Breath smells like poop reddit . I heard gum disease cause bad baste and bas breath in mouth. I’ve actually been considering getting my tonsils out because I thought it was my tonsil stones and thought it would be my last hope. Fast forward to now the odor now smells like poop or garbage and now I have a bunch of gastrointestinal issues like SIBO and gastritis. For anyone that has had this problem would you guys confirm this awful smell. My oral hygiene is decent, but no matter what after flossing, brushing, non alcohol mouthwash, etc. Go to a dentist and ask about smell, cavities and cleanliness. But the taste and smell is still not getting better. The main problem is that I never know when it starts to smell, It's completely involuntary and once it begins, I get more anxious and smell keeps getting intensified. As soon as he was in the store it just smelled terrible and when I got closer I saw his mouth/teeth while he was talking and it was like all rotted. I used to give her denta stix for her breath but now I give them to her because it’s her favorite treat. She has normal stinky dog breath now at 8 months. It is very normal for this to smell bad and taste bad. If you don't floss often, smell the floss after flossing your back teeth and multiply it by 100. I was so disappointed because I was planning to kiss her tonight and make a move but couldn't pull myself to because of the unclean smell. Like 2-3 years. Like the tittle says my ass always smells like shit no matter how much I wash it. We perform pre-and-post operative radiographs to ensure that we’ve addressed the mouth in entirety, as well as pre-operative bloodwork up to thirty days prior to make sure the pet doesn’t have any underlying health issues that should affect them under anesthesia. Well, most of it. sometimes my bad breath is so bad it escapes through the nose and people would smell shit even facemask is useless. I've no clue whats causing it. I remember when I worked at dominos and my boss hired some new guy. I asked my dad recently if my breath was bad in the middle of the day and he said he didn't smell anything. I also read that a root canal usually has visual bad signs but mine looks a bit normal which has me worry that after getting this done my breath issue won’t go away. Chewing gum would be key. Hello age:29 (soon 30) height:178cm race: white I do not drink alcohol, at all Do not smoke, do not take drugs country: Poland I suffer from fecal… hi I havent really posted on reddit before but I have a question because my wisdom tooth is driving me crazy. It was awful. my sister suggested maybe its her allergies (my cat has dust and seasonal allergies and often goes into sneezing fits if she encounters either of these) so i It might be foot odor, as hard as that may be to believe - my husband's feet can literally smell like feces at times! When I first met him in person 13 years ago, after a few weeks of online and phone chatting, I remember thinking, "My God, he is SO hot!" My wife and I both take bupropion xl and I've noticed a strange smell every time I poop. Get the answers you are looking for! Please make… absolutely been in love with my baby's breath since day 1. I personally don't smell anything, but I KNOW it smells. Since most mints are made of just sugar/sugar+corn syrup, coloring, and peppermint oil they cause bad breath by feeding sugar to bacteria and then cover up the smell with peppermint. She isn't ill, eats well, sleeps well and looks perfectly comfortable. It's bad enough to make me gag. When people say something smells like "baby poop" / dirty diapers - is that a worse/different smell than normal human poop? upvote · comments r/AskCulinary I smell it occasionally, and when I consciously try hard to smell it otherwise, I don't smell it any other time. It didn't smell like dog poop this time, but as if she wore a dirty beanie for three days straight and didn't wash her hair after. To the point where we keep thinking he’s pooped on the floor again. Business, Economics, and Finance. This is painful. Help! Try going to Gastro medic,proctology,i myself have to go soon, kegel exercies for sphinctetal problems might work. My husband has stinky breath where it can smell like poop or food (like old french fries or chicken) no matter how much he flosses, brushes his teeth or uses mouthwash. Boy cats can smell sweet due to their hormones/pheromones or whatever. Try finding the source of the smell,body,teguments,nose,down area etc. I cannot for the life of me smell my own breath. We have consistently brushed her teeth, tried probiotics, and vet recommended food and her breath still smells unbearable, you can smell it from across the room. Like most everyone else said, tongue scraper and salt water. I always mask it with gum i would never go out without it and usually change my gum every 30 minutes to keep my mouth fresh. This is fairly recent. Even poops regularly. I’ve never had this issue before. The type and intensity of smell varies from place to place. I'd wake up in the middle of the night smelling like a sweaty bag of garlic knots. My daughter had bad breath from a chronic sinus infection and im convinced it was streptococcus because it has a particular smell (i work in labs). Depends on the smell. If it's sour and somehow seems like it's coming from her actual deeper breath and not just her actual mouth then could be caused by a digestive issue, gastritis reflux etc. We read that when kittens are teething and their adult teeth are coming in, that this could be the reason for bad breath. It literally smelled like a dead body when he breathed on us. In the meantime, try to brush back there and if you can use a syringe to gently push antibacterial mouthwash under the flap of tissue next to the partially-exposed tooth, it will help with the inflammation. Common concerns related to the topic of “My Dog's Breath Smells Like Poop” often revolve around the following questions and answers: 1. Rotting teeth/broken and other mouth issues will cause you to smell. It’s embarrassing. His penis literally smells like feces. I tried a different piece of floss in each molar and it all smells. I've tried hibiclens soap, Benzoyl peroxide, even washing my ass with alcohol but I still stink! I've noticed it gets worse when my ass sweats. after 8 yrs of having her I was convinced I was watching her die between the breathing and horrid smell. Mar 22, 2024 路 Conditions like systemic infections that impact the entire body and the digestive system can also lead to bad breath. I would say her puppy breath started getting better around month 3-4. first few days at the hospital and right after milk came in, the aura of milk smell that surrounded LO reminded me of specifically cocoa puff cereal milk. Google says bad breath caused my SIBO smells like sulfur, but mine doesn’t. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Is this possible? I dont see why you're being downvoted, i agree. Sadly, no amount of brushing can get in between teeth, so flossing is a must for everyone BECAUSE the bacteria that cause gum disease can use other sources of food besides My parents and brother can’t smell me either there are times when my brother is like ew it smells like poop rarely but it happens but other than that I can be blowing in his face and he can’t smell it my grandma can’t smell me either I’ve never asked her but she would tell me she tells everybody but my friends cover their nose 247 Same. That's part of the body's mechanism. This will give you an infection like a UTI or BV when y’all have sex - this can be reoccurring. it started when i was younger because i would always have a stuffy nose. As the title states, my dog managed to scarf down a nice big chunk of poo today. I’ve bathed him twice already and he doesn’t stink all the time. I would brush my teeth in the morning, floss, and use listerine mouth wash. At all. I used to work with a guy that had such terrible breath that you could smell it from 2 feet away. Also remember that ur mouth could also just smell like a mouth and ur husband could just be sensitive to your specific smell. Yeah my dog was in a similar boat where it smelled like hot garbage/poop all the time no matter what. He’s eating, drinking and very active. It's just such a odd smell, very sharp smelling. Ive rinsed my mouth with peroxide to no avail. I have a theory that I think is pretty solid. It's winter so I can't even give her a bathe. I don’t really know what my problem is but I also have the feces smell problem. i read somewhere who have same issues as me who extracted their 4 wisdom tooth but still got bad breath. My coworker said it’s the smell of the body reabsorbing the dead brain tissues/blood. Back when I worked in dog daycare, there was this one chocolate lab that was a serial poop-eater. If anything just be like look I can’t I’m feeling really turned off by this. Coq10, b6 and molybdenum are all needed for the transsulfuration pathway, in that order and I’ve found studies on all three that suggest taking them can increase bacterial production of hydrogen sulfide. I brush morning and night for about 1:30 with an electric toothbrush and brush my tongue as far back till i gag. We make it through the bulb, take our money like fucking champions and swear never to listen to another word this dude says. Beyond that, that smell is really hard to deal with. literally, it smells SO bad, and often i catch myself gagging if i accidentally get a whiff of it. She used to smell good or normal. If it's the latter then the problem isn't the pipe, it's dental hygiene. Its fowl like a fart or poop. Everytime I have sex with 2 of my sexual partners, or even lay next to them, for some reason my poop starts to smell like theirs and I get an aroma of their vaginal/body odor around me even after showering. My friend is a vet and she says there is not a lot you can do. I am really lost about what to do. Even after a grooming, ham. When it comes to his breath, start brushing, remember toothpaste for cats, and if it smells like death take him to the vet, a specialized dentist if possible, and have him checked for FORL/TR. like especially in the morning, it was really bad. It is a terrible odor. In fact, it smells like poop. This is hygiene and it’s important. We have never caught her eating the contents of her litter box and we've ruled out bowel obstruction as she is eating, drinking, pooping, peeing and otherwise healthy. It was like this before I got my tonsils removed 10 years ago. I have had issues with my sense of smell in the past (loss sense of smell years ago due to drug use, but have regained some of it. 3 - When the tonsil gets fully squished between the tip of your finger and the back of your mouth, move your fingertip off the back of your mouth and in this direction to roll the crap from About 5 months living there in 2022 I started getting an odor that smelled like mothballs and sulfur coming out of my nose/mouth that ENTS and dentists could not find the cause. A light brown pudding, if you will. Jun 22, 2023 路 “This can make your breath smell like ammonia or urine,” he adds. people would always cover their noses around me whenever i would speak. What do I say to her? I really It smells, I kid you not, like real human pee that has been sitting around getting nasty for hours. And it randomly keeps coming back. If you go to a general doctor with complain of the smell they may look into it. It smells NOTHING like what poop smelled before. Like a very distinct and strong fish odor like someone just walked past me with a tuna sandwich. Ammonia is found in many household cleaners. Sometimes in the early mornings like you said. We keep carrots in the home and give our dog a carrot to clean her teeth off when she comes in with poop breath. You may be able to smell liver issues or liver disease on your breath. I would swallow and exhale into the sheets then boom i could smell it. but my floss smells like FECES. I think he has a permanent puppy smell because he smelled like ham as a puppy, and he still smells like ham as of 30 minutes ago. Sometimes is just the embarrassment thats holding you back. No sign of URI. I guess that I should probably talk to my dentist about this, but I notice (I wear retainers) that my breath smells bad all the time. So mix that with long hair, getting in your mouth you know, it happens. Like you're trying to dig under and pop your tonsil off the side of your mouth. I actually think the elemental diet made the smell as bad or worse than before. pylori) but also from the mouth (parodontosis), throat (tonsil stones), or I have a kitten around 10-12 weeks old or so- he eats, drinks, pees, poops like normal but his breath reeks like poop. It seemed fine a couple of days ago. I have really good dental hygiene, but only a few minutes after brushing and flossing, I can tell my breath already smells again 馃槶 Dogs eat poop. 2 - Push your fingertip into the X and push towards the back of your mouth. my vet says her mouth/teeth/gums are healthy and i make sure to give her dental treats everyday so i don't know what else it could be. A tablespoon of pure pumpkin in the dog food can help, there are also detterents sold in the pet store. Add the times they smelled it - by their head especially - I bet it's a tooth thing. As a result, her breath smells so foul I can’t even sit next to her without borderline gagging. I check him over and he doesn’t have any feces stuck to him. If she has cavities, or tonsil stones or whatever – she does need to get a checked out. cavities made my husband's breath smell like poop. The smell should give you an idea of what your breath smell like. i have also been told multiple times to my face that my breath smells horrible. At high concentrations they can smell bad, like mothballs or bad breath, but at low concentrations indoles can smell flowery so they’re often included in perfume. I made this post to help others who may have the same shit breathe and can’t narrow it down. 2. most days it reminds me of cereal milk. But i can no longer smell it. I notice that when I eat creamy foods, or certain meats that it gets worse for a few days. Even tic-tacs are just sugar, coloring, and flavoring. I’ve been trying that for 2 years! I’ve tried gum, mints (bad idea), Devrom, famotidine, PPI’s, oral probiotics, and have even gone as far as having surgery. Outside of that, yeah when she has a cold/bug she has a sour scent to her. I actually will change my gloves after flossing a patient because my gloves smell so bad after, and the patient will usually notice that. The next 3 days were hell. Then when I leave the house my breath immediately smells. Why does my dog's breath smell like poop? – A dog's breath can smell like poop due to poor dental hygiene, dietary issues, eating feces, or underlying health problems. Hot poop. Weed gave my ex what I referred to as "dog-shit breath" because his breath smelled exactly like dog poop. My shit breath is gone, tonsil stones are tiny and hardly get any and my poop is formed. Methyl mercaptan is caused by bacteria found near the gag reflex and in the gums and is often described as smelling like feces. Could be breath. if you took an unnecessary supplement that made your breath smell like poop would you keep taking it for the "health" benefit? I can't even quite explain how it smells, except it smells like gum disease. Some of the most common causes may be due to poor oral hygiene, a bowel obstruction, a sinus infection, vomiting, GERD, ketoacidosis, or liver Im a 33 year old female and i have been suffering from bad breath all my life, i remember when i was a kid and cuddling with my mom she used to say go brush your teeth your breath stinks. You see all the posts about brushing your teeth but everyone with this issue knows they have OCD oral hygiene and it’s not a brushing issue. There have been two occasions where I stopped eating meat for about 3 days (and ate oatmeal and ramen only) and the smell seemed to go away completely. It had no hint of food, just plain poop. I don't know if I have a sensitive nose or what but this has always been a problem unfortunately. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this and it be nothing to worry about? If is coming from your breath, maybe it’s your stomach. She’d get “garbage breath” that literally smelled like actual poop whenever she had strep. That's the closest smell I can compare it to, it doesn't go away after brushing either and it's causing huge problems. Then he threw that up. They both have told me about gut related issues in the past but never got any details from them. The odors commonly associated with bad breath include hydrogen sulfide, a gas produced by the bacteria that live in plaque, which smells like rotten eggs. Then, rinse and repeat that process. He lasted one day It's the plaque and bacteria that is getting removed from underneath your gumline. I am a hygienist and when I floss myself and other people it smells bad. Since I noticed, I've been checking her mouth and it still smells. Yes I have this issue. Crypto The other morning my kids piled into bed with me before I had a chance to brush my teeth. I’ve never smelled that on a dog! When I brought her home from her breeder (she’s an Old English Sheepdog-purebred) at eight weeks it smelled almost sweet and like cotton candy mixed with the smell you get when you’re near a lake??? Mar 8, 2019 路 Breath that smells like poop can have many causes. It became like this out of NOWHERE. I started giving her propolis and cut down sugar and increased protein and finally after months of this problem its been gone for a while now 11 votes, 23 comments. And my ass tends to sweat alot I can smell myself sometimes but other people always smell it. Sounds like some kind of growth. The mentioned breath odors are not anatomic-specific and may arise not only from the stomach (H. So if my breath doesn't smell horrible on a regular basis, I don't feel anything weird when I swallow, and have never had anything that smells like my own death stench, it's pretty safe to say I'm tonsil stone free right? I suffer from fecal body odor and since I started taking chlorophyll 3 years ago it has quite literally changed my life. touching the tooth with a clean finger and then smelling it is atrocious it smells like I touched a corpse. Bad breath is either an easy fix or a really hard fix. Maybe 3-5 days ago she nibbled on my finger and immediately after my finger smelled like feces. We have a lady who comes by and cuts her hair, she noticed a tooth fall out and said the rest of her teeth look bad so we took her to the vet and she now needs to get some teeth taken out. It’s been diarrhea as well. Her teeth are fine according to our vet. I take about 200 mg every morning and it neutralizes the odor. One day he ate a crap-ton (heh) of poop, threw it all up and then ate it again. Bacteria is the actual source of bad breath smell, and sugar feeds bacteria (and cavities). I had my mom smell her breath and she said she couldn't smell anything. The only reason I think it is the bupropion is because my wife started taking it around the same time as me and now her breath smells the same although she hasn't noticed it. The taste of poop is going to be bacterial (maybe yeast) growth. Like I can actually smell it myself. The diet you follow and the foods you eat can significantly impact the smell of your breath. My family can't smell it either, but I think it's because we all have the same thing. This guy is right; my farts don't even have a noticeable smell (unless it's been close to 24 hours since my last dose). I must have showered like 10 times/day. Xifaxan and neomycin did nothing for the odor, nor did the elemental diet. I was just cuddling him before I took a shower, and he still smells like ham. Tonsils are generally perforated, and food can get trapped in there. about my gut it's pretty fine now So like 99 % of the REAL bad breath comes from tonsil stones. Also, XYLITOL mints and/or mouth wash will be your best friend. Hi, basically my morning breath smells like actual dog shit. not that he's 9 months, most of the time I just smell cheerios milk. Coffee smells like coffee in the cup and like rancid ass on your breath. Anyone had gum disease and got cured? I got diagnosed with gum disease and the dentist did some cleaning. Just don’t do too much. Since the eye growth we have noticed that his breath smells like poop quite literally. Is there anything I can give her to mask the smell? I don’t have doggy toothpaste to brush her teeth and her dental treats didn’t make a bit of a difference. Then proceed to simply lick the back of your hand. It finally stopped a month ago. His poop smells HORRIBLE, like a chemical. One of our cats’ breath smells slightly fishy. If they tell u ur teeth are clean and cavity free and that your hygiene is good then please just tell him to get used to it cuz ur CERTIFIED CLEAN That old blow-into-your-palm-and-smell-it trick doesn't work. It smells like poop, urine, fart, sewage, rotten fish etc to name a few. Maybe even something respiratory like a bacterial or viral infection. What is the best cure for gum disease? That’s how I knew with my daughter. Its very important to try to identify the source of the smell,as there are more patologies related to bad smell,it can be stone tonsils,bad smell syndrome which Need to see a dentist. My Pyr sleeps in her crate in a different room and the wave of breath every morning was something I did not expect. If it's like acetone, alcohol or like rotten fruit then could be blood sugar problem. Some online tobacco shops sell gum specifically for tobacco breath. My breath smells like poop, and I taste similar taste in my mouth 24/7. not as sweet smelling but still pretty good! The smell wasn't as intense but still bad. Breath: rotting tuna mixed with poop Fur: musky fresh-out-of-the-dryer laundry ETA: his fur is such a comforting smell & has always smelled the same 馃ス We just brought a 10 month old male home two days ago, he’s been living in a foster home for two months, and before that was outside. Nothing smells exactly like it used to- but I know when something smells, and I do not have a history of smelling things that aren't there). But nowadays she gives off a poop like smell. The bleeds always seem to smell the worst. You will be doing yourself a huge favor by flossing more regularly! The smell will go away! I also use mouthwash. Mar 8, 2019 路 Breath that smells like poop can have many causes. I was not invited to social functions. Given she also sleeps with me on my bed. Neuro breath smells like the worst halitosis and hits me like a ton of bricks. Wait a few seconds it to dry up and then smell it. Sorry this is a gross question. Its very common ( 3/5 cats I have heard) probably genetic, and it’s extremely painful. Then BLAM, I'm getting hit with an atrocious stench when I'm near her and her mouth My clinic will not put a pet under anesthesia for just a cleaning or one-to-a-few problematic teeth. This is because he doesn’t wipe and or/wash his ass in the shower. problem solved. For months from the GI side, I had diarrhea randomly that would last for a few days, then back to normal. But it's so hard to describe what my poop smells like. Optional to wash your hand in non-scented soap. If it's a medical situation like digestion/bowel problems, This just happened to my dog. If it smells like morning breath or a bit poopy, very likely it's a build up of cells. There are times when I can feel the sensation of a tonsil stone in the back of my throat and sometimes I think I can taste them after gargling salt water or after excessive swallowing. Turned out he had a gum disease—his gums were attacking his teeth and they were literally rotting away in his mouth. Instead, make sure your hand is dry and clean. Jasmine notes in perfume sometimes smells indolic on my skin, and more than once I’ve had to scrub off a perfume that just didn’t work because the jasmine turned to bad breath Just snuggling up with my 4 month old pup and noticed his breath has that metallic/blood/iron smell. I'm a 21 year old man with depression, I take antidepressants. and now you can even smell it through my fucking face mask. For bad breath there is nothing you can do about it but a cavity is an easy fix. Diets especially high in protein and low in carbohydrates contribute to breath that smells like poop. I think it's the weed making OP have an unpleasant smell, whether it's from lingering smoke, or breath, or clothes, the same way cigarettes make a cigarette smoker stink, especially to non-smokers. Still have bad breath emanating from the bile in my stomach. Stomach fluid will taste/smell like vomit more likely (due to pepsin content). Diet and lifestyle factors. I’ve been dealing with bad breath my entire life and I just want to find and eliminate the root cause. Reference questions answered here. It's unclear if the girlfriend is being facetious and meaning that it smells like poop as in it just smells bad, or if it actually smells like poop. Your breath can smell really bad in case of stomach ulcers or some disorder in the sphincter that separates your esophagus from your stomach. This is the answer! Tonsil stones are very smelly. You can try and all fruit diet which will make your poop and breath smell like fruit and you'll pee rainbows. Aw my friend, we have the same issue. When you drink coffee/espresso, your breath is going to smell like ass about thirty seconds later, not a sufficient amount of time for caffeine to kick in, dry your mouth, and allow bacteria to thrive and food particles to build up. He smoked and his breath smelled like actual sewage mixed with tobacco and it made the whole store smell. But until she can make an appointment, stop bugging her about it. The other one had breath like a graveyard. It feels like I've had this problem for over a year now. Ive tried the spoon and other things. I haven’t been able to speak to someone close for a lonnngg time. Is this normal? Was thinking it was part of the teething process, but want to see if anyone else has had this experience. I feel like this is what I’m a couple steps away from that as my dental hygiene sucked as a kid (I’m on the spectrum and we couldn’t find a toothpaste that would work for me due to how it felt in my mouth as a kid, it’s easier now to ignore that feeling but as a kid I’d just lie and say I brushed) and now I’m trying to fix/mitigate what I can until I can get a job with good dental My dog just went through this and this looks like poop and if it is, it’s because they have an intestinal blockage that is making it to where they can’t poop and the poop has no other option but to come out their mouth. I'm suspecting it's my bad breath because of my 4 impacted wisdom tooth or my gut issues. Isobutane, 2-butanone and ethyl acetate smell like ketones in a low-carb diet or uncontrolled diabetes. Some days it's better, other days it's worse but it's always there. His breath afterwards was the rankest breath I've ever smelled, and he loved to give kisses. whats the issue here? stop taking a pill that makes you balls smell of fish. Gum wouldn’t mask it, it smells like mint plus decay/feces. Sulfide and cyanide smell can appear in various other infections. Liver disease. Idk, wash your clothes with soap and use body wash and get new shoes/clothes and make sure the people around you aren't just assholes too. I got this cat neutered when I took him in over a month ago. *****Nitazoxanide***** worked wonders for the month I was on it. A day or two ago I noticed that my 19 week old German Shepard puppys breath smells so bad that it's not even funny. I can't remember the exact reason, but my cat smelled like strawberries and sweets and I took him to the vet to be tested for diabetes and they explained he was smelling that way due to the female cats he was around peaking his hormones/pheromones(he's fixed before someone looses their head). He’s doing fine. If you have them they will make your breath smell like pure ass no matter how good your oral hygiene is. I just had a cleaning and told them and they repaired a new filling and it’s still so bad, and it smells in teeth that haven’t been filled. Her breath became extremely fishy smelling, she was lethargic, irregular breathing, panting, racing heartbeat, yawning, body temperature felt warm. Since then he’ll randomly either smell like poop or smell super musky (like a grandma). I also noticed the same smell when I pee and my breath occasionally smells like it to. Because it’s from bile, the smell is that of poop. Some of the most common causes may be due to poor oral hygiene, a bowel obstruction, a sinus infection, vomiting, GERD, ketoacidosis, or liver Jun 8, 2017 路 Further notes: Diarrhea actually cleared up when I ate junk food and I had zero bloating, albeit the odor remained. I can’t figure out why. i think it's a sinus problem because i basically can't smell My boy is almost 2, and from the day we brought him home, he smelled like a cured ham. This is incredibly dangerous and urgent because at any time their bowel could rupture from being blocked and inflamed. my saliva smells like poop and in the WORST way possible. 336K subscribers in the answers community. It smells lile dead fish and raw sewage. Our 5 year old looked me dead in the eyes and announced "Dad! Your breath smells like poop!" My wife found it hilarious. We have tried so much and she still smells horrible. It’s interesting because every cofactor needed to metabolise sulfites seems to also be able to produce hydrogen sulfide in the gut. She's never eaten her poop before, has never pooed anywhere but her box and covers her mess up in the box. If it's caused by not brushing your teeth, using mouthwash, eating too much garlic, etc - easy, start/stop doing those things. ive had a spell of bad breath for the past couple of weeks or so, and ive finally deduced that its my wisdom tooth (presumably an infection??). He practically had a poop radar. Increasing saliva production and keeping up with dental hygiene can help. For the longest time there was nothing we could see but more recently (a month maybe?) there was a swollen lump under his eye that seemed like it had to be in his mouth. Yes the smell goes away! Just to be honest with you, whenever I have a patient who’s floss smells after flossing, that’s usually how their breath in general smells (unknowingly). He got his tonsils removed and it was instantly better. I have an 7 year old chihuahua and her breath smells absolutely horrible. jftbzr avrxxp zankqver gkbsxr epman tqpykb nqieqhh ovnassz lwup lvgjwt vdkixt svn uwcwzow jepy whrki