Total lubricants catalogue pdf Back TotalEnergies Gas . 3 et 6. Catálogo Folia . For more information, contact your Total representative. MULTAGRI SUPER 10W-30 TRACTELF BF 24 FE A TOTAL QUARTZ INEO EXTRA LONG LIFE 0W-20 Age-Resistance Technology"-val egy teljesen szintetikus technológiájú motorolaj, amelyet kifejezetten az ACEA legszigorúbb szabványainak és a járműgyártók műszaki követelményeinek teljesítésére fejlesztettek ki. OLYMPIA Syntech Formula Fully Synthetic Engine Oil SAE 5W-30 OLYMPIA Super Tech Engine Oil SAE 0W-40 Performance Levels and approvals: ACEA A 3-98,B 3-98,API, Mercedes Benz 229. Who We Are TotalEnergies company The TotalEnergies Brand TotalEnergies In Lebanon Hygiene, Safety, Environment, Quality . Tenemos todo lo que buscas: desde lubricantes y fluidos para coches de combustión o eléctricos, motos, embarcaciones, vehículos pesados y maquinaria a carburantes de competición. QUARTZ RACING 10W-60 Synthetic technology engine oil suitable for use in a wide range of sports performance gasoline engines. Particolarmente adatto alle recenti motorizzazioni PSA, con riguardo a quelle equipaggiate con e-HDI, che utilizzino tecnologie Start & Stop e a Metalworking fluids Products & services catalog. Catálogo Rubia . Excelentes propiedades antidesgaste que garantizan la protección de las piezas de la máquina. E’ adatto anche per la gran parte dei motori che accettano un olio SAE 5W30. To be replaced by SERIOLA 32 Heat transfer fluid, mineral base oil. Personal Data and Cookies | General Condition of Use | Lubricants Catalog © 2025 TotalEnergies Lubricants | General Condition of Use | Lubricants Catalog © 2025 Notre outil de préconisation de lubrifiants pour les professionnels. 5 BlueHDi turbocompressé (incluant les nouvelles normes Euro 6. Where to find our service stations . All of this give support to reducing the total cost of your mining operations. AEROHYDRAULIC 520. Elle convient à tous les systèmes hydrauliques fonctionnant dans des conditions de pressions et de températures élevées. Advanced technologies and materials, and new operating conditions such as higher internal temperatures continue to improve engine efficiency. Very high performance lubricant for axles and differentials equipped with limited slip disc self-locking systems. GLACELF AUTO SUPRA. References & OEMs TotalEnergies Lubrifiants cooperates with equipment manufacturers to create high-technology products for optimal performance and production of your machinery. Emirates, Oscar Lubricants is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. Access detailed product information and documentation Discover the complete catalog of our engine oil products for all passenger cars, heavy-duty trucking, vehicles, motorcycles, ATVs, Aviation, Industry, and more! See more Lubconsult Lubrilog General Catalog. Choose your country to be directed to the local catalog of available lubricants. Our Quartz range of oils includes: TOTAL GLACELF AUTO SUPRA est un antigel très longue durée, à base de mono-éthylène glycol et d’inhibiteurs de corrosion organiques. Automotive Lubricants Close. 55535/03, PSA B71 2290 or PSA B71 2297 approvals. Each industrial sector has a specific operating environment. Products Close. ¿Quieres mantener el motor de tu vehículo en plena forma durante más tiempo?Aquí encontrarás lubricantes de motor y otros fluidos diseñados a su medida. Pack size and material code 207047 208L 207046 20L DACNIS LPG 150. Quartz Lubricant A major player With our production, supply chain and commercial presence in more than 160 countries, we deliver a full range of lubricants. Perfectly suited to driving in urban conditions, as well at high speed over long distances. Graisse au lithium multi-usages avec propriétés anti-usure, antirouille et extrême pression destinée aux engins agricoles. TotalEnergies Lubrifiants offers a wide range of products and services:oil analysis, adblue, engine oil, transmission fluids, brake fluids, coolants & antifreez TORILIS 2500. SERIOLA 1510. TOTAL QUARTZ INEO MC3 is a fully synthetic Low SAPs engine oil formulated with Age Resistance Technology to provide your engine with the highest level of protection, performance and durability. In media, le emissioni inquinanti si riducono del 10% in uso FLUIDMATIC MV. Solar . Find the right lubricant for your vehicle or machinery. Cómo consultar en el catálogo online: Tienes dos formas de buscar en nuestro catálogo online: Puedes introducir el nombre del producto en la barra donde aparece la lupa, y seleccionar el producto deseado del desplegable que te aparecerá. Our Brands Back Our Brands . Pack size and material code 207047 208L 207046 20L Consulta nuestros distintos catálogos de productos en pdf para ver todas las características de cada uno de nuestros productos, para encontrar el aceite de motor más adecuado o para conocer nuestra amplia oferta de fluidos para vehículos, de la competición a los coches eléctricos, de los lubricantes para maquinaria pesada a las grasas industriales. ELF Moto4 Road 10W-40 é um lubrificante particularmente recomendado para todos os tipos de motores de motocicletas 4 tempos de alta performance em conformidade com níveis de desempenho internacionais API SL e JASO MA. TOTAL QUARTZ INEO FIRST 0W30 è un lubrificante motore 100% tecnologia sintetica, anti-inquinamento, che offre la miglior protezione motore contro i fenomeni d’usura e d’incrostazione. Lubrificação de aviões antigos (aviões de guerra da Primeira e Segunda Guerra Mundial). ubricante mineral de extrema presión destinado a la lubricación de los engranajes sometidos a cargas severas (ejes, mandos finales, cajas de transferencias, reenvió de ángulo, cajas con trenes planetarios, etc…), cuando un nivel de prestación API GL-5 con grado 80W-90 es exigido. New Tamper Proof Seal . Lubrication of refrigerating compressors using LPG gases as refrigerant fluid, in the oil and petrochemical industries (refinery, drilling platform, recompression post TOTAL TRAXIUM GEAR 7 80W-85 convient aux boîtes de vitesses mécaniques, ponts peu à moyennement chargés, boîtes de transfert ainsi qu’à tous les engrenages, lorsque le constructeur demande une huile de type MIL-L-2105 ou API GL-4. 00/505. 5 BlueHDi (DV5R) diesel engines manufactured before February 2023 and the 1. TOTAL LUBRIFIANTS high load capacity lubricant; TOTAL LUBRIFIANTS chain lubricant Specialized in the conception and the manufacturing of specialty lubricants, Lubrilog offers full ranges of advanced lubricant solutions. Service stations . TotalEnergies manufacturers and distributes a complete line of industrial lubricants to energize the performance and life of equipment. DACNIS LPG 150. Excellium fuel . Busque en los catálogos y folletos técnicos de la empresa TotalEnergies Lubrifiants en DirectIndustry y encuentre toda la información que necesitaba con solo hacer clic. Process oil in various industries : rubber, plastics, textile (softening), treatment of leather, printing inks. Composition of Engine Oil . Engine oil based on leading-edge synthetic technology, for excellent resistance under all loads, irrespective of speed and temperature. 2L PureTech (EB Turbo Euro 6. This high-performance, latest generation, synthetic engine oil with outstanding Fuel Economy properties is suitable for the latest generation of gasoline and Diesel engines respecting the EURO V and EURO VI norms. Our commitments . 1, Volkswagen 502. TOTAL TRANSMISSION GEAR 9 FE 75W-80 is a synthetic based lubricant for manual and automated gearboxes, whether synchronized or non- synchronized, running under the most severe conditions of load, speed and temperature. VALONA MS 7023 HC. Personal Data and Cookies | General Condition of Use | Lubricants Catalog © 2025 TotalEnergies Lubricants | General Condition of Use | Lubricants Catalog © 2025 Lubricants catalogue Follow Us. Lubricante especialmente recomendado para todos los tipos de motocicletas con motor de 4 tiempos de alto rendimiento que utilizan lubricantes de nueva generación y alta tecnología que garantizan un rendimiento extremadamente alto durante mucho tiempo y mejoran la potencia del motor. QUARTZ . Discover our products TRANS. Find out our TotalEnergies services for industry. Para aleaciones ferrosas y no ferrosas Viscosidad 23 cSt Para aceros duros, inoxidables y aún refractarios, aleaciones con Titanio Para operaciones de torneado, creado de tornillos, CNC, aserrado, roscado, perforado A major player With our production, supply chain and commercial presence in more than 160 countries, we deliver a full range of lubricants. Industrial Lubricants. TotalEnergies Brands . Which recommended lubricant for my vehicle? Our Lube advisors help you to find the best oil for your model and brand of vehicle. By replacing just one lubricant, TotalEnergies contributed in saving over £128,000 in 9 months to the UK aggregates provider Lafarge Tarmac in Mountsorrel Quarry. - Economizza il carburante. 2021 Total Specialties USA and MOTO 4 ROAD 10W-40. TOTAL DYNATRANS DA 80W-90 permet la lubrification des ponts équipés d’un système différentiel autobloquant à disques à glissement limité des engins de chantiers, agricoles ou des véhicules tous-terrains à 4 roues motrices. Óleos minerais puros para a lubrificação de motores com êmbolos que operam em condições médias. Ce produit est une huile moteur synthétique anti-pollution qui offre la meilleure protection moteur contre les phénomènes d’usure et d’encrassement. Our knowledge and expertise of industrial applications helps you optimize the productivity of you machinery and improve competitiveness. A-GREASE CLASSIC. But oil and engine technology go hand in hand. Total Lubrifiants strives to provide a superior range of products and services to meet all of our clients' unique lubrication needs. Pour vous permettre de gagner du temps et d’utiliser le bon produit, nous avons développé un outil de préconisation à destination des professionnels. TotalEnergies Lubricants offers a wide range of services for industry professionals. . Find out how we help mining companies reduce their costs through an improved lubrication optimization. Voltar Catálogos em PDF . Passenger Car Product Range Superior quality lubricants Low SAPS Total’s Low SAPS lubricants contain a lower proportion of sulfated ash, phosphorus and sulfur. Our Catalog . Back Automotive Lubricants . Fuel . NEVASTANE HD2T is recommended for use where incidental contact with food may occur. Specially formulated to meet the technical requirements of vehicles manufactured by BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and Hyundai Kia. Explore the TotalEnergies Lubricants catalogue. Hello Solar Energy! TotalEnergies Gas . customers’ desires to reduce the total cost of ownership, are making fuel economy the most critical driver for engine manufacturers. PROSYLVA CHAINBIO TOTAL PROSYLVA CHAINBIO est un lubrifiant biodégradable pour chaînes et guides de tronçonneuses, répondant aux critères de l’Ecolabel TOTAL QUARTZ INEO XTRA FIRST 0W-20 est utilisée par PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN en première monte et est recommandée par PEUGEOT, CITROËN et DS en après-vente. Anti-caking agent and dust suppressant or anti-dust agent. Organisations & Events Back Organisations & Events RUBIA OPTIMA 3500 FE 5W-30. Our Partnerships . La oferta de productos TotalEnergies abarca distintos lubricantes de motor y fluidos para todo tipo de vehículos. 00, Porsche TOTAL FLUIDE DA est également approuvé pour l’utilisation dans les systèmes hydrauliques centralisés de véhicules indutriels lorsqu’un fluide hydraulique synthétique est exigé. Closed circuits without air contact. Heavy-duty fleet management Personal Data and Cookies | General Condition of Use | Lubricants Catalog © 2025 TotalEnergies Lubricants | General Condition of Use | Lubricants Catalog © 2025 AERO 100. 20 Páginas. TotalEnergies' range of products for cars offers a comprehensive choice of lubricants for every vehicle. QUARTZ INEO RCP 5W-30 (FR) Quartz Ineo RCP 5W-30 est une huile moteur synthétique avancée haute performance spécialement développée pour le moteur Diesel 1. Quartz Lubricant innovation . Catálogo Transmissões . LubConsult . You can have a look to our Lube TotalEnergies on the front row of sustainable energy solutions . Hello Solar Energy! Rapid Oil Change . Innovation in Lubricants . Your challenges To protect process equipment operating under the harshest conditions over long service intervals To lengthen the lifespan of lubricant and equipment To reduce maintenance cost and production downtime To comply with the most stringent environmental and safety regulations APPLICATIONS & ADVANTAGES CERTIFICATIONS / APPROVALS • Industrial gears, bearings under high loads and high Choose your country to be directed to the local catalog of available lubricants. MULTAGRI MS 15W-40. Total has a wide range of lubricants, from hydraulic oils to greases to meet all your needs. Lubricants Catalog . AXLE 7 80W90. Lubricante de mecanizado de corte entero libre de Cloro. Metalworking Fluids, lubricant solutions for hybrid & electic vehicles manufacturing Lubriclean EP Less than four hours operation. Visit our catalog Our lubricants for general maintenance TotalEnergies supports you in all your lubrication operations with our industrial lubricants and greases, the result of nearly 100 years of know-how. Our range even includes specially formulated oils for use in diesel engines and older vehicles that can't tolerate modern synthetic oils. TOTAL MULTAGRI PRO-TEC 10W-40 est une huile multifonctionnelle destinée à assurer le graissage de l’ensemble des organes mécaniques des machines agricoles. 10W-30 lubricant recommended for all types of high-performance 4-stroke engine motorcycles. QUARTZ INEO RCP 5W-30. Lubrication of refrigerating compressors using LPG gases as refrigerant fluid, in the oil and petrochemical industries (refinery, drilling platform, recompression post Recherchez dans les catalogues et brochures techniques de la société TotalEnergies Lubrifiants sur DirectIndustry et trouvez l’information dont vous avez besoin en 1 clic. 2, 6. TOTAL QUARTZ INEO FDE 0W-30 is specially formulated to answer to the stringent needs of the latest FORD diesel engines requiring a 0W TotalEnergies Lubrifiants offers a wide range of products and services:oil analysis, adblue, engine oil, transmission fluids, brake fluids, coolants & antifreez TOTAL PROSYLVA CHAIN EXPERT est une huile à graissage perdu pour tous les mécanismes à mouvements rapides : chaine de tronçonneuse manuelle ou mécanique, convoyeurs à chaîne. L’economia media realizzata è di circa il 6% in uso urbano e ancor di più nel periodo invernale. 4-stroke engine lubricant from synthetic based oils. Personal Data and Cookies | General Condition of Use | Lubricants Catalog © 2025 TotalEnergies Lubricants | General Condition of Use | Lubricants Catalog © 2025 Long-term protection of engine part against wear (distribution, rings, plunger and liner) increasing overall engine life. Back Fuel Lubricants’ Catalog . MORE ABOUT ENGINE OIL Back MORE ABOUT ENGINE OIL . Your business activity Back Your business activity . Quartz Engine Oil Hi-Perf Motorcycle Engine Oil, the official lubricants partner for Royal Enfield Motorcycles . Back Products . Our strong organizational values along with renewed production equipment allow us to propose optimum quality specialty lubricants to our clients. Lubricants catalogue . Viscosity grade of an engine oil . Retour au catalogue de produits Gamme : SERIOLA Segment(s) de marché : Energie, Produits chimiques, Transformation alimentaire, Textile, Bois et Papier, Exploitation minière Total Wash . Become a dealer . Shell has invested in a leading edge technology process that converts natural gas into TOTAL EQUIVIS ZS 46 est une huiles hydrauliques anti-usure à haut indice de viscosité. It presents, sector by sector, products that have been specially developed to meet the needs of all applications. 6 Páginas. Aceite de motor para coche, moto, vehículos pesados, hidráulico y marino, lubricantes industriales y agrícolas, fluidos de metalworking, productos para competición, aditivos para carburantes de camión… encuentra el producto que necesitas en nuestro catálogo online, en TOTAL SYNTHETIC PLUS 5W-30 è un lubrificante di nuova generazione sintetico multigrado per motori benzina e Diesel. Lubrilog Automotive Industry brochure. QUARTZ 9000 FUTURE GF5 0W-20 Particularly well-suited for use with the latest "Downsized" engines equipped with Stop & Start technologies and hybrid engines which require such very fluid synthetic motor oil. Catálogo Auto . Back Service stations . Specialized in the conception and the manufacturing of specialty lubricants, Lubrilog offers full ranges of advanced lubricant solutions. Car dealer franchises . A major player With our production, supply chain and commercial presence in more than 160 countries, we deliver a full range of lubricants. Catálogos em PDF . 32 Pages. Catálogos de trabalho de metais . Mélangé avec une quantité adéquate d’eau, il devient un liquide de refroidissement préconisé pour tous les moteurs thermiques des véhicules légers, poids lourds, engins de travaux publics et QUARTZ 9000 5W-40. About LPG . Back Solar . Consult our Lubricants Catalog. They have be en formulated with LUBRICANTS CATALOG . Thermal Systems Manufacturing, lubricants & fluids for all your operations 6 Pagine Metalworking Fluids, lubricant solutions for hybrid & electic vehicles manufacturing TORILIS 2500. Excepcional oxidación y estabilidad térmica: mayor vida útil del aceite y alargamiento de los intervalos de cambio de aceite. TOTAL SYNTHETIC PLUS 5W-30 è stato sviluppato per rispondere alle esigenze di tutti i motori benzina e Diesel dell’ ultima generazione. TOTAL QUARTZ INEO XTRA FIRST 0W-20 est utilisée par PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN en première monte et est recommandée par PEUGEOT, CITROËN et DS en après-vente. TOTAL QUARTZ INEO FDE 0W-30 is specially formulated to answer to the stringent needs of the latest FORD diesel engines requiring a 0W This high-performance, latest generation, synthetic engine oil with outstanding Fuel Economy properties is suitable for the latest generation of gasoline and Diesel engines respecting the EURO V and EURO VI norms. Aceite de motor diésel totalmente sintético bajo en SAPS con tecnología Fuel Economy basada en la última especificación API CK 4, adecuado para aplicaciones de servicio pesado en carretera. Choose your country to be directed to the local catalog of available lubricants. Synthetic technology engine oil for gasoline and Diesel passenger’s cars engines, particularly suitable for turbo compressed, multi-valve and direct injection diesel engines. 1) gasoline engines, as well as all Stellantis engines requiring a high-performance lubricant with Stellantis FPW9. of Shell PurePlus Technology offer the opportunity to develop superior lubricants for the most advanced engines, achieving engine cleanliness not possible with lesser base oils, making Shell Helix Ultra our newest, most advanced motor oil ever. Premium automatic transmission fluid based on an advanced synthetic technology allowing very high performance needed for the demanding requirements of passenger cars automatic gearboxes. - Emissioni ridotte degli inquinanti. Using maintenance lubricants which have been registered H1 with NSF minimizes your critical control points as required by HACCP. From LubAnac oil analysis to our TIG6 maintenance software, our range of services is specifically designed to help you approach the management of your operations with confidence, allowing you to focus on what matters most: customer satisfaction. Motorcycle dealer franchises . Find a Product Safety Data Sheet. Oscar Lubricants in Brief With more than forty sophisticated laboratory instru-ments and highly motivated and specialized personnel, Oscar Lubricants laboratories are one of the best and most comprehensive research centers of the Middle Notre outil de préconisation de lubrifiants pour les professionnels. Here, you will find our full product range complete with all essential information and documentation. When mixed with an appropriate quantity of water, it becomes a coolant fluid recommended for all internal combustion engines in cars and vans, trucks, construction machinery and agricultural tractors. Lub Consult . Very long life antifreeze based on high purity monoethylene glycol and organic corrosion inhibitors. 4). Product Catalogue Lubricants Catalog Automotive Lubricants Automotive Lubricants Product THE OBJECTIVES OF THE CATALOGUE, 4 Product Catalogue: Ultra Lubricants This catalogue provides you with an overview of the high quality products of Ultra Lubricants. MOTO 4 TECH 10W-50. You can search by product name, specification, or market sector. Lubrication of rotary and reciprocating compressors for liquified petroleum gas (LPG) or liquefied natural gases (LNG) such as: - methane, ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene, butane, butylene, butadiene etc. Quartz engine oils. Personal Data and Cookies | General Condition of Use | Lubricants Catalog © 2025 TotalEnergies Lubricants | General Condition of Use | Lubricants Catalog © 2025 With its network of affiliates and distributors, Total Industrial Lubricants has a presence in over 150 countries, with more than 1,000 employees worldwide. Check and At TotalEnergies we have a wide variety of lubricants for the car engine, heavy duty, industry and glass industry and professional racing. No production shut down Savings due to: - One hour cleaning operation - Unstopped production Open gear protection thanks to the presence of EP additives - The big players trust this technology KEY SERVICES TO IMPROVE YOUR EQUIPMENT’S RELIABILITY open gear inspection Complete inspection report: temperatures, vibrations, lubrication system and gear TOTAL DYNATRANS DA 80W-90 permet la lubrification des ponts équipés d’un système différentiel autobloquant à disques à glissement limité des engins de chantiers, agricoles ou des véhicules tous-terrains à 4 roues motrices. Quartz Ineo RCP 5W-30 is a high-performance advanced synthetic motor oil especially developed for the 1. TOTAL MULTAGRI MS 15W-40 est une huile multifonctionnelle à hautes performances destinée à la lubrification en toutes saisons des différents organes des tracteurs agricoles et machines de récolte. jkqbk zrzx khdmx kjryx shmpv dvqmsp alw mefaw kas ebgt cmvdqxu gftqrehfl zmnz qdhjzp qyzfaw