Msp430 uart rx interrupt example.
Code Composer Studio examples for MSP430.
Msp430 uart rx interrupt example If you have a related question, please click the "Ask a related question" button in the top right corner. PIC UART Interrupt Code Example Earlier we were using UART interrupts for TX and RX and when the wireless data rate is high we missed many serial bytes. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use STM32 Blue Pill UART in interrupt mode to transmit and receive data. Two options for using MSP430FR2433: a) Get advice here for simple UART code to add to the small keypad function. Advice would be appreciated. I am currently attempting to write a simple Tx and Rx program that will allow me to talk to a specific module. My MSP430 examples for UART and ADC for MSP430G2553 - ra3xdh/msp430-examples I did not change the clock settings for the FR6047_USSSWLib_template_example, I just added the UART receive interrupt, but when the code is unmodified the USS data is obtained at baud rate 115200. There are several similar ones on the internet, but the more the better :D. 1 are used as output and input, respectively. My aim is to transfer 128 bytes using DMA over UART. 6) line on the 2013, and one to connect the GND of each device together. DriverLib is a set of low level drivers providing an API for accessing MSPM0 registers and full device functionality. At this moment you have a stale UCRXIFG from the last dummy byte (0xFF) the master sent. 1 pins to RX and TX on the launchpad and from the terminal, I can send and receive the correct character. If I switch the low power mode command to while(1) and just put the program into an endless loop the interrupt routine works flawlessly. Part Number Key Features MSP430F5529 128KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 12-bit ADC, UART/SPI/I2C, 5 Timers, USB, Up to 25MHz Clock www. This way P1. If anyone is interested in what I did to get BREAK recognition working on the MSP432, here is the body of that referenced file (above) with my changes: Nov 1, 2018 · \$\begingroup\$ Not an answer, just some thoughts crossing my mind. UCRXIFG flag is set to 1. Thanks Antony The NUCLEO-F446RE development board has a built-in ST-Link debugger and STM32CubeIDE configure PA2 and PA3 as UART Tx and Rx pin respectively. Clone or download this repository on your computer. com The UART protocol is used to send messages from the MSP430 to an console on the PC. For a better overview of the topic, let’s list down all the other possible ways to receive/transmit serial UART data with an STM32 microcontroller. I wanted to test to see if the setup was correct, but when I run and debug it, it seems like the ISR is not firing. 本实验室介绍通用异步收发器 (uart)。本实验室演示如何使用 msp-exp430fr2433 及其 uart 模式下的集成增强型通用串行通信接口 (eusci) 模块来实现 uart 通信,该模块可用于需要与其他微控制器 (mcu) 或 pc 进行串行通信的应用。 * MSP430 code examples are self-contained low-level programs that typically * demonstrate a single peripheral function or device feature in a highly * concise manner. This looks rather like example euscia0_uart_03, which is intended to have the Launchpad Tx and Rx pins connected to each other (local loopback). LTS compiler. 6), the UCRXIFG interrupt flag is set, and UART interrupts should be very light. There's a specific example file which isn't making sense to me: msp430x22x4_uscib0_i2c_12. 木木、508: 难道不是因为openmv的波特率是115200,所以和单片机通信也应该要是115200的波特率吗? MSP430学习总结 Hi Priya, The link that Keith shared is the correct calculator for the DriverLib parameters. Received information (for example 128 bytes) can be analyzed (after wake up) inside main. to/32vpsEY. Roy Jul 21, 2021 · I am trying to create a UART bridge using MSP430. I think it's a useful starting point but for example it does't handle the variable packet sizes the question is asking about from what I can see. In order to achieve this, i wrote following code : #include <msp430. Dec 10, 2013 · I have code that works "ok" for reading the USCI (UART) via interrupts, but the TI SimpliciTI stack is a CPU hog and it drops UART bytes when servicing the radio. The overrun flag will be cleared at the next iteration of interrupt handler Part Number: MSP430FR5994 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET Hello All, Thank you for taking the time to look at this post. The UART0 ISR forces the Mainloop to exit LPM3 after Communicating using UART ISR on the MSP430FR6989. Joined examples from driverlib library. If solved by using nested interrupt. 15. A program stops the normal execution and starts to execute the ISR routine. 26. 3. Get the book here: https://amzn. c and paste below given program /* *This is a uart. Since this code is not constantly running, as in the previous example’s while{} loop, the CPU load is very low. The example eusci_a_uart_ex1_loopbackAdvanced. In that process, I check if the UART TX hardware single-byte buffer is ready for a byte. When I immigrate the project to IAR, The problem is solved. It reads the incoming data (12 bytes) over the UART serial port and echo (transmit) it back to the terminal using the “polling” method. Jan 8, 2013 · This example demonstrates a basic UART command-line interface using the MSP430 UART peripheral. Introduction¶ MSPM0 Communication Modules - UART module provides a simple way for the application developer to integrate this UART based communication module for communication. I try to send a message using TX interrupt but I have never succeeded. You could check the table 6-1 of DS that the SMCLK is off in LPM3 but the actually the SMCLK is on for UART(see 3. The comment doesn't match the code. How on the MSP430 does one enable TX Interrupts on the UART and have it ever get into the ISR again? Below where you see EUSCI_A_UART_enableInterrupt call, shouldn't this line trigger my ISR every time the interrupt gets enabled? Apr 5, 2015 · Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) UART peripherals typically have several configurable parameters required to support different standards. We will use STM32 CubeIDE to create a project where we will use UART interrupt of STM32 Blue Pill to receive data on the Rx pin via interrupt and we will send serial data through a serial terminal by using a USB-TTL converter. o) Code based off of example MSP430 code o) Loop back works fine (LISTEN bit in UCTLn), what I send, I received back correctly. So when you waited for TX being completed, then add something to the TX queue, it might be that you're delayed by the RX interrupt and then your TX is confusedor alters some data for the adding Please see below an example code: //***** // MSP-FET430P140 Demo - USART0, Ultra-Low Pwr UART 9600 Echo ISR, 32kHz ACLK // // Description: Echo a received character, RX ISR used. The MSP430 UART RX fifo is 1 byte. The use of a function and a variable name differing only in the capitalization of a single character is going to result in confusion. This might be due to entering in the critical state (disables interrupt) by the simpliciTI stack. If it is, I If an interrupt handler with lower priority was starting before the UART interrupt the overrun happen. UART communication can be useful when dealing with sensors: as a basic example, we could send data taken from a temperature sensor with the internal ADC to a computer, using a cheap bluetooth module connected to the UART pins on the Launchpad. I assume DMA is the way to go, but I couldn't find a full example of DMA using USCI as input. I used Cosmos and STVD, it does not bind the interrupt function. Summary. the USB-to-UART Bridge example code and GUI. If the main program goes into a low power mode (it doesn't matter which one), the interrupt routine doesn't work. uart_init(HARD_UART_INST, SERIAL_BAUD); Oct 28, 2017 · 0724. 00012 and eighther TI v18. software UART interrupts, the CPU wakes up, enters active mode, captures the UART data, and then transmits the received data as quickly as possible before going back to sleep. I am following the MSP430 UART sample code for use in the MSP-EXP430FR5994 Dev Kit. euscia0_uart_01, which echoes back something typed elsewhere, is probably a better fit. This module consists of both controller and target code. h> const uint16_t tx_char = 128; volatile unsigned char TXData[128] = Apr 16, 2018 · For example, if you configure the device to LPM3 but the UART runs for transmitting. Import the UART example msp430fr243x_euscia0_uart3. I know how to receive data using an interrupt and usually used the main loop in order to send UART data using the 'EUSCI_A_UART_transmitData' function. Unlike a polling method, the pic microcontroller will keep executing its normal program. verify MSP430 RX working: send from Pi known value every 1 sec. Aug 30, 2019 · But the problem is related to the compiler. the FRAM_GUI recognizes the board when plugged in but the dash board does not indicated any data. See full list on argenox. com/lit/zip/slac485. Ground of the board is used to ground both the LED and the button. Additionally, the sensor responds to commands which I intend to send * MSP430 CODE EXAMPLE DISCLAIMER * * MSP430 code examples are self-contained low-level programs that typically * demonstrate a single peripheral function or device feature in a highly * concise manner. uart. In my main loop, I have a UART_process that runs. In this tutorial, you have learned how to receive bytes from USART peripheral using both polling and interrupt based methods. - and P2. You must setup buffer and pointer elsewhere in your code (see full example I attached). Part Number: MSP-EXP430FR2433 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430WARE Problem: I want to use UART on UCA0 and SPI on UCA1. Figure 2 shows the flowchart for the hardware and software UART code. 3. The code examples downloads are grouped in the following function categories: Communication, pulse width modulation, system and housekeeping, and timer. Contribute to ticepd/msp430-examples development by creating an account on GitHub. Part Number: MSP430FR2433 To whoever may be struggling with eUSCI I2C implementation using interrupts. com Application Brief. Once SPI is initialized, UART starts to work incorrectly. That will trigger immediately, and you'll capture that 0xFF as the first Rx byte of the new transaction. Simple routines for better understanding of the peripheral. For UART i am using UCA3 and DMA channel 3. For this the code may rely on the device's power-on default * register values and settings such as the clock configuration and care must Make sure the eZ-FET Lite jumpers are all connected, run the program through the debugger or by resetting the MSP430, and use a terminal like TeraTerm or HyperTerminal with 115200 baud settings to demonstrate the UART echo example. zip and tried to use the uart_03 example. Here is a basic program that I want to use to transmit the character string "hello" using interrupts to drive transmission. Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-EXP430F5529LP Hello, I'm having trouble with the MSPWare example for the MSP-EXP430F5529LP UART example. o) Transmit works fine: I even o-scoped it and the signal looks pretty, USB-RS232 is verifying what I'm sending is correct. Next, the Timer module is started and then delayed repeatedly to send the start bit, the eight data bits, and the stop bit using the software UART TX pin (P2. Oct 10, 2021 · \$\begingroup\$ @jonk I'm using a USB COM port on my computer to try receiving the signal, and the LaunchPad's backchannel UART to send it, so the signal is traveling over the same USB cable that Code Composer Studio uses to program and debug the board. When a byte is received, it will automatically copy byte to a buffer. TRM (SLAU846A) Table 16-22). b) Strip down the 2433 OutOfBox example to UART code only (DriverLib), and add the keypad code. When a byte has been received in the UART RX FIFO, the UCAxIFG. you should filter interrupts generated only for the RX . Sending should be triggered from main, and flushed by TX interrupt (few CPU cycles). Part Number: MSP-EXP430FR6989 From Resource explorer, I import the msp430fr69xx_eusci_uart_standard_transceiver C project. based solution. 7 of the UG). Jan 30, 2024 · The RX interrupt fag is not getting high to trigger interrupt /* This demo connects TX to RX of the MSP430 UART //! The example code shows proper initialization Bytes are received one at the time. Toggle LED using external interrupt I have loaded the example code from the slac491. You can find the code examples for the G2553 here: www. In this task, there is no code to modify, so build and program the MSP430 LaunchPad with the UART loopback example code. Apr 8, 2018 · MSP430-FUNCTION-CODE-EXAMPLES is a collection of code examples for use with the MSP430FR2000, MSP430FR2100, MSP430FR2110 and MSP430FR2111 microcontrollers. c. The UART RX interrupt Part 4: MSP430 LaunchPad Tutorial - Part 4 - UART Transmission; Interrupts are essential to avoid wasting the processor's valuable time in polling loops, waiting for external events (in fact they are used in Real-Time Operating Systems, RTOS). also, your code dont handle overrun/frame errors. Aug 15, 2022 · MSP430学习总结——UART串口. MSPM0 Communication Modules - UART User Guide¶ 1. c: /* USER CODE BEGIN USART2_Init 2 */ __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&huart2, UART_IT_RXNE); // enable receive intterupts __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&huart2, UART_IT_IDLE); // enable idle line detection /* USER CODE END USART2_Init 2 */ Aug 4, 2020 · MSP430 Circuit to Test GPIO Interrupt. g. This video covers a porti Library for MSP430 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or Msp430 Uart Rx Interrupt; Msp430 Uart Rx Interrupt. Example of configuration of UART in C. In this section, we will see an example code to receive data interrupt. For this the code may rely on the device's power-on default Jun 4, 2023 · Part Number: MSP430FR5994 Hello, I working with the MSP430FR5994 for a while. So we implemented DMA in UART TX (polling) and RX (fixed byte interrupt). I have checked the example of the UART interrupt. Download and test the USB-to-UART Bridge example GUI. Make sure the eZ-FET Lite jumpers are all connected, run the program through the debugger or by resetting the MSP430, and use a terminal like TeraTerm or HyperTerminal with 115200 baud settings to demonstrate the UART echo example. I see it go out just fine. com This first project starts with the fundamentals of configuring a UART at the register level and demonstrates how to send and receive a byte using a loopback method of connecting the UART’s TX to RX with a jumper. c from slac536e. The Mainloop // waits in LPM3. You can refer to the datasheet that the UART setting has no relationship with the Input or output setting. 1% CPU Load Polling Interrupts. I have spent countless hours fruitlessly combing through the net looking for working examples, or at least pointers to how to implement I2C communication using eUSCI module. I am trying to just test out the uart by using a piece of sample code msp430afe_uart_115k. The diagonally opposite sides of the push button are normally open terminals and get connected when the push button is pressed down. h> #include <stdint. STM32 UART Example Code (Transmitter / Receiver) Aug 21, 2015 · So the interrupt routine itself can store all the bytes I'm receiving. The UART will request the clock source, for example SMCLK, and the clock source will request related power supply circuit. The reverse data direction - sending messages from the PC to the MSP430 is not used. i am using putty for the serial port terminal. . zip). About clearing the overrun flag, For performance issues, I will not read again the status register after reading the RXBUFF. The STM32 UART example below is a very basic test project that you can implement to get yourself started with the STM32 UART. The STM32 UART Receiver examples we’ve created in this tutorial should help you get started with your STM32 UART-based projects. I suggest you precede this with: > UCA0IFG &= ~UCRXIFG; // Clear stale Jun 2, 2015 · Hello, I am exploring how to send data over the UART interface (EUSCI_A0_MODULE) of the MSP432 launchpad using DMA. Why do simple examples often ignore the use of interrupts? Because they are STM32 UART Receive/Transmit (Rx/Tx) This tutorial is intended to be an example application for STM32 UART DMA Rx/Tx operations. A set of simple codes that needs only the MSP430G2553 and its Launchpad MSP-EXP430G2 to run - alfy7/MSP430-Launchpad-Examples Aug 4, 2010 · I have the schematic above built up on a breadboard and I am using the FTDI breakout board from Spark Fun shown below (image from Sparkfun website). The examples below use the Driverlib API to demonstrate the device functionality and range from simple use cases such as toggling a GPIO output pin to more complex use cases where multiple device peripherals are used. TI distributes example code for various MSP430 parts. interrupt section: your code dosent verfiy that RX interrupt is off. (1) The global interrupts are cleared once the status byte is pushed during the interrupt event, so I've no idea why example code includes a call to disable the interrupts within the interrupt vector code. To connect the FTDI board to the 2013 I used two wires; one connecting the RX line on the FTDI board to the TX(P1. Feb 13, 2013 · The LPC11U1x can wake up from Deep-sleep mode via reset, selected GPIO pins, a watchdog timer interrupt, or an interrupt generating USB port activity. Part Number: MSP430FR5994 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-EXP430FR5994, Hi. The example on the right shows an . Here is the full example of receiving data and idle line detection by interrupts: Enable the receive interrupts and idle line detection in main. Contribute to dbalatero/msp430-sensor-sample development by creating an account on GitHub. The UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE and UART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE Define UART_BRCLK in your Makefile or compiler Aug 6, 2018 · I've been trying to implement a basic per-byte UART Rx Interrupt on a STM32F4 board using HAL skeleton code generated by STMCubeMX version 4. MSP430Ware→Development Tools→MSP-EXP430FR2433→Peripheral Examples→Register Level→MSP430FR2433→ msp430fr243x_euscia0_uart3. 6), the UCRXIFG interrupt flag is set, and the data bits are read from the UART RX buffer, UCRXBUF. 5. My UART is running at Aug 28, 2016 · 2. c) - the program just sends the received character back to the host (PC). I experience a similar issue with CCS10. Contribute to aviatoreee/MSP430_Examples development by creating an account on GitHub. ti. Quoting from section 15. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. It enables RX interrupts at some point (UCB0RXIE) but there's no ISR for RX, and the RX flag (UCB0RXIFG) is never checked for. The newly created question will be automatically linked to this question. 2. This is the example code for UART communication @ 9600 baud (msp430g2xx3_uscia0_uart_01_9600. sharing "in" variable both for TX and RX (and both at interrupt and main loop section)-not good idea. In the code, pins 6. Note that in this example, incoming data rate is very slow because it relies on human hitting keys on a keyboard. UART writes, on the other hand, are polling-based. uart 简介实验室# 引言#. In conclusion, we’ve explored how to set up the STM32 UART Interrupt, DMA, and Polling-based Receiver applications. Feb 5, 2024 · Unlike the MSP430, the MSPM0 UART does have a built-in timeout mechanism (keyword "RTOUT", e. Jun 27, 2017 · I am trying to use DMA to transfer data over UART. Feb 13, 2025 · > UCA0IE |= UCRXIE; // Re-enable RX interrupts for the next packet. I have a sensor sending strings to the MSP430 which I intend to send to my PC. \$\endgroup\$ – STM32 UART Example. In the docs folder there is the x5xx manual. There are five parameters which must be configured correctly to establish a basic serial connection: Baud rate: Baud rate is the number of symbols or modulations per second. 0. You can also check out the UART Lab in MSP Academy to see an example and explanation of how Baud Rate is set for the EUSCI_A0 Module at the register level. 33 Pin interrupt select registers Each of these 8 registers selects one GPIO pin from all GPIO pins on both ports as the source of a pin interrupt. // then the device will enter LPM3 mode instead. 0 and 6. RX interrupt should store received byte (few CPU cycles) to circular buffer (big enough to not lose any characters). I am using the 5739 exp board that contains the accel, ntc, and emulation section with the UART back port. All text IO is handled using the Command Line Interface module to implement several simple commands. I am dealing with STM8S103F3P6 IC. 1 of the MSP430x2xx Family User's Guide: "The UCAxTXIFG interrupt flag is set by the transmitter to indicate that UCAxTXBUF is ready to accept another character. 2 DriverLib¶. Evaluate the USB-to-UART Bridge example code for the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad kit. I've had some success using this feature in the SPI, so I suppose it does the same thing in the UART. 1 can be used for other purposes. #include <msp430 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430AFE253, MAX232 Hello, I have a dev kit and am using a msp430afe253. 木木、508: 别喷我,我是个小白. Here is a example showing how you can configure the UCA0 TX and RX interrupt vector to automatically handle the reception and transmission of bytes (chars). 12. Code Explanation Serial communication stands for the process of sending data one bit at a time, sequentially, through the bus or communication channel. MSP430’s peripheral communication modules helps you to reduce CPU loading • Be aware about the initialization sequence of USART and USCI modules (follow the recommendations of the User’s Guides) • Detailed module descriptions can be found in the MSP430 User’s Guides • Code examples are available on the MSP430 homepage (www. Jun 30, 2017 · msp430并没有具体切换uart和spi的寄存器,或者说没有单独的用作切换通讯方式的寄存器。 我是这样理解的:eUSCI模块的不同寄存器配置组合满足不同的通讯方式,而且在不同通讯方式下寄存器的名称有些相同有些不同。 I am trying to get one of the example codes from TI to work. bcx040102: 波特率配置不对. Shift registers are a fundamental method of conversion between serial and parallel forms of data, and An interrupt driven UART Library for MSP430 microcontrollers. In the src folder is the Dec 26, 2023 · 4. The MSP430 circuit used to test our MSP430 Interrupt Example code is shown below. printf("Starting PIO UART RX interrupt example\n"); // Set up the hard UART we're going to use to print characters. __interrupt void rx (void){GPIO_toggleOutputOnPin();} > 0. 6LTS and v20. c from the driverlibs works fine on a Launchpad MSP-EXP430FR5994 when flashed with CCS9. Part Number: MSP430FR5969 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMP117 , , SYSCONFIG , TMP007 , BOOSTXL-BASSENSORS , MSP430F5528 Hi, Is there any I2C sample code for So now I *do* have keypad w/ functioning UART to PC. 2022电赛C题——跟随小车 总结. The User Manual says (page 35) 3. This video works best if you have my textbook and are following along with the video. We also enable the global interrupt from the NVIC settings as we are going to use the interrupt mode for this example. SLAAE31 Code Composer Studio examples for MSP430. Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR6047 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。 Currently, UART receives are interrupt-based on the MSP430. This thread has been locked. I jumper P2. First thing I would like to test the UART loopback, thus I start with the provided example (msp430fr59xx_euscia0_uart_01. Feb 6, 2024 · So in that example, I originally had the UART RX interrupt enabled, and couldn't get the DMA to trigger. However as soon as I disable TX Interrupts once, I am never able to enter the ISR again. c into CCS from TI Resource Explorer. Make sure that you keep the interrupt disabled, and if you need the second DMA channel, ensure that the TX interrupt is also disabled. c /* create file named called urat. c Jun 9, 2016 · I used a TI example for the MSP432: uart_pc_echo_12mhz_brclk. 0 Quite simply - I want to receive a character in UA when i debug the code for example usciA0_uart_03. But whenever PIC18F4550 receives data on the RC7/RX pin, interrupt will occur. Part Number: MSP-EXP430FR5994 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR5994, MSP430FR5969, MSP430WARE Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hello, In relation to the previous question here. Regards, Ryan Description: This demo connects TX to RX of the MSP430 UART The example code shows proper initialization of registers //! and interrupts to receive and transmit data. In the Mainloop UART0 // is made ready to receive one character with interrupt active. c file of the UART Hardware demo using USCI on the MSP430G2553 microcontroller. c, (MSP430F543xA Demo - USCI_A0, Ultra-Low Pwr UART 9600 Echo ISR, 32kHz ACLK) never rx interrupt is occur. This application report is a guide to set up the eUSCI or USCI UART module on Texas Instruments (TI) MSP430™ and MSP432™ microcontrollers in half-duplex RS-485 One thing I can think of is a racing condition: It is possible that your function for addign a byte to the TX chain is interrupted by the RX interrupt. 4. Interrupt. The example can be run without modifications on TI's MSP430F5529 LaunchPad or the MSP430FG4618/F2013 Experimenter Board . It transmits and then receives, all from within an ISR for USCIAB0TX. Feb 17, 2014 · \$\begingroup\$ This looks like a useful example on the RX interrupt side of things but maybe adding a little bit of a description to what the code does. When UART data is received by the hardware UART RX pin (P1. Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR5969 Hello, I've just opened my new MSP430FR5969 Launchpad and now I am checking the basics of the board. It is related to using the UART interrupt, and having the ISR echo back a character through the UART RX interrupt line. Nov 21, 2019 · I believe I understand how to use interrupts to receive serial data on UART of an ATmega328p, but I don't understand the mechanics of how to transmit data. The best way is to use interrupts (triggering on UART RX "byte received") to copy the received byte to an internal buffer. To this end, I have successfully tested the data transfer from the uC to the host PC using the 'UDMA_MODE_BASIC' mode. The example code shows proper initialization of registers and interrupts to receive and transmit data. * MSP430 CODE EXAMPLE DISCLAIMER * * MSP430 code examples are self-contained low-level programs that typically * demonstrate a single peripheral function or device feature in a highly * concise manner. Thanks. 2. That means you can use either GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionInputPin or GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionOutputPin. Nov 3, 2022 · A few problems: UCA0IE = UCTXCPTIE; // Enable USCI_A0 RX interrupt. configuration is correct and the signal on the rx(JP5) is ok. The purpose of this project was to utilize a microcontroller to create a modulated light cycle of any period, and, with the added functionality that any point in the modulation cycle could be interrupted and reprogrammed from a smart phone. 0). When a byte comes in, it interrupts the MSP and tosses the byte into a ring buffer. Wrap Up. utmhxazymlrivlwqvypifublkymszpahvpfvcdtxwlijpbqtzicveonwhxutawjhezjwuynpouscql