Blue iris group url Make a note of the PORT numbers Mar 14, 2022 · I have a custom built self hosted local dashboard (website). My thinking is that when I started using substreams, it introduced some form of delay - The new camera isnt using substreams so is quicker? Feb 8, 2022 · Blue Iris. The board administrator may also grant additional permissions to registered users. io". Apr 6, 2024 · Learning how the motion and object detection features of Blue Iris itself function will take you a long way in understanding how the whole AI thing is supposed to work and whether it is a necessary component of your particular Blue Iris use case. Apr 16, 2014 · Your Blue Iris web server now is also an RTSP server. 2. This depends on Ring never changing that URL and the fact that it is publicly available. ↑ Tue Feb 08, 2022 1:20 am Is there an RTSP Stream URL documented Oct 23, 2019 · When I log in remotely through a web browser I only see two groups with one of them being All Cameras and the other being one that I have defined which is my Inside Cameras. Dec 23, 2021 · I am wondering if it is possible for Blue Iris to re-spawn a camera via RTSP or similar. You get peace of mind knowing your investment is in good hands. Aug 1, 2021 · Use rtsp url for main and rtmp url for sub Post by mayop » Sun Aug 01, 2021 12:50 am I don't think it's possible but does anyone know if you can use a rtsp url for the main stream and a rtmp stream for the sub on the same camera? Mar 9, 2014 · 5. This will change every time you start Ngrok, but that's okay- you'll always be able to find the current URL in the Ngrok Status Dashboard whenever you need to. Authentication is completed via Digest Blue Iris can be picky about how it wants to see 'custom' configurations from some cameras -- Reolink being a notorious one among others I've seen mentioned (including Foscam). Most find that it is best to just bite the bullet and post the Ring for sale and then get an open ONVIF camera for BI. Here's a complete IP camera RTSP URL list that you can use with your CCTV surveillance software such as Blue Iris, iSpy and many others. My Blue Iris settings look like this: Blue Iris. All you need is Aug 6, 2014 · I like blue iris and feel that it will meet my needs for a small home security system 4-5 cameras. The key to solving my issue on the Docker install of Homebridge on my Synology was to property install ffmpeg using "apk add --no-cache ffmpeg ffmpeg-libs" in the startup. 264/265 Encoding Profiles: Baseline, Main, High etc; FPS; Key frame interval Sep 4, 2019 · You should get a command window showing that Ngrok started and the current, ephemeral connection URL. May 31, 2021 · I'm using actionable Home Assistant notifications with a direct link to open the iOS Blue Iris App directly to the camera and it works great. Those are handled directly by Blue Iris's web server as an alternate means to authenticate, but they require you to have secure authentication disabled. May 16, 2020 · It took a little poking around in the app to find which menu item showed the stream URL's. I change it to JPEG HD but it seems to switch to a higher one like 1080P VBR and chokes and lags. Nov 11, 2020 · I don't think I put any undocumented URL parameters into UI3. Blue Iris 5. Is there a way to always make itstart with a certain streaming profile. Currently, the only “website within a website” it supports is iframes. Nov 19, 2023 · Despite my rigorous efforts, including testing every string variation and experimenting with different ports in VLC, I'm still unable to establish a stream. ; Support feedback: Startup Configuration Guide - The Solution to Most Issues Blue Iris. This is not recommended unless the camera has no HTTP interface. htm) "Whenever I take something apart to fix it and put it back together again, I end up with like six really important looking pieces left over" -Tim Allen Oct 12, 2020 · The jpg snapshot can be retrieved using this URL within blue iris using the same credentials the NVR is using for the calls above, however in this case the snapshot is a much lower quality than the stream visible on the NVR. Changing the value of w to something smaller than 1280 does reduce the video size. ↑ Tue Feb 08, 2022 1:20 am Is there an RTSP Stream URL documented I had Blue Iris 4 for many years and used a custom html package (UI2) that had an allcams. In my experience, he's smart and approachable but not affiliated with Blue Iris - UI3 was a collaboration of some kind. Logging in works fine Below are the most common camera settings that can affect the video quality seen in Blue Iris. 1 - July 16, 2020 Your Blue Iris web server now is also an RTSP server. 12) in the hopes of using the substream support to reduce load on the CPU - however I have configured a number of cameras with the substream setup by adding the substream URL to the network config page. Blue Iris User Group. However, Reolink provides RTSP and RTMP support. _____ Here's the most complete list of ALL BI URL's that I have: In addition to serving HTML pages, Blue Iris can also act as a "video server. 145:45 Dec 23, 2021 · I am wondering if it is possible for Blue Iris to re-spawn a camera via RTSP or similar. Feb 8, 2022 · Blue Iris. Sep 2, 2019 · Following up to my own post. The URL parameter that works for both image and mjpg is: &decode=1 for main stream &decode=-1 for substream &decode=0 for automatic From the release notes: An optional parameter &decode=x has been add to the /image/camx server request. As with /image and other web service calls, you may add stream, Sep 26, 2021 · In the case of a Network IP camera, the image size and max frame rate are determined for you based on what the camera is sending to Blue Iris. Camera's stream URL is http://IP:81/stream (or /cam. ↑ Tue Feb 08, 2022 1:20 am Is there an RTSP Stream URL documented Dec 22, 2019 · Hi, I have a few IP cameras, most of them say Foscam, FI86xx, 98xx compatible. Think of these settings as levers on the camera (NOT BI) that can be adjusted to provide the optimal video stream. I have a tasmota ESP32 camera which I am trying to get to work with Blue Iris. . At the moment I have to manually open the Blue Iris settings, select the Webserver tab and paste the NGROK URL into the Remote, external (WAN/Intern) access box. Notes: - A camera can belong to as many groups as you want. This situation makes me wonder how Blue Iris even manages to obtain a stream when I'm struggling to do so manually using its native URL format. Mar 8, 2021 · I have a tasmota ESP32 camera which I am trying to get to work with Blue Iris. sh file and then changing one configuration in Blue Iris which was Options --> Webserver --> Advanced and then unchecking the "Use secure session keys and login page". Instead it is cycling my camera clips not the group frame. 0. App installed on phone and settings put in. Simplifying property ownership, management and short-term rentals! As your property management company, we deal with tenant issues, collect rent, handle maintenance and repairs, and qualify new tenants. Register. Nov 11, 2020 · Other protocols are listed and these are used to configure the camera using a generic URL such as RTSP:// or MMSH:// etc. BI5 is said to also support iframes. And there is always a possibility there is something wrong with the camera even though it works with VLC, but we're not there yet. In the 'General' tab, next to 'Groups' click the 'Select' button. 265; H. 0/24) So this worked fine when I gave the proper url within the IP Cam viewer application. I know that blue iris offers https through stunnel, does this work well? Jun 22, 2019 · The periodic keep alive function recently added July 3rd has an issue. In order to login you must be registered. 264 vs H. htm which was perfect as it only displayed the cameras (without and sidebar clutter), and you could click on any camera image to get a full screen view of the camera. The point though, I would advise skimming the ipcamtalk topic in this forum first. Sep 28, 2021 · EDIT: Ok, its working now. Most required just a single digit change from the main URL whereas one camera used a different keyword in the URL to select the substream. ↑ Tue Feb 08, 2022 1:20 am Is there an RTSP Stream URL documented Feb 8, 2022 · Blue Iris. Authentication is completed via Digest encryption only. Registering takes only a few moments but gives you increased capabilities. 2. Jul 22, 2019 · You need to turn off the advanced login setting in the web server section. Here are the paths to these methods: Mar 24, 2021 · 1. In some cases, there may be parameters as part of the video URL which control these settings however. Blue Iris does not even look at the username/password and just automatically Authenticates based on source ip address. You may enter the full URL into the address box, press Tab, and it will be automatically parsed for you into protocol, address, and video path. ↑ Tue Feb 08, 2022 1:20 am Is there an RTSP Stream URL documented Dec 23, 2021 · I am wondering if it is possible for Blue Iris to re-spawn a camera via RTSP or similar. Now onto the next issue with group frame that opened in a new desktop. FAQ; Board index. In the group frame when you right click on one of the cameras and select Auto-cycle camera group, it does not work. It'll be a random URL similar to "https://fuj47645. Start out with basic zones and save the object detection stuff for later. Having the IP and port in there a second time makes it not work with my camera. I’m running BI in anonymous mode but being protected via a proxy running Authentik. For me, it was a change of "Index" to "Cam12_DROPCAM". Network cameras. I was able to get my MQTT working so it does work. From our testing, RTMP seems to perform better. This opens up even more interconnectivity options between Blue Iris and other systems (home automation, video players, etc. Oct 23, 2019 · When I log in remotely through a web browser I only see two groups with one of them being All Cameras and the other being one that I have defined which is my Inside Cameras. The list is in alphabetical order. Mar 1, 2020 · Blue Iris. Just look for the model you have and use the RTSP URL according to your software instructions. Go into each camera you want to be part of a group. Is there a different URL for the main stream so I could do similar with my home automation dashboard (e. Camera's stream URL I have Blue Iris set to Now onto the next issue with group frame that opened in a new desktop. YES! This feature was added in October 2020 but I just noticed it and need it too. Dec 22, 2019 · Hi, I have a few IP cameras, most of them say Foscam, FI86xx, 98xx compatible. I am currently using the Test version of Blue Iris with 2 cameras. Quick links. 3. I looked at the Webcast tab on each camera, but didn't see options that I thought would work. Firewall turned off 2. 7. Hire a property management company and get your time back. 1. I have a couple questions for you gurus: 1. It is simple and easy to get started. Firstly the NGROK URL changes everytime I restart the machine so I have a written a script that gets the new WAN URL from NGROK and copies it to a text file and clipboard. Other topics. Nov 23, 2024 · I've used BI before and had push working before so I'm familiar with how to set it up. Jul 1, 2020 · When I use the Blue Iris web interface, selecting a camera starts playing the substream but then switches to the main stream within 15 seconds or so. Sep 26, 2021 · In the case of a Network IP camera, the image size and max frame rate are determined for you based on what the camera is sending to Blue Iris. I have a group defined which monitors the two cameras in my parking lot however I cannot seem to find the setting to see that group through the Chrome web browser. Blue Iris. Apr 17, 2016 · There are a number of methods for retrieving images and video from the Blue Iris web server for use on mobile devices, converting a USB camera into a web camera, or for any other purpose. RTSP would be ideal, but others can work. ↑ Tue Feb 08, 2022 1:20 am Is there an RTSP Stream URL documented Apr 28, 2021 · Yeah, just using port forward on the router back in the other state. May 7, 2024 · This is how I setup my TPLink VIGI C330: Setup the camera password, IP address, video etc using TPLinks VIGI Security manager. 3. ↑ Tue Feb 08, 2022 1:20 am Is there an RTSP Stream URL documented Feb 16, 2022 · The guy who authored UI3 is the best source to tap - first page of the UI3 help has contact information. dashboard view, use substreams, open an Apr 26, 2020 · Blue Iris's network IP camera configuration panel has a lot of ways to do the same thing and this causes a lot of ambiguity. I haven't been able to identify how this is done. But now I want to set up a service monitor like uptime robot. Connect to a simple mjpeg server. Nov 30, 2023 · Blue Iris. On other cameras you want in that group(s), select the group(s). May 7, 2020 · I upgraded to version 5 (I am running the latest release 5. " There are a number of methods for retrieving images and video from the Blue Iris web server for use on mobile devices, converting a USB camera into a web camera, or for any other purpose. I have a mix of different camera brands and the stream URLs differ wildly between each one. So all I have to do is launch the browser on the FTS and put in the url and port of the server (192. I have it setup firing off a URL to HomeSeer every 10 minutes and it works fine every 10 minutes except at midnight. May 7, 2020 · For BI and Ring, there is a hack where you use the public URL from the Ring servers for your Ring Camera as an ingest url to BI. Apr 15, 2016 · NOTE: In order to embed the credentials in the URL as above, you must have "use secure session keys and login page" UNchecked under BI's "settings" => Web Server" => "Advanced" " You must log in or register to reply here. Web UI Size. 1. All is well and good. Tried grabbing the HLS URL hoping it would work, but it doesn't. Admittedly I have only spent about 8 hours exploring Blue Iris, this forum, and the help files and trying to get this to work. mjpeg instead of /stream). ; Have you checked for your issue in the built in BI5 help file ? Or online here. ngrok. I thought about there being something happening between my computer and the remote system before reaching the Blue Iris windows machine on the local network back in the other state, so I used Remote Desktop and launched the browser directly from the Blue Iris windows machine locally and went to localhost:81 and got the exact Forum Moderator. To get a JPG from a different camera, click to enlarge then right click on your BI UI3 interface and select "Open image in new tab" and cut out the appropriate pieces of the URL to change. Nov 27, 2021 · Ended up working around this - Created a new clone camera with lower resolution and used it solely for the doorbell. Jun 25, 2021 · I don't know squat about curl commands, and you clearly have competency, but this caught my eye: Jun 22, 2019 · Using UI3 here on an Ipad. RTMP and HLS won't work. As most people are, I am concerned with privacy etc. I forget the exact name but look in the web server section for something like 'advanced login security' or similar. Authentication is completed via Digest Mar 8, 2021 · Blue Iris. Blue iris keeps putting http://IP:81/IP:81/cam. If these are not as you expect, they need to be set in the camera’s browser interface directly. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. I basically started over with the profiles and made sure they were all default then set it back up. The way I would recommend to configure that cam is this: (untested because the URL wasn't working when I wrote this) Firstly the NGROK URL changes everytime I restart the machine so I have a written a script that gets the new WAN URL from NGROK and copies it to a text file and clipboard. I have the DB ID MQTT message figure out, what I can't figure out is the iOS URL format. BrownCoatSGT Posts: 1 Feb 28, 2020 · But if you must use Pushover, have your push notification just alert you of an event and include the url to your server (ui3. On the first camera, you'll need to 'Add' a new group name. 2058 Topics 9632 Posts Jan 28, 2022 · I have used this URL in (I believe) all the options listed above. mjpeg. It does not fire at 12:00am. Jan 20, 2023 · In this video I show how to live stream a camera in Blue Iris to YouTube or any other RTMP destination. Skip to content. Jun 18, 2019 · RLC-4xxx / RLC-5xx series Most cameras connect via RTSP today. Last visit was: Thu Mar 20, 2025 5:15 am. " Feb 12, 2021 · Originally i could not get any of the authentication to work until I put in the exclude under the webserver ( ^192. They are working great with BI but I am trying to stream them to a Crestron touch panel. H. I thought about there being something happening between my computer and the remote system before reaching the Blue Iris windows machine on the local network back in the other state, so I used Remote Desktop and launched the browser directly from the Blue Iris windows machine locally and went to localhost:81 and got the exact Feb 16, 2022 · The guy who authored UI3 is the best source to tap - first page of the UI3 help has contact information. 1 day ago · Blue Iris. 168. What I'd like to do is be able to link to the Alert Clip. g. Please see Self Help Content. The user= and pw= aren't part of UI3. ) Use the URI /{cam-short-name} or /{group-name}. kisgxa vuxi kyy zhg abn wkdzjs qoq idrhk qtfptf pkav kwtmck gut mdly jubwww vaite