Escape from tarkov scav case I wanted to know if they w The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • -Select Scav Case and construct. Friend got green key card from 85k case. Closing the inventory does put the sorting items back in your stash but it still seems to work reliably as I got 7 scav junk boxes at the time of handing this in and it took the only one that was empty as that was the only one I didnt put in the sorting table. Despite many posts on here saying negative rep only impacts your scav case timer, as soon as he dipped into positive rep, his yield shifted massively and now he's making profit much more consistently. I just started my scav case for the first time, and have plenty of moonshines to run lol; first one's going now. It provides 49 inventory slots in a 7x7 grid and only takes up 6 inventory slots itself. 12 to see which out of Moonshine and Intel Folder would be the best, and most profitable. The Magazine case is a container with the purpose of saving space within the player's inventory. A wheeled weapon magazine storage case. Moonshine haven't had much luck. 13. I'm loving all the new barter trades and stuff you guys are putting into the game, and this makes a great solution to the inventory management with that and quest items etc. I just need the 2 kappa items in title. I could be looking at marked rooms more for the wallet. I’ve looked everywhere on reserve and lighthouse and have not been able to find a tank battery and I remember in the past wipes I’d always get my tank batteries from my scav case ( moonshine) or a random scav spawn, can anyone confirm if they’ve gotten a tank battery via the scav case and what form of payment they’ve used. It can store everything except: Ballistic plate case Streamer item case Item case Weapon case Lucky Scav Junk box T H I C Lucky Scav Junk box (Junk) is a Container in Escape from Tarkov. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games last i checked the 95k scav case was the most cracked of them all Item case (Items) is a Container in Escape from Tarkov. 5mil for me to build it, but was wondering how long it will take for me to get the initial cost covered by the Scav Case. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I recently unlucked the scav case and was wondering if there is any Jan 17, 2022 · 2022年12月のワイプ後アップデート(0. Red didn't seem worth it at all but just my anecdotal input over only half a dozen runs. I recommend all regular players construct the Scav Case to generate millions of Roubles with Moonshine IMO the scav case isn’t really for profit. It provides 196 inventory slots in a 14x14 grid and only Basically the scav case has the same drop chance for good items no matter the cost. I wish I had collected some hard data since I got my scav case online, but here are my anecdotal observations: 2500… Jan 8, 2022 · The main issue I can see with current scav violence penalties is that it's mainly a small, cumulative long-term penalty (reputation), with no substantial short-term penalty. At the three-story dorms in the "marked room" On a industrial shelf in Apr 22, 2023 · Thanks for Watching guys, If you have other comparison videos you want me to do, let me know in the comment section and I can put them ahead of some others! Locked case (Locked case) was an item in Escape from Tarkov. I went in and clicked on construct and remenered my scav junk cases were full. Aug 22, 2018 · Hey I just want to put in my two cents and say hell yes the scav junk box is awesome! thanks bsg. We offer gameplay clips, discussions, and support, with a strong community and various events. so the center is always empty with a lot of space. For the rogues, see Rogues. you can basically store items which youll need for later quests and hideout upgrades aswell as items for barters and crafting. 0 - A Brief History of Events in the Escape From Tarkov community since April 24th, 2024. The solution is to keep the reputation penalty as a long-term punishment for repeat offenders, but also add an immediate sc Jan 4, 2025 · Scav Case. it’s for finding good FiR items for quests or those rare keys/items you can’t buy outright. Jan 27, 2025 · Enzo is a staff writer at Prima Games. Gym Junkbox First. So far the rare keys I've gotten from the 70k one are Labs Weapon Testing and Managers Office, Yellow Keycard, RB-ORB2, and I recently got RB-MP22 the 2 mil one. 2 kg Owning the "The Unheard" or "Edge of Darkness" game edition Secure container Epsilon: 8 1. He began writing news, guides, and listicles related to games back in 2019. Everything considered a barter item The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Does anyone know which scav case to run to get stims, specifically The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online The Unheard Edition Patch-0. I just kept selling em without thinking. since i like to hoard alot As other pointed out, Scav case is like playing slot machines, with low entry fee you can make some profit pretty often. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online The Unheard Edition Patch-0. The Lucky Scav Junk box is a container with the purpose of saving space within the player's inventory. Jul 29, 2022 · scav box is 100% worth it. I hit red, violet and yellow like 4-5 times before I got both hideout items. Currently the losses on my scav case just make me feel like im slightly further away from a THICC item case barter (using moonshine on scav case vs saving 50 for the barter), since that’s my next big thing I’m saving up for. #Syrekx #EscapeFromTarkov #TarkovEscape From Tarkov which Scav Case option is the most profitable and most reliable?I will show you the difference between al The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online Extracted with 7 scavs as the only PMC, thank yall for not betraying me :D The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online Day 7 of asking BSG to implement a phone-number/MFA required server(s). Cannot be stored in a backpack. The catch? You won't know what you're getting until your Scav returns. (Requires Escape from Tarkov: Arena) Secure container Gamma: 9 1. The Item case is a container with the purpose of saving space within the player's inventory. There’s no structured goal; instead, players are free to explore and engage in Tarkov’s environments according to their own strategies. if you don't have the money i don't think it's a bad idea to wait a bit until you're a bit more economically stable, and then try to get it Feb 14, 2022 · I tested 50 Hideout Scav Case Runs in 12. Oct 11, 2022 · Can someone at BSG please tune the damn logic for key rewards for the Scav Case and Intel Folders? I continue to get the same Military Checkpoint key 50% of the time. Cannot be listed for sale on the flea market. I don't even want to know the amount of stashes I've searched for this armband. Got my scav case like 2 weeks ago or something, ran only moonshine until I got a tank battery (found it in a raid) I could be unlucky, but moonshine is ass this wipe. in the big building there is a spawn in cardboard box in the corner of mail, on Feb 26, 2024 · Are you trying to decide on the best scav case option in Escape From Tarkov? Let’s go through all the choices and what loot to expect. I spent a ton of intel folders I think. . It just ate it all with a bunch of quest items and streamer items, then the server crashed and when I re-loaded it was back. I've done about 20-30 runs of intel so far and the best I've gotten was 2 cottage backdoor keys, a West 301 key and an East 226. The one advice i will give, use moonshine for streamer items, use intel for keys, and 95k if you’re trying to turn profit. Tonight, after a quick scav run on Loothouse (where I may have taken my frustrations out on an M4 & SV-98 weilding PMC, with my pump shotty loaded with cheap buck… sorry bro, we both know neither of us was looking to “hook up Tarky-style” tonight…), I came back to my hideout to find a scav had brought me a DAMN TANK BATTERY! The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I had success going to the scav case screen, hitting tab and opening Jul 20, 2022 · Just looking to get some clarification on this one please. either moonshine or intel but ive no joke found like 10-15 this wipe on streets. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online GLOBAL LIMIT FOR BULLETS HAS BEEN REMOVED (PERSONAL LIMIT STILL UNTOUCHED) (Prapor and PK as examples LVL 4) For the bosses, see Bosses. 筆者が入手したSCAVCASEの戦利品一覧まとめ. even more if u dont have eod. Feb 26, 2024 · Are you trying to decide on the best scav case option in Escape From Tarkov? Let’s go through all the choices and what loot to expect. but I just got merin finally and 314 marked so now I’ll switch back to moonshine and hope I get an AHFM stim soon lol cuz I need that for samples! Building the scav case in Escape From Tarkov is a huge investment, but it can provide players with some crazy items worth tons of money and others that are r The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online If I put ammo into a container and it stacks on an existing non-full stack and there is more room in the container, all of it should go into the container. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The T H I C C advanced storage case with increased storage volume for various items. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer, join us and take your gaming experience to the next level! I collected 150 dog tags and was about to trade for it, then realized how small it was and thought it wasn’t worth it. 0)SCAVケース対応. Oct 30, 2024 · Last Updated on by Samuel Franklin The Scav Case is a valuable Tarkov hideout upgrade for extra loot or rare quest items. A storage case for various items. I also dont love buying weapons and gear, so getting those from scav cases feels really good. The T H I C C item case is a container with the purpose of saving space within the player's inventory. one for barters/crafts one for kappa items and 1 for just storing stuff between raids which i sell from time to time (mostly when i die before my teammates do). It provides 196 inventory slots in a 14x14 grid and only takes up 16 inventory slots itself. In 2024, he started writing at Prima Games covering the best new games and updates regardless of the genre. 5k case. A large case for storing various hand grenades. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I've also heard good things about the 85k scav case, so I'm mostly The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I logged in for the first time today to claim my scav case findings In Escape from Tarkov's latest patch, knowing how to maximize your scav case's potential is crucial for survival. in check 15 building, you can get one by the dead guy in the stairs, room before the kitchen, in the free iron gate i think maybe the key ones as well. Nov 2, 2021 · i startet Scav case just before the event was over with sugar now it runs 82 hours :/ Hello, so I have all the items for the Scav case on the hideout. For the raiders, see Scav Raiders. 15 votes, 17 comments. Scavengers, known by their alias "Scavs", are a faction in Escape from Tarkov. Hover over the icons of the containers for a quick view of their layouts. I happened to be watching a stream last night and someone mentioned that if a scav boss hits you as a scav; you can attempt to kill them without losing any karma? First off is this true and secondly for bosses with guards. 6 kg Building the scav case in Escape From Tarkov is a huge investment, but it can provide players with some crazy items worth tons of money and others that are r Mar 14, 2025 · SRT* Mode for Co-op (and SP) gameplay“THE IMMERSIVE HIDEOUT”by horsedancingwithcrow – No HUD Team This (Survival Realism Tarkov) mode is a guide that shares ideas, in order to develop a more realistic, redesigned, Escape from Tarkov experience: it is based on house rules, self-imposed limitations Mar 10, 2023 · The returns from your Scav Case needs to be sent in an email from Fence in lieu of a pop up in your inventory. Only good thing streamer loot I pulled was the rooster which is the last kappa I needed. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online Why does this loadout want to buy the rear and front sights, aswell as the barrel? I got like 8 Mag cases/8 Ammo cases at the top, 3 med cases, nade case, scav case, food case, 2 THICCs at the top, and at the bottom 10 money cases, 4 items cases and 3 weapon cases. With multiple options, different loot tables and return times it can be difficult to determine the best option and if the initial construction investment is worth it. using 70k or intel/moonshine can give you even bigger profits but also have a good chance to make a loss. I have done 2 Intelligence folder cases (costing me 380k each) and i lost pretty bad on both of them. 0. I've been running the 70k Scav Case ever since it gave me Labs Manager's Office Key. It's just dice rolling. Related Escape from Tarkov MMO Action game First-person shooter Gaming Shooter game forward back r/EscapefromTarkov The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games When making the scav case did they fix it to where it won’t use one that’s full? The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games two skills this wipe but really have no interest in running the scav Just made my scav case today and had my first 70k run return, TOZ mag (1k), shotgun barrel (25k on flea market), 2x hose pipes (26k ish each) and an intel folder (190k ish) - made a good profit, hope the next one turns up with similar loot! - made a profit of 200-210k! The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online When MoistCritikal makes a negative video about something, you should know you've irredeemably screwed up Feb 6, 2021 · EFTの隠れ家を開発していくと「Scav case」を使用することが出来るようになります。 Scav caseはお駄賃をScavに支払ってアイテムを回収してもらうことが出来ます。 今回はScav caseを使用する際のおすすめを記載していこうと思います。 この記事は2021年2月6日 Wanted to confirm again this still works perfectly. Just wanted to see how everyone else was making out with scav case runs. This will use The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online To the guy who killed me after I helped you quest… Ballistic plate case (Plates) is a Container in Escape from Tarkov. For several wipes now I have a lot of room in my stash, yet I get this "not enough space in your stash to move items" because the game wants to give me a lot of large backpacks or whatev Mar 11, 2025 · Last Updated on January 13, 2024 by Samuel FranklinThe Scav Case is a valuable Tarkov hideout upgrade for extra loot or rare quest items. The Scav Case is a bit of a gamble, but it can pay off big time. 8 kg Owning the "Prepare for Escape" game edition; Barter at Peacekeeper LL2; Secure container Alpha: 4 0. Easter eggs and References: The Ballistic plate Grenade case (Grenades) is a Container in Escape from Tarkov. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online There needs to be a way to "Lock" Containers in your stash. The contents are unknown, but you'll need a key to open it. The Grenade case is a container with the purpose of saving space within the player's inventory. Dodged a bullet there. Main difference is Intel has a higher chance to include keys/cards while moonshine gives more items. If you can scav every 10 to 20 minutes, then there is no loss or risk when playing it. and if u have a few mil after those cases maybe get a weapons case, maybe u might have already a lot of items for the trade for the This is my first wipe so i’ve never had the scav case up until a few days ago. Most of the profit i made last wipe running scav case was from keys or expensive tech items. And intel so far have me ws11 object card and dorms marked key. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of I would say so considering his math equated the moonshine to be 160k at the time to craft, and thats a 25% difference. 通称SCAVガチャ. Makes sense from a lore perspective but so many posters were adamant that rep didn't play a factor in what you got, we think it does. Im just warning everyone who would spend millions to get the scav case: just because someone won the lotery it doesnt mean you will The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I am now at a point where I am considering building a scav case in The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I’ve built the scav case twice since I started playing and felt The Intel folder scav case will almost always give you the injectors. I don't even have to buy it though considering I get a moonshine every other run from this one spot. everything is grouped in a way to be mirrored and perfectly (almost) aligned so it looks good too. It’s all about how much of a hoarder you are honestly. 14. In short, if you only care about roubles and making a profit, the 95k is the best scav case in Tarkov. But those are easy to find. Yea the scav case is pretty miserable. i did a moonshine case that was actually pretty decent, i believe i profited about 100k. Only armor plates can be stored in it. Thanks The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online There needs to be a way to "Lock" Containers in your stash. It can only store: Grenades UZRGM grenade fuze Grenade launcher cartridges One can be obtained as a Escape from Tarkov The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online The Unheard Edition Patch-0. It provides 64 inventory slots in an 8x8 grid and only takes up 16 inventory slots itself. It provides 64 inventory slots in a 8x8 grid and only takes up 9 inventory slots itself. ほとんど、 9 5 000ルーブル 、 MoonShine 、 機密フォルダ(インテリジェンス) で回しています。 参考いただければ幸いです。 ※画像を見 I've heard some people say they got it from the 95k scav case but honestly running labs over and over is just the way to go. The Ballistic plate case is a container with the purpose of saving space within the player's inventory. A large storage case for different items and goods that you may or may not need for later barters. With multiple options with different loot tables and return times it can be difficult to determine the best option and if the large initial construction investmen Nov 16, 2024 · Escape from Tarkov Wiki* Scav case - Escape from Tarkov Wiki* ブラウザの JavaScript がオフ(ブロックまたは許可しない)に設定されているため、このページは正常に機能しません。 It seems that it costs about 3. Most of the time you get junk in the 70k scav case but when you hit you hit BIG. Only magazines can be stored in it. Just run whatever you’re willing to lose, it’s a lot like gambling. Some of these items can not be equipped on the character but are used to free up inventory space by providing storage and taking up fewer inventory slots. Key drops are totally FUBAR as it is. i usualy have 2 or 3. Would you need Magazine case (Magazines) is a Container in Escape from Tarkov. A key suitable for opening most standard cases. 6. Due Aug 7, 2021 · Scav Caseはどっちがいいの? Scav Caseの特徴 EFTにはHIDE OUTを進めることでScav Caseというものを作ることができます。 これは一定額のルーブル or インテリ or ムーンシャインを使うことで一定時間後にscavが勝手にアイテムを取ってきてくれる一種のガチャですね。 Containers, as the name suggests, are items for containing things. Used in the quest Shell Game from Skier On Smugglers On Scav Bosses The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I was having trouble building the scav case but your post solved the Exactly, if you throw a moonshine into shoreline river each raid wishing for a red keycard, you might profit more than running scav cases, or you might not. i have also found them in the skybridge building and also the skybridge key room. Feb 3, 2025 · Scav mode in Escape from Tarkov offers a unique perspective on the game’s world, providing a different gameplay experience than playing as a PMC. Got an rd704 from 2. next medcase if u dont already habe one and then items case. the entire scav case is rng, some people find coloured labs cards and etc from a 95k run meanwhile others spend 10 moonshines and don't make any profit. At the onset of active hostilities in the city, in addition to the predictable humanitarian consequences, a special trend is observed that represents a threat for both civilians and armed forces of the conflicting parties. Upgrading the Scav Case increases the chances of getting rare and valuable items. 1 kg Quest completion of The Punisher - Part 6: Secure container Beta: 6 0. Can only be opened outside of a raid Must be un-locked at the Workbench level 1 before it can be opened Cannot be listed for sale on the flea market Destroyed after unpacking (Right-click "unpack") 3 need to be found for the quest That’s a Great Plan, Walter On . It provides 96 inventory slots in a 8x12 grid and only takes up 8 inventory slots itself. if you have to many diff items that dont go into tue lucky box try to use rigs pr armored rigs to stash items that also helps a lot. And it would make the scav mode more of an event where you have to pay attention to get out. the first one i opened i only made about 200k, and the one i opened this T H I C C item case (T H I C C) is a Container in Escape from Tarkov. Archived post. Case key (Case key) was a quest item in Escape from Tarkov. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online Russian community video about whole EFT situation and more more! The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online [Discussion] average age of player base Aug 9, 2018 · Scav mode needs to reset to at least 30 to 60 minutes so it is a rare thing you can use if you are really desperate for cash. Welcome to the Tarkov subreddit! Find information, insights, and camaraderie for players of Escape from Tarkov. A spacious case for storing ballistic plates. I have one thicc items case, thicc weapons case, 2 scav cases, one med case, one food case, and 2 ammo cases. I've gotten 2 on the same run, FFS. It's like playing the lottery, but with more guns. It allows you to send your Scav on missions to collect loot.
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