Best rogue weapons 5e. Jul 10, 2020 · Concluding our Rogue 5E Guide.
Best rogue weapons 5e com This is the best option for most rogues. No different from a typical Rogue. DnD 5e’s Rogue is the quintessential scoundrel character: cunning, capable, and effective in a variety of situations. Now, D&D players can choose either the 2014 rules or 2024 rules, or blend them to make the best rogue they can. In 5e, Polearms are a group of weapons that have sharp blades attached to sticks, essentially. Inquisitive Rogue Races. Here are the best 3 Finesse weapons in the 2024 Player’s Handbook and how to use them. On top of this, rogues are only proficient in light armour meaning dexterity is extremely important for rogues, and not just to get a decent armour class, but also so you can deal decent damage with those finesse and ranged weapons. However, unlike the Rapier, you do not need to have the dual wielder feat. Aug 9, 2024 · What is the best simple weapon in DnD 5e? The best simple weapon depends entirely on the player’s preferred build, but there are some popular options. Skill Master. Jan 13, 2025 · Rogue subclasses in D&D offer unique abilities like interrogation, stealth tactics, and combat prowess. The reason is that if you attack with two weapons, your damage potential increases by a lot. Sneak Attack allows them to do a pile of damage in a single attack, and their pile of skills allows them to easily handle locks, traps, social situations, and many other challenges. And more than any other roguish subclass, this focus on speed and agility seems thematically appropriate. Without taking feats, it's two short swords. Despite the lack of magic for most of these characters, the Rogue is a great class that can accomplish a lot. For the full overview of the rogue class, check out our rogue class guide. Nov 15, 2019 · This necklace would be useless to a Barbarian or Cleric, but it's one of the best magic items for Rogues in 5e. Weapon Mastery is the only truly “new” system in the updated DnD 2024 rules, and it’s an exciting addition to the game. Learn any two Cantrips from the class you chose. Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments Repaint Reality Dungeon Master's Guide (2014 Jul 22, 2023 · Rogues get 1d8 hit die making you one of the more vulnerable classes that often get in the thick of combat. From Faceless we gain Deception and Intimidation. Red options can sometimes be situationally useful and might make for an interesting narrative choice but are largely less effective than other tiers. Aug 15, 2024 · Introduction. You'll probably need a hand free to be able to do that. Now, D&D players can choose either the 2014 rules or 2024 rules, or blend them Nov 20, 2023 · Creatures whose resistances can be bypassed by silvered weapons include devils, lycanthropes, and some types of undead. A Weapon of Warning is one of the best magic items for a rogue in D&D 5e thanks to how it helps them better dictate fights. Also reference the Rogue Handbook. Can rogues dual-wield rapiers? 3. A fighter will hack away at a target whenever he sees an opening in the defense, a rogue will do so too when alone, but a rogue with advantage or someone who draws the attention of the enemy will find the crack in the armor to insert is dagger into, that is what sneak attack is in 5e. Jan 1, 2025 · Updated on December 31st, 2024 by Louis Kemner: This guide for the best rogue builds has been updated to include lots of new information for fans of this class to refer to when making their next D&D character, and also incorporates the 2024 rules for the rogue class. In a Rogue's world, Dexterity is often the main focus, meaning their Constitution is Oct 11, 2021 · This weapon will still be just fine, at least! Weapon of Warning. By providing martial characters with additional tactical options, characters can impact combat in more interesting ways without relying on spellcasting. In our ongoing series of 5e class guides, we use the following color-rating scheme: Red – C Tier. Literally everything, besides Cat’s Claws, works for a Rogue. Can a rogue use a great axe? 9. Shadowfell Brand Tattoo DMG : A Cloak of Elvenkind will technically be better at keeping you hidden because it also imposes Disadvantage on Perception checks to notice you, and the Shadowy Defense effect is partially redundant with Uncanny Dodge. Proficiencies Armor: Light armor Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords Tools: Thieves’ tools Nov 6, 2024 · Inquisitive Rogue Ability Scores. +1 to every ability check and saving throw. It is a Magic Weapon, so will help your sneak attacks bypass resistance. Inquisitive Rogue Weapons. Need to close the gap with an enemy? Dash. Going first is so crucial in Dungeons & Dragons, especially since your Sneak Attack can really ruin someone’s life. And while anyone can pick up two shortswords and swing them, players who want to deal big damage will need to plan ahead. Or Long and greatswords, which neither has the finesse properties, which means you can't sneak attack with it. The Arcane Trickster is the best D&D 5e subclass for Rogue players who want to push the class' limits and players who aren't averse to handling spell slots. And probably the best for an Owlin Swashbuckler Rogue. With very few exceptions, Dexterity is always going to be the ability score you'll want as high as possible. IMO, probably the singly-best Uncommon item out there. If you’re going to be built for Two-Weapon Fighting and using a rapier, I’m assuming you grabbed the duel wielder feat to use non-light weapons. See full list on thegamer. Rogue X, Fighter 3 (Battlemaster) Rogue 1 -> Fighter 3 -> Rogue X Take Quick Toss, Tripping Attack and Precision Attack as your maneuvers. The starting ability Second-Story Work makes Thieves faster climbers and gives them a longer running jump, while Fast Hands adds Sleight of Hand checks, disarming traps, opening locks and ‘Using’ objects to the list of May 19, 2021 · In this Rogue guide for beginners, I'm going to share some of the best tips for building and playing a Rogue in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition to ensure success for your party. When you play a rogue, you get to excel at exploration (climbing, spotting and neutralizing traps, and sneaking past watchful enemies), social encounters (where the class’s proficiency with deception and disguise comes into play) and combat (sneak-attack damage is truly Not to mention the Rogue’s natural Evasion trait pretty much keeps you safe from Dex saves anyway. As a Soulknife, we have all the fun combat tricks that you think of with a Rogue: sneak attack for piles of d6’s, dart in and out of combat on a whim, sneak around unseen. And in fifth edition, glaives deal 1d10 slashing damage – and are considered a heavy weapon with reach, and must be wielded with both hands. So, this weapon is perfect for the rogue who wants every fight to be in their favor. Little different from a typical Rogue. Piercer – Better damage for most of the best rogue weapons. Apr 15, 2022 · While rogues keep on gaining valuable features like extra Sneak Attack damage, Elusive, and Stroke of Luck (two of the most useful ultra-late game abilities in 5e), there’s nothing to say that diverting from the rogue path can’t be a great way to either emphasize some of the things the rogue already does well or to compensate for the class Mar 4, 2020 · Alongside this, you’ll also get some universal arcane trickster talents that allow your rogue to do some nifty little things. Shortswords have been given a significant power boost in the 2024 Player’s Handbook. Especially when you land a critical. 100gp is a paltry sum of gold beyond low levels, but you can also bypass the same creatures’ damage resistances with magic weapons, so if a magic weapon is available, there’s little reason to get a silver weapon. Quarterstaff. Daggers having the finesse property means they can perform a sneak attack on a melee hit. You get lots of skills, and you get expertise in a few of them. Are swords viable for a rogue? 5. Light armor; Best Armor for the Rogue in 5e 15. Nov 14, 2022 · These feats are to inspire Rogues to choose their feats carefully, and what a Rogue should consider as they get to level 4, 8, 12, and so on. Armor Class (AC): 11 + Dexterity modifier. By taking this feat, you can ignore the loading property of crossbows and can fire them more than once per turn, you don’t suffer disadvantage on ranged attack rolls when an enemy is within 5 feet of you, and you can fire a hand crossbow as a bonus action Mar 3, 2024 · Barbarian Rogue Multiclass Ninja Viking Rogues are masters of disguise and subtlety, who lurk in the shadows waiting for the perfect time to make their lethal strike. Boots of Speed. It has a lot of depth but also provides a good option for new players just dipping their toes into D&D. While the options presented here may be the optimal build for a rogue (in my opinion), the beauty of D&D character creation is that the only limit is your imagination so feel free to build your character Dec 31, 2024 · The Best Rogue Build DnD 5e. As a rogue, skills are kind of your thing already. For weapons, we follow the Rogue Handbook. It uses psionic powers both in and out of combat, often in ways Sep 13, 2024 · Introduction. Period. Combine this with a thief rogue and you can bonus action oil flask then action green flame blade lighting people on fire. The best weapon for rogues is a Vorpal sword? A magic weapon that can only come in sword forms that deal slashing damage. 4. Sep 22, 2023 · Rogues can use a variety of one-hand weapons in Classic WoW: 1H Swords, Daggers, 1H Maces, Fist Weapons. May 7, 2024 · Multiclassing is not required for a powerful rogue character in D&D 5e, but can add versatility and unique benefits to their kit. The attacks you'll be making rely on Barbarian 5/6 -> Rogue X. Each subclass serves different party roles such as damage dealing, utility, and support. Personally, nothing past Rogue 11 does anything for me except the increased sneak attack damage and Elusive, but that isn't worth the extra 7 A Weapon of Warning is one of the best magic items for a rogue in D&D 5e thanks to how it helps them better dictate fights. What is the significance of “finesse” weapons? 8. Evidence is for rookies. Sneak Attack damage offers a straightforward gameplay loop that's consistent and reliable (horrible name notwithstanding), Expertise and thieves' tools proficiencies ensure utility outside of combat, and Cunning Action provides tactical complexity to combat. This article is for the 2014 DnD 5e rules. If the weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier for that attack roll and damage roll that you would use for a melee attack with the weapon. Jul 30, 2024 · Keen Senses also gives free proficiency in Perception, something ideal for any D&D 5e Rogue build. Archery fighting style does work with psychic blades because they count as simple melee weapons and not ranged weapons. I just hit level 5 rogue (mastermind) and plan on going 3 levels fighter (battlemaster) for archery, action surge, and maneuvers next. Shortsword. Want to slip away without provoking attacks? Disengage. Skulker – Become really reliable at hiding. What is the best ranged weapon for a rogue? 6. Feb 13, 2025 · 1. You could to take the thrown weapon fighting style instead. Aug 17, 2022 · Swashbuckler Rogue Weapons. Crossbows are arguably one of the rogue’s more iconic weapons, and this feat makes them much more effective in battle. Aug 17, 2024 · Rogue’s Mantle BoMT: This is the best parts of multiclassing into Way of Shadow Monk. Oct 2, 2024 · The 4 Best Simple Weapons. Early on, you’ll want the bonus to Initiative. They still have the Light property but have also been given the Vex mastery property. Arcane Trickster; Assassin; Phantom . Sep 30, 2024 · The Best 4 Finesse Weapons. I play a rogue, and am also going powerful ranged combatant route. Much like Sneak Attack, Transformation’s damage bonus is wasted if you don’t hit, so consider two-weapon fighting so that you have an additional chance to hit with an attack. These weapons can usually stand on their own, even when compared to Martial weapons, because of certain mechanics that allow them to excel: 1. Slippery A Weapon of Warning is one of the best magic items for a rogue in D&D 5e thanks to how it helps them better dictate fights. Upon reaching level 3, you’ll be able to choose from 9 Rogue archetypes, all with different pros and cons – but you’ll have to find one that fits best with your character. However, it’s not the only great archetype for the Rogue. From a mathematical perspective, the best weapon for the early game rogue is a double bladed scimitar assuming you take the revenant blade feat. If you go arcane trickster (which you absolutely should, it's the most fun rogue subclass by a long shot), the best weapon is shadow blade. Rogue Assassin is my number one go-to class. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Your rogue can already move faster than most of your party members thanks to their Cunning Action feature. I mean, you’re still that, one of the best for doing it at range even, but you’re much more than just that. Dec 4, 2023 · Rogue Archetypes. This nifty feature lets Rogues take a bonus action on each of their turns to either Dash, Disengage, or Hide. Magic Initiate. Blindsight is also great in certain situations that you could even exploit in combat through May 19, 2022 · What Are Rogues Good At? First of all, the rogue class is one of the most versatile and specialized classes in D&D 5e. They can also use the Ranged weapons Bows, Crossbows, and Guns. Crossbow Expert. Jul 15, 2022 · Rogue Assassin 5e – More Than a Killer. It performs okay, but if you want to survive, you should look to upgrade to Studded Leather as soon as you Dec 4, 2023 · Rogue Archetypes. For those players who want more, however, there are feats to make their rogue even more powerful or versatile. Another option is a hand crossbow with crossbow expert feat, which allows you to shoot with your BA, retain your ability modifier to damage on the BA attack, and shoot both at range and in melee without Read on to find out why the Boots of Speed are among the best for your Rogue! Why Boots of Speed are great. Feb 21, 2024 · The Rogue is a classic fantasy archetype that's, by most accounts, fairly well-designed in Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition. Transformation is still the big reason to play the Aasimar. Do rogues always need daggers? 7. Rapier: This is the largest damage die for a Finesse weapon outside of taking the Elf-only Revenant Blade feat. The Fighter gains access to the Two Weapon Fighting style at level one. For help with the 2024 rules, see our 2024 DnD 5e Rogue Subclasses Guide. A Weapon of Warning; you can't be surprised, and have advantage on initiative rolls. Apr 28, 2022 · You’re not just a Psychic Sneak Attack dispenser. Likewise, this benefit can be obtained from feats or multiclassing. When you play a rogue, you get to excel at exploration (climbing, spotting and neutralizing traps, and sneaking past watchful enemies), social encounters (where the class’s proficiency with deception and disguise comes into play) and combat (sneak-attack damage is truly When you get snares, you'll want to switch to a 1H weapon. What weapons are good for a rogue? The best weapon choices for rogues typically include Rapiers for melee combat and Longbows for ranged attacks. Climb speed makes inaccessible areas accessible, Feline Agility works with Cunning Action, Darkvision works well as a Scout, and getting two of the best Rogue skills is fantastic. Glaves have a rounded, curved blade, which gives the weapon great reach and deadly accuracy. High Elf is a less obvious choice as the best D&D 5e Rogue race for Arcane Tricksters specifically, due to that subclass’s free choice of Wizard cantrips. Dec 12, 2024 · This guide is meant as a deep dive into the best races for the 5e rogue. The scimitar can be dual-wielded too. Jan 2, 2024 · Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Self (5-foot radius) Components: S, M (one melee weapon worth at least 1 sp) Duration: Instantaneous Brandish the chosen weapon, making a melee attack against one creature and, on a hit, causing the green fire to leap to a new target of your choice. The Optimal Scout Build. From Rogue, we gain Acrobatics, Insight, Persuasion, and Stealth. Story by Jenny Melzer • 3w. May 19, 2022 · What Are Rogues Good At? First of all, the rogue class is one of the most versatile and specialized classes in D&D 5e. The Fighter. It will give you advantage to initiative. 15. Apr 30, 2022 · Customized Origin: +2/+1 increases, two damage resistances, and Darkvision. Put them together and we get a bit of a thematic mismatch, but a Oct 1, 2021 · Black Citadel’s Ranking and Tier System. Updated on October 16, 2024, by Jeremy Devoe: While the Swashbuckler subclass was part of Xanathar's Guide to Everything, it is compatible with D&D 5e 2024's Rogue. May 19, 2023 · Follow this guide to discover how to best optimize the skills, weapons, features, and abilities for a D&D 5e Rogue class character build. The standard D&D rogue build allows players to sneak through enemy strongholds, pick challenging locks, and deal devastating damage with their Sneak Attack. For example, every arcane trickster has a unique version of the classic Mage Hand cantrip, which enables them to use that spell to steal things from other people (something that the standard version of Mage Hand doesn’t otherwise allow). Every Rogue would feel naked if not for a handy dagger, for example. Also, Rogues are skill monkeys, so a Stone of Good Luck helps you with everything. Description. Use Quick Toss on your turn with a Dart to trigger Sneak Attack then use Ready as your Action to Ready an attack for the next players turn and getting an extra Sneak Attack. So that means scimitars, which rogues are not proficient with. Fortunately, since Rogues do not necessarily have a moral code (I laugh as I type this), there are no restrictions concerning weapons, items, and to an extent, armor. 1. Soulknife Rogue Can Succeed at Almost Anything. Studded Leather: The best option outside of multiclassing. Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments Repaint Reality Dungeon Master's Guide (2014 Jan 7, 2025 · Mage slayer – Best against mages, but having what is practically legendary resistance is also great. Arcane tricksters or magic initiate feats or the simple high elf rogue can run with a blade cantrip. The best simple weapon depends on your build, but generally, these are the highest-performing Simple weapons. Spellcasting is a D&D 5e Arcane Oct 7, 2021 · Armor and Weapons: Two light melee finesse weapons (Shortswords are best in terms of damage, but Daggers can also be thrown) for melee combat and a ranged weapon of your choice. One of the best uses of a feat is to enhance the things you already Jan 6, 2025 · Five D&D classes gain access to Weapon Mastery in the new Player’s Handbook: Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, and Rogue. Dec 16, 2024 · What is Cunning Action 5e? Cunning Action is the Rogue’s secret weapon in D&D 5e, unlocked at 2nd level. Really useful. Using this feat allows you to cast the chosen spell at its lowest level. Choose a class: Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer, Druid, Cleric, Bard. Aug 22, 2022 · Level 20 (Rogue) Stroke of Luck. The Soulknife is one of the last D&D 5e Rogue builds released. Barbarians are an unsubtle slab of mindless rage and feral instinct able to shrug off lethal blows while screaming and charging down their enemies at full tilt. While some class combinations like Rogue/Cleric may offer benefits Oct 20, 2024 · When a Rogue subclass underwhelms, it really underwhelms. The reigning king of Simple weapons. This article is part of a series of D&D class guides for beginners. Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments Repaint Reality Dungeon Master's Guide (2014 Jul 10, 2020 · Concluding our Rogue 5E Guide. Like all Rogue archetypes, the Scout depends primarily on Dexterity. Swashbuckler Rogue Armor. But that only adds +2 to damage instead of attack. Jan 20, 2025 · Rogues can be vitally important to a party. Offensive Actions: Always ensure that you have advantage on an attack (by attacking from hidden, for example) or hit an enemy within 5ft of an ally to ensure you Hit Dice: 1d8 per rogue level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per rogue level after 1st. 4 days ago · Their key feature is the “finesse” property (in D&D 5e and similar systems), The best weapon for a rogue is the one that best complements their skills, playstyle, and the specific Nov 20, 2023 · Creatures whose resistances can be bypassed by silvered weapons include devils, lycanthropes, and some types of undead. Barbarian 5 -> Rogue X if your Barbarian subclass doesn't have a valuable level 6 feature (most of them). Dexterity is a Rogue’s main attribute in D&D 5e, so sporting these lovely items will make them even faster. If you don’t want to use the Rapier, then your next best option for the best weapon on a swashbuckler rogue in 5e DnD is the scimitars. But there are a lot of 1d6 finesse 1h weapons. Recommended Rogue Archetypes. Option 2: The blade cantrip rogue. Arcane Trickster – Combine your skillful agility and stealth with magic, granting you enchantment and illusion spells. So you want a 1H finesse weapon. Is a rapier or shortsword better for a rogue in 5e? 2. Apr 13, 2019 · Rogue Ability Scores Rogues more than most classes get their ability priorities shifted around depending on what archetype they take but there are a few constants that you should consider on character creation and when your ability increases. The best option is probably the Goblin Dogslicer - its finesse, agile, and has the backstabber trait as well. Barbarian 6 -> Rogue X if your Barbarian subclass has a level 6 feature you really really can't live without (such as Berserker's Mindless Rage, which you might want because your Wisdom saves are going to A Weapon of Warning (can be anything, a Rapier, a Shortword, a Hand Crossbow) is, by far, my favorite magic item for that level. Why would a rogue use a dagger? 4. We wanted to update this guide to use Feb 20, 2025 · The Thief 5e subclass brings back that flavor, with a Rogue who brings archetypal Rogue exploration abilities into combat. Aug 31, 2022 · What your rogue might most appreciate, however, is the bracer’s discretion: whether they hit or miss, the daggers immediately disappear. I’d swap it for another magic weapon like a Flametongue. For example, if you throw a handaxe, you use your Strength, but if you throw a dagger, you can use either your Strength or your Dexterity, since the dagger has the finesse property. Cost: 10 GP. However, this goes both ways. I love the balance of getting good damage in and being a charismatic charlatan – two of the Rogue’s greatest features in Dungeons & Dragons 5e. Winged Boots Jun 28, 2021 · Which Classes are Best for Two Weapon Fighting? Some classes in DnD 5e gain extra abilities that make two weapon fighting especially potent. Because we get to choose Expertises as a Rogue, we choose Deception and Stealth at first level and Insight and Perception at sixth level. Nov 7, 2024 · Tabaxi make the perfect Rogues. Leather. Once per long rest, you can turn a miss on an attack roll into a hit, or any failed ability check into a 20. . You need decent Wisdom since you’re going to rely heavily on Insight, but 14 is plenty. Inquisitive Rogue Feats. Also, choose a 1st-level spell from the class’s spell list. May 6, 2023 · From Harengon, we gain Perception. These options give them more ways to shake up their fighting style. Leather is your starting armor as a Rogue. Oct 28, 2024 · Rogue subclasses are extremely powerful, frequently granting features at 3rd level which define how your character plays for the rest of their career, and offering a tempting prize for builds which can handle a 3-level class dip. Swashbuckler Rogue Multiclassing. And that’s it for our Rogue 5E handbook. Oct 16, 2024 · These synergize well with other core features of the D&D 5e 2024 Rogue class, particularly those like Uncanny Dodge, Evasion and Elusive feats. The best D&D 5e Rogue subclasses really do blow the competition out of the water. Sometimes a Rogue must make a hasty retreat from battle, especially if they roll low on a sneak attack, so these boots would be Nov 2, 2021 · Part of the fun of playing a rogue in D&D 5e besides defeating monsters and stealing their loot is discovering extremely rare items and weaponry. Strength: – Stealth: – Weight: 10 lbs. To allow you to scan through the options quickly, we use the following color rating scheme: Red: Weak, unlikely to contribute to your build; Orange: Situationally good, but below average; Green: A Oct 30, 2023 · Rogue Armor Proficiency. Of the feats you listed though, skulked is very nice for a rogue that encounters a lot of dim light. Explanation. Sep 19, 2023 · Best Rogue Feats in 5e 15. ynclxtsc efl xide rsnnvr zit ccflj xucrl xbkx abuxa bxvndjh uwzhmc qqrkknsrz gfp nehuhj zteiewfp