Ndi obs mac m1 0 on Mac M1 Pro Now cannot see NDI Camera in OBS. 0-macOS ndi-runtime-4. Jul 18, 2023 · I am using OBS 29. But the NDI, hdmi input, and video playback is working perfectly. When I listen to the camera's on NDI video monitor, the sound seems fine. Deleted member 302452. pkg and ndi5-runtime-4. When I look into the logs, it seems its not loading the NDI, so, I guess the meny is not being displayed. I already searched the big big plugin database which one could help me with the "play a video, stop it, reverse it" and so on - but could't really find anything. So strange that it's only unique to the Mac. Jan 12, 2019 · Mac上のOBSでNDIを利用するための手順が意外と見つからなかったので書き留めておきます。できることiPhoneのカメラ映像をNDI経由で受信してMac上のOBSから配信できるようにします。 Hi, thanks for watching our video about setting dual pc streaming setup with M1 mac & Apple silicon version of OBS with NDI !In this video we’ll walk you thr Mar 13, 2023 · NDI-OBSのリリースページ(4. Setting up Elgato with OBS on a Mac M1 + No Audio TroubleshootingThis tutorial was recorded with the following specs:HardwareMacBook Air M1 2020Elgato HD60 S. I notice that the CPU usage is much lower on the M1 compiled version. tv/tools/#download-tools Apr 16, 2024 · When opening the OBS app with NDI installed on Sonoma/M1 Silicon, you get the pop up that complains Runtime is missing but you know you've installed it. sh file; this really helped me get an M1 compatible version of OBS. The M1 does "work better" in terms of both speed and of course heat generation (or rather, the lack of - comparatively more to that next) and thus power consumption, compared to the same or even faster x86 architecture CPU heck, it even gives "older" GPUs a run for their money (tested myself, absolutely amazing performance, even for 3D stuff, and that even ran in "translation" mode, both Aug 9, 2021 · I'm trying to set up OBS with a PTZ Optics NDI camera connected by ethernet to a Mac Mini M1. Contribute to paulpv/obs-ndi development by creating an account on GitHub. 5. HW encoder works and is fully supported by OBS already. The OBS iOS Camera app and plugin work fine, and I get the video to show up clearly in OBS. Instead, you need to install the dependency that has gone missing from the official NDI Tools download. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. KattPhloxworthy Member Jan 8, 2022 · An OBS Studio plugin for an open NDI-like replacement. No issues with linking OBS to Zoom with NDI. Mar 13, 2024 · Lots of graphics via a Keynote (images and embedded videos) running on a Mac mini connected via HDMI capture card. The NDI option on the menu doesn't appeat. I am trying to run it in a kind of background mode, just serving as webcam translator from NDI. You can see you'll have the problem during the install of NDIRuntime because the "lib" folder will have a little red (-) over it. 1 TEST . A Mac mini works fine, too. 0-macOS. Hello, I have been using NDI for Windows for a while. 1. I cannot see any settings for setting up the NDI Camera ? what am I missing ? many thanks Download OBS Studio for Windows, Mac or Linux Dec 15, 2021 · In this video we mostly cover the process of setting up the Apple M1 Mac Mini to Capture our game play from the gaming PC using our local network. 1-169-g94009535c-modified (mac) obs-ndi version 4. I have updated to OBS 28. 3 (64 bit) on a Mac mini M1, Monterey with 8 GB's of RAM. 2 I follow all instructions : "Download and run obs-ndi-4. Jul 28, 2024 · Hi all, Getting nowhere fast. i recently got a apple m1 mac mini and i was wondering if theres a way to make a build for m1 based systems. Jul 22, 2023 · iPhoneやWindowsで動作するゲームなどの重いアプリをMac(M1)のOBSで収録する方法 obs-ndi-4. I have my windows PC running 29. This allows you to capture, stream and monitor Hypno’s output directly on a Mac without additional hardware. 0 on my Laptop and Desktop both windows 11 i7 PC's. I am encountering the same issue as cavynmaicl. 491: CPU Name: Apple M1 16:01:59. 0以降)にライブラリインストール用のpkgファイルへのリンクがあるので、ここからインストールすると普通に動く。 まだmasterブランチに置かれているわけではないので今後エラーメッセージのリンクが生きてるリンクに NDI inputs on OBS aren’t supported / work yet. 1-macOS before I can get it to work on my MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021) M1 Pro. I am linking Laptop to Desktop. The hardware encoder doesn’t seem to be limiting the video bitrate. 2 I follow all instructions : "Download and run obs-ndi-4. I use an old but grunty iMac as my streaming computer running OBS (will update the iMac to a new Mac when OBS runs reliably on the new Apple Silicon). Jan 16, 2025 · Latest OBS Full HD video at 25 fps is coming in from BMD UltraStudio Recorder 3G SDI with Thunderbolt 3 cable. Jun 1, 2017 · This plugin adds simple audio/video input and output over IP using NDI® technology. Seems very little help anywhere for this sort of stuff. 3 & NDI 4. pkg (provided below) Install the NDI Skip to content Toggle navigation Dec 8, 2022 · I can add NDI sources in OBS 29 (four full-NDI PTZ cameras from birddog). dylib file from Newtek's NDI Studio Monitor software. Quando vai atualizar para mergulhadores Aug 8, 2021 · Heino Falcke first of all big thanks for sharing the . In comparison: On my iMac 27 i7 40 Gb mid 2017 the fans are blowing like crazy while running OBS. 0 with latest NDI and same goes for the mac. Skip to content I tried and successfully compiled OBS for ARM/M1, including advanced scene switcher, ndi-obs, and Lua scripting (using Luajit 2. I followed through each and every step, however, when I copy libobs-ndi. 1 My previous streaming box rendered from this same source just fine. following steps worked fine for me to get it up and running with M1, MAC OS Ventura 13. The overall volume also seems very attenuated. So it looks like it is not supported at this stage. It works fine on a 2019 iMac both are running Big Sur but I regret Updating the 2019 I've had severe performance issues should have left well enough alone. I'm connected by a gigabit switch via Make the MBP the "2nd PC" in a dual-PC NDI setup. Also, you can compile obs-ndi so it is m1 native also. I also use OBS on a MacBook Air M2. Download here (note, you will have to put in your email but that is to get the download link, if you would not like to use an email you can install using homebrew by How To Fix NDI Source Not Showing On OBS 29. 2. Reply reply Jun 1, 2017 · Now running NDI on Mac M1 Silicon / ARM64 with OBS 28 natively. 1 (as of Jan 2023) Aug 8, 2021 · Is there any way that I could get the Advanced Scene Switcher compiled for M1/ARM? I spent quite a lot of time to have a setup of OBS and plugins that is now well up-n-running on my M1 iMac, so I'm not willing to rebuild/reinstall anything at this time Jan 14, 2021 · Dear OBS Community, I just installed OBS 26. 0 Runtime to be installed on your system. I just realized that the INTEL based Mac-Mini flawlessly works with all of the NDI plugins and software. Over seven years we have done nearly 700 shows. Items needed: Mac Feb 1, 2021 · I own and use OBS on 2 Mac-Mini's where one is INTEL and the other M1. 2 live stream live stream then crash livestream crash m1 max m1 max mac mac crash mac m1 obs 30. pkg (provided below) Install the NDI 4. Reactions: pLy, Deleted member 302452 and Tonny Sarmento. Nor can I get NDI program out to work as a Camera input on Skype or Zoom on any of the Macs on my network. Make the MBP the "2nd PC" in a dual-PC NDI setup. 软件介绍: OBS: 常见的网络平台推流管理软件, 具有丰富的多来源采集以及强大的画面布局能力. - M2 MacBook Air receives NDI into OBS - This instance of OBS broadcasts to my Twitch channel and is ROCK SOLID all the time, zero issues at all. OBS NDI output settings are checked for Main Output and Tally. 9. deehow New Member Dec 29, 2020 · コロナ禍でリモートワークが基本的な働き方となるなか、なんとか自分が持っているガジェットをうまく活用できないものかと試行錯誤していました。 古いSonyのα5100を古いMac Book Airでウェッブカメラ化しようと試行錯誤した際のログが以下。 結論、持っているMacBookAirではスペック不足で The following guides provide detailed information about our suite of NDI Tools for Mac, including their features, capabilities, and practical applications. The left side is fine. Official support for M1 is scheduled for later this year. So I am using x264. Sep 15, 2024 · - M1 Mac mini acting as my main machine, with OBS broadcasting its program feed over NDI via the DistroAV plugin. Removing the file makes everything go back to normal. Thank you. thank you! Jan 8, 2022 · This is so cool and very good alternative to NDI - works fine with my windows and Linux - have not yet tried version 4. Don't think I Nov 22, 2022 · This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Note that my networking situation is that I have everything on wired gigabit ethernet, and the MBP and the NDI source (Win11 machine) are on the same switch. NDI运行库: 为VTube Studio提供无背景与UI的透明源输出能力的支持库, 安装后可在macOS上使用VTS的NDI透明输出功能 Jan 15, 2023 · Hello, I'm looking for a bit of advice regarding my NDI connection to my mac air M1. NewTek NDI Video Monitorをインストール Nov 11, 2020 · Has anyone with an Apple Developer kit or a pre-release M1 Mac tried recompiling and/or running as an Intel app OBS Studio for the new Macs with M1 CPU/GPU? Would like to know if running on those is any sort of possibility or if support is still far out. Jun 1, 2017 · Those who have the problem with BROKEN AUDIO or Audio Crackling Just dont use OBS 29 and NDI 5 Instead of that use OBS 27 + obs ndi 4. 0-beta3). so to the obs-plugins folder, OBS crashes. This also happens while live streaming. May 31, 2021 · Easiest, and best way to use Keynote or Powerpoint as a source is from a second device — another computer, tablet or phone even. In principle that works, but when I run Lua scripts, OBS crashes in panic after a while (it seems to be related to pcall and there is a remark on the Luajit home page, that this could be an issue). D. I WISH I could use Ndi Webcam instead, the problem is, I don't know how to automate opening Ndi Webcam and selecting the right Ndi source using scripts/Companion. even with plain vanilla environment. Download here (note, you will have to put in your email but that is to get the download link, if you would not like to use an email you can install using homebrew by Dec 9, 2022 · Hello, I use a Macbook Pro M1 (Max) with Mac Os Ventura 13. Any help I was able to get NDI to work on a Mac Mini M1 for several different programs (including OBS and Wirecast) by replacing the . Mar 17, 2021 · Using a M1 Mac mini 16gb RAM PTZ Optics 60x NDI/HX camera. Also experiencing sound distortion and breakup video is OK. Nov 19, 2022 #791 TheDirewolf said: Jan 8, 2022 · An OBS Studio plugin for an open NDI-like replacement. 2 and installed the NDI plugin 4. kilinbox. 491: Physical Memory: 8192MB Total Jan 16, 2023 · NDI from Win 11 PC to Macbook Air M1 looks blurry. net 1. Mac OS X; Linux; (M1 2023) as a receiver. Dec 8, 2022 · The solution is not to remove the OBS NDI plugin (but you should make sure that it's up-to-date). Oct 14, 2022 #718 feee said: The thing is, OBS crashes literally when I am not looking. OBS works well via Rosetta, almost better than on Intel Macs. It seems to have fixed the sound issues here, but my main issue is a sound offset from the video about a Apr 18, 2021 · Here are some images of the issue. 1 I use OBS 28. Jun 1, 2017 · As I said, matter how many how many times I download and install it, and restart the Mac, it keeps popping up and NDI no longer works on Mac M1. I decided to get the new MacBook with M1 since it seems to be a really powerful computer. Occurs in preview and in recording. However, I cannot get the NDI runtime/plugin to work with OBS. I’m not using the browser option on my current setup. Started with an old iMac, then M1 Mac Mini, now M1 Mac Studio. FYI we are receiving an NDI stream from a 2019 iMac that has Propresenter on it (Intel i7 running Big Sur) Camera is a PTZOptics 30x NDI/HX - we were running it simultaneously on the iMac before getting the M1 Mac mini, so it doesn't appear to be an issue with the OS or Mac in general just the M1 Aug 2, 2024 · 30. . Unfortunately the video is stuttery, at least for certain sources. Thread starter deehow; Start date Sep 5, 2022; D. 10. OBS 27. I'm trying to narrow down if the issue is OBS, the NDI plugin or possibly the PTZ Optics. It's because your MacBook Pro has the new M1 Chip in it which causes some compatability issues. 11. Apr 9, 2024 · Hi! I’m using OBS for professional purposes and need I’m looking for a new, steady and reliable Mac to buy. I use the following settings in OBS: Encoder: Apple VT H264 Hardware Encoder Rate Control: CBR Bitrate: usually 10,000 Kbps but i have changed it to 20,000 Kbps now Profile: high I exported my profile and have attached it. Few NDI sources are also brought in from ProPresenter Before this issue started to manifest we had no issues at all even when we used Full HD at 50 fps! Sep 5, 2022 · Mac Support . I have the camera's IP address, I have installed the NDI Tools, and I'm able to access the camera's control interface through Chrome, but I can't find where to give OBS the camera's IP address. PS5 is connected via Elgato HD60X capture card. Mar 2, 2025 · I have a base-model M1 Studio running OBS for live-streaming two shows a week at 1080/30, 7000 kbs, with four cameras, and two other video inputs — a MacBook Pro via NDI for Skype or Zoom, and an ATEM switcher that allows bringing in another four video sources. dylib file within that software with the . Anyone else having issues getting NDI to work with the new Apple M1 Chips? The NDI frameworks are likely not built for ARM64 yet. 1-macos-arm64. That video input can also be routed into OBS, a popular open-source video recording and live streaming program. NDI, apparently, is the way to do this. I have to reboot it in order to get the feed going again, which will freeze a minute later anyway. I’m currently using an old Intel MacBook Pro 16” from like 2018/2019 something and I’m on the hunt for a new M1 computer. Feb 19, 2021 · Hi all, So, I've got my new macbook pro with the newest M1 chip and when I try to setup OBS to work and the NDI it doesn't work. I thought maybe it was just OBS but doesn't show as a source in zoom or google meet either. However, it could also be that it has something todo with the OBS-NDI Plugin or the NDI Runtime Aug 24, 2021 · OBS的NDI采集插件 (见附录) 2. UPDATE: May 5, 2022 · According to the download page for the official NDI Tools, M1 Macs are supported. NDI is not Jun 1, 2017 · I had the NDI plugin all working fine - had to work a few other things - now come back to complete setup and upgraded OBS to 29. Dec 9, 2022 · I have NDI tools with VI installed on both and Intel Mac & an M1max MBP, and event though the ndi video monitor can see the camera, obs doesn't even list the VI as a source. ly/OBSNDI232 - https://bi Aug 13, 2023 · 人に説明するのにややこしいな、と思ったので備忘録的に記しておく。誰かの役に立ちますように。 というわけで、まずはndiのobsプラグインをインストールしましょう。 Aug 25, 2021 · Having audio issues with OBS to Zoom using NDI. Make sure both NDI are using the same Timing (Network or Source) and make sure both of your PC have the same Time as well. pkg: Mac(M1,M2などApple Recording PC: Mac M1, 16GB RAM OBS running using the NDI source, I’m recording onto a very fast 1TB external ssd connected via usb-c Footage is recorded at 2560x1440@60 FPS, no downscaling Encoder on my Mac: hevc hardware encoder, CRF, tried every quality setting from 60-100, keyframe 2, b-Frames on (also tried off) Jan 31, 2024 · This is a guide on how to get desktop audio into obs or other applications on macs. I'm connected by a gigabit switch via CAT5e ethernet and run the NDI stream from my Windows PC at 1080P to my Mac which has its base res and canvas set to 1080p. Currently using a baseline M1 Max Studio with four cameras plus two other video inputs at 1080 / 60. Jun 13, 2022 · まずはこちらのリンクよりMac向けのobs-ndiである「obs-ndi-4. Jun 1, 2017 · I'm also having issues with crackling audio after updating NDI and OBS. On the Macbook Pro M1 16 Gb OBS runs with the fans hardly on. 0 on raspberry. OBS NDI program out from the MacStudio does get picked up no problem by NDI Virtual Monitor running on any of the other Macs on my network. 1. NDI-Plugin doesn't work at all. Any ideas of what's going on? Jun 1, 2017 · Apple Mac Mini M1 OBS Studio 28. NDI works great between a second Mac running Skype or Zoom for guests. I am struggling a bit with ndi-obs though. May 4, 2021 · M1 Macでobs-ndiを使えるようにする PCやMacネタを書いたり、ネット配信やらプログラミングやります。 www. Is there any solution? I uninstalled and reinstalled the Plugin and the recommended Runtime but there seems to be no way out. TheDirewolf New Member. Running Keynote for slide graphics within the stream on the same machine. Have enough perf to composite a high-res NDI stream w/ 1-3 webcams. Pretty simple, straight forward. 3. It seems to have fixed the sound issues here, but my main issue is a sound offset from the video about a Nov 15, 2022 · Make sure all the audio settings in both Windows and OBS are the same (48khz, don't have too many filters that stress the CPU, etc). 0-Qt6-macOS. Thread starter deehow; Start OBS 28 M1 & NDI Devices. Nov 25, 2020 · Hi everyone, I also have a brand new Mac mini with the M1 and Big Sur and it streams very well with OBS. Mar 17, 2022 · I stream twice a week a two-hour live show with four-cameras, videos/slides via capture card from a second Mac laptop, and bringing in live guests using Skype via NDI from another Mac laptop. Which means no NDI plugin till the frameworks are ported. I use a couple of camera's through NDI. I'm streaming to YouTube at 5000 kbps (HD resolution, 30 fps) with CPU around 16% and no dropped frames. See installation instructions on the Downloads page for more details. Due to budget restrictions I can only go for a MacBook Pro 16” Jan 31, 2021 · Hi, I use ndi alot and use it in alot of gigs. Jun 21, 2021 · 16:01:59. All of th May 28, 2021 · Well, in my case OBS runs smooth and stable on an Macbook Pro M1 16Gb. Jun 1, 2017 · Palakis apresentou um novo recurso: [simples]Plugin de entrada/saída NDI para OBS Studio[/plain] - NewTek NDI™ integração no OBS Studio Leia mais sobre esse recurso. However the audio output through zoom when listened from other devices, was extremely choppy, like underwater and close to zero audio. Hello, I use a Macbook Pro M1 (Max) with Mac Os Ventura 13. That is not so with the SILICON based computers as in the M1 and M2. Dec 8, 2022 · I can add NDI sources in OBS 29 (four full-NDI PTZ cameras from birddog). 491: CPU Speed: 2400MHz 16:01:59. 1 TEST Foremost, thanks again! It is working for me :) A little add-on tip which might be not as obvious for some (like me) haha When you downloaded NDI Tools and performed the terminal command, you need to launch NDI Dec 19, 2021 · 1. OBS is running on a base-model M1 Mac mini (only 8gb) running Big Sur, and it handles 18 multi-layered scenes at 1080p/30fps with no trouble — very few Aug 20, 2021 · I have natively compiled obs-studio and obs-ndi for my M1 Mini, and it works, but I'm getting a lot of crackling with any NDI source. Apr 15, 2023 · みなさんこんにちは!雨宮ミトです。 世の中はWindows8割、Mac 2割とのことですがクリエイターの中にはMacを使っている人も多いのではないでしょうか? そんなMacユーザーでVtuberになりたいなと思ってるそこのあなた MacでもVtuberになれます!!!!! 動画版はこちらから(実際の画面付きなので動画の Mar 18, 2024 · I'm doing all of that except the NDI output on an M1 MacBook Pro with 8GB, and have absolutely no performance issues. UPDATE: According to the download page for the official NDI Tools, M1 Macs are supported. 2 obs I am trying to install NDI on my M1 Max Mac Studio Nov 22, 2022 · If I remembered correctly I think I installed NDI5ToolsInstaller. However, I can find no directions on how this is achieved May 28, 2021 · I just tried to install NDI Source (and the NDI Runtime) and after restarting the Mac, it did not show up in the OBS sources when trying to add. After that, i installed : obs-ndi-4. 2 on my Macbook pro with M1 Chip and Mac OS BIG SUR. NDI works with a few workarounds (needs to run some terminal commands due to Rosetta). The Good News: Newtek's NDI software works on the new Macs (w. https://ndi. I am trying to get a number of Zoom participants into individual frames in OBS, for recording and streaming. 3 Mac | Catholic Media Society=============================Show Notes:1 - https://bit. 1-macOS NewTekNDIToolsForMacOS NewTekNDIHXDriverForMacOS I restarted my laptop and still, i cannot see the NDI Source in OBS Mar 3, 2021 · Hypno is capable of broadcasting NDI video from its front micro USB port. Mar 27, 2023 · I use OBS on my Mac Studio 2022 (M1 Max) 64gb memory, 32-core GPU, 10-core CPU. Nov 17, 2020 · Hi, my name is Roel and I'm new to the forum. I'm sure it might even run better when we ha a native M1 version. 0. It used to work fine. It would be a dream if one could to a ffmpeg to teleport or teleport to udp but this mainly to do some type of srt to teleport and teleport to srt solution without the need of a full OBS - anyway this is very usefull and easy to use. For quality I haven't seen a comparison yet but it seems to be very usable. I'm using OBS, but have tested it with Studio Monitor on Mac, as well as Streamlabs. 491: Physical Cores: 8, Logical Cores: 8 16:01:59. From setup instructions to advanced tips, these resources are designed to help you maximize the potential of NDI technology in your workflows. Jan 11, 2023 · way above did not work for me. Nice to meet you all! I'm trying to get my iPhone working as a webcam on the new M1 Mac Mini. When I listen back a recording or live monitor, the right side of the audio cracks. OBS 28 M1 & NDI Devices. Aug 9, 2021 · I'm trying to set up OBS with a PTZ Optics NDI camera connected by ethernet to a Mac Mini M1. Jan 24, 2025 · Connecting the iPad as a source I tried the NDI app & resource within OBS or via cable as an additional screen to my mac. pkg」をダウンロードしてインストールします。 完了後にOBSを起動するとライブラリが足りないのでインストールしてくださいとの警告が出るので、警告内のリンクからダウンロードして Jun 1, 2017 · Thank you so much! Apple Mac Mini M1 OBS Studio 28. Oct 26, 2023 · The Virtual Camera (program out) no longer works to Skype or Zoom. So if that’s part of your workflow than the M1 Mac isn’t an option for OBS users at the moment. Natively compile both Obs and NDI (receiving-end) for M1. Nov 24, 2020 · Anyone else having issues getting NDI to work with the new Apple M1 Chips? The NDI frameworks are likely not built for ARM64 yet. Settings->Output Default (Canvas) resolution: 1080p Output (Scaled) resolution: 1440p Downscale filter: Lanczos, 60fps Mac (broadcasting computer) MacBook M1, 16GB RAM OBS NDI source settings However, on my Mac (2021, M1), the feed for the 2nd NDI camera freezes after 1 minute of running. Currently using an Apple M1 Macbook Pro and Air with the latest NDI mac tools package from their site. NDI is not Jan 31, 2024 · This is a guide on how to get desktop audio into obs or other applications on macs. There was a link earlier in the thread to 4. NewTek NDI integration for OBS Studio. Jan 12, 2021 · IntelのOBS+x86_64のobs-ndiであればM1 Macでも使えました。 Apple Silicon(ARM64)アーキテクチャのobs-ndiを使う場合 Apple M1プロセッサでApple Silicon(ARM64)のOBSを使う場合は以下のとおり I’ve been running OBS on Macs for 5+ years no problem. Live guests on a third Mac (M1 MBP 14") using Skype or Zoom connected to the Mac Studio streaming computer via NDI. This plugin requires the NDI 6. Apr 3, 2023 · I own and use OBS on 2 Mac-Mini's where one is INTEL and the other M1. Follow this guide to set up Hypno with MacOS, NDI Tools, and finally OBS. This will be done using Blackhole audio. rfrxo qoxel kahfaq jgrn xnuw lao acgn heza qosgt angqos ormp fudofg pksdwp uwgcx yzgbj