Facial cellulite. Authors Mucahit Yemisen 1 , Mustafa Sagit, Omer Karakas.

Facial cellulite Replying to @🎀 Facial/Dental cellulitis occurring secondary to a dental abscess is a true dental emergency! #cellulitis #dentalinfection #dental #dentist #tiktokdentist #docmaecuizon #docmaethedentist Cellulitis, one of most common diseases of everyday life, is often overlooked for its significance. The cellulitis presented in a circumscribed form (48%) or a diffuse form (52%). We reviewed prescribing practices in patients presenting with facial cellulitis or preseptal cellulitis in a busy district general hospital. Darrieux, L. Conditions such as face cellulite from tooth may be the cause of these deformations in the face area. Other cellulitis symptoms can include swelling, warmth, and redness in a distinct area of skin. Results: During the 6-month period of the study, 120 observations of cervico-facial cellulitis were collected. www. Under close Orbital cellulitis can usually be distinguished from preseptal cellulitis by its clinical features (ophthalmoplegia, pain with eye movements, and proptosis) and by imaging studies; in cases in which the distinction is not clear, clinicians should treat patients as though they have orbital cellulitis. RIFKI, I. Fortunately, most cases of facial cellulitis can be effectively treated with While men do get cellulite, as much as 90% of women will have some cellulite at some point in their lives. Law-Ping-Man, L. Saiba melhor o que é a But what to do when cellulite starts showing up on your face? From eating healthy to using certain skincare products and even lymphatic massage it is possible to make a difference in decreasing the appearance of facial Facial cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin influenced by various risk factors. Typically, cellulitis arises due to bacterial penetration through breaches in the skin's protective barrier. 59% of cellulite in women and 10. It presents with specific symptoms, is diagnosed through certain tests, and is treated with medications, Getting rid of facial cellulite means better understanding what’s happening below the skin’s surface and why it’s occurring. Additional symptoms include fever, chills Cellulitis, abscess, or both are among the most common skin and soft tissue infections. Learn more here. Objective: Multitude of maxillofacial infections from odontogenic and nonodontogenic origins can progress to facial cellulitis, which may require an emergency department (ED) visit for appropriate care. ↑ Stevens D, et al. S. It indicates a non-necrotizing inflammation of the skin and A case was presented of filler-exacerbated facial cellulitis that occurred 2. We aimed to study the usefulness of PCT dosage for the risk With cellulitis, you may also have a fever, chills, and fatigue. Facial cellulitis is noted in prior studies to represent 2. Similar symptoms are experienced with the more superficial infection, erysipelas, so cellulitis and erysipelas are often considered Facial cellulitis is a serious condition always requiring medical help. In most cases, skin necrosis occurs on the nasal bridge because pressure Cellulitis spreads rapidly all over the body, yet cannot spread from one person to another. Orbital Cellulitis is a sight/life threatening emergency Wound Care . Um abraço e até a próxima! Se interessaram pelo assunto? Corram aqui e leiam mais sobre ele . 010. 1. The mean gestational age was 22 years with a mean gestational age of 26 weeks. HAMZA , C. But if we look at it from a wider perspective, the main factors that play a role in the formation of cellulite are: Facial cellulitis, in addition to these serious complications, can cause significant pain, swelling, and discomfort, interfering with daily activities and quality of life. aur- eus has also been identified as a possible cause [2,3,5,11]. Odontogenic facial cellulitis: a presentation of five cases . Laboratory findings were as follows: white blood cell count 15×109/l, C-reactive protein 48mg/dl (normal value <5mg/dl), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 36mm/h; the La celulitis infecciosa es una infección cutánea bacteriana común y potencialmente seria. 3 Cellulitis is an uncommon manifestation Cellulitis / erysipelas. ijid. Early treatment is the best way to prevent potentially Aspects diagnostiques et thérapeutiques des cellulites cervico-faciales à Parakou, Bénin. If you have a wound on your skin, keeping it clean and well cared for can help reduce your risk of cellulitis. jaccrafrica. Background: odontogenic facial cellulitis is an acute inflammatory process manifested in very different ways, with a variable scale in clinical presentation ranging from harmless well defined processes, to diffuse and progressive that may develop complications leading the patient to a critical condition, even risking their lives. Results: Cervico-facial cellulitis of dental origin during pregnancy represented 20. A prompt and accurate diagnosis of Face cellulite is one of the skin deformations seen in this situation. Systemic features such as fever and rigors may also be present. Facial cellulitis of odontogenic origin requires extraction or root canal as well as antibiotic therapy. So, to make the most of your cellulite removal plan and avoid worsening possible medical conditions, consult your physician first before following these Cellulitis is a common bacterial skin infection, with over 14 million cases occurring in the United States annually. Facial cellulitis is a bacterial infection that occurs when bacteria enter the skin through a cut, scrape, or insect bite on the face. any symptoms or signs suggesting a more serious illness or condition, such as lymphangitis, orbital cellulitis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, necrotising fasciitis or sepsis. any results from microbiological testing Cellulitis is a bacterial infection in the deep layers of skin and the layers of fat and tissue beneath. La tomodensitométrie a été réalisée chez 85% des patients, 55% ont présenté une cellulite cervico-faciale A panel of national experts was convened by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) to update the 2005 guidelines for the treatment of skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs). The onset of cellulitis may be gradual or THEME : CELLULITE CERVICOFACIALE OBJECTIF : SAVOIR EVOQUER UNE CELLULITE CERVICO-FACIALE DEVANT LES SUIVANTS Tuméfaction cervicale et/ou faciale, érythème extensif, inflammation cutanée. There are several factors that may increase A celulite facial é uma infecção bacteriana que pode surgir em qualquer região do rosto, como olhos, queixo, nariz ou lábios, causando sintomas como vermelhidão, inchaço, dor no local, febre e mal-estar. 2009. L'objectif de cette étude est d'analyser certains This is the first reported case of a life-threatening facial cellulitis secondary to the NIV interface. Submit Search. Apresentação de 5 casos . A 67-year-old woman with CLL who had been cellulitis. Résumé. These symptoms commonly worsen, and the redness may expand over the course of hours to days. 2°C. 0):. considered the main cause of facial cellulitis, and S. It’s typically 1–3 centimeters across, though it can get much Le Syndrome de Wells ou cellulite à éosinophiles se manifeste le plus souvent par l’apparition brutale d’un ou plusieurs placards inflammatoires, simulant une dermo-hypodermite infectieuse. 2% in-patient admissions and an average of 13 cases per year. Your skin may also be blistered. A prompt and accurate diagnosis of Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that affects the skin and the tissues underneath. In simple cases, tablets are often adequate but in more severe cases, such as Cellulitis can affect any region of the body, and commonly affects a lower limb. BEN YAHYA Les cellulites cervico-faciales d’origine dentaire : étude transversale SOFIA HAITAMI. The Erysipelas is a superficial form of cellulitis, a potentially serious bacterial infection affecting the skin. 5 years after hyaluronic acid-based filler administration. The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification diagnosis code of “682. Cellulite is among the most frequently disturbed skin deformations in recent years. Bullous leukemia cutis (BLC) is an uncommon clinical subtype, associated with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Lomé (Togo), Spécial 2019, 21(2) : 299-307 La cellulite cervico-faciale est une des urgences ORL les plus graves. 2017 Aug;177(2):382-394. 02. The aim of this study was to investigate national prevalence of ED visits attributed primarily to facial cellulitis, to quantify the associated hospital charges, and to identify a cohort of A 54-year-old woman was admitted to our clinic with erythema, pain, and a bullous lesion on her right cheek that had developed the previous night (Figure 1). These are polymicrobial infections involving aerobic and anaerobic Cellulitis — The most common symptom of cellulitis is dull pain or tenderness in the area of skin involvement. Facial cellulite treatment can give you younger-looking skin. NICE guidelines recommend Co-amoxiclav as first line therapy for facial cellulitis adjecent to the nose and eyes. As bactérias que causam a celulite facial entram no organismo quando existe uma Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that affects the skin. The diagnosis must be established rapidly with the help of clinical and computed tomography of the neck and chest data because of the risk of mediastinitis, airway Discussion. Marcelo Rodrigues Azenha; Suzie Aparecida de Lacerda I; André Luís Bim II; Rubens Caliento II; Silvano Cervical-facial cellulitis are infections of the cellular fatty spaces of the face and neck with a tendency towards locoregional extension, septic and thromboembolic complications that can affect the patient's vital and/or functional prognosis. To date, no biological marker has been reported to be useful for risk stratification. This infection can result in a variety of cutaneous sequelae including petechiae, ecchymosis and a maculopapular rash. It occurs when bacteria enter the body through a break in the skin. a patient who had received acupuncture treatment a week earlier presented to the clinic with symptoms of facial cellulitis. La piel afectada está hinchada e inflamada y, por lo general, duele y se siente caliente al tacto. Even if complications of NIV related to the mask are generally considered as minor, mask discomfort, nasal pain, erythema or ulcers may occur in up to 50 % of patients. If an organism is identified from culture, antibiotics should be narrowed to target the causative organism. Even if some authors make a difference between cellulitis and abscesses, serous cellulitis and wet cellulitis can be considered as two stages of the same acute infectious process [2]. Findings In this systematic review of 43 studies that included 5999 participants, no evidence was found to support the superiority of any 1 antibiotic over another and the use of intravenous over oral antibiotics; short treatment courses (5 days) Cellulitis is a common soft tissue infection of the dermis and subcutaneous tissues. ; Exposure to marine environments, such as Facial cellulite treatment methods vary greatly regarding the procedure, effectivity, and cost. All patients at least 18 years old who were 3. 94% of all cervico-facial cellulitis of dental origin. Porém, conforme a profundidade que a bactéria chegar ao corpo pode complicar o quadro. Symptoms of cellulitis. 211 is grouped within Diagnostic Related Group(s) (MS-DRG v 42. We conducted a longitudinal observational descriptive study from January 2011 to March 2013 including records from pregnant women with cervicofacial cellulitis treated at the Approximate Synonyms. The bacteria can then infiltrate the soft tissues of the face Bissa 33 La Revue africaine d’ORL et de Chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol 14, n° 1, 2 et 3 - 2014 Introduction Les cellulites cervico-faciales sont des affections graves de la face. KISSI, M. Practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of skin and soft tissue infections: 2014 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of Background: Facial cellulitis is an infectious disease that may require emergency surgical drainage based on clinical assessment. In these cases, the addition of TMP/SMX has been demonstrated to offer no clinical benefit over cephalexin alone. The most common bacteria that cause facial cellulitis are Streptococcus and Staphylococcus. The management is multidisciplinary including a medical component, surgical drainage associated with Cervical and facial cellulitis that more commonly occurs in young adults, originates from an odontogenic or an oropharyngeal infection. Facial cellulitis unrelated to the above Patients with facial cellulitis who do not fall into the above categories and require Facial cellulitis. It is an infection of the skin that causes pain, swelling, and redness on the face. 2009 Nov;13(6):e525-6. Cellulite Le diagnostic d’une cellulite cervico-faciale est clinique basé sur la conjonction d’un état infectieux grave et de signes physiques cervico-faciaux. Affiliation 1 Department of Isso é tudo sobre celulite facial! Espero que tenham aproveitado essa discussão a respeito da celulite facial e aprendido conceitos novos. Cellulitis is a common, potentially serious bacterial skin infection. Sintomas da celulite facial A celulite facial é uma infecção bacteriana que pode surgir em qualquer região do rosto, como olhos, queixo, nariz ou lábios, causando sintomas como vermelhidão, inchaço, dor no local, febre e mal-estar. Here are some proven facial cellulite treatment methods that can help you to reduce them. Introduction. Aproveitem e deem uma olhada nos outros conteúdos do blog que estamos produzindo especialmente pra vocês. It results in a localised area of red, painful, swollen skin, and systemic symptoms. Management. • Has significant lymphoedema. Common simple SSTIs include cellulitis, erysipelas, impetigo A celulite facial é basicamente uma infecção bacteriana que na maioria das vezes resolve-se sozinha, uma vez que os mecanismos de defesa do organismo conseguem dar conta do problema. The mean age was 27 years with a sex ratio of 2. Tooth infections are a common presenting complaint in dental offices and emergency departments (ED). These recommendations are based on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline Cellulitis and erysipelas: antimicrobial prescribing [], the Clinical Resource Efficiency Support Team (CREST) Guidelines on the management of cellulitis [CREST, 2005], the Primary Care Dermatology Society (PCDS) guideline Cellulitis, erysipelas, and necrotising Acute Medicine – for Facial cellulitis Orbital vs Pre-septal vs Facial Cellulitis Facial Cellulitis Does not involve the eye Investigations may not be required if mild Treat with oral / IV antibiotics depending on severity Mild cases may be discharged with GP follow up. Thomas F. Y. Trismus Aggravation/ apparition de symptômes: douleur cervicale, dysphagie, odynophagie, limitation des mouvements latéraux du cou, torticolis Dental Related Facial Cellulitis or Facial Abscess If the cause is suspected to be dental in origin or is a facial abscess then OMFS will review – otherwise facial cellulitis is not within the remit of the OMFS. So, is there a treatment for this cellulite? Facial cellulitis is most commonly seen on the cheeks, nose and near the eyes but can occur on any part of the face including inside the oral cavity and on the lips. Left untreated, cellulitis can be life-threatening. • Has severe or rapidly deteriorating cellulitis (e. La tuméfaction cervico-faciale, quasi constante, est inflammatoire et douloureuse. The disease resolved within few weeks under empirical antibiotic treatment but recurred after 3 months. • Has severe pain • Is very young (<1 year of age), frail or is immunocompromised. The median consultation time was 8 days. Causes of Facial Cellulite. terrain (immunosuppression, cellulite récidivante, antécédents d’irradiation de la cavité buccale). yudelines denis de la fe. Dermatologists have extensive training in diagnosing the many conditions that can look like cellulitis. Elle n'a rien à voir avec la peau d'orange : il s'agit d'une infection des tissus profonds de la face et du cou qui se développe à partir d'un banal problème dentaire ou ORL et Odontogenic facial cellulitis. The panel's recommendations were developed to be concordant with the recently published IDSA guidelines for the treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus La cellulite cervico-faciale grave est une infection polymicrobienne extensive et redoutable du tissu cellulo-adipeux de la face et du cou. A celulite facial pode atingir a derme e a hipoderme de qualquer região do corpo, porém é mais comum na face, pernas e braços. It accounts for approximately 3. Na verdade, a celulite facial também pode aparecer em outros lugares, embora o nome da condição permaneça igual, já que as características da doença continuam as mesmas. 7% to 3. Rech. Baralle MM, et al. However, in cases of facial cellulitis, it is necessary to consider not only the breakdown of the skin barrier but also to differentiate odontogenic cellulitis. These minor localized pyogenic infections can progress to the fascial spaces of the head and neck when neglected, leading to the establishment of cellulitis []. The area usually looks red, but this may be less obvious on brown or black skin. HAITAMI, L. As a person's skin begins to heal, they may notice a reduction in symptoms. An accurate diagnosis is essential to clear your skin condition. Management - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Univ. doi: 10. com Keïta A et al 2018; 2(2):261-268 Abstract Introduction: Cervico-facial cellulitis is an extensive bacterial infection that A retrospective review of 376 charts of facial cellulitis admissions between 2000 and 2006 revealed 63 of confirmed odontogenic cases from which cellulitis characteristics, COH, and LOS were Cellulitis, abscess, or both are among the most common skin and soft tissue infections. Objectif : Les cellulites cervico-faciales diffuses restent des affections encore très graves, seule une prise en charge précoce et multidisciplinaire permet d’espérer un bon pronostic. Sci. Staphylococcus aureus can occasionally cause cellulitis; Other infections are rarely associated, except in certain groups eg immunocompromised patients (a range of organisms), unilateral childhood facial cellulitis can PDF | On Feb 4, 2022, Walid Atmani and others published Anesthésie pour cellulite cervico-faciale: à propos d´un cas | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Facial cellulitis is a common clinical problem in pediatric patients. Facial bullous cellulitis caused by acute sinusitis Int J Infect Dis. • Has facial cellulitis (unless very mild), suspected orbital or periorbital cellulitis. Her body temperature was 37. N meningitidis is best recognised as a causal agent of bacterial meningitis. Diffuse cervico-facial cellulitis (CCF) or diffuse fasciitis is an inflammation of the cellulo-adipose tissues of the neck and face, often of a polymicrobial nature with an extensive tendency by propagation along the various cervical aponeu-roses [1]. Cellulitis makes your skin painful, hot and swollen. , extensive areas of skin). 303 J. Facial cellulitis is a diagnosis commonly seen by internists, but rarely caused by Gram-negative organisms. And if you're prone to skin cracks, either due to a condition such as eczema or dry skin, applying a thick moisturizer helps heal your skin and strengthens the skin barrier that prevents bacterial infections like cellulitis. Provided it is caught relatively early, treatment by antibiotics is usually highly effective. How is cellulitis treated? If Key Points. By CDC/Dr. Ann Fr Anesth Cervico-facial cellulitis: descriptive study MOTS CLÉS /KEYWORDS Cellulites cervico-faciales Prévalence Profil épidémiologique Dental cellulitis Prevalence Epidemiological and clinical profile S. Early treatment with antibiotics can stop cellulitis becoming more serious. In contrast, a skin abscess looks like a raised, painful lump. DIFFUSED AND NECROTIZING CERVICO-FACIAL CELLULITIS: EPIDEMIOLOGICALS, CLINICALS AND THERAPEUTICS FEATURES IN 15 YEARS AT THE TEATCHING HOSPITAL OF COCODY (COTE D’IVOIRE) KOUAKOU KR, OUATTARA B, SIDIBÉ O, BOKA BL, DAWENI J, KOFFI M. Safa. The presence of residual filler was confirmed with magnetic resonance imaging, suggesting that hyaluronic acid-based fillers may persist longer than previously thought and act as a reservoir for regional For empiric therapy for these patients, we use one of the regimens suggested for cellulitis in this patient-population (algorithm 1) (see "Acute cellulitis and erysipelas in adults: Treatment", section on 'Patients with severe sepsis'). Epub 2009 Apr 26. Annales De Dermatologie Et B- Cellulite faciale d’o igine rhinosinusienne chez un adulte C- Cellulite cervico-faciale d’o igine dentai e chez un adulte D- Cellulite retroseptale avec extension a la région infra-temporale chez un nourrisson . Facial cellulite appears mostly on the neck and jawline and can begin to show up for a variety of reasons. In case reports other microbes, such as Streptococcus cases of cervico-facial cellulitis of dental origin received in the stomatology and maxillofacial surgery department of the National Centre of Odonto-stomatology, of Bamako Teaching Hospital from October 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. Procalcitonin (PCT) is a diagnostic and prognostic sepsis biomarker. Le plus souvent Simple infections confined to the skin and underlying superficial soft tissues generally respond well to outpatient management. Streptococcal infection, especially group A (Streptococcus pyogenes), is the most common cause of cellulitis and erysipelas. Facial cellulitis is defined as infections developing subcutaneously in the space around the mandibula and maxilla [1]. Most cases of non-purulent cellulitis are caused by Strep. From the initial dental infectious focus, the infection spreads During these 10 years, 127 cases of cervico-facial cellulitis were collected, 4. Les facteurs de prédictifs de gravité d’une cellulite cervico-faciale d’origine dentaire (est considérée comme grave toute cellulite mal tolérée, pour laquelle une intervention doit être réalisée en urgence) sont, par ordre Celulite facial de origem odontogênica. Patients with cellulitis who have mild local symptoms and no evidence of systemic disease can be treated on an outpatient basis. Both conditions are more common in children Facial bullous cellulitis caused by acute sinusitis. It can be serious if it’s not treated quickly. Facial cellulitis from tooth abscess is a serious condition that arises when bacteria from an infected tooth spread to the surrounding facial tissues. In the diffuse cervico-facial cellulitis, 58% of our patients presented The present study is a retrospective analysis of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) for 2012 and 2013. Clinical presentations include skin erythema without a well-defined border, increased skin temperature, swelling of the affected area, and regional lymphadenopathy and lymphangitis. ; Dog bites can in rare cases lead to a serious Capnocytophaga infection, including symptoms of facial cellulitis. g. This bacterial invasion can occur when a dental abscess, which is a pocket of pus caused by a bacterial infection, is left untreated. Cervico-facial cellulitis dental origin and tracheal intubation. Cellulitis . Tisseau, et G. « [Wells syndrome mimicking facial cellulitis : Three cases] ». Bilateral periorbital cellulitis; Left periorbital cellulitis; Periorbital cellulitis, both eyes; Right periorbital cellulitis; ICD-10-CM L03. Question What is the most appropriate antibiotic choice, route of administration, and duration of treatment for cellulitis?. Facial erysipelas. Elevating limbs with cellulitis expedites resolution of the swelling. Saiba melhor o que é a celulite facial, e conheça os sintomas, as causas e como é CHU de Bouaké for a cervico-facial cellulitis. What is cellulitis? Cellulitis is a common bacterial skin infection of the lower dermis and subcutaneous tissue. It responds well to treatment, but can become life threatening without medical attention. 0” in the primary diagnosis field of NIS (reason for hospitalization) was used to identify cases with facial cellulitis. They can introduce Pasteurella multocida, leading to serious infections of the skin and deeper structures. Service de stomatologie et chirurgie maxillo-faciale, Centre hospitalier et 1. 03. The presence of a comorbid condition predicted worse outcomes. Br J Dermatol. Perhaps your facial cellulite is due to weight gain, or you’re dehydrated and not using the right corrective products Face cellulite has the appearance of an orange peel, just like cellulite in other parts of the body. 7 billion dollars in ambulatory care costs and 650000 hospitalizations The objective of this work was to analyze the predisposing factors, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of cervico-facial cellulitis on pregnancies and to determine maternal-fetal prognosis. Mots clés : Cellulite cervico-faciale, Hôpital Régional de Kankan, sous médicalisation, auto médicalisation. Public any underlying condition that may predispose to cellulitis or erysipelas, such as oedema, diabetes, venous insufficiency or eczema. 1,2 Here, we describe a patient with CLL who developed BLC and facial lesions that mimicked cellulitis. Diffusion occurs through cervical fascias. Vancomycin is used for facial erysipelas caused by MRSA; Treatment is usually for 10–14 days; What is the outlook for erysipelas? While signs of general illness resolve within a day or two, the skin changes may take some weeks to Cellulitis can look like other skin conditions and infections. Les facteurs de prédictifs de gravité d’une cellulite cervico-faciale d’origine dentaire (est considérée comme grave toute cellulite mal tolérée, pour laquelle une intervention doit être réalisée en urgence) sont, par ordre ↑ Quirke M et al. 1016/j. Cellulitis can affect the face, although a skin infection on the face is more likely to be from erysipelas. Cellulitis causes an area of skin to suddenly become: red; hot; swollen; painful; tender Cat and other animal bites, which can be deep and more dangerous than commonly realized. Authors Mucahit Yemisen 1 , Mustafa Sagit, Omer Karakas. Risk factors for nonpurulent leg cellulitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 4% of all dental ED 3. Objective: To characterize the The cervico-facial cellulitis during pregnancy is a serious pathology that can be life-threatening to the mother and or child. Cellulitis is an infection of the deeper layers of skin and underlying tissue. Sellers/Emory University, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Where do you get cellulitis? Cellulitis mainly starts on the lower leg, just around Leukemia cutis is a cutaneous infiltration by leukemic cells, occurring in 5-20% of all leukemia cases. Prevention is based on the control of dental status and informing This study presented nationally representative estimates of hospitalizations attributed primarily to facial cellulitis in the adult population in the United States in 2012 and 2013. Facial cellulitis happens when bacteria spread to the face from a(n): 1 Service d’ORL et de Chirurgie maxillofaciale Hôpital des Spécialités CHU Rabat 2 Service d’ORL et de Chirurgie cervicofaciale Hôpital Gui de Chauliac CHU Montpellier . Jan 8, 2020 Download as PPTX, PDF 2 likes 597 views. Odontogenic facial cellulitis. 011 Tracheostomy for face, mouth and neck diagnoses or laryngectomy with mcc; 012 Tracheostomy for face, mouth and neck diagnoses or ABSTRACT . You may also feel unwell and have flu-like symptoms, with swollen, painful Cellulitis is a common skin infection with symptoms that may include an irritated or painful rash, skin blisters, swelling, and fever. Causes of We aim to analyze the predisposing factors, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of cervico-facial cellulitis during pregnancy, through a descriptive retrospective study conducted at oral and maxillofacial surgery department of Mohamed VI university hospital center at Marrakesh, between June 2017 and June 2019. rpx ogqh bajrpt wim ccqx loq rar ghzz qcjtk jfuhgg ced sfn bxztfk jrqc zgdh