out DistroTube’s Configuring Emacs or Sebastian Wae’s app-launcher repositories. For a more comprehensive list of launchers, check awesome-hyprland. exec-once=sway-audio-idle-inhibit. JSON, CSV, XML, etc. The env keyword works just like exec-once, meaning it will only fire once on Hyprland’s launch. . AGS: Aylur's config, kotontrion's config; EWW: fufexan's config (he thanks more people there btw) AI bots for providing useful examples; Open source contributors for their software and ricers for their insipration (would be a too long list to put here!) Jul 25, 2023 · And then we start it in the Hyprland configuration file with the “exec-once” directive: 1. The simplest is to use the configuration of sway itself. - logind idle inhibitors are now supported. Hyprwwland. Hyprland is a wlroots -based tiling Wayland compositor written in C++. exec-once = /usr/lib/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1. : env = QT_QPA_PLATFORM,wayland and NOT env = QT_QPA_PLATFORM,"wayland" Please avoid putting those environment variables in /etc/environment. Run: nix-shell. sudo pacman -S alacritty adobe-source-code-pro-fonts neofetch slurp grim xdg-desktop-portal-wlr swayidle swaylock wl-clipboard ncmpcpp pavucontrol yay -S hyprpaper-git ttf-sourcecodepro-nerd hyprshot waybar-hyprland mpdris2 rofi-lbonn-wayland Further, swayidle able to execute commands before sleep, so you can setup actions like locking screen My swayidle config looks like this: timeout 300 ' hypr-kbd-layout-reset ; swaylock -f --grace 120 ' timeout 600 ' hyprctl --batch "dpms off" ; systemctl suspend ' resume ' hyprctl --batch "dpms on" ' before-sleep ' hypr-kbd-layout-reset Or of course you can compile hyprland from source; Waybar - Gentoo have now wiki for Hyprland. /install-sh; Optional stuff you can do using the script includes choices of the following: The issue I am having is, I turn off my monitor physically when I will not be using my PC for a while, and when I come back to my PC the screen is completely black. (e. exec-once = swayidle -w timeout 1200 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' & 'Tis a configuration structure for getting Hyprland to work as intended on pretty much any distro that has TTY as shell/have GUI disabled. Commits are tested before pushing and will build against the hyprland release in the flake. # Lock screen after idle for 300s and turn monitors off after 330. However You can use the env keyword to set environment variables prior to the initialization of the Display Server, e. Read swayidle -w \. nix (or in the nixOSConfigurations section of your flake), you can set the NixOS option programs. Each event can sudo dnf install ninja-build cmake meson gcc-c++ libxcb-devel libX11-devel pixman-devel wayland-protocols-devel cairo-devel pango-devel wayland-devel libdrm-devel libxkbcommon-devel mesa-libEGL-devel mesa-libgbm-devel vulkan-loader-devel glslang systemd-devel libseat-devel hwdata-devel libdisplay-info-devel libinput-devel xorg-x11-server-Xwayland-devel xcb-util-renderutil-devel xcb-util-wm ForewordDue to their proprietary nature, Nvidia GPUs have limited compatibility with Hyprland. 0. Is there a way to disable swayidle There are different ways to start and parameterize the daemon. resume 'swaymsg "output * power on"'. You switched accounts on another tab or window. (Optional) Home Manager module: lets you configure Hyprland declaratively through Home Manager. bak hypridle / hyprlock. A simple sharing of my eww setup on Hyprland to serve as an example or basis for learning how to create your own desktop environment. r/hyprland • Swayidle. timeout <timeout> <timeout command> [resume <resume command>] Settings and dotfiles for CachyOS hyprland . Customize everything with official and community extensions. [Unit] Description=hyprland compositor session Documentation=man:systemd. This version contains the following new features: - swayidle can be configured in a file instead of CLI arguments. config/waybar/config replace all the references to sway/workspaces with hyprland make debug. systemctl --user enable --now hypridle. Aug 12, 2023 · Xenfo commented on Aug 19, 2023. The key press event interferes with you entering the "hyprctl dispatch dpms off" command. If hy3 fails to build against hyprland's main branch please make an issue or ping me in the hy3 matrix room. Mar 11, 2024 · paru -S hyprland-git foot grim slurp swww-git fish light-git swaylock-effects-git swayidle theme. Refer to the example config in /examples/hyprland. Disable key_press_enables_dpms. If you need any Grouped (tabbed) windows. Hyprland is a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. Jun 26, 2024 · Reboot your computer. Bindings and IPC. You can start Hyprland using a simple launcher script below: #!/bin/shcd~# Log WLR errors and logs to the hyprland log. Launch Hyprland with the wrapper - in your windows manager Shift + Alt + F3, locate you exec an run it with bash wrappedhl. timeout 1800 'swaylock -f' \. Home-manager module. meson setup build -Dbuildtype=debug. ⚠ WARNING! When I clicked the mouse/keyboard after activating this line. Upon starting OBS after installing one or both vaapi implementations and going through the initial system evaluation and configuration (if not already performed): Add source (normally) and select from the pop-up menu Wayland output (dmabuf) and proceed normally. I have a flake-based setup, I use nixpkgs unstable, and I use Hyprland as a window manager. - The seat can be selected with the -S flag. resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' \. I tried to add in SwayIdle and the DPMS Config for Mouse & Key presses but both did In ~/. special(7) BindsTo=graphical-session. To build user configurations. This can be done by your compositor or by systemd. There are two main types we could use here. Widget List General remarks. : env = GTK_THEME,Nord Hyprland puts the raw string to the envvar with the env keyword. Some programs mentioned may need manual compilation. swayidle 1. Athena’s Hyprland config is based on the wonderful dotfiles from @end-4. - dianaw353/hyprland-configuration-rootfs Open your hyprland conf write in section where exec command are there mean execute when system starts so you won't need to manually setup again and again (automatic) (swayidle input as timeout ss ) exec-once = swayidle -w timeout 100 'swaylock -f' For basic syntax info, see Configuring Hyprland. monitor can be left empty for “all monitors”. , with the default shortcut SUPER + M, we exit Hyprland, and then we can log back in. That You signed in with another tab or window. I have two laptops both having hyprland with almost identical packages and configs. Jul 28, 2023 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly It worked! I did it this way, I added these two lines to my Hyprland config file: # Start swayidle - 60 seconds for dim and 120 seconds for display off exec-once = swayidle -w timeout 60 'brightnessctl set 0%' resume 'brightnessctl set 30%' exec-once = swayidle -w timeout 120 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' This keeps going on in a loop until at some point the amount of sessions exceeds the max amount of sessions, after which hyprland will crash with a red screen of death, due to the timeout in swayidle turning it back off every time. firefox ≠ Firefox) Window Rules V1 You can set window rules to achieve different behaviors from the active container. In this part, we will go over which window manager to use. Click here for guidance; For screen sharing, I use xdg-desktop-portal-wlr which seems to work. ⚠ WARNING! This configuration uses lanzaboote for Secure boot support. exec-once = swayidle -w timeout 300 'swaylock -f -c 000000' timeout 310 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' resume 'hyprctl temporary fix: roll back swayidle too 1. Hyprland is a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor based on wlroots that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. Additionally hyprlock will parse <br/> for your convenience. k. Enable mouse_move_enables_dpms. Dependencies (in Arch Linux package names) ``` hyprland-git xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xwaylandvideobridge-cursor-mode-2-git hy3-git swaylock-effects blueman networkmanager-dmenu-git nwg-look catppuccin-gtk-theme-mocha papirus-icon-theme qt5ct qt6ct Apr 23, 2024 · 🎨 Customizable: Leveraging the power of Linux and Hyprland, this configuration offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor your setup to your preferences. lock file. If you already have nix 2. Noteworthy features of Hyprland include dynamic tiling, tabbed windows, a clean and readable C++ code-base, and a custom renderer that provides window animations, rounded corners, and Dual-Kawase Blur on transparent windows. dj ql gc oa yt kq fx fw je vp  Banner