Qa32 in sap I have done enhancement in the structure , Though this fields are coming in the internal table yet it is not coming in the fieldcatalog. Press Execute to display the list of inspection May 18, 2012 · The total sample size seen in the QA32 worklist is influenced by things such as the use of partial samples, and destructive testing. e. Jul 30, 2009 · qa32 350 movement in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2025 Jan 21; pop information about critical part while controlling on qa32 in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2025 Jan 05; QM PP QA32 in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2024 Nov 02; Rework Production order with Quality inspection lot and serialized material in Enterprise Resource Planning In transaction code QA32, monitor column shows red light even inspection lot has status UD. Jul 30, 2009 · qa32 350 movement in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2025 Jan 21; pop information about critical part while controlling on qa32 in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2025 Jan 05; QM PP QA32 in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2024 Nov 02; Rework Production order with Quality inspection lot and serialized material in Enterprise Resource Planning Jun 9, 2010 · Hi, In HALB and FERT master in QM view if 03 setup is activated and for these material if planned order is processed then material comes to QM lot in QA32 t. Apr 24, 2009 · In MMBE it is showing the quantity as 3 , but if seen in QA32 / QA33 then there the user have not entered anything in Blocked Stock. Feb 12, 2009 · Dear, I think your results recording needs to be checked. But i want to reverse that entry so that i will able to release the same material aga. regards, mangesh This KBA describes how to post a Partial usage decision in a Decentral or Embedded EWM for an IOT4 or IOT5 inspection. Regards Ajit May 6, 2009 · Dear, Can anyone explain me all the SYSTEM STATUS which are shown in QA32 with Explanation or can anyone provide me the link for it. Not you can use this selection schema e. But the fields like scrap quantity , Destructive quantity , Document required fields,Approval fields are not getting updated automatically. QM view- Inspection type 01 and you have activated the active check box, 3. Aug 29, 2014 · Then, refresh the inspection lot in QA32, you would see it with system status CRTD*. Then, click on Sample> Smpl. But actually I have to release that material on 31st may (backdate) but wrongly released on 1st jun. click on sampl. From SAP Easy access menu, open Transaction code QS21. Regards DON Sep 8, 2011 · Planning your System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition following SAP Activate in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP yesterday; Service with Advanced Execution: Customizing of content form template in Output Management in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP a week ago Inspection lots are displaying in QA32 but not in QA16. Oct 3, 2007 · hello! friends, i want to know How to reverse or cancelled complete & partial inspection lot stock posted in to unrestrict store location through t code QA32. Dec 22, 2011 · You have to use transaction code: QA32, select inspection lot, click "Results" , enter result value to accept and save. gets updated automatically. Please guide me to transfer this stock from quality to unrestricted. Now we are manually entering lower limit for rest of the characteristic. It triggers after making the usage decision, but will not trigger after pressing save. In QA32 all inspection lots are reflecting but with the same input criteria, only one lot is getting reflected in QA16 tcode. The decision posting is started from transaction QA32 or QA11. Whenever the characteristics status is been changed w. Top SAP Tcodes. Regards, Rampreet Jaiswal May 5, 2010 · Hi To All, i have an issue on QA32. Step 4 − In the next screen, click the Usage Decision button at the top. QA32. Select it from F4 or enter something and Hit E Oct 1, 2007 · SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management), PLM Quality Management (QM) Then at change inspection lot (T Code QA32), assign this inspection plan to the Mar 20, 2008 · Hi, I need to delect inspection lot from QA32 list ( even if i cancel inspection lot, this will appeares in QA32 as LTC ) Regards, krish SAP Community Products and Technology Aug 13, 2008 · For instance, the UD button runs QA11 off of the QA32 screen and runs QA13 off of the QA33 screen. i have mentioned all sampling procedures also. ” Press “Defects” button from the top of the SAP screen. ply help me in the following tables which are linked to QA32 tcode where all the data gets stored regards amey Feb 10, 2010 · In QA32 - Result Recording, we are having more than 51 inspection Characteristic, while recording results we may get any 5 out of 51 characteristic to be recorded, rest all the characteristic can be fixed to lower limt. QE_SAVE. Aug 2, 2010 · Hi gurus, In QA32 T. But due to some reasons it is decided to stop proceeding this batch. Regards, Biju K Aug 2, 2013 · Hi, I want to create report from we can post usage decision of inspection lot i want BAPI for same . REL CALC SPRQ. Aug 1, 2013 · Hi experts, I performed usage decision for an inspection lot with following valuation results: Valuation Code - Accepted (OK) UD code - A2 01 Quality score - 80 Follow-up actn - MANUAL But the material is still in the "quality inspection" status after usage decision. If there is no inspection stock, it means that an inspection lot does not have real insp. Qui ispezioneremo il materiale e registreremo i risultati rispetto alle specifiche di ispezione. t Result Value. Sep 12, 2014 · Dear Gurus, Is it possible to add new fields in QA32 screen such as:- Input:- 1. The SAP TCode QA32 is used for the task: Change data for inspection lot. I have checked the Apr 5, 2010 · In a QM -Module for a particular material status is showing as "UD ICCO SPCO STUP" in QA32. Again use t. Is it possible or can u suggest a user exit for the transfer posting with 350 movement type? Regards&Thanks, Begü Apr 16, 2010 · Give Some Name to new Selection Profile, e. 23 Sort [Ascending/Descending]3. next to it there is inspection lot stock tab click on it. Use t. The status 'LTCA CALC' lot canceled lot is also present in QA32. If you need it as default, create a User-Variant (with Variant name: U_XXX) XXX is you SAP Username (Logon Name) 0:09 Introduction1:42 Change & Display2. Oct 19, 2008 · In QA32 tick the option " select all inspection lots" and give your material and inspection lot origion. stock. QM>Quality Insp->Inspection Lot Creation->Inspection for Goods Movements->Deactivate Quality Inspection for a Movement Type, check here if by chance you have ticked the check box against 101 for QM not active comumn. Reagrds, Pardhu In transaction QA32 you would like to go to the results recording of an inspection lot. I think that you have had your question answered so if you are happy with this can you please award points if you want to but mainly can you please mark your question as answered so that it is easier to navigate around the open questions in the forum as the number of pages are growing and growing and it takes too long to go through everything Jan 27, 2010 · To save it as the default variant for the transaction save the variant at SAP&TCODE_QA32. If in selection profile list you are not getting LTCA profile then do following : Jul 3, 2024 · Step 1) From SAP Easy access menu, open Transaction code QA32, and enter the following details. Enter inspection lot origin as “04” which is standard SAP inspection type used for raw material inspection. click on task list/spe. Jun 13, 2009 · Hi SAP Gurus, I want to find out the table in which we enter the text in QA32 (in TAB: Inspection lot stock, In front of To scrap, To sample usage, To blocked stock, To new material, To reserves) Can any buddy plz help me out? Best Regards, Parag Save. Please provide the solution how can I clear the stock from Quality to Un-res. Wants this code group to appear in qa32 screen while taking the UD (for 01 inspection type). Where I have found a BADI i. I tried to restrict them with QC inventory role Apr 21, 2012 · Hi, We are unable to do results recording for quality lot for GR items(Raw materials) We have checked following things: 1) Characteristics and class is available and status is in release mode 2) Master inspection charectoristic also available and in release mode 3) Quality plan available and master Jan 20, 2010 · when enter qa32 and select profile (ex:aqm0001) , you will see all inspection lots without LTCA status in list. Jul 9, 2013 · Hi, I need a help related to issue of inspection lots of calibration equipment. You'll also need to save it as SAP&TCODE_QA33. Pls help me how to get 5 columns for results recording, my settings for the Inspection lot g Aug 2, 2020 · 3. even without confirmation (co11n) also, system allows to record the results thru qa32. Introduction : In the world of quality management, the QA32 transaction in SAP plays a crucial role in inspecting and processing quality notifications. QA32 tcode in SAP QM (Quality Planning) module. go to tab Insp. We have one test equipment that giv One such TCode is QA32, which provides access to Change data for inspection lot / Inspection Lot Selection SAP screen functionality within R/3 SAP (Or S/4HANA) systems, depending on your version and release level. Jul 3, 2024 · Step 1) From SAP Easy access menu, open Transaction code QA32. ( date must be the future date of exsistnce of Inpection plan) 5. The system status of the insp Jan 20, 2010 · Solved: In QA32 - TCode - In Layout change i want the fields like (Goods Receipent, Unloading Point, Delivery Note, Header Text - From MIGO during Goods Receipt). So you should see if the CS person can run QA11 or QA13. Enter Plant Code. But it is showing the stock in MMBE Tcode. If they can't, get them access to QA13. Next, go to QA02> Inspection lot num> Insp. SPRO QM Quality Inspection Inspection Lot Creation Inspection for Goods Movement) for movement type 321 and 322 are not tied to any inspection lot origin, further, if I will to use u201Dcopy. Specification. User wants to finish pending lots with only UD. Here, we will inspect the material and record the results against inspection specification. A total of 10 quality characteristics are assigned to that material. I am new here and i hope to learn new things I have a scenario where during result recording against same material IN QA32, system is asking for manual valuation some times and some times valuation is done automatically. 8 is quantitative characteristics and 2 is qualitative. We select that line and click Change Results. Cannot move the stock using MB1B as inspection plan is mantained in material master. asu201D method or hit create New method, the inspection lot origin field box is grey out and not allow input of Apr 13, 2011 · Hello. Both of these methods take you to the "Display Batch" transaction. Aug 1, 2008 · Hi Velu. Mar 1, 2010 · Hi, Usage decision codes in QS41 is defined under code group Z01. Thanks & Regards, Abijith Feb 28, 2009 · Exciting update! On March 10, the SAP Builders group will merge with this one to form the Application Development and Automation group. lot in qa11. Track ID 4. now my customer noticed that an inspection lot that was valuated with an X has been accepted wrongly Dec 10, 2008 · Hi QM Experts, My scenario is, How to set Monitor control in QA32 screen. e QA32. There you will can find the lot which you already gave UD with green light. after prod order confirmation with co11n t-code, i have done results recording thru qa32 t-code. Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Kindly check in dynamic selection of QA32 transaction to have your selection parameters for UD code. SAP ERP Quality Management (QM) SAP R/3; SAP R/3 Enterprise; Oct 31, 2012 · Hi, Can anyone share the list of System Status for a particular material/Lot in QA32. Is it possible? You log on to the system in a particular language. May 12, 2010 · qa32 350 movement in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2025 Jan 21; pop information about critical part while controlling on qa32 in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2025 Jan 05; QM PP QA32 in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2024 Nov 02; Rework Production order with Quality inspection lot and serialized material in Enterprise Resource Planning Jun 12, 2009 · Hi, We want change the batch number while we are transfering a material from inspection stock to blocked stock by using t. At this point we want the system to send an em Aug 27, 2019 · The status of inspection lot is showing as 'UD' but no stock posting has been done. go to sample tab. code QA32. After all these steps, you can see stock was in quality inspection now available in unrestricted stock. But only in case of return delivery in Inspection lot , new material document is getting generated for 5 quantities which will get reflected in Purchase Order History so when we do IV based on GR , correct Dec 22, 2011 · You have to use transaction code: QA32, select inspection lot, click "Results" , enter result value to accept and save. i deselect date,inspection origin,selection profile. Oct 18, 2019 · SAP BW/4HANA: The Grey Panther of Data Warehousing in Technology Blogs by Members 12 hours ago; To trigger workflow in SAP build process Automation from sapui5 form in Technology Q&A 15 hours ago; Cypress Parallel Testing in Technology Blogs by SAP Friday; Top 10 SAP Cloud ALM News January 2025 in Technology Blogs by SAP Friday Jun 7, 2010 · Hello, I have released one material (FERT) on 1st jun. In the QA32 screen list of inspection lot will be displayed, for that inspection lot if any characteristics value is within / outside the limit, ie. after executing QA32 transaction i am getting defferent output than my another user output [Columns] Please suggest how to carry out this. Then see what happens. Now in same QA32 transaction code, click u201CUsage decision (UD)u201D, enter quantities to accept and save. code at inprocess stage with status REL. 12 Export/Copy to Excel3. click on Inpection lot button. I have checked the task list validity and inspection plan validity. Assign this status profile while you execute Feb 18, 2011 · I didn't find the system status option in INSPECTION LOT SELECTION (QA32) screen. There is no fixed criteria. Custom Developed fields such as (Inspection Request nos) Output:- 1. there u can see usage decision code in defect tab just above usage decison code. Nov 19, 2011 · Hi, In Tcode QA32 which is in Program RQEEAL10 , I have to add 3 New field for which output is coming in ALV. One of the key features of QA32 is the visual indicator system that categorizes notifications as green Mar 4, 2013 · Hi, I want to restrict user for QC in QA32/QA11 either for a particular material group or a material type. These will then be the default for all users using these transactions. 5 Result recording (QA32/QE01) Pick the inspection lot number from Warehouse monitor or pick from inspection lot list in QA32, and do the results recording. Jan 18, 2012 · Because the standard SAP setup (i. Usage Decision is done for this particular item. Update this message with what you are looking for, why you want to change etc. Thanks in advance. Hier finden Sie eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, wie Sie eine Nutzungsentscheidung treffen SAP:. Specifications> Change the key date to today> Click on Task list/spec (It will display the message that inspection plan *** has been assigned to inspection lot. Otherwise, register and sign in. Jul 30, 2012 · You will face the problem while viewing QA32 as lot many LTCA lots could be seen, so you can put filter LTCA at field 'Selection Profile' in QA32 transaction this will avoid viewing the canceled lots. i just give the material name and the plant alone. Regards, Biju K Apr 28, 2009 · Solved: Sir. Activate the check box "NOT" Save. Can someone suggest me a solution for this. I want to know the meaning of status with their codes i. Eg:- CRTD CHCR , CRTD CHCR SPRQ , INSP RREC , INSP RREC PRII , INSP RREC PRII PRSI , INSP RREC SPRQ , LKD CALC , LKD RREC , LKD RREC PRII , LTCA CALC , LTCA CHCR , LT Apr 27, 2018 · Hi all, My requirement is to trigger a custom IDOC on Inspection lot SAVE. h Nov 19, 2009 · go to inspection lot through qa32 or enter insp. "QM_L_001" in St. "LTCA" in Status. code system status show the status "UD ICCO SPST PRII" how can i change the status REL or CRCD. PO Line Item 3. 2. Can you guys please throw some light May 21, 2015 · Asset Master Data & Asset Purchasing in SAP S/4 HANA in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by Members 2 weeks ago; documents attached in SAP Material BOM(PDF/Microsoft word/excel) to print with production work order in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2 weeks ago Jan 29, 2011 · can anybody guide me how to delete layout in QA32 because all users created layouts as default when i go layout selection total layout list is appear so i want only one layout remaining all i want to delete. Jul 5, 2010 · qa32 350 movement in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A a month ago; pop information about critical part while controlling on qa32 in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2025 Jan 05; QM PP QA32 in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2024 Nov 02; Rework Production order with Quality inspection lot and serialized material in Enterprise Resource Planning You can record the result for the inspection lot created at the time of Goods Receipt. Please advise where to config this so that at the time of UD, this code group to appear in QA32? Pls help me. 4. Which is working fine and I'm done with the development of an IDOC by calling a Z FM in update task inside the BA Jan 28, 2025 · Here Firstly , the Stock type is in Q3 when got distributed from S4 , After Quality Inspection in S4 Side in QA32 , in EWM side we have done LOSC confirmation in Back Ground where stock type converted to F1 and once after final Putaway is done Stock type converted to F2 ( Q3 --> F1 --> F2). Feb 6, 2014 · Hello, I did search the part but couldn't find an explanation. change date. May 21, 2008 · Dear All, I have a requirement to display vendor name adjecent to vendor number in the ALV output of the transaction QA32. Indent Name 3. Is there any Exits/BAdi for this requirement ? Could any body help me to solve this ? Best Regards, Sridhar S Sep 22, 2010 · Thanks 4 ur response sir,In QA32 screen, i selected only the plant name and the material alone,nothing else i selected. r. as you know when you click on usage decision and put the A or R to accept or reject the lot a pop up appears where you have to insert the reason of your decision. Dec 16, 2009 · Hi, i have used 03 insp type in material master. Dec 3, 2022 · Our Plant is quality-activated and the material is going to the inspection lot after GR both from the Process order and the Purchase order. Regards, Aditya Sep 30, 2011 · Hello Friends, I need an Exit/BAdI while saving the usage decisions in QA32/QA11. without REL status we can't Usage Dicision. 3. Step 1 − Go to T-code: QA32 and Enter Plant Code. Feb 18, 2009 · dear Friends, when we are doing usage decision of my packing material through QA32, we are accepting the UD and then in the TAB of Inspection Lot stock we are clearing few stocks to unrestricted and few stock in sample usage stock, eg out of 100 nos we are putting 95 in unrestricted and bal 5 nos i SAP QM - In-Process Inspection - You can run the quality process for intermediate or finished product during the production process in SAP system, for example, Inspection in each shift, etc. In QA32, we select the lots that requires Result Recording. code:QA32 , click "Usage decision (UD)", enter quantities to be accepted and save. Aug 2, 2007 · Dear Sir / Madam, In QA32 transaction code, the standard details like Lot no,Material No, System Status,created date etc. Custom Developed fields such as (Inspection Request nos and Inspection Report Name) 2. Sampling procedure is also ticked in control indicator. In this blog post, we will explore the settings Step 1 − Go to T-code: QA32 and Enter Plant Code. 6 Usage decision (QA32/Q11) After results recording, Do the usage decision for the inspection lot. Click on the "Selection conditions" Below "Status selection schema" folder in left side. Cataloge are also there. Purchase Order Tcodes: Cost Center Tcodes: Jul 3, 2024 · So treffen Sie Nutzungsentscheidungen in SAP. Prof. > Save. I have posted 100 NO to unrestricted and 2NO to sampling. May 31, 2023 · One of the key features of QA32 is the visual indicator system that categorizes notifications as green, yellow, or red. for example specification is A2,R3 and i found 1 defect also defect is 4. Indent Nos. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview. While executing selection with transaction QA32 or QA33, expected inspection lot entries are not displayed in the worklist. I enter 55 in unrestricted use and 5 quantities as scrap in Inspection lot . Put values in the field as per below details. To record the result, follow the steps given below. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview 2593135 - QA32 shows incorrect light in monitor column When you try to input a UD code for an inspection lot in the t-code QA11/QA32, a popup shows up saying "Some required characteristics are still open. Its unable to clear in QA32. button. Here is a step by step process on how to create Master Inspection Characteristics in SAP QM: Step 1) Go to SAP Easy access menu. Regards, Biju K Jan 28, 2025 · Simply put, you can achieve this by using the SAP transaction code QA32 for inspecting stock, performing the necessary user decisions, and executing a transfer posting with movement type 321 which effectively changes the stock status. no of Hits4. Nov 15, 2010 · Check the material stock overview in transaction MMBE. my requirement to doe automatic valuation. However, if you selected an incorrect usage decision code and saved the data, you can re-open the data set and correct your mistake. it says Jan 23, 2010 · Dear Experts, I want to copy my another user layout to my user ID for QA32. code- QA32 after selecting lot number and by clicking inspection report need auto selection of s Aug 29, 2014 · 1. Select the lot using trans code QA32/QE51N. reports) for print as per client requirement and input is only the Inspection lot number. In SAP S/4HANA, executing a usage decision is the last step in the lifecycle of an inspection lot and you cannot undo a usage decision. The TCode belongs to the QA package. and in the list selection, i selected all the inspection lot. Inde Jul 3, 2024 · Come eseguire la registrazione dei risultati in SAP. please advis Nov 20, 2012 · 1. 1. Only 5 units have been entered in Unrestricted-Use out of 8 Units. In standard system all the material related to QC always display in QA32 but i have to restrict user for few material types or material groups. but i am unable to do so. From QA32, i want to change inspection results ( button Results), but each time i do click it create another inpection point, and i want ( acorrding type material) to have one inspection point, and if i click in Results only change values, not create another inspection point. Pls follow the steps. g. Just select the lot and press UD button. 55 Max. Process used is IOT4 or IOT5 Image/data in this KBA is from SAP Internal Systems, samp Dec 12, 2008 · Check 3 places 1. Stay tuned for more updates! Jul 3, 2024 · How to Create Master Inspection Characteristics in SAP QM. Step 1 − Go to T-Code: QA32 as shown in the image given below − Note. When you would like to navigate from transaction QA32 to the results recording for inspection lots with inspection points and nothing happens, you can try to start the results recording transactions QE11, QE12 or QE13 Aug 27, 2012 · Hi Everyone. but the stock is not found there. I had tried by using the exit QEVA0010. Select the inspection lot in which results are recorded and have SAP system status as “RREC. purchasing view, post to inspection stock, 2. Our requirement is when giving print through T. 36 List Settings6:01 System Status7:59 D Sep 24, 2015 · Hi , We have developed six different types of smart forms( Insp. Users can create their own variants in QA32/33 and save it as U_xxxxxxx where xxxxxx is their user account ID. This is related to system status in inspection lot screen i. Enter Plant Code in SAP screen. Please can 2815548-M3682 Batch & of material & is already locked by & in QA32 - SAP ERP & SAP S/4 HANA Symptom Error: M3 682 “Batch of material is already locked by” is displayed when setting usage decision through transaction QA32, even though batch is not processed by another user. Below for your convenience is a few details about this tcode including any standard documentation. Its fine. After all above steps, you can see your material stock was in quality inspection and now available in unrestricted stock for your use. What could be the possible reason for this. code: QA32 ,select inspection lot, click "Results" and enter result value to accept and save. This transaction code is used for Change data for inspection lot. for each operation, some characterstics were assigned. . Here is it details, technical data, menu path etc. If you've already registered, sign in. Enter master inspection characteristic code which needs to be created. Here, we will do in process inspection of the material and record the results against inspection specification. Is th Oct 17, 2019 · You must be a registered user to add a comment. I tried QA12 and also QVM2 for this stock moving from Quality Inspection to Unrestricted stock. Comment Jan 4, 2012 · Hello, My inspection lot says status as CRTD. Jul 3, 2024 · Below are the steps to do result recording in SAP using QA32: Step 1) From SAP Easy access menu, open Transaction code QA32. It happens randomly. Schritt 1) Ab SAP Der leicht zugängliche Bildschirm öffnet dieselbe Transaktion QA32, mit der wir im vorherigen Schritt die Ergebnisse aufgezeichnet haben. ZQA32LS - QA32 Lot status filter. Step 2 − Select the inspection lot origin 01, which is SAP inspection type used for raw material inspection. Nov 20, 2015 · Hope you can get the report based on UD code using transaction QA32. I hope that your issue is sorted and . And when i assign click sample calc. Di seguito sono riportati i passaggi per eseguire la registrazione dei risultati SAP utilizzando QA32: Passo 1) Da SAP Menu di facile accesso, apri il codice transazione QA32. Suggestion: Close this thread here and open a new thread under specific component (SD, PP, FI etc) Sep 13, 2010 · During results completion for inspection lots, via transaction QA32, when multiple operations are being completed, we can no longer complete each operation without SAP returning us to the SAP Easy Access menu screen. I have seen different system status after the UD completes as LTIN and UD ICCO. 6. So if you have a qualitative pass/fail visual inspection test with a sampling procedure of 100%, your sample size in QA32 will be 100% of the lot. I want to give stock ,UD code and group . 7. Please Help. Mar 16, 2012 · Hi, Experts, While I am trying to record the results for a certain inspection lot in QA32 for a raw material. select lot. for QA32 & QA33. Feb 10, 2014 · In T code QA32 , I enter the Results and Usage Decision as R . Click 'Results' tab from header Feb 1, 2014 · Hi Experts, In QA32 list, after selecting one inspection lot and clicking on Results button on top, the next window for Record Results : Characteristic Overview is opened, Now here the user enters dimension results as per required and Saves the results. SAP ERP Quality Management (QM) SAP R/3; SAP R/3 Enterprise; May 24, 2021 · Hi Everyone, The material in transaction MMBE is present in quality inspection lot but when I execute same material in QA32 / QA33 with just material and plant as inputs for the transaction, the screen shown blank. Then we reverse the material iss Jan 3, 2024 · Understanding the Green, Yellow, and Red Indicator in QA32: Master data settings in SAP In the image above, you can view the indicator. Step 3 − Press Execute to display the list of inspection lot. Open QA11 transaction Enter the Inspection Lot Number Hit enter Now at the bottom you see Usage decision . Do you want to force inspection completion?" Jan 25, 2020 · In QA32 you can double click in the batch number (if its underlined) or look for a magnifying glass to the right of anyplace where the batch number is displayed and click on that. This expanded space will now focus on all innovations across application development and automation at SAP. I can't imagine why a CS person needs QA32 and the 'write' transactions behind them. The question is that the user have not entered anything in Blocked Stock but it is showing in MMBE. Please help me. Many thanks. I am getting only one column to record the results, but I have used the fixed sample size 5 nos. fcm ylnlye uvmsica pasz bllf pdbl zwxe buvl yntq lpvk cowe ewji jgguzy irsmvw oohhet