Types of volcanoes pdf. Students will learn about the five types .
Types of volcanoes pdf VOLCANOES A volcano is a rupture in the Earth’s crust which allows magma and gas to escape from beneath the surface. There are different types of volcanoes that can be active, dormant, or extinct depending on recent eruption activity. Jan 11, 2021 · Volcanoes differ in many features, such as height, shape, and slope steepness. cinder cone b. Shield volcanoes (poster fig. pdf), Text File (. Volcano hazard maps show areas affected by or vulnerable to volcanic disasters and can help with mitigation planning, emergency response, and public safety. 1Science 9_Q3_Module 1_Different Types of Volcanoes - Free download as Word Doc (. In Explain, the teacher will describe the differences in magma silicon content and resulting volcano structures. They are tall and conical in shape, formed from layers of hardened lava and ash. describe the different types of volcano based on structure, and activity; 3. This 5-E lesson plan aims to teach students about volcanoes. Stratovolcanoes tend to have the most violent eruptions. When pressure builds up eruption occurs, gases, and rocks show up through the opening and spill over or fill the air with lava fragments They can be found all around the world and come in many different shapes and sizes. NPS May 1, 2021 · The module is divided into two lessons, namely: Lesson 1: Classifications and Types of Volcanoes Lesson 2 Types of Volcanic Eruption After going through this module, you are expected to: 1. Broadly speaking, eruptions can be either effusive or explosive. 23. 8. Magma rises from the Earth's core through the mantle and erupts through vents in the crust. Finally, it discusses managing disasters through readiness, evacuation procedures, recovery efforts, and prevention processes. VOLCANOES What is a volcano? A place on the earth’s surface (or any other planet) where molten rock and gases are erupted. The lesson plan outlines the procedures including a motivation activity, presentation, discussion, and activities to Types of Volcanoes 1. The document is a learning activity sheet about volcanic eruptions for grade school students. Shield volcanoes are wide and gently sloping due to fluid lava flows, while stratovolcanoes are steep and tall with layers of hardened lava and ash. The worksheet includes tables and diagrams for students to classify statements about volcano types, identify effects of volcanic May 16, 2024 · Individual volcanoes vary in the volcanic materials they produce, and this affects the size, shape, and structure of the volcano. Students will learn about different types of volcanoes based on their structure and activity level. There are, however, many kinds of volcanoes. Strombolian eruptions are characterized by mild to violent ejections of lava fountains and molten lava. As a result, the volcanoes rise at the top and grow outward at the bottom—but not in the middle, making them look like an “inverted soup bowl. Explosive eruptions are more hazardous due to pyroclastic flows, surges and falls. The lesson plan outlines motivating students with a volcano concept map activity. pdf from SCIENCE 2202 at O'Donel High School. Shield volcanoes are tall and broad with flat, rounded shapes. It includes lists of active and inactive volcanoes in the Philippines, types of volcanic eruptions, the effects of volcanic eruptions, and graphic organizers about magma formation and the differences between greenhouse effect and global warming. than other shield volcanoes because lava erupts from fissures around their tops and along ridges at their bases. Explore . 4. Composite volcanoes are tall, symetrically shaped, with steep sides, sometimes rising 10,000 feet high. Interpreting Diagrams Which type of volcano is shown in the diagram? a. , Mauna Loa, Hawaii). Three basic types of magma: 1. Composite volcanoes have thicker, more viscous lava that traps gases, resulting in more explosive eruptions that form alternating layers. The following are the main eruption types:Hawaiian low viscosity lava, high effusion rates, passive venting 4 Types of Volcanoes 1. These volcanoes have broad bases and sides that get steeper and steeper as you get closer to the top. Three Types of Volcanoes . A place on the earth’s surface (or any other planet) where molten rock and gases are erupted. Composite volcanoes are tall and conical, built up from layers of lava and rock fragments. They will also list examples of each type found in the Philippines. Apr 24, 2024 · Mauna Loa, the world’s largest volcano and the world’s largest mountain (by volume) last erupted in 1984. Learning activities This document appears to be a quiz about volcanoes and volcanic processes. Aug 22, 2024 · Individual volcanoes vary in the volcanic materials they produce, and this affects the size, shape, and structure of the volcano. Explosive eruptions can produce pyroclastic flows while effusive eruptions result in UNIT+8+VOLCANOES - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. 9 Science Quarter 3 - EARTH & SPACE Module 1: Different Types of Volcanoes CO_Q3_Science 9_ Module 1 Science - Grade and influence human societies. Students will be divided into groups to draw and label the three main types of volcanoes - composite, shield, and cinder cones. The class will last 2 hours from 3:00-5:00 PM. How Edo volcanoes form? Cinder cones and domes tend to be monogenetic. Scientists recognize four main types of volcanoes: stratovolcanoes, Aug 26, 2017 · Volcanic Landforms, Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics Volcanic Landforms Volcanic landforms are controlled by the geological processes that form them and act on them after they have formed. You will also explore the different examples of volcanoes found in the Philippines as well as the signs of impending volcanic eruption. There are three types of volcanoes: cinder cones (also called spatter cones), composite volcanoes (also called stratovolcanoes), and shield volcanoes. Content covered during the week involves volcanoes, types of volcanoes, how volcanic eruptions occur, and the effects of eruptions. quiet eruptions b. Composite Volcanoes The most majestic of the volcanoes are composite volcanoes, also known as strato-volcanoes. 22 illustrates the size and shape differences amongst Sci9_Q3_Mod1_Types of Volcanoes and Volcanic Eruptions_Version3 - Free download as PDF File (. ) Shield Volcano (largest volcanoes) Profile: large size and gentle slope, resembles a warriors shield Lava: highly fluid lava eruptions, travels far and spreads quickly and thinly Viscosity: low viscosity magma Silica Content: 50% Rock Type: basalt, high levels of sodium, potassium and aluminum Jan 6, 2024 · The learners shall be able to: participate in activities that reduce risks and lessen the effects of climate change The learners should be able to: describe the different types of volcanoes differentiate between the three main types of volcanoes: stratovolcanoes (composite volcanoes), shield volcanoes, and cinder cone volcanoes. It includes a table to fill in with volcano terms, identifying types of volcanic eruptions from jumbled letters, matching descriptions of magma to eruption types, and determining if statements about magma properties are true or false. Shield volcanoes are wide and gently sloping, formed from fluid basaltic lava. 1. It includes objectives, subject matter, and learning activities. They can - and do - erupt multiple times. Effusive eruptions produce lava flows. Helens, Mount Vesuvius, Eyjafjallajökull, Mount Pinatubo, and Mount Kanlaon, detailing their last eruptions, types of eruptions, and associated hazards. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. It can be a hole in the Oct 1, 2023 · The three main types of volcanoes are cinder cones, composite volcanoes (stratovolcanoes) and shield volcanoes. Volcanoes are formed when magma and gas rise up from the Earth's mantle and core to its surface due to the movement of tectonic plates. It assigns each student a volcano to research from a list of 30 options. Types of volcanoes Volcanoes come in various shapes and sizes, and their (S9ES- IIIb-26) After going through this module, you are expected to: 1. science 9 Apr 2, 2021 · View Sci9_Q3_Mod1_Types of Volcanoes and Volcanic Eruptions_Version3. Loihi is an underwater volcano on the southeastern side of Hawaii. However, there are other kinds of volcanoes, plus they are compound or complex volcanoes that have features of multiple types. It includes objectives to describe and differentiate volcano types and understand their effects. The lesson uses videos, pictures, and activities to engage students in learning about shield volcanoes, cinder cone volcanoes, and The document describes a student laboratory activity where students create a model volcano using clay, a plastic bottle, and baking soda and vinegar to simulate the gases that cause volcanic eruptions. differentiate active volcano from inactive volcano; 3. Types of Volcanoes Based on Structure - Free download as PDF File (. Quejado. Figure 11. They are closely linked to plate tectonics and mantle processes. Students will learn about the five types The document discusses volcanic hazards and their management. 5), such as Kilauea, form by effusive eruptions of fluid lava. Volcanoes form when magma forces its way through cracks in the Earth's crust. The procedure involves reviewing the prior lesson, analyzing pictures to motivate discussion of volcanoes, dividing students into groups to complete volcano-typing activities, explaining the differentiation of Volcanoes Lesson Plan - Free download as PDF File (. feature of each volcano type. It then discusses the definitions of active and The picture below shows Mt. Others are small domes of ash or lava that on average are only about 100 feet (30 meters) high. The type of eruption depends on factors like the viscosity and gas content of the magma. magma. describe the structure of a volcano; 2. VOLCANOES-worbook. Cinder Cone a. Polygenetic. Cinder cone volcanoes have very gas-rich magma SCI9Q3W1-2 - Free download as Word Doc (. Lava domes are a common fourth type of volcano. It provides details on 24 active volcanoes currently located in the Philippines as of January 2020, including Taal Volcano which recently erupted. The document is a science worksheet for 9th grade students on the topic of volcanoes. A volcano is an opening in the Earth's crust through which molten rock, ash, and gases can escape. Sci9 q3 Module1 (1) - Free download as PDF File (. It provides details on four main types of volcanoes: cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and lava domes. They have low slopes and almost always have large craters at their summits. Students observe the reaction This document contains information about volcanoes and constellations from several performance tasks completed by a student. Volcanic eruptions Volcanoes Using Science Skills The diagram below shows a volcano. In the Engage phase, students will watch videos of volcano eruptions and ask questions to understand what causes differences between eruptions. This document provides a worksheet on volcanoes for students to complete. Throughout Earth’s history volcanoes have erupted enormous cloudamounts of molten rock onto the Earth’s surface. Identify each NPS volcano picture as a cinder cone, composite volcano, or shield volcano. Activities include a flow chart to arrange volcanic eruption Volcanoes - Free download as PDF File (. The three types of volcanoes are composite, shield, and cinder cones. Mayon and Taal volcanoes, and learning that the type of volcano depends on the tectonic setting and magma composition. Studies: Volcanoes Key Concepts • Fatal eruptions are on the rise because of population increase and people moving to volcanoes. In fact, the oldest continental regions of Earth may be the remains of ancient shield volcanoes. Volcanoes are classified by the types of eruption they produce. Students will then Explore by researching unique volcanoes and creating Padlet Learn the four different types of volcanoes and discover why volcanoes erupt. This lesson plan outlines teaching students about the different types of volcanoes. It describes different types of volcanoes such as shield volcanoes, cinder cones, and composite cones. Formed from explosive type volcanoes d. It defines volcanoes and their parts, describes the different types of volcanoes and how they are classified. It contains multiple choice questions about volcanic features and an active volcano in the Philippines. Kilauea, arguably the world’s most active volcano, has been erupting, virtually without interruption, since 1983. This is the type of volcano many people think of when they imagine volcanoes. Jun 8, 2021 · a) describe the structure of a volcano and its parts, b) describe the types of volcano based on structure and activity, c) differentiate between active and inactive volcanoes and give examples of each type which are found in the Philippines, and d) describe the different types of volcanic eruption and enumerate the signs of an impending volcanic eruption. It includes sections on types of volcanoes, factors that affect volcanic eruptions, volcanic landforms and eruptive styles, energy from volcanoes, effects of volcanic Volcanoes Concept Map - Free download as PDF File (. • Dissolved gases drive an eruption. The document provides details about a daily lesson log for a Grade 9 science class taught by Joahna Reena C. docx), PDF File (. Other less-known monogenetic volcano types are maar and tuff rings, which are low volcanoes with vast craters. There are two main types of volcanoes: shield volcanoes and stratovolcanoes. Compare the sizes of each volcano type. Volcanoes can be classified into three groups based on shape and type of material they are built of: cinder cone volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and composite cone volcanoes. It can be a hole in the Volcano - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Pelean eruptions violently blow Volcanoes. Students will create awareness materials on signs of volcanic eruptions for communities near active zCentralLaunchCode:A518 Theshieldvolcanolookslikeawarrior’sshieldlyingonthegroundwithawidebase,asmallmound,anda dome-shapedpeak. 21). pdf - Free download as PDF File (. It provides background information on how volcanoes erupt by explaining the process of heating and rising magma building pressure until the volcano fractures. They are often bigger than monogenetic 1. Some volcanoes are tall cones, while others are just cracks in the ground (Figure below). They can be found in areas where tectonic plates converge, such as along the Pacific Ring of Fire. Cinder cones are steep hills formed from ejected volcanic cinder The document describes different types of volcanoes such as monogenetic cones, volcanic domes, stratovolcanoes, and calderas. 2. The document provides information on various volcanoes, including Mount St. • Cinder cone volcanoes have narrow bases and steep sides 2 9 Science Quarter 3 - Module 1: Types of Volcano and Volcanic Eruptions. Silica increases the Over many eruptions, the layers of volcanic materials, like lava, ash and pumice, build up, forming a volcano. Shield volcanoes can grow to be very big. Helens for stratovolcanoes. The objectives are to define volcanoes, create awareness of volcanic eruptions, and appreciate their importance. Content will focus on volcanic landforms and eruptive styles with examples from Mayon Volcano. 3rd through 6th Grades. Today there are about 500 currently active volcanoes on Earth, but what are volcanoes, how do they ome from? Volcanoes are grouped into three types depending on how often they erupt: system to have volcanoes. it gives informations which is very useful for those students who want to know about volcanos The lesson plan summarizes a science lesson on volcanoes found in the Philippines. This lesson plan outlines a science class for grade 9 students that will focus on volcanoes. give examples of the types volcanoes which are found in the Philippines; 4. Jan 1, 2013 · PDF | SynonymsMagmatic eruptions; Volcanic explosionsDefinitionVolcanic Eruptions. Students will identify volcano types, create awareness displays 1. composite volcano 24. Volcanoes are classified based on their structure into three types Types of Volcanoes Volcanoes are grouped into three general types based on shape and the type of materi-als they erupt: Shield volcanoes Composite volcanoes (stratovolca-noes) Cinder cone volcanoes Shield Volcanoes Shield volcanoes are roughly oval-shaped with a broad base and gently sloping sides inclined at angles up to about 10°. 22 illustrates the size and shape differences amongst This document contains questions about a PBS documentary on deadly volcanoes. The objectives are for students to understand the role of gases in volcanic eruptions, how pressure affects gases, and how gases influence volcanic rock textures. The first lesson is about the type of volcano as active or inactive and the type of volcanic eruptions and their eruptive style. 9 NOT Science Quarter 3 - Module 1: Week 1(Types of Volcanoes and Volcanic Volcanoes form where tectonic plates meet deep underground. This educational resource provides an in-depth overview of the five main types of volcanoes: Shield, Stratovolcano, Cinder Cone, Lava Domes, and Fissure Volcanoes. The most Types of Volcanoes Some volcanoes are large mountains with summits, or peaks, reaching 20,000 feet (6,000 meters) or more above sea level. • A typical volcano has a crater, a vent and a magma chamber. It then defines various parts of volcanoes and classifies volcanoes into types such as cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, volcanic domes, supervolcanoes While those types of volcanoes do indeed exist, they represent only one "species" in a veritable zoo of volcano shapes and sizes. The document provides information about volcanoes, including their classification based on structure and eruption types. Designing the magma chamber model may help This document discusses different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions. ” Pyroclastic Cones Pyroclastic cones are the most prolific type of volcano on Earth. Lava flow upon lava flow slowly builds a broad, gently sloping vol- types of volcanoes based on structure and activity, and types of volcanic eruptions. It contains 30 multiple choice questions testing knowledge about volcanic features and eruptions, as well as geothermal energy. 3 Introductory Message for the facilitator: This module on volcanoes has two lessons. details of volcano, what is this,how it comes,how it effects,these information are in this. ppt / . It contains 15 multiple choice questions testing the student's knowledge about volcanic features and eruptions. Cinder cones are simple structures built from ejected cinders. The lessons include objectives like describing how volcanoes are formed and differentiating between active and inactive volcanoes. Thus, a given volcanic landform will be characteristic of the types of material it is made of, which in turn depends on the prior eruptive behavior of the volcano. There are different types of volcanoes based on the shape, nature of the eruption, frequency of eruption, etc. The biggest This document provides information about different types of volcanoes in the Philippines and their classification. • Rock melts either through decompression or addition of volatiles. The document discusses types of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions. name active volcanoes in the Philippines; 2. differentiate the three types of volcano according to Jan 9, 2025 · View Notes - SCI9-Q3-MODULE1. This document contains a 32-item summative test on science 9 about volcanoes and geothermal energy. Use the diagram to answer questions 23, 24, and 25. PDF no answer key: This document provides a summary of a student project on volcanoes. create an advocacy Feb 8, 2023 · This document provides information on types of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions, which will be covered in the first module of the Science curriculum for Grade 9. A volcano does not have to be a beautiful snow-capped conical peak. It also outlines signs of impending volcanic eruptions and tools used to recognize hazards. May 9, 2012 · This document discusses volcanoes, including how they form, the different types of volcanoes, and where they are located. Phreatic eruptions occur through the heating of water by magma and produce steam-driven explosions without ejecting magma. Feb 19, 2022 · Types of Volcanoes. Types of Volcanoes: 1. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) monitors 4 days ago · Volcanoes and Igneous Activity Volcanoes are geological formations where magma reaches the Earth's surface, forming lava flows, ash clouds, and pyroclastic materials. The causes of volcanic eruptions and different eruption types are explained. The daily lesson plan summarizes a science lesson for 9th grade students on volcanoes found in the Philippines. This document provides information about the different parts and types of volcanoes as well as volcanic eruptions. 1 day ago · A volcano is usually a cone shaped mountain or hill that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth. Shield volcanoes have low viscosity lava that flows great distances to build gently sloping mountains. shield volcano c. The objectives are for students to demonstrate an understanding of local volcanoes and participate in activities that reduce climate change risks. The test consists of multiple choice questions that assess understanding of key concepts such as the definition of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions, different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions, factors that affect volcanic explosiveness and magma viscosity, and the positive and negative Worksheet 2 - Types of Volcanoes - Free download as Word Doc (. This article probe into the various types of volcanoes, their mechanisms, and their impacts on both the environment and human life. Key details include that magma rises in chambers until pressure is released in an eruption, ash from This document contains a detailed lesson plan for teaching about different types of volcanoes in Science IX. It also has activities This document provides information and guidelines for a student volcano project. It also discusses various volcanic eruption types including phreatic, phreatomagmatic, Strombolian, Vulcanian, and Plinian eruptions. When magma reaches the surface of the Earth, it is called lava. There are also short answer questions asking to explain how a geothermal power plant works and list signs of an impending eruption, types of eruptions and lava, classifications of volcanoes by This learning activity sheet provides directions for students to complete tasks about volcanoes. This document provides information about volcanoes and geothermal energy. The objectives are for students to be able to describe volcano structure, types based on structure and activity, examples in the Philippines, and types of eruptions. 2) It involves students comparing pictures of Mt. It includes sections on acknowledging those who helped, introducing the topic of natural hazards and focusing on volcanoes, defining key terms, outlining the history and formation of volcanoes, explaining the causes of volcanic eruptions, and discussing the different types and impacts of volcanoes. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: a) define volcano b) differentiate the active and inactive volcanoes; and c) describe the different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruption II. It describes key features of volcanoes like the magma chamber and vent, and types of volcanoes including shield volcanoes, cinder cones, and composite volcanoes. The sheet further involves arranging the sequence of events in a 1) The lesson plan describes teaching students about different types of volcanoes, including shield volcanoes, cinder cone volcanoes, and stratovolcanoes. An active volcano is one that has erupted sometime during recorded history or is currently erupting. The lesson plan follows an inquiry-based approach with objectives, content, learning tasks, and assessments The document provides details about a daily lesson log for a Grade 9 science class taught by Joahna Reena C. volcanoes include Kilauea, also in Hawaii, and Olympus Mons of Mars. . The lesson focuses on teaching students about different types of volcanoes, including their characteristics and distinguishing between active and inactive volcanoes. A volcano is an opening in the earth's crust that allows lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape. This lesson plan describes a lesson on types of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions for 9th grade science students. It contains 4 learning tasks about active and inactive volcanoes, how volcanic eruptions affect people, the process of volcanic eruptions, and volcanoes in the Philippines. Each type is explained in detail, highlighting its unique characteristics, formation processes, and notable examples, such as Mauna Loa for shield volcanoes and Mount St. The document provides a detailed lesson plan for a 9th grade science class on volcanoes. A volcano does not have to be a beautiful snow - capped conical peak. g. volcanoes form and the types of rocks and lava that volcanoes produce. The most majestic of the volcanoes are composite volcanoes, also known as strato-volcanoes. Little or no lava flows c. 3) Students are asked to consider the importance of volcanoes in Aug 11, 2024 · Volcanoes form when magma rises from below the Earth's surface. It asks students to summarize information learned about what causes volcanic eruptions, historic eruptions like those in Iceland and Yellowstone, and how scientists monitor volcanoes to detect impending eruptions. The common types of volcanoes are cinder cone volcanoes, composite volcanoes (stratovolcanoes), shield volcanoes, etc. The student organized the There are several types of volcanic eruptions classified according to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). Sci9_Q3_Mod1_Types of Volcanoes and Volcanic Eruptions_Version3 - Free download as PDF File (. Made mostly of cinders and other rock particle b. Consider how this might relate to their features. It begins by listing key Philippine volcanoes and defining what a volcano is. pdf from GRADE 9 at Katipunan National High School. It includes the following key points: 1) The objectives are to differentiate between active and inactive volcanoes, enumerate the types of volcanoes and discuss what happens during eruptions, and demonstrate awareness of safety precautions for volcanic eruptions. 3. Effusive eruptions are sometimes called "quiet" eruptions (if eruptions can be quiet!). While monogenetic volcanoes can only erupt once, polygenetic forms are the exact opposite. Type of Form of Volcano Volcano Size Type of Magma Style of Activity Examples Basalt plateau Flat to gentle 100,000 to Basalt Gentle eruption Columbia River slope 1,000,000 km2 from long fissures Iceland 1 to 3 km thick Shield volcano Slightly sloped Up to 9000 m Basalt Gentle, some Hawaii high fire fountains Iceland Composite volcano alternate Aug 26, 2017 · Volcanoes and Volcanic Eruptions Magmas and Lava Since volcanic eruptions are caused by magma (a mixture of liquid rock, crystals, and dissolved gas) expelled onto the Earth's surface, we'll first review the characteristics of magma that we covered previously. What feature makes each volcano type unique? Make an argument about the defining. Fuji, a classic example of the strato-volcano also known as a composite volcano (Figure 8. • Create a K-W-L chart (copy form at end of this Lesson Plan): o What I Know , What I Want to know, What I Learned (at the end of the lesson) This document describes a module that discusses different types of volcanoes. txt) or view presentation slides online. The module will cover volcanic structure, classifications of volcanoes based on structure and activity, examples of volcanoes in the Philippines, types of volcanic eruptions, and signs of impending volcanic eruptions. The main parts of volcanoes are then outlined, including the summit, slopes, base, magma chamber, vent, conduit, crater, and lava. pptx), PDF File (. This file includes five reading questions. VOLCANOES What is a volcano? A hill or mountain built up by the eruption of molten rock. The three main types of volcanoes are shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes, and cinder cone volcanoes, which differ in shape and eruption type. It describes composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, cinder cones, and spatter cones. Applying Concepts Which kind or kinds of eruptions has this volcano had? a. Diagrams are included showing Mar 6, 2017 · Slamet Volcano (3,432 m) is the highest volcano in Central Java, Indonesia, with a weak explosive type of eruption compared to other active volcanoes. describe the different types of volcanic eruption; and, 5. The Hawaiian volcanoes exemplify the common type of shield volcano. Repeated volcanic eruptions build vol-canic mountains of three basic types, or shapes, depending on the nature of the materials deposited by the eruption. As you might expect, the shape of a volcano is related to the composition of its magma. It also lists the three main parts of a volcano and four factors affecting magma viscosity. doc / . Volcano observatories monitor seismic activity, deformation and gas emissions to study volcanoes and provide The document provides a detailed lesson plan for teaching students about the different types of volcanoes. Students are assigned a group project to research and present precautionary safety measures for different volcanic eruption situations. This module discusses different volcano hazard maps which can help identify areas prone to volcanic hazards in the Philippines and nearby communities. It outlines the key components of volcanoes including craters, vents, sills, lava, and magma. Effusive eruptions are noted for their vast outpourings of very fluid type lava that easily runs across the The document discusses different types of volcanoes found around the world. Why did you choose these features? 2. The lesson plan follows an inquiry-based approach with objectives, content, learning tasks, and assessments This document contains a daily lesson log for a science teacher covering a week of lessons about volcanoes. Finally, it outlines the process of geothermal power generation and provides details about signs of impending volcanic Volcanoes form when magma rises from below the Earth's surface and erupts. Shield Volcanoes – Broad, gently sloping; formed by fluid lava (e. A hill or mountain built up by the eruption of molten rock. Apr 6, 2022 · A DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE I. Topics covered include types of volcanic hazards like ash and bombs, rock types associated with volcanoes, locations of volcanoes globally, gases emitted, eruption processes, and impacts. It describes different types of eruptions from non-explosive to highly explosive. The document provides an overview of various types of volcanoes, including cinder cones, composite, shield, volcanic domes, supervolcanoes, submarine, and subglacial volcanoes. txt) or read online for free. There are several types of volcanoes classified by shape and size, including stratovolcanoes and shield volcanoes. 9 This document is a quiz about volcanoes for a student to complete. During eruptions, volcanoes emit lava, gas, ash and pyroclastic flows at temperatures over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. The objectives are to characterize volcanoes, describe different types, classify them by eruption history and shape, and identify locations of volcanoes in the Philippines. It outlines procedures including introducing the topic, discussing types of volcanoes and eruptions, and conducting group activities. The groups will then present Dec 30, 2022 · Although each volcano is unique, most volcanoes can be separated into three major types, the first type is a cinder cone, the second type is a composite volcano, and the third type is a shield Feb 9, 2022 · The document is a lesson plan about volcanoes for a Grade 9 science class in the Philippines. It outlines the project components and due dates, which include choosing a volcano and project option by November 2nd, submitting a 5 paragraph research paper by November 17th, and completing a project and PowerPoint presentation, also due There are three main types of volcanoes: shield volcanoes, composite volcanoes, and cinder cone volcanoes. The objectives are for students to define volcanoes, differentiate between active and inactive volcanoes, and describe different types of volcanoes. fejqjhj ciz ffhl xdi ezjifx rgkmdr dyroig kjtkhqz dorad nfuyg klpk mlipdpbq mrvhll nymc ulnwmwb