Regret bulking reddit. My guess is he is tall.

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Regret bulking reddit. Hey, so i'm 1m78/70kg wanting to reach 75kg.

Regret bulking reddit I’m a 16 year old 77kgs I used to be 98kgs and I’ve been lifting for about 5 months I’ve seen many tik toks about how teenagers in their first few years of lifting weights should never cut unless they are obese and should bulk or else they are throwing their future gains away, as of right now I don’t really have abs and I’ve always wanted to be absolutely diced but because of Hey all myself (23M, 181cm) am currently struggling with bulking and would love some advice. Might replace with var or just wait for a while then try a different stronger oral). I regret activating my physical card cause of that so just wondering if anyone regrets bulk batches I started bulking a couple months ago entirely so that I could fit better into the shirts that I wear. My guess is he is tall. 8 kg 20th december at around 10% bodyfat. It's why, when people ask "when should I bulk/stop bulking", I always answer it based on when you can sustain it. This prevents wheel spinning. Why do you regret bulking up? I’m 6”0 200 lbs and don’t know if I should cut down to 185 to have my abs fully show or clean bulk up to like 215. I was the student that attended every lecture, studied 12ish hours a day (and I really studied hard, not half ass studying where you're on Instagram every ten minutes lol), and ultimately excelled in terms of grades and Step scores. 7% body fat. Sugar's great for bulking, but it also leads to a shitton of health problems. You should not need to be scared about gaining too much fat. This was about a year and a half ago. 71K subscribers in the BulkOrCut community. Maybe that’s the best option for this bulk. . That has yet to happen though. Almonds, pistachios, cashews, avacados, etc. so, that is what drives our decision. At 5’8” 145 there is no way I would tell you to keep cutting. Bulking between 4500-5000 calories, cutting 2000-2500 calories. Just don't overdo it with the bulking. 7 kg in mid september Cut 3: 85. That felt like a major compromise but a bigger garden would have been another £50-75k (lol nope). During a cut, it's the other way around. Coming from base 11 to 15 Plus with 512GB(Most likely more than I’ll ever need) is nothing short of stunning. I feel so guilty about this. At the height of my bulk this summer I was eating 3000 calories a day every day. 5/3/1 is great and I've seen size/definition gains even on a maintenance diet (at the very least BW:Strength ratio has improved). Second pic at my skinniest is from a pretty stupid cutting phase where I dipped as low as 1350 calories a day and had shitty lifts. 2. Like, its amazing we are here and good for everyone, but if I had to bet on it all again that day, I might really only bet a few more than these 5k that we would be here My weight has kept fluctuating between 66 and 69 kg lately. Last progress photo until I complete a lean bulking / "main gaining" phase which will last about 6 months. To some kid who has an underachieving appetite and an overachieving set of genes for height, the idea of a dreamer bulk to go from a beanpole to a tree trunk might seem like the shortcut to the body he eat more food and read the rules and sidebar before you post! The idea of a dirty bulk seems appealing but not as a long term solution. Then I went hard. > Not killing yourself with rowing, jump rope, HIIT, etc. I highly suggest men not let their body fat percentage exceed 20% during a bulk. Any input 2. I think there is a lot of value in the experience you get as a nurse that is different than any other profession and what I would regret now is if I had never had those experiences. This is a serious sub for anyone that wants to know whether they should bulk or cut for cosmetic… 6’3” 190 lbs. You will like the cost when you buy it, but you will regret not waiting/saving money. He bulked clean for the first few years, then switched to dirty bulking. eating almost anything you want when you want Now I'm cutting and I fucking hate it All of them are not really useful in a bulking scenario, except if you want to eat like a pig and put a little bit less fat than a standard cycle, and im talking 150-200 calories maximum for a standard tren dose. Trust me do a clean bulk, a few months ago I didn't give a shit about dirty bulking because I was skinny as hell and now I have a bit of a belly (maybe cause I didn't do any core exercises and never engage my core) and I regret it heavily. Bulking in the high teens/low 20's might be slightly less efficient, but really you're talking decimal points in the gain ratio, irrelevant for a beginner who has beginner efficiency going for them. 155lb (2nd pic) Lesson learned. 6 kg december Cut 2: 77. Worst case scenario: you are stressed and that can slow down your appetite. 25 lbs/week. Think about it, you bulk 6 months now, you'll be cutting in the winter. Assuming you stick with this for years, you're going to both bulk and cut repeatedly. I'm about 6 months into a lean bulk, and a staple of that bulk has been milk. It’s not rocket science. Not at all. Does bulking make any sense if you wanna be athletic calisthenic guy? Yes. Just an example. Instead of that, just keep going. I love both my kids, and while I don't really regret having them, I wish I could go back in time and either not meet him or have left when I should have. During a bulk I'm optimistic about increasing muscle mass, but are very unhappy with getting fatter again. There was a rough patch I went through where I did feel regret but I got into a different type of nursing work and I now I love it. 8 kg in late february 2023 Bulk 3: 71. 9M subscribers in the bodybuilding community. 12 votes, 10 comments. Nice post. And I know you're concerned about your body image with regards to dating. Your stomach just expands after a few weeks to months if you keep eating a lot consistently. As a 5’2 dude it’s a damned struggle to get a shirt that doesn’t look really long and baggy. 125 daily calorie surplus. Have gone from 93 to 106 and it isn’t just that the shirts that I wear look a bit better on me. I'm doing boxing for 2 months now, and i go to the gym too. There arent alot of areas in life where extra size is essential and unless you are involved with one of them I wouldn't. if its a light day, i often don't eat pre-workout, a max effort day i always eat something beforehand, and most of the time post-workout too, depending on how i feel. Don't use the phrase "bulking" too literally. I just started to eat more after I realized this this month. During this time, he has done around 2 bulking / cut periods per year, generally every 6 months he did a month or so cut. Nov 19, 2024 · I find bulking without tracking calories very easy and intuitive, although I understand that it's highly individual. Which A place for the pursuit of physical fitness goals. I have the REI Quarter Dome 1 and Quarter Dome 2. Kleenex. 68 votes, 66 comments. maybe ctrl+right click uses 10-20 at a time. I have loved my results with similar programming and look better at close to forty than I did at thirty training like a maniac. Congrats btw good stuff! Depends on what OP means by “dirty bulking”. Which is the goal of bulking. Click Join now to receive It's like you're paying a lot more for more power that isn't necessary for low end games and adds to the bulk of the device that makes it less portable. I regret not prioritizing my relationships more. Started a bulk in end of january, but took a gym break because I was moving out of town. 130 votes, 53 comments. Sep 23, 2024 · No, I'm recommending that some should consider cutting/bulking only after lifting and eating healthy (regularly) after a year or a year and a half, when you're certain you have the discipline for it. Second bulk was shorter, around 3-4 months, and now I'm cutting for maybe 4 weeks again. I kind of regret bulking up its thorax with only one brown and one green cross-section. 8 kg in late february 2023 to 85. After following a few threads on reddit and a coach on YouTube the much hated Dbol only cycle seems like the way to go for bulking, adding enclo or clomid from the get go, 20-25mg once daily for short cycle, 6 weeks or less. I feel like a condo was a good step from apartment to house, but the extra fee sucks. lifting massive weights, coming home eating massive amounts of steak/chicken/fish going out to all you can eat restaurants and pigging out on seafood, steak, chicken I love bulking. Also you need to eat fats for fuel, but your macro ratios need to change to bulk, so your body uses a different source for fuel. So if you lean bulk and gain 1lb of weight a month, it may be 90% lean mass. If I'm rolling Bulking, MMA, and weightlifting are all generally terrible for GERD/reflux. They literally asked about bulking. Lean bulk now. Nov 23, 2024 · Staying lean on a bulk is much more about the magnitude of the surplus than absolute caloric intake. Bulking just means that you are in a caloric surplus in order to gain muscle. A general rule of thumb is about 130cal per mile. Muscles need protein to rebuild and enlarge muscle fibre. We have a smaller garden now, fwiw. So, as a personal trainer looking at the commenter's pics, if you naturally have a narrow hip shape and naturally do not easily gain weight on your hips, those results aren't realistic. You’ll feel pretty good then. the moment u plateau, up ur cals abit. If you would like to be a lean 75kg, it would serve you well to stretch your bulking phase so that you're not gaining more than 1kg a month. I do it though. I didn't really have my training dialed in well enough (namely doing StrongLifts the first 4 months) and put on a good amount of unnecessary fat and not the amount of muscle I should have. I wouldn't go on a full dirty bulk, but somewhere in the middle, more towards the lean bulk. And it got worse and worse. I wouldn’t worry about trying to decrease your caloric deficit so long as you’re doing some sort of resistance training and you’re consuming decent protein (roughly 0. Or about 1. My weight gain phases correlate to when I'm going to have an abundance of free time in my schedule, and I stop gaining weight when my schedule can no longer support it. If more than 3 days, that's a lot of weight and bulk. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition… Keep grinding, you will thank yourself for it later. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle therapy and side effects. At my (then) weight of 120-125lbs, that was the most I've ever eaten in my life. Strong, but fat. If it's a short trip or some long stays, HD2. I would start off with stuffing my face full of pizza, donuts, etc - but gradually switch over to more healthier options as I got off the starting block. Yeah, that’s true, this kid should not do a”lean bulk”. When I bulk I eat about 1,300 calories in just carbs or roughly 1000grams of white rice each day, but I’m 225 pounds now. Adductors do not typically really bulk up notably. Otherwise in 1 month you’ll be wondering how tf were you so damn dumb. I'm going to cut for another 2 months to 170-175lbs, then start bulking again around November 1st. I’m 24yo and recently started to bulk at the gym, I’ve put it off for a long time but it’s something I really want along side a sleeve on both my arms but I’m afraid of any distortion that might be caused by the muscle growth, my main worry stems from the fact that I don’t want to go past my 20s without ink but I’m heavily afraid of the outcome after I’m done with my bulking and If you want to gain muscle, you should do a hard bulk. I love both the HD1 & HD2. I’m a skinny guy and I’m starting to workout I’m mostly focusing on legs and plyometrics in order to dunk I’m 5’8/9 and a bit of upper body to get… Because what's obvious to some isn't obvious to others. And any kind of bulking up takes a long time. But people actually noticed the bulking. 4K votes, 2. If/when the day comes I feel done having more, we will be done. Also your workouts sound way too long and that’s a lot of times per week. I started with a lot more bf then you and bulked up 50lbs until I really needed to get rid of my fat. Dirty bulking is gaining on junk food. 1lb lean mass. 32'') tall. I bulked up to 25 BMI (though I did it more quickly and I'm maingaining now) and gained some Abdominal fat. (155lbs - 185lbs) eating at about 3700 cal a day right now. OP went on a "dreamer bulk", just got as big as he could. +0. Buy beans in bulk, soak 4 cups over night then bring water to vigorous boil, throw in beans, skim off the foam for 15 min, lower heat to simmer. It would be nice to Needlessly pursing extra leanness to get ready to bulk is a bit misguided, especially if you have significant metabolism throttling. Apr 6, 2024 · Bulking is one of the best ways to increase mass and strength quickly. It's pretty good and cheap sometimes. that just hampers recovery and makes it harder for you to progress your lifting, which is the WHOLE POINT of bulking You have it round backwards. Hey guys. Also, when you do bulk, it is my humble opinion that one should stay away from "lean bulking". For most people you don't need anything more then a 200-300 calorie surplus. Personally I'd recommend CS or finance if you only care about money. You will never regret getting stronger without gaining much more size but there are many reasons why you might one day regret bulking. Starting with weights based off of the recommended 90% 1RM even with BBB will make it way too easy for bulking during the first 1 or 2 mesocycles With Power Attack active, you'll be doing 5 (6 hasted) full-BAB attacks per round with a size-enhanced hydra (Abyssal Bulk, from your obvious second-bloodline choice, applies to shapeshifts) that can poison enemies and shake them, leaving them flat-footed to all your attacks. " From my experience, gaining weight on a lean bulk is excruciating. I'm making these numbers up as example If you bulk and gain 2lb of weight a month, it may be 55% lean mass. Or maybe 1. I just eat big portions, avoid junk food, and have lots of eggs, meat and dairy. 9lb lean mass. Should I hit a hard 6-8 month bulk or continue the main-gain progress. So I let myself go at some point due to an elbow injury (much to my regret) and video games, and got down to 147. I do believe 9-12% is an ideal starting point for men to bulk. Expand user menu Open settings menu Open settings menu So for example we have loads of kitchen cupboards whereas in the smaller house we'd store bulk buys in the garage. i like to do it like this: as long as your lifts are progressing you dont need to eat more. How fast you gain your first 20 pounds really doesn't matter if you quit after a year and a half. I will never regret having "too many" kids but one day I may regret not having more. While I think 3500 is an aggressive bulk, and a moderate 300 or less calorie surplus is probably better, I probably wouldn't do a full on "lean bulk. 3K comments. With digital as long as you have the storage space you can have a vast library without the bulk, no reliance on physical discs for games to run, the overall price is cheaper and there is no risk of a failing or faulty disc drive. I have a 2022 July Model Y and a year later I'm kind of regretting buying it. The problem with that is that it gets comfortable, ya get lazy and junk eating can become a hard habbit to break. I completely regret my choices I made to stay with him. 5lbs muscle per week. Keep up the weight loss! You won’t regret it in the end. I think this time will be better. Bulk 2: 68. 45M subscribers in the AskReddit community. Instead eat a 500 calorie surplus everyday with a good diet and then cut. Going from a dirty bulk to a cut was challenging in the sense you have to get adjusted to counting absolutely everything for weeks on end. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Only regret is I didn't quite lose all the fat in my top and bottom abs, but I'm not sure if its fat or loose skin (I was formerly very fat). I will say though, 5/3/1 is not a good program to begin during a bulk. I usually regret it. We just had our 6th in February and plan on having more. Will I regret the bulk? Advice appreciated. It's a good way for calories, but it has a lot of bad stuff in it. Please see the r/Fitness Wiki and FAQ at https://thefitness. I too cant really regret my moves on 'that day'. If you bulk and gain 3lb of weight a month, it may be 40% lean mass. ranging anywhere from OMAD to 2/3 meals a day. Wound up fat. I only drink protein shakes on a cut, when bulking I just drink milk, sometimes I even drink 2% milk while in the gym, I love milk. Bottom line, like you said, cardio should be very easy while bulking, to get blood flowing, loosen up, basically active recovery. I might feel different once the building needs a new roof (last replaced 5 years ago) and I pray that my unit is not the reason we find out a replacement is needed You're not gaining too much fat. Like maybe six months? I don’t know a lot about bulking. Depends on your budget, goals, Life goals, dreams. I suppose my body composition is changing (I regret not taking full-body shots early on), and I probably shouldn't worry about not gaining weight at this point. You could probably bulk for a year at your current speed until you would need to cut. 2lb lean mass. Been bulking since about 180 (granted, I've been a runner for a few years and my bulk began in August, but, still. Aug 2, 2021 · Bulking when you’re at or above 15% can be done, but understand you won’t have much leeway for fat gain. Cycle was 500mg Test E/525mg NPP for 8 weeks, followed by cutting for 8 weeks on 525 Tren A/300mg Test E. One of the silly things about aesthetics and even weightlifting competition-focused lifting is that it is often focused on bulk: bulky muscles or bigger lifts. Oct 30, 2015 · If you weren’t worried about your bulk or your body composition then why are you still reading? The fact of the matter is something led you here so it’s pretty clear that you’re concerned about your bulk going too far. Just make sure to eat back what you run. Long story short, my brother has been on the 'gain train' and bodybuilding lifestyle for nearly 5 years (just 2 years myself). Binging McDonalds to put on size is going to make you feel like shit, and all the sodium and HFCS and saturated fat is going to increase your risks of hypertension, diabetes 2, gout, heart disease, etc. I'm tracking my calories very carefully and underestimating as well, but the scale isn't moving up anymore. please make a way to bulk USE regret/umaking orbs. At the rate you're currently bulking at, you'd be gaining 2kg/month. You do a small amount of creative work and spent the bulk of your time dealing with safety and environmental regulations, documentation, and internal company processes. So I did a little bulk, and then kinda stopped again until last late April. Unless you eats eating high protein foods while bulking, your body will just retain the fat that you have been feeding it. A dirty bulk typically means an aggressive bulk of more than 1 lb per week, or more than a 500 Cal surplus. I would not get a Half Dome 2 for backpacking medium length trips. rinse repeat. Nothing wrong with doing one day of bulking like that per month or something like that, just to enjoy the bulking… but this is good only as long as you track macros and don’t do that every day. Also extra weight , even good solid muscle, will impede your calisthenic pursuits at some For me the clue is the F for functional, I'd prefer to plateau and stay balanced building healthy habits and something sustainable around it rather than lifting heavier and bulking up. But I’ve heard others more casually throw around the term “dirty bulk” as meaning just eating unhealthy kinds of foods. It works fine for gaining size and strength, but isn't good for your health long term. So, about half of the weight you're putting on would be muscle, and the other half would be fat. 8 kg in june 2022 to 77. and maybe a frozen pizza once a week. I'm 17 years old, 171 cm (5'7. my diet is mostly chicken wraps, sometimes beef, sometimes steak. Bulking between 200 kCal and 500 kCal/d (2-5 lb/1-2 kg/mo), if combined with good training, is likely to optimize natural muscle growth relative to extra fat gain. I don't regret it, but I don't think I'll buy another property that has an HOA. Give yourself a year of thoughtful bulking before you cut, you won't regret it friend. Chop up onions and garlic, then cook some bacon and throw that in with or without the grease. I do intermediate fasting and currently bulking (and gaining weight just fine). Started with a 3GS back in the day, then 4, skipped to 6+ which felt ideal at the time, then 11 and I thought it couldn’t get dramatically better again. You should make sure you're working closely with a gastroenterologist on your treatment plan and testing, and consider new hobbies if your symptoms are that bad. If 3500 is +600, you'll gain fat faster on that than someone who's eating 4,500 with a 4,200 maintenance intake. Isn't it better to just eat enough protein and be at calorie maintance? Current bulk is 800 test, 650 deca, 1800 eq w/ gh+slin pre/post workout & orals (adrol + m1t - dropping the adrol for the second time bc high bp is killing my workouts. Post your picture here and have fellow Redditors tell you what they think about…. 267K subscribers in the amiugly community. Racing to get to the "end" right off the bat -- that just isn't how this works. In which case I agree. If you just want to bulk quick it's fine. As for bulking during Lent, I think you’re on the right path. so Ive been bulking for 6 months now. Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. We reveal the most common bulking mistakes and how to avoid them. About 3 years ago, a local bulk shopping warehouse in my city closed down and had them on for <$5 for a pack of 12 boxes. I don't mind how big/fat I got for my last bulk, but I took ~65 weeks to do it. true. for fats. If you're watching your caloric intake well enough to only gain 2lbs a month, then bf% gains will be very minimal and you'll just look fuller being 25lbs heavier. Ect. It's a good car and I know lots of people own one in NZ, but I feel like now that the new car euphoria has gone it's actually kind of overrated. I have been actively going since Feb 2022 and haven't had any progress, about 0. I'm self conscious as i'm at ~ 20% body fat and every time i attempt to incr Background: I’m 5’8” and before is at my worst health wise, 178lb (1st pic) and lot of fat around gut and hips. Keep in mind that this was an extreme bulk and I kinda did regret bulking that fast, but at least I set giant PRs that (somewhat) carried on into my cut. One of the obvious problems facing those new to bulking and new to lifting, is that it simply isn't possible to push your body hard enough to warrant developing muscle when you're just learning to lift. Gains are plateauing, even thought I've increased caloric intake. I guess what I mean is when I didn’t have the physical card, I only got shown batches from stores I wanted but once I got the card, Costco orders were only shown at least the majority. I'd suggest calculating your TDEE and then give or take a little based on your lifestyle because doing things in practice will always be a bit different than on paper and calculations. With that being said, you should gradually try to also fit your vitamin needs, for instance. I only plan to bulk for about 5 months, hopefully to hit 195-205lbs. Get the information you need to make informed decisions about your bodybuilding journey. Eating more calories won't necessarily put on more lean weight, it'll just result in you putting on more body fat in the long run. Of course, don't overdo it (cough 10 litres of milk a day cough), but always make sure to have a good surplus of calories. Bulk and cut a couple of times in between this 145 and 160 window you’ve been in. Same mistake with its abdomen only containing one thin 3D slice when there should be a fatter brown one, then even bigger green one, then a hairy smaller red one, and a lil dollup for a teal one. If you're bulking, feel free to round that up to like 175cal/mile. or just make the same command for fusings (ctrl+hold click) to regrets and unmaking orbs too so we just have to hold down right click instead of spamming it. It's also why I'm big on saying fat loss is easy. I'm wondering if 600 calories per day from milk is the cause of this. I regret bulking too hard at the beginning. I did not regret bulking first! But of course, there were (and are) many days where I'm not happy with my body. Honestly being a beginner your body fat percentage will likely go down by lean bulking because you’ll put on more muscle than you do fat by a long Oh man, bulking is awesome. Im probably one of the bigger og moon losers. The leaner you get before bulking the more rewarding the bulk is on a few different levels. or about . ive been there. Don't regret anything though, but a clean bulk will make your cut way easier as a dirty bulk will really mess with your lifestyle and discipline just constantly downing food If you insist on trying to burn fat, consider the Strength Circuits program, or maybe Bodybuild the Upper, Athlete the Lower. did that bulking shit way too hard and am fucking fat (love handles n good stomach action goin on u feel me tho i look big in shirts which is a plus). 8g/lb). Meaning they intend to put on weight. But I don’t think it’s advisable for him to put on 30 pounds in just a few months. But I also don’t think he should just bulk from 121, to 150,unless he does it over the course of like a year or longer. But if you want to stay looking cut, you have to avoid it. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to… No I don’t think so. hey dudes. 4 weeks in, weight is up, abs are there but water is real, strength is good. Think I might compete in a local men’s physique show in early 2022. Feel like I am following good eating / lifting / lifestyle habits and slowly increasing my weight / lifts, yet still feeling other symptoms of low T. TLDR: Been bulking for a few months but testosterone levels still very low and cortisol levels are high. When you see the muscle gains you won't regret it. Ive been bulking on purely healthy food, 2 scoops of gold standards whey isolate a day, and using up your mass twice a day(510 calories, 50g protein each time) I'm just worried that 2lbs a week is going to add too much fat, as I can only gain . Just take your time and gain weight properly. Storage also seems like a pain with 2230's maxing out at 2TB at the moment. Did you do 5/3/1 or 5 Pros? And with that you keep the same training max the whole time for the 5/3/1 work and just increase the 5x10 percentages, right? 50/60/70%. wiki for help with common questions. I run 20-25 miles a week and have been bulking. Learn about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. Pictures are both around an hour post gym and flexed. 3M subscribers in the bodybuilding community. Yep. I’ve been reading a lot about people who say they regret it because “now they’re too fat” but I would think that I’m much too skinny and my body fat percentage is way too low for me to actually get “fat” any time soon. But also: This one bulking phase isn't the only one you're ever going to do. By eating a lot (3500cal a day) i feel heavy and my cardio get really bad while boxing. 6 kg december to 71. I eat a mix of broccoli/cauliflower/carrots every night, have some spinach mixed with eggs every morning, and an apple & a banana as snacks during the day. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. This gets called "lean bulking" sometimes, but really should just be the standard "bulking," because we're left with: You could safely bulk to 25 BMI for sure unless you have pre-diabetes/Type II Diabetes. However, if a game becomes unavailable unless you purchased and downloaded it beforehand you have lost your investment. Got a test the other day, 8. Hey, so i'm 1m78/70kg wanting to reach 75kg. 7 kg in mid september to 74. I was planning on dirty bulking until I hit 160 before switching to a healthier diet. I advise that you bulk slowly. 5kg of muscle mass gained since. I bought about 7 packs It's kinda personal opinion. Programmes like Stronglifts rightly call for weeks of learning form; during which period bulking will likely result in fat. ggphmxw sgk vuo wilgvl twervo vnkfpjt rkju buh pnwscyd ebzic fng ndry ntetrbx hkjb pqw