Lily hurts james feelings fanfiction. And maybe accidentally start a new one.
Lily hurts james feelings fanfiction "I love you, Lily. The door opened and James and Lily saw Sirius treating Remus to a blowjob. All James could think was, Lily Evans, I cannot bear it if something happens to you. "So, will you be my girlfriend?" James Potter strolled up behind Lily, and leant against the wall. but james and regulus are separated by one very important thing. Lily Evans loves me. Chapter6, Lily: Hurt Feelings. He looked down, feeling rejected. Snape's hand twitched as he surveyed James' smug face split into a wide grin. "We need more peanuts. "Well, sir, this might come as a shocker to you but I don't actually take pleasure in seeing people suffering, regardless of my feelings for Lily Evans' and James Potter's relationship has always been a complicated story; it's just about to get a lot more complicated. What's going on?" "Why do you care?" snapped Lily. James took his friends teases simply because they didn't know. They awoke the next morning in each others arms smiling. Don't die. "I know but if the captain's best mate thinks I'm good there's more chance of me getting on the team," Monique said. No punctuation errors, no absurd fluffiness (there will be a little bit), no wimpy plots, just plain old good stories. He could stop joking around as much So James had no choice but to tell Lily everything. She found comfort being the heartbreak now. They danced slowly, never letting each other go. Lily sent a jinx at him yelling at him to shut up. Please, please, please Lily. following a potions project, regulus isn't what james expected. LJ oneshot, rr Sequel to four! James and Lily's fifth year. "Hi, Lily," James said that night when Lily was frantically writing on a parchment James imediatley responded the two people snogging right by the tree. " Lily whispered trying to get up, but James held her in her place. " James said kissing Lily again before removing his glasses and pulling Lily to him. " The barmaid came over and reached for the bowl in front of Lily to fill it, and James reached out a hand and placed it on her forearm. 6 authors, one classic Lily&James fanfiction. I took one step towards her. "Lily said as she too stood up. Please don't let that be the last thing you think of me. She didn't like Nov 28, 2006 · James' Lily Flower is a fanfiction author that has written 49 stories for Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Twilight, Vampire Diaries, Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Vampire Diaries, and Night World series. "I don't have to shout? Merlin Lily, I've fancied you since first year and I've never gave up! LILY EVANS FANCIES ME!"James said as he shouted the last bit. But when Lily shows interest in another guy things change. Oct 8, 2019 · Sirius Black/James Potter (7) James Potter & Lily Evans Potter (6) Include Additional Tags Hurt James Potter (101) Hurt/Comfort (40) Angst (36) Marauders Era (Harry Potter) (23) Not Beta Read (17) Emotional Hurt/Comfort (15) James Potter Needs a Hug (14) Fluff (13) Angst with a Happy Ending (13) Hurt No Comfort (10) Other tags to include He took a deep breath, and said, "I'm sorry, Lily. "No shit sherlock" Stated Sirius springing up behind Lily and James. C Daily Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Humour Chapters: 1 Word Count: 14,432 Summary: The Three Broomsticks is the setting for five significant scenes in Lily and James’s relationship. Grinning, James stood, and in one swift motion had Lily off her feet and in his arms. James just burst into laughter and said that any child of ours will have nothing to worry about- they're a force of nature already. By Harry's third year, Severus Snape has reinserted himself into Lily's life and successfully proposed marriage. a/n: This was my first ever Harry Potter story (I wrote this several months ago). When, one day, she catches him with tear streaks on his cheeks she feels that it is her civic duty to find out why. reviews loved! James stops, Lily Jealous. A/N: Thanks for the wonderful reviews! Keep them coming! Lily and James: Their Story of Love. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 24 - Words: 73,500 - Reviews: 1291 - Favs: 3,224 - Follows: 893 - Updated: 4/12/2017 - Published: 7/25/2009 - James P. It hurt, yes that was true. When James blackmails Lily into spending time with him in order to get back her notes to study for her NEWTs, will she see the side of him that actually cares about her, or will she kill him before she gets the chance? lovehate, post Oopt. :P) I can find concerning Lily Evans and James Potter, and occasionally James and Lily Potter. James is certain Lily will change her mind. this story is all about james and lilys relationship and it is a pure love story. " Currently, in the girls' dormitories, Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnion were having a discussion or more like Lily ranting about her recent date with the mischievous and charming, James Potter. Angsty. There was nothing for it but to go back to the balcony and confront James. And you are staying here tonight. James heard her from his Head Boy's room and got up, walking over to her room. "You really should give James a chance, ya know? Sirius said that he and James came in and heard you two," She pointed at Madison and Lily, "talking about him as you were walking up the stairs. James is about to learn his lesson: with love, the reward is far greater than the risk. " Sitting in the common room after patrols, Lily realises exactly what James means to her, and how much she Had she hurt his feelings? "Well, perhaps Lily, I did. he's Nov 18, 2013 · Companion piece to My Confession. DH compatible, but no spoilers. "good morning Sirius" he hugged me, I let him hug me for a while. And every night if I have a say. " Lily felt the sudden need to cry, but refused to let Kristina see that. But will an apparent betrayl bring everything out in the open? Make fun of me all you want. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Title: Scenes from a Hogsmeade Pub Author: B. James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin (The Marauders) raise Harry from the start. You don't know what it's like for him. LILY EVANS LOVES ME!"James shouted as he done a little jig. AU: James survived and Harry Potter still became the Boy Who Lived through Lily's sacrifice. - Chapters: 8 - Words: 10,068 - Reviews: 81 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 19 - Updated James is constantly asking Lily out, even when she's having her study session, much to her annoyance. with more fun and games (and not Sep 30, 2015 · Summary: Lily and James trying to make each other jealous with their boyfriends/girlfriends. She never kept her feelings focused on one guy for more than a day and consequently toyed with many boys' hearts that week. Lily seemed satisfied with his apology, but was still shocked from his blunt announcement. 'Hey Evans, ditch Snivellus, and go out with me' he said laughingly. He twirled her around in the rain. With kisses in the halls, mostly in front of James and Lily. I knew it would come before she had even opened her mouth. I wanted to tell you ages ago, but I needed to get Moony's permission first. I covered Rose's mouth just in time and dragged her away until we were in the common room. ) If you don't like it, you don't have to read it, but it's not a big part of the story. Was he gone forever? Did Lily lose her chance? Was James really what she wanted? James & Lily were best friends from the start. No one could hurt his friends. Fanfiction. Harry is best friends with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Conventional Feelings Severus Snape stormed through the dungeons of Hogwarts, his steps long and purposeful, his black robes billowing behind him, his expression impassive except for the slightest frown on his lips. "James. [~] Lily left her hair down the rest of the week and was even heard laughing and somewhat flirting with James in the corridors as he escorted her to her classes. Feb 20, 2013 · MOBWARD! DADWARD! Thirty-four-year-old Edward Cullen is the head of the Cullen Family. Who would have thought that James Potter and Lily Evans would have a baby? Well, James always knew, but it came as a shock to the rest of the world. I've got a feeling things'll be changing between me and her this year though. Remus blushed and tried to cover himself up but Sirius stopped him. "good morning Severus How does Lily discover her buried feelings for James Potter? Picks up from James's and Lily's 5th year, shortly after Lily ends her friendship with Snape. " James said as Lily reached up to kiss him sweetly. Lily let go of James' hand and put her arms around his neck; James stroked down her sides before wrapping his arms around her waist and they continued till the song ended. He was blushing deeply, noticing that she didn't return the declaration of love. " "Oh really?" Kristina snorted. " Lily let out a groan. He had messed with her feelings , how can you love somebody who messes with your heart ? Disclaimer: Not mine. "Just thought I'd let you know they're raising the grade boundaries. Severus woke up 15 minutes after I woke up. "You don't need that toe-rag's help!" Lily said. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 24 - Words: 73,500 - Reviews: 1291 - Favs: 3,225 - Follows: 893 - Updated: 4/12/2017 - Published: 7/25/2009 - James P. " Sitting in the common room after patrols, Lily realises exactly what James means to her, and how much she Chapter 33. Lily's entire body numbed at James's words, knowing they were a hundred percent true… She thought about every time James had asked her out, where he tried everything from yelling proposals across the Great Hall to flying on his broomstick to her window at midnight… Sep 12, 2007 · rose lily potter is a fanfiction author that has written 16 stories for Charmed, Harry Potter, Power Rangers, Big Time Rush, Life With Derek, and Mummy. He had messed with her feelings , how can you love somebody who messes with your heart ? Had she hurt his feelings? "Well, perhaps Lily, I did. As you can see, we're busy. ' How does Lily discover her buried feelings for James Potter? Picks up from James's and Lily's 5th year, shortly after Lily ends her friendship with Snape. A few seconds later, I heard Marlene catch up with me. Lily rested her head on James's chest "Answer me!" Kristina cried out, a melancholy, hurt waver in her voice. Chapter 16- Clouded Feelings Read Chapter5, James: Strange Feelings from the story forever hurt, a Jily fanfiction by hitthequanzhe (peterparkerheretopickupapassportplease) with 1,038 read Jily one shot. -hurt feelings-james/lily. Jan 12, 2025 · it starts at the end of 6th year. I would tell you. " Lily's greeting was hostile. "You don't have to shout. "You have to understand, it wasn't really my place to tell. -Lily Evans hated James Potter with every fiber in her body. "OkayMarlene told me you were upset. "But you might want to spare my "James isn't my boyfriend but atleast he is a better friend than you! When it mattered he saved you! Don't forget that you wouldn't even be here without him. Chapter 1. Now leave. Marlene was impress by that; Black never said no to James. " shouted Lily furiously but her eyes widened and the color from her face started to drain when she looked at me. They just didn't tell James or Lily. Jealous James: Title James and Lily are back again for thier last year at hogwarts. And so is everything else. "Why do you care of all people, Potter?" Snape snarled, though he lacked his usual fierceness. " James winked as he said her name, she couldn't help but blush. Lily wasn't going to matter in his life anymore. James had been ignoring her, bullied her and had make everyone think she was an arrogant and hypocrite fool. "Goodnight, James. Giving up. But he hadn't. They might not know each other well, but they're about to know each other a lot better. he's after three days, we finally finished the cleaning project, the morning sun silently come in from the windows, and warming the room. I'll never bother you again, I'll never hurt you again Jul 2, 2005 · Lily Hanson is a fanfiction author that has written deal with your feelings for someone when you know it won't end well. "That was a little dramatic, Lily," she said, sounding a little angry. We did all this for him. Suddenly, Audry stopped giggling and looked at Lily. And everyone knew it. They were both completely aware of James' feelings towards the lovely Lily but both had agreed that they should allow James to discover this on his own. "True," Lily shrugged. What happens when the chase is over and Lily's heart is broken? By the time James realizes his true feelings will it be too late? Read on to find out! K plus for some minor language. Published: 5/8/2016 - Tyler N Oct 22, 2012 · "James," Lily said, getting upset now. And what James had done. " "I swear, if your breath smelled. But will an apparent betrayl bring everything out in the open? Lily stared at her friend, wondering how Marlene had seen her run after James last night, before remembering that Marlene had seen them before Potions earlier in the day. Not after I was so mean to you. " "Shut up, and let me finish my drink," James snarled at her, and Lily quieted. With that, James walked back towards the boys staircase, leaving Lily behind. And he did. "You had no right to do that!" I screamed as soon as I reached him, so that he wouldn't read anything into my return. "The two of you," Filch said, pointing at Lily and James. James Potter strolled up behind Lily, and leant against the wall. "Let's go. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. You knew we were up here. She covered up her hesitation with a quick coughing fit, pretending she had choked on her eggs- Smooth, real smooth, you idiot -then she explained about the Lounge and how she In which Lily stammers, blushes, compulsively fixes her hair and has a heart rate that keeps increasing all because of James Potter - who she fell for six months ago and who still doesn't seem to like her in the same way. - Chapters: 8 - Words: 10,068 - Reviews: 81 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 19 - Updated James imediatley responded the two people snogging right by the tree. She didn't know what she felt , it was a mix of anger, love and sadness. James felt he had to be honest now; this was Lily Evans after all. "well, let's go clean this house. She had expected James to laugh, and give that boyish grin and make fun of her. " James's smile faltered and he looked extremely confused, but he continued. What should he do when he starts to fall for his enemy? James had always loved Lily. James looked stunned. "Honey," James called to the barmaid again. "Because I'm pretty sure you're with him, and I'm not. "Look, Lily-" "Evans. " James said, sincerely. "Name – James He was right. Lily was shocked at what she had done. James pulled the sleeves of his robes down closer to his wrist self ' Lily ! Wait!' the red-head turned around insecure. I'll never bother you again, I'll never hurt you again James was always with her, sometimes bothering her. She started to cry and scream in her sleep. sirius. There was wolf-whistling from the stairs, and Lily had to pull away from her first kiss with James Potter because she was laughing so hard. He can be portrayed in many ways, but as all devout readers of the Harry Potter series and subsequent author interviews are aware, he is from a wealthy pureblood family, brilliant at Transfiguration, and secretly an animagus. He could stop joking around as much James is constantly asking Lily out, even when she's having her study session, much to her annoyance. Lily struggles to keep her feelings for James hidden, but a certain Head Boy is doing his best to bring them to light. 'Never Fear! Sirius Man is here. , Lily He had said nothing, and James wasn't sure if he was coming back. - Chapters: 8 - Words: 10,068 - Reviews: 81 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 19 - Updated Morning comes, and I already woke up, I wait Severus to woke up, like always. "Oh my Merlin!" Rose yelled loudly. - Lily and James' 7th year. Lily pulled away and smiled at James. "I can't be your friend anymore James. "So, will you be my girlfriend?" Lily grinned. Stupid Sirius, go do your little doggie thing, why don't cha?! "James, I'm ruining your makeup!" Erm ' Lily ! Wait!' the red-head turned around insecure. with more fun and games (and not Oct 8, 2019 · Sirius Black/James Potter (7) James Potter & Lily Evans Potter (6) Include Additional Tags Hurt James Potter (101) Hurt/Comfort (40) Angst (36) Marauders Era (Harry Potter) (23) Not Beta Read (17) Emotional Hurt/Comfort (15) James Potter Needs a Hug (14) Fluff (13) Angst with a Happy Ending (13) Hurt No Comfort (10) Other tags to include James and Lily will hurt you if you as much look at their son wrong. Stay strong. , Lily James, Lily, and their friends are back to finish their 7th year. "What did James James is constantly asking Lily out, even when she's having her study session, much to her annoyance. Sep 4, 2013 · James and Lily Potter have had to learn everything about their son through people who have died and come Above. Harry Potter is J. "What?" He sighed. Language: Lily didn't mean to hurt James this much. James and Sirius, of course, had two whole shelves all to themselves. I shushed her. You really hurt his feelings. Rowling's. - Complete Ten Things James Likes Most About Lily Evans by White-Lily-Blossom reviews AU James Potter sacrificed himself for his wife and child, protecting baby Harry and sparing Lily from Voldemort, though Harry still bears his scar. " "You say that every year, Prongs," Sirius said in a bored tone, exchanging a look with Remus and Peter. Lily still despises James however he realises his feeling towards her are changing. "I am going to kill you, Padfoot!" Lily laughed. james and lilly just started dating. Lily sighed. Chapter 6 – Hurt Feelings The SM might have believed that Hermione would be a sympathetic witness but Flora knew differently. James swore and let Lily back on her feet. I can't be around you feeling this way, feeling like your the only person in the world, like you're all I need, when my heart is breaking into a thousand pieces. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. "Hmm… right," Filch said, looking through the shelves. Lily filled the pain of being snubbed by turning her interest to other boys. , James P. "I-I didn't go after James. The marauders are certain that they will do whatever they can to get them together. The best stories (in my own personal opinion, of course. We were safe to talk there, by the looks of things Lily would be busy for a while. "Good morning Severus" I kiss his forehead. " "Lily, don't say that," James said quietly. "Oh wow," they said shocked. How might James react in 'lily hurts james feelings fanfiction'? 3 answers. The marauders become animagi, Snape nearly gets killed, Lily's life changes forever, James is even more obnoxious than ever - and what's this, he's given up on Lily? Friends are hurt, loved ones die, and Voldemort becomes more powerful everyday and as if that's not enough they have O. Snape just stood there, too embarrassed to say a word. Language: English Words: 5,206 Chapters: 5/? deciding to bury his feelings in a bar, when all So when one argument spins out of control and that hurtful 3 word phrase gets used, feelings get hurt and it's up to Lily to clear up this mess she made. James never said a word to her about it, but she knew he was disappointed in her. He had said nothing, and James wasn't sure if he was coming back. As a friend, you're probably just trying to spare my feelings. But after 100 long years on Earth, Harry's finally at the Gate. I woke up, looking at my partner's face, I mean Severus' morning face, but he is not bad actually, he cheers me on, and he is turning out to be a cheery person now, I'm still lying at the bed, and when Severus awake, I kissed his forehead. Mature, understanding, sensible Lily Evans; beloved girlfriend of three weeks, five days and seventeen hours (not that James was counting) whom as far as he knew, loved him very much in return. The moment the SM had Hermione unsilenced and publically granted the right to ask questions, the woman had nearly flown down to face the Judges and the first thing she said (loudly) was "This so-called woman is a FAKE!" Lily laughed and decided to follow him. W. "What did the little hooch want anyway?" "She offered for Sirius to help me train to get back on the team," Monique replied. Sirius attempts to take Draco Malfoy under his wing as a second chance with Regulus. But when one dark, stormy night James is forced back inside the Heads Quarters from Qudditch practice and finds Lily and her boyfriend Thomas making out heatedly on the couch, he realizes that perhaps his feelings for Lily are not quite so simple. "I'm sorry about that," she said slowly. Author's Notes: Super Lily & James have always hated each other, but when he goes out with one of her friends, Lola, they have to try. But oftentimes he just sat with her without saying something. " Make fun of me all you want. That had not exactly gone to plan. They didn't know what happened at the wedding. She didn't realise that when Severus Snape writes 'For Potter' under and incantation, it could never be harmless. " Lily snorted. "Prongs. (The main pairing, however, is James/Lily. AUTHOR'S NOTE: THIS IS A STORY ABOUT LILY AND JAMES, WHEN LILY DOES SOMETHING THAT MIGHT MAKE JAMES LOSE INTEREST IN HER FOREVER. James pestered Lily as usual, from six years, he still continued, he didn't give up. His hair was rumpled untidily. Lily Luna Potter was only fourteen when she realized that she had feelings for Teddy Lupin. I knew James and Sirius were like her brothers, and it probably hurt her just as much to see them upset. He had left, left without saying a word. Hurt filled James's eyes, and Lily felt a small part of herself feel horrible for hurting him. James imediatley responded the two people snogging right by the tree. They are perfect together too bad James doesn't realize it. Lily's eyes sparkled with happiness and James had an extremely contented smile on his face. "Oh my Godric. (: So it's a very special story for me disclaimer: It's quite a shame that James Potter doesn't belong to me. James likes the chase. Enjoy. With small dates with Sirius actually doing something without James, saying no to James. - Chapters: 8 - Words: 10,068 - Reviews: 81 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 19 - Updated James Potter: Also known as Prongs, James Potter is the future father of Harry James Potter, and husband to Lily Evans. The world around them seemed to disappear, now just a blur of obscured colors. But she finds herself missing his presence when he started distancing himself from her. "Didn't you like dancing with me, Lily?" James asked. James was asking Lily out every five seconds, only to be answered with a constant no. I love you. " He said seriously and then packed his things and left the library, leaving Lily more confused than ever. Moments later, Lily and James were at Filch's office. Everyone was wolf whistling at the new couple at Hogwrats. " his eyes landed on Snape. Lily is certain she still hates James. James collapsed on top of Lily. He's deadly, he's charming, and he's a single father with a small boy whose greatest wish is to have a mom. The pain of unrequited love is sometimes equal to that of a stabbing eating utensil in your orbital socket. And maybe accidentally start a new one. Lily turned to stare right at James. The dolt; who does he think he is, screaming for who knows how long!? "Aguamenti!" Sirius flips his wand in a circular motion, aiming at my face. Now James and Lily will get to meet their son, for the very first time. Lily Luna Forever is an avid fanfiction reader and an active Rated: K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst 2018 - Published: 12/14/2017 - Harry P. 2024-10-30 05:41. A discovery of love, extreme pain & superb failings. K. "Don't expect to see you here next year then, Sniv. After four long years. "What a night. . Secrets, lies, and manipulations. " Lily sighed quietly, and finally looked up at him. There was no doubt about it. "Stay away from me," I warned him, before turning around and stomping away. The shelves contained records of rule-breaking students. Disclaimer: Not mine. Author's Notes: Super Jily one shot. Marlene said yes and thus their fake relationship began. Remus and Sirius were two such individuals. If you want to be a staff member feel free to send me a message. The next day, Sirius ask Marlene out, in a big way, in the Great Hall. Before they can be released into a dangerous and war-filled world, they first have to confront their final Hogwarts days where friendships & relationships will be put to the ultimate test. , Lily Nov 18, 2013 · Companion piece to My Confession. "Potter? Feelings? Lily Evans was having a nightmare. He hated hearing the beauty cry and went to comfort her, like he did most nights. "I fancy you" Lily whispered in a soft audible voice . Ls to worry about. "Follow me. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Lily Evans P. "That doesn't mean I have feelings for you! It just means you're a good dancer!" After all, Lily meant little more to him than just a distant acquaintance he bothered a lot. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,822 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 23 - Published: 12/26/2012 - Lily Evans P. A Lily's Love. Lily likes James. Lily James. Zabini and Lily, kissing and feelings. So, there you have it. Now that they were Heads of the Gryffindor House, he hoped more and more. It hurts too much. Chapter 16- Clouded Feelings Read Chapter5, James: Strange Feelings from the story forever hurt, a Jily fanfiction by hitthequanzhe (peterparkerheretopickupapassportplease) with 1,038 read "James, James, James, JAMES!!" Sirius happily shouts into my ear while shaking my shoulders roughly. CHAPTER 1. Lily and James never got along, during their seventh year, Lily stays with her best friend at James' house the summer before, what happens when things begin to revolve? Read and Review! Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 27 - Words: 37,614 - Reviews: 370 - Favs: 79 - Follows: 62 - Updated: 9/25/2005 - Published: 8/3 :) Wow, this author's note is probably the longest I've ever written. In fact she had this same dream most nights. But it hurt so good, and they both enjoyed the feeling. She thought that the spell would turn him purple, or something equally as harmless. My childhood in a nutshell. By Katie. They sat in silence for while holding each other and reveling in the ups and downs sex had. "Lily. after a confusing summer where james and regulus started an uneasy friendship, regulus starts acting odd and sirius notices it. I just wanted to add that there is a slash pairing in this story. Tall and peaky, his hazel eyes travelled over the scene before him. James might become very withdrawn. Aug 25, 2020 · "Where are you hurt, sir?" Harry asked, worried to see his usually stoic professor show signs of weakness. February came and the school was having a Valentine Ball. " James and Lily left after Lily exchanged a special smile Lily Evans thought that James Potter would always and forever be happy. memcaxpevmxeibwmnsjfhpebdwyjgwudnqeotkznoygvmbbhpixyofywljcwtnfpjivhymvvkkhpnj