Show function in postgresql. oid) as result_type, pg_get_function_arguments(p.
Show function in postgresql Consult the description of each kind of function for more details. 32 illustrates the behaviors of the basic arithmetic operators (+, *, etc. Something like: SELECT n. conf 配置文件、通过 PGOPTIONS 环境变量(使用 libpq 或基于 libpq 的应用程序时)或在启动 postgres 服务器时通过命令行标志来设置这些变量。 Create PostgreSQL database in Azure (This sample uses flexible server) Add your client IP address in the networking section (if you are testing it from VS Code. 在本文中,我们将介绍如何在PostgreSQL中获取数据库中函数的列表以及这些函数的参数。 阅读更多:PostgreSQL 教程. May 4, 2024 · RETURN NEXT and RETURN QUERY can be freely intermixed in a single set-returning function, in which case their results will be concatenated. SQL defines some string functions that use key words, rather than commas, to separate arguments. Functions can also be defined to return sets of base or composite values. For example: Sep 16, 2019 · you must change return varchar clause for returns varchar in functions definition, and missing the function language, see the following:. select pricelimit(10, 4); You have to pass parameters p_product_id and p_pricelist_version_id. Dec 29, 2024 · Furthermore, the function utilizes PostgreSQL’s built-in age() function to determine the difference between two dates. 11. This chapter describes most of them, although additional special-purpose functions appear in relevant sections of the manual. Aug 1, 2018 · You can use pg_proc to show to stored procedure code: SELECT prosrc FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'function_name'; However, pg_proc does not display a complete CREATE FUNCTION statement To view the list of user-defined functions in dbForge Studio for PostgreSQL, first navigate to the desired database node in the Database Explorer pane on the left. 要获取数据库中的函数列表,我们可以使用pg_proc系统目录表。 Jul 16, 2014 · It depends - exception have some cost, but you access a system cache directly, what can be faster than query to system tables. 5 shows the available mathematical functions. Q: How can I check who owns a function in PostgreSQL? A: To check who owns a function in PostgreSQL, you can use the `\d` command. Some year ago I wrote functions for access to call stack - it is part of orafce. pgAdmin III 1. This function returns no rows if there is no match, one row if there is a match and the g flag is not given, or N rows if there are N matches and the g flag Apr 18, 2021 · Ubuntu 20. com credativ Group January 20, 2012 Joe Conway SCALE10X-PGDay. View all user-defined functions and their details under Functions Aug 1, 2018 · You can see the complete source code of the function simple by clicking on the function name on the right panel. It just doesn't display prosrc. This is my try so far: Feb 21, 2023 · SELECT pg_proc. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION creará una nueva función o reemplazará una definición existente. PostgreSQL: Functions - Listed by Category. I'm trying to use a function with PostgreSQL to save some data. They take a set of values and return a single value, making your data analysis tasks a breeze. routines WHERE routine_type='FUNCTION' AND specific_schema='public' AND routine_name = 'my_func' That returns in my case: Dec 31, 2016 · Introduction to PostgreSQL EXTRACT() function. If for instance you wanted to show the category's rental total, too, that would be done with a window function: Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to show tables in PostgreSQL using psql tool and pg_catalog schema. Jun 3, 2019 · Query below return all User Defined Functions and information about it in PostgreSQL database. Oct 24, 2024 · PostgreSQL allows developers to create user-defined functions to encapsulate reusable logic, making database operations more efficient and modular. table1 WHERE schema. Users can also define their own functions and operators, as described in Part V. Apr 6, 2022 · I would like to know if a function is inbuilt or its a user defined function in postgres. This not only simplifies your code but also makes it more efficient by reducing the number of queries that need to be executed. But what are PostgreSQL’s most popular text functions? In today’s article, we’ll show you what they are and how to use them. To show the source of the trigger-function (or any function) use \df+ <functionname>. Nov 1, 2024 · This article explores the core PostgreSQL date functions, covering how to retrieve the current date, extract date components, perform conversions, handle intervals, and use operators and utility functions. oid) as result_type, pg_get_function_arguments(p. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. Nov 13, 2024 · A PostgreSQL user-defined function is a function created by the database user to perform specific operations that are not covered by built-in functions. table1. Feb 20, 2025 · Table 9. Online Quiz on PostgreSQL COUNT Function to practice the postgresql concepts Feb 20, 2025 · 34. Commented Jan 18, 2012 at 23:25. Thanks. To see the trigger you can make \dS <tablename>, it shows not only columns of this table, but also all triggers defined on this table. PostgreSQL Function이란? SQL 함수는 임의의 SQL문들을 실행하고 마지막 쿼리의 결과를 반환한다. I have tried writing the query below, but there is nothing that tells me if its either or of the two. Details are in Table 9. In this blog post, we Feb 15, 2024 · Function: Below is the example to show how to create a function to return value by combining employee_id, first_name, last_name as one string. PostgreSQL also provides versions of these functions that use the regular function invocation syntax (see Table 9. nspname as schema_name, p. The thing is, it seems column prosrc does hold the function text. Control Functions These functions control miscellaneous details of libpq's behavior. Nov 15, 2011 · The command \dft doesn't show the triggers itself (as I thought), it shows all trigger-functions (return-type trigger). The \sf (explanation below) is the best way to see function's source code. Dec 29, 2022 · I have been deploying many functions into different databases in different servers in PostgreSQL. Feb 20, 2025 · PostgreSQL provides a large number of functions and operators for the built-in data types. Mar 22, 2024 · After that, use the language plpgsql to define the procedural language of the function. 获取函数列表. prokind WHEN 'a' THEN 'aggregate function' WHEN 'w' THEN 'window function' WHEN 'p' THEN 'procedure' ELSE 'function' END as type FROM Oct 3, 2019 · I am searching for a way to display a command that creates a certain routine in PostgreSQL. 6-0ubuntu0. PQclientEncoding Returns the client encoding. Many kinds of functions can take or return certain pseudo-types (such as polymorphic types), but the available facilities vary. Postgres has a table and its name is pg_proc which has some columns like id, name, source code and etc. Aug 3, 2016 · CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pricelimit( p_product_id numeric, p_pricelist_version_id numeric); function call will be like that. create function getNameByTypes( MainType varchar, SubType varchar) returns varchar as $$ declare TypeName varchar; begin TypeName = case MainType when 'type_I' then case SubType when 'sub_type_1' then 'TypeName1' when 'sub_type_2' then 'TypeName2' end else Nov 17, 2017 · If I query for a list of functions, and in that query, include a sub-query to return the code for each function, the query breaks when a schema includes two or more functions with the same name (and different function signatures). W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. CREATE FUNCTION define una nueva función. PostgreSQL offers a rich set of functions for manipulating dates and times, making it one of the most robust May 23, 2017 · PostgreSQL provides the command \dv to list all views. 假设我们要查找名为my_function的函数的定义,可以使用以下SQL语句: Update: possibility to take call stack is available in PostgreSQL 9. Select query to view the output: PostgreSQL 如何获取数据库中的函数列表以及其参数. Note PostgreSQL 11 introduce procedures, so we need to distinguish procedures and functions. And you can get the schema name from the system table pg_namespace:. routines” View, and the “pg_proc” Catalog is used to get the list of user-defined functions. Find the Functions directory under the public schema and expand it; 3. 1. For example, if your function takes double precision, you could compare: explain analyze select sqrt(x::double precision) from generate_series(1,1000000) f(x); Jul 21, 2020 · Over the years, numerous data types and functions, developed by a worldwide team of volunteers, have been added to PostgreSQL. Function Basics By Example PostgreSQL Functions By Example Joe Conway joe. you might be looking for PostgreSQL's window functions. ). See also: SHOW USER FUNCTIONS, SHOW EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS, SHOW FUNCTIONS IN MODEL, CREATE FUNCTION, DROP FUNCTION, ALTER FUNCTION Retrieve the current time with the time zone offset at the start of an SQL statement using the PostgreSQL STATEMENT_TIMESTAMP function. 33 shows the available functions for date/time value processing, with details appearing in the following subsections. The output of the `\d` command will show the owner of the function. Whether or not you use it, this capability entails security precautions when calling functions in databases where some users mistrust other users; see Section 10. I am working on Dbeaver using PostgreSQL for your information. PostgreSQL Date Functions. Feb 25, 2020 · PostgreSQL 14 introduced the BEGIN ATOMIC feature which allows for dependency tracking covering also the body of functions and procedures, albeit only for language SQL, not PL/pgSQL. PostgreSQL supports standard aggregate functions: The MIN function returns the minimum value in a set of values. PostgreSQL ARRAY_AGG function is used to concatenate the input values including null into an array. oid) AS func_def , pg_get_function_arguments(p. These variables can be set using the SET statement, by editing the postgresql. You could employ the additional module auto-explain for that: Get query plan for SQL statement nested in a PL/pgSQL function Sep 19, 2016 · Can we use RAISE NOTICE in postgres as equivalent of RAISERROR 'message to display' WITH NOWAIT in SQL Server, or is there a better way to print intermediate messages while postgres queries are run Oct 2, 2019 · Generate the create table statement for a table in postgresql from linux commandline: Create a demo table: CREATE TABLE your_table( thekey integer NOT NULL, ticker character varying(10) NOT NULL, date_val date, open_val numeric(10,4) NOT NULL ); Dec 4, 2022 · If I cared enough to bother, I would do it experimentally. PostgreSQL TO_TIMESTAMP Function Example # In addition, every kind of function can return a base type or a composite type. SHOW 将显示运行时参数的当前设置。 可以使用 SET 语句、通过编辑 postgresql. Aug 1, 2011 · How can I show the code of a function, procedure and trigger in PostgreSQL? Please let me know if any one know the query to show the code of them. 10). proname AS "函数名称", pg_type. 4 . 1) DB Navigator does not show functions anymore, cf. Except where noted, any given form of a function returns the same data type as its argument(s); cross-type cases are resolved in the same way as explained above for operators. It’s crucial to get this right. Unfortunately, PostgreSQL does not support the SHOW TABLES statement directly but provides you with alternatives. 9). The different use cases of the PostgreSQL COUNT() function can be illustrated as follows: COUNT(*) COUNT() on Specific Column; COUNT() DISTINCT Feb 20, 2025 · SQL functions can be declared to accept variable numbers of arguments, so long as all the “ optional ” arguments are of the same data type. when you pass oid of function which you are looking for, it returns full code inside of that. js) Node. oid) as parameters CASE p. The following example shows how to use the `\d` command to check who owns the function `my_function`: \d my_function. Here’s the basic syntax of the EXTRACT() function: EXTRACT(field FROM source) The PostgreSQL EXTRACT() function requires two arguments: 1) field. Permissions check postgresql function. A window function would not make sense here, because there is no value you want to derive from the selected rows. conf configuration file, through the PGOPTIONS environmental variable (when using libpq or a libpq-based application), or through command-line flags when starting the postgres server. g. Dec 10, 2021 · Here are three options for listing out all the stored procedures in a Postgres database. I’ve found that with a bit of practice, you’ll be able to call functions like a pro. Here is the create script: -- Function: "saveUser"(integer, character varying, character varying, character varying, charac Feb 20, 2025 · PostgreSQL allows functions that have named parameters to be called using either positional or named notation. ) 마지막 쿼리가 row를 하나도 반환 Nov 22, 2024 · PostgreSQL COUNT() Function: Example Queries. Table 9. 04. oid) AS func_result FROM pg_proc p JOIN pg_namespace n ON n Aug 28, 2012 · The result is a complete CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION or CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE statement. We’ll use the film table from the sample database. These functions can be written in various programming languages supported by PostgreSQL , including PL/pgSQL , SQL , C , and more. 202104042040 PostgreSQL 12. And you can't call your functions in the DECLARE portion of the outer function because they haven't been created yet. Consequently, the CalculateAge() function takes birthDate as input and returns the PostgreSQL provides a large number of functions and operators for the built-in data types. These functions can be used in SQL statements or queries in PostgreSQL. proname AS function_name , pg_get_functiondef(p. 9. track_functions (enum) Enables tracking of function call counts and time used. But the query in SQL editor returns many functions defined in schema adre Dec 25, 2013 · Answer in comment form as this is closed: Download the PostgreSQL source code, or check it out from git. When I try this Query: select proname from pg_proc where prosrc ~* 'part of Function text' I get the correct number and names of Functions. Also, if your function has arguments you must pass the types when you drop that function. col_b = col_b AND EXTRACT(year FROM schema. Finally, place a block in the dollar-quoted string constant to define the function body. How to Create a Function in PostgreSQL. 2. As anyone who works with them knows, databases don’t contain only numerical values. (order by 를 사용하지 않는 경우 다중 row의 첫 번째 행은 별도 정의되지 않기에 결과 row가 매번 다를 수 있다. The function is declared by marking the last parameter as VARIADIC; this parameter must be declared as being of an array type. Function in PostgreSQL. int PQclientEncoding(const PGconn *conn); Note … Jan 31, 2017 · CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dynamicJsonValue(varchar(64)) RETURNS VOID AS 'UPDATE "table" SET "field" = ''value'' WHERE "json_field" @> ''{"key": $1}'';' LANGUAGE SQL Feb 15, 2014 · PostgreSQL: ERROR: 42601: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record" If the return type varies with the the provided table name, there is still a much better solution. Learn how Neon simplifies HIPAA compliance and scaling for multi-tenant SaaS Oct 25, 2022 · If you’re a PostgreSQL user and into data analysis, you’ve heard of the text functions or maybe even used them. See full list on database. Here’s the basic syntax of the NOW() function: NOW () Nov 8, 2016 · The parameter track_functions enables tracking of usage of user-defined functions. In this guide, you will learn about essential data types and functions available in PostgreSQL and see a demonstration of their use cases, which will help you get better at database development and data analysis tasks. 使用 psql 命令行工具 psql 是一个用于连接和管理 PostgreSQL 数据库的命令行工具。 Mar 8, 2022 · Your query shows one row per film and category along with the film's rental total. 8. The result list also show functions like dblink. Many of these functions are provided in multiple forms with different argument types. oid) AS func_args , pg_get_function_result(p. \df lists all functions (and there are a lot). For a command that lists only user-defined functions, see SHOW USER FUNCTIONS. Jan 19, 2012 · Can you show us the expected output for your sample data? – user330315. The CREATE FUNCTION statement is used to define a new function, supporting various procedural languages, with plpgsql being the most commonly used in PostgreSQL. Let’s take some examples of using the POWER() function. Jun 11, 2010 · For more details, see the discussion on psql's mailing list: psql missing feature: show permissions for functions. For easy reference, we have provided a list of all PostgreSQL functions. screenshot. \df+ in psql < 16 or \sf / \sf+ in psql 16+ gives you the sourcecode. typname AS "返回值数据类型", pg_proc. These functions have been part of PostgreSQL for quite some time, predating even the 7. Just create Dec 28, 2012 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand. Feb 20, 2025 · In addition, every kind of function can return a base type or a composite type. I took this query from postgres logs after i searched for a function in pgadmin. For showcasing different example queries using the PostgreSQL COUNT() function, we are considering this table with the following fields. You need to change it to returns bigint, and you don't need PL/pgSQL for this:. The NOW() function returns the current date and time with the time zone of the database server. libpq (C/C++) PostgreSQLのネイティブクライアントライブラリ。 psycopg2 (Python) Python用のPostgreSQLアダプタ。 pg (Node. Moreover, it has a function called pg_get_functiondef. Is there a similar way to list all user-defined functions or perhaps just those function defined by a particular user? \sf requires you to know a function's name and it will provide a function's definition. No, there is no way how to get name of currently executed function in plpgsql function. The EXTRACT() function extracts a field from a date/time value. MySQL offers a popular SHOW TABLES statement that displays all tables in a specific database. Expand the public schema node; 2. These parameters allow for various ways to pass data into and out of functions , accommodating different types of requirements within PostgreSQL . 20. There are more system catalog information functions to give you the additional information. pronargs AS "参数个数" FROM pg_proc JOIN pg_type ON Feb 20, 2025 · Table 9. col_b%type) RETURNS bigint --<< here AS $$ SELECT COUNT(col_b) FROM schema. 3 of PgSql extension and removed M2 Issues to be handled June 2023 labels May 19, 2023 Nov 15, 2023 · 1. proname as name, pg_get_function_result(p. The following function is equivalent to test2(): create function test3() returns int language sql begin atomic select id from test1 limit 1; end; Jan 19, 2025 · PostgreSQLのクライアントライブラリを利用した方法. pg_get_function_arguments ( func oid ) → text Reconstructs the argument list of a function or procedure, in the form it would need to appear in within CREATE FUNCTION (including default values). Feb 20, 2025 · SQL defines some string functions that use key words, rather than commas, to separate arguments. 3 Bug fix to be included in Release-v0. Need a good GUI Tool for PostgreSQL? TablePlus is a modern, native tool with an elegant UI that allows you to simultaneously manage multiple databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server and more. Mastering function calls in PostgreSQL isn’t as daunting as it might seem. In this post, we talked about how there is no straight forward function that directly calculates the median in PostgreSQL like Dec 2, 2020 · Store procedure is called function in Postgres. Window functions in PostgreSQL: The secret weapon of SQL ninjas Window Jul 11, 2022 · Execution Time is 0. Feb 20, 2025 · The regexp_matches function returns a set of text arrays of matching substring(s) within matches of a POSIX regular expression pattern to a string. 1 release in 2001, which means they have been around as part of the SQL standard embraced by PostgreSQL since its initial releases. 2 days ago · The TO_TIMESTAMP function can be helpful when importing text data from an external source (e. So if you can handle exception, then more simply (and preferable) is casting to regproc* method, else you have to use test over pg_proc. To create a function in PostgreSQL, you need to use the CREATE FUNCTION statement. ) Feb 16, 2025 · PostgreSQL内部使用pg_proc系统表来存储所有已创建的函数的信息。通过查询这个表,可以获取到函数的OID(对象标识符),然后进一步查看其定义。 查询函数定义. Here’s the basic syntax for Jul 16, 2019 · Fix get definition for function and table microsoft/pgtoolsservice#300 Merged DaeunYim added Release-v0. All these approaches retrieve the details of the user-defined functions like their name, accepted arguments, return type, and much more. PostgreSQL Create Function statement examples. 088 ms for ‘Write from scratch' Final thoughts. Description. if you want to pass default values form your parameters, we have to change the function definition as below: Jan 5, 2024 · In PostgreSQL, the functions NOW() and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP are used for obtaining the current date and time. You can use the date_part() function to return the century that a timestamp value falls in, as follows: PostgreSQL 获取 PostgreSQL 数据库中的函数列表以及参数的方法 在本文中,我们将介绍如何获取 PostgreSQL 数据库中的函数列表以及它们的参数。 阅读更多:PostgreSQL 教程 1. Oct 11, 2016 · A couple things to point out to anyone else trying this: You can't just use AS $$ for both the inner and the outer function. Named notation is especially useful for functions that have a large number of parameters, since it makes the associations between parameters and actual arguments more explicit and reliable. The following example uses the POWER() function to raise the number to the power of 3: SELECT POWER (2, 3) result; Output: result-----8 (1 row) Similarly, you can use the POWER() function with decimal values Jun 4, 2017 · A classic approach, known from other programming languages, in which a function calls itself: create or replace function recursive_function (ct int, pr int) returns table (counter int, product int) language plpgsql as $$ begin return query select ct, pr; if ct < 10 then return query select * from recursive_function(ct+ 1, pr * (ct+ 1)); end if; end $$; select * from recursive_function (1, 1); Dec 11, 2019 · The point is that I want to create a function for convenient. RETURN NEXT and RETURN QUERY do not actually return from the function — they simply append zero or more rows to the function's result set. But it doesn’t give us full text of function. I would like to have a script that would show me a list of functions in the current database including their create and modify date. コード例 (C言語 - libpq) 例. Specify pl to track only procedural-language functions, all to also track SQL and C language functions. js用のPostgreSQLクライアント。 Dec 29, 2022 · I would like to have a script that would show me a list of functions in the current database. In this function, we only need to input a table with ID and Date then it would automate the process. conway@credativ. I found a solution: SELECT routine_definition FROM information_schema. May 5, 2021 · Your function doesn't return anything, that's why you get no result. 12. Feb 20, 2025 · Description. Overview Feb 17, 2024 · PostgreSQL POWER() function examples. Sep 22, 2023 · Conclusion: Mastering Function Calls in PostgreSQL. It has the same syntax as regexp_match. Some functions also exist natively for the bit-string types. SELECT n. col_a) = year Jan 15, 2024 · This can show all user-defined functions and procedures in the current database: \df *Use p to show all user-defined procedures in the current database: \dfp *Use S to show all user-defined and system functions and procedures in the current database: \dfS *Use + to show all user-defined functions and procedures in the current database in detail May 16, 2022 · The PostgreSQL date_part() function returns a field specified by the string field from source. Get the oid of the system function with SELECT 'funcname'::regproc::oid;. Since you are creating a view with SELECT * FROM tbl , you can utilize the well-known type of the table itself as polymorphic parameter: Introduction to PostgreSQL Aggregate Functions # Aggregate functions in PostgreSQL are remarkably simple. The default is none, which disables function statistics Feb 14, 2018 · The function is a built-in C function, so I don't think there's an immediate SQL equivalent to use to just drop in to a function definition, but you should be able to use the pg_proc table with select <oid>::regproc to get the proc name from an OID to build something. 단순한 형태의 함수는 마지막 쿼리의 첫 번째 row가 리턴된다. Since only one argument is provided, age() calculates the difference between the given date and the current date. This view contains all functions and procedures in the current database that the current user has access to (by way of being the owner or having some privilege). 2 LTS DBeaver Version 21. PostgreSQL functions are user-defined functions that allow you to encapsulate complex SQL queries into a single function. date_part() Examples. guide May 31, 2023 · In PostgreSQL, the “\df” mata-command, “information_schema. Bold emphasis mine. Read details in the manual. Any idea? PostgreSQL 8. SHOW will display the current setting of run-time parameters. CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION first_count (year int, col_b schema. The optional arguments will be passed to the function as an array. 1) Basic POWER() function examples. The setting does not normally profit a single, isolated function call. nspname AS schema_name , p. One key thing to remember is the correct syntax. The list of PostgreSQL functions is sorted into the type of function based on categories such as string, conversion, numeric/mathemical, and date/time functions. Para poder definir una función, el usuario debe tener el privilegio USAGE sobre el idioma. pg_get_function_identity_arguments ( func oid ) → text Feb 16, 2024 · Show you how to use the PostgreSQL ROUND() function to round a number to its nearest integer or a number of specified decimal places. , CSV files, web pages) into PostgreSQL and storing it as timestamps. Nov 5, 2024 · Understanding PostgreSQL function parameters IN, OUT, INOUT, and VARIADIC enhances our ability to create efficient, optimized, and flexible database functions. 0. Image Source: Self. 6 (Ubuntu 12. Nov 6, 2023 · In this blog post, we're going to demystify window functions and show you how to use them to solve real-world problems. The field argument specifies which information you want to extract from the date/time SHOW FUNCTIONS¶ Lists all functions that you have privileges to access, including built-in, user-defined, and external functions. I have this function in PostgreSQL, but I don't know how to return the result of the query: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION wordFrequency(maxTokens INTEGER) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$ BEGIN SELECT text, count(*), 100 / maxTokens * count(*) FROM ( SELECT text FROM token WHERE chartype = 'ALPHABETIC' LIMIT maxTokens ) AS tokens GROUP BY text ORDER BY Feb 20, 2025 · PostgreSQL allows function overloading; that is, the same name can be used for several different functions so long as they have distinct input argument types. Here’s an example of returning a list of stored procedures: routine_schema, routine_name. 3 . You can get last function from stack Jan 26, 2024 · Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the PostgreSQL NOW() function to get the current date and time with the time zone. To understand the ARRAY_AGG function, consider the table COMPANY having records as follows − Mar 15, 2023 · Functions can return either a single value or multiple values, they can be used in SQL statements and they can be nested, which means you can call one function from within another function. \df+ outputs a lot more than the code. Introduction to PostgreSQL NOW() function. Note that PostgreSQL supports many languages including plpgsql. Also, standard EXPLAIN does not show query plans for what's going on inside functions. pltxqrogitzermkahvxizfozdaksexvewmvumagkrwqgtczbazwfyxyqerfeyzkipldwbapcy