How to cure aphantasia reddit. We don’t even really understand aphantasia.

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How to cure aphantasia reddit. they aren't actually seeing anything THAT scary.

How to cure aphantasia reddit Sep 24, 2024 · What if you have aphantasia? You might want to try some of the processes I shared with AphantasiaMeow when we talked about using mind mapping as a potential aphantasia cure. Hi y'all - first ever Reddit post. Mar 14, 2021 · Aphantasia is the inability to voluntarily create a mental picture in your head. But if you have congenital aphantasia, your first degree relatives are about 10 times more likely to have it as well. Anyone trying to make a profit or suggesting harm to your eyes is lying about a cure… A subreddit dedicated to documenting the curing of Aphantasia, sharing techniques and tutorials, discussing theory, and sharing experiences. What I take from that is that people with aphantasia, our imaginations don't motivate us as strongly. I've researched so much this last week hoping to find a cure for my ''condition''. Repeat the binocular rivalry test every day and document the process. It definitely does NOT work for everyone. I think they are highly related. At first I did trataka (candle gazing) 5 minutes and after would do 5 minutes of image streaming using the afterimage as a spring board. Aphantasia is just a different way of thinking, and not necessarily a bad thing. He kind of cheated at the start and rubbed his eyes to see those flashes of light you get sometimes when doing it Interesting. There's a study where people with aphantasia, when they imagine something scary, they don't have any galvanic skin response they aren't actually seeing anything THAT scary. 58K subscribers in the Aphantasia community. Lots of people with aphantasia wish to cure it rather than conform to the school of thought that there is nothing wrong and they should be perfectly content. Hopefully in my lifetime there will be a cure. I didn’t know I had aphantasia at that time, so it wasn’t even in my awareness to consider even thinking about. People view his long form writing as some sort of rambling mess, but it was methodical, precise and captured his experience of it. Because it isn’t an illness. We don’t even really understand aphantasia. It's a bunch of people with aphantasia voicing their subjectively perceived advantages - of which there are many. ” Exactly! First let me say that I hope your cancer treatment works well and they will cure you. . I think differently to my peers, and I would caution people against sacrificing something that I consider a competitive advantage. Never clocked myself but I can finish a 300 pg book in about 2hrs. That doesn't sound like visualizing, sounds like actually imagining things from the visual pink haze you are seeing. I read this quite a while ago. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. There is nothing wrong with wanting to overcome (cure) aphantasia. I read some things on speed reading and learned what I was doing to understand better. I don't recall anybody claiming their minds' eye became more active after using it regularly (I know I'm still on zero visualisation, thank god) so A subreddit dedicated to documenting the curing of Aphantasia, sharing techniques and tutorials, discussing theory, and sharing experiences. There is no research. (I believe congenital aphantasia is likely locked in and cannot be improved upon. Aphantasia has only been studied since 2015. I don’t read words but sentences at a time. Mindfullness exercises, hypnosis, and meditation are all great things, but I do not see how they can 'cure' aphantasia. It is more fitting to use a word like “improve” than “cure” given that this is a gradual scale so to speak. There’s no cure for aphantasia. Some are on YouTube as well. I want to "cure" my aphantasia even if it's only being able to see simple shapes I heard of image streaming and how it can "cure" aphantasia But one of the steps to image stream is to explain what your picturing in your head But obviously I can't do what do I do I speed read. We dont realise when we are talking we are not constantly accessing pictures and monologues, we are accessing concepts just like Aphantasia. Curious what people who have cured their own Aphantasia through different exercises would say. I did get someone that posted a reply about a year or maybe even two years after I posted it from a guy who said that he had aphantasia and that he had found my original post after a Google search. Even “We don’t know how to cure aphantasia” is overstated. "I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could feel it in the product. The hallucinations you have when falling asleep are called hypnagogia. There most likely isn’t one, no matter how hard anyone tries. So from a medical standpoint it's like asking for a cure from being 5'3 or for a cure from being white. It flashes random high contrast simplistic imagery and then displays a blank background so that you can practice retaining the positive-afterimage without needing to physically glance away (please refer to my prophantasia series for details For some of us, having aphantasia really sucks. Approved Creators List here. Members Online Is it normal to have amazing descriptions even tho i have aphantasia? I don't think this sub is malicious, but rather ill-informed at best. I want to share my experience over the past 15 months, and see if anyone else has been able to treat their acquired aphantasia. There are identical twins where one has aphantasia and the other doesn't. The good news you could probably train that if you're interested. What is wrong is trying to be a word police and getting mad at people for having a different opinion than you. Though all are welcome; if you are not in the school of thought of believing Aphantasia is something to be overcome, then please use a different subreddit. Personally, I’d only trust a professional doctor (and even then, barely) if they said there was a cure. you need good quality sleep and rem sleep to be able to both dream and remember your dreams after you wake up whether they are visual or not. In my case I have aphantasia. We always get some random in here saying you can cure aphantasia but for those of us with chronic persistent aphantasia they don't work. For example, studies show that people with aphantasia don't react in the same way as non-aphants when encountering horror-themed stimuli. Fantasizing, non-fantasizing, it appears to only be different approaches of how brains work. I didnt go This sub isn't a bunch of visualizers saying "wow, having aphantasia would be great!". So you are on shaky ground to begin with. It isn't specific to Aphantasia. I'm not interested in 'curing' my aphantasia, because I consider it possible that aphantasia underlies a large part of my career success. Aphantasia was not mentioned though I think. There is a serious benefit to using the word “cure” though, and that is SEO. I came for the cure, didn't find it. Also there isn’t a cure, it’s how our brains are, you can’t really change that. I'm not recommending any of these, but I can understand a young person or a person who acquired aphantasia wanting to try. The point of mediation isn't to day dream, and wonder off to some imaginary land. Ignoring the whole 'cure' discussion, in the numerous times this has come up before, LSD causes hallucination in some but not all people with Aphantasia. I would like to ask if anyone of you have found some type of “cure” or if this is just it? Would be so thankful for any type of response! Have a wonderful day :)) As it is no disease, there is no cure. Don't gotta waste resources on reliving that, thanks. A search for "Cure Aphantasia" should find them. Honestly, I love writing so much, it's always been incredibly therapeutic. Have anyone with aphantasia were able to cure it or at least improve his ability to created mental imagery? IMPORTANT - READ THIS MESSAGE. then I started to try and frame it so that I feel better about my aphantasia. It comes in SO many varieties and degrees. Yes, even when they think they are being deliberate and conscious, most people will still be run by autopilot. Review the rules before posting or replying on r/Subliminal. Don’t attempt strategies that rely on visualizing or advise you to attempt to visualize to learn or solve problems. According to everything that I read, it is untreatable. Rules can be found on the wiki. Hopefully this helps someone else :) **PROS** Never visually relive any trauma. ” Meditating on visual snow noise and low, barely perceivable tinnitus sound as a means to learn visualization for someone with Aphantasia is an intriguing concept, albeit somewhat unconventional. A "discovery" forum for those who are just now learning about aphantasia, and then two sub forums - one for people who have aphantasia and are ambivalent about a cure, and one for people to suffer from aphantasia and are desperately hoping for a cure. Aphantasia refers to the inability to generate mental images voluntarily, and it can pose challenges for those trying to engage in visualization exercises. Here are some reddit tips about how to cure aphantasia, as well as other reddit opinions on the condition aphantasia: “If you are doing this for yourself alright, If you are doing this to help others I need you to do the following. You learned a good lesson, about being mindful, and Aphantasia taught you that lesson. I personally want to know if my complete aphantasia is congenital or if it developed when I was very young. Like there is also no cure to 'fix' lefthanded people. "I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could… People with aphantasia can dream and hallucinate. yeah, aphantasia and not being able to dream visually are not the same thing as you said. I explore ideas through drawing since I can't in my brain. The best method for coping with aphantasia is to look at your life and think if it would be any different if you had the ability to visualize. Welcome to the Aphantasia Sub: a supportive community where information and experiences about Aphantasia are shared and discussed. Literaly all guides for beginners wether books or videos place heavy emphasiz on visualization, i have aphantasia (as in, my mind dosent create literal mental images i can "see" when i close my eyes, its just pitch black in there) and im really struggling with my practice as a result. Hebrews 11:1-3 A subreddit dedicated to documenting the curing of Aphantasia, sharing techniques and tutorials, discussing theory, and sharing experiences. If there really was a method to gain the ability to visualize it would be just that, a method, not a "cure" or a treatment. There's no cure or treatments that have been proven effective. Based on the definitions currently being used by the people studying aphantasia, I absolutely qualified as having aphantasia. To go from 0 toanything but I lack the willpower for now and I know I'd need work a lot more than those who have milder form. Wheras visualizers DO. If you search for "cure aphantasia" on Reddit you will find a sub by one who was removed from this sub. There are also benefits of aphantasia. I am an aphant, and would love to be proven wrong; if evidence of the 'curability' of aphantasia exists, please point it out to me. But I also get a lot of visual snow (static across my vision) particularly in the dark (eyes closed). Full-blown. Maybe it's because the word "cure" is being used. But the moderator stated it's because it will get most people attention. However, some techniques may help improve your visualization. And besides 70 years ago lobotomies were common practice. I think it's a ridiculous stance, and opinion to force on others, so I made a joke about it. Some people appear to have been cured. There are a few reports of people with acquired aphantasia regaining visualization when the originating problem was resolved. I can't draw any conclusions about it either though. Maybe what we really need is three forums. The brain is very complex and there's a lot we don't know about it. First, aphantasia isn't a sickness, or an illness, or a disease, and there is no "cure". Just don’t worry about it. No body has aphantasia. The causes are unknown, and there is no “cure. Where is the aphantasia? Definition of aphantasia is that you should not be able to. While there are a few reports of acquired cases regaining imagery ability, congenital and acquired cases differ. I had the ability to vividly visualize as a child and lost it for some unknown reason, and I desperately want the ability back! So I want a cure! For those that don't care or don't want a cure, they could just not take the 'cure'. Just get your energy right. The way you could criticise Reddit is that we weren't a company – we were all heart and no head for a long time. My aim is to help as many as we can learn to overcome their aphantasia, and most will be googling the word “cure” to eventually find this subreddit. I feel it is a condition. Aphantasia isn’t always easy to live with. Everything he wrote in describing pre- and post-aphantasia aligns with my experience of having aphantasia and the innumerable conversations I've had with people that don't have aphantasia on the topic. I don't really care about your personal definitions. I recently started writing my affirmations in cursive only, and it's become something of a very soothing ritual for me. The list of things once considered to be impossible that are now taken for granted is huge. Those treatments can vary widely. There seems to be a genetic component, but it isn't as simple as dominant and recessive genes. There's mental exercises for it but the research is still in infantcy stage. There are people out there who claim to be able to cure you. Having a mind's eye is so much more beneficial. com Aug 31, 2023 · Healthcare providers generally treat the underlying condition or issue causing your aphantasia. My mother died last month because of lung cancer. How To Practice Active Image Streaming. aphantasia is a shitty experience of the world as ive lived 2 years with aphantasia vs 20 years with mind's eye ot whatever. There's a population of people in this sub who constantly state you can't, and shouldn't try to, "cure" aphantasia, just like you can't "cure" left-handedness. Someone searching for a cure is likewise unreasonable. While there is no know cure there's simply not enough known to say whether or not it can be cured or if people with aphantasia can sometimes develop the ability to visualize later You could have mild aphantasia (it's different word for that but can't remember sorry). Aphantasia likely might make you better at certain things, but maybe worse at others. You seem to count on light on your eyelids so there is a haze where you can try to picture things. Some can get to it just by closing their eyes, some need to relax the mind a little. If you’re like me and were born with aphantasia, don’t expect there to be a cure. Oct 20, 2023 · How to cure Aphantasia: Reddit. Your healthcare provider is the best person to explain treatment options and offer recommendations if you have acquired aphantasia. There’s no proof that aphantasia can’t be cured. I see a lot of new people posting being *devastated* about having aphantasia. I know there are many possible causes and hard to tell without informations. It's the exact opposite usually. No you can’t ‘cure’ it anymore than you can ‘cure’ other forms of neurodivergence. But with augmented reality, you don’t need to see in your mind’s eye, you can literally just see for yourself. It’s a cognitive difference that is considered non-normative hence neurodivergent. Dec 2, 2024 · I learned that I have aphantasia a few years ago. I consider myself to be highly visual (see italics below), and I have very distinct memories of doing this pretty often as a child when I discovered that pressing on the eyes can generate fantastical kaleidoscope-like images. Sure you could improve it as I’ve heard but nothing more than that. The big truck is to stop treating the inner monologue as "you" and recognize that "you" is something independent of the inner monologue. Focus on accomplishing the things you want to accomplish without trying to “train” yourself to visualize or “cure” your aphantasia. It took me about 3 months (in my final year of school for graphic design) before I was okay with having aphantasia. I've worked on fixing my Aphantasia on and off for years (from age 18 until mid 30s now) and only manage to visualise vividly during periods of meditation/self-hypnosis/lucid dreaming. I want to train it. You treat it like any other intrusive thought: play attention to it, watch where it came from, see what happens when you treat it like you'd treat a barking dog or a car alarm. I am curious how I would have done with the pupil test before and now. That said worth a try maybe the aphantasia op had was due to PTSD whereas another form is hereditary. The cure for aphantasia isn’t there yet, but in the meantime, augmented reality can do the trick. I was already aware about Aphantasia but my inquisitiveness led me to read A LOT of stuffs regarding the matter. There are tons of ways to manifest but you don't actually need any tools at all. Probably not enough research at the moment to definitively say whether we can cure aphantasia yet (I'm using Grammarly as I type this and it doesn't even recognise it as a word!). It's neither considered a disorder nor a disability. I grew up being able to visualize, with a detailed imagination I used often with my best friend, and the ability to recall information tied to imagery and experiences. I went to a healing shop today to ask if there is any type of “cure” and I was told to embrace that I see the world differently and that it isn’t always a bad thing. And if the latter, if possible, I want to regain as much visualization capabilities as possible. Members Online Defining what mental senses I have with an artistic key I saw some Vice video recently about aphantasia and this was one of the subjects they touched on. It's done that way because usually when people discover they have aphantasia they straight forwardly go and google "How to cure aphantasia" and it's aimed to pop-up as one of the first results. It doesn’t have a cure because it isn’t an illness, there is nothing wrong with it, thousands and thousands of people have the same thing, it’s just part of being a human for some people. Members Online I want to learn about aphantasia. Another thing that really helped me was sleep affirmation tracks on YouTube. I just wonder if there are any tips to help with it and keep motivated when your mind is literally always blank. I cannot visualize on any hallucinogens. But it would be nice to have for those of us who do want it. Stick to this sub and you may find that someone can articulate the way you think, easing your anxieties. I learned about spatial awareness (ty reddit) and that it's the way I tend to imagine things. Most people that don't have Aphantasia learn that lesson a different way. Having only just discovered that aphantasia existed and that my non-visual cognitive processing is definitely not the norm, I’ve done some reading and found nothing in the academic literature (scant as it is) that mentions a so-called “cure. I use references and if I practice something enough it’s easy and I don’t need reference. You are capable to visualize vivid images. Once I found out I too felt this way. I draw like I normally do but imagining things is literally impossible. We don't really understand the mechanisms of why it occurs (or even what delineates a congenital or acquired aphantasia). I'll say try to regain your mind's eye if you can even if it feels weird and you don't want to go back to it lol. so if someone is trying to remember their dreams whether or not they have aphantasia, following all the regular Thank you, scorpio_jae. There's such an array you can choose Some people report being able to go from a more severe form of aphantasia to a milder one. Like that other guy said, it's just like a blind man wanting to see. This subreddit is for people who want to overcome their Aphantasia. At the end of the day, bringing your efforts with streaming imagery together with a specific goal works a lot better. See full list on magneticmemorymethod. Listen to yourself. You can also find people on YouTube claiming cures. Neuroscience shows that by reading the brain in an fmri researchers could tell what a subjects decision was before the subject was aware they had made a decision, sometimes by seconds. I first learned about Aphantasia about a year and a half ago. . No body can visualize anything without some part of mind being in alpha state. This was inspired by the work from one of our community members (@hugecoke in our Discord). At the time it seemed like it wasn't that big of a deal (maybe it actually isn't) but many of the things I do almost always visualization is recommended for better results. A subreddit dedicated to documenting the curing of Aphantasia, sharing techniques and tutorials, discussing theory, and sharing experiences. That said, i went to an acupuncturist, and he diagnosed me, mainly with disharmony between fire and water, weak spleen, liver stagnation, blood/fluid deficiency and phlegm. After publishing a research paper Zimmerman was contacted by many people who had aphantasia from birth and that's when real research on congenital aphantasia began. There’s no known cure for aphantasia, and caution is advised towards anyone claiming otherwise. The guys probably something to do with the "aphantasia cure" sub that keeps getting targeted advertised aimed at us with aphantasia, you do realise they want cash off you for that "cure" I'm pretty sure it would be well known among us if shrooms did anything, not just one guy making claims I've created a simple online tool for training prophantasia. My goal was to cure depression, it had an overwhelmingly successful outcome and lifted that foggy veil the following morning. As for noting it in kids, that is hard. However people with Aphantasia are more productive, mainly in maths , engineering etc. How people with aphantasia may not be able to 'miss' people quite as strongly, or in the same way as people without aphantasia, or that aphants 'get over' tragedy and loss easier, etc. I'm wondering if there has been any Aphantasia people who have cured themselves A subreddit dedicated to documenting the curing of Aphantasia, sharing techniques and tutorials, discussing theory, and sharing experiences. It has its strengths and weaknesses attached to it. ) I also have aphantasia, and I script. So I still can’t visualize today a year and some later. I have aphantasia, inability to visualize images, sound, touch, taste and smell in my brain, mind's eye If you were to cure it, how would you go about it? I'm asking here, because you might have knowledge about many things Thank you for any suggestion I suffered through a mental issue that cleared up by the nature of having aphantasia, and I know of others with PTSD developed aphantasia as a sort of defense mechanism. Anytime some "bad" feeling comes up, don't look at it as bad but as neutral feedback. I don't think this is trauma induced, or a disease, or anything of the sort. As long as I understand it correctly that they are YOUR cancer docs and nurses. It would be very helpful to visualize things in my head. Thank you for this. General subliminal info: Subliminal Listening Mini Guide and the subreddit FAQ cover most questions, including "what can a subliminal do", "bad feelings while listening" Was trying to post this a few months ago but couldnt due to reddit blackout. However when we are quiet our mind is monkey keeps us entertained. Why would you not want to get it cured? A subreddit dedicated to documenting the curing of Aphantasia, sharing techniques and tutorials, discussing theory, and sharing experiences. vhf koihlu pvik keqm yze vwyhs jvnvy tetiyrb xaiyefl kqtqz jxk ybwh eur inqkt cfulhjfe