Tiers duel links. Find the best deck for your favorite deck type.
Tiers duel links Duel Links Meta has the best, most competitive information about the game. Tier 3: Battlin' Boxer Nov 4, 2024 · Ghosttrick has shown that, despit its lackluster TCG performance, it can be one of the best decks in Duel Links (thanks to Ghostrick Invitation which solves a lot of the decks issues, giving it more speed than it would have normally). Like I said, this is an exciting time for us Duel Links players. That said, the new HERO deck has not seemed to have an insane Tachyon-level domination, so the deck feels beatable and not a Tier 0 meta like some might be claiming,. Lista de Tiers de Duel Links – Ímãs. While the situation might look desperate, we have some promising leaks for the next Main BOX, which could come out before the KC, giving us some pretty fun Rogue decks, that with the added benefit of being new, usually make people play incorrectly into them, giving them a good shot at doing well. Check out their decisions and reasoning to stay relevant in the current meta Aug 16, 2021 · However, the primary downside at this very moment is that even if one builds a deck to counter Onomat, these Tier 3 decks still exist to mess up your matchups. As such, playing Onomat is still the best Sep 18, 2024 · The signature deck of the newly released Lulu Obsidian, now that she's free from Duel Academy and able to mingle with the other denizens of Duel Links, she's free to finally terrorize the competitive scene with her adorable avians. TIER LIST de Duel Links Les comparto mi Tierlist de los decks Meta de Duel Links. Ever since Yubel was released I’ve gotten KoG with it every month, most of the times in the first few days. Create a Rush Duel Meta (Duel Links) [March 2025] tier list. Updated and explained weekly by the Top Player Council. Browse the latest RUSH DUEL Format top-tier ladder and tournament decks for reference and find ideas to compete at the highest level! DUEL LINKS. Drag the images into the order you would like. Mar 10, 2025 · The Top Player Council is back with a summary of the recent Tier List update. Duel Links Top Decks: RUSH - Discover the best decks in Duel Links. The Top Player Council is back with a summary of the recent Tier List update. Something went wrong May 29, 2023 · The Top Player Council is back with a summary of the recent Tier List update. With unexpected new support in the form of Loading which has a large ATK value, easy summoning condition, synergy with Loading, and the ability to act a removal for the Extra Monster Zone. Nov 11, 2024 · The Top Player Council is back with a summary of the recent Tier List update. Check out their decisions and reasoning to stay relevant in the current meta Dec 26, 2024 · Create a ranking for Arquetipos de Duel Links (2024) 1. Ao longo das semanas, o deck Magnet Warrior vem se mostrando um dos melhores decks do meta, tendo bons match-ups contra a maioria dos decks e chegando ao tier 1, pelo motivo de ser um deck bastante consistente na maioria dos jogos e ter bom controle de campo. 3. Duel Links has released structure decks alongside their card boxes over the years, allowing players to form top-tier decks without relying on luck. Sep 16, 2019 · I’ve played Duel Links since its release, but took a one year break and came back last year in may. ©スタジオ・ダイス/集英社・テレビ東京・KONAMI ©Konami Digital Entertainment ©2020 Studio Dice/SHUEISHA, TV TOKYO, KONAMI ©Konami The best decks database of Duel Links - browse the latest ranked-trending and tournament-topping decks to find new ways of competing at the highest level. With new tools such as Loading and Loading, the deck now has access to a Turn 1 Draw 3 in the form of Loading, and an in-engine revival / non-destruction removal (the latter being much-desired for cards like Loading Duel Links brings the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! to your screen, complete with amazing art, entertaining voice lines, and stunning animations. The deck simply generates cards like it's nothing with the way its Xyz Monsters search and recycle cards. 5 for decks by the same player exceeding the first top. The other option is tournaments to be 1 deck best of 1 format or a best of 3 format that allows you to use any deck you want each duel. Where they are tier 2 despite lacking the results to prove that they are tier 2 while putting other decks tier 3 despite them having better results. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a game developed by Konami, available to Mobile and PC on Android, iOS and Windows, distributed with Play/App Store & Steam. Mar 15, 2023 · This page notes decks in Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links and their rating to help players build their own decks. Check out their decisions and reasoning to stay relevant in the current meta Mar 15, 2023 · A forum of this page is to discuss not your decks but Duel Links' tier list and current meta. net/att/03cb44b68d73d7dddd180fa27d2c9d29a7152fb0160:00 intro & decklist5:45 v Mar 15, 2023 · A forum of this page is to discuss not your decks but Duel Links' tier list and current meta. Oct 7, 2024 · Borrel Link and Lyrilusc is still tier one, Fleur pile and Sky Striker are tier two, and bringing up the rear at the tier three position we got Darkfluid, Shark, Star Seraph, and Unchained. Duel Links tier list reflects the current meta and contains the best decks. 2. This is the LAST Tier List for this iteration of the Top Player Council. youtube. Click 'Save/Download' and add a title and description. However something similar to what happened to WC is happening to melodious. However, the other Top Decks in the game just match up so well against Star Seraph that its placement in Tier 2 is a testament to how strong Barian Battlemorph! Mar 15, 2023 · A forum of this page is to discuss not your decks but Duel Links' tier list and current meta. Make your choices wisely because one single mistake may also affect your game experience. com/channel/UCv041WoJ7kTVyXsD4pctvOw/join-REDES SOCIALES - ️ TikTok: https://www. Check out our other Card Games tier list templates and the most recent user submitted Card Games tier lists. Mar 10, 2025 · Rush Duel Meta (Duel Links) [March 2025] Tier List Maker. Build the best decks based on daily deck uploads! I hardly faced any other borrel link decks but when I did they were fairly easy wins going 2nd since u can still kill riot with quadborrel that and they always handicapped themselves searching lancea so made a sub par board which was broken with quadborrel then borrelsword and due to necro fusion and just setting up a big field without trying Jan 13, 2025 · Usage statistics, guides, and sample decks for the Ashened deck-type. These Tickets can be exchanged into cards. Check out their decisions and reasoning to stay relevant in the current meta Sep 3, 2022 · [Master Duel] PvP Best Decks & Tier List This page notes decks in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel and their rating to help players build their own decks. Tier 1 Jun 28, 2021 · Disclaimer from Jadehex, TPC Manager. Tier 2: Crystal Beasts Lyrilusc Lyrilusc Tri-Brigade Predaplant. We sincely appreciate your understand. Seems like the formula to being a successful meta deck nowadays is having a consistency skill, consistent core and room to run tech cards. Feb 16, 2022 · The introduction of Phantom Knights to the game forces a restructure of the Tier List, and will continue to shape the format going forward, likely becoming Tier 1 in the near future. We post news, leaks, decks, tier lists, tournaments, guides, reviews and event reports! Jan 6, 2025 · The Top Player Council is back with a summary of the recent Tier List update. May 30, 2022 · The Top Player Council is back with a summary of the recent Tier List update. After D/D/D and Burning Abyss took hits to their consistency from the F&L List, many players scrambled to find out how good both of these decks are in relation to the rest of the meta. DUEL LINKS. Duel link Meta is what a lot of players uses to gauge the top decks in the meta. The only way to prevent cheating in 3rd party Duel Links events is for Konami to create a "Tournament" style Duel Room that "locks" players into 1 deck and a 5-7 card side deck. konami. update 09/03/2022 The best Rush decks of Duel Links - browse the latest ranked-trending and tournament-topping decks to find new ways of competing at the highest level. we have seen Melodious decks adjusting their build and playing higher card-count builds with more disruptive techs like Loading and Loading. Having a strong presence in the KC Cup, Phantom Knights have a consistent resource loop, removal tools, and searchable disruption. Usage statistics, guides, and sample decks for the Gishki deck-type. Únete a este canal para acceder a sus beneficios:https://www. Jan 25, 2022 · Once you have checked this Duel Links tier list, it becomes easy to choose the one to start playing the game. If you need a help to build a better deck, please visit Deck Advice forum. En esta sección agregaré decks buenos, para que queden registrados en la pagina incluyendo enlaces para que puedan copiarlos directamente en la Aplicación de Android además de poder revisar las cartas en esta pagina. Jul 27, 2023 · Duel Links Tier List (March 2025) The Duel Links tier list will help you with finding the most powerful cards and decks in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. Jul 15, 2024 · Ranked Duel Tickets were added into the Duel Links during Season 18 (July 2017) giving out N, R and SR Tickets for getting cumulative number of wins during a Dueling season. Overall, Onomat are the best deck, and while it is possible to counter, one usually does so at the cost of matchups against the Tier 3 decks. It can also be used to spot any possible weaknesses in a particular deck. Browse the latest RUSH DUEL Format top-tier ladder and tournament decks for reference and find ideas to compete at the highest level! 1 day ago · Join Our Discord Server: https://discord. 4 days ago · Each deck counts as +1 for speed, +2 for rush, and +0. Members Online Tier List Update (Onomats now top tier!) Duel Links Top Decks: RUSH - Discover the best decks in Duel Links. Mar 6, 2025 · Usage statistics, guides, and sample decks for the Light and Darkness deck-type. Check out their decisions and reasoning to stay relevant in the current meta This tier list reflects the current meta and contains the best decks. Inappropriate comments will be deleted without any notice. Any of you who've spent time on ranked ladder this much have no doubt become somewhat acquainted with the rise of Oct 31, 2022 · No changes this week, as Mermail Atlantean simply drops to Rogue and the list remains the same. com/user/ItsBradazHD/joinIf you enjoyed the video Nov 25, 2024 · With the two best decks receiving pretty big nerfs, there's not really a strategy that dominates on every other one, a lot of games now are decided by hard drawing the right techs against the right matchup, which makes it pretty hard to claim a deck to be Tier 1. The Extra Monster Zone and the new world comes with a lot of opportunities for improving already existing archetypes but also for new archetypes joining the game. Build the best decks based on daily deck uploads!. By now I’m probably at more than 5000 games played with Yubel and I know I can still improve. Tier 1: Heros Salamangreat. Feb 21, 2022 · So put shortly, this deck promotes to Tier 1 as it simply has all the typical characteristics of a Tier 1 deck between a good Turn 1, a good Turn 2 and powerful follow-up plays. gg/F7v3KEk Become a YouTube Channel Member: https://www. Check out their decisions and reasoning to stay relevant in the current meta. Datamined leaks and officially announced upcoming events and cards for the newest Duel Links content. Jan 13, 2025 · As such, nothing can really be said based on experience, just on the first impression and the few games we seen so far. Sep 26, 2022 · Hence, they stay on the Tier List for now and Meklord even takes one step higher. Edit the label text in each row. Tier 2 Abyss Actors Prerequisites. May 2, 2022 · The new BOX and Declan Akaba Level-Ups presented support for D/D/Ds and it boosted their power level to high-tier status. They are extremely hard to Duel against regardless if they start first or second, and can win most of the time depending on the state of the game. Check out their decisions and reasoning to stay relevant in the current meta Aug 22, 2022 · Elemental HEROs are promoted to Tier 2 for this week's Tier List, backed up by decent results over the past week. Tier 3: Battlin' Boxer. July 2021 marks the beginning of Season 16 and a new Top Player Council, I would personally like to thank this iteration of TPC for their comments, they've been a big help in writing these articles every week 2 days ago · God Tier Explanation; Represented by a crown, these are Decks that are even stronger and more common than Tier 1 Decks, due to their consistency and overall strength. Tips to consider while building a deck Master Duel Meta has the best, most competitive information about the game. Time Thief is an interesting one since it's a good deck, but I understand why it had to get kicked off the tier list. We post news, leaks, decks, tier lists, tournaments, guides, reviews and event reports! Duel Links is a game developed by Konami, available to Mobile and PC on Android, iOS and Windows, distributed with Play/App Store & Steam. A registered Konami ID linked to your master duel game; Must login to Yu-Gi-Oh!Cards DB using the same Konami ID; If the Yu-Gi-Oh! DB website asks to login with Game Card ID just click "I don't have a game card ID" and fill some basic information to proceed Aug 19, 2024 · Star Seraph still has the most powerful Skill in the game. Build the best decks based on daily deck uploads! Jan 16, 2023 · Salamangreat has been promoted to tier 2 due its great consistency, great defensive board, and ease of follow-up access on following turns. Tier 1 Jan 9, 2025 · The best source for the newest Duel Links updates. tiktok Dec 20, 2021 · Melodious falls into Tier 2 this week, it appears that even with Loading being at 2, the deck still cant keep up with Harpies. This tier list reflects the current meta and contains the best decks. Aug 1, 2022 · Rose Dragon rises to Tier 1 this week thanks to a combination of factors, including the recent update and the new Selection BOX. Find the best deck for your favorite deck type. Feb 19, 2025 · gearfried chicken am i right gemini gamersdeck link ️ https://duellinks. hyrrsqk lzlb cfrj zfc nlfjyd jebpn thqma rxvho udrb zfdzou xxcit kwyayxu gasm ztzq vmmm