Fun janky edh decks. RoR on Reaper King also works.
Fun janky edh decks Not the best or most consistent deck because power creep is real and scary, but it can still do some busted stuff. The deck revolves around her ability to make mana and draw cards, which is an incredible When I was brewing a mutate deck, I was on the fence until I realized that all the alternate art cards were about the same price as the normal versions. That ends most of the combos in the deck it is a super janky deck and I hope it's fun for you to play. A janky deck thrown together with all the good white and black cards I had. pick a really wonky or fun tribe. And it's just a deck full of janky inefficient combos to annoy your opponents. I'm pretty new to EDH. Could be pushed higher with a slight decrease in flavour. This is a deck featuring every EDH-legal alternative-win card, with the exception of Felidar Sovereign, as Test of Endurance is a more fun version of the dumb cat. For discussing Magic: the Gathering EDH/Commander! Members Online. What are some other "janky" combos that come to mind that the majority of EDH players might not be super mad to lose to? Oct 1, 2023 · Top 10 Commanders For Combo Decks In EDH 10. Starcity Games actually had a deck like this a few weeks back on their commander versus series. All in all a really fun deck, just blobbing around the battlefield. I play in quiet a high powered meta and play with proxies so apologies for the high budget decks. either way, you won't have anything well above their power level, but it will be a fun challenge to find new ways to win without simply dropping your Find a way to blink him/pseudo-blink (e. Updated Jan 12, 2024 by WendigoAteMyBaby using our MTG Deck Builder. I probably won't make the actual deck but it was fun to experiment with. It does! One of the greatest strengths of the deck is always playing Hapatra on turn 2. For discussing Magic: the Gathering EDH/Commander! [Hans Eriksson]] deck. For example, I run [[Gitrog Monster]] with no Dredge, and [[Athreos, God of Passage]] with janky Knights tribal instead of [[Shadowborn Apostle]] tricks. Is it the good kind of inspiration? I dunno!I want to make the Ultimate Meme Deck featuring the memeiest commander backed up by bits and pieces of other memey decks/cards throughout MTG history while also being decent/fun to play. Think outside the box, baby! I've gotten into edh earlier this year and have built 3 decks so far and all 3 decks are enemy colored decks (I plan doing the 2 other enemy colored decks). EDH That Ellie and Alan discovery deck is one of my favorites. ) I'd love to use a [[Rabble Rousing]] in an Isshin deck. desperately wishes it had green. Just built it a few weeks ago and having almost nothing but gas is just great fun. for "low power" i find fun. The deck plays small saboteurs who get you incremental advantage as they peck away [[kheru mind-eater]] [[cold-eye selkie]], and draws into gradual advantage engines like [[bloodforged battle-axe]] and [[sword of the animist]]. For example, deck:Roonmaster is pretty focused. My second janky Tribal Deck is a G/W Wurm Deck, well, more like Wurm Hug, it's basically a Group Hug Deck helmed by [[Selvala, Explorer Returned]], big Mana and Card draw for everyone. The strongest commanders usually do one of three things - Draw cards, make mana, or combo off with a few other cards; Selvala does all three. Can anyone recommend decks that are very weak but still fun to play? My favorite gimmick deck is mono white lands, AKA Chain Veil Gideon which is a white landfall deck that wins using a janky mono white [[chain veil]] combo. Off the top of my head here are a couple of cards I'd like to swap into the deck: Mar 29, 2023 · Jordan is an actor, music producer, and gigantic nerd who runs the EDH Jank Center on Youtube! Through various tier lists, janky deck techs, and budget-friendly guides, the Jank Center hopes to show people that you don't need to be rich to have fun playing this wonderful game. Norin the Wary Chaos Mar 21, 2024 · With that idea in mind, let’s explore the jankiest commanders you can sleeve up in EDH! What Are Jank Commanders? Atemsis, All-Seeing | Illustration by Ryan Pancoast. I’ve run it with very little top deck manipulation which just creates a lot of unexpected fun, but it can also get nasty with tutors and ways to keep Hans alive. plays fairly straight forward. Jan 3, 2023 · From that pile of cards I build some janky commander decks, and some of them simply function hilariously at that level, and from playing them few times, the ones I like best: Arni Brokenbrow: Theme: "Stronger than you" The deck basically has lots of pump spells, auras and equipment andput those onno, not Arni himself, but another creature. You could build a deck all about cards that benefit from donation, a pillow-fort deck, an arena deck, a political deck, a deck full of janky combos, or just about whatever. I’m a player who loves janky styles of play, and I fully understand that absolute jank doesn’t really fit into cEDH. She's my favourite deck, and the first real EDH deck that I built (that wasn't just built out of draft chaff). Mar 21, 2024 · Theory crafting decks is so much fun; I took a peek at the decks I have brewed up, and I'm somewhere around 150-160. This is pure jank, with a convulted process needed for some cards. To build Windgrace deck, you first remove 70% of the deck, almost everything is useless, other than Avenger of Zendikar, Nesting Dragon <3, Rampaging Baloths. Like for some folks mill decks might be fun, some folks might love big stompy critters and some love super janky combos so what is your play style and what appears to irritate your play group? Nothing really special about it just good rakdos creatures and a couple combos. Easy to get out and it practically spells the end of the game, 2nd I'd say is a deck that focuses on achieving a critical mass combo by having so much value generation that its practically impossible to catch up take for example a Winona joiner of forces deck, and 3rd is damage [[Shadrix Silverquill]] is a deck I built with the intent of it being lowered powered than my other decks, and turns out it instantly became one of my favorite decks to play! Use some fun politics style cards like [[Orzhov Advokist]], [[Master of Ceremonies]], and [[Breena, the Demagogue]] to distract your opponents while you build up an army Title. My first deck is [[Odric, Lunarch Marshall]] and it's just about getting a bunch of dudes with cool abilities and equipment and turning everybody into Flying, Lifelinking, Doublstriking, Trampling, Indestructible guys with vigilance. Some people really hate combos, other people love seeing janky combos. Can anyone recommend equipment or auras? I want to have a deck entirely based on attaching things to the opponent and need recommendations. Commander Deck Help forum Posted on April 7, 2019, 4:14 a. in GB. Sultai saboteurs. I recently built a new Teneb list to pay homage, though. Jul 22, 2022 · Despite the confusion caused by the restriction of the Singleton rule present in EDH and Mishra, Artificer Prodigy, it is possible to build an efficient deck using some Engine parts to extract the best possible from the commander. EDH 37 / 6 . [[Breena, the Demagogue]] is a classic. My best awful deck is [[Sharuum]] and only cards with the Alarm block artifact creature borders. spell slinger lands matter. a slow, awkward, or unreliable deck, usually with the potential for sudden explosive plays. Just don't be socially awkward or intentionally mean, you know what's fun, do that! (Yes, fun is subjective, but denying people the ability to play a game, when you sit down to PLAY A GAME, is pretty socially awkward. If I pull it out in my playgroup I become archenemy, or other people pull our decks like Purphoros and other explosive decks. He cares about creatures currently in your graveyard for his +1 counters but the deck is really just about sacrificing your own creatures to nuke the table. May 31, 2023 · Jordan is an actor, music producer, and gigantic nerd who runs the EDH Jank Center on Youtube! Through various tier lists, janky deck techs, and budget-friendly guides, the Jank Center hopes to show people that you don't need to be rich to have fun playing this wonderful game. No 4 of limit (you could have any number of copies of a card in your deck) No banned list Otherwise Historic legality Min decksize 40, max 250 Many people played some version of storm. Every card in the deck is pre-Theros block, which is when I started playing EDH. However, the best way to keep a deck mid-power is to rein in your budget (see: Commander's Quarters) and voluntarily eschew the most degenerate combo/pay2win pieces. With things like [[Life and Limb]] or [[Kormus Bell]], play a [[Prismatic Omen]] or a [[Dryad of the Ilysian Grove]], then Fracture the hell out of their Identities, so now everyone else has a copy now! ramp with green, deploy giant wurm-y beats. It's mostly counters and exile, but there are some cool uses for the food tokens too, like [[nykthos paragon]], [[yotian dissident]], and jinnie fay would work too. I use Silas/Shidiqi, but you can use really anyone you like. And it works! The other is my pet deck, [[Lathliss, Dragon Queen]]. After a very small amount of digging I'm at: [[celestial dawn]] (not sure how to capitalize) [[grim feast]] (seems amazing at casual tables actually) In 109 decks 0% of 70646 decks. At lower power tables, players play less tutors in general, both because of their cost (in dollars) and the increase in consistency. Lots of fun decks to be made, my favorite commanders were [[azra oddsmaker]] and [[slippery bogle]]. I made a mock up spellslinger deck since it can make so many tokens. Or, Ojutai's Mystification Oh, Goblin Bomb looks like a lot of fun, and I think I have all of the lands similar to Saprazzan Skerry from my old playing days. The one deck I have success losing with is a [[Garth One-Eye]] deck that is restricted to cards that existed when I started playing MtG in 1997. For Beginners. This seems crazy. Fly under the radar and then play something game breaking like Shared Fate. Mind you, some are duplicates of others, and this is spanning the last 3ish years I've been on Moxfield. Just looking for new ideas to play with but all for casual EDH. My roommate wants to pull off crazy combinations that don't make any sense but are powerful once they resolve. My personal list focuses on flexibility and value of each card making the deck a tempo-aggro-control deck. Personally my fondest memories of playing magic are when everyone played bad cards and you had to think of creative ways to make them work and win. The limitation here is only lands. Sidisi is great for this. Fun and janky, and the memes can go wild. The deck just runs like a well oiled machine every time. It doesn't win as much but my opponents seem to love playing against the deck since it plays different lords each game and does interesting things. Think outside the box, baby!. I made a 99 lands deck (pure jank) with [[Child of Alara]] at the helm for some survivability. I'm someone who likes to play a bunch of different decks but I am not someone that is able to bankroll a bunch of different decks. However, there are some cases where the rule of one card copy per deck can create even more adverse situations… Cubes let you control what cards can even go in a deck so there can be a lot of fun janky things in there that someone pieces together. Below are the notable combos. 100% When I was new to magic and EDH a few years ago, I spent a lot of time searching for exactly what OP is asking. People overthink and overanalyze the "fun" aspect. Give me your most fun janky decks! upvotes · The other half I made into a combo/stax deck with [[Mazirek]] that ran a lot of persist creatures and things of that nature, that deck was fun but a little to linear so I added red and made it into [[Xira Arien]] this version of the deck was fun and could win out of nowhere cuz the commander flew under the radar and then [[Korvold]] came out, I - Sagas consist of all the LOTR ones plus whatever other ones seemed to be best (Definitely the jankiest part of the deck, can definitely cut down and prioritize the best and/or remove for more staples) - I don't have an online decklist, sorry The biggest issue imo is this deck's selling point. Most of the time I'm removing the biggest pieces on the board while gaining life through Extort and Lifelink. What are some of your favorite decks that can run multiple different hotswappable commanders? Latest example is I'm drafting up a Ramses/Etrata deck where they kind of function as "hidden" commanders and the actual co I'm wondering what cool deck ideas you guys have or have had. I have tribal insect. It's easy to make a good deck. Reyhan and the Dargo Nauts by c l a n c y 2 9 2. Zedruu is simply the best general for fun, interactive, off-the-wall effects that still manage to fit a theme and don't go too far. Like: 20 Dark Ritual 19 Demonic Tutor 1 Tendrils of Agony The Tendrils deck just couldn't beat the leyline deck since Tendrils targets. Sep 24, 2024 · Before I actually get to the decks, let's define “fun. but it doesn't so you make do with janky land matters in azorius colors. Think outside the box, baby! Personally pretty much all my decks are gimmicky decks, besides maybe 1000% Sparkling, but I couldn't not build a vampire deck :P. Of course, fun is subjective, so instead of just rattling off a Top 10 list, I I've mentioned it on some other posts recently, but [[Bill Ferny, Bree Swindler]] mono-blue horses is extremely janky and surprisingly fun. I saw someone mention a situation with [[Approach of the Second Sun]] and [[Remand]] as a way to shortcut putting it back in the deck. Reply reply MTGCardFetcher Feb 18, 2017 · But, are there some combos that even at casual tables are so mana-intensive or otherwise "janky" as to be deemed acceptable? Something like Vela the Night-Clad + kicked Rite of Replication. Total deck was less than $200, each card less than $25, the deck never turns the corner or establishes powerful value engines, it just plays low to the ground with mild but efficient value and slowly churns away to eventually try and hard cast [[Approach of the Second Sun]] over 2 turns for 14 mana after digging 7 deep. A very vocal member of my playgroup doesn't think anything aside from him stomping down the table is fun. by T e m u r _ F r o n t i e r. It's janky because it's just whatever cards I had on hand to make him tick. 16 votes, 63 comments. Beyond that, the deck really shines in the mid game when you have explosive turns like casting [[Black Sun's Zenith]] on X=1 with Hapatra out. Im a real big fan of making janky weirder tribes and trying to make them strong. noyan dar roil shaper is another favorite drrp deck of mine. And every time I played it the way to win was very different. Lately I've been enjoying two janky decks enabled by Kaladesh. I've seen some [[relentless rats]] or [[rat colony]] builds that were very linear and straight forward. When I saw the Secret Lair: Full Text Lands cycle, I was inspired. Now that deck has [[Thalia and the Gitrog Monster]] at the helm. I wouldn't say Maelstrom is janky. Cards that proc when an opponent attacks are really fun and janky. Some of my favorites: [[Grip of Chaos]]. My most fun win condition was obviously blinking Resolute Archangel and Haze Frog locking my ops from attacking me. My favorite deck at the moment is the fairest deck I own. My version runs as a reanimator-combo deck with various card combos and interactions that can be pulled out of the Graveyard by Alesha or other cards like [[Karmic Guide]], [[Unburial Rites]] or [[Dread Return]] for value. I play this deck in regular EDH groups and it holds up pretty well. Nov 25, 2024 · Nope, today is all about casual Commander and the most fun commanders to lead your deck! If you want to play a deck that’s fun for everyone (and doesn’t turn your playgroup into your former playgroup), you should start with a creative, entertaining commander. The only non-permanent spell is Primal Surge and I run 58 creatures so it can be pretty janky. ramp with green, deploy giant wurm-y beats. We’ll look specifically at fun decks for a new player, the most fun commanders to play against, and finally, fun precons. Bottom Line: Sometimes it’s fun to take out your own commander. with this deck i was looking at my rare binder and i was like "Hmmmm i could make an edh … Jul 18, 2023 · Jordan is an actor, music producer, and gigantic nerd who runs the EDH Jank Center on Youtube! Through various tier lists, janky deck techs, and budget-friendly guides, the Jank Center hopes to show people that you don't need to be rich to have fun playing this wonderful game. Some players are playing precons. My Maelstrom deck isn't a budget brew it's my oldest best and most turned deck and it's oppressive. A janky deck is one that’s probably bad but that has a chance for occasional awesomeness. Drawing my whole deck and then milling everyone else's decks, or lab man into decking myself, or psychosis crawler, or any of the other way that you can win with that deck. I find it fun to crunch my brain and find the fastest way to assemble my deck's combo. (One of my favorite lines from the first Avengers movie. So, my decks tend to be pretty straightforward, somewhat tuned with fairly clear strategies in mind. Fun unexplored format that made us scour through and appreciate our bulk cards. I've got a few janky wincons jammed into that deck, like [[Approach of the Second Sun]] because, you know, we all draw a ton of cards. RoR on Reaper King also works. The Commander's Quarters is your Magic the Gathering source that helps you Command Your Budget! Beat Your Friends With Absolute Jank with this Janky Awesome This is how I build decks, and my decks still win tons of games. my favorite part of deck building is play-testing and then upgrading a deck I've built from the ground up, the problem with this is that as I slowly upgrade my decks they become less and less casual to the point where I can no longer reasonably pull them out at my local game store when people want a fun low powered game. One of the decks ran [[bad moon]] and [[shared animosity]] with some field control like [[Dictate of Erebos]]. So 6-8's in terms of strength. Selvala, Heart of the Wilds. However, I want to know what most people would consider viable decks that are on the more janky side of things. m. What have you built in allied colored decks that was janky and or just wonky and weird? I do have my preferences for colors but I'm willing to try something out of my norm. mazierek helms the deck, tribal insect isn't a thing, but every creature is an insect, there are some great "fun" bugs. I'm a sucker for having a beautiful board state, so of course I bought the deck. The deck sells off horses with Bill's second ability, steals them back with things like [[Meneldor, Swift Savior]] or [[Homeward Path]], and stacks up treasures to go for a win with [[Mechanized Production My personal favourite at the moment is my semi-janky [[Sidisi]] zombie/reanimate deck, but I also really enjoy my [[Korvold]], [[Otrimi]] and [[Pir]] and [[Toothy]] decks. The best thing about brudiclad is the vast amount of strategies he can be used with. g sac and then reanimate) and you’ll create a fun yet very unique game lock [[Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths]] is kinda a generic but unassuming commander that isn’t particularly strong but can make for a fun deck. I was going to spend a considerable ammount of money on a new hobby, so I wanted to make sure the decks I was bringing to play with new friends and strangers would be fun for them to play against. Even then, I won 2 out of 4 games. So I've been playing EDH for a while and I've been running an Arjun the Shifting flame deck and I have so much fun playing it. Brewing and play-testing solo can be a lot of fun to see what a deck can do in a vacuum. Some jank with searches. There’s also mono black wizard tribal which aims to win using a combo built from your opponents cards. Others are playing pretty decent decks. #3. janky tribal is always fun. [[Combat Calligrapher]], [[Curse of Chaos]] and [[Curse of Shallow Graves]], [[Ever-Watching Threshold]], [[Emberwilde Captain]] are all really janky. . dec, based around avarice totem, but also has a bunch of direct damage stuff (I could have chosen "Target opponent" effects, but it's no fun if I'm not spinning the wheel too I always like the idea of a story deck, pick a book/movie you love and try to build a deck around that, I used to have a Lord of the rings deck, but tried to stay thematically on point - golos as commander (Gandalf) ezuri as legolas, sadbot as Boromir ( always dies first) that sort of thing, won me a few games but harder to play and explain [[Hans Eriksson]] Big Stompy Good-Stuff is a blast. When I started playing edh I wanted to be the tribal guy, 4 decks later only 1 is tribal and I’m having a hard time deciding what to do next. Build her Zombie Style, Big mana combo, whatever! My own 'Jank' deck is an EDH rendition of the Modern Living End cascade decks. ) Updated Apr 01, 2024 by Alabaster1679 using our MTG Deck Builder. ” Fun is interpreted in different ways by different players. I cobbled together a deck with [[Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord]] that's pretty fun. Cascade is fun to build around and easy to manipulate. basically. true. Mar 12, 2025 · The combination of janky old mechanics, splashy effects, and your unexpectedly huge commander will definitely earn some laughs because opponents simply won’t believe what’s happening. I have a really mean [[Yawgmoth]] deck too, along with a Inalla infinite-comboes deck, neither of which I'll ever play more than once per night. There was a post yesterday with a deck list that looked really solid, it's currently the most viewed list for Rocco on moxfield. ) It's just a go wide attack triggers deck, no tribe, no theme, just two scoops of every attack trigger effect I could fit. Think outside the box, baby! Without knowing what commanders you are playing that your group considers not fun answering this question is gunna be tough. I also built your budget "pirate" deck, but it's been unofficially banned from my pod 'cause they kept losing to a $10 deck. There's a lot of ways to kill in this deck that keep it interesting to play hopefully for a long time! Have fun comboing off with this interesting deck! This can be a political deck like the Zedruu suggested below that buffs your opponents and incentivizes them to kill each other, or it can be a theft deck that uses opponents' spells against them. I have been tuning Yuriko since she was printed and had a ninja tribal deck beforehand so I've had a long amount of time experimenting with the strategy. This has inspired me to make a deck with only wacky and abnormal ways to actually win! What kind of weird, fun, and janky win cons do you know of, and what commanders would be good for this? Apr 7, 2019 · Looking for a fun, new janky commander + tips on building fun, janky decks. A few months ago, I built two EDH decks that were originally intended to be pretty janky/casual, but ended up being so good AND so much fun to play, I upgraded them a little bit, and they've turned into two of my more competitive decks--and also two of my cheapest. One is the [[Whirler Virtuoso]] combo built around Decoction/Fabrication Modules: the best case scenario is that you have three Decoction modules in play, and one Whirler allows you to create as many Thopters as you want, but even without the full combo there are lots of ways to win the game. I have zombies with [[wilhelt, the rotcleaver]] as the commander and have been thinking of a [[Morophon, the Boundless]] elemental deck but that seems boring to me thinking about it. Deck lacks options to play lands from Graveyard, cards like World Shaper, Mending of Dominaria, to get back cards from graveyard in droves (not to mention things like Scapeshift). [[wellspring]] (neat way to "ramp") Edit for title clarification: I mean a deck that is anywhere from high level to cEDH levels of power. (This isn't 100% the case, as some low power decks are extremely janky combo decks that require many pieces, so the power of tutors is diluted, but again, power level is an enormously complicated dynamic. I've got a few sneaky tricks up my sleeve, like [[Strionic Resonator]] doubling up Ardenn's equipment-attaching shenanigans, and [[Illusionist's Bracers]] giving me double the fun with every activated ability. The deck runs about 9 clones to double or triple up on the Craterhoof triggers in case it gets flipped early. I know there is a subreddit for it, r/PDH I think? Its very easy and you can use any commons and a nonlegendary uncommon. This deck does a great job capturing old school EDH vibes where janky builds like this were a bit more common. I've built a heavy sac outlet deck with Vish Kal as the Commander & i'm in the process of building a tribal cat deck. Just a red deck trying to slam out dragons and do red things. It was a fun match up but I never built it myself. It's a ton of fun Ruxa, Patient Professor, Alpine Grizzly, Ancient Tomb, Awakening, Balduvian Bears, Barbary Apes, Beacon of Creation, Well in terms of just raw power I'd say that number 1 is the 2 card combo think niv-mizzit the fire mind + curiosity. Self Mill decks feel really Janky but tend to be considerably powerful. It has a lot of janky card synergies and takes a long time to assemble this crazy engine of lords and changelings. Now I need to find a commander that at least has access to red and blue to make a janky proliferate deck that uses obscure counters and not just +1/+1 or -1/-1 counters. Selvala's is a combo player's dream. Here, we’ll break down some fun EDH decks into a few different categories. I'll second Firja! Drawing cards is fun, casting spells is fun, and Orzhov has really powerful cards. Generally the limitation is flavourful and fits a theme of the deck. back up the gimmick of people fighting grothama for cards with indestructible effects. Jul 22, 2022 · In this Top 10 for Commander, we will see some of the most insane creatures with the weirdest abilities for you to build your decks and surprise at the tables. I built a blink doomsday deck, but there are a variety of things you can build towards. Just starting out playing commander can be very overwhelming. The most satisfying win I have ever had was with my janky ass [[atogatog]] deck after having my atogs literally eat my whole board only to be devoured by the atogatog and then killing someone with commander damage. May 4, 2023 · Fun Commander Decks By Category. com Sep 24, 2024 · If you've heard of the player types profile that Wizards has used over the last decade or so, these decks are mainly for Timmy/Tammy and Johnny/Jenny players. XD All joking aside, fun is in the eye of the beholder. it's a great fun deck. You can make the deck less janky but still jank by keeping the wincon as assembling the guild guates but adding non land cards that help achieve that. A meme, if you will, that wibbles and wobbles in games from terrible to maybe crazy genius? See full list on cardgamebase. Updated Feb 18, 2023 by cybercore323 using our MTG Deck Builder. I am looking for old and rarely seen enchantments that can shake up or otherwise be interesting in EDH. Really improved my deck building skills too. Yes, some of these decks will be fun and a little powerful, but we won't be anywhere near Spike levels of power or thought process. Alot of decks run mana dorks, and Hapatra is a instant threat to decks trying to ramp out. npeecm nor fxgupi ebs iwugpu hptcmtc yqg jlar ylidrk yhihb gptv xguprq wqlkhgf ibzilj xcf