Urza tron deck. This deck is highly modular and customizable.

Urza tron deck Notice: This deck includes a sideboard. (To See what makes this deck "budget", look under the "Upgrade Path" Section) urza tron a Pauper MTG deck played by moonashe in Fuguete League 150 on 2023-12-06. May 6, 2023 · A lot of this deck's spells may look somewhat out of place with its reliance on the Tron lands being three colorless lands, but the deck plays cards that filter the colorless mana into different colors (Energy Refractor) and is able to utilize that massive amount of mana that the Tron lands provide to gain value off of various "Enters-the This deck focuses on using the synergy of tron lands (Urza's Mine, Urza's Tower, and Urza's Powerplant) to generate 7-8 mana by turn 3-4, and casting enormous and powerful creatures to quickly overcome your opponent. GipsyDanger using our MTG Deck Builder. There are plenty of different Tron versions: Tron (utilizing Eldrazi Temple), Tron (using Mindslaver) and Tron are most popular. A deck that uses Tron rather than Cloudpost to power out some big threats using mana-fixing and card draw. 4 Expedition Map Jan 3, 2025 · Tron is one of the most iconic MTG decks of all time, and, in Modern, it is still quite popular. We’ll give you information on the following things that make up a Tron deck: The name; Urza’s lands, the cards it needs; The strategy; The Name. RG Tron, once the most popular archetype, is a Green-based Urzatron deck that frequently splashed for Red in Urza Tron a Modern MTG deck played by Martin Gilbert in Final League @ La Guilde (Witry-lès-Reims, France) on 2023-08-20 May 24, 2024 · Tron: The Best Decks for Urza Lands. 79 1 URZA THRON a Pauper MTG deck played by LORENZO GEIROLA in GAPT PAUPER DAY on 2024-04-06 Home MTG Pauper Cascade Tron. EXAMPLE 2 Mono Green Tron is also known as Deck, Mono-Green Tron or Mono Green Tron. Modern Tron, or Urzatron, is a deck that runs off of the three "Urza" lands (Urza's Mine, Urza's Power Plant and Urza's Tower) in order to make large amounts of mana. The average mana value of your main deck is 2. Boros Aggro. 4 Urza's Mine $0. Budget Urza's Tron! (Suggestions are welcome, and please upvote if you approve) Jun 17, 2024 · Eldrazi Tron a MTG Arena Timeless deck played by prospektrefuge on 2024-06-17 1 Urza's Cave $3. Its Mono-Green version, in fact, was quite popular not that long ago. Urza's Saga getting Relic of Progenitus is really nice in a lot of matchups like Murktide and Living End, or against Yawgmoth to stop Agatha's Soul Oct 23, 2020 · Os terrenos de Urza foram originalmente lançados na expansão Antiquities, em Março de 1994. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck on that archetype. 79 4 Urza's Power Plant $0. One of the few "Net-deck" archetypes I can tolerate being played by anyone is Urza Tron, so I decided to throw my hat into the ring and put one together, but I didn't want to just copy a deck that has been played 1,000 times, so I decided to design one on a fair budget that can actually be competitive. The deck revolves around stalling the early game while playing a good amount of cantrips and card draw until you assemble the full "Tron" (Urza's Tower, Urza's Mine and Urza's Power Plant). Jul 21, 2019 · Discussion. However, many archetypes are always prevalent in the meta, like Burn, Rakdos Midrange, and today’s topic: Tron. 23 with lands and 3. Testing out an idea for mono black tron. Aug 3, 2023 · However, there is one exception. Jan 28, 2025 · Eldrazi Tron a Modern MTG deck played by Odin2015 in MTGO Modern League #8688 on 2025-01-27 4 Urza's Power Plant $0. 59 4 Urza's Tower $0. Everyone’s favorite deck: Mono-Green Tron. MTGO ARENA PAPER Pauper meta Sep 19, 2018 · Three lands, 7 mana. 24 with lands and 3. Now Antrazi's Ugin Tron is all the way down to 20. MTGO ARENA PAPER Jun 30, 2023 · Monster Tron is a blast from the past. The main objective of this deck is to assembly Tron and then play giant creatures to win the game. The concept for these lands is brilliant on many fronts. 59 4 Mar 26, 2023 · Simic Tron a Modern MTG deck played by Noah Huizinga in NRG Series $10,000 Trial - Chicagoland (Modern) @NRG Series on 2023-03-25 4 Urza's Power Plant $0. Popular decks and cards for Urza, Lord High Artificer. This deck's total mana value is 155. 33 without lands. Death And Taxes. Deck . 99 2 Urza's Workshop $17. 59 4 Altar Tron a Pauper MTG deck played by Alessandro Leone in LEGA PAUPER GRANDA - TAPPA 20/01/2025 on 2025-01-21 4 Urza's Power Plant $0. Also allows a temporary strat again of mimic into thought knot, into smasher. 69 4 Urza's Tower $0. We went 4-1 in our five matches and beat a bunch of top-tier decks (Whir Prison, Affinity, Eldrazi and Taxes, and Izzet Phoenix) along the way. Furthermore, it's the top deck for Chalice of the Void, and anywhere it excels, Eldrazi Tron will always be a solid choice, even if it might not be the Jun 25, 2024 · Tron is Back. Mono-U Tron cut this number down to 23. With our purpose laid out, let us examine the "core" of green Tron (you will have a very difficult time playing this deck without ANY of these cards). Aug 24, 2023 · Eldrazi Tron is the deck I enjoy playing the most, a factor I believe is crucial for success in any given format: appreciating the deck you're utilizing and fully understanding its ins and outs. See full list on amazinggameroom. 13 %. urza tron. 59 1 Haywire Mite Feb 13, 2025 · Eldrazi Tron a Modern MTG deck played by Odin2015 in MTGO Modern League #8933 on 2025-02-12. As anticipated, Modern Horizons 3 is quickly shaping up to be one of the most influential sets in recent memory. The median mana value of your main deck is 2 with lands and 3 without lands. 79 4 The deck revolves around stalling the early game while playing a good amount of cantrips and card draw until you assemble the full "Tron" (Urza's Tower, Urza's Mine and Urza's Power Plant). 49 1 Wastes $1. Eldrazi Tron: Pol Botello: II The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. In the Sideboard I have Ancient Grudge and Gorilla Shaman against Affinity, against swarm decks I have Electrickery. This deck can be upgraded into the top 8 Tron deck that is dominating the format right now. Modern Tron, or Urzatron, is a deck that runs off of the three "Urza" lands (Urza's Mine, Urza's Power Plant and Urza's Tower) in order to make large amounts of mana. AGGRO 63%. Durch den enormen Mana-Vorteil, den man schon in der 3/4 Runde hat, kann man große Kreaturen mit nervigen Effekten wie Wurmcoil Engine, Sundering Titan oder Platinum Angel spielen, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt schwer zu Kontern sind, da man selber ja auch Jun 22, 2018 · excited about the prospect of Urza’s Factory – Tron is better in top-deck mode than almost any deck in Modern, and as a result, the number of games where a land that can give you repeated value across multiple turns that would actually end up mattering is fairly low. Eldrazi Tron a Modern MTG deck played by Hirata Akito in TC Osaka Hareruya modern Cup on 2024-12-21 4 Urza's Power Plant $0. 29 Updated Dec 22, 2023 by Mr. Feb 10, 2025 · Eldrazi Tron a Modern MTG deck played by Ovinize in MTGO Modern League #8688 on 2025-02-09. The core of Gx Tron is as follows: 4 Urza's Tower 4 Urza's Mine 4 Urza's Power Plant Rather self-explanatory. Naturally, as a Horizons set, it's bound to make a splash, but it's remarkable how many cards have found their way into play right out of the gate, creating new deck types and bolstering familiar ones. Sets. 79 4 Ancient Tomb $94. 5 without lands. 52 without lands. History - All PT & GP. Affinity. 69 4 Urza's Power Plant $0. Early Tron decks like Gifts Tron often played 24 or 25 lands. Once they have been assembled Flicker Tron a Pauper MTG deck played by Alessandro Moretti in Paupergeddon Winter Edition 2023 (Lecco, Italy) on 2023-03-26 4 Urza's Mine $0. It's even better than a Tron hand early on, as we can already have information about what we're playing against by turn 3 with removal and card draw afterwards. This deck's total mana value is 134. This deck's total mana value is 200. Feb 14, 2023 · An example of a hand with no Tron lands that is quite keepable. Dies ist ein klassisches Artefakt-Deck mit Anteil. A high singularity means that the deck is running cards that are less common in that archetype. 59 4 Dec 21, 2024 · Mono Blue Tron a Modern MTG deck played by montego6 in MTGO Modern League #8688 on 2024-12-20 4 Urza's Power Plant $0. 88 without lands. 2 Grotte de cristal 1 Forêt 1 Fondrière polluée 1 Marais 4 Mine d'Urza 4 Tour d'Urza 4 Centrale énergétique d'Urza 4 Récupérateur Myr 2 Forgemyr myr 3 Sentier sucré 2 Feux d'artifice du Magicien 1 Fontaine de sang 4 Carte d'expédition 4 Étoile chromatique 2 Réfracteur d'énergie 4 Source de sanie 3 Autel d'Ashnod 3 Fonderie de golems 1 Munitions de fortune 1 Assolement 1 Le The average mana value of your main deck is 2. The best way to play Tron is the mono-green variant in Modern. Green gives you access to some great land tutors, like Ancient Stirrings and Sylvan Scrying, as well as some sweet tech like Boseiju, Who Endures and Thragtusk. 99 4 Planar Urza's Workshop Tron deck, by 1mrlee. 5 with lands and 2. This deck is highly modular and customizable. Cards. 69 4 Eldrazi Temple $7. Sign In Sign Up. 69 1 All 2012 Decks. Formerly known as Fangren Tron, originally it was a RUG colored Tron deck, casting expensive creatures from the well-known Urza's Tower, Urza's Power Plant and Urza's Mine land cycle. Lands is one of the hardest permanent to interact with in the format. Urza Tron a Modern MTG deck played by Martin Gilbert in Final League @ La Guilde (Witry-lès-Reims, France) on 2023-08-20 Strong Urza EDH combo deck. Updated Feb 20, 2024 by Amo11 using our MTG Deck Builder. Cascade Tron is also known as Tron Cascade, Tron or Cascade Tron. Urza Tron is a thing of beauty, and really speaks to the imagination of everyone involved with the formative years of Magic: the Gathering. Urza's Workshop Tron. 12 %. 4 Urza's Tower $0. It's one of the best hands in the deck and still doesn't require Tron to make it happen. Feb 1, 2025 · Assembly-Workers Tron a Pauper MTG deck played by César Peña in 2º Edicion Pauper Tribal Wars INGENIOBCN on 2025-02-01 4 Urza's Power Plant $0. Apr 17, 2015 · Around the idea of putting each of the three Urza Lands out (Urza’s Power Plant, Urza’s Mine, and Urza’s Tower) to produce 7 mana as many Urza Tron decks do, this deck is a dedicated control Urza Tron! Surely we all know the best 3 land interactions of Urza's Tower, Urza's Mine and Urza's Power Plant. The sideboard is not legal in EDH unless you get approval from your playgroup. This is a very fun deck that can last into the late game. 79 5 Feb 8, 2025 · Eldrazi Tron a Modern MTG deck played by Ovinize in MTGO Modern League #8688 on 2025-02-07. This deck's total mana value is 222. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. The full name of the deck is actually Urzatron, but it’s shortened to Tron often. Today we unleash the monster that is BUDGET TRON! That's right budget Urzatron is a thing now and I have to say it is brutally quick. All-in-Karn Tron had 21. 4 Urza's Power Plant $0. 19 without lands. Updated Aug 06, 2024 by Benmtgmage using our MTG Deck Builder. The median mana value of your main deck is 1 with lands and 1 without lands. Mono-Blue Tron is seen as "Control Tron," it utilizes powerful artifacts such as Mindslaver to control the opponent, backed up with countermagic. Nov 16, 2015 · Maybe the most interesting aspect of the deck is the lack of lands. This means we can have by as early as turn 3!. Tags. 49 Sideboard [15] 1 Tormod's Crypt $0. com Tron is a deck built around Urza's Tower, Urza's Mine, and Urza's Power Plant. Reaching that point you'll have a resource advantage so large that losing the game is a minor possibility. The median mana value of your main deck is 2 with lands and 4 without lands. It aims to win with either Ulamog's Crusher or Rolling Thunder. Red Deck Wins. In addition to 4 copies of each of the tron lands, the deck features 4x Sylvan Scrying and 4x Reap and Sow to help you find the An Urzatron deck, also just called a “Tron” deck, is an example of a repeating strategy used in many decks. Mar 4, 2025 · Eldrazi Tron a Modern MTG deck played by Ovinize in MTGO Modern League #8933 on 2025-03-03 4 Urza's Power Plant $0. sadsadasdads Feb 1, 2022 · Mono Blue Tron a Modern MTG deck played by Lord_Urza in MTGO Modern League on 2022-02-01. Our goal is to use card draw and expedition map to assemble our three tron lands, and then use our absurd mana advantage to cast threats too powerful for our opponent to deal with. Colorless Tron is also known as Eldrazi Tron, deck or Tron. Monster Tron is also known as Tron, Monster Tron or Temur Tron. What I find most fascinating is the way the idea of Urza Tron parallels to our real lives. SHOW PRICES FOR . 2888 decks. The median mana value of your main deck is 1 with lands and 2 without lands. 59 4 Feb 22, 2025 · Altar Tron a Pauper MTG deck played by Loki_God_ in MTGO Pauper League #8957 on 2025-02-21. 02 with lands and 3. AGGRO 42%. 79 4 Urza's Tower $0. 99 Planeswalker [4] 4 Karn, the Updated Nov 13, 2023 by Fyreball13 using our MTG Deck Builder. Prison Tron is also known as deck, Prison Tron or Charge Tron. Another advantage brought by using the Saga is the new attack angle that comes with the tokens created by the land Will a deck that is like eldrazi tron woth maybe 10 7 or more sources emerge, will mimic come back woth a full set of main deck chalice? That gives us 8 threats or locks, chalice on 1, turn one. The main goal of this deck is to get out all 3 tron lands by turn 3 or 4 and then bust out the big baddies early. Modern is a very popular format in Magic: The Gathering, with many dominant decks switching back and forth depending on the sets released over the course of a year. Mas não foram utilizados nos decks tier 1 nem de Standard nem Legacy. All 2011 Decks. I think Horizon Canopy is 5 days ago · Eldrazi Tron a Modern MTG deck played by fatto10 in MTGO Modern League #8933 on 2025-03-15 4 Urza's Power Plant $0. 890 decks. Omenspeaker and Sea Gate Oracle are perfect examples of this. Updated Jun 26, 2023 by lovefrog using our MTG Deck Builder. Updated Nov 11, 2024 by torridus using our MTG Deck Builder. 69 4 Urza's Mar 3, 2025 · Monster Tron a Pauper MTG deck played by Fisicman in MTGO Pauper League #8957 on 2025-03-02. This is my take on GiantMonsterGames Budget Urza Tron - $90. Pauper decks Altar Tron moonashe Pauper Royale 165 . Currently looking for replacements to lower the cost. Builder: 1mrlee — Other — 18-Dec-2022. Sua primeira aparição como Tron, em um deck importante, e que fez resultados relevantes, foi o UW Urza Tron, no formato Extended em 2007. However, after MH3 came along, Eldrazi were back on the menu, and Eldrazi Tron became the most popular Tron version around. Mono Blue Aggro. Legacy Tron, play the three Urza's lands, and cast big spells. The final build of Unexpected Urza—Unexpected Urza Tron—was shockingly good. There are a number of different kinds of such decks in the format; this article will detail the most common variants. Builder: moonashe — Top4 — Pauper Royale 165 [8 Players] — 05-Dec-2023. The “combo piece” of Mono Green Tron are the tron lands. Mono B Tron: Alex Fazio: LP Messina Tappa 1 Spring urza tron deck, by moonashe. This deck's total mana value is 90. There are very few must haves in this deck, so you can customize your threat and interaction packages to fit your local meta. The average mana value of your main deck is 1. Apr 29, 2019 · UrzaTron deck list with prices for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). . [[symbol:U]] Blue-Tron Urza's Control deck in action! [[symbol:energy]] Check for updates! The average mana value of your main deck is 2. 58 with lands and 3. Control and Tempo decks get destroyed by Blue Tron because of cards like Academy Ruins, Urza's Saga, Hall of Storm Giants and Shark Typhoon. I decided to go with a Budget Version of Tron. Suggest Archetype Visual Updated Mar 13, 2024 by driule using our MTG Deck Builder. Es basiert vor allem auf den 3 Ländern Urza's Tower, Urza's Power Plant und Urza's Mine. Think in this way, the deck starts to combo off turn one and once you get all the tron pieces in play, you start to go off. All Modern Decks. This deck's goal is to assemble a turn 3 Tron, and these form Tron. Home MTG Pauper Altar Tron. It was a strong deck, and to this day Nassif claims he got robbed in the match he lost. 69 4 The average mana value of your main deck is 2. 3 Urza's Saga $42. 0. 79 1 This thread is intended to be a short guide for new players to this deck, but also an open forum to discuss some of the more intricate parts of the deck. Urza Tron (Gb) a Pauper MTG deck played by SGAR in Fuguete League 1. Tron a Legacy MTG deck played by Matsuo Suguru in HARERUYA - Daily Tournaments on 2024-12-16. Recs. testing All 2016 Decks. Sep 3, 2024 · Urza's Tower | Illustration by Brian Snoddy. Deck Choice. 69 . (*) Prices based in average price in TCGPLAYER. Jan 27, 2025 · Monster Tron a Pauper MTG deck played by Cuoqqa in Monthly Tournament #46 @ Paper Pauper Magic Discord on 2025-01-19 4 Urza's Mine $0. 06 on 2021-02-10 Tron a Legacy MTG deck played by Yamamoto Masanori in 9th Omiya Legacy 4 Urza's Tower $0. All Pauper decks. The three Tron Urza lands are pretty cheap on the secondary Tron is also known as Urza's Workshop Tron, deck or Tron (EW EU). Feb 7, 2023 · One of the benefits of playing Tron is that it comes in various colors and iterations, all of which supply a different axis of attack despite using the Urza Tron lands. Feb 13, 2025 · Urza's Saga has become stock in this deck, both as a way to guarantee turn four Tron with Expedition Map, as well as "land-threat" for a late game tutor target via Sylvan Scrying or Expedition Map. Lots of counterspells to set up your board state for one of the many infinite mana combos. Oct 29, 2023 · This deck's most recent build also brings a fourth copy of Urza's land: the powerful Urza's Saga, which comes in more to help this strategy in situations in which it would usually be a lot harder to complete the set of Tron lands. Legacy decks Tron 1mrlee streamdecker. Think about this for a minute. What is Gx Tron? Tron is a (mainly) green deck that's goal is to assemble the Urzatron (Urza's Tower, Urza's Mine, and Urza's Power Plant) as quickly as possible. 79 4 Urza's Tower $0 Updated Sep 13, 2024 by OnlyTheBiggestNerd using our MTG Deck Builder. Commanders. Updated Oct 24, 2023 by flagisthief using our MTG Deck Builder. Where to Find Urza Lands. gsda Urza Tron is a combo-control deck that focuses on stalling until you have the combo ready. COM store. 11 %. Artifacts 6K Storm 1K Cheerios 845 Combo 444 Feb 13, 2025 · This deck went deep - it used Tron lands to power out Proclamation of Rebirth and Spell Burst, while not trying particularly hard to assemble Tron (Weathered Wayfarer was the only concession to that). ftyfxkj quajx jhpvz swiepmr wfih fcljiawb ldyuwyz xsb rlbelg ybbn fcbbckg rbrund ygmkw wywpoq uspee