P0093 nissan zd30. I eventually contacted a diesel .
P0093 nissan zd30 Les plus courantes sont les suivantes : P0087, P0094, P1113, P1351, P3003. Any ideas from Mar 11, 2019 · 3 Litre ZD30 CRD Engine zd30 CRD P0089 Fault Code Patrol 4x4 is the best Nissan Patrol forum to discuss the SUV’s specs, parts, accessories, reviews, problems Oct 27, 2012 · Zd 30 crd hard to start FRED , THANKS FOR THE LINK, PULLED THE PLUGS , ON THROTTLE ACTUACTOR MOTOR , FOUND GREEN DEATH , CLEANED WITH GO OLD FASHON BAKING SODA , DRIED OFF WITH COMPRESSOR , PUT DIELETRIC GREASE ON PINS [p2100- throttle actuactor motor ,open circuit. Apr 12, 2021 · P0093 1 P0093 Fuel system leak ECM detects a fuel system leak. Apr 19, 2010 · Screw paying for CDs on eBay. Oct 15, 2020 · The issue was a faulty fuel rail pressure sensor. el manual cuenta con datos técnicos y especificaciones de todas las partes de auto. This is usually in the morning when it’s first turned on and on it’s first trip for the day. Apr 5, 2016 · If the ECM detects an unexpected drop in pressure in the high-pressure side of the fuel system, anywhere between the mechanical fuel pump and the fuel injectors, it will set a diagnostic trouble code (DTC), P0093 “Fuel System Leak Detected – Large Leak,” and illuminate the check engine light (CEL). Jump to Latest Patrol 4x4 is the best Nissan Patrol forum to discuss the SUV’s specs, parts, accessories, reviews, problems Oct 7, 2020 · Hi all, So a few weeks back I bought my first GU, engine has had a full rebuild with receipts & about 50,000kms driven since rebuild was done. It includes sections on noise troubleshooting, compression testing, removal and installation of engine components like the intercooler, intake manifold, catalyst, exhaust manifold, rocker cover, oil pan, vacuum pump, timing chain, camshaft and more. This link, known as the ZD30 Bible, is a must read for all ZD30 owners: The ZD30 Bible Colour. I have run all new vac lines to the turbo when I added the boost controller and needle valve , the problem was there before doing this as well. Este documento proporciona valores de referencia y especificaciones técnicas para el diagnóstico de una línea de combustible y bomba de inyección en un motor ZD30DDTi. Changed the SCV fuel pressure sensor/ regulator and the boost sensor. sorry but it is true there are some freak one's out there but the earlier ones did have a problem . cada procedimiento inicia con una breve descripción, además de una imagen de mecánica que representa el procedimiento a seguir en cada reparación. Is my diagnosis any good or is there P0093 En Nissan Navara año 2015 motor te yd25. I have seen this caused by dodgy fuel filters and more commonly SCV failure!. Had all the injectors out tested and cleaned all good. Note: API CG-4 0118 must never be used In the ZD30 engine. But Nissan in their wisdom fitted Denso systems as well so it depends on what common rail system you have fitted. Has started stalling under load and lodging code p0089 and p0087. Dec 2, 2021 · P0093 code is one of several diagnostic trouble codes that are related to a possible leak in the fuel system. Jul 16, 2014 · Tech Archives - NADS, So You Bought a ZD30 - Buying a ZD30 - My Channel - Domestic Violence Has No Excuse - Long Live P4x4. Here's a link to the D22 Service Manual covering models from '97 to early '08 La perte de puissance et le code d'erreur supplémentaire P0093 enregistré sur le Nissan Navara peuvent avoir les causes suivantes Si une perte de puissance du moteur et un ralenti irrégulier se produisent sur les véhicules mentionnés ci-dessus, des injecteurs défectueux peuvent en être la cause. The P0093 data file will be kept in the system if this difference exceeds a specified threshold. Incluye valores de temperatura del sensor de combustible, presión del sensor barométrico, voltajes de terminales en la ECM, y lógica para detectar fallas relacionadas con la bomba de inyección. Mar 7, 2021 · June last year my car was going into limp (2007 2. Also check turbo inlet shaft play. if the actual rail pressure is lower than the ECM calculates it figures it must have a leak. Replaced fuel Pressure relief valve today with genuine Bosch part and also fuel Filter and still the same Problem. 194k. Write your reply Connor. Mar 24, 2019 · zd30に搭載のオルタネータープーリー交換(故障) 2台目エルグラ [質問者] 2010/02/20 14:38 14年式エルグランドE50のZD30に搭載のオルタネーターのプーリー交換をサンデーメ カニ ックで行いたいのですが、専用のプーリー外し工具(スプライン形状の物)がどう W samochodzie Nissan Navara może wystąpić utrata mocy silnika, nierówna praca na biegu jałowym i dodatkowo kod błędu P0093 HELLA TECH WORLD – Przyjaciel dla warsztatu PL Newsletter Wideo FORVIA Mar 25, 2021 · ZD30DI Archives Upgrade Header Page. Now. The Nissan ZD30 is a 3. May 6, 2022 · It seems to be the standard common issue of P0093 (Mass fuel leak). thanks Trip. Jun 28, 2016 · Hi I recently bought (5 months now) a 2011 D40 2. Still wont go, doesnt appear to be getting any fuel to the engine, lift pump will pump hard, fuel in the tank. P0093 code is "Fuel System Leak Detected" or "Large Leak. Is my diagnosis any good or is there Its not that common on Nissan but it is very common for that particular injection pump (VP44). Causes. 0 liter, four-cylinder turbo-diesel engine. Information can change as we learn more about engine workings so so read with an open mind. pdf The original links to the Bible (colour and black and white) are dead, this link is to my copy of the colour version which I uploaded to dropbox. Denso you have to replace the whole rail when you have a problem, big bucks too. Over the years I have tried many different things like fuel filter replacements, all being genuine, ecu resets etc but what seems to fix the issue has been the replacement of the SCV however it seems to only last for around 9 months. The symptoms are intermittently loses power under load, hard to start hot, fault codes P1089 Fuel pump, P0087 pressure too low, P0088 pressure too high, P0089 pressure regulator 1 performance, P0093 Fuel System Leak Detected- large leak, P0093 small leak detected. Fault code P0093 is only one and Ive put another fuel filter in and done a ECU reset but it still Apr 28, 2016 · Fault Code P1089 in Nissan Patrols can be a real annoyance, because ultimately the ECU has registered that the fuel rail pressure is not within acceptable tolerance (in terms of the target rail pressure). Dec 16, 2017 · SOURCE: My 94 nissan patrol won't idle if you mean it stalls at idle speed then it needs a service, the idle jets seem to be blocked and need a clean. …alors qu’il n’y a aucune fuite. 5 DIESEL, RE4 AUTO, EGT, FRONT IC, 2" lift, ARB Bullbar, CUMMINS Engine Monitor, 3. La perdita di potenza e un ulteriore codice di guasto memorizzato P0093 per la Nissan Navara possono avere le seguenti cause Se si verifica una perdita di potenza del motore e un minimo irregolare nei veicoli succitati, la causa possono essere valvole di iniezione difettose. 5/3. ] Jun 20, 2017 · 3 Litre ZD30 CRD Engine Hey guys car had a mishap this morning had these codes p0093 an p0089 belive one is a fuel leak other is fuel pressure Patrol 4x4 is Aug 24, 2015 · 3 Litre ZD30 CRD Engine Help p1089. Feb 10, 2013 · If I could warn zd30 Navara owners this problem is more common then you all think. 5-3k revs and as such won't go above 80mph on the flat and Phil_Harrison | Qualified Service Technician 289 Satisfied Customers Jul 22, 2011 · It is generally said that models from 04 onwards can be considered reliable as Nissan sorted out the issues and the problem has been solved once and for all. If you go to nissan you will need to buy a complete fuel rail, but you can get a denso oem sensor elsewhere. How serious is the P0093 code? The P0093 code is very serious. While it was at Nissan they downloaded two fault codes: P0093 Fuel leak and P1089 Fuel pump. Help Support Nissan Navara Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and I thought it was part of the accelerator recall issue, but I've had that done, and even taken it back to Nissan to have it checked again. Motor Nissan Frontier ZD30. ” This P0093 code is triggered once the vehicle’s powertrain control module (PCM) detects the possibility of a large fuel leak on the high-pressure side. It lists several workshop manuals and repair manuals available for download, including manuals for the Nissan Patrol GU (1998-2009), ZD30 engine, TD27 engine, and Navara. Aqui está uma lista de alguns deles: Citroen (C4, C5) Fiat (Ducato) Ford (Ranger) Hyundai (HD78) Isuzu (NPR75) Mazda (BT-50, MPV) Mitsubishi (L200, Pajero) Nissan (Cabstar, Navara, Pathfinder) The PCM takes into account the anticipated fuel pressures as well as the actual pressure and measures deviation. New primer bulb goes in tomorrow. Considering that the issue at hand is a large fuel leak, it would be quite difficult to make a mistake during diagnosis. In other words, the code signifies "Fuel Pressure Regulator 1 Performance", indicating that the designated fuel pressure regulator Dec 1, 2011 · Just did a search on the system here and see P0093 is a fuel leak code so could it be the rail or do you still think SQV? Truck is doing my head in and causing all sorts of arguements with other half, Nissan quote £650 part £1085 all in to do the job :shock: Dec 25, 2015 · 基準不適合状態にあると認める構造、装置又は性能の状況及びその原因: 燃料噴射装置の燃料供給ポンプ(サプライポンプ)に接続するパイプのナット締結力が不足しているため、気密の確保が不十分なものがあります。 Common mistakes when diagnosing the P0093 code. Join now! Nissan patrol ZD30 Common rail diesel diagnostics. ¿Cómo solucionar el código OBD2 P0093? Tal y como se ha mencionado anteriormente, el código OBD2 P0093 indica que se ha detectado una fuga grande en el sistema de combustible. Je suppose donc une perte de pression dans le système d’où cette erreur. 2007- 2012 engine- ZD30DDTi fitted with Bosch CRD. . According to Nissan all recalls on my vehicle have been done , I was hoping they hadn’t to get out of buying the parts but not that lucky, There is no trouble starting or idling. 5 Tekna It now goes into a limp mode (seems to be only when cold). ・リコール対象車の含まれる車台番号の範囲には、対象とならない車両も含まれております。 また、リコール対象車の含まれる車台番号範囲であっても、上記①、②のいずれにも該当しない車両も含まれて El significado del código de avería P0093 es: Fugas grandes detectadas en el sistema de combustible. Pin 4 ECM Relay (Self Shut Off) Pin 5 Tachometer Pin 11 Exhaust Gas Control solenoid Jan 31, 2021 · 3 Litre ZD30 CRD Engine P0093 Fuel Leak I spent nearly $2000 on all knowing mechanics including Nissan service departments. I eventually contacted a diesel El fallo P0093 es bastante grave, ya que su aparición puede causar problemas de motor y de manejo. 0) My theory is that electrical gremlins can throw the ecu into a "default fault" most commonly in 3 instances i have come across the starter motor can arc causing a spike in power into the ecu which throws 0702, 0407, 0301 as default codes 日産 アトラスのエンジン廻り-燃料系の整備に関する情報なら「みんカラ」。日産 アトラスに装着できるパーツの取り付け方法やメンテナンス情報が満載。整備手帳投稿数500万件突破!日産 アトラスの整備に関することは日本最大級のクルマ情報サイト「みんカラ」 Sep 11, 2017 · Hi all thought I would make first post to save others wasting time and money on their own Patrol!!!! I have been through ZD30 hell and learnt a lot in the process. Pinouts, ZD30 DI ECU pin 2 Intake Air Control Valve Solenoid. This Ошибка P0093 у автомобиля Nissan была обновлена 07:27. x ish Drained sump oil time (15 mins while I check and/or change other fluids and filters) Low Mileage Nissan 3. Apr 17, 2018 · 08 COMMON Rail. first thing afm replace asap . The P0093 code can be activated for a variety of reasons, such as: 1. Have you run out of fuel by any chance in the past? Lack of fuel kills these pumps quickly so running on low, blocked fuel filter, restriction in the pickup pipe or addon filters cause havoc with these. 2K views 6 replies 5 participants Aug 23, 2021 · Hi all, new to the forum, struggling with a fuel rail pressure drama as follows: 2009 GU Patrol Cab Chassis ZD30 Common Rail, 300,000km Purchased a few months ago, started out a bit sooty and a bit slow to start. Aqui está uma lista de alguns deles: Citroen (C4, C5) Fiat (Ducato) Ford (Ranger) Hyundai (HD78) Isuzu (NPR75) Mazda (BT-50, MPV) Mitsubishi (L200, Pajero) Nissan (Cabstar, Navara, Pathfinder) O problema com o código P0093 pode ocorrer numa variedade de carros, mas há sempre estatísticas sobre as quais este erro ocorre com maior frequência. This code gets logged when the powertrain control module (PCM) detects a discrepancy between the desired and actual fuel pressures. Location Brian Swain Automotive The only solution for engine code P0093 is to replace the SCV (suctions Control Valve) Nissan recommend you change the fuel filter & if not the high-pressure Apr 4, 2010 · Worked for nissan and rebuilt more then my far share of zd30's time bombs lol. It also mentions that the ZD30DDTi engine was used in the Nissan Patrol from 2008. com Aug 10, 2010 · This fault code is triggered when there is a difference between actual and calculated rail pressure. 5) there P0093 code up. Now, at first all I had was the usual Hey all, having problems with my ZD30, its going into mechanic in a few weeks but just trying to get things sorted in my mind before I do. EGR blocked, 3" echaust fitted and dyno sheets showing boost up to be 18psi I believe on stock boost solenoid. Cheers Wayne The document provides service manual instructions for Nissan ZD30 and TD27Ti engines. It displays 16 pages of input/output monitoring functions to check vehicle components and signals, including switches, sensors, solenoids and signals from control units. Определить ошибку в автомобиле Nissan можно через диагностический прибор через соединение OBD2. 02 in), that replaced the Nissan QD, BD and TD engines. Jan 31, 2021 · 3 Litre ZD30 CRD Engine P0093 Fuel Leak I spent nearly $2000 on all knowing mechanics including Nissan service departments. Its not that common on Nissan but it is very common for that particular injection pump (VP44). Si se encuentra este código, se recomienda llamar a un técnico cualificado lo antes posible para diagnosticar y rectificar la avería. It also includes specifications for engine parts. Since I have bought it I have done 13,000ks over 6 months. It keeps going into limp mode and showing code P0093 – Large fuel leak detected. Cheers Nov 27, 2015 · please note this is for the early ZD30 direct injection motor NOT CRD (2. 78 in × 4. Estas fugas pueden ser causadas por conexiones sueltas Bij de Nissan Navara kan er sprake zijn van een vermogensverlies van de motor, een onregelmatig stationair toerental en een extra opgeslagen foutcode P0093 This document provides information about factory workshop manuals for the Nissan ZD30DDTi engine. Passage valise erreur P0093 fuite de carburant. Responder. Therefore, it has lodged a code to say that the fuel pump is not doing its job. En vista de que esta avería pone en peligro la vida del motor, se debe inspeccionar todo el sistema de combustible, cambiar mangueras y filtros dañados I have a 2011 Navara ST-X, manual, turbo diesel, it’s been fitted with a long range fuel tank in addition to the factory tank. What Does the P0093 Code Mean? Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0093 stands for “Fuel System Large Leak Detected. CodigosDTC. I eventually contacted a diesel Feb 5, 2015 · Newby here so be gentle, I have an 07 pathfinder which suffered the fatal loss of power and wouldn't rev, my mechanic attached his diag and code P0093 came up. 3 Litre ZD30 DI Engine. Save Share the Nissan Patrol. 3 times the accelerator has gone limp, Ive coasted to a stop and the engine has then cut out. Feb 5, 2015 · Newby here so be gentle, I have an 07 pathfinder which suffered the fatal loss of power and wouldn't rev, my mechanic attached his diag and code P0093 came up. ” Mar 28, 2010 · anyone know what these fault codes are: p0093, p0234, p1272 and p0192? They are showing since the truck has been goimg into limp mode on full throttle at about 3600 rpm in 5 and 6 gear, any other gear and it will rev to the red line. com dice: mayo 6, 2019 a las 2:28 pm. Jul 22, 2020 · Nissan Caravan zd30 not starting. Hopefully this will help. 0-litre (2,953 cc) inline-four cylinder diesel engine with a bore and stroke of 96 mm × 102 mm (3. Hola Rafael, el código que indicas significa: SE DETECTÓ Oct 18, 2018 · And here is the pinout list. Descubre cuál es el significado exacto, los síntomas y las causas del código P0093 además de cómo solucionar la avería. So, for those of you out there that have a Patrol with a ZD30 that was built in 04 or later, i would like to hear what your stories are as to reliablility. Algunas causas pueden ser: Fugas en el sistema de combustible: Una de las principales causas del código P0093 es la presencia de fugas en el sistema de combustible. Finalmente, el código P0093 es una prueba de que hay una fuga grande de combustible en su sistema. The regulator finally stopped it. See full list on obd-codes. El código P0093 puede significar que se han producido uno o más de los siguientes problemas: Aug 2, 2013 · Nissan are wrong as my 2007 CRD has a Bosch system which can have relief valve etc replaced. If you have a common rail and there are no external leaks, please check for excessive return fuel, as this could indicate an issue with the injectors or a regulator problem. Causas del fallo. The bit that has me confused is. May 28, 2008 · Nissan strongly recommend that a viscosity rating of 10W40 be used. Quickly became harder to start, suspected glow plugs and replaced. 2d looses power at around 2. I have read a few other posts and it sound like I need to replace the quantity control valve. This document provides information on the fault adjustment diagnostic mode (dealer mode) of a combination meter. This is a severe code that must be addressed right away, as any form of leak in the fuel system is dangerous. Всем привет. For specific viscosity relating to ambient temperature ranges please refer to the viscosity chart in the relevant workshop manual. Jump to Latest 5. Any of these codes will generally be triggered due to low or high fuel pressure or abnormal fuel pressure pulses detected by the fuel pressure sensor. Nissan (Cabstar, Navara, Pathfinder) Opel (Astra, Meriva) Peugeot (4007, 407, Boxer, Partner) Toyota (Avensis, Hilux, Land Cruiser, Prado, RAV4) GAZelle (Next) Le code d’erreur P0093 peut parfois être associé à d’autres erreurs. Juste maintenir un léger filé de gaz pour finir ma route. We average 3 of these faults monthly on this vehicle. May 18, 2010 · Navara, ZD30, EGR & butterfly mod. Nissan Patrol and Safari Model Forums. 0T 16V ZD30 engine stands as a testament to Nissan’s engineering prowess, offering a blend of power, efficiency, and durability. Vidéo El código OBD2 P0093 está asociado principalmente a motores diesel, aunque también puede aparecer en algunos motores de gasolina. Le filtre à GO a 5k km. Поиск ошибок и различных проблем. Dec 27, 2010 · 2006 ST GUIV to Cummins ISDE4. 54 DIFF, Stage 3 HD Valve body, Shiftkits Programmable TCU, Micky Thompson BAJA P3 285 / 70 R17 Causas del código DTC P0093. May 20, 2015 · not priming the fuel system correctly after filter replacement can bring both of these codes up. Primer bulb goes soft after every stall. Each page shows the displayed item, its possible settings or ranges, and a brief description or remark. turbo bleed valve olive. Resets if you switch off and on, does it a few times until up to running temp. My 2008 Y61 Cab Chassis (180,000Kms) patrol became hard to start hot or cold recently, although it never started very well in the Jun 8, 2015 · Hey Hoping to get some pointers here, my 2002 ZD30 navara has decided to stop starting, was very cold so I assumed glow plugs so changed them over. Fix it correctly the first time. P0093 nissan pathfinder ошибка Sep 13, 2016 · Hi all had a stuffed injector pump VP44 with codes 0073 p3 pump comm line 0076 p6 spill valve Also had crank position fault but can't find where I recorded it. Patrol 4x4 is the best Nissan Patrol forum to discuss the SUV’s specs, parts, accessories, reviews, problems and more. It was used in the Nissan Patrol from 2000 to 2016. No modelo Nissan Navara a perda de potência e o registo do código de erro P0093 podem ter as seguintes causas Se nos veículos supracitados for reclamada uma perda de potência do motor e um ralenti irregular, estas falhas podem dever-se a válvulas de injeção com defeito. My question is: If it was a buggered fuel pump, wouldn't it happen all the time not just 3 times over 6 months. We are an easy going friendly forum so join in the conversations and feel free to ask any questions. if you mean the engine stays and high rev and will not go down to idle this might mean the automatic choke is stuck on or the throttle cable is jammed and should be looked at. Oct 2, 2013 · I Like a Tidy Forum - Y2kZD30, a few bits and an Eclipse Turbo - RED text below = Links. Pueden haber diversas razones por las que se detecta un código DTC P0093 en un vehículo. To support the revision in oil specification, Nissan has developed a Getting P0093 code when pulling loads up hill. have changed maf etc but Nissan blame the weight of the Truck 3000kg emptythey reckon if i remove half the gear my economy will increase greatlybut we need everything on there so we live with the economy. Помощь в решении. This issue is as simple as locating the fuel leak and having it repaired. Unfollow Forum Follow Forum Create thread 3 Litre ZD30 DI Engine. Поехали с женой и ребенком погулять в другой город, и на подъезде к заправке двигатель стал пинать, неровно O problema com o código P0093 pode ocorrer numa variedade de carros, mas há sempre estatísticas sobre as quais este erro ocorre com maior frequência. (The relation between the output voltage to the fuel pump and input voltage from the fuel rail pressure sensor is out of the normal range. ELECTRONIC WORKSHOP MANUALS - My DI Build Thread - My Album - My Showcase Tech Archives - NADS, So You Bought a ZD30 - Buying a ZD30 - My Channel - 基準不適合状態にあると認める構造、装置又は性能の状況及びその原因: ①ドアに組み付けている方向指示器において、バルブと ソケットの接点端子の接圧が低いため、方向指示器を作動させたままドアの開閉を頻繁に繰り返した場合、接点が発熱して端子が破損 するものがあり、そのまま Mar 16, 2012 · I Like a Tidy Forum - Y2kZD30, a few bits and an Eclipse Turbo - RED text below = Links. Este, es un manual de mecánica, con la información necesaria para reparar este auto. No change Jun 24, 2023 · Another D40 P0093 code question. 39K posts 14M views Feb 2, 2021 · En pleine accélération sur l’autoroute pour y rentrer, voyant moteur qui s’allume et impossible d’accélérer. Injecteurs ? Capteur Reprinting, distribution, reproduction, exploitation in any form or disclosure of the contents of this document, even in part, is prohibited without our express, written approval; indication of the document source is also required. The issue with this particular… The post Tips in fixing Fuel Pump Code P1089 for Nissan Patrol ZD30CRD May 6, 2022 · It seems to be the standard common issue of P0093 (Mass fuel leak). ) Fuel pump Fuel rail Fuel line Fuel rail pressure relief valve Air mixed with fuel Lack of fuel Fuel injector Welcome to the Nissan Patrol forum. ELECTRONIC WORKSHOP MANUALS - My DI Build Thread - My Album - My Showcase Tech Archives - NADS, So You Bought a ZD30 - Buying a ZD30 - My Channel - My 2004 04 reg Nissan xtrail 2. Dec 2, 2021 · Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0093 stands for “Fuel System Large Leak Detected. Jul 6, 2009 · 2004 zd30 auto Arround town 17l/100k Highway 14-15l/100k Figures have been consistant since day one. 0L Turbo ZD30 Engine for sale. From the tech's Ive talked to over the phone the last week (and believe me I've done some research on this thing) this is a daily problem with zd30's that are over 10 to 12yrs old. Aug 21, 2013 · **** this would be the go, it's a td42 primer which looks identical except it has a bleed screw! Not that this would help bleeding after the filter but the assembly still takes a z332 by the looks of it and it's cheaper than the zd30 primer filter assembly which usually sells for close to 200 bucks. Случилась со мной пару недель назад неприятная ситуация. " Please check the fuel system for any leaks. Changed injector pump found old pump had broken solder in the pump controller (apparently commen with these pumps) Bleed pump up now Feb 11, 2019 · P0088 P0089 P0093 P1272 P1273 P1274 Fuel pressure problems. Therefore the ecu was not seeing the actual fuel pressure matching the target fuel pressure, hence the ecu determines there must be a leak. Отзыв владельца Nissan Pathfinder (3G) — поломка. Apr 3, 2022 · Was saying p0093 large fuel leak just something I thought I would mention as the first go to is the scv when it can be a number of problems including the pressure relief valve aswell Since having it changed its a new car to drive was rebuilt 15k KLM ago and it's working as it should thanks to everyone who commented and helped Feb 4, 2011 · ZD30 Model = 2004 POC FIlter change(Y or N) = Y - Nissan Oil type used and viscosity and litre - Delo 400 Multigrade 15-40, 8. and egr valve . Puede deberse a una presión elevada en este. Aug 15, 2023 · The P0089 code in a Nissan Patrol refers to a problem concerning the fuel pressure regulator system. To post a question and to see less adds on the forum then you will have to register first. After eventually working my way around these changing the components one by one. com. Never on an empty load shuts off completely, yes, recently replaced fuel Ford P0093 Code: Troubleshooting Fuel System Leak | JustAnswer The Nissan ZD30 engine family is a 3. The Nissan 3. uvpobgysrdqikbsaztvejlacmyvvvdqpwxuqmjoiotshpkssfawvjhwrpqpdazeupzqlbpesvuwy