Suppressor vertical stringing Changing bullet brands you have to shoot out the old and mixed till you get mostly your new rounds lube worked in. 5 I had extractor marks on the brass so I didn't shoot the 46. Nov 30, 2024 · Re: Vertical stringing help/advice Post by dellet » Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:58 am You might consider sorting your brass into two piles. Please enable javascript before you are allowed to see this page. 5 MOA due to some residual vertical stringing, but the improvement was significant. At 40 meters it is shooting 6-12” vertically strung groups while suppressed. I shot the best loads again on a calm day and still had horizontal stringing. Both shot around MOA at 100 yards but open up to 5-6x that at 200 yards. Sep 18, 2015 · Stoeger X20 Suppressor vertical stringing issues. Preliminary Tuning: Don't worry about cross wind effects at this point as you are trying to tune the rifle to shoot with the least vertical stringing. Jul 14, 2012 · I’ve had a problem child Howa 308. Mar 11, 2024 · The heavier the suppressor, the worse the vertical stringing gets when the barrel is hot. 0 gr of IMR 4227 (I was also sighting in the riflescope, but each string used the same settings for the 5-round string). This, in turn, affects the point of impact, making your shots less accurate. . It's possible to shoot tiny groups, but it's not ideal. After installing the Accu-Strut the group size reduced to around 2. Average group size was 3” with mostly vertical stringing. I would go with the 6. The best 5 shot group I’ve had was . Jan 29, 2013 · What causes different loads to start vertical stringing? If the 'next day' was a cold day and if the cartridges were good and cold, the first shot would have considerable less velocity. The combination eliminated the vertical stringing. I have noticed that newer bows have suppressor's but not the on the strings. My first 50 yd group, bench rested, Eley Team, was 12” plus. Apr 5, 2019 · Doing some load testing today I had a 5 shot group at 100 yds measuring . See full list on rifleshootermag. CURES for VERTICAL STRINGING . It moved you 4" left and caused vertical stringing. 1091 Furious 370. Dec 3, 2024 · This phenomenon is known as vertical stringing, and it’s caused by the muzzle brake’s influence on bullet trajectory. 0gr to 46. I am shooting off of a bench with sandbags. When you've tuned the load right, you should see a reduction in vertical. Generally, there is a point of impact shift when adding a suppressor. Oct 30, 2009 · The old rule of thumb is as Hershey stated. Select Gate READ GTA FORUM RULES BEFORE POSTING GTA Forum Help Desk GTA Announcement Gate Dealer Area GRIP AirgunWeb Airgun Videos Airgun Repository of Knowledge Vendors and Vendor Videos AirGun Expo 2021 Airgun Expo 2022 Contests and Giveaways!!! Jan 5, 2018 · Vertical stringing in the 460 is caused by the scope mount flexingthe mount cantilevers from the chamber over the barrel. When a muzzle brake is installed, it can alter the rifle’s barrel harmonics, leading to a change in the bullet’s vertical trajectory. Vertical stringing is usually caused by stress in the reciever, the rear tang and front of the reciever having stress between them caused by a high spot. I did everything I could to make sure the can was on good and tight--interestingly enough this vertical stringing is repeatable. I loaded some test loads using H4350 starting at 42. Joined Apr 18, 2009 May 7, 2015 · When developing these loads it was very windy and I had horizontal stringing which I attributed to the gusty wind. 5gr increments. 0 loads. Dec 17, 2024 · The only elements I was not a fan of were the vertical grip and detachable magazine, which, for a hunting rifle, are not my favorite features. Feb 6, 2021 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. Horizontal stringing caused by the barrel bouncing off of one side of the barrel Jan 6, 2005 · 10. I attached a Yankee Hill Machine Resonator R2. I'm getting vertical stringing (see photo). This will tell you what you'd get had you shot more than five rounds. Helped me a lot. Round Count: 62. Re: Vertical stringing help/advice Post by dellet » Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:58 am You might consider sorting your brass into two piles. I bought a couple hundred to load up for deer and plinking. Speedy’s article addresses the many human and the hardware factors that can cause vertical. The best three shot group was less than . The best groups were at 45. As a suggestion, do an overlay of your 5 round groups. Oct 4, 2019 · I made up a big batch of extreme 147 plated bullets, and started shooting them thru my PCC's and Mystic X today, only to realize that when shot thru the can, they get bad, really really bad vertical stringing. 1107 Speed 425. 44" as the vertical stringing was the limiting factor. 1103 Fierce 405. It covers the the entire suppressor plus overlaps onto the barrel a bit. So, if your sights are adjusted to unsuppressed SS round, then you will likely not hit your intended target when using a suppressor. I finally got it shooting great with Staball match and the 178. Read about it in The Accurate Riflr many years ago. Hornady Whitetail were with 1/8" left and right but had a 1. Checking your barrel should be easy enough. Feb 21, 2012 · My zero with no can is repeatable. 0, at 45. I've got some cushioned bags that I can use. Bad scope, if scope is bad from shooting vertical, if you change your load in anyway and vertical goes away it is not your scope. fisherman983 Well-Known Member. The surprising part was how seemingly inconsequential differences in position and trigger finger placement would throw the shot. 045" gas bushing, and recoil buffer. Mar 9, 2024 · It looks as if on the third group you had the suppressor installed. 9" vertical string. My question is: does anyone still use string Re: Vertical stringing help/advice Post by dellet » Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:58 am You might consider sorting your brass into two piles. The barrel is not even warm after firing five shots about as fast as I can load, shoot, reload, and fire again. 5 out of 8 of them hit Feb 27, 2012 · We removed a bunch of stock material then went to the range. You may be hampered seating longer due to mag length. that really is the only answer. 5 gr in . Vertical Bow Arrows Killer Gear Home; Spare Parts; Replacement String Suppressor set for models - 1100-B BC370 Black. They are accurate and hold awesome groups without the can. is there a technique I should try or something on the gun I can tweak in order to improve the vertical string (have Re: Vertical stringing help/advice Post by dellet » Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:58 am You might consider sorting your brass into two piles. While the rest of the free floated barrel was cooling, the bedded area would remain hot. Nov 1, 2017 · The changing condition of your bore from powder and or copper or lead fouling is the classic cause of vertical stringing because the fouling changes your effective pressure. has a 2/10ths inch vertical shot stringing at 100 yards for a 100 fps spread in muzzle velocity. Next time out (with my new suppressor) groups opened up. Dec 23, 2024 · After break in, I tried 3 different ammo types, 3 suppressors and bare muzzle, gas shut off and two scopes. Jan 30, 2010 · the gun is a heavy barrel 16" dpms with a free float hand guard and It will constantly group (5 shots) about 1/2 wide and 1 1/2 high. These two strings are 5-shots from roughly 50 yards with 16. I think tighter, quality barrels do this more than cheap factory ones. Rifle not balanced, it does not recoil right, jumps in bag. Just curious how that would help considering the free float handguard is touching the lead sled, and not the barrel? Thanks, all! I'm getting vertical stringing (see photo). Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. 308 Rock River LAR BT3 with an 18” barrel. Vertical stringing, load hotter and seat closer to the lands. This removed all left and right deviation but vertical stringing was still there. Muzzle device is a Surefire Warcomp (open tines), and suppressor is a Surefire 300SPS. com Jun 16, 2022 · In this article, Hall of Fame benchrest Shooter Speedy Gonzalez explains how to eliminate mechanical and gun-handling problems that cause vertical spread in your groups. This is relative to bore finish and maintenance. 1104 Boss 405. Installing a suppressor changes things, so I would not include those rounds. Heavy barrels rule on targets like prairie dogs. The vertical impact is acceptable but the horizontal spread is awful and scatters both left and right as well as right in the bullseye. Shoot 454 you will have no stringing. For shits and giggles sometimes in the Fall, I'll shoot dried up weed stems with it. Check for vertical. 1110 Ripper 425. (the target before, when i finally pinned down the verticle stringing my group is in the same spot relative to point of aim. I tried the 180 grain Remington Core Lokt Soft Point and Pointed Soft Point. The 4” under-barrel bedding was done with Devcon Liquid Steel, and after 20-30 rounds fired it would absorb and retain barrel heat. The groups averaged about 1/4" or slightly less vertical with 1/2" to 1" horizontal. Regarding the vertical stringing, it was definitely the under-barrel bedding. Some stocks are very flexible. Anyone ever tweak a load for suppressor? My 6. Cold barrel fire two foulers and a five shot group rather quickly. Consistently breaking the shot during the natural respiratory pause after exhaling was a big part of it. 13. Oct 16, 2010 · I'm of the thought that it would, in most cases/setups, be detrimental to shooting tight groups at long range. Took it to a gunsmith for advice and was told to run 5 rounds through it cold, then 5 rounds warming up the can and then 5 more with the can hot all at 100yrd. Mar 17, 2024 · Vertical stringing is the velocity speeding up in this process. My point was that (keeping it simple and staying out of the weeds) the ES would be at least double the SD, not the same-as, which would mean that the amount of vertical stringing attributable to velocity deltas would be much more than he was figuring. Just curious how that would help considering the free float handguard is touching the lead sled, and not the barrel? Thanks, all! Mar 9, 2024 · It looks as if on the third group you had the suppressor installed. I checked the bowstrings, cams, and limbs for damage and thankfully found nothing amiss. 1100-BC Bone Collector 370. Mar 6, 2017 · Yeah, I know what the 3-sigma rule is. Dec 14, 2024 · Had a very strange experience recently. Vertical Twin Autocannon Suppressor Cast Mould资料的介绍页面,此资料来自模组[CBCAT]机械动力火炮:先进技术 (Create Big Cannons: Advanced Technologies),我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft(我的世界)MOD(模组)物品资料介绍教程攻略和MOD下载。 I'm getting vertical stringing (see photo). Bad primers – if getting vertical try other primers. Do get a little vertical stringing sometimes, probably my sloppy reloading. No discernable wobble. BTW - to get back on topic I've contacted SAS and they are going to go over the upper and suppressor as the suppressor is 100% warrentied. For instance, with a single suppressor below the string you've now introduced vertical nock travel since the string still whips past brace, but now is in two uneven sized "waves" bending around the stopper. 1088 KI360 Hardcore. Jul 18, 2023 · I shoot a . 1108 KI380X. Randomly shooting on the string, probably an issue with the shooter. Dec 28, 2019 · Anyone have vertical stringing issues with single shot, center fire break actions like TC, CVA or Traditions? Aug 10, 2012 · Vertical stringing is typically from a high ES, so it could be the powder charge or your neck tension on the bullet. Here’s the setup Sig 716 Gen1 ASR Flash hider with Saker 30cal Zeiss LRP S3 5-25 Atlas PSR bipod Ammo is Berger 175gr OTM, I’ve also tested with Federal Gold Medal with SMKs loaded, both are factory Nov 1, 2019 · “Rifle A” is a BCM 9” 300BLK factory Upper on a BCM factory lower with A5H3 buffer. Jun 22, 2014 · Just wondering: I have two older bows and use tie on string suppressor's to deaden string vibration. I then also installed a Choate ventilated handguard, a Choate M14 style flash suppressor, a . Oct 22, 2019 · Vertical stringing after the barrel warms up is less of an issue on vertical aspect targets like silhouettes. 12. But all of the strings had significant vertical stringing (I worked loads up to 17. Verify your ES with a chronograph and that should help you know. 1088 KI360. Just curious how that would help considering the free float handguard is touching the lead sled, and not the barrel? Thanks, all! I hand tighten the suppressor onto the brake. I have always used suppressor's on my vertical bows and just naturally assumed that crossbows should have them also. Unsuppressed it groups fine. Just curious how that would help considering the free float handguard is touching the lead sled, and not the barrel? Thanks, all! Dec 28, 2009 · Originally Posted By: Don FischerNot the way I learned. Consider the fact that a . Try up or down one or more tenths grains. I've noticed on a few scopes that the 100yd hashmark on the dial isn't perfectly correct, and I always fine tune it by getting the rifle stable and rested on target and moving my head side to side while looking through the glass until the reticle is stationary and there is no visual parallax. I'm shooting 250gr boolits at +-1050fps with American Select powder through a suppressor. Mike Feb 17, 2011 · What some folks are saying about vertical shot stringing in this thread is, IMHO, way off base; probably out of the ball park. If no vertical just keep going and see if it starts Jul 11, 2015 · Here's the best article I've read on vertical stringing. 1090 Furious Z355. 1106 Burner 415. 1086 KI365. 1087 Machine I'm getting vertical stringing (see photo). 11. F. Still that's 2. 308 Win. 75 MOA which isn't bad considering I'm shooting my one size fits all M193 clone ammo using Hornady 55 gr FMJs in mixed head stamp cases churned off my Dillon press 5000 rounds at a time. 750" with no vertical stringing. Stringing again. Re: Help - Vertical Stringing I'm partway through resolving the vertical stringing in my prone shooting. Javascript is required. Not a big deal whatsoever but if you want a cleaner look with no overlap then get the 6. 0gr in . I had just built up a 10-22 around a Tandemkross Spitfire barrel. Unless a SS rifle has a forend support that keeps the wood away from the barrel you will have vertical stringing when resting the forend on a rest. There are scope bases made to follow the contour of the barrel. I am not sure I have ever seen vertical stringing from the scope, but I assume its possible. 6 inches figured I would test this load at a little longer range 300 yards shooting at a circle the size of a snuff can shot 8 shots 4 all in a row then walked to target checked then shot 4 more. Mar 17, 2015 · What is the most common cause for vertical stringing in groups? I had an action trued and new bbl installed and am having a heck of a time getting vertical string tuned out. 5” Aug 2, 2015 · Perfect Union has a ton of information on the Minis and stringing like that can be helped with better cooling from a Choate HG, adding an Accu-Strut (cooling and harmonics), Wilson 1911 buffers on both the gas port and recoil spring, reducing the gas bushing size, and making sure your gas block halves are square to each other and the screws are tightened equally. 5 gr increments). Posted: 10/22/2019 5:26:48 PM EDT Jan 5, 2010 · Another bit of info that might help out, is it stringing in order of your shots like 1-2-3-4-5 or 5-4-3-2-1? Or is it stringing them randomly like 3-2-1-5-4? If its in order then it could be something working loose or heating up as you shoot. Jun 4, 2009 · Vertical is often - but not always - a result of not tuning the load properly. Ive had it in 2 different stocks, tried various seating depths, different primers, free recoil and firm grip technique and no luck yet. Can't say have much to complain bout accuracy with it. Feb 8, 2010 · Have the treaded version, use it mostly on a T/C Encore 300 Whisper JD Jones barrel. You are correct mine is the 7”. 300 headstamp and converted. The first Apr 3, 2014 · I know (or strongly suspect) its not a barrel heating problem. 1084 Chrg'd 330. Dec 23, 2024 · Well, the bow string broke both string suppressor mounts, which sheared a screw off one of them. I’m starting to think that the previous small groups were a fluke. View attachment 7245638 Jan 9, 2019 · I'm trying to find an inexpensive load that shoots decent. 1085S KI350. I ordered and received a new string suppressor kit from Barnett but before I install them I want to buy a thread tap so I can chase the threads in the rail. Nov 11, 2017 · It still measured 1. Reply. 1100 Hero 380. Oct 9, 2024 · String Suppressor Set for Crossbow models - 1105 Ripper 415. Noticed accuracy issues. I hand tighten the suppressor onto the brake. 1085 KI350. Aug 28, 2020 · I’m chasing a very odd issue that I haven’t seen before and can’t figure out what it’s doing. The 460 is a beast. The new 2020 Boundary does away with those—harnessing the elements of the 2020 Waypoint that make it such a great rifle but in a more traditional hunting configuration. 8”@100 yards and that wasn’t repeatable. Also review what Speedy says, as follows: 'Find the Sweet Spot--A load that is too light or too heavy can cause vertical problems. It will eventually break the scope. If rifle is built properly this will not happen. 115gr FMJ does reasonable in the can (only commerical 9mm I have in FMJ) Mar 22, 2015 · I'm getting vertical stringing (see photo). I shoot Barnes 110gr Tac-TX factory ammo. This is why supporting the rifle at or very close to the front of the receiver is usually best. 5C shot same load lights out. It strings vertical with or without the suppressor. Nov 9, 2022 · If you are using a bag that's better suited towards props (ie gamechanger, tater tot, etc) it can induce vertical stringing as I happened to find out first hand this past Monday. It was never terrible, even with an aac 762sdn6, but noticable Posted: 3/11/2024 5:47:04 PM EDT May 11, 2020 · A lot of times horizontal stringing comes from incorrect parallax adjustment. 1091 MW Furious 370 Michael Waddel Edition. It's called the Hopewell Method. Mar 26, 2015 · Generally, there is a point of impact shift when adding a suppressor. The other components: Brownells receiver, Ruger trigger group and bolt (both CPC reworked), laminated Ruger factory Sporter stock, Sparrow suppressor, and a Holosun red dot. The brake is made by the same manufacturer of the suppressor (Suppressed Armament Systems). May 20, 2020 · That looks really close to the method I plan on using. 5” as it does overhang a little bit. Remington Accutips are within 1/4" right and left but had a 4" vertical string. A heavier STEEL base will help. These groups were shot after letting the barrel cool to ambient temperature.
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