Wpf sizetocontent not working. 1 It consists of of four frames.
Wpf sizetocontent not working The initial window width is set to 680 and SizeToContent is set to "Width" only. That means, you delay the ShowDialog call for the Window. Also I removed the SizeToContent value because the default value is Manual and this is what you need Aug 10, 2020 · Hey I want a WPF listbox to change the width depending on the length of the content. Dec 29, 2012 · Anyway, intercepting the change could work, but then I think I would have to set the width and/or height to the old value, and, AFAIK, SizeToContent doesn't work with fixed height/width – Daniel Castro Apr 26, 2019 · I have made a message box for one of my programs but it is not sizing as it should I have got SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" in the xaml file Happens on Windows and Linux (Can't test macOS because Feb 6, 2017 · Edit: even if I do text wrapping/text trimming I am not able to get the correct ratio <TextBlock Grid. Feb 10, 2013 · It will not work, because the default value of ActualHeight is zero, and by the time WPF framework resizes your window, it already have assigned MinHeight with the default value of ActualHeight which is zero! Mar 21, 2016 · I want the GridSplitter to make the TreeView larger to make it easier to see the content of the TreeView. NET Core UI framework for building Windows desktop applications. The Loaded-event seems to be fired correctly, but the EventToCommand. The 3rd ListView control does not specify the width of any column. My problem is with the resizing, that the window resizes with a jerk to the final size. NET Framework 3. 示例. WinUI is still large but a fraction of the size of a WPF app. This can be remedied by specifying the dimensions of the control that the Window contains or those of its children. What happens here is that the "MinHeight=100" canvas is added first, and the DockPanel. similar ? 🔍 Understanding the Problem: Using Window Height="Auto". out of browser. However what I have is slightly different. I embedded Microsoft. Declare a global public property in . Sometimes the icon shows up in taskbar and sometimes it does not. Aug 21, 2020 · You've managed to not show us the backer members and their values. This is the simple code: <Window x:Class="UnderstandSizing. Nov 7, 2012 · There's some code in BorderlessWindowBehaviour that is used to set the SizeToContent value at runtime. WindowState = System. Below have a screenshot of the problem: Like you can see, my app starts with incorrect size but when I change the checkbox everything works fine, the window size become normal May 6, 2010 · From what I can tell, size I did not specify the SizeToContent attribute, the default is "Manual", so it will use *size of a window is determined by other properties, including Width, Height, MaxWidth, MaxHeight, MinWidth, and MinHeight. How to remove the border of a Sep 29, 2017 · I know WPF windows have the 'SizeToContent' property and it works great and is almost what I want in this case. So you're facing an issue with the Height="Auto" property of the Window in your WPF application. Because just: private double mMaxWidth = 1280; Makes this work when I tried it. There are 3 ListView controls that are placed in a grid panel in this window. was trying below code. EventBindings> 我已经用set模板属性为类型窗口创建了样式。如果我为窗口设置了高度和宽度属性,它会很好地工作。但是,当我试图设置SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight“时,窗口的高度和宽度被设置为显示完全高度和宽度(即使窗口的所有内容都受高度和宽度的限制)。可以在控制模板中处理SizeToContent吗?这里是窗口风格 May 4, 2022 · 我有一个WPF窗口,它的内容可以改变它的大小( DataGrid)。SizeToContent对于小数据集非常有用,但是对于大型数据集,窗口在初始显示时变得太大了。我将如何在最大初始大小为600x600的conjuction中使用SizeToContent (该窗口仍然能够被手动调整到更大的大小或最大化)。此外,该窗口可以多次隐藏和重新定位 Feb 13, 2014 · I'm using a the WPF DataGrid from the wpf toolkit and a TimePicker from AvalonControlsLibrary to insert a collection of TimeSpans. Why is my XAML Window partially black at the bottom right corner? 0. Can SizeToContent be handled in control template? Here's window style: Jun 28, 2022 · When I set the SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" property in my window, WPF renders weird lines around my window: Is there anything I can do to avoid this? Aug 1, 2021 · FYI, I am experiencing the same issue. 1 wpf center child window not working with sizetocontent. , and while you aren't using the resize grip/border, I want to confirm that's not happening somehow – 如果我将SizeToContent设置为WidthAndHeight ,则WindowStartupLocation="CenterOwner" WidthAndHeight WindowStartupLocation="CenterOwner"无法正常工作。 而不是新窗口的中心位于其父所有者的中心,它看起来更像是子窗口的左上角位于父窗口的中心。 Dec 18, 2019 · 1. I cannot tell you specifically why without digging through the history further but I found a workaround. Aug 5, 2014 · WPF Grid not working properly for drag and drop. - Problem in Maximize state - Fully Maximize WPF Window using windowstate is not working Solution Just remove below line from XAML code. ) you want SizeToContent="Height" when expanding the expander control unless the user has manually resized the window (SizeToContent="Manual"), in which case you'd like to return to the user's manual height. SizeToContent. I've changed the MetroWindow code to specify this new behaviour (by default it is using AutoSizeToContent="False" and not doing this. For a Window, this would mean making the frame smaller (and offset), not the client area, and that would be a bit strange (and might not play nicely with the Win32 hosting environment, not sure). Setting the fallback value doesn't always work either. mshtml and tried to get sth. I have got SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" in the xaml file. Jun 30, 2011 · 当我在堆栈面板上从水平方向到垂直方向并返回到水平方向时遇到问题,并且窗口 SizeToContent 属性也被更改。 这是我的问题:每当我从垂直到水平或反之亦然来回移动时,我都会根据我正在创建的菜单的方式更改 sizetocontent 。 Oct 20, 2010 · You should probably just set the SizeToContent to Manual in the Window. The right and bottom edges of the window are initially black and maximizing doesn't work. SizeToContent attribute is set to WidthAndHeight. 一个 SizeToContent 值。 默认值为 Manual。. So the question is: what's the easiest and right way to simulate SizeToContent=WidthAndHeight behavior on UserControl? UPD yeah I know it suppose to get that automatically if no Height and Width defined in the container where you're placing a user control. Jun 30, 2011 · However, i can't get the window to resize back to an appropriate size as before. Maximized; } It's not the most elegant way of doing it, but it serves the purpose for now. windowState and SizeToContent do not work simultaneously. Width; // Automatically resize height relative to content this. I apologize for any inconvenience. 1 WPF概念 WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation)是微软推出的基于Windows 的用户界面框架,属于. SizeToContent = Manual this. Of course, you want to make sure when you do that it doesn't steal the focus of whatever you're working on (or quickly returns it) so that might be another Jun 14, 2021 · I am attempting to customize the window style in a WPF . 次の例では、コードで プロパティを SizeToContent 設定して、ウィンドウのサイズをコンテンツに合わせて変更する方法を指定する方法を示します。 Mar 30, 2017 · This example shows how to set the xref:System. Oct 14, 2018 · 文章浏览阅读4. Window3" xmlns="http://schemas. NET Core 3. You expected the window to automatically adjust its height based on the size of its contained user controls, but it seems to be giving you unexpected results. SizeToContent%2A property to specify how a window resizes to fit its content. Nov 22, 2013 · To start with question 3: When using a DockPanel, the order in which you add elements matters. I suspect this also is the reason it looked alright for others testing it, if they pasted the Grid into a Window larger than the 300 pixels set by your TextBlock. Regards, Nasko Telerik When SizeToContent is set to Height, setting Height does not change the height of the window. Initially the size is 300 (the default for WPF Windows), and when I show the dialog, it shrinks to the size of its children. Window. When SizeToContent ise set to Manual, the size of window is determined by other properties including Width, Height, MaxWidth, MaxHeight, MinWidth, and MinHeight. iterate over DataGrid headers (assuming they are just strings) and compute width required for the text Mar 16, 2011 · windowState and SizeToContent do not work simultaneously. I get the same issue you do if I use exactly the same XAML. At least in WPF . ItemHeight and BaseLayoutItem. A SizeToContent value. Jun 30, 2010 · What you've encountered is the default computed size of a WPF Window. topLevelStackPanel. ShowDialog() on. First, the sizes for the window frame are not correct and do not represent the correct default window frame sizes. Feb 2, 2012 · Remember that star-sizing does not work if the grid size is calculated based on its content. But when I've tried to set SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight", the window's height and width were set to screen full height and width (even if all the content of the window is limited by height and width). Check out the answer I just posted that addresses these issues. It basically tells WPF to define the window size from it's content (aka "client size"), instead of the window itself (aka "client size + all that non-client/chrome/border totally incontrollable stuff"). What does the sizetocontent property of window mean? SizeToContent property of Window indicates whether a window will automatically size itself to fit the size of its content. private void Window_Loaded ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e ) { SizeToContent = SizeToContent. Manual; this. However, this is not what I'm seeing. Aug 28, 2011 · After a lot of frustration, I discovered the SizeToContent property - you can use this to specify whether you want the Window to size vertically, horizontally or both, according to the size of the contents - everything is sizing nicely now, I just can't believe it took me so long to find that property! May 1, 2009 · Please note that using SizeToContent alone will work. <telerik:EventToCommandBehavior. For different results, specify a SizeToContent parameter on the Window, as paxdiablo pointed out, or explicitly set the size of your window with the MinHeight, MaxHeight, Height, MinWidth, MaxWidth, and/or Width properties. Jan 12, 2012 · I have been learning MVVM / WPF and have gone through the tutorial here. Aug 1, 2021 · I too am seeing this behavior with SizeToContent set. If all else fails, just set a timer to put it back on top. Mar 16, 2017 · I didn't find any standard method to do it (AFAIK WPF provides way to clip the content to desired width, my problem is exactly opposite), so I come up with such ugly workaround, which does not work too well. Sep 17, 2018 · NOTE window does not need to be resizable. Apr 16, 2010 · I have a window in my WPF application that is displayed on occasion. Can you provide a sample (not a screenshot) so that I can investigate it here? I see it as well. It just needs to be efficient on space and I would rather not use absolute values if possible. If I allow resize on the window, as soon as I drag the corner the layout updates and the problem goes away. Height; Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a window will automatically size itself to fit the size of its content. I have a number of panels stacked up, of which I change the visibility (to Visible or Collapsed) as required. I have SizeToContent="Height", and it kind of works. Not sure why, or where it gets height value from? May 20, 2016 · SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" and WindowState="Minimized", The window will have a black part on the right side. Oct 14, 2018 · 这两天解决了一个 WPF 界面方面的问题:某个窗体运行在 1366*768 分辨率的屏幕上,并且窗口设置了 SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" 属性,即窗体的尺寸将随内容而变化。 当系统的 DPI 为默认的 96 时,一切呈现正常;但是当设置系统的 DPI 为 144 时,界面右侧被截断。 既然窗体的尺寸随内容而变化,DPI 的修改怎会导致显示不全呢? 究其原因,此问题是由 DPI 和 SizeToContent 共同造成的。 为了弄清楚显示不全的原因,我们需要先明确 计算机系统 和 WPF 程序中的一些尺寸概念: 通过如上定义可以推算,当系统的 DPI 为 96 时,则有 WPF 尺寸单位 = [1/96] 英寸 * 96 像素/英寸 = 1 像素 。 Nov 7, 2012 · When set window's property 'SizeToContent' equal "WidthAndHeight" window doesn't look properly after showing. Vertical GridSplitter not resizable. Sep 18, 2012 · Hello, Why don't you let the SizeToContent property of the RadWindow work even when the Width and Height are set? You have made the SizeToContent property a bool, but it would've been good if it could use the SizeToContent enumerations, that way even if the window was set to a specified width and height, the window would still auto-resize until the user would manually resize the window by May 18, 2012 · - I created a WPF window and I'm running into maximizing problems. public enum SizeToContent {/// <summary> Aug 21, 2014 · Working Solution. You should, however, always implement inotifypropertychanged on any viewmodel. Open WPF window is slow due to layout affecting. 0 Preview 8 Windows version: Windows 10 Does the bug reproduce also in WPF for . Yikes. The grid will be the child of a window configured with SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" so no extra space must exist. I'm running into an odd issue with a WPF Window I'm calling . // Automatically resize width relative to content this. 5. How would I use SizeToContent in conjuction with a Maximum initial size of 600x600 (the window should still be able to be resized larger manually or maximized). Mar 5, 2024 · This was quite easy in WPF as I could use SizeToContent to have the app resize itself to the content generated. Getting weird border. WindowState. ItemWidth properties. Is there a way to the size of a string. So, we can define the Content to be of fixed size, like this: Mar 9, 2025 · WPF布局是指在Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)中定义和管理用户界面元素的方式。WPF提供了不同类型的布局容器,如Grid、StackPanel、WrapPanel和DockPanel等,使得开发人员能够轻松地创建灵活和可扩展的用户界面。WPF布局可通过XAML标记语言或代码实现。它提供了一种 Dec 20, 2017 · Resizing to content seems to work okay, but the specified width and height aren't applied. Any large content expands to all the size it needs instead of being constrained and then resizable later. Dock="Bottom" says: "Stretch this canvas across the bottom of the DockPanel and make it as tall as it needs to be, but no taller, because we need to keep as much space as possible available for the rest of the May 5, 2017 · SizeChanged event on WPF control Event-args don't return proper Height value. 33 Dec 18, 2023 · I have a resizable custom control window where the image stretches until it hits either the available height or the available width, as pictured above. State B this. - dotnet/wpf Plan and track work Code Review. None of my style shows up in the XAML design… Sep 1, 2021 · Could you check if SizeToContent is changing itself to Manual after collapsing? From the docs: SizeToContent is automatically set to Manual if a user resizes the window by using the resize grip or dragging the border. Happens on Windows and Linux (Can't test macOS because I don't have a mac/macOS VM) repo with code: https://github. Nothing fancy, just a storyboard that modi WPF SizeToContent not working when WindowStyle="None" When WindowStyle="None" the width is too wide, it's about 200. GridSplitter not working when used in Grid present in DockPanel. 1. My problem is that bindings are not working inside the DataGrid, a Apr 21, 2017 · It appears that the SizeToContent property ignores spaces that are not used in controls when the dimensions are floating (Star or Auto). Jan 3, 2010 · It's not surprising that Margin doesn't work, because Margin is the amount of space to be placed around the control. Jan 25, 2012 · The content of the column 0 won't change at runtime so the size of the column 0 or column 1 must not change on runtime. When I run this project I get an empty MainWindow without the CompanyView injected. Would be awesome if the size of the Grid and MainWindow would change also. 6. Can not seem to find the right place to put the Splitter <Grid. SizeToContent = System. SizeToContent to expand the size only?. " Which is the case in your code. ) you always want SizeToContent="Height" when collapsing the expander control, 2. I have Four pages in my wpf application, and a default window page as my mainWindow. Nov 14, 2018 · My problem is: I have two sizes of window which changes according to CheckBox. However, if your content size is bigger than the screen the window will overflow beyond your screen but combining this with setting the MaxWidth and MaxHeight of the window to be as your screen will basically fit the window to contents up to the maximum of your screen. Windows. WPF: SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" + WindowState Aug 1, 2021 · FYI, I am experiencing the same issue. Manual; } Jun 20, 2017 · Confirmed, Even if you set SizeToContent="Width", Loaded event does not fired, starts working as soon as SizeToContent="Width" is Removed. If you don't need the canvas, change it to a Grid (which automatically sizes itself) and the TextBlock will wrap properly. However when I set WindowStyle="ToolWindow" both width and height are correct. NET Framework 4. 1 It consists of of four frames. SizeToContent works great for small Datasets, but for large Datasets the window gets too big on initial display. If you edit your code example and provide a complete but concise working example that exhibits your problem, I'll gladly remove my down vote. 8. SizeToContent = WidthAndHeight this. I have not found a working solution. 1 and previous. 0的一部分。它提供了统一的编程模型、语言和框架,真正做到了分离[界面设计]人员与开发人员的工作;同时它提供了全新的多媒体交互用户图形界面。 Nov 21, 2016 · I want the browser(to behave like SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" for its content). 以下示例演示如何在代码中设置 SizeToContent 属性,以指定如何调整窗口大小以适应其内容。 SizeToContent 値。 既定値は、Manual です。 例. SizeToContent = SizeToContent. If SizeToContent is Manual, the panel height and width are specified with the BaseLayoutItem. 8?: Not sure Problem description: I have a window with a grid with 2 rows. 13. com/AzyIsCool/HATE May 5, 2022 · I have a WPF window with content that can vary it's size (a DataGrid). Document but I did not make any progress so far. Initial view (note the position of the drag handle): As soon as I grab the handle the window layout updates: Jan 9, 2021 · WPF - SharedSizeGroup + Visibility. May 9, 2013 · I have a WPF window that changes it's size over time due to SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight". For instance, a zero-length string will not trigger the needed layout, and using anything else means that value will be propagated to the UI before the bindings initialize against the data context. Mar 17, 2014 · @dontbyteme Although now that I'm looking again maybe you're not after making it a focus-less window so that answer might not help. The following example shows how to set the SizeToContent property in code to specify how a window resizes to fit its content. Sep 17, 2015 · I find out that the EventToCommand for the Loaded-event is not working as expected if the Window. So there is no scrollbar. – Jan 25, 2018 · If I manually create my controls the behavior is as expected and the user is only allowed to select one item from the radiobutton group (bottom GroupBox), but if I use nested ItemControls to generate my layout and use data binding grouping does not work as expected and a user is allowed to select multiple radiobuttons in one group (top groupBox Mar 8, 2012 · A Window with SizeToContent=WidthAndHeight, as wanted. You presumably haven't set those when the getter is hit. When it is shown it is faded in with an annimation, and when closed it is faded out. 0. . 0 Jan 26, 2009 · It's inside a Canvas, so it's not getting any width set. I have a general window that is dynamically filled with content in a TabControl. Column="1" Background="LightGray" TextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow" TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis" Text="long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long "/> Oct 18, 2016 · I would like the Window not to have a fixed height but auto adjust its height based on the size of its children and no more, but can’t see a way to do this. For example: State A: this. 5k次。WPF 高 DPI 下的 SizeToContent这两天解决了一个 WPF 界面方面的问题:某个窗体运行在 1366*768 分辨率的屏幕上,并且窗口设置了 SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" 属性,即窗体的尺寸将随内容而变化。 Jul 15, 2019 · WPF SizeToContent not working when WindowStyle="None" 0. The following workaround does seem to address the UI glitch: Apr 26, 2019 · I have made a message box for one of my programs but it is not sizing as it should. As it is not known at the beginning how large each TabItem is going to be I cannot precalculate the required size (I only care about height though) to display it all without scrolling. I have a window that has some general content on it and I want it to automatically size to the height of that content. Oct 29, 2014 · It works fine if I set Height and Width properties for window. 1 Window supports SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight", it may work with older versions also as this property is supported since . Mar 17, 2015 · I have a modal window in WPF and for this window ShowInTaskbar is set to true but application icon is not showing in taskbar every time for this model window. Explaination of desired behaviour; user only sees the button, window has no unused space around the button. wpf border is much larger than label. Orientation = Horizontal. Sep 3, 2012 · Some suggested using SizeToContent, but this only helps to set the initial window size, not the constraints. I have not found a way to do this as WinUI app does not resize to the content in the Main Window. In addition, this class has not been updated for Windows 10. When I set a breakpoint on the line after the ShowDialog method, it is not hit when I press the okay button. Not really a solution but I thought it might be useful info. cs file like below: public Double DynamicHeight { get; set; } // Set DynamicHeight property value in Window_Loaded or any other event private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e Feb 2, 2012 · Remember that star-sizing does not work if the grid size is calculated based on its content. To reproduce it try making a new WPF project and set the properties as stated above then add this: <StackPanel> <Button>HELLO</Button> <Button>HELLO</Button> </StackPanel> When you run it, it will look like this Sep 12, 2013 · Is it somehow possible to restrict Window. Share Mar 1, 2015 · -1 Your problem is not reproducible from your code example, even after spending ages removing all the references to code that you did not include. A ScrollViewer that stretches with the window; A Grid to put your content (could be a Canvas, or any kind of Panel). Do not hesitate do contact us if you have any additional questions. I've created this simple demo because I'm having some trouble making auto-sizing work in WPF. – The initial solution is, like in Oren's answer to use the SizeTocontent property. Related questions. not the normal length? idk Or can you detect if the scrollbar is visible or not? Sep 11, 2014 · I have peculiar problem where WPF scrollbar set to Auto and Window set to SizeToContent="Height" sizes itself to go under the Windows 7 toolbar. Mar 28, 2013 · As I understand WPF (still newbie), all I have to do is set the IsDefault property to true for the default button to do the same. Recipe. SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" Or add below line after InitializeComponent(); in constructor Oct 10, 2017 · WPF 1. 3. This will allow the framework to determine the correct size of the window, and afterwards force the rows to calculate the height correctly. NET Core Version: 3. Dec 7, 2020 · The WindowChrome class that allows us to customize the non-client area of WPF windows has a few bugs. Window background black color when stylised. Initial view (note the position of the drag handle): As soon as I grab the handle the window layout updates: WPF is a . This grid as MinWidth and MinHeight set so that what is inside the grid will be able to stretch up but not down. Snoop and other such tools imply the trigger is fired, but the setters don't seem to be having any effect. WPF SizeToContent not working when WindowStyle="None" 0. – Aug 21, 2019 · . 10. The workaround. No issues here. 1 application in VS2019 v16. 0. Jul 9, 2012 · In WPF window, I have specified SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight". Then you are sure that, WPF has time to process your code. When SizeToContent is set to Width, setting Width does not change the width of the window. xaml. The first 2 grids both have one column where the width is specified. WPF: Why SharedSizeScope is not working as expected? 0. Orientation = Vertical May 21, 2011 · I do not think that this is this is something which is commonly requested so it's probably not easy to do, one method i can think of would be starting with automatic SizeToContent and handling the Loaded event and setting: Aug 11, 2016 · Grid is not necessary--> <Canvas x:Name="Lights" /> </Window> The defaults for HorizointalAlignment and VerticalAlignment are Stretch so no additional property must be set. At the moment when I don’t assign anything to the Window’s height, it seems to adopt a height that is much bigger that the content. My window resizes itself according to the panel that I have set visible. The SizeToContent property specifies whether a panel’s height, width, or both are set to fit the panel content when the panel is floating. After resizing, our window has strange black border and it is not at Nov 16, 2009 · So, you can not say when rendering is finished, and WPF cannot say something about the order of processing- so WPF cannot now the ideal time to calculate the StartPosition. The default resize mode is already CanResize so it is not necessary too. The problem is that you have two conflicting goals: 1. Others suggested overriding MeasureOverride and setting window's Min/Max height and width there, but this seems to be somewhat unclean, considering that such a trivial problem should surely have a purely declarative solution. I chose to try to move to WinUI because a self contained WPF app is ginormous. Loaded event. A trick is, to wait, that the WPF-queue is emtpy. I'm following along with a video, currently adding the style directly in the MainWindow. Combined with a fixed width/height of the content control and a ScaleTransform set on LayoutTransform, it scales the entire window. EventBindings> <telerik:EventBinding Command="{Binding OnLoadCommand}" EventName="Loaded"/> </telerik:EventToCommandBehavior. Anyone done sth. <Window x:Class=& Aug 21, 2020 · You've managed to not show us the backer members and their values. microsoft Feb 6, 2023 · This example shows how to set the SizeToContent property to specify how a window resizes to fit its content. May 20, 2012 · If you have the following requirements: * Width can be user resized (ResizeMode=CanResize) * Height is automatically sized (SizeToContent=Height) It won't work for two reasons: * there is no ResizeMode=CanResizeHeight * when the user resizes the window, it will clobber SizeToContent to "Manual" Important point: Dynamic binding in WPF always works only with property but not with a variable. ColumnDefinitions&g Apr 12, 2013 · wpf center child window not working with sizetocontent. 0 windowState and SizeToContent do not work simultaneously. XAML is trivial really. Jun 21, 2017 · We're stuck on an issue about the appropriate use of SizeToContent=WidthandHeight and WindowStartupLocation=CenterScreen in WPF. Command property is bound AFTER the Loaded event is fired. I have created a working application using this methodology but now, on a new project, I cannot get the Dependency Injection to work. Answer to Dmitry: I tried what you say with the following code and it is not working at all:. Initially the WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" shows the window centered correctly, and after that I Aug 31, 2014 · private void MainWindowMy_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this. This is my attempt at setting the window's in Sep 27, 2011 · In fact the UserControl lacks the property 'SizeToContent' that we have in Window. Window Aug 13, 2011 · WPF SizeToContent not working when WindowStyle="None" Hot Network Questions Identify this connector model Is the concept of "Atreides always pay their debt" canonical Oct 23, 2014 · So, I could suggest you not to set MinHeight for the Window and the controls inside it but try to setting Paddings and Margins to achieve the desired appearance. The default is Manual. movjy bebrmw nwckob mnuzdqkk wks yvka sfga dwmjo rcujdj pvunec vxqp mpjg xyi igrf chw