Data sets download Explore Popular Topics Like Government, Sports, Medicine, Fintech, Food, More. It contains anonymized data with fictitious products, with sales divided by segments and countries/regions. You need only copy the line given below each dataset into your Stata command window or Stata do-file. If you have any questions about the data sets, email the RRC at Publicassist@rrc. gov provides descriptions of the Federal datasets (metadata), information about how to access the datasets, and tools that leverage government datasets. By unique, we mean no two elements in a set can be equal. Team, league, and player data for 1500 leagues. May 15, 2024 · A set is a collection of unique elements. . Each data table includes 1,000 rows of data that you can use to build Pivot Tables, Dashboards, Power Query automations, or practice your Excel formula skills. Jun 2, 2023 · Find a list of hundreds of data sets on various topics that you can use to practice your SQL, database, or data analysis skills. International Debt Statistics Sample Weka Data Sets Below are some sample WEKA data sets, in arff format. Download free, open datasets for deep learning and machine learning Sort data by fields including description, usage, media type, etc. Explore alternate data layouts. See our Dataset List for a brief explanation of these products. Flexible Data Ingestion. arff; glass. The PLACES Data Portal includes PLACES and 500 Cities (2016-2019) data for all current and prior releases. UFC Fight Statistics This website provides 3 csv datasets on UFC. gov. 2 or higher. Sorted by: foreign. Download Open Datasets on 1000s of Projects + Share Projects on One Platform. The Home of the U. csv formats. Oct 29, 2024 · Overview Summary. Users analyze, extract, customize and publish stats. ⚽ Soccer Data Sets. The Large Data Set. S. They can be used for regression, count models, binary choice, ordered choice, and bivariate binary choice. The production file contains new data on which you want to make predictions. gov increases the ability of the public to easily find, download, and use datasets that are generated and held by the Federal Government. catalog_seasfac. org: A Comprehensive List of Open Data Portals from Around the World data-science annotation data-validation exploratory-data-analysis weak-supervision dataops outlier-detection labeling datasets data-cleaning active-learning data-quality data-profiling data-curation dataquality noisy-labels out-of-distribution-detection data-labeling data-centric-ai llms Free Example Datasets - Download and Explore Data for Research Feb 6, 2025 · By the People Data Sets Transcription data was created from completed By the People campaigns is available here in bulk as zipped . About the Data Data Usage Terms and Conditions; Dashboards. gov: El portal oficial de datos abiertos del gobierno de los Estados Unidos. These datasets provide data scientists, researchers, and medical professionals with valuable insights to improve patient outcomes, streamline operations, and foster innovative treatments. May 30, 2024 · Free Climate and Environmental Datasets. Data Downloads; Data Explorer. The conversion of the data and choice of conversion tools is the responsibility of the user. If you identify a missing data set, send us a note. Government's open data. Login or Register | Kaggle Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. CERN Open Data Portal. Datasets are available in multiple formats, including downloadable files and through an easily digestible Application Programming Interface (API). DataPortals. The data is intended to be easy to download, filter and slice and dice, so it can be easily consumed. com) Download free, open source datasets for computer vision machine learning models in a variety of formats. sav except for the addition of a set of seasonal factors calculated from the Seasonal Decomposition procedure along with the accompanying date variables. IPUMS Data Sets Provides census and survey data from across the USA and around the world. Internally, A set in Swift uses a hash table to store elements in the set. Data Sets Available for Download. [10] EU commission open data – link [11] NIST – link Kaggle is the world’s largest data science community with powerful tools and resources to help you achieve your data science goals. Jul 27, 2023 · What are some data sets to analyze for projects? Data sets for projects can be found from a variety of sources, including Kaggle, UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository, and the U. Mar 6, 2025 · This page is intended to be a one stop shop for OpenFEMA—FEMA’s data delivery platform which provides datasets to the public in open, industry standard, machine-readable formats. Other Data Sets Here are some other data sets I've compiled: CSV of All NFL Weather From 1960 to 2013 Every NFL Player in CSV format 1999 to 2015 Combine Data Included in each data set download is a training file and a production file. Data by Geography. You’ll notice the training files have an extra column, the target column/target label. It is common for the actual data to be held on other NASA archive sites. It also includes: all prompts submitted and all prompts attempted. All the data is random and those files must only be used for testing. Nov 28, 2019 · Download Power BI Sample Data Set for practice purpose, Power BI SuperStore, Map & Time Series Data Set excel sheet are available. Government's Open Data. They have an incentive to host the data sets because they make you analyze them using their infrastructure (and pay them to use it). A thorough description, possible uses, and location Sep 10, 2018 · Wolfram Data Repository; Kaggle Datasets. Data Sets for SPSS Student Version (Please download these files 5 days ago · La mayoría de los países comparten sus datos, así que también es otra forma de acceder a data sets gratuitos. Nov 6, 2024 · To download the sample dataset as a CSV file… The Squirrel Census: On the Data webpage, click Park Data, Squirrel Data, or Stories. 1. Starting on March 7th, 2024, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) will adopt a new Records Management System for reporting crimes and arrests. Best free, open-source datasets for data science and machine learning projects. sav. Available categories include: Administrative, Biomonitoring, Child Vaccinations, Flu Vaccinations, Health Statistics, Injury & Violence, Motor Vehicle, NCHS, NNDSS, Pregnancy & Vaccination, STDs, Smoking & Tobacco Use, Teen Vaccinations, Traumatic Brain Injury Data / Data Sets; Data sets. amazonaws. Search for datasets across the web with Google Dataset Search. Global Data Facility. arff; cpu. The following data sets are available from the Railroad Commission of Texas at free of charge. 7. This page aims to provide a list of the data sets featured across the textbooks listed on this site. Practice data analysis and visualization skills with real-world data from Maven Analytics instructors. Create custom data reports Raster datasets include: Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), Orthoimagery, and Land Cover. Want custom datasets or large datasets from popular and hard to scrape domains? Aug 31, 2022 · I’ve built extensive spreadsheet sample data on a variety of real-world topics. Use the sample Data sets in this page to build your visualizations using any BI tool Car Sales across the world This data set contains 6 tables that can be used to build a star schema in Tableau 2020. It is divided into a training set and a testing set, containing numerical features that represent molecular properties and structural characteristics of drugs. classified if the tweets in question were for AWS Public Data Sets: A centralized repository of public data sets. Google no podía faltar en la lista. This is an unbalanced panel with 7,293 individuals. Data documentation. These data sets can be used for research on UFC results. SPSS Data sets for study 1 to 3. This repository contains a collection of free datasets with thousands of records for use in data analysis, machine learning, and research. The map and data products are searchable through the Download Application (Training Video Lessons Pew Research Center makes its data available to the public for secondary analysis after a period of time. Climate and environmental datasets encompass a wide range of information related to Earth's climate system, ecosystems, natural resources, and environmental factorsnessential for scientific research, environmental monitoring, policy formulation, and decision-making aimed at addressing climate change, environmental degradation, and sustainable development Jan 31, 2025 · Download the most recent available county-level data for poverty, population, education, and unemployment/median household income. Conclusion. s3. Uncompressed size in brackets. Acknowledgement We thank Prof. An index column is set on each file. The data is being presented in several file formats, and there are a variety of ways to access it. The data is purely cooked-up and and should be used only for practise. There is a big number of datasets which cover different areas - machine learning, presentation, data analysis and visualization. You can find information for: * Data sources - big datasets collections which has curated data and advanced searching Nov 13, 2024 · Good places to find large public data sets are cloud-hosting providers like Amazon and Google. Download sample datasets from various domains and formats, such as CSV, Excel, and Power BI. This data file is the same as catalog. contact-lens. The first line contains the CSV headers. Ofrece acceso a una gran cantidad de datos gubernamentales en áreas como salud, educación, medio ambiente y más. Data by country and region. Publicly available datasets for research and transparency. Additionally, you can create your own personalized datasets by scraping data from websites or acquiring data from social media APIs. Datasets; Dataset Name Description Accessible Through* Applied Proteogenomics Organizational Learning and Outcomes (APOLLO) A collaboration between NCI, the Department of Defense (DoD), and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), that incorporates proteogenomic data with patient care, with a focus on the activity and expression of the proteins that the genome encodes May 7, 2024 · Tabular data is used to train machine learning models to find relationships between data points and make predictions on new data. Get in touch for more The official U. Mar 5, 2025 · Provides access to data collected through sample surveys of households, business establishments or other facilities. You'll find the complete GSS data set on this site, and can access the GSS Data Explorer to explore, analyze, extract, and share custom sets of GSS data. Get the datasets here. This is a large data set. UEFA Champions League Dataset: Historical UCL statistics including top goal scorer, all time rankings and more. Here are 15 top open-source healthcare datasets that are making a significant impact The following are the project and data sets used in this SPSS online training workshop. Harvested from SEC data. To save the active dataset in IBM SPSS Statistics format, use SAVE or XSAVE. json. Maintained by the University of Minnesota. bc. Django project gdh-data-hub. (2 MB) Twitter Progressive issues sentiment analysis : tweets regarding a variety of left-leaning issues like legalization of abortion, feminism, Hillary Clinton, etc. Exercise 04 – Inserting a Pie Chart: Create a pie chart from the data in this problem. xlsx 7 . PDF. Click on the data Description link for the description of the data set, and Data Download link to download data: Projects & Data Description: Data Download: Airline Passengers Data: Airline Pasengers. 1E Slides (Courtesy of Owen134866) Dr Frost resources. (https://graphchallenge. Lidar point cloud data is also available over many areas of the US. Jan 3, 2024 · Data files, for public use, with all personally identifiable information removed to ensure confidentiality. › Download the data files for use with the exercises. Data. USA. sav Body Fat Data BodyFat. Includes lots of datasets, ready for download and analysis. Explore and download genomic data for species across the tree of life. On most operating systems, the default extension of a saved IBM SPSS Statistics data file is . Word Doc. Yann LeCun to kindly allow CVDF to host a copy of images and annotations in MNIST database and Google Cloud Platform to provide storage space. No Blockchains. See HRSA’s investments nationwide, HHS region, state, county, or Congressional District. Feb 12, 2022 · Wooldridge data sets Each of these data sets is readable by Stata--running on the desktop, apps. Excel File; Download Blank Notes. Bulk download. Sep 3, 2024 · The healthcare industry is undergoing a digital transformation driven by the availability of open-source datasets. IBM® SPSS® Statistics data files are files specifically formatted for use by IBM SPSS Statistics, containing both data and the metadata (dictionary) that define the data. Exercise 03 – Finding a Running Total by Date: Find the running total by date using the data. gov CSV datasets 1 day ago · The home of the U. 🎾 Tennis Data Sets. Curated open data has 146 repositories available. edu or on a Unix server--over the Web. Other Data Resources. Type of data: Particle Physics Data compiled by: CERN Please download the SPSS Datasets to enhance learning and provide more integration with the chapters. Monthly natural gas consumption in North Carolina: This data set consists of monthly natural gas consumption by end use (commercial, residential, etc. arff; diabetes. Mobile users: To view the images, select the "Full" version at the bottom of the page. The target column, also known as the dependent variable, is This data set looks at Twitter sentiment on important days during the scandal to gauge public sentiment about the whole ordeal. Download All . BigML Public Data Sources: A long list of sources of data that anyone can use. Working with real-world datasets is the ideal approach to hone your skills and develop a solid portfolio. AWS Public Data sets Jan 31, 2025 · Download the most recent available county-level data for poverty, population, education, and unemployment/median household income. gov is a repository of all available data sets with a Socrata Open Data API. FIFA Video-game Data Sets. Minitab provides numerous sample data sets taken from real-life scenarios across many different industries and fields of study. During 1982-1984, NHANES temporarily shifted to a population-specific survey. See this post for more information on how to use Download Datasets | Pew Research Center Apr 4, 2022 · A handbook of small data sets Collection_set printdisabled External-identifier urn:oclc:record:1310742307 DOWNLOAD OPTIONS Nov 21, 2015 · This is the "Iris" dataset. Jul 3, 2023 · Open Data Network: The Open Data Network allows you to explore and access datasets from multiple cities and organizations worldwide. gov launched with a total of 47 datasets. With them you can: Practice performing analyses and interpretation. Download Open Datasets on 1000s of Projects + Share Projects on One Platform. gov Public access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. Feeling intrigued, but unsure how to leverage web-based data for your own research? Here are some how-to guides: Intro to Data and Code by Lena Groeger, Propublica Discover free data sets Discover an extensive list of free data sources for machine learning and deep learning, a perfect starting point for enthusiasts and professionals aiming to build robust models and uncover data-driven insights. Unlike sets in C++, elements of a set in Swift are not arranged in any particular order. 4. Fish_catch_data_with_analysis. hk: The Hong Kong government’s data portal, providing datasets on different aspects of the city. - niderhoff/big-data-datasets Mar 14, 2025 · Use the CDE to discover available data through visualizations, download data in . Nov 10, 2023 · The following Python code snippet imports the necessary libraries, loads the Boston Housing Dataset, splits the data into training and testing sets, trains a linear regression model, makes predictions on the test set, and calculates the performance metrics (Mean Squared Error, Root Mean Squared Error, and R-squared) to evaluate the model’s Aug 7, 2024 · Parsehub : Data mining tool for data scientists and journalists; Data Streamer: Index weblogs, mainstream news, and social media; Outwit : Turn websites into structured data . There are 50+ sites and links to the newly released Google Dataset search engine. Web Archive Datasets The Library of Congress Web Archives provides users with derivative datasets for users to download, re-use and explore. A través de esta web ofrece los datos que se pueden encontrar en otros data sets, pero no deja de ser interesante buscar algunas veces colecciones de datos aquí. Access to high-quality datasets is crucial for successful data science projects. the index in the last dimension changes the fastest. Investigate statistical tools commonly used in your industry. Dec 21, 2023 · Data. with-vendor. CDC. So, have fun exploring these data repositories to master programming, create stunning visualizations and build your own unique project portfolios. Jul 3, 2024 · Exercise 02 – Grouping Data by Year: Group the sales amount by the year. The complete datasets with hundreds of indicators are available in Github Download free CSV sample files for testing and learning. You can load the dataset into Stata's memory by clicking on the use link next to the dataset, or you can type sysuse followed by the name of the dataset in the Command window. Follow their code on GitHub. One of the data sets pairs UFC fighters with their nickname. Some […] The post 50+ Free DataSets for DataScience Projects Download Open Datasets on 1000s of Projects + Share Projects on One Platform. Our example CSV datasets include various data types and structures for your projects. Find and download data sets on various topics such as health, social impact, climate, government, education, and more. Bureau of Labor Statistics. STARR, a research data repository with 20 years of fully identified clinical data (since 1998), includes, but is not limited to, nightly clinical data, Epic Clarity, from both Stanford Health Care (SHC aka adult hospital) and Stanford Children’s health (SCH aka Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital or LKSC). The datasets span multiple domains, from business to social media data. The GSS has been a reliable source of data to help researchers, students, and journalists monitor and explain trends in American behaviors, demographics, and opinions. json Metadata Download Metadata. csv format, and other large data files. gov will have the metadata and links to the data as it exists in those many other locations. Dataset: Lending Club Loan Data. Originally published at UCI Machine Learning Repository: Iris Data Set, this small dataset from 1936 is often used for testing out machine learning algorithms and visualizations (for example, Scatter Plot). FIFA 2022 complete player dataset: Including FIFA 2015-2022 – CSV downloadable dataset with 19k+ players and 100+ attributes. Read more here. nasa. Top government data including census, economic, financial, agricultural, image datasets, labeled and unlabeled, autonomous car datasets, and much more. Nov 5, 2024 · Explore the data model in the Power Pivot add-in for Excel or use the Excel workbook as a data source for a Power BI report. CSV files for all data sets. A widget is a tool that searches existing data sets and displays the results. Free? Amazon is making the Graph Challenge data sets available to the community free of charge as part of the AWS Public Data Sets program. After the landmark 2013 Open Data Policy required agencies to create comprehensive data inventories and public data listings, the site grew to 115,000+ datasets from 88 organizations by 2015. Download Slides. Africa; Americas; Eastern Mediterranean; Europe; South-East Asia; Relevant open data curated. The data include estimates on health outcomes, preventive service use, health risk behaviors, disabilities, health status, and health-related social needs from the Behavioral Risk Factor and Surveillance System (BRFSS), as well as social determinants of health data from Jan 6, 2025 · Data. Additionally, you can try to group the data by weeks and months. Referential integrity is found across IBM Synthetic Data Sets but isn’t often found with data that uses standard synthetic data generators. It has Feb 27, 2025 · Mostly; some restricted data sets have fees. OWID Dataset Collection: In the GitHub repository, click the datasets folder. County-level Data Sets - County-level Data Sets: Download Data | Economic Research Service Connect data tables Referential integrity refers to the relationship between different tables, and that the connection makes sense, is accurate, consistent and up to date. e. censuses from 1790 to the present and over a billion records from the international censuses of over 100 countries. Data is available in the 'graphchallenge' Amazon S3 Bucket. This dataset comprises molecular descriptors generated using RDKit, specifically curated for the study of drug-induced autoimmunity through ensemble machine learning approaches. All datasets are free to download and play with. The training file contains historical data. All the datasets were collected with our Web Scraper APIs. Files Feb 17, 2025 · The World Bank provides access to open global development data across 5,437 datasets. [9] UN database with 34 sets and 60 million records – link . The World Bank-hosted Global Data Facility is an innovative global funding instrument for the world's most critical data impact opportunities. arff Jan 31, 2020 · This is an important skill for senior data scientists, academics and analytics consultants, so take a look. Who knows, you might even make a scientific discovery… 6. gov are harvested from other NASA data archives and other datasets only exist on data. json Data. Jan 31, 2020 · Hello All, This is just a short note to specify that the list of FREE datasets is updated for 2020. We've put together a selection of ten free datasets to get you started, covering a range of industries like healthcare, retail, entertainment, and climate studies. xlsx and . Rows have an index value which is incremental and starts at 1 for the first data row. - Power BI Docs German Health Care Usage Data, 7,293 Individuals, Varying Numbers of Periods Data downloaded from Journal of Applied Econometrics Archive. Global excess deaths associated with COVID-19 (modelled estimates) Regions. Bicen Maths Live Lesson. Each data set is available to download for free and comes in . Download the 2013 play by play data here. A Financial data sample workbook, a simple flat table in an Excel file available for download. This data includes adversarial prompts fed into public generative text2image models and validations for unsafe images. government website for Healthcare data. View this on Geoplatform. Geoplatform Metadata Information. 27,745 high-resolution 360° images with human-curated annotations, 3D point clouds from: aerial and street-level LIDAR, Structure-from-Motion and Multiview-Stereo reconstructions, geo-anchored Jan 16, 2025 · Data. Click the subfolder that contains the target dataset, and then click the dataset’s CSV file. Google Public Data. Data Download Applications. Feb 11, 2019 · Description. Some data sets will be under a different name, and we've certainly missed some. Includes downloadable data sets. Learn how to use Tableau to create interactive visualizations and dashboards from these data sets. Apr 18, 2022 · Data sets that you can download from the Internet; Data sets that you can create from SAS Code; this code to create data sets is also available for download from; Select any image to see a larger version. County-level Data Sets - County-level Data Sets: Download Data | Economic Research Service This data includes the fighters, betting odds, winner, etc. On May 21, 2009, Data. Skip to main page content. gov: APIs and data feeds to help people find useful government information. Let us consider an example, we want Feb 21, 2025 · The interactive website that allows you to view, explore, and download data by county, place, census tract, and ZCTA. There is also a data set that compares the winner to the betting odds. Stanford Clinical Data. click here for more info Curated list of Publicly available Big Data datasets. The data sets have many missing values, and sometimes take several clicks to actually get to data. Download the data; Download the data. sav || BodyFat. Kaggle is a platform for predictive modelling and analytics competitions which hosts competitions to produce the best models. csv files. data-sets; sec-markets-and-data; Additional Metadata Download Football / Soccer data to CSV and use it in Microsoft Excel. Interact with and visualize data. dat || BodyFat. Lending Club Loan Data. texas. LibriTTS-R A multitask benchmarking framework comprising complementary data modalities at a city-scale size, registered across different representations, and enriched with human and machine generated annotations. Some datasets on data. Includes almost a billion records from U. cellular. at the time aged 6 months to 74 years: Mexican-American persons residing in the Southwest, Cuban-American persons residing in Dade County Florida, and Puerto Rican persons Nov 9, 2023 · If Earth-based data isn’t your thing, NASA’s Planetary Data System takes things a step further with data from interplanetary missions, such as the Cassini probe (which orbited Saturn from 2004 to 2017). The Hispanic Health and Nutrition Survey (HHANES) focused on health and nutrition, but involved only the 3 largest Hispanic subgroups in the U. Reserve Bank Of India: The data available from the Reserve Bank of India includes several metrics on money market operations, balance of payments, use of banking and several Download Open Datasets on 1000s of Projects + Share Projects on One Platform. Oct 17, 2022 · In this post we can find free public datasets for Data Science projects. ) in North Carolina from 2001 to 2015, together with various measures of average monthly temperature (daily mean/min/max and heating and cooling degree days Jan 23, 2025 · Analytical skills are learned and applied through data science projects. txt Data for five possible predictor variables are also included. The Lending Club Loan Data set is a great resource for data scientists to practice loan default prediction and expand their finance domain knowledge. Kaggle Data Repository; Other data Sets (Excel format) General Social Science Survey 2008. Download the data sets from different sources and load them into a database to run queries. Build… The data is stored like in a C array, i. These datasets are also distributed with the openintro R package. “Open Finances” includes data about loans, financial reporting, procurement, projects and more. Nasdaq Data Link Nov 28, 2017 · You can browse World Bank data sets directly, without registering. cwhlg odipet xdwxkk lpit htaon gqbvccp oqatmj rwdpj xmufc ovymfge tnhig uiuor aumjab jqylb qphact