Subaru low idle stall.
I second it fired up after a few seconds.
Subaru low idle stall 5l 4 cyl. Problem is I don't want the wife out there dealing with a potentially stalling car with a baby in the back seat May 13, 2023 · 123,892 Replaced exhaust flex pipes (first time I experienced non-start low idle/power issue, better after this fix) Other things of note, I have tried the idle relearn procedure multiple times throughout this whole fiasco. Looks to be at the quarter mark but in truth its 500 rpm or so I have been told. By understanding the common causes of Subaru Forester stalling at idle and following the steps outlined above, you can effectively address the issue and enjoy a smooth and reliable driving experience. 1500 rpm at start up in park, about 600 in drive. Feb 3, 2014 · If the idle simply just drops low during changes in load on the engine - be it AC compressor, or while shifting between gear selections - its not an issue -- UNLESS the car stalls! When you shift between N or PARK or between D and R the Torque Converter in the Automatic operates off a high pressure system driven by a pump. EDIT: driving around the codes cleared themselves so this was definitely the fix. for example, if i am driving and throw it into neutral itll hit 0 rpm then bounce up to 750 rpm most of the time but a few occurrences it has stalled on me while driving! sometimes it decides to idle below Dec 18, 2013 · Hi again-I've checked the grounding connections and all looks normal; nothing disconnected or corroded. I'll have to replace the wires and the coilpack soon I suppose. Subaru couldn’t figure it out either. I brake slowly and come to a stop longer and she brakes more towards the end, and she brakes hard. It turned out to be a gummed up/dirty throttle body. VERY violent shaking at that low of RPM. You need to go ahead and disconnect the battery again. Then do it again a moment later. When you roll to a stop, the engine idles too low and stalls. I'm thinking the IACV needs to May 16, 2021 · THE STALLING APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN FIXED! I took it for a test drive and did not stall once. I thought she was nuts, because I could never duplicate the problem. Basically, a new engine. May 23, 2016 · All Activity; Home ; Newer Generations of Subaru discussion ; 1990 to Present Legacy, Impreza, Outback, Forester, Baja, WRX&WrxSTI, SVX ; Help with a low idle, stall Oct 30, 2024 · Throttle Body Cleaning: Clean the throttle body regularly to prevent buildup. Dec 26, 2011 · In my opinion my 6MT idles way too low, often shuddering for a second or two as if it wants to stall. Service manual said replace the wastegate solenoid so I picked one up from O'Reilly and installed it. Apr 21, 2008 · When I am parked, my idle is around 300, thats with the parking brake up, no feet on any pedal, and in neutral. Feb 23, 2016 · The increase to 1100 rpm seems to be a precursor to the stall, at least in the situation recorded in the video. Before I Customer: 2010 Subaru Forester starts but idle drops to about 200 rpm before idling at correct rpm about 600. Nov 12, 2019 · Subaru has determined that due to an engine programming issue, the affected vehicles may stall when coming to a stop or driving at a low speed (under 15 MPH) when the air conditioning is operating at maximum capacity. I have a 2010 Subaru Outback 2. locally our mechanics that work on Subaru cars is limited and the dealer is a fortune. and am baffled. Obviously something on its way out but it wasn't my car so I wasn't gonna make a fuss about it. The idle still seems low but that is partly an illusion due to the first indicator line on the tach. Any other ideas? Thanks in advance Jan 4, 2016 · The car currently has 190k on it. Jan 13, 2011 · I have a 2004 FXT @ 100K. This will happen intermittently. Mar 21, 2008 · I purchased a 2000 Subaru Legacy Sedan with automatic transmission and 121K for my daughter. To relearn the idle, reset the ECU then get in the car. Aug 28, 2020 · I changed the filters one night, ran just fine. The check engine light went off but she still stalls when I push the clutch in. After pouring a whole can into my tank, the engine now idles too low the majority of the time when not going down the road. Oct 16, 2017 · Has anyone had any experience with the P050A cel code - my FXT is running poorly all of a sudden - it stalls when in drive with the brake on (actually the rpm's drop quickly when decelerating to a stop) particularly after the engine is hot. Oct 3, 2013 · P1510 (idle air control) P1512 (idle air control) P1514 (idle air control) P1516 (idle air control) P0107 MAP Sensor P0113 Intake air temp sensor P0731 Gear incorrect ratio Looks like it's sicker than I thought. Could also be a damaged MAF sensor, they are incredibly sensitive and it could be more than dirty. May 7, 2018 · This morning she called because the car is stalling. Mar 19, 2020 · A low and wavering idle in a 2003 Subaru WRX can be caused by various issues. , then won't idle (stalls and misfires). Only cold with less than half tank. So yesterday he goes to turn it on and it fires up then idles at 200 or so. Then when you hook it up, turn the key on for 5-10 seconds before cranking. Apr 23, 2013 · If I drove the car on ONLY petrol immediately after the reset (with no learned idle) then the original problem of low idle (bordering on stalling) returned immediately, and didnt get any better after 15-20 mins driving. Then I changed the spark plugs last night, and now it has a low idle in gear, reverse or forward. The car was well maintained by previous one owner using only Subaru dealers. Intermittent rough runninglow idle/wants to stall when stopped. Same shuddering when accelerating from under 10 mph, and a lower idle when I come to a stop. I've cleaned the throttle body over and over and taught it over and over to idle. It may or may not dip down low enough to be rough again, it varies, but in the last couple weeks it has done it for about half of the stops I Jul 25, 2019 · It always stalls at low speeds or idle (never speeds >10mph), and when windows are being rolled up it cannot seem to take the load from that and will stall at times. Even if I get out on the road and shift into drive from reverse, if I have to come to a stop within the first 10 min of driving, the car will stall when stopped at a low idle. 5 Subaru Outback Limited. It seems to idle too low. No effect. Jun 2, 2003 · my 2002 wrx AT, in a stop sign or whenever i stop and either have it in N, D, or Pat rest it idles very low. This might be the case here as well. 5L Turbocharged (2004-2013) Aug 13, 2013 · Ok, here are my guesses from previous issues with other cars. The tach would drift up above the 5-600 rpm and then dip down to 2-300, then back up. Have read about stalling in MT but not Sep 10, 2019 · One of the most common issues your Subaru Forester is likely to develop is a stalling problem. When i start the car she'll idle fine then a moment later it'll almost stall (has stalled once in park) then recover back up to 1000 then down to 650 rpm (idle). Have been Subarus are reliable and durable cars, but like any car, they can experience issues over time. Start it up and let it sit about 10 minutes at idle so it can relearn idle. At the beginning of March, my car started stalling about once a week. This only happens when the car is moving - and not if I shift gears and/or depress the clutch when stationary. Also if I am in park or at a stop light and turn the wheel the rpms drop and it will stall. The car idles fine unless stalls or shutters when put it gear. Oct 5, 2012 · I haven't cleared them yet but putting a bolt/grommet/hose clamp (temporarily) over this nipple immediately fixed the idle, going low, being sporadic, and all engine sputtering. According to the Subaru service note there are a number of potential causes of the problem. Feb 7, 2025 · My conclusion is that the ECM/TCM systems adjusted to compensate for the driveshaft drag, which was causing the idle to drop too far. Immediately following replacement, idle was very low and rough, primarily when in gear but also occasionally in P or N. For a long time now it has had a really annoying idle, unfortunately I don't remember when it would have started. Surprisingly this car doesn't shutter very much at such low idles. Yesterday I figured out why. I'm having an odd problem with Dec 6, 2021 · I had similar issue with newer 08 Impreza bucking and stalling at low rpm in gear or while idling also in gear, no CEL or stored/pending codes. 2018 for free due to Subaru's oil burn issue) Issue: After long drives, the vehicle will sometimes stall at idle. When idle becomes erratic, it is most often with A/C running, but not every time. Apr 8, 2013 · I have the same problem with my 03 Forester Cross Sport. Just prior to purchase, the following repairs were completed: Thermostat Valve Cover Gasket Spark Plugs & Wires Head Gaskets Water Pump Timing Belt A couple of A/C O-Rings Really, it runs I second it fired up after a few seconds. Low speed deceleration feels rough but I can't tell if it's engine or rotors needing some help. Has no trouble starting right back up, all the it idles very low for maybe a second. Jul 16, 2014 · 3) The engine stalls due to low idle (or it comes very close to stalling with very low idle) when I shift out of gear into neutral. I've also noticed an occasional surging/bucking while driving. Nov 14, 2013 · I swear this car is starting to fall apart on me. Usually happens warm out 85+F and driving on highway for 30 to 40 min and when coming off highway to a stop . When I hit the gas pedal at idle you can hear it sucking air. All that was done is change plugs (NGK Turbo), filters oil, air, gas, fan belt, steering belt and oil change. Engine started to idle at very low rpm, around 5oo and less, to the point of almost stalling. The short term fuel trims are generally +/-10% while driving and when I stop they go to 37% then to 0. It always starts right up and May 15, 2023 · Ill get right down to it. Moving Forward: A Smooth Ride Ahead. Large leak would cause almost instant stall out. Jun 11, 2004 · The Subaru SVX World Network > SVX Main Forums > MOD Mania: infamous 5MT low idle stall I just bought a 1996 Subaru outback legacy in Oregon and drove it to Taos NM where I live. Like 650 or 700. Other than that, the engine runs Dec 10, 2021 · I have a Gen3 2008 Outback with 186,000 mi. Then up. I believe cylinders 2 and 4 are missing, though it's hard to tell because the idle is constantly fluctuating and randomly stalling. It is a stick. After it stalled the first time, I got new spark plugs and two weeks later, I replaced the catalytic converter (per the codes on my dashboard. It's idling low. I was advised by someone to add Seafoam gasoline additive to my gas. Apr 25, 2023 · I have a 2013 Subaru Forester non turbo. ??? May 23, 2016 · I've had a rough idle and intermittent stalling issue for about a year now. Dec 22, 2020 · Edit - to add I recently learned about this with my 2010 legacy, during idle and low rpm the throttle body opens slightly to allow air into the intake manifold but when it gets blocked with carbon build up over time that carbon blocks the plate inside the throttle body from opening enough to let air through which causes it to run rich during Dec 2, 2018 · Low idle or stalling when stopped is **CLASSIC** symptom of the ol' torque-converter problem. It also wouldnt' cause a check engine light normally - though maybe it oddly caused phantom codes to trip just during the stall incident only. Even a mere 100 rpm boost in idle speed sure would help when starting out from a stop, too, as that can be tricky with the goofy first gear. It seems to be getting worse as it gets colder outside. I have an aftermarket intake and exhaust and the car has 125000 miles on it. As they go to zero, the engine will drop RPM to around 600 and sort of hunt and sometimes die. Int. Dec 13, 2013 · A few days ago, all of a sudden, I noticed a very low (400-600 rpm), shaky idling issue coupled with terrible gas mileage Today it started stalling at every stop unless I give it gas. I’ll try and borrow a battery tester that can test running volts. Jun 14, 2021 · I just got my 2010 Forester Wednesday. I usually just cut the engine of for 30 sec and the light cuts off. Check Engine light was on. Nov 11, 2024 · I did, and the same problems are happening. If it's dirty or malfunctioning, it can cause erratic idle. feels like the car is going to stall, it has stalled about twice, but other wise it just idles low. From what I can tell it's never really worked. No CEL. Then start it and allow it to idle for 8-10 mins without touching the accel pedal or putting any significant load on it like a/c, head lights, power windows or even changing manifold pressure by applying the brakes. around 200 to 500 rpm. Better said, if I replicate the situation when the car is stationary, it doesn't idle low or stall. replaced Nov 29, 2018 · It idles in park around 800rpm and idles in gear at about 600rpm or so. Aug 12, 2022 · The idle speed did continue to drop but not as low as before so no stalls. I have a low idle, maybe 550, and the car wants to stall when I come to full stops after 30 or so minutes of highway driving. I removed it cleaned it inside & out, performed a reset, and let the car idle for bit afterwards. 5I Non-Turbo 5 speed with 185,000 miles on it and it makes like a hissing sound of air being sucked in somewhere on the drivers side of the engine, and has a VERY Rough Idle, (P0171 Code as well) so much so that once warmed up if i turn it off and restart it, it just dies, i have to rev it a bit and slowly Aug 26, 2004 · Hi guys, was wondering if anyone could throw in their 2 cents concerning my sti's problem that just started. It is stalling in a very peculiar way. It's no longer throwing a code but the car has stalled twice when starting from a Feb 27, 2015 · It will result in lower power and poor idling while the car relearns everything. Cleaned throttle body butterfly, ICV (even swapped it out), and MAF. Just had new plugs put in a week ago. I do have an oil leak coming from a lower part of the crankcase. Car runs fine with acceleration above 2000RPM. I am still getting misfires on 1 & 3 at idle and the idle is very "lumpy", but I've been living with that for a long time without the stalling. The head gasket was replaced at 90K along with the timing belt at 100K. If idling for a few minutes often the CEL comes on solid with blinking cruise control. Once stopped idle sometimes drops low and stalls. currently, it doesn’t stall when I put it in reverse, but it does sometimes when I try to do a hot start. Drove for about 8 cycles (hoping it would heal itself as it usually does), and finally got CEL and flashing cruise. Please remove the spark plug wires and check for oil on the spark plug boots. Occasionally it will stall, but this doesn’t always happen, as there are time it idles low quite happily. We're hopeful this will solve the problem. A few weeks ago I noticed the car (22k on it now) started running alittle rough at low rpm's. A noticeable ticking noise that seems to be coming from the water pump but I'm not at all sure. I mean it drops down to about 500 or maybe a hair lower, then bounces back up to where it should idle in gear which is about 750? It almost feels like it is going to stall it gets so low. I've only got a few hundred miles on it so far May 31, 2015 · it starts fine but will stall if not kept at higher rpm/idle it drives and will stall at red lights,stop signs ect anytime the idle drops has newer air filter and its just a standard filter. When I start the car it idles at 500 for a few seconds and then gos down to 300 - 250. If a Subaru engine is misfiring the idle will be very rough and will cause low idle speed. new plugs. If it makes no difference I think it's a short in the harness somewhere. Each fix I do seems to help "a little" but the problem doesn't go away. Other than this car drives and shifts great. (not fully releasing the engine from the xmission) This is due to a part wearing thin and not allowing fluid-pressure to escape. 5 limited, automatic. Feb 5, 2024 · I have a 1999 Forester that doesn't idle well and occasionally dies at stoplights. Put it in drive or reverse, runs rough, stalls occasionally. After having the engine put back together and getting everything running, we have one issue. Feb 5, 2014 · Rough idle - misfire like in closed loop Stalls when you put it in gear or stop at stop sign Idles at no more than 750 rpms but as low as 500 rpms. A few weeks ago my daughter said the car would run rough at idle and occasionally stall when she started up. Took it to dealer and they couldn’t duplicate issue, never heard of it before. I've always noticed on Subaru's the ECU trying to get the idle as low as possible and then adding a a couple hundred revs etc. If each time the engine seems to stall the clunk appears a few seconds before, and the rpm goes up before falling to the very low level, then there could be a relationship. No CEL's. -At low throttle (in idle) the RPM goes up and then down again without me releasing the throttle. Unfortunately our local parts stores kept getting the wrong type of wires. Jul 27, 2019 · 04 XS has been having an intermittent problem with a rough idle and stall, as well as no power when accelerating. 600 average Runs poorly going down the road if you step on the gas from a low speed (bucks, hesitates) Runs mostly fine at highway speeds but will still hiccup sometimes Jan 11, 2013 · Hi all, my 2005 outback 2. Feb 5, 2014 · We wanted to replace the plug wires. Since I buckled down to try to fix it once and for all, the issue has been driving me batty. Code P0506, low idle. ) After fixing both of these things, my car is still stalling about 1-2 times a week. Not sure if this is related to gas or if the problem is a common one. Aug 9, 2022 · I’ve seen discussions on this subject in past posts, but I’ve found nothing that has helped solve my problem. Mar 22, 2020 · Idles fine and all but after its warm and you shift into revers the rpms drop and the engine shudders and sometimes will stall. Doesn't seem to be as big an issue on back roads, still a lower idle but no near stalls. In drive with the brake pedal down at a light it will hiccup and then usually stall. Apr 7, 2021 · Idle sounds weak. 5 SE (72,000 miles) appears to idle a little lower than normal at 500rpm and when driving out and about stopping at junctions the revs tend to bounce when settling down to idle OR even the car stalls at junctions sometimes. Air Filter Replacement: Replace the air filter as needed. Oct 3, 2024 · I was having issues with the engine temporarily cutting out around 17psi of boost and the car threw a p0244. As I braked to a stop, the idle dropped to just above that 1/2 line between 0 and 1000 RPM and as I put the car in to Park, the idle speed immediately came up to right below the 1000RPM line and idled nicely. RPM then dips, almost stalling but goes Jun 7, 2010 · Battery died 3 days ago. Have run lots of dry gas, had a mechanic Jun 21, 2010 · It idles at around 500-700 with a lobbing miss which makes me think its going to stall at any second. It will sit there at idle even in park and go from 200rpm to 1000 to 600 to 300 and almost stall. Only happens on days hotter than 70 degrees F, and only happens when car is fully hot and have been driving in traffic stop to stop. Got my car serviced last monday and ever since I got it back its been idling low maybe like 200rpm and 500rpm with ac on. I did the relearn procedure a couple times since then. This only happens when there is no input to the throttle. May 19, 2016 · At start up the idle sits at ~800rpm and picks up after a sec to 1500 to warm up then slowly dips back to 750rpm. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it unlikely that a bad grounding would cause such a dramatic cold stalling/ starting issue, especially as the problem goes away as the car warms up? Jul 2, 2010 · Low Idle/Stalling when off the gas I have an 05 Impreza 2. Stalling can be frustrating and even dangerous, especially if it happens while driving. Over the weekend the car's idle slowed again. I have a rough idle but is fine when I’m driving then when I come to a stop or switch from park to reverse or drive it wants to stall “hasn’t yet”. The code sounds as if the catalytic converter is going bad. Sometimes to the point that it causes the car to stall. Jun 17, 2017 · I had a low idle speed issue, sounds similar to yours. Head gaskets, all belts, water pump, cat, plugs, wires, coil, battery all new within 2500 miles. Recently my car has developed a low idle and has gotten to the point of stalling when first moving it. Starts up and runs great until warm, then idle will go very low (~500 rpm) and a bit rough when at a stop and will drop very quickly to a stall if having to brake hard from cruising speed to stop. . Before Aug 25, 2007 · I had something similar happen and was at a loss as to what it was, so took it to my local dealership. My 2010 with the manual will stall when clutching in unless you let the car relearn idle after an ECU reset. it ran fine until after a week of driving when it would suddenly stall out or idle really low. It will struggle to get up a hill, and it will rev really high before a rough gear change. Jun 15, 2011 · At first it was idling somewhat low no big deal. Sometimes people get odd vibrations in the vehicle when stopped in drive if a front axle was replaced with a parts store unit. 2007 outback 2. Jul 8, 2010 · Problem with my 8 month old Subaru Outback engine stalling while A/C is on. Stalls while coming to a stop. New plugs, timing perfect (I replaced the timing belt about a year ago myself, and have done many Subi belts) NO Jul 28, 2021 · The cause to your problem is more than likely the “misfire on cylinder two” that you reported to the “online tech”. This is frustrating,as we love the car. So when my idle seems low I guess its actually 550 or 600 rpm. It did stall me once while coasting at 30mph. 5L H4-cyl 6 SOHC (MFI) with about 115K on the clock. One common problem Subaru owners may encounter is stalling. 5RSThis is the second I've had this problem. This makes for a bumpy ride in gear at low speed. When I am slowing down to stop lights or signs and my clutch is in, I normally idle around 500, provided how long I sit there I may drop to 250. The problem is it idles low at stops, about 500 or less and sometimes it stalls at a long light or going around turns from a stop. Also intermittently doesn’t start right away. The first time I had this problem, it happened the exact same time I changed from my carbon fiber hood w/ wrx scoop to stock w/o a scoop. Aug 21, 2020 · 2003 Forester Engine idles slow, maybe 550rpm hot. The Mar 3, 2020 · I also have a 2007 Subaru Outback 2. Basically, all was good except for the idle running too low, and they reset it with their scan tool and suggested doing an upper intake cleaning with the chemical stuff they suck into the intake through a vacuum tube. But that doesn't really happen on cars this new/low mileage so I'm hesitant to suggest it. Car: 2005 Forester X, automatic trans. Same dealer had replaced head gaskets at 178,000 mi. Can I turn the idle up? Sooty I know it's the weekend. Nov 15, 2021 · Problem: low idle/shuddering/almost stalling in Park, Neutral, and Drive. No check engine lights. May 15, 2014 · 1998 legacy outback AWD automatic. When I would shift while driving, occasionally the speed would drop below 600, and almost feel like it was going to stall. It was idling really low, and then at full stops, the engine would stall. Once the ECM/TCM made adjustments, the dealer couldn't find the stall/shudder, nor the low idle speed. This usually points to the Idle Air Control mechanism. I changed the PCV valve and the hose that goes from the valve to the air box and after driving about a month, the issue seems to have gone away. Jul 23, 2023 · Sometimes the idle will start to get erratic just before it stalls (not under load it will swing from 500-1200rpms), and sometimes it will just start being erratic but correct itself enough to not stall out. The vehicle runs and sounds good, but it idle bounces up and down +/- 350 rpm. Took it to a Subaru dealer and had the timing belt changed, found out I needed a knock sensor (CEL). Yesterday i looked at the car, pulled plugs, tested wires. I Jun 25, 2008 · i put on a front mount like 2 months ago. It has no problem with the acceleration just dies when I push the clutch in. Jan 21, 2024 · If I turn the car on first thing in the morning, it turns on and idles fine in park, but when I put it into reverse, unless I rev the engine it will shudder and stall. Nov 26, 2022 · I recently rebuilt the motor on my 2013 subaru sti. She brought it over and I changed the oil (only 4 quarts came Aug 20, 2007 · Our '99 Outback wagon (almost 160,000 miles) is having major problems. Will bog down 200-300 rpm AT Temp light will flash for a May 21, 2020 · My Mom's 2010 Forrester ,non turbo automatic ,stalls at idle in drive . If you're on the throttle even a little the problem isn't there. EJ25 - 2. Dec 27, 2021 · Have a 11 forester x limited auto phase 2 4EAT 170k and counting been having random intermittent stall coming to stop issue . I’ve. Any thoughts guys? We've tried to re-teach the car it's idle rpm but that didn't work. . Sure enough, when the mechanic hooked it up, that was the code that came up. Maybe the ECU just needs time to find the lowest idle. No codes being thrown and no check engine light. It’s a 2006 ll bean model H6 outback with 270k miles, and I have exhausted my limited knowledge on the matter. Today it threw a cel for bank 2 running too rich. Then down. This is SPECIFICALLY why Subaru extended the warantee on the CVT on 1000s of vehicles. Here are some common reasons for such a problem: Dirty or Faulty Idle Air Control Valve (IACV): The IACV regulates the amount of air that bypasses the throttle plate and enters the engine during idle. I’ve tested torque converter it’s good. Apr 9, 2020 · The misfiring and the idle issue have gone away after replacing the PCV vacuum hose. It will then proceed to stall (after its up to temp and the revs are at idle speed). Jul 29, 2012 · After disconnecting the battery your ECM loses its' idle point. Oct 21, 2015 · So far it's only exhibited issues while idling/stopped. May 1, 2008 · Hey guys, looking some assistance from you guys :). I then did another reset and this time did the ECU learning on petrol alone. The engineer light comes on and it starts idling high but doesn't pass 20 mph and it stalls at times. The code thrown is usually P0302. Nov 16, 2010 · When driving up to a stop sign or light, clutch pressed in, the rpm's will dip very low and the car will run rough for a moment then the idle will automatically go up to around 1500 to correct itself. Been sputtering, lacks power, stalls going into reverse. Dec 27, 2023 · The low idle ( still never stalled) was doing that from when I bought it , but now after the clearing of the code it actually stalls. Aug 24, 2009 · My fiance (the subaru owner) says the subaru would idle low and almost stall when she brakes hard. The car has 61,000 miles and I am not sure of the engine size. Jan 27, 2019 · Hey guys! New to the site and new to Subarus. 2009 Outback. I’m hoping someone might have new information. Idles ok in park with a bit of shake. Sep 6, 2012 · Problem: Low idle RPMs. Oct 9, 2023 · Hey guys got a question maybe someone can help. Stalls can happen at any time, and it can be incredibly jarring when it does happen. Recent work: New short block, had the heads machined/cleaned and all valves replaced. Then idle would pick up. The Subaru SVX World Network > SVX Main Forums > MOD Mania: infamous 5MT low idle stall Aug 25, 2009 · I recently purchased a 2000 Subaru Legacy Outback, 2. Engine and Exhaust. It will run great for 20- 30 min. It's been to a shop twice , they never find a problem. Does not stall, but sometimes hesitates when starting off. the low idle also cause the car to shake, enough so the driver and passenger can feel their bodies moves. Jun 22, 2014 · RPMs fall back to idle rapidly and nearly stall before returning to a low, rough idle. -When the throttle is released at higher RPM, there seems to be a "blablablabla" sound coming from the exhaust (to rich?). 190,000 miles. Happened 3 times in 2 days. 5L Transmission: Continuously-Variable (CVT) Mileage: 99,000 on chassis, ~10k on new short block (replaced Nov. Dealer couldn't correct the problem (after checking ECM for faults) and said they dropped the exhaust and that valve guides had dropped). Aug 16, 2024 · Technical Forums and Vehicle Assistance. Mainly at stop signs/lights. I did some looking around the internet, and it sounded like it might be the Idle Air Control. The most challenging part of diagnosing a stalling problem is reproducing the conditions that led to the stall in the first place. If I give her the gas pedal she hesitates, revs, and then dives in RPM almost stalling out. I don't Dec 7, 2009 · I was wondering this type of thing actually. Jan 14, 2008 · Idle can be low if the IACV is gunked up; then ECU may have it fully open but it just isn't quite enough air to idle at right rpm. runs fine under load, on freeway, in town. I have cleaned the MFA sensor as well as have done the Seafoam treatment. CVT transmission 2. The behaviors are familiar suspects, as follows: Jul 29, 2012 · After resetting the ecu, turn key to on/run for 20 seconds then back to off. And then I noticed something when I pulled into my driveway. It is worst if I put in drive while holding the brake and turn the steering wheel (like doing a 3 point turn) it nearly stalls and surges back to life. We just ordered a set on the Internet. Nov 10, 2011 · All Activity; Home ; Newer Generations of Subaru discussion ; 1990 to Present Legacy, Impreza, Outback, Forester, Baja, WRX&WrxSTI, SVX ; EJ22 Extremely Low Idle (At Cold Start) Oct 15, 2019 · 2010 non turbo, auto, 125k. Mar 28, 2023 · The battery was replaced 3-4 years ago. Vacuum leak could be the issue, slight leak could cause small issues with idle and stalling. When they correct the carrier bearing, the excess drag will be gone, and I expet the idle will be high. My next guess is cleaning out the throttle body. Jan 26, 2020 · Model: 2013 Subaru Outback Engine: 2. yhcahqkceoebtoyqbvqxxdsxxrymhkngtrbhvjonzkzmwbtkffsmsjogpwttoimcbjyrqh