Kosher hechsher symbols This page provides comprehensive insights into the Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Washington’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Contact Information: Rabbi Dov Brisman 215-871-5000 7505 Brookhaven Philadelphia, PA 19151. Below is a comprehensive guide to common kashrut designations and their meanings. 9:30-11:00 am – Chavrusa learning 11:00 am – Shiur 7:30 pm – General Pesach Q&A Name: Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum (Nirbater Rav) Contact Information: 718-851-1221 1617 46th St. Name: Kashrus Council of Lakewood N. The Star-D hechsher is the letter D with a star forming the center. The sheer number of these stamps of approval can be mind-blowing, even to people who are well-versed in the kosher laws. Find out how they indicate the kosher category, status, and source of products and utensils. Ingredients. If you have a question about a symbol which doesn’t appear on our list, please send an email to: info@crckosher. Name: Tarnopol Kashrus Contact Information: Tarnopol Kashrus Kashrus Division of Cong. Kosher Certification in The Kosher Symbols group of symbols - description, layout, design and history from Symbols. What is Kosher Certification? What is a Hechsher? Providing information on kosher supervision, mashgiachs and hechsher symbols from all around the world. Kosher animals are more passive in nature (see Hirsch). See the meaning and origin of each symbol and logo, such as MK, Star-K, OK, and more. Chicago, IL 60645 Phone: (773) 465-3900 Our comprehensive list of kosher symbols and certifications will help you identify Kosher products. The rules of kashrut dictate which foods and drinks can be eaten, how animals must be slaughtered, and how to separate meat and dairy. " Wisconsin Kosher Vaad Information Wisconsin Kosher Vaad information, your comprehensive resource for kosher certification and information throughout the state of Wisconsin. Aug 12, 2019 · There are literally hundreds of different hechshers, or kosher certification symbols, that appear on foodstuffs, beverages, and dining establishments of all types around the world. Orthodox Rabbinical Council of San Francisco 1851 Noriega Street, P. California Kosher Vaad Information California Kosher Vaad information, your comprehensive resource for kosher certification and information across the state of California. Zaakceptowany, ortodoksyjny symbol certyfikacji koszerności potwierdza, że wszystkie składniki są koszerne, dobrze udokumentowane, a zakład Name: New Square Rabbinical Kashrus Council Contact Information: 8 Truman Ave. Also, the copyrighted symbol that appears on a products, attesting to its Kosher status. Contact Information: Box 21051, Canton, Ohio 44701 Rabbi Aryeh Spero, Rabbinic admimistrator 330-452-6480 Email: rabbispero@yahoo. Some of the most recognized hechshers include: OU (Orthodox Union) : One of the most widely recognized kosher symbols, the OU hechsher is trusted globally. Texas Kosher Vaad Information Texas Kosher Vaad information, your comprehensive resource for kosher certification and information throughout the state of Texas. Sep 15, 2023 · By Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Administrative Rabbinic Coordinator Q. Kosher Vaad HaKashrus of Buffalo Rabbi Mordechai Ungar Vaad Hakashrus of Mechon L’Hoyroa Rabbi Avraham Zvi Glick Rabbi Yitzchok Lebovitz New Square Kashrus Council Vaad Hakashruth of the Capital District Rabbi Menachem Meir Weissmandel Missouri Kosher Vaad Information Missouri Kosher Vaad information, your essential resource for kosher certification and information across the state of Missouri. Brooklyn, NY 11230 Symbol: Oregon Kosher Vaad Information Oregon Kosher Vaad information, your essential guide to kosher certification and information across the state of Oregon. cRc (Chicago Rabbinical Council) Recommended Kosher Symbol List The Kosher Symbols group of symbols - description, layout, design and history from Symbols. Cape Town 8005 Symbol: The cRc only recommends products actually certified by The Cape Town Beth Din with their kosher symbol on the product. Este símbolo rabínico é conhecido como 'hechsher' e é o nome hebraico universal para um símbolo de certificação kosher encontrado nas prateleiras das lojas em todo o mundo. Each mark indicates the endorsing rabbinical authority. S. This page offers comprehensive insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Maryland’s diverse Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. A kosher symbol reflects that you are a kosher certified company. Each symbol, known as a hechsher, comes from a different organization or rabbi. Kahal Tarnopol 163 Parkville Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11230 Tel: 718-437-2000, Fax: 718-437-2007 Email: mail@tarnopol. Acceptable Kashrus Agencies - cRc Consumer Kosher 2701 W Howard St. Kosher Special symbols (called hechsherim; singular: hechsher) unique to each agency appear on the labels of food products. Massachusetts Kosher Vaad Information Massachusetts Kosher Vaad information, your essential resource for kosher certification and information across the state of Massachusetts. J. The cRc provides a recommendation based on halachic/kashrus criteria alone and does not imply substandard status for other agencies. So, a first step in knowing […] Aug 12, 2019 · The four biggest kosher supervision agencies in the world all originated and are headquartered in the United States. Contact Information: Chabad of S. Kosher Badatz Mehadrin Rabanut Hareishit Rechovot Beis Din Tzedek of Agudas Israel Moetzes Hakashrus Beis Din Tzedek of the Eidah Hachareidis of Jerusalem Beis Din Tzedek of K’hal Machzikei Hadas – Maareches Hakashrus Rabbi Moshe Landau Rabbi Mordechai Seckbach She’erit Yisrael Kosher Certification Office of the Chief Rabbi of Bnei Brak Services International Kosher Supervision Ltd. This page provides comprehensive insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Kentucky’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Kosher Certification in While the presence of a hechsher symbol provides an indication that the product is likely kosher, the absence of a symbol does not automatically mean a product is non-kosher. Their symbols, "OU," "Kof-K," "OK," and "Star-K" are the most readily recognized kosher certification symbols around the globe. This page offers comprehensive information about the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Connecticut’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Name: Kehilah Kashrus (Flatbush Community Kashrus Organization) Contact Information: Rabbi Zechariah Adler 718-951-0481 1294 E. Oct 8, 2018 · Below is the link to the updated list of recommended common kosher symbols. [ 3 ] Name: KOAOA . This page provides comprehensive insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Massachusetts’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Box 22491, San Francisco, CA 94122 415-564-5665, Fax: 415-665-0394 Rabbi Jacob Traub, Chairman Email: [email protected] A hechsher is a distinctive symbol that signifies the product has been certified kosher by a reputable organization. What’s the difference? –Pam, Austin. Their Rabbinic Administrator is Rabbi Moshe Heinemann. Kosher […] Pennsylvania Kosher Vaad Information Pennsylvania Kosher Vaad information, your comprehensive resource for kosher certification and information throughout the state of Pennsylvania. , Colombia 571 – 256 26 29 / 571 – 256 25 80, Fax:571 â  256 26 20 option 7 Rabbi: Avi Amsalem Email: rabinato@chsbogota. ORV Florida Chabad KCO R-Detroit HKA HKA Texas Texas-K Vaad Northern California BSÄ KSA Peach K Apple K Earth Kosher KCL KCL Lakewood Scroll K Denver KCA KCA Hisachdus Kehilla (0K) Oregon Kosher Vaad Las Vegas NORTH AMERICAN KOSHER NAK. Rabbi Yechiel Babad (Tartikover Rav) Central Rabbinical Congress (Hisachdus HaRabanim) Rabbi Nussen Naftoli Horowitz Kehilah Kashrus (Flatbush Community Kashrus Organization) The Organized Kashrus Laboratories (OK) Rabbi Shlomo Stern ( Debraciner Rav) Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum (Nirbater Rav) Rabbi Nuchem Efraim Teitelbaum (Volver Rav) Bais Din of Crown Heights Vaad HaKashrus Vaad Hakashrus North Carolina Kosher Vaad Information North Carolina Kosher Vaad information, your essential resource for kosher certification and information across the state of North Carolina. This is particularly important for Jewish consumers who observe kashrut. Please use this list rather than the list printed in our recently published Kashrus Conscience Magazine. Which kosher symbols are acceptable? A. Special Kosher Labels Florida Kosher Vaad Information Florida Kosher Vaad information, your ultimate resource for kosher certification and information throughout the state of Florida. Some of these laws are driven by compassion for animals, others have different explanations (such as). 8th St. Contact Information: Rabbi Avrohom Weisner 732- 901-1888 750 Forest Ave. With Regional offices located throughout Asia, Europe, and North America. Name: Diamond K Contact Information: Rabbi Yerachmiel Lieberman 617-469-5000 100 Woodcliff Road Chester Hill, MA 02467 Symbol: Connecticut Kosher Vaad Information Connecticut Kosher Vaad information, your essential guide to kosher certification and resources across the state of Connecticut. Name: Quality Kosher Supervision . Affiliated with Congregation Minchas Chinuch of the West Side Director: Rabbi Avrohom Marmorstein Founded: 5748 (1988) Address: 276 Riverside Denna rabbinska symbol kallas för en "hechsher" och är det universella hebreiska namnet för en kosher-certifieringssymbol som finns på butikshyllor över hela världen. KVH Kosher is your way to go Kosher. D — Dairy Designation: D Dec 1, 2005 · The prudent kosher consumer will always check the label to confirm whether a kosher symbol appears on the label. " They replied, "That's okay, we'll just continue putting a 'K' on our packaging anyway. Name: Community Kashrus of Greater Philadelphia. Kosher Certification in Name: Passaic-Clifton Kashrus Inc. C. However, due to the vast number of kosher agencies that operate throughout the world, sometimes checking labels for kosher symbols can resemble alphabet soup. Click on a state or province to see the list of kosher symbols approved by Rabbi Eidlitz and the Kosher Information Bureau. Kosher Certification in Tennessee Nov 3, 2023 · There are a wide array of kosher certification symbols, AKA hechshers, that appear on food products, beverages, and dining establishments’ menus. , Brooklyn, NY 11204 Symbol: Jul 8, 2020 · Their symbol is the letter K contained in a circle representing the letter O. Kosher New York Kosher Vaad Information New York State Kosher Vaad information, your comprehensive resource for kosher certification and information throughout the state of New York. Orlando, RCF, 7508 Universal Blvd, Orlando, Fl. We currently serve hundreds of food manufacturers […] Michigan Kosher Vaad Information Michigan Kosher Vaad information, your comprehensive resource for kosher certification and information throughout the state of Michigan. Kosher Symbols & Signs. The Chicago Rabbinical Council. R. Any person – Jewish or non-Jewish – can claim that food is kosher and can create a logo to identify the food as such. A symbol with the word “Pareve,” “Parev,” or “Parve” near it (yes, all spellings are used!), is confirmation of that certification. Find the kosher symbols and agencies of various locations in the United States and Canada. Kosher Certification in Ohio Kosher Keeping kosher in Ireland is not as difficult as some people think! There are hundreds of everyday Kosher products readily available in shops and supermarkets. Many kosher certifiers also specify details pertinent to the kosher status of the item being certified. A true kosher symbol is backed up by a respected kosher What is Kosher Certification? What is a Hechsher? Providing information on kosher supervision, mashgiachs and hechsher symbols from all around the world. An accepted orthodox kosher certification symbol confirms that all the ingredients are kosher, well documented, and the facility was thoroughly inspected. Kosher Certification in Oregon Kosher Upon approval, the client receives permission to display the kosher certification agency's symbol, or hechsher, on its product packaging or on a certificate displayed in its food-service venue. com Its circled-U symbol, Ⓤ, a hechsher, is found on the labels of Feb 12, 2015 · This info is on Kashrut. Special Kosher Labels Name: Kedassia, The Joint Kashrus Committee of England Contact Information: Mr. 8 Hechsher Kosher supervision. A plain symbol is usually an indication that the product is certified kosher pareve. This page provides comprehensive insights into the Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Tennessee’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. org Website: www. Though the four largest kosher supervision agencies in the world all originated and are headquartered in the United States Why Do Over 11 Million US Consumers Actively Seek Kosher Products? you may be surprised… Primary Reasons for Kosher: Apply For Kosher Certification Request a Price Quote About Us Kosher Check is a non-profit global kosher certification agency. Box 1321, Beverly Hills, CA 90213 323-870-0011, Fax – 323-567-4371 Rabbi Dovid Jenkins, Manager of Kashrus Operations From consumer education about what makes a product kosher, to employee training gaining appreciation of your company’s Kosher program. Currently there are nearly four hundred rabbinical supervision authorities that provide “hechsher” services. V. Kosher Certification in Name: HEBREW SEFARADI COMMUNITY OF BOGOTÁ Contact Information: Calle 79 No. Quality and standards do change over time. Kosher Alliance offers accepted, affordable and reliable kosher certification for small and midsized companies in 50+ countries. Wagshal, Rabbinic Administrator Symbol: Name: Kosher Miami Vaad HaKashrus of Miami-Dade Contact Information: Rabbi Mordechai Fried Rabbi Manish Spitz 786-390-6620 PO Box 403225 Miami, FL 33140 Symbol: Maryland Kosher Vaad Information Maryland Kosher Vaad information, your primary resource for kosher certification and information throughout the state of Maryland. This page offers comprehensive insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Florida’s diverse Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Thus, the mere fact that there is a logo attesting to kashrus is meaningless. Name: Rabbinate of Central & North Florida . org The fact that a particular agency does not Feb 21, 2025 · The New cRc Kosher App is Here, with an Exciting Feature of the Hechsher Logo Scanner! cRc Kosher is thrilled to announce the release of our completely redesigned app! Built from the ground up with input from kosher consumers worldwide, this new version keeps all your favorite features while adding great new features, enhancing the […] Please note that while these three are the largest kosher certification agencies in the U. This represents only some of the most commonly found symbols on products. Here are some key examples: Kosher for Passover: A “P” often indicates that the item is kosher to be consumed on Passover, when no chametz (grain which has risen) is allowed. , New Square N. These designations help consumers identify the kosher status of products and their suitability for consumption under different circumstances. International Agencies The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations (OU) The Organized Kashrus Laboratories (OK) “Star-K” Kosher Certification (STAR-K) The Star-D is the kashrus symbol of the National Council of Young […] Recommended Kosher Oversight Agencies Below is a list of recommended kosher symbols that represent various kosher oversight agencies. This page offers detailed insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Wisconsin’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Kashrut Designations and Their Meanings Understanding the various kashrut designations is crucial for those who observe Jewish dietary laws. This page offers detailed insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Texas’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. org Symbol: What is Kosher Certification? What is a Hechsher? Providing information on kosher supervision, mashgiachs and hechsher symbols from all around the world. com Symbol: On the visit, the kosher supervisor also checks all vegetable products to ensure that proper washing has taken place and there are no bug infestations. Symbol: MK Kosher have a variety of Kosher Certification Symbols and Logos. oregonkosher. This page offers detailed insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Ohio’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Benefits of Kosher Certification. We currently serve hundreds of food manufacturers […] Why Do Over 11 Million US Consumers Actively Seek Kosher Products? you may be surprised… Primary Reasons for Kosher: Apply For Kosher Certification Request a Price Quote About Us Kosher Check is a non-profit global kosher certification agency. This page offers detailed insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Pennsylvania’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Answer: You’re right that there are dozens of different symbols that indicate something is kosher. Kosher Certification in Name: Badatz Mehadrin Contact Information: Rabbi Avraham Rubin 9728-939-0816 10 Rechov Miriam Mizrachi 6th Floor, Room 18 Rechovot, Israel 76106 Symbol: Generally, things that don't need a hechsher (kosher symbol) are single ingredient, never heated on shared equipment, and not subject to fraudulent substitutions with non-kosher lookalikes. Contact Information: P. com Symbol: Símbolos de certificação Kosher. Kosher Certification in Arizona One rabbi told me that he was supervising a kosher bakery in Florida, and when they wanted to start using a non-kosher ingredient, the rabbi told them, "If you use that ingredient, then I will have to remove the certification. Washington Kosher Vaad Information Washington Kosher Vaad information, your essential guide to kosher certification and information across the state of Washington. 10977 845-354-5120, Fax 845-354-5860 Rabbi Aron Goldmunzer Shlit”a, Dean of the Rabbinical Board Rabbi C. Contact Information: 845-352-1807 1 Park Lane Monsey, NY 10952. Today, the number of kosher symbols internationally exceeds 700, and we Oct 26, 2021 · This rabbinical symbol is referred to as a ‘hechsher’ and is the universal Hebrew name for a kosher certification symbol found on store shelves worldwide. 9 â  66, Bogotá D. This page provides comprehensive insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Missouri’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Kosher Name: Vaad Hakashrus of Flatbush. Each agency has its own symbol, usually a registered trademark, that is the property of the agency and can be used only with permission. Symbol: Name: Oregon Kosher Contact Information: Oregon Kosher 6698 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219 503-343-3497, Fax:503-343-3318 Rabbi Leonard Oppenhima, Executive Director Rabbi Kenneth Brodkin, Rabbi Tzvi Fischer, Rabbi Michael Kaplan, Rabbi Motti Wilhelm, Rabbi Zalman Krems, Rabbinic Administrators Email: info@oregonkosher. “Star-K” Kosher Certification’s hechsher, the letter K contained in a star-shape, is another popular kosher symbol. , Chicago, IL 60645 See below for a list of common acceptable kosher symbols and contact information. The Triangle K symbol is a patented and trademarked logo that signifies “kashrut” as defined by the most stringent of Orthodox Jewish law. Speak to your rabbi to determine the reliability of a kosher symbol you may encounter. Seafood fraud is rampant, hence the need to either use a kosher fishmonger or observe the presence of scales personally. 32819 407-354-3660 Name: Rabbi Menachem Meir Weissmandel. M. ). [2] In 2006, Cabot Creamery expanded its line of kosher products, with some cheeses receiving a Tablet-K certification. This page offers comprehensive insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving New Jersey’s diverse Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. The organization offers its rabbinical supervision and certification on any ingredient or product that meets the strictest criteria of what makes such items kosher. This page offers detailed insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Michigan’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Some products, such as unprocessed fruits and vegetables, may not have a hechsher but are still considered inherently kosher unless contaminated. Read here to learn more abou the various Kosher symbols and certifications Dallas Kosher Kosher Miami ORB Florida Central F O. A kosher … Continue reading "Kosher Symbols" Koscher-Zertifizierungssymbole stellen den Stempel der koscheren Genehmigung durch eine koschere Behörde oder einen Gemeinderabbiner dar. Howard St. The sheer array of these kosher stamps of approval can be mind-boggling even to consumers who keep kosher for religious reasons and who are well-versed in the kosher Learn what kosher certification symbols mean and how to choose the right kosher agency for your brand. Questions about these or other symbols can be directed to our Kosher Information line at (248) 559 – 5005 x103. Here, you’ll find detailed insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Arizona’s Jewish communities, ensuring that your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. For consumers, kosher certification provides assurance that the products they purchase adhere to strict dietary laws. Y. Os símbolos de certificação Kosher representam o selo de aprovação Kosher por uma agência Kosher ou rabino da comunidade. Here, you’ll find detailed insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving California’s diverse Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Kosher Certification Mar 13, 2025 · Sunday, March 23 at The Kollel Of Greater Boston Guest Speaker Rabbi Sholom Tendler. Kosher Certification in Texas Kosher May 13, 2020 · Products that are kosher certified will bear a kosher symbol, like the ones shown in the image above. “Kosher symbol” is the common term people think of when they are actually referring to a kosher certification symbol. , there are hundreds of other kosher certification agencies – with varying levels of reliability – and each with its own certification symbol. Kosher Certification in Washington Many cheeses produced by Cabot Creamery have a Tablet-K hechsher. Worldwide the KVH symbol is trusted by manufacturers & consumers as a symbol of choice, signifying full compliance with the highest kosher standards & the highest quality. En accepterad ortodox kosher-certifieringssymbol bekräftar att alla ingredienser är kosher, väldokumenterade och att anläggningen inspekterades noggrant. Therefore, rather than endorsing specific hechsherim (kosher symbols), we are providing links below to lists created and maintained by other organizations. 2701 W. Contact Information: Rabbi Meir Goldberg 718-951-8585 1206 Avenue J Brooklyn NY, 11230. Contact Information: Rabbi Yechezkel Auerbach 973-553-6940 279 Brook Avenue Passaic, NJ 07055 Symbol: Name: Cape Town Beth Din Contact Information: Rabbi D Maizels 2721-461-6310 191 Buitenkant St. Find a list of common kosher symbols and contact information for over 1,500 kosher agencies worldwide. Ten rabiniczny symbol jest określany jako „hechsher” i jest uniwersalną hebrajską nazwą symbolu certyfikacji koszerności, który można znaleźć na półkach sklepowych na całym świecie. This page offers detailed insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving New York’s diverse Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Kosher symbols are a seal of authenticity that help consumers buy legitimate kosher products. Kosher Symbols. All ingredients used in food production at establishments under Kosher Michigan’s certification must be approved by Rabbi Jason Miller and bear an approved kosher symbol (hechsher). W. com:. Kosher Certification Jan 14, 2025 · Kosher products fall into three main categories: meat (including poultry and mammal meat), dairy foods (including milk products and kosher bird eggs), and pareve (foods neither meat nor dairy, like vegetables, fruits, and fish) Kosher items are marked with a hechsher (kosher symbol), differing based on certifying agencies. An OU, a triangle K, a cRc in a triangle, etc. Kosher products are listed in t he Kashrut Commission of Ireland's Quick Kosher Guide. Ask your Rabbi which list is most appropriate for you to rely on. This page provides comprehensive insights into the Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Oregon’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Dieses rabbinische Symbol wird als „Hechsher“ bezeichnet und ist der universelle hebräische Name für Ohio Kosher Vaad Information Ohio Kosher Vaad information, your comprehensive resource for kosher certification and information throughout the state of Ohio. Name: Mehadrin Kashrus Contact Information: Mehadrin Kashrus is a community-based supervision agency on the upper West Side of Manhattan, all establishments adhere to accepted standards (filtered water, inspection of vegetables, glatt kosher meat etc. Most of these products do not have a hechsher (kosher symbol) printed on their packaging. Each symbol, known as a. O. There are hundreds of such markings, some national, some local, some trusted by nearly all kosher consumers and others not. Kosher Product Search; What is Kosher Certification? What is a Hechsher? Providing information on kosher supervision, mashgiachs and hechsher symbols from all around the world. Yitzchok Feldman 44208-802-6226 140 Stamford Hill London N16 6QT Symbol: Please note that while these three are the largest kosher certification agencies in the U. Pronounced: HEK-sher, Origin: Hebrew, kosher certification for foods, and some other items, identifies product as complying with Jewish law. Find Kosher Companies and Products . This page provides comprehensive insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving North Carolina’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. Mar 16, 2023 · Learn the meaning and difference of various kosher symbols, such as OK, OK Pareve, OK D, OK DE, OK M, OK P, OK F, and OK PY. Suite #66 Lakewood, NJ 08701 Symbol: May 11, 2020 · 1. Kosher certification Name: Rabbi Yechiel Babad (Tartikover Rav) Contact Information: 718-951-0952/3 5207 19th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11204 Symbol: Kentucky Kosher Vaad Information Kentucky Kosher Vaad information, your essential guide to kosher certification and information throughout the state of Kentucky. This certificate allows the product to display the agency’s hechsher, a symbol indicating it is kosher certified. Arizona Kosher Vaad Information Arizona Kosher Vaad information, your go-to resource for kosher certification and information throughout the state of Arizona. Symbol: cRc is the world's largest consumer kosher resource, providing information about vegetable checking, liquor, medicine, & more. org Symbol: New Jersey Kosher Vaad Information New Jersey Kosher Vaad information, your primary resource for kosher certification and information throughout the state of New Jersey. Learn how to identify kosher products with this list of kosher symbols and certifications from various organizations around the world. One of my friends only eats things with some of the symbols, and not others. Name: Rabbi Mordechai Rottenberg (Chief Orthodox Rav of Paris) Contact Information: 3314-887-4903 10 Rue Pavee Paris 75004 Symbol: 2 days ago · Aside for the Hechsher Logo Scanner, some other new features include Global Search, Share Feature, Kashrus Alert, Audio Library, FAQ Section, Policies of cRc Kashrus policies, Ask the Rabbi Tennessee Kosher Vaad Information Tennessee Kosher Vaad information, your essential resource for kosher certification and information across the state of Tennessee. com Its circled-U symbol, Ⓤ, a hechsher, is found on the labels of Vaads around the world Looking for a Vaad near you? Browse our comprehensive list of Vaad information from the United States and around the world. wkuzv gsgwhp qwqjl occrveoc oxjs xsra jcuuks upuy ejldzm sak xopnyw wdxfppw lbi eiyzb ifafj