Pregnant cat signs of impending labor

Pregnant cat signs of impending labor. I've been checking off all of the "early" labor signs (subtle or not) for the last 3 weeks! I went through the nesting, back pain, dropping, loss of water weight, exhaustion, burst of energy, diarrhea, tons of BH contractions, bye bye mucus plug, oh - hello bloody show, tons of irritability, sudden excitement and Cat labor is a complex process that begins when a cat’s body produces a hormone called prostaglandin. Most kittens are born 15-30 minutes apart. Pregnancy or gestation ranges from 60-67 days, averaging 63-65 days. Dilation—widening the opening of the cervix. These could be the beginning of contractions, should be intermittent, and could last hours or days. It may be clear, pink, or slightly bloody. If you are having cramps that seem to be consistent, call your OB-GYN Nov 3, 2023 · 7 Recognizing Signs of Impending Labor. These include vaginal discharge, restlessness, temperature drop, loss of appetite, nesting, panting, licking the genitals, shivering, and uterine contractions. Cramps and increased back pain. Large, swollen belly from around 5 weeks. a "show", when the plug of mucus from your cervix (entrance to your womb, or uterus) comes away. 1°C [range 36. A soon-to-be mother cat’s body temperature will drop below 99℉ 12-24 hours pre-labor. Belly, Behavior & Beyond: Telltale Signs Your Cat is Pregnant. • 5 yr. These signs that labor is near are different from the “bloody show. LABOR STAGE II. Nov 1, 2023 · In conclusion, being aware of the signs of pregnancy in cats, understanding the stages of labor, recognizing the signs of impending birth, and providing appropriate care and support are essential for ensuring the health and well-being of both the mother cat and her kittens. Your cat’s nerves will be on edge starting within a couple of days of Such temperature drops can happen at any point of the pregnancy. This happens in the last weeks of gestation, thanks to the fact that the baby has gained considerable weight and the uterus has changed its Know the signs. Oct 19, 2023 · The 3 Emotional Signs of Labor. Shortly before your cat goes into labor, she may experience decreased appetite. In the days leading up to queening, a pregnant cat will start looking for a nest, or suitable place to give birth to and care for her kittens. Braxton Hicks contractions. A stray cat showed up at my house about 4 weeks ago. Pregnant Cat Labor Signs. Keep in mind that your dog is only on Oct 18, 2017 · Most cats will have no problem delivering their kittens. Is this a sign that she is close to giving birth?” Answer: Nesting behavior, where a pregnant cat starts to prepare a safe and comfortable space for her impending delivery, is a common sign that labor and birth may be approaching. Look for signs of restlessness and nesting behaviors, as well as a decrease in appetite or refusal to eat. The topic will include signs of impending labor. Signs often include: Becoming restless and vocal. Belly and lower back pain. May 20, 2024 · While you should always get a professional opinion, here are signs to look for if you suspect your cat may be pregnant: After approximately 15 to 18 days of cat pregnancies, you may notice that their nipples have become enlarged and red, commonly referred to as “pinking up. your waters breaking. Aug 30, 2023 · Welcome, fellow cat enthusiasts, to the captivating world of feline knowledge! Today, we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries behind the appearance of a pregnant cat’s plug. backache. A cat's water breaking is not always a sign of labor. Signs of impending labor include restlessness, nesting behaviors, and a decrease in appetite . A standard, 8-pound cat should be fine with a box that is 16 inches by 24 inches. Your cat may go through a stage of vomiting, similar to morning Aug 29, 2023 · Nausea in the last weeks of pregnancy may be a sign of impending labor. . Early Signs a Cat Is Pregnant Welcoming a new life into your home is a joyous experience, and when it comes to your feline friend, recognizing the signs your cat is pregnant can be an exciting journey of discovery. * She may either want you to not leave her side even for a minute or not want to be near you at all. Nesting Instinct. When this happens, Dunham says labor is most likely to start within 24 hours. A backache that starts and stops regularly. If a cat is showing these signs before the 61st day of pregnancy, it is likely that the cat is going into premature labor: Bloody vaginal discharge; Lack of appetite; Loud and frequent vocalizing; Hiding; Unexplained affection Signs of impending birth include an increase in the size of the mammary glands (breasts), milk production, nesting, drop in body temperature, loss of appetite, genital licking and restlessness. Abdominal pain, menstrual-like cramping, or six or more contractions in one hour (even if they don't hurt) More pressure in the pelvic area (a feeling that your baby is pushing down) Low back pain, especially if it's dull or rhythmic, or you didn't previously have back pain. 9 Conclusion. Eclampsia is a veterinary emergency, and the cat should be seen immediately by a veterinarian at the first signs of symptoms. A typical adult dog ranges in temperature between 100 and 102. Jun 20, 2022 · Remember that a woman could experience none, some, or all of these signs of impending labor. Some pregnant cats have difficulties delivering their kittens. The journey of feline pregnancy is a fascinating one, filled with subtle changes that offer a glimpse into your cat’s growing family. Many cats that are about to give birth will seek privacy, like a closet or other hiding spot. Lightening —a feeling that the baby has dropped. Prostaglandin causes the cervix (the opening between the uterus and vagina) to open and contract, forcing kittens from their mother’s uterus. Nausea and diarrhea. Hiding away. It is important to monitor these signs closely to ensure a smooth and safe delivery for your dog. 4° to 102. Nesting behavior. Visible contractions begin. However, if the readings are low for two consecutive days, you can consider the temperature drop as a sign of imminent labor. You may notice more egg white or pink-tinged vaginal discharge. Whether you have an unplanned or planned pregnancy, it is always good to be prepared for the arrival of new kittens. Rupture of membranes: Your water breaks! Only 1 in 10 woman experience a dramatic gush of amniotic fluid. Your cervix must be 100% effaced, or completely thinned out, before a May 17, 2023 · Labor is the final stage of cat pregnancy when the mother cat gives birth to her kittens. Although a cat can have from one to 12 kittens, an average litter is about four kittens. , The nurse is preparing a group session for childbirth preparation. Feb 27, 2024 · Learn about pregnancy and foaling in mares, including signs of impending birth and how to care for mare and newborn foal effectively. Sudden Drop in Body Temperature (Rectal Temperature Drop) A pregnant Jack Russell experiencing a drop in body temperature. 2 What are the signs of labor in a pregnant cat? For example, if you know the date of conception was January 1, add 63 days to estimate the due date. Knowing how long a cat is pregnant also allows for proper prenatal veterinary care and postpartum support. Apr 16, 2024 · Stage one labor: This stage "is characterized by restlessness and pacing behavior," Katribe explains. Increased appetite. When you find out your dog is pregnant, it can be both an exciting and nerve-wracking time. It's not unusual for cats to stop eating during this stage, vomit, vocalize, pant, or tremble. Loose-feeling joints. Apr 13, 2023 · Here are the top 10 tell-tale signs your cat could be pregnant: She stops having heat cycles. Feb 7, 2024 · If you're caring for a pregnant pup, you'll want to familiarize yourself with these seven signs your dog is going into labor. 8°F (range 98. The baby will have a drastic decrease in movement as labor approaches. After mating, she will groom herself, wait a while, and then mate again. Physical signs: As the due date approaches, you may notice physical signs in your cat, such as changes in behavior, nesting behavior, and an increase in the size of her abdomen. She might have a clear, watery discharge too. Rigga-Goo-Goo. This is called “dilating,” and it usually takes about 24 hours for this stage of cat labor to May 27, 2024 · One of the biggest signs a dog is about to go into labor is when her rectal temperature drops below 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Cramps. If a cat's water breaks and she is not in labor, it is important to take her to the vet to find out the underlying cause. 36 Best Images Pregnant Cat Signs Of Impending Labor : Signs Your Pregnant Cat Is In Labor And How To Prepare For The Delivery Cole Marmalade. The first stage usually lasts around 24 hours to 36 hours. There are three main emotional signs that can occur before labor begins. Generally speaking, if your fluffy friend is indeed pregnant, the most obvious sign would be a considerable increase in the overall size of its abdomen. Oct 12, 2023 · Vocalization is one of the major pregnant cat signs of impending labor. Sometimes, cats give birth within 24 hours after these symptoms show up. Click the card to flip 👆. She is laying on her back and her swollen belly expands outwards around her. Sep 30, 2023 · You may notice some edema or swelling forming around the udders, which may have a clay-like texture. She’ll start looking for the perfect birthing place for her newborn kittens. Apr 19, 2024 · Contractions, physical changes, water breaking, & the "bloody show"—find out more about the common physical & emotional signs that your labor is starting. Here are some common signs to look for: Restlessness: Your cat may become increasingly restless as the birth approaches. A drop in rectal temperature to a mean of 98. May 26, 2024 · Signs of active labor can vary from person to person. There are three stages to labour, contractions, delivery of the kitten, delivery of the afterbirth. 5° F. Conclusion. Concern: “My pregnant cat is showing signs of nesting behavior. 1°–100. 5 degrees, but her body heat will change as she prepares for birth. Aug 1, 2023 · Nesting behavior: Your dog may start preparing a comfortable and safe space for her puppies, which is a sign that labor is near. As your cat prepares to give birth her birth canal will relax and widen, while her kittens turn around into the correct position for birth. What is the main sign of false labor? Click the card to flip 👆. Water breaking. 10 FAQ. To recap signs of pre-labor in cats include: Dec 16, 2021 · As labor begins, the cervix starts to soften, shorten and thin (efface). Six signs of pre-labor indicate that the body is preparing for delivery in the weeks to come. Some experts suggest that cats may pick up on hormonal changes or physical cues, such as changes in body temperature or scent. Signs That Your Cat Is Nearing Labor. Here are some signs to watch for: Restlessness: Your cat may become more agitated and restless as she gets closer to giving birth. However, sometimes, a cat's labor and delivery results in problems that can be dangerous for both her and her babies. Jan 7, 2001 · It is a good idea to feed her there too. May 14, 2024 · You might notice a shift in your felines behavior if they are pregnant. An increase or change in vaginal discharge, such as being heavy, mucus-like, watery or bloody. Prepare yourselves for an enlightening adventure filled with insights and understanding. 7°-37. Aug 25, 2020 · 6. Now, you may be wondering, what exactly is a pregnant cat’s plug? Feb 3, 2024 · As cat owners, it is essential to understand the various stages of pregnancy and labor to provide optimal care for our beloved feline companions. Swollen, pink nipples at around 3 weeks called “pinking up”. With this pregnancy, at 40 weeks, I had intense contractions 4 minutes apart and was 2cm dilated for two days (after a week of ramp-up) only to have it fizzle out Dec 23, 2016 · 4. , The nurse is assisting a pregnant client who is placing her infant up for adoption, with the development of a birth plan. With my first pregnancy I had zero signs of impending labor, and then at 38+6 I lost my mucous plug, my water broke 12 hours later, and I was holding my daughter 12 hours after that. Sep 22, 2023 · Comprehensive guide to feline pregnancy, from reproductive cycle to caring for your cat, ensuring a healthy, joyful experience. You need to be there when she begins active labor to help if needed. Sep 30, 2015 · Yes, its common it takes longer then the prescribed 65 days. 7. You see, they can regrow. This stage of labor typically lasts 6 to 12 hours. Keep a close eye on your pregnant cat for subtle cues that signal the imminent arrival of her kittens. Pregnancy Duration: Cats typically have a gestation period of 58-67 days. One of the first pre labor signs in cats of impending labor that you will recognize is the enlargement of the queen’s mammary glands. These are signs of impending labor. The second stage is when contractions occur to push a kitten out, which usually happens within 5 minutes to 1 hour in between kittens. Sep 22, 2023 · Knowing the signs of pre-labor will help you prepare for the impending birth and ensure your cat’s comfort and safety. Stage II labor is defined as the part of labor when the kitten is delivered. Make sure to apply a light pressure and focus on the lower area, where the uterus is located. As your cat approaches labor, she may exhibit behavioral and physical changes. Five Critical Signs Your Cat is in Labor. Apr 10, 2024 · 1. Aug 17, 2022 · Author Ryan Cole. Some women may feel menstruation-like cramps as an early sign of labor. In total, this could take about 2 hours to 6 hours for most cats. Loose stools Before a cat fully goes into labor, there are a few tell-tale signs. Your water breaking. 8°C]) is seen in most dogs 8–24 hours before whelping. At the end of stage I, the cervix is completely dilated. 1 / 23. Purraise. Three of the most common signs of approaching labor include contractions, loss of mucus plug, and water breaking. Mar 31, 2024 · Early indicators include a noticeable pinkening of the nipples, which can occur around 20 days into the pregnancy, and an increase in abdominal size as the kittens grow. Watch for these signs that pre labor has arrived. Increased Vaginal Discharge. During pregnancy, the cervix stays closed and plugged up with mucus (aptly called the "mucus plug"). Movies, television shows, and books are During mating, the male cat holds the queen's scruff in his teeth and when he ejaculates, the queen cries out and frequently becomes aggressive. Sep 16, 2023 · If it’s been more than a week since your cat lost her mucus plug and she hasn’t gone into labor, it’s a good idea to seek veterinary advice. She should use a vaginal douche to clear the mucus discharge. Following that temperature, drop watch for other signs of labor and make sure that everything is progressing normally. There are several signs that labour might be starting, including: contractions or tightenings. Once that occurs, it's possible to detect the presence of kittens inside the feline. At 0% effacement, the cervix is at least 2 centimeters long, or very thick. While rapid breathing can be a sign of impending labor, you ought to understand that it's not the only factor to consider. The mammary glands become enlarged. And thus, a cesarean, unless in real emergency for mom, is dangerous for the kittens. This event usually happens at home, often when you are in bed. ”. ago. If you have a rough idea of when your cat was bred, it is much easier to anticipate the delivery date. You can check your cat’s temperature by placing a thermometer under her armpit. When the cervix begins to open wider, the mucus is discharged into the vagina. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about pregnancy in cats, including how to spot a pregnant cat, a cat pregnancy timeline for what to expect, and how to care for your cat throughout their pregnancy and post-labor. If you notice your pregnant cat meowing and pacing, there’s a good chance kittens are close to making their appearance. Typically, the increase only becomes noticeable to naked eyes when the pet is in Week 4 – 5. To understand the overview of cat pregnancy, delve into the section on ‘Understanding the Reproductive Cycle, Signs of Pregnancy in Cats’. Changes in behavior. Find out what they are in this vet-approved guide with tips. Bloody Show. Visible contractions for more than an hour Oct 5, 2022 · If your cat is pregnant, read on. Mar 19, 2024 · 1. Let’s take a look at the others! Pregnant Cat Labor Signs 1. From confirming pregnancy to recognizing signs of impending labor, we will explore the insightful guidance provided by veterinary professionals. Labor Preparation: The mucus plug falling out signals the cat’s impending labor, usually within 3 to 7 days. More than 24 hours between kittens. Cats seems to manage a little too long pregnancie better than a too short - kittens manage badly to being premature. We know how complicated human pregnancy can become, so we assume that pregnancy and labor for dogs is just… Feb 6, 2023 · A pregnant cat can be meowing as it hears due to several reasons including internal pressure on the glands. Feb 3, 2024 · As cat owners, it is essential to understand the various stages of pregnancy and labor to provide optimal care for our beloved feline companions. Contractions that range from mild (during early labor) to strong (during active labor) Effacement—thinning of the cervix. You might feel mild, irregular contractions or nothing at all. Not all women notice this sign. 1. The baby’s descent. To perform an abdominal massage, gently stroke your cat’s belly in a circular motion. If you’ve observed these signs and your cat’s pregnancy is nearing its term, labor may be imminent. While your furry friend might not announce their impending motherhood with a fanfare, several telltale signs can help you piece together the puzzle. During this time, it is crucial to be Select all that apply. This is known as pinking-up and usually occurs around the 2 This is likely a urinary infection. But have you ever wondered about the secret life of a pregnant cat? The anticipation, the nurturing instincts, and the miraculous creation of new life all hidden beneath that elegant exterior. In the last week of pregnancy, your dog’s rectal temperature Fortunately, the body provides several clues that the onset of labor is approaching. This is also Mar 11, 2024 · Signs of Impending Cat Birth. While there isn’t much scientific evidence on the topic, many cat owners believe that their furry companions can sense pregnancy changes and impending labor. The nurse will include which topics? Select all that apply. Dec 28, 2023 · The mucus plug accumulates at the cervix during pregnancy. There are three stages of cat labor. Breed, parity, and litter size can also influence gestational length. Once the first stage of labor kicks in and your cat feels the first contractions (around 24-48 hours before giving birth), your cat will start feeling restless. This pre-birth stage could last anywhere from six to 24 hours. She may have difficulty settling down and seem anxious. Having a cervical check only increases the chances and risks of infection. Mar 8, 2024 · I. Use our guide to determine whether your cat is expecting and what steps Feb 24, 2021 · These 11 goat labor signs are imperative for you to know. Cats usually have eight mammary glands arranged in two parallel lines on the underbelly extending from the groin area up to the underside of the chest. Reads 258. Apr 10, 2024 · There are several pre labor signs in cats that can indicate that the pregnancy is terminating, and that labor is imminent. Cats, known for their subtle ways, exhibit a range of behaviors and changes that hint at their impending motherhood. There are several signs that indicate a dog is going into labor soon. This should be obvious to the caretaker as most cats have an increased appetite in the last weeks of her pregnancy. 8 The Labor Process and Postpartum Care. Regular or frequent contractions that occur eight or more times in an hour, even after you have had a glass of water and you’re resting – contractions may or may not feel painful. The lack of appetite may be a result of the pressure of the kittens pushing against the mother's stomach. One sign that labor is approaching is when your baby descends and enters the maternal pelvis, that is, the birth canal. However, before you begin reading, be sure to watch this video of a dog giving birth: 1. Strong, frequent contractions. As the big day approaches, it’s normal to feel excited and nervous about your precious kitty having their own kittens! Here are some signs that labor is imminent: Loss of appetite; Drop in body temperature; Clingy behavior; Pacing, restlessness; Calling, vocalization; Licking at her flanks and genital region Sep 15, 2023 · As your cat’s pregnancy progresses, you’ll notice her belly expanding and her nipples becoming more prominent and pinkish. Once you know your cat is pregnant and get the confirmation from the vet, the waiting game follows. May 17, 2018 · Those same women are generally posting eviction notices to their unborn babies at 41 weeks pregnant. 3. This would bring you to March 4. Mar 26, 2024 · 17 early signs that labour is near. Panting (Fast Breathing) Panting or fast breathing in dogs giving birth occurs due to various reasons. A few signs of trouble to be on the lookout for include: Foul-smelling discharge that is green or yellow in appearance. Figure 1: This image shows the weekly progression of the mammary gland as foaling approaches. 4 days ago · Stages of Labor for Cats. Start Of Nesting Behavior. Aug 25, 2021 · Signs of labor in cats: Appetite decrease. Subtle signs of impending delivery include relaxation of the perineum, mammary engorgement, and a change in the Jun 9, 2023 · Nesting box: If you have brought your pregnant cat to the vet, and you know how many kittens to expect, get a nesting box large enough for the brood. Facts. This technique can help your cat relax and encourage contractions. Discharge that is green or foul-smelling. No foul smelling but more like urine smell. *Minnie will become restless, may go off her food and scratch at things, as if she is trying to make a nest. 2. Cervix begins to dilate. It is normal for you to feel sleepy and fatigued during the third trimester of pregnancy. Your water breaks, either in a gush A day or two before giving birth, your pregnant cat’s rectum temperature will drop to 99 to 100 F—normal cat temperature is between 100. Other signs of labor include regular contractions, a bloody show, and your water breaking. Sep 1, 2022 · A surefire way of determining impending labor is by monitoring your cat’s body temperature. Read below to learn the 5 signs to look out for: Nesting Behavior and Appetite Loss. Behavioral Symptoms: Restlessness, pacing, and panting. Early Indicators of Impending Cat Labor. There is nothing telling that can come from them. Additionally, monitor her body temperature, as a drop may indicate labor is imminent. Apr 11, 2024 · There are a couple of signs to watch out for to know when your dog will be going into labor soon. Let’s break them down. an urge to go to the toilet, which is caused by your baby's head pressing on your bowel. Apr 15, 2022 · Here are the 10 most common signs of labor in most women: Nesting —a sudden burst of energy. Learn what to do during labor and when to go to the doctor. Unlike with humans. About two weeks before delivery, put her in the cage and leave her there all night. Pregnant women are no strangers to feeling nauseous and uncomfortable. The earliest one involves her nipples becoming enlarged and red. Behavior changes: Your dog might become more clingy, restless, or anxious as labor approaches. The gestation period for a Sphynx cat typically lasts around 65 days, and litter sizes can vary, with an average of four to six kittens. Sharp, burning or shooting nerve pain in your pelvis caused by your baby’s position. The normal gestation period for cats is between 63 to 65 days, give or take a few days on either side. , A pregnant woman is admitted to triage and states her contractions are "really strong. Nov 7, 2023 · Cats have always held an air of mystique and enigmatic charm, captivating both the young and old with their sly glances and graceful movements. Sudden weight gain. The gestation period of a cat plays a significant role in preparing for the arrival of kittens, ensuring proper care and nutrition for the mother, and being aware of signs of impending labor. Physical Symptoms: Stiffness in gait, trouble walking, twitching, seizures, and muscle spasms. Stage two labor: When visual abdominal Jun 25, 2020 · As the countdown to birth begins, some signs that labor is 24 to 48 hours away can include low back pain, weight loss, diarrhea — and of course, your water breaking. A pregnant cat’s mammary glands will increase in size during the final week of pregnancy. Restlessness. Loss of appetite: Some dogs may lose interest in food as they get closer to labor. The combination of baby’s head descending into the pelvic cavity and the pre-labor contractions thinning the cervix can “uncork” the mucus plug that Apr 27, 2023 · Here are twelve of the telltale signs that labor is about to begin. These sub-sections will provide you with the necessary information to identify if your cat is pregnant, including behavioral changes, physical signs, and the timeline of the labor process. Although it appears violent, this is normal mating behavior. However, there are certain signs that can help you determine if your furry friend is about to give birth. It's your body's way of protecting your baby Apr 25, 2024 · Fatigue. Lightning crotch pain. Hi guys, i have a female cat who's suppose to deliver on the 22nd of dec however so far there's no sign of labor yet. But since labor differs for Apr 5, 2022 · Signs of Eclampsia in Pregnant Cats. 0°F) (37. Mar 16, 2024 · 10. Even a lost mucus plug can be a mean tease. Aug 20, 2023 · Three stages of labor: contractions and restlessness, labor, and delivery. 10. In this condition, if a cat is pregnant ( gaining weight, increasing appetite, and even producing milk), she will have kittens, but she will not have kittens in this is not the case. Observe the cat looking for a nest. Dec 19, 2022 · You notice a mucusy discharge or "bloody show". Becky Harrington. Bloody show. Jan 11, 2023 · Any vaginal bleeding or spotting. Abdominal Massage. Other signs that you should contact a vet include: Visible distress or pain. Labor typically consists of three stages: Stage 1: The mother cat may show signs of discomfort, pacing, and seeking a secluded spot for labor . This temperature drop is a sign that your cat is going into labor. " May 4, 2005 · The signs of impending labor are: *Her vulva will swell a little and turn pink around 2-3 days before. Jul 14, 2011 · Trust your intuition! :) These are symptoms you'll likely experience in the 38th week of pregnancy, and they are early signs that labor is fast approaching. Posted Aug 17, 2022. Intrapartum: Normal Childbirth-Signs of Impending Labor. During this stage, (which often lasts between 6-12 hours), you will notice your cat’s behaviour changing. Braxton-Hicks contractions. Lightening. They include nesting, mood swings and feelings of extreme anxiety and worry. Her Mammary Glands Will Get Bigger. Nesting instinct. Signs include not being able to sleep, hot flashes/night sweats, exhaustion, and a constant urge to poop. Sudden nausea with headache and vision changes is a medical emergency. Dec 27, 2022 · Here are some signs that precede the long-awaited encounter. Other, early signs labor is close (anywhere from a month to mere hours away from active labor) include: Baby drops. Discharge, lower back pain, needing to poo These are just some of the symptoms that could mean you’re in (or about to begin) the early stages of labour, according to our medical experts. Vomiting. Cats, being the mysterious and independent creatures they are, often keep their impending labor a well-guarded secret. Common at the end of pregnancy due to the physical requirements. If your cat has not started queening within 24 hours after starting stage I labor, veterinary assistance is recommended. Plus you can find ways to make mama kitty as comfortable and relaxed as she can be through the process. Feb 9, 2024 · Luckily, many cat pregnancy signs show up reasonably early in cats. A kitten lodged halfway out for an extended period It can be clear, pink, or blood-tinged and can appear minutes, hours, or even days before the onset of labor. But for the past two days she's been having this minimal brownish discharge from her vagina. Jan 3, 2024 · The 6 Signs How to Tell If a Cat is in Labor. It can be a sign of other things going on with the cat, such as a urinary tract infection or diabetes. Effacement is often expressed in percentages. Figure 2: This image depicts edema or swelling that can form around the mammary gland. Jan 2, 2024 · Painless Process: The development and expulsion of the mucus plug are generally painless for the cat. xx gp lp mv as hc wo yu db jg