Amazon bar raiser geeksforgeeks. I was given a design problem .

Amazon bar raiser geeksforgeeks Then he asked me why didn’t cloud computing exist 15 years ago . I did it using min-heap, then he sked me to use other data structure. Tell me about yourself 2. Asked about my internship experience and the project that I did during my internship. Disagreement with your immediate supervisor, how your relation got affected after that disagreement. There were 2 coding problems and 10 MCQs related to Operating System and DBMS. He asked me to introduce myself, what is my favorite subject. What did you learn from your current organization. Bar Raiser Round: 2) How would you test Whispersync feature in Kindle. 1st round: Online test: 2 - coding questions We were given 1. 4. Totally 546 students wrote the online test which was on the AMCAT platform. Then I did it using Balanced binary search tree. Aug 8, 2024 · I attended an interview with Amazon for SDET-I position, about a month back. Honestly, I don’t think they’re hard to crack. Amazon places great value on hiring the right people, this is why the bar raiser is important in the interview process. But he didn’t changed the question. Find 2nd maximum element in a given array in one iteration. 5. Geeksforgeeks helped me lot. Assuming that you still haven't received any rejection mails, I think that's good news, as you might be moving to next rounds and they're probably scheduling it. Jul 15, 2019 · Questions on Amazon Leadership Principles. Code : Find the second non-repeating character in a string. Otherwise it was impossible for me. Round 4: Given a Binary Tree, Replace every node with its larger Same as sum tree GeeksforGeeks; Print min & max (both) of all sub array of size k Reference : Given an integer array and find first k largest elements. This is for SDE1 Amazon. Each set had two coding questions and mcqs based mostly on c/c++. Jan 12, 2022 · Amazon visited our campus for FTE recruitment in Aug, 2019. Recognizing that each round of an Amazon interview delves into 1 or 2 Amazon Leadership Principles, I made sure to integrate them into my preparation. com for SDE1 position for 1+ year experience. 25 mark for wrong answer) Coding Questions- each 10 mark Jul 16, 2019 · Questions of how you would approach a problem technically etc. Solution: GeeksforGeeks Link Round 2: Implement meeting booking system like o Mar 15, 2022 · Hi all, Recently went through the amazon interview process for the SDE-2 position in amazon Bangalore. The imp Jul 12, 2019 · Managerial round, lot of project and Amazon’s leadership principle related questions. Then he moved on to the questions. etc. 2 Minimum swaps required to arrange pairs adjacent to each other. I had 3 years of Experience at the time of Interview Round 1: Online Coding A variation of  Minimum time to rot all oranges. Jul 15, 2019 · Amazon pool campus placement drive was conducted in March 2019. A very big thanks to whole team of geeks for geeks. given a matrix of characters. This valuatio Aug 6, 2024 · F-2-F round 2(Bar raiser) Few question related to OS what is deadlock, Race-condition, Semaphore and many more, few question Related to DBMS what is Normalization define all normal forms(I directly told him I don’t remember I read it in 5 th semester ) Why amazon?? Why do u want to leave company XYZ. Useful sources for Technical Preparation: 1 . Amazon places a strong emphasis on its 16 Leadership Sep 17, 2019 · F2F(Bar-Raiser) This is probably the most important round that decides whether you will be offered the job or not. Semi HR. geeksforgeeks. Aug 9, 2024 · ROUND 7(Bar-Raiser): Started with some behavioural questions like Why Amazon, why leave prev company along with current job role details. Round 1: 1 hour - written test at amazon office. Sep 28, 2020 · Amazon announced only women hiring event on June 2021 (Amazon WOW 2021). Round 5 {Bar Raiser Duration 1 hour}: Taken Post Lunch/evening which was provided by Amazon by SDM from a different team having 12 years of experience. The Aug 5, 2024 · 7) (Amazon Seattle. Through out my preparation GeeksforGeeks played great role, this is the only site which i referred/followed more than 90% of the time during preparation phase. Here I am sharing my interview experience. There was 1 online round and 3 F2F interviews and 1 Bar Raiser round. Analysis of Aug 7, 2024 · Fourth Round (Bar Raiser): It was a telephonic round with a collabedit screen shared on our laptops. I have 1. About project. Online Assessment Depending on the part and position, Amazon might bear you to complete an online coding valuation. Your one area which needs to be improved. All the best ! GeeksforGeeks has helped me throughout my preparation. Given a singly linked list, write a recursive method to reverse every 3 nodes in the list. One +ve point and one -ve point from the amazon India site. Longest Palindromic Substring in a string. I kicked off my prep by tackling recently asked Amazon interview questions. A week later a got a call for last round (Bar Raiser). 2. Jul 12, 2019 · 5) Asked all test data for the amazon login page. Aug 9, 2024 · Recently I had interview with amazon. Solution: GeeksforGeeks Link Round 2: Implement meeting booking system like o Aug 11, 2024 · After 1 week, i got mail stating that, we would like to proceed further and scheduled my bar raiser round. Technical Aug 16, 2019 · Usually Amazon SDE-2 interviews happens in 2 days schedule. 5 weeks of onsite, and was done on AWS Chime. Your strengths 6. This round was a combination of Requirements Gathering, Coding, Dynamic Change in requirements and System design. I was approached by an amazon recruiter on LinkedIn and briefly discussed the kind of role I'm looking forward to and what amazon can offer me. 3. Please find my experience with amazon below. Feb 19, 2024 · In 2017, with just two weeks before my interview, I reconnected with Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). Aug 7, 2024 · Round 4 (Bar Raiser) 15 min. 1. Written Test: Screening test: Computer fundamentals and 1 easy coding question. HLD for Instagram, What should be DB structure, kind of Database should be used, sharding policy and some other design related questions. GeeksforGeeks helped a real lot in my interview preparation and in general, my understanding of data structures and algorithms got deeper and stronger. Aug 6, 2024 · I recently cleared the Amazon SDE position. He asked any critical issues do I resolved. Aug 6, 2024 · Amazon Interview (Off campus for SDE-1) Experience: 8 months Interview Process – 2 (telephonic) + 3 (f2f – Bangalore) + 1 bar raiser (telephonic) Telephonic 1 (25 minutes only) Q1. Following are the questions that were asked: Jul 26, 2022 · As per HR, in bar-raiser I was rated average on LP (customer obsessiveness specifically), so they made discussion of No-hire. Hardest bug you found 4. Maximum path sum; Got the offer after a couple of days 🙂. It was kindle team. Detailed discussion on the most recent project. A situation where the candidate has come up with a very simple situation for a very complex problem Aug 8, 2024 · Bar Raiser(Telephonic): 1. Round 5: Telephonic (Bar raiser) 1 A lot of disscussion on my projects. There was portal where we had to register ourselves. Write a program to find interval with largest producing maximum sum. 2) Then I was to explain my internship project and then a few counter questions over it. 4) Asked all possible behavioral questions like a) What is the most challenging/complex job that you did? Sep 2, 2019 · Round 4: Bar -Raiser Round. Target: Show top 5 searches. Hackerrank Online Round: Don't remember the exact que Jul 15, 2019 · Round 6 (Bar Raiser): He again started with a lot of behavioural questions, most of them were on customer obsession. Also , Don’t pass the time in telephonic rounds, they want to give at least two questions (easy though) McDowell’s book and recent 40 sets of amazon interview experiences will make you good Sep 16, 2019 · Round 5: Bar Raiser In this round Interviewer checked how technically strong and capable enough to handle any sorts of challenging tasks based on our past works. Aug 9, 2024 · Round 6: (F2F –Bar Raiser) 1. d. F2F 1 Aug 5, 2024 · Hi, I was recently interviewed for SDE1 position for Amazon and got selected. He asked me to inform if I have seen the question. Round 5: Bar Raiser. Evaluating top N Competitors of Amazon echo from reviews received by Crawling websites. Understand Amazon’s Leadership Principles . Round 3: This was bar-raiser round. He was very experienced and extremely smart. He asked me to explain why my project was important to the Jun 27, 2024 · Preparing for a data analyst interview at Amazon India involves a mix of technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and understanding of Amazon's business model and culture. 6. Given prime number p>=5 : Prove that : (p^2 – 1) will be Aug 27, 2017 · Got a message from HR on Linkedin that my profile has been shortlisted for SDE-2 profile He sent me Invite for Interview in Amazon Gurgaon Office Round 1 (Written Round) Return Nth Node from the back of the linked list Zigzag Traversal of Tree Max length path between any two points in the given N*M Dec 16, 2022 · Round 5: Online Interview(1 Panelist) – Bar Raiser Round. Online round had 2 coding questions and 20 (MCQs based on sorting complexity, Recursion, quantitative aptitude , geometry etc). Jan 11, 2022 · Round 5(Bar Raiser Round – Taken by SDE-2): Two questions along with some resume based and behavioural questions. I asked him few question regarding work culture at Amazon. Deep dive into projects. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you prepare effectively: 1. I was given a design problem . There are 30 Questions in the Aptitude section. find minimum steps to reach from ‘S’ to ‘D’ where ‘#’ is an obstacle. 5 year experience in java. Aug 5, 2024 · F2F Round5 (Bar Raiser round) 60min: 1. The interviewer was very experienced person having 20+ years of experience. Why Amazon over the previous company? This time I was prepared b. There were a lot of behavioral questions which inherently focused on Amazon’s Leadership principles. Your weakness. Amazon campus recruitment process #1: In this process, there are 4 rounds. Round 6 (BR): It was telephonic discussion, Interviewer judged me on Amazon leadership principles, And i believe i just slips on one of the principle but overall he was satisfied with my responses. They focus on your leadership principles and problem-solving skills. Aug 7, 2024 · Round 6 : (Bar-Raiser) 1. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions. On the 1st day there will be 3 rounds (PS/DS and design rounds). Students of B. Two strings s1 and s2 are given; find a minimal length substring in s1 which does not contain s2 as a substring. Code : Convert little endian to big endian. If the feedback is good you then will be called for remaining 2 rounds which are Manager and Bar raiser. It was an online video call interview using Amazon Chime and was taken by Manager from the US. He asked some generic questions like: Jul 12, 2019 · Managerial round, lot of project and Amazon’s leadership principle related questions. Round 6 (Via Amazon chime, Bar raiser): Deep and end-to-end knowledge of your current project is tested. Online plus telephonic rounds are for screening only. The applied scientist interview is designed to identify candidates who have the technical proficiency, behavioral skills, and Aug 5, 2024 · Interview Round 3(60-75 Minutes): (Bar Raiser Round) Technical Interview Interviewer was very cool. Jul 10, 2019 · In my college, we 250 students have attended Amazon interview, and from that 16 among us are selected for the internship. May 1, 2024 · All the LP questions were fairly basic and exactly what you would expect (the recruited had already provided me with the LPs for each round). Last time you couldn’t deliver on time. Written Round: The Written round consists of 3 sections, Aptitude, Verbal ability, and Technical. Your biggest challenge till the date. (Do include all edge cases) Q2. Round 2: DS Dec 16, 2022 · Round 5: Online Interview(1 Panelist) – Bar Raiser Round. where user can subscribe services like Netflix and Amazon prime). Situation where you get a higher Priority task. Analysis of thought process- BAR RAISER) a. Round 5: (Bar Raiser Round, 35 mins): This round starts with a simple introduction followed by some discussion on my internship. Jul 12, 2019 · Round 6 : Bar Raiser Round – A brief introduction – Complete design of my project HLD, LLD, UI, DB etc. Oct 3, 2022 · At last, I asked him questions on Qualities of Successful SDE in Amazon and correct motivations to work with, etc. Bar raisers are specially trained for this. com In virtual, Amazon typically sends rejection mail within a week after the interviews. 30 hrs to complete it Merge two sorted arrays GeeksforGeeks LinkFind the element which is repeated more than twice in Aug 9, 2024 · Round 6: (F2F –Bar Raiser) 1. Online Test: The Sep 18, 2020 · I was recently interviewed for Amazon SDE 2. Focus was on complexity of the code GeeksforGeeks Link Sep 1, 2021 · A Computer Science portal for geeks. 1 Written test 1) Given a array of number find the Aug 7, 2024 · Fourth Round( Bar Raiser /BR Round): It was a telephonic round . There were total five rounds, first round being an online coding round was held on Hackerearth followed by three technical interviews and one bar raiser cum technical round. I responded by considering both the STAR approach and the leadership tenet of Amazon. ) This round was conducted by 10 year experience employee of Amazon. 1) Tell me something about yourself . Why Amazon? Tell me about a challenge you faced. Aug 7, 2024 · Amazon campus recruitment process basing on the past selection process. May 13, 2022 · For most of the people, in the Bar-Raiser round, only one DSA question is asked and the rest of the time is for leadership principles and project-based questions. Aug 10, 2024 · Amazon Interview Experience 1: Screening Round: Find all pairs that add up to 0 Find all pairs with sum closest(abs value) to 0 but non 0 Find all pairs with sum farthest(abs) to 0 Design Round: A startup website has a lot of real-time traffic . Here is the breakdown of the whole process. Find smallest positive missing number from an array of positive numbers. Q1. Given two link list that represents no. Jul 23, 2019 · Amazon conducted an off-campus recruitment drive, giving students the opportunity to apply and participate in one of the world's largest retail company's hiring process Online round(Oct 2021): There were 4 questions, 2 coding questions along with their algorithm with space and time complexity. repre Jun 29, 2020 · I later contacted the Amazon APAC recruiter on LinkedIn problem 1 – https://www. We started with the Introduction. Plenty of leadership principle-based questions were asked in this round and once he got satisfied we moved on to a DS algo based problem. Focus is on how you exhibit the Amazon leadership principles. He also asked an Algo question: Given a list known ratios, find ratios for the query list Jul 22, 2019 · This was a Bar-raiser round and was taken by a senior person. Tell me about yourself. Online Round. Aug 6, 2024 · Folks at amazon do not want pseudo code , they want working code with minimal syntactical errors. After this, the final (Bar Raiser) round is to be held on the telephone. Round 1(Online Screening Round): There were different sets of questions. It is because of them only that I was able to make Amazon and get a job in my dream company. Solution: BFS from ‘S’ to ‘D’. Jul 28, 2023 · The next few behavioral interview questions are then asked. Solution: GeeksforGeeks Link; Given a binary tree, return the farthermost nodes. Behavioral Questions. This was similar to the questions asked in the previous round. Many more such HR questions. Aug 16, 2019 · Usually Amazon SDE-2 interviews happens in 2 days schedule. Online Test : 2 Questions. I knew that each round of an Amazon interview delves into one or two Amazon Leadership Principles, so I made sure to integrate them into my preparation. Jul 1, 2022 · Round 5 (Video Call, Bar Raiser): This round was completely behavioral. Jul 22, 2024 · 3. He also asked an Algo question: Given a list known ratios, find ratios for the query list Aug 11, 2024 · Round3(Bar-raiser): Time: 60 minutes The interviewer was the manager and head of the panelist. First question was based on LRU based, the question was framed in a way that you first need to understand the question itself, and ask different questions. I am sharing my interview experience with Amazon. So the question was to implement the Windows OS file search feature. Useful sources for Technical Preparation: 1 Aug 6, 2024 · I recently cleared the Amazon SDE position. 1) Initially was asked to introduce myself. The collab edit link was shared with me. This round was taken by a senior guy. Solution: GeeksforGeeks Link; Round 2: Implement meeting booking system like outlook. There is a dictionary already implemented. You should print sum as well as first and last index of the interval. And I replied : Yes sir, it is the similar question I faced in coding round of Amazon-internship last year. Round 6 (Video Call, Bar Raiser): This round was completely behavioural round. c. I studied by doing all top Amazon tagged questions in Leetcode and Top 100 Interview questions. Given an array of integers. It may be different. He asked to explain any project which I am proud of and some cross-questioning happened while explaining the project. I started by tackling recently asked Amazon interview questions. ) Introduction and Leadership Principles: We started with introductions, followed by a couple of leadership questions. Keep practicing. Jun 28, 2022 · The Amazon SDE 1 interview process generally consists of several hoops Online operation You start by succumbing your operation and renew through Amazon's careers website. I was informed via mail that I have another round coming up in five days following this one. . 4) Asked all possible behavioral questions like a) What is the most challenging/complex job that you did? Sep 16, 2019 · Round 5: Bar Raiser In this round Interviewer checked how technically strong and capable enough to handle any sorts of challenging tasks based on our past works. Round 4: 1 Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size. Inclusive of questions about work that I have done. Coding Round: Two questions were asked to be solved in 105 minutes in which we have to write time complexity and algorithm as well. Round 5: Bar Raiser: Lot of behavioral and leadership principle questions, then asked a design question, design a load balancer’s algorithm so that it redirects the traffic between three services s1, s2, s3 by 50%, 30% and 20%. See full list on igotanoffer. 3) Given two sorted linked lists, merge the lists in a sorted manner with constant extra space. Online Assessment (OA 22/07/2022 - 23/07/2022): This was the first round and boy was this round tricky. He asked me which question I had solved that I found to be hard and what were the problems that came while approaching that question. A situation where the candidate has come up with a very simple situation for a very complex problem Aug 7, 2024 · Round 6 : (Bar-Raiser) 1. Following are the questions that were asked: Feb 28, 2022 · Amazon visited my institute NIT Jamshedpur for FTE roles on July 22, 2022. Apr 26, 2020 · Questions on Amazon leadership principles When was the last time when you had to compromise a requirement due to lack of time. Round 1 (Telephonic): 1. 2) He saw that i had given a seminar on cloud computing and sky computing so he started with cloud computing . Tech CSE, IT, ICT, MCA, and M. Logical question. I am very thankful to Geeksforgeeks team. This round was solely focused on LP and here my experience of working helped me At Amazon, our goal is to be the world’s most customer-centric company by delivering innovative products, services, and ideas. (HLD and LLD ) Discussion on solution. 3) Two problem-solving questions which I had to code on a code-pair sort of a platform wherein the interviewer was able to see my code. Technical Aug 5, 2024 · Hi, I was recently interviewed for SDE1 position for Amazon and got selected. Bar Raiser Round: On the same call are two interviewers (SDE-Manager and SDE-2). In my case date of joining was very close in some other org, so all 5 rounds happened on one day. Takeaways for someone who’s applying to amazon: Most of the coding questions are DP, greedy, and BST based. Round 4: Bar Raiser, Coding (1 hr. We have a customer using amazon Kindle , suppose he wants to borrow a book for some days , lets say x and wants to finish reading the book within the days limit. All thanks to GeeksForGeeks Aug 11, 2024 · Amazon visited my Campus few days back . Aug 5, 2024 · I have a total experience of two years. Prepare beforehand and think of situations in life where you have exhibited them. He asked some generic questions like: Sep 2, 2019 · After long discussions on various topics he asked if I had any questions. The problem here is order is not as our alphabetical. C may come before a,b, x may come before d,c. Jul 15, 2019 · Round 6 (Bar Raiser): He again started with a lot of behavioural questions, most of them were on customer obsession. Aug 10, 2024 · Recently Amazon came to our college for both FTE and interns. What was your role & the outcome? Tell me about a time when you went over and above your job responsibility to help the company; Technical Question: Feb 7, 2022 · I was contacted by an amazon recruiter for the SDE-1 role. write a program to add two given two link list and return new link list that represents sum of no. This happened a few days after the drive. May 31, 2022 · In Feb 2022, I recieved a message on LinkedIn from an SDM at Amazon regarding an opportunity in their team. Verdict (March 9, 2022): I got the call from HR informing me that I was selected. Smallest Positive missing number ; Round 5: Bar Raiser. Then an invite for exam is sent to us. Some technical questions are followed by an assessment of leadership quality and cultural fit. He started with my CV. Why Amazon 3. Jul 26, 2022 · Bar-Raiser Round: For me, this was a little tough, as I was not able to bond with the interviewer. Standard amazon placement test (Debugging, coding, works Oct 15, 2024 · Bar raiser round: Behavioral questions and project discussions. Here are tips to help you with your bar raiser interview: You wouldn’t get an introduction; No one is going to say to you, “Hi, am the bar raiser”. Online Round (conducted on Hacker Earth) 20 MCQ questions and 2 Coding Questions MCQ question-each 1 mark(-0. Tech CSE with CGPA 6 and above and no standing arrears were allowed. Round 1 PS/DS: Q1. Again the same question. Few leadership principal based questions. 1 Written test 1) Given a array of number find the next greater no in the right of each element Oct 6, 2019 · The Amazon SDE 1 interview process generally consists of several hoops Online operation You start by succumbing your operation and renew through Amazon's careers website. You are a in-flight movie service provider. Except for the coding portion of the Bar Raiser, I did well in everything else. May 23, 2024 · Round 5(F2F Bar raiser): This round was also similar to other technical interviews only the difference is interviewer was more interested in knowing my previous experience, projects and leadership principle. further clause added to Aug 11, 2024 · ROUND 3:(Bar Raiser) 90 mins. There was a online test followed by 4 rounds of online interviews. Bar Raiser Round: As we have already mentioned about the Bar Raiser round in Amazon where a candidate is assessed on skills and cultural fit with Amazon’s customer-centric and innovative principles. Given prime number p>=5 : Prove that : (p^2 – 1) will be Aug 9, 2024 · Fifth Round: Bar Raiser 1. (Solely on this round. Your next round would either be a bar raiser or another tech and LP. 20 Best Amazon Bar Raiser Interview Tips. org This was bar raiser round and the interview Aug 11, 2024 · Recently I had an interview at amazon for SDE 2 role and here is my experience: Round 1: Given a binary tree, print the nodes in zig-zag form. Was prepared for this and already did some pre-analysis on the site. 3 interviews were held on Amazon Chime as per schedule. This interview held after a month. Solution: GeeksforGeeks Link Given a binary tree, return the farthermost nodes. There was 1 online round and 3 FTF and a bar raiser. he first asked about me, did some casual talk to do away with my nervousness. He asked me to share my resume for the same. This is the best site for clearing your concepts on Data Structures and Algorithms. If yes, then how and where and what the impacts Nov 26, 2019 · Create HLD and LLD (oops based) of subscription engine ( eg. Leader ship principles followed by Amazon. I did not clear the interview, but I would like thank GeeksforGeeks for the great learning period before the interview. Post that after 4-5 days, the hr informed me that they would like to proceed with the final bar raiser round, which happened in a couple of days. Feb 15, 2022 · Amazon conducted an off-campus recruitment drive, giving students the opportunity to apply and participate in one of the world's largest retail company's hiring process Online round(Oct 2021): There were 4 questions, 2 coding questions along with their algorithm with space and time complexity. Why you are leaving prev company, What will stop you there. A work in your project which made you Jul 12, 2019 · I interviewed for Amazon SDE2 position in Bangalore, India on March 2020. Aug 11, 2024 · Recently I had an interview at amazon for SDE 2 role and here is my experience: Round 1: Given a binary tree, print the nodes in zig-zag form. Aug 11, 2024 · Design Amazon Cart System. Jul 30, 2019 · These technical interviews were onsite. Below is the point you need to keep in mind for this round… Aug 20, 2021 · Round 5(Bar raiser round): This round happened on amazon chime platform with software development manager. Aug 9, 2024 · 2 A At of disscussion on above question and he shows me how amazon maitain their product recommedation feature. Your strongest strength. Mar 7, 2022 · Round – 4 (Bar-raiser round): This round was also taken by a senior manager having about twelve years of experience. Round 6 – Bar Raiser : Discussion on why Amazon, why leaving current organization, few other leadership principals, May 13, 2024 · Question: Design Auto Complete / search recommendations in Amazon Search; Assumption: Given a ranking algorithm which returns the search priority. Prove that p^2-1 is always divisible by 24. My project was on a NoSQL database so questions on them. Following were interview questions-Two telephonic rounds followed by 5 F2F interviews. Most commonly asked LLD and HLD questions also. Code : Kth max in a file. Dec 9, 2019 · First Try: Round 1: Written test. – Responsibilities in the current company – Why do you want to change your company – Any task/project which was designed and implemented in less time but had a great impact on the production/Business Side. Below is the point you need to keep in mind for this round… Aug 11, 2024 · Recently I had an interview at amazon for SDE 2 role and here is my experience: Round 1: Given a binary tree, print the nodes in zig-zag form. This was a phone interview, conducted after 3. further clause added to Feb 26, 2020 · Round – 5: (Bar Raiser) This round was again by a Senior Manager. Given a prime number ‘p’. Here is my interview experience. Feb 17, 2021 · Amazon Interview Experience 1: Screening Round: Find all pairs that add up to 0 Find all pairs with sum closest(abs value) to 0 but non 0 Find all pairs with sum farthest(abs) to 0 Design Round: A startup website has a lot of real-time traffic . Aug 22, 2021 · Once I completed the test, I got a call to schedule the interviews in two weeks. Round 5 – HM Round : Deep discussion on my projects. There were LP questions for 30-35 mins, and rest of the time I was asked to solve two coding problems (one medium + one medium-hard), and asked to write pseudo code + dry run. Set of strings are given in a dictionary order. May 1, 2024 · Amazon came for On Campus Recruitment for SDE Internship in September 2020 to our university. Oct 6, 2024 · Just two weeks before my interview, I dived back into Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). gsvkcz dqso eda hutbl rcxl qxuuy nwnkk wrhum pgjk sqtbk tgixnx ypwvkui oxbe peg jggshs