Chest pain but all tests are normal reddit

Chest pain but all tests are normal reddit. The nurse took few-bloods, still waiting for results. The ACC is even more specific and in its 2021 guidelines for the evaluation and diagnosis of chest pain goes as far as saying that patients with non-cardiac pain and normal ECG shouldn't proceed to further tests, and even patients with possible cardiac chest pain but do not have a clinical ongoing ACS who are at low risk of CAD and/or adverse If you think POTS is possible, it'd be a good idea to try an at-home stand test - 10 mins laying down, 10 mins sitting, 10 mins standing, tracking your heart rate. EKG is good, echocardiogram shows only a little bit of okay-ish problem, treadmill test went normal. Ninety-five percent of the time, people we see with chest pain, all the testing is normal, at least 90 percent of the time it is. Chest pain can be heart, stomach, lungs, muscular or anxiety. I have constant burning in my chest, stomach, and throat. All the doctors are trying to blame it all on my IBS, which I have had since I was 18, but I have never had any pains like this in the 10 Jan 30, 2016 · It's very trying for you and natural that your normal fight/flight response to this awful pain and discomfort is making you feel the way you are. Anxiety, depression or panic attack. Costochondritis (and Complex pneumonia) sucks. I’ve had a heart cath, heart MRI, echo (x2), nuclear stress test, multiple chest X-rays, and a HeartSaver CT to rule out calcium build up. I went to the ER Monday for possible symptoms of an impending heart attack (mainly tightness in chest, sense of impending doom, dizziness, and nausea). 3. I go to the ER, they run tests. r/ChronicPain. But if it’s constant and you’re really worried about it talk to your doctor to further evaluate. It's like pretty much right in the middle of my chest, and does not seem to be affected if I sit or lie down or walk around. Stress test did not go well - results said "CONCLUSION: Abnormal maximal exercise treadmill stress test with Advice. It's like a pressure, like having my chest sat on. Sometimes it feels tender to the touch. FeralGoblinChild. Pneumothorax: A partial or total lung collapse, it can trigger severe chest pain and shortness of breath. It’s always chest tightness, tension in my shoulders and numbness in my hands. Check it when you are sitting. I ended up going to the ER for my own peace of mind and they did tests and everything was fine. Several months, several blood tests, 2 EKGs, a chest X-ray and a 7 day holter later, I still experience flare ups of chest pain that often coincide with lots of PVC runs. Given that you get reflux that could well be a culprit. But a mild chest pain persisted and Lastly, normal stress tests should not give you the reassurance you think they should. Cannot say how many doctors want to confuse it with anxiety. 3% to 99. Those results all came back normal but my chest pain continued so my third cardiologist ordered an echo and a stress test. Jan 10, 2018 · Mental health-related chest pain may feel similar to a heart attack. Smoke kills the cilia in your lungs. -Went to my PCP for a physical on 10/12 and discussed the palpitations. Visceral pain also refers to other Apr 30, 2018 · The overall sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of this equation was 86%, 91%, and 88% respectively. It always makes me feel like I need to stretch or something. For the past 10 months I've had shortness of breath constantly and my doctors keep telling me it's anxiety. In December of that same year, I ended up in the Heart Hospital with chest pain and a weird EKG (inverted T Wave). EKG looks normal. I wouldn't be able to do that if it wasn't a chest wall muscle spasm. I also add that I don't suffer from anxiety and that I never had this frequency of chest pain, although very rarely (e. They ran a bunch of blood tests, did a chest x-ray and an EKG. If you’re worrying that your chest hurts or your chest is feeling tight and it might be deadly - you can relax. It takes 3 weeks for the cilia to slowly start coming back. Once the potassium returned to normal, the PVCs stopped! However, I am having chest pain. [deleted] All of my blood tests came back as normal. 3-Returned to the gym. But that 10 percent or 5 percent, you don't want to mess around with those things. Heart rate came down after 25min. Chest pain also can be caused by: Panic attack. Items 25–26 are related to mental health causes of chest pain. In the center of my chest and above my left breast. Angina pain may even feel like indigestion. The doctors at ER agreed, ECG and blood tests normal, since Friday I’ve also done 3 RATS, all negative. Hashimoto's suffering patients typically have low stomach acid and are lacking in digestive enzymes that help to digest proteins specifically. You may also have heart palpitations and shortness of breath. 5 weeks they’re almost completely gone! Don’t lift heavy weights, and see if pressing around the chest bone and under the lower ribs hurts/makes you breathless. 8% to 73. Learn more here. Vanishingly rare. I have had a random tightness in my chest, no pain, just tightness. Carboxyhemoglobin Blood Test- there was a month or so period where I was working in my basement and family had forgotten to hook up the dryer Troponin was negative, chest x-ray clear; sent to cardiologist for follow up. But I’m still experiencing symptoms and now today and last night I What's been difficult to understand is all normal test results so far. Although most patients will not have a cardiac cause, the evaluation of all patients should focus on the early identification or exclusion of life-threatening causes. Shortness of breath is often a symptom of heart and lung problems. Should I be concerned? No history of any medical issues other than anxiety. Stress test showed problems--maybe. After 2. Thyroid for instance. It's your brain prepping for flight or fight mode, it wants you to hyperventilate so it makes you feel short of breath to "encourage" you to do so. I could run 16 minutes with pulse 180-190 without any problems. Your symptoms are happening more often. The whole thing from first outward symptom to death was probably only 3 minutes. Lutchmansingh adds. It is 24/7. Amazingly got an appointment to see a cardiologist tomorrow (they had a cancellation). Yes, it is a blessing to have good results and I'm grateful for that. My symptoms are chest pain, palpitations and shortness of breath. (He was much more professional than that). If you have this problem for a long period and it’s extremely painful, simply stroll into a doctor and let them check you out. There's no actual test for fibromyalgia except in Europe I think but they don't use it in the USA because they say it doesn't have high accuracy. Section 2. Chest Tightness After Vaccine. But it's also frustrating when you don't have any answers and the pain is very real. If it goes up more than 30 BPM from sitting to standing and stays there, POTS is a more likely candidate. I have been experiencing chest pain for 7 years so I imagine it isn't anything terrible or I'd be dead but I'm just trying to figure out how to get it to go away when no one seems able to explain to me why it is happening. For anyone who reads this, with a chest pain it's always best to err on the side of caution. It can be very difficult to get an accurate diagnosis but if your heart has been checked and is ok it may well be something else. r/Fibromyalgia: An optimistic but realistic support group. It’s a sign you’re healing actually. CT scan-Shows an enlarged hilar node but doc again said that this is "normal" and not to worry. When this first happened, I went to the ER and was told it was likely GERD. Jan 27, 2019 · It's important to rule out heart disease, and then confront the causes of the stress and try to gain some resilience over them. 2 and negative likelihood ratio of 0. You might describe it as not being able to get enough air (“air hunger”), chest tightness or working harder to breathe. Turn to Dr. People with bad coronary disease can still have normal stress tests, in the opposite of the false positive scenario I describe above. 5%). Call the New Jersey office nearest you or request your first appointment online today. Yet something is off. If I find out anything helpful tomorrow I’ll share. Panic attack symptoms also include a rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, a lot of sweating, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness and a fear of dying. Stand for approx 5 min and check it again. Nitroglycerin isn’t working in five minutes (or after three doses). Exact same thing happened to me a few years ago (hospital visit due to chest pain, all tests came back normal). 3% (95% CI 97. If they last for more than 20 or 30 minutes, my chest can also feel quite tight and my muscles begin to ache. Gender: Female Age: 21 Height: 5'9" Weight: 155 pounds Hello! I'm a bit baffled about some chest pain I have been experiencing. Chest pain over 3 days now! doc initially suspected angina but tests (ecg, chest x-ray, blood) turned negative, except for ulcer. I'm a 30yo male here to see if anyone else has any similar experiences. Randomly last September I started having upper right chest pain. When should I go to the ER? Call 911 when: Your chest pain lasts a long time (more than 15 minutes) or you think you’re having a heart attack. All normal EKGs and troponin tests. At first my anxiety was so bad I could only work out for 10 mins or so before leaving. once in 3 weeks) I used to experience it even before the vaccination. The normal range for thyroid levels at my local lab are 12 to 22. I actually had no cough at all so I was pretty concerned as I saw no reason for my chest to be hurting. I am certain its on the left side and its effecting my work and quality of life. Question. Common descriptors of visceral pain are dull, deep, pressure, and squeezing. Oct 10, 2023 · Many people often equate chest pain to a heart attack, but there are many causes of chest pain. The stress test was normal but the echo showed a reduced ejection fraction. But it can also be a sign of other conditions like Jun 12, 2012 · All of this is coupled with crippling chest pain that has me doubled over (and I have a high pain tolerance). Spend less time on screens. Apr 4, 2022 · Chest pain or discomfort; Becoming dizzy or fainting with activity; Having breathing problems at night; Significant or worsening fluid retention (edema) Coughing up blood; These are all indicators that something serious may be going on and that you should come in to see a physician. Diabetic abdominal neuropathy. ” Normal tests don’t mean that you feel normal either. I can take deep breaths without it having much of an effect. All they mean is you don't have near-critical inducible inschemia at the time of the test. I sometimes feel like there's no room for someone like me in a workplace - ppl getting annoyed at my Posted by u/Vappeyouiid - No votes and 1 comment Hi all quick update, had my ecg checked everything was normal as well bp was 138/82 . ForevaBubbles • 3 mo. But if it’s just a little bit of tightness or pain (usually on the left side) when you’re Nov 8, 2021 · Angina is chest pain or discomfort caused when your heart muscle doesn't get enough oxygen-rich blood. Take deep breaths through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth for a while and the feeling should pass. Since then have been having episodes of sudden sharp chest pain, shortness of breath, tingling in face/head/limbs, fainting and seizure-like episodes that have lasted 1-10 minutes. The abrupt onset of the above symptoms warrants immediate I’m a 37 yo male. On top of that, my heart seemed to beat really fast (faster than normal) when doing normally easy activities like walking or minimal exertion. Dec 19, 2015 · ANSWER: Chest pain or shortness of breath that happens with exertion could be symptoms of a number of medical conditions — even when the results of a stress test appear normal. To me, it feels like I can inhale fine, but the difficulty is that I feel like my exhale isn't long enough, like I run EKG normal sinus rhythm / possible left atrial enlargement / borderline ECG - having chest and neck pressure (no pain) - can’t get me in for an echo for 3 weeks. Mar 30, 2020 · Chest pain, stress tests warrant attention even if arteries are clear At one year, half of CIAO patients' stress echocardiograms became normal and 45% were the same as at baseline or worse Patients with acute chest pain or chest pain equivalent symptoms should seek medical care immediately by calling 9-1-1. Madsen: Yeah, chest pain is one of those things . But don't give up, and don't be afraid to tell your doctor all of this. Just because you fit in that range doesn't mean its normal for you. Deep chest pain but doctors say everything's fine. They told me I had a sinus arrhythmia, which to my understanding is just a heightened connection to breathing and heart rate that’s actually perceived as healthy. it’s not around anxiety it’s all the time. Chest pain made me panic and I thought it was heart attack. Yea a lot all the time. I guess what I’m trying to say is make sure your pain is controlled. That process can cause your chest pain, tightness and extreme fatigue. It is on both the right and left sides, starting in the middle by the breastbone and radiating outward. Shortness of breath - eventually gasping for air and then literally collapsed in my arms. It can be ulcers, however they are quite rare. Getting ECG Nerdy: 60 Milliseconds (= 1. It rules those things out. After treatment for your ulcer, the pains should resolve. Chest pain isn’t normal, but experiencing it doesn’t mean you need to panic. The pooled negative predictive value was 99. it's tough. An echocardiogram uses sound waves to make up images of the heart I don't know where else to ask guys, it honestly feels like my life is over. Tests so far are coming back mostly normal. My blood tests are always normal, that actually makes them think it's fibromyalgia even more. Tons of other drugs can do this too. Jun 12, 2018 · Dr. Cut back on stressors. Bonus related item : Arm swelling post exercise related to pacemaker line causing stenosis within the subclavian vein. InternationalSpite51 • 8 mo. My symptoms are my heart feeling like it's pounding, high heart rate (140-180), sweating, fatigue, anxiety and inability to focus, as well as having blurry vision for a few seconds occasionally. This keeps my spine straight and minimizes the pressure on my heart. I'm so tired of the uncertainty, second guessing, guilt, shame, pain, fatigue, sense of failure, etc. Sometimes it's a short sharp pain, sometimes less intense but broader. My left arm all the way into my hand and into my jaws. The most common place I feel the tightness is in my left upper chest area. (48-55) “Normal” means you don’t have the specific things those tests were looking for. Reply. but I still had a bubbling feeling in heart and chest pain/heaviness. I think it will help to know of my symptoms are had by others. Burp accordingly. But lately, i’ve been experiencing multiple attacks in a day, almost every day. Patel and our team at NJ Cardiovascular Institute for quality heart care. a. 1 g of paracetamol 4 times a day helped quite a bit for me when it was at its worst! Had ferrlecit iron infusion late July 2023 which resulted in anaphylaxis, two epipens and o2. •. Hang in there and best of luck. Except I've had Bronchitis before and that tightness was accompanied with breathing issues and this is not. Make sure your pain is 4 or less or push for good pain meds, and don’t stop until you can breathe normally and can still cough. Continued all Saturday night into Sunday (I had a PCR on Saturday - negative result by Monday) when my paramedic parter recommended I go to the ER, as chest pain/symptoms should always be treated as an emergency. Had COVID in summer of 2020. You get pain even when you’re not moving. Even had an echocardiogram, which came back fine. 23 31. I'm 21 years old, male, I went to the doctors office for chest pain and left arm pain that went on for 3 weeks. I had started showing covid symptoms on Halloween and tested positive that evening. Previous 2 (seen while I was away at school) ran tests and told me everything was normal. Don't smoke or drink. You feel lightheaded. 1. Everything is completely normal except So far all normal. Echo EKG is also normal. This had a positive likelihood ratio of 9. 30. She did blood work (normal results), ekg (normal results), gave me a breathing test and said I had uncontrolled asthma. I went to the ER for chest pain and blood pressure of 175/115 last night. All of my tests have been normal per the ER doctors any my cardiologist. I think we both assumed the chest pain/palpitations were due to asthma. The two most common stress tests are echocardiogram (or echo) stress tests and nuclear stress tests. When this happens to me, I can use my hands to stretch the muscles out and release them which stops the chest pain. They're not sure what's wrong. I have more unrelated symptoms such as light sensitivity and Oct 27, 2023 · Tests may range from a routine assessment of blood pressure to cognitive testing to a 6-minute walking test and/or a one-minute sit-to-stand test. It may feel like pressure or squeezing in your chest. You want to take it seriously. The discomfort also can occur in your shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, abdomen or back. Feeling like a bowel movement was imminent. what next for me? Treat the ulcer. I'm so terrified. I had chest pain when I had covid in April and was unvaccinated. My EKG looked normal, I wore a holter monitor for 48 hours after my chest pain was waking me out of sleep. Everyone thinks I'm crazy and my husband doesn't even pay it any mind. He had zero arm pain and no chest pain. Nov 11, 2022 · Dyspnea (pronounced “DISP-nee-uh”) is the word healthcare providers use for feeling short of breath. Finally they gave me… Patients with acute chest pain or chest pain equivalent symptoms should seek medical care immediately by calling 9-1-1. The doctor did an EKG and said it was normal, but my heartbeat is Same if the pain starts to radiate up into your neck or down your left arm. 8%). Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis of exclusion. For example, you may be able to tell that chest pain is muscular if it does not last longer than Mar 3, 2023 · Chest pain appears in many forms, ranging from a sharp stab to a dull ache. I have had acid reflux and pain in my chest, stomach, throat, and ears for 6 months now and no one can find anything wrong. : GI issues can cause chest pain that will mimic cardiac issues. A key part of the diagnosis is ruling out other conditions, Dr. But sometimes it will also be under my boob or on the side of my boob, kind of around my ribs. Oct 23, 2015 · Get copies of your blood test results. 4. Many tests have a wide range of 'normal'. Blood Work (all normal)- Basic and Complete Metabolic Panel, CBC and DIFF W/ Platelets, Hepatic Function Panel, Lipase (OO), Troponin, Celiac Disease Comprehensive Panel, Allergy Food Panel- adult. He also did an EKG which revealed non-specific t-wave abnormality, but said that could be within the realm of normal for me, but ordered a stress test. I got "diagnosed," but I have a lot of imposter syndrome. Hi, im a 25yr old male. Also its considered as chest pain if it's from the bottom of the ribs to the jaw, including the neck and arms. audioalt8. This is unacceptable. I have a really low resting HR but I have way before this all started. He was at an 8 for an athletic 17yo. i did have CRP come back high which is I was doing light cardio then I laid down in bed 5 minutes later I start getting squeezing chest pain right behind left nipple area still 10 hours later I am still getting the squeezing feeling every 5 minutes I have seen the cardiologist had stress test and two ct scans all normal probably had 20 ECG at the ER. One way to keep an eye for yourself is to invest in an oximeter/hr monitor. Everything came back normal, and they sent me on my merry way. If this helps, then you may have stomach acid issues to address with your physician. Avoid complex carbohydrates, alcohol and caffeine. ago. yes i have crushing chest pain constantly- your post came up when searching. I have more than my usual insomnia as well. After a week of feeling like I had the flu on steroids, I had an episode of dizziness, numbness, and chest pain that brought me The tests I've done so far are ECG, echo, troponin, C-reactive protein, ESR and they're all normal, but I wasn't really given an explanation for the symptom. " Docter wanted to know why I wasn't dead already and said I'd be gone in three years. there’s a lot of different cardio tests i’ve done many but all i can do is keep trying more. . Almost all my symptoms are subjective/invisible. Dec 21, 2023 · Non-Infectious Causes. So about 3 months ago, I began having 24/7 breathlessness (at rest too, all the time) one night out of nowhere, with no other symptoms other than feeling like my chest is congested with mucus, but not much comes up. That’s why you’ll notice you’re coughing up gunk after a few weeks only. A workup must focus on ruling out serious pathology before a clinician considers more benign causes. 2. 5 small boxes) after the J Point in V3. I am 39. Multiple ER visits since January. Sometimes chest pain feels crushing or burning. Apparently this can manifest as pain, in which basically every test is normal and the surgeons complain about their crazy patient. These patients, testing negative, were almost certain not to have had a heart attack. I had a bunch of odd symptoms in June (swollen lymph node and face, extreme exhaustion, headache, pins & needles in face, upper left side abdominal Chest pain and increased heart rate but tests are normal and doctor doesn't know why, can it be long covid or something else? Physician Responded However, sometime after an initial trigger I can have some discomfort or slight pain during the day for a few days. No, suggest something is not good with your stomach or with the neural connection there. But, while some causes are severe, such as heart attacks, many of the potential causes are less worrisome. All tests were normal from ER. In addition, some people don’t feel any pain but have other Chronic abdominal pain after possible mono but all tests are normal Hello! 34F, non smoker, I take Warfarin for lifelong blood issues and DVT and PE history but am otherwise healthy, no other meds. g. So as if for now everything looks fine but need to find out why am I getting chest pain then🤦‍♀️ Labs, ekg, chest X-ray and ultrasound came back normal. An often sharp, continuous pain triggered by worries or a stressful situation, heartbeat gets faster, sweating, dizziness. QTc not shown in ECG #1 above was 416ms. Employ physical exercise and meditation to address restless energy, cut back in caffeine and refined sugar, excess alcohol etc if applicable. Reply reply. I've had three chest x rays-all "clear" Echo-Doc says it was "normal" but it says I have minor mitral valve regurgitation. Tingling feeling on skin, skin rash appears that turns into Dec 14, 2022 · Chest pain is a common complaint and encompasses a broad differential diagnosis that includes several life-threatening causes. I've done a stress test several times with contrast and it didn't show anything abnormal. The internet articles haven't helped. I'm fine at 22 but 12 would still register as' normal' even though I would be feeling really Feb 17, 2019 · But even when I'm calm the pain starts. Depending on symptoms, the doctor may order diagnostic tests such as bloodwork and a chest X-ray. It's been worsening and merging into my tendons and muscles. He gave me antacids for chest pain. 2-Went to another cardiologist. Gaviscon and Tums don't help at all. Next day I visited the doctor and he said it sometimes happens w smoking and their is nothing to worry about. Anxiety is a life long battle my friend. Asking because I have very mild gastric symptoms this time round but get chest pain usually after eating something that disagrees with me. Mar 3, 2023 · Other causes. I have gone to the ER multiple times for this, and all the tests (EKG, blood work, XRays) come back normal. Normal tests don’t mean that your body is “normal. I was sent to a cardiologist, described 6 different kinds of pain with the worst being "it feels like there's a pipe about 2" diameter going in my chest and out my back. Non-infectious causes of chest pain when breathing include: Pleural effusion: An accumulation of fluid between the layers of the pleura, it can be caused by lung disease, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders. I have a list of chronic illnesses that are impossible to diagnose with labs and imaging. The symptoms can start slowly before the actual heart attack. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with water and slug it down about 30 minutes before you go to bed. When I go to the ER they mainly tell me that it’s probably anxiety that I’m having. There is something called prolonged QTc syndrome, basically suboxone, can prolong the QTc interval of your heart, which can potentially lead to heart arrhythmias. If i went into an actual heart attack no one would even listen at this point. Jan 25, 2024 · Pain in the chest can cause anxiety and worry. Hope you feel better. tests normal and don’t know why but it’s unbearable and not sure what else to try. It gets worse when I smoke pot so definitely could be acid reflux or Indigestion. Aug 14, 2015 · I have been for all the tests MRI, CT, HIDA, endoscopdy, colonoscopy, ultrasound, blood works etc etc and they have all come back clear yet the pain is getting worse as the year as went on and still going. The chest tightness can be due to your body’s fight or flight response to anxiety/stress or from your chest muscles tightening up. I get a little relief from Cimetidine but nit much. Waiting for pulmonary function tests to come back. I'm scared as hell now Finally went to see a doctor and had a bunch of blood testing done for my chronic pain in many of my joints. I've had heart scans, lung function tests, neurological scans, about 30 blood tests, ENT'S and it keeps coming back as normal. Stress for sure makes symptoms worst. (I’ve had blood work, chest X-ray, a million EKGs, echocardiogram, stress It's a pain that starts in my back and radiates through my chest like someone is stabbing me. Anyhow. They told me that covid can cause inflammation of your lungs. Heart racing, chest pain, unable to breathe, hands and feet went numb, feet went cold and blue in the ER, and i got transfered to another hospital for some testings. Gets worse when you breathe in, coughing up yellow or green mucus, high temperature. Chest infection, pneumonia or pleurisy. 6% of patients with chest pain were defined as low risk and tested negative, with a normal ECG and high sensitivity troponin below threshold (95% confidence interval [CI] 3. 'Fine' is vague. If you have periods of intense fear with chest pain, you may be having a panic attack. I had similar symptoms, starting five days after the vaccine. Mar 27, 2015 · Some of the major symptoms of this illness (although many others are possible): sleep problems (too much, too little, unrefreshing sleep), postexertional fatigue, orthostatic intolerance (tired upon sitting, standing, walking for the shortest amounts of time, brain fog (difficulty concentrating or remembering stuff). There are days that the pain is so bad that I can't function. Aug 19, 2021 · Your heartbeat is not normal. stepping1. And 3 days after the first dose, pfizer. I went to ER yesterday (day 5) and they said the tests showed no issue. Chest X-ray came back normal, blood tests only showed low potassium, EKG showed PVCs. • 5 yr. My doctor said we'd call it fibromyalgia. 19. There are lots of possible causes of chest pain, and they’re not all life-threatening. I still have an angiogram to do but they suspect that I might just have POTS. Plus even after fainting + crazy stupid dizzy all the general tests come back normal range. In certain cases, the pain travels up the neck and into the jaw and then spreads to the back or down one or both arms. Best wishes to all of you. Thanks for the comfort guys. xf cr br hv er st rk si xk sn